BloodBorne - Might be the game that make me buy a PS4


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
Same team that worked on Demon Souls, Dark Souls, and the Artorias of the Abyss expansion. A different team worked on Dark Souls II, where Hidetaka Miyazaki (the director of Demon Souls and Dark Souls) wasn't the director, but just a supervisor on the project (less involved).

Initial gameplay footage looks great. The combat and monster design look excellent, as expected from the talented group working on this one. I'd recommend checking out the PSX 2014 co-op gameplay footage. The boss at the end is pretty cool.


Aug 18, 2012
There is an ign 14 minute gameplay video out there too, a first look.

I was never good at dark souls, its a tough game and this one will be too. Only thing is you don't have a shield so you have to dodge a lot.

It actually looks a lot like dark souls. I will be getting this game in March I'm just hoping I can get somewhere in it unlike dark souls. It doesn't seem to have a story either other than there is some plague going around and you have to hunt these creatures in hope for a cure.


Dec 12, 2001
I want to be excited for this game cause it looks great but the Dark Souls games lacked motivating story for me. I had no reason, direction, or purpose to be doing what I was doing and going where I was going. If this is similar to that I might just get super bored with it. Plus the combat was almost too deliberate for me. At high level with a katana I wanted to move like Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden lol.


Aug 18, 2012
I want to be excited for this game cause it looks great but the Dark Souls games lacked motivating story for me. I had no reason, direction, or purpose to be doing what I was doing and going where I was going. If this is similar to that I might just get super bored with it. Plus the combat was almost too deliberate for me. At high level with a katana I wanted to move like Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden lol.
I think you hit the nail on the head there with dark souls. I was trying to understand why it didn't really grab me besides the game's difficulty level. You were basically thrown into this world and not even given missions or hints where to go. They say players are suppose to make their own story. If I'm playing a game I want to have a purpose for doing some things.

It looks like a skin of dark souls but I hope it doesn't disappoint.


Aug 18, 2012
Its not about hand holding, as long as it has a story or some purpose you have to achieve it should be good.


Dec 12, 2001
It has absolutely nothing to do with hand holding. It has everything to do with the game having a point and some direction. I don't have my hand held in Dragon Age Inquisition and I put near 200 hours into it by the end. Why? The game had a point and gave you some type of direction and reason to do whatever you do. There was actual quality voice acting, actual quality story telling, background lore etc. That's more important to me than trying to make sure you swing a weapon as slow as possible because "that's realistic combat" or some other nonsense.

The game can look as good as it wants to, but if it's boring to play for me I'll skip it. Simple as that.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
LOL, Bioware games.. lets see does this look familiar?

Yes you are right, games should be all about the story. (Good)
I'm fine either way
Stories are for the weak, get me into the action! (Evil)

There is good reason movies based on video games always bite it hard.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
DA:I is a fun game, but it's pretty casual hand holdy stuff. Minimap with quest objectives clearly marked on it, simplified attribute system, simplified tactics, healing cut out of the game in favor of easymode barriers + guard system, cut scenes tell you EXACTLY what's expected of you to progress the story to the next point. It's baby's first RPG, basically.

It's still fun. But saying the game doesn't hold your hand is absurd.

Meanwhile, Dark Souls has a reputation of being hardcore, but it reminds me of old school exploration games... Like Castelvania, Metroid, and the original Zelda. You're dropped into the world without much direction, and need to work through puzzles and challenges to get to the next area. Save points can be sparse, tension builds before a boss encounter...


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
DA:I is a fun game, but it's pretty casual hand holdy stuff. Minimap with quest objectives clearly marked on it, simplified attribute system, simplified tactics, healing cut out of the game in favor of easymode barriers + guard system, cut scenes tell you EXACTLY what's expected of you to progress the story to the next point. It's baby's first RPG, basically.

It's still fun. But saying the game doesn't hold your hand is absurd.

Meanwhile, Dark Souls has a reputation of being hardcore, but it reminds me of old school exploration games... Like Castelvania, Metroid, and the original Zelda. You're dropped into the world without much direction, and need to work through puzzles and challenges to get to the next area. Save points can be sparse, tension builds before a boss encounter...
Good post. :thumbsup:


Dec 12, 2001
DA:I is a fun game, but it's pretty casual hand holdy stuff. Minimap with quest objectives clearly marked on it, simplified attribute system, simplified tactics, healing cut out of the game in favor of easymode barriers + guard system, cut scenes tell you EXACTLY what's expected of you to progress the story to the next point. It's baby's first RPG, basically.

It's still fun. But saying the game doesn't hold your hand is absurd.

Meanwhile, Dark Souls has a reputation of being hardcore, but it reminds me of old school exploration games... Like Castelvania, Metroid, and the original Zelda. You're dropped into the world without much direction, and need to work through puzzles and challenges to get to the next area. Save points can be sparse, tension builds before a boss encounter...

Hand holding means you are guided to the end with no freedom in how you do it. The map has nothing to do with that. You have free roam of the world and are not ever once forced to go a particular path. Hell you even make your own story as you go in Dragon Age.

Hardcore is a buzzword without real meaning. You want hard? Go play Ninja Gaiden on Hard. The souls games weren't hard, they just glitched out and enemies attacked through walls and pushed you off ledges you had to traverse. It was bad design. Zelda is like Dragon Age in many ways. You have a story and are told where to go to continue the quest but you don't have to. Same thing. Hell they even put annoying sidekicks in a couple zelda games to remind you where to go.

From software has never been good at telling a good story, they just haven't. This is something they need to work on and that's the truth. Which is why I hope Bloodborne has a cohesive story to tell the player. Otherwise like I said, bored. It has nothing to do with whatever buzzword or phrase you want to throw out trying to insinuate that some people are not "hardcore" enough. That's ridiculous. I've beaten plenty of difficult games before, but they all had better game play and fight mechanics or better story. You have your opinion and I have mine. If from software wants me to buy their games they need better story. When I finished Dark Souls (got it for around $5 on steam) I still didn't know what I did. That's no good. There's a reason there's so many people on youtube trying to explain the lore and story. You shouldn't have to explain it.
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Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Hand holding means you are guided to the end with no freedom in how you do it. The map has nothing to do with that. You have free roam of the world and are not ever once forced to go a particular path. Hell you even make your own story as you go in Dragon Age.

Hardcore is a buzzword without real meaning. You want hard? Go play Ninja Gaiden on Hard. The souls games weren't hard, they just glitched out and enemies attacked through walls and pushed you off ledges you had to traverse. It was bad design. Zelda is like Dragon Age in many ways. You have a story and are told where to go to continue the quest but you don't have to. Same thing. Hell they even put annoying sidekicks in a couple zelda games to remind you where to go.

From software has never been good at telling a good story, they just haven't. This is something they need to work on and that's the truth. Which is why I hope Bloodborne has a cohesive story to tell the player. Otherwise like I said, bored. It has nothing to do with whatever buzzword or phrase you want to throw out trying to insinuate that some people are not "hardcore" enough. That's ridiculous. I've beaten plenty of difficult games before, but they all had better game play and fight mechanics or better story. You have your opinion and I have mine. If from software wants me to buy their games they need better story. When I finished Dark Souls (got it for around $5 on steam) I still didn't know what I did. That's no good. There's a reason there's so many people on youtube trying to explain the lore and story. You shouldn't have to explain it.

Comparisons to and mentioning of Dragon Age and other traditional RPGs is kind of moot with Dark Souls though. It's just an entirely different approach. It's an RPG really in "stats" only. It's not trying to emulate or compete with those style of games.

Its appeal comes from its sense of accomplishment when the player achieves something, and from the atmosphere it creates (which it does a tremendous job of), and the exploration and discovery of such a vast, interconnected world.

Your personal preferences aside, you simply don't speak for everyone. A challenging, atmospheric action-adventure is enjoyable in its own right, and doesn't need to emulate the more overused and overwrought entries in the genre.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
Hand holding means you are guided to the end with no freedom in how you do it. The map has nothing to do with that. You have free roam of the world and are not ever once forced to go a particular path. Hell you even make your own story as you go in Dragon Age.

Hardcore is a buzzword without real meaning. You want hard? Go play Ninja Gaiden on Hard. The souls games weren't hard, they just glitched out and enemies attacked through walls and pushed you off ledges you had to traverse. It was bad design. Zelda is like Dragon Age in many ways. You have a story and are told where to go to continue the quest but you don't have to. Same thing. Hell they even put annoying sidekicks in a couple zelda games to remind you where to go.

From software has never been good at telling a good story, they just haven't. This is something they need to work on and that's the truth. Which is why I hope Bloodborne has a cohesive story to tell the player. Otherwise like I said, bored. It has nothing to do with whatever buzzword or phrase you want to throw out trying to insinuate that some people are not "hardcore" enough. That's ridiculous. I've beaten plenty of difficult games before, but they all had better game play and fight mechanics or better story. You have your opinion and I have mine. If from software wants me to buy their games they need better story. When I finished Dark Souls (got it for around $5 on steam) I still didn't know what I did. That's no good. There's a reason there's so many people on youtube trying to explain the lore and story. You shouldn't have to explain it.

Something doesn't have to be a scripted cut-scene fest like The Order 1886, to be holding your hand. A cut scene changing slightly because you chose a different dialogue choice, isn't meaningful impact on the game world, IMO. You seem to be having difficulty looking at DA:I objectively, since you had a good time playing it recently. To clarify, I do like the game, but think its a streamlined experience with heavy guides.

When I said the Souls series has a reputation for being "hardcore" I gave sentiment that I didn't really agree in my next breath comparing it to some classic exploration games in it's spirit and pacing. When I mentioned Zelda, I specifically clarified that I meant the original NES Zelda, which was before the helpful "go that way" sidekicks were added. The OG Zelda didn't have any cinematic opening, or explanation of a grand mission. It just plopped you into the middle of the world, the old man hands you the wooden sword... and then it's up to you to figure it out.

Recently younger kids have been playing Super Metroid on the Wii U, and getting stuck all over the place, since in this day of age when the player encounters an obstacle the game just hands you the answer.

I think the story-telling in Dark Souls is pretty subtle, or even lacking, since it's not the point. The motivation to move through the game, isn't to progress some story driven narrative, like is the case with most modern games. You're not trying to get to the next cut scene, you're trying to break past the latest challenge set in front of you.
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Aug 18, 2012
Something doesn't have to be a scripted cut-scene fest like The Order 1886, to be holding your hand. A cut scene changing slightly because you chose a different dialogue choice, isn't meaningful impact on the game world, IMO. You seem to be having difficulty looking at DA:I objectively, since you had a good time playing it recently. To clarify, I do like the game, but think its a streamlined experience with heavy guides.

When I said the Souls series has a reputation for being "hardcore" I gave sentiment that I didn't really agree in my next breath comparing it to some classic exploration games in it's spirit and pacing. When I mentioned Zelda, I specifically clarified that I meant the original NES Zelda, which was before the helpful "go that way" sidekicks were added. The OG Zelda didn't have any cinematic opening, or explanation of a grand mission. It just plopped you into the middle of the world, the old man hands you the wooden sword... and then it's up to you to figure it out.

Recently younger kids have been playing Super Metroid on the Wii U, and getting stuck all over the place, since in this day of age when the player encounter's an obstacle the game just hands you the answer.

I think the story-telling in Dark Souls is pretty subtle, or even lacking, since it's not the point. The motivation to move through the game, isn't to progress some story driven narrative, like is the case with most modern games. You're not trying to get to the next cut scene, you're trying to break past the latest challenge set in front of you.
I understand that mechanic you describe. I guess some people enjoy just being challenged and don't need the sense of feeling that they have progressed through a narrative.

Personally if I'm playing a game I want a story and some sort of knowledge of whats going on and purpose to achieve. Otherwise I don't need to be playing any games.


Dec 12, 2001
I understand all that but you have to give me a reason to overcome the challenge. Why am I doing it? I could pick any number of games and go fight stuff examples include Monster Hunter, Soul Sacrifice, Pokemon. I just need a reason, a why. You know what I'm saying I'm sure.

That's how I am. I need a point to it beyond just "oh look I wandered over here and got one shotted. Let me try to beat that thing now." If I got a questline that said "a powerful monster called <insert name here> blocks the gateway to the Halls of Shadow which will unlock your pathway further into the castle." even if you never tell me where that is. I would eventually figure it out and when I get there I'll know that this is the way to go.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
I understand all that but you have to give me a reason to overcome the challenge. Why am I doing it? I could pick any number of games and go fight stuff examples include Monster Hunter, Soul Sacrifice, Pokemon. I just need a reason, a why. You know what I'm saying I'm sure.

That's how I am. I need a point to it beyond just "oh look I wandered over here and got one shotted. Let me try to beat that thing now." If I got a questline that said "a powerful monster called <insert name here> blocks the gateway to the Halls of Shadow which will unlock your pathway further into the castle." even if you never tell me where that is. I would eventually figure it out and when I get there I'll know that this is the way to go.

So you end up with a crappy ending like what you get with mass effect 3 you could have just YouTube'd the video and story. All those options you do lead to the same prescripted endings at most they vary by 1 or 2 options


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
So you end up with a crappy ending like what you get with mass effect 3 you could have just YouTube'd the video and story. All those options you do lead to the same prescripted endings at most they vary by 1 or 2 options

Eh. If anything Mass Effect 3 is a great example of "if your game's strongest point is it's ability to deliver a story, better make sure the story doesn't suck." The people who were upset with ME3 couldn't have cared less about any of it's adjustments to combat mechanics, since they were stuck on stuff like "if in the last game the counsel made Shepherd a Spectre, why is he on the run from the Alliance?" at the very start to "Why is my ending a choice of what color explosion I get? Didn't any of my choices matter?" at the end. Just awful writing, in a game that was so story focused.... you wonder how it can even happen.

Another such example is FFXIII. Just complete nonsensical crazy, even for a Japanese game. And in the not good way. The paradigm shift system was actually pretty solid, but I don't think anyone gave a damn, since it was ruined by the player sitting there in complete shocked horror on how lame the "Mom's are tough" scene was. Personally, it was all I could do to not pull the game out and snap the disk in half.

Anyway, though, on the plus side:
From Software is unlikely to ruin Bloodborne with horrible, horrifyingly bad, emo dialogue.

On the more negative:
I have doubts that there will be enough narrative to motivate players like cmdrdredd to want to take part on the journey.

Which has me a little concerned on the game's reception. There's not a lot going on with the PS4 right now, so a lot of players are going to be giving Bloodborne a go, that might not have otherwise... while Bloodborne seems to be a game that is staying faithful to the Souls fan-base. Hopefully there's a bit more narrative in there than I expect, but if it's story is presented similar to a Souls game, I'm not sure how great it's going to go down with the typical gamer that just needed something, anything to play.


Aug 18, 2012
I just hope its decent enough to keep me engaged. I don't need hand holding but I do need to have a purpose or a goal to achieve throughout the gameplay.

What I'm worried about is repetition in combat because at least in the soles games you had different classes and variances in weapons whereas now you have one sword like weapon and a gun. Not sure about magic or how that works in bloodborne.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
The game look awesome and dark. Don't know much about it but it's from the same devs that got us Dark Souls, so it can only be at least good.

It might actually be the game that make me buy a PS4 finally...

Same here. I have an XB1 and literally have zero interest in the PS4.....except when it comes to this game. That said, I'm not going to buy one until the game is released and I see some solid reviews. As it stands now, Dark Souls II is coming to the XB1 so I can get my fix that way.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
I just hope its decent enough to keep me engaged. I don't need hand holding but I do need to have a purpose or a goal to achieve throughout the gameplay.

What I'm worried about is repetition in combat because at least in the soles games you had different classes and variances in weapons whereas now you have one sword like weapon and a gun. Not sure about magic or how that works in bloodborne.

They're not taking out variances in weapons.... the alpha had 4 significantly different main weapon options (Saw Cleaver, Hunter Axe, the big ol' Kirkhammer, and quick Warped Twinblades), and two different gun options (pistol or blunderbuss). So, you can see gameplay footage out there with different weapon types already... I know the co-op demonstration featured someone using a Kirkhammer.

There also seems to be a little variance on starting stats, so you can pick a character that starts off with a bit more of the "Skill" stat, and use weapons that scale with that, as an example, or go with a more Strength based build.

Those aren't the only options though. There's other cool weapons, like a Scythe main weapon, or "Flamethrower" gun option. The Threaded Cane is like a sword whip.


Aug 18, 2012
They're not taking out variances in weapons.... the alpha had 4 significantly different main weapon options (Saw Cleaver, Hunter Axe, the big ol' Kirkhammer, and quick Warped Twinblades), and two different gun options (pistol or blunderbuss). So, you can see gameplay footage out there with different weapon types already... I know the co-op demonstration featured someone using a Kirkhammer.

There also seems to be a little variance on starting stats, so you can pick a character that starts off with a bit more of the "Skill" stat, and use weapons that scale with that, as an example, or go with a more Strength based build.

Those aren't the only options though. There's other cool weapons, like a Scythe main weapon, or "Flamethrower" gun option. The Threaded Cane is like a sword whip.
I like the look of the flamethrower from those gifs. Really looks interesting so we shall see. I remember in dark souls I'd have to watch YouTube videos of the areas you could go in because I feared going somewhere and being stuck there with hard enemies. I wasn't good at the game and not knowing where I could go based on my level made it somewhat uninteresting.

I'll probably be getting this because its unique in its own way even though its similar to the souls game. Glad I have gcu so if its not my type I'll trade it in. Just hoping it doesn't disappoint.
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