BLM, if you want any sympathy don't do this crap.

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Nov 11, 1999
Are you talking about baby boomers or millennials?

He's just duh-verting into his usual rant about the younger generation, asserting his curmudgeon credentials. Boomers got the same spiel way back when.


Aug 4, 2000
Where was BLM and Antifa to help with hurricane victims? They dont really want to help anyone - just tear shit up and burn things.

Useless people.
Reactions: NetWareHead


Nov 4, 2004
Where was BLM and Antifa to help with hurricane victims? They dont really want to help anyone - just tear shit up and burn things.

Useless people.
You're literally typing your search terms into the wrong webpage.

Hurricane victims obviously just need more prayer.


Feb 6, 2002
Partially true - but the main culprit is simply a generation that grew up getting anything and everything they wanted instantly and everytime.

Cry? Here have an iPad and shut up
Don't like dinner? Complain and throw a fit until they get you McDonald's
Don't get what you wanted while at a public restaurant? Complain and throw an embarrassing hissy fit until the parents succumb and give them whatever they want just to quit embarrassing them.
Don't like working with your group in your college course? Complain to the professor until he gives you an A.
Feel oppressed having so much homework? Complain until you get an A.
Don't like a statue and the (inevitable) history that it represents? Complain until someone takes it down.

It was the same then and it's the same now. I'm willing to wager my life savings that a good 80%+ that encompass these groups are all in joke majors with no real future career path - You know the types, liberal arts, psychology, women's studies, etc... I had that mindset to at one time in my life. I kept hoping I could get a degree in video games and just get a career playing video games and getting paid for it. Then I put on my big-boy pants and realized no one is going to fucking pay you for that stupid shit. That is the case with these kids - is they didn't put on their big-boy pants, they were told they would get a job in these joke majors.
Don't like a country where black people exists. Storm Home Depot buy up all the Tiki torches light them stomp your feet with anti-Semitic chants until we get rid of those "Jews" and "darkies"

Can't win an election on ideas, name call, appeal to the base mentioned above and you can be elected POTUS


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
As part of our Union, Americans decided to come together to honor ALL fellow Americans who served their country. What you call confederate is in fact American, lest you forget the South is still with us today. As are their descendants. To dishonor them is a serious provocation. They are supposed to be eased into assimilation and reconciliation, not treated with bigotry and hatred.

A nation that attacks itself is ill fit to be called a Union.

The astounding irony here seems to escape you.
Reactions: ivwshane


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Hell, anyone remember this?

A top rated show for 6 years and no one shit themsevles over the car's namesake. Doubly humorous to me because some of the A (not quite making it to B) 'thinkers' around here cast Hollywood as the ultra-lib douche capital- but really Hollywood as a machine just makes whatever people want to watch. A mere glimpse of a history book will show that can go either way in terms of conservative/liberal.

But no one made that shit as homage to white supremacists, and I'm willing to bet very very few people took it that way. The culture just simply wasn't quite as stupidly PC-stunted as now.

(By comparison, imagine as show in Germany at ANY time where the main characters drove around in "The Himmler!")

No one? You're willing to bet "very few people" took it that way? Don't you mean, "very few WHITE people," the demographic that DOMINATED network TV and network news, not to mention general circulation print news and just about every other mainstream lever of power and expression (read, not tiny black owned newspapers) back then?

Refresh my memory as to all the African-Americans who had starring roles, or roles of any kind, on network TV in that time frame. How many black newscasters were there?

You're willing to bet that "very few people objected" because those who did were, and had been, systematically excluded from the mainstream national conversation.

That "noise" you hear outside of your bunker? It's the long repressed anger and hurt of black Americans, finally, at long, long last being given the means to a voice even YOU can't ignore.
Reactions: Victorian Gray


Jun 23, 2004
That "noise" you hear outside of your bunker? It's the long repressed anger and hurt of black Americans, finally, at long, long last being given the means to a voice even YOU can't ignore.

To what end? America fought a war and freed slaves. We contested in politics and enshrined civil rights. What did we miss, what comes next that necessitates such action? Or, does this "voice" of vengeance and hatred serve no greater purpose?

And if I'm not missing some greater good at play, then why sow discord and division? Why drive people apart instead of bringing them together to heal as one nation, as one people? Lashing out is not a healthy activity... it does not provide for positive outcomes. It breeds force and violence. I hear a call to arms, and for what?


May 15, 2000
No one? You're willing to bet "very few people" took it that way? Don't you mean, "very few WHITE people," the demographic that DOMINATED network TV and network news, not to mention general circulation print news and just about every other mainstream lever of power and expression (read, not tiny black owned newspapers) back then?

Refresh my memory as to all the African-Americans who had starring roles, or roles of any kind, on network TV in that time frame. How many black newscasters were there?

You're willing to bet that "very few people objected" because those who did were, and had been, systematically excluded from the mainstream national conversation.

That "noise" you hear outside of your bunker? It's the long repressed anger and hurt of black Americans, finally, at long, long last being given the means to a voice even YOU can't ignore.

By that token one could claim in living color was a show about gay bashing. I doubt if you were to ask the wayan brothers if they were using their show to promote gay hate they would tell you yes.

The point being is that context matters and in this case we are talking about context as it relates to the social norms during their lifetime.


May 15, 2000
To what end? America fought a war and freed slaves. We contested in politics and enshrined civil rights. What did we miss, what comes next that necessitates such action? Or, does this "voice" of vengeance and hatred serve no greater purpose?

And if I'm not missing some greater good at play, then why sow discord and division? Why drive people apart instead of bringing them together to heal as one nation, as one people? Lashing out is not a healthy activity... it does not provide for positive outcomes. It breeds force and violence. I hear a call to arms, and for what?

Civil rights definitely have not been enshrined. There is a difference between policy and implementation and right now they certainly don't seem to be on the same page.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
To what end? America fought a war and freed slaves. We contested in politics and enshrined civil rights. What did we miss, what comes next that necessitates such action? Or, does this "voice" of vengeance and hatred serve no greater purpose?

And if I'm not missing some greater good at play, then why sow discord and division? Why drive people apart instead of bringing them together to heal as one nation, as one people? Lashing out is not a healthy activity... it does not provide for positive outcomes. It breeds force and violence. I hear a call to arms, and for what?

Ahhhhh, you must be one of those folks who believe we live in a "post racial" society, where being born black in our inner cities is just one long joy ride of great, well funded schools, fantastic housing, and brilliant opportunities.

What you seem to experience as "vengeance" is the voices of a people, long oppressed and excluded economically and personally, who now want to be heard, who are now specifically contesting having to live in cities replete with statues and monuments to the white folks who took up arms against the UNITED States of American in order to keep them enslaved. So "out of nowhere", eh? So . . . uppity.
Reactions: Victorian Gray


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
By that token one could claim in living color was a show about gay bashing. I doubt if you were to ask the wayan brothers if they were using their show to promote gay hate they would tell you yes.
And yet, there are plenty of gay people, most then still having to live in the closet just to have a job, still then not being able to marry the person they loved and enjoy the legal benefits other Americans enjoyed, would definitely disagree and tell you that those hurtful, demeaning stereotypes did comfortably reinforce virulent disgust with gay Americans.

Apparently you and the Wayan brothers were all ok with this. Gay folk never were. You just never got to hear their hurt, because they had to live their lives hidden and in fear. Empathy, man. Please acquire some.
Reactions: Victorian Gray


May 15, 2000
And yet, there are plenty of gay people, most then still having to live in the closet just to have a job, still then not being able to marry the person they loved and enjoy the legal benefits other Americans enjoyed, would definitely disagree and tell you that those hurtful, demeaning stereotypes did comfortably reinforce virulent disgust with gay Americans.

Apparently you and the Wayan brothers were all ok with this. Gay folk never were. You just never got to hear their hurt, because they had to live their lives hidden and in fear. Empathy, man. Please acquire some.

So to be clear, you thought in living color was simply a platform for the wayan brothers to spew gay hate?

If I didn't possess empathy I wouldn't be able to recognize the fact that in living color had some really negative stereotypes of gay people on its show. I am however also aware that such sentiment was common at the time. Its the same reason I don't think of my grandma as being racist because she referred to black people as "colored".

Monuments to people who were products of their time aren't recognized because of their time periods ignorance and barbarism, they are recognized for specific things, being credited with finding America, being a founding father of this country, etc.

No one says, I want to be like Christopher Columbus and enslave people, no one says they aspire to be Jeffersonian and own slaves and no one with an ounce of integrity would say that either of those people and people like them represent those very things.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
So to be clear, you thought in living color was simply a platform for the wayan brothers to spew gay hate?

Simply a platfrom to spew gay hate? No, I don't think that nor did I say that. Don't put words in my mouth. Your "question" lacks intellectual integrity.

If you somehow don't see or can't agree with what I am saying . . . that their and others stupidly demeaning caricatures of gays, when they engaged in them as a part of their show, didn't reinforce the ugly, prevailing negative stereotypes about gays, didn't help hurt these folks ability to live their lives simply, openly and in the light, didn't help delay their acceptance as regular human beings, then I probably can't help you understand my clearly stated point.


May 15, 2000
Simply a platfrom to spew gay hate? No, I don't think that nor did I say that. Don't put words in my mouth. Your "question" lacks intellectual integrity.

If you somehow don't see or can't agree with what I am saying . . . that their and others stupidly demeaning caricatures of gays, when they engaged in them as a part of their show, didn't reinforce the ugly, prevailing negative stereotypes about gays, didn't help hurt these folks ability to live their lives simply, openly and in the light, didn't help delay their acceptance as regular human beings, then I probably can't help you understand my clearly stated point.

I've already acknowledged as much and its why I used them as an example in the first place. How you think I don't get it is beyond me.

However you ignored the reason for me bringing them up in the first place. Will you address that point?

Snarf Snarf

Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
To what end? America fought a war and freed slaves. We contested in politics and enshrined civil rights. What did we miss, what comes next that necessitates such action? Or, does this "voice" of vengeance and hatred serve no greater purpose?

And if I'm not missing some greater good at play, then why sow discord and division? Why drive people apart instead of bringing them together to heal as one nation, as one people? Lashing out is not a healthy activity... it does not provide for positive outcomes. It breeds force and violence. I hear a call to arms, and for what?

Nope. No. Not at all.

As a POC I can tell you with 100% certainty that civil rights are not enshrined into our culture. Wake up from your dream where passing legislation is the only measure we need to take as a society to heal the wounds caused by hundreds of years of systematic oppression. I was lucky enough to have a fair skinned mother, people usually don't first assume that I'm Hispanic, I say lucky because this has allowed me to slip into social circles that I normally wouldn't have been invited to. Over the years I've come to know that by my estimate and rough napkin math about 50% of people carry with them some sort of racist view point, they've just become really good at hiding them. Once they reach the level of comfort, or have assumed that you're one of their own, the little racist bits start to drip out. I live in a city that is majority Hispanic (San Antonio) and I still encounter racism on a daily basis here. This is the power of the indoctrination of systematic racism, that in a place where our ethnic group is the majority, we're still treated like lesser humans.

My answer to the question of "when is it enough?" is this, it'll be enough when I don't have to explain to people that tax payer funded effigies of racist and oppressive individuals on public property are inappropriate. When I don't have to tell people that we do not live in a post racist world. When we look at our countries founders (heroes) for what they really were, bigoted, racist, entitled assholes without having to denote the context. Their views were awful, they shouldn't get a pass because things were different back then. Denounce it publicly, denounce it in text books, denounce those among you who celebrate these things. The day I don't have to defend myself against a racist comment or a racist joke, when everyone in the room looks at that person and shames them publicly. That's when we're in a post racist society. There's a lot of ground to cover still, and we've barely started walking down the road to full recovery.
Reactions: Jaskalas


May 15, 2000
Nope. No. Not at all.

As a POC I can tell you with 100% certainty that civil rights are not enshrined into our culture. Wake up from your dream where passing legislation is the only measure we need to take as a society to heal the wounds caused by hundreds of years of systematic oppression. I was lucky enough to have a fair skinned mother, people usually don't first assume that I'm Hispanic, I say lucky because this has allowed me to slip into social circles that I normally wouldn't have been invited to. Over the years I've come to know that by my estimate and rough napkin math about 50% of people carry with them some sort of racist view point, they've just become really good at hiding them. Once they reach the level of comfort, or have assumed that you're one of their own, the little racist bits start to drip out. I live in a city that is majority Hispanic (San Antonio) and I still encounter racism on a daily basis here. This is the power of the indoctrination of systematic racism, that in a place where our ethnic group is the majority, we're still treated like lesser humans.

My answer to the question of "when is it enough?" is this, it'll be enough when I don't have to explain to people that tax payer funded effigies of racist and oppressive individuals on public property are inappropriate. When I don't have to tell people that we do not live in a post racist world. When we look at our countries founders (heroes) for what they really were, bigoted, racist, entitled assholes without having to denote the context. Their views were awful, they shouldn't get a pass because things were different back then. Denounce it publicly, denounce it in text books, denounce those among you who celebrate these things. The day I don't have to defend myself against a racist comment or a racist joke, when everyone in the room looks at that person and shames them publicly. That's when we're in a post racist society. There's a lot of ground to cover still, and we've barely started walking down the road to full recovery.

So you are of the opinion that statutes of most of the founding fathers should be taken down?

Do you yourself wish to be judged by future societal norms? Are you absolutely sure your moral compass will pass the morality tests of the future? If you do great things in this life do you want others to hold you in contempt in the future for your moral failings according to their standards long after you've passed?
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