Blue Cross Blue Shield getting crushed by Obamacare

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Except it's a fact that our healthcare is of higher quality than Canada and Britain. We are number 1 in the world in responsiveness (defined as speed of services, choice of doctors and quality of amenities). In fact, their citizens sometimes come here to get treated because theirs sucks so bad. Yet we want to be more like them? Of course, because we have come to embrace mediocrity like them.

Wrong again!

Results from these sources do not support the widespread perception that Canadian residents seek care extensively in the United States. Indeed, the numbers found are so small as to be barely detectible relative to the use of care by Canadians at home.


Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010
What I find amusing is that conservatives complain no matter what the circumstances. If insurance companies are making a lot of money it's because of that damn ACA where the government is lining the pockets of those rich, lobbying insurers. If insurance companies are losing money suddenly conservatives weep for them because that damn ACA is bankrupting the poor helpless insurance companies.

Once you realize that their reasoning starts with the ACA being bad and works backwards instead of the rational approach of doing it the opposite way it all makes much more sense.
I think most conservatives believe that people should be rewarded according to what they do and not just because they are alive and human. Most conservatives also believe in a limited govt, supplying what we as an individual cant do for themself, such as protecting ourselves from a foreign invader. In that case we do need govt to tax and have a military. What we dont need is a govt that is spending like there is no tomorrow and has already put us far beyond the point of bankruptcy. (There currently is no way to make america solvent the way the govt is handling itself and with the way us citizens are wanting govt support).
Of course we can argue that universal healthcare should be one of those things govt should take over but I would much rather see them be efficient with the tax money they are currently receiving and actually putting america back in the black rather than taking on additional responsibility that they wont be able to sustain.

Its like the joke i read a few years back. True story. Some South American country at the end of their fiscal year had something like 30 usd extra in their possession to run the country. We as usa americans laughed at how their govt sucked compared to ours. That is until we realized that that is 30 dollars more then our country has in its own account.

A chinese friend made a joke at me and america. She said an american came and ate at a restaurant (this is in china)and is customary in the usa gave a tip at the end of the meal. The chinese waiter declined and said with the amount of money the US owes China you need this more than I do.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
I would like to point out that the premise of the article is misleading. Many insurers are losing money due to "Obamacare" but many are making money. In fact the ones quoted as losing money, like the Blues, are in fact making money! How is this possible? Cherry-picking data.

Insurers are not losing money on the ACA they're losing money on Exchange coverage. This is a subtle but distinct point because Medicaid expansion was also part of the ACA. Insurers are essentially printing money on their ACA Medicaid managed care business. You've essentially moved a very key demographic (young healthy people) from the private market to the Medicaid market. That makes Exchange business less profitable and Medicaid more profitable.

Then you obfuscate the industry organization and make things seem more dire than they are. For example the Blue in Nevada is Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield. It's probably not a stretch to say Anthem is losing money on their Exchange business in Nevada. But to then say "the Blue is losing money and that's bad" doesn't reflect that Anthem is owned by Amerigroup. Why is that important? Because Amerigroup is one of the two Medicaid managed care insurers in Nevada. They're making boatloads of money off that business. And Nevada has told Amerigroup that if they pull out of the Exchange they will lose their Medicaid contract. Essentially then by examining the Blue you're focusing only on the money-losing business arm and not the overall profitability of the business, profitability which is directly contingent upon playing in the unprofitable sandbox.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I think most conservatives believe that people should be rewarded according to what they do and not just because they are alive and human. Most conservatives also believe in a limited govt, supplying what we as an individual cant do for themself, such as protecting ourselves from a foreign invader. In that case we do need govt to tax and have a military. What we dont need is a govt that is spending like there is no tomorrow and has already put us far beyond the point of bankruptcy. (There currently is no way to make america solvent the way the govt is handling itself and with the way us citizens are wanting govt support).
Of course we can argue that universal healthcare should be one of those things govt should take over but I would much rather see them be efficient with the tax money they are currently receiving and actually putting america back in the black rather than taking on additional responsibility that they wont be able to sustain.

Its like the joke i read a few years back. True story. Some South American country at the end of their fiscal year had something like 30 usd extra in their possession to run the country. We as usa americans laughed at how their govt sucked compared to ours. That is until we realized that that is 30 dollars more then our country has in its own account.

A chinese friend made a joke at me and america. She said an american came and ate at a restaurant (this is in china)and is customary in the usa gave a tip at the end of the meal. The chinese waiter declined and said with the amount of money the US owes China you need this more than I do.

This is based on a fundamentally flawed understanding of how government and government debts work where you seem to be viewing government debt like personal debt when they are nothing alike.

The US is perfectly solvent and that's not going to change any time soon.


Jun 22, 2001
Funny, the WHO ranked both of those systems as better than ours:

Same with the Commonwealth Fund:

You never seem to run out of stupid things to say.
Funny, I'm about to lambaste you. Are you ready to bend over? :biggrin:

1) Your first link - that ranking was from 2000 and the only category that matters in that is responsiveness (-Responsiveness, which includes factors such as speed of health services, privacy protections, choice of doctors and quality of amenities. This factor gets a 12.5 percent weight.) which the U.S. scored #1 in the world in. Other categories that they ranked was not a factor that indicates "healthcare". Like mortality, which is based on diet, not healthcare.
Even Factcheck says it's misleading:

Your second study was from a "liberal think tank" organization. Nice try though.

John Stossel's opinion of your links? You're full of shit.
I was immediately suspicious, considering the loaded study by the World Health Organization. (I wrote about it last week.)

My suspicion was justified. It turns out the new study is almost as biased as the WHO's. The authors write, "The U.S. is the only country in the study without universal health insurance coverage, partly accounting for its poor performance on access, equity, and health outcomes."

I see. America "underperforms" because we don't have enough government intervention.

But while the U.S. lost points for not having national health insurance, the authors added, "f insured, patients in the U.S. have rapid access to specialized health care services."

That's an understatement. Insured Americans have almost immediate access to cutting-edge procedures performed by some of the best-trained doctors. It's why our outcomes for such diseases as prostate and breast cancer are markedly better than in Canada's and Britain's socialized systems. The Commonwealth Fund doesn't mention that.

The United States is the center of medical innovation for the world. When internists ranked the world's top 10 medical innovations, eight were developed thanks to American innovations. The Commonwealth Fund ignores all that and focuses almost exclusively on the problems of our uninsured population.

As I've noted previously, the problem of the 45 million uninsured is exaggerated. The statistics represent a snapshot, and many uninsured people are reinsured in less than a year. The same people are not uninsured year in and year out.

The Commonwealth Fund study divides "quality" into right (effective) care, safe care, coordinated care and patient-centered care. The U.S. placed fifth or sixth in the last three.

But where did the U.S. place in "right care"?


"Right care" is the most important criterion because it includes things like how often women have mammograms and whether diabetics get proper treatment.

Try again. I'd trust a Columbia + University of London study before your proven-to-be-BS studies.
Doctors found that people who have treatment here are four times more likely to die than US citizens undergoing similar operations.

The most seriously ill NHS patients were seven times more likely to die than their American counterparts.

Experts blame the British fatality figures on a shortage of specialists and lack of intensive care beds for post-operative recovery.

They also suggest that long waiting lists mean diseases are more advanced before they are treated.

Researchers from University College London and Columbia University, in New York, studied 1,000 surgery patients at the Mount Sinai Hospital, Manhattan, and compared them to nearly 1,100 people who had similar operations at the Queen Alexandra Hospital, in Portsmouth.

The results showed that just under ten per cent of British patients died in hospital afterwards compared to 2.5 per cent in America. Among the most seriously ill cases there was a seven-fold difference in the death rates.

Awful. Fucking awful. smh
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Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010

I will say that I dont really know. I think its getting harder and harder not to find cherry picked news articles or surveys.
Its like the pepsi vs coke campaign in the 80s both sides would come out and say in a blind taste test 4 out of 5 preferred coke or pepsi. And im sure that for their purposes it was true. My question was how many 5 people did you need to try the taste test before you got a sample that hit the 80% mark.

I will say this, my Canadian friends, who do like there universal healthcare, needed a to get something done. They saw the general practice doctor in a reasonable amount of time but he told them that they needed to see someone who was more specialized in that field. They were given a wait time of 6 months to a year. Thats not a good sign of things to come


Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010
Just to continue my post.

They then considered coming to usa and getting the treatment here instead.


Jun 22, 2001
Right again!
Where U.S. Health Care Ranks Number One
Isn't 'responsiveness' what medicine is all about?

Holy shit you are dumb. Never even read the 2000 WHO study that you linked to me. It's common knowledge that even that study couldn't deny that the U.S. is #1 in "responsiveness".

Also, did you just seriously link to a 2002 study (aside from the widely dubunked 2000 WHO ranking) that canadians don't get treatment in the U.S.? You realize it's 2016? hahahaha
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
A chinese friend made a joke at me and america. She said an american came and ate at a restaurant (this is in china)and is customary in the usa gave a tip at the end of the meal. The chinese waiter declined and said with the amount of money the US owes China you need this more than I do.

What percentage of total US public debt does China hold?


Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010
This is based on a fundamentally flawed understanding of how government and government debts work where you seem to be viewing government debt like personal debt when they are nothing alike.

The US is perfectly solvent and that's not going to change any time soon.
Its more like no one has called in our debt because it would crumble the rest of the worlds economy as well. We are not solvent. We are living off of the handouts of other countries. We need to change that.


Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010
Plenty of US citizens also go elsewhere for medical services because of the cost in US or because some of our policy is based on religion. Stem cell and IVF come to mind.
Thailand is an awesome place to go.


Jun 23, 2004
I do believe the immortal Milton Friedman once said you cannot have open borders and a welfare state. Single payer is nothing more than a short term band-aid either; it will ultimately collapse due to insolvency.

I believe the current system is collapsing due to insolvency.
I don't think the American people have the wealth to afford healthcare anymore.
The question for us is... do we want healthcare? How?


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
good question but I believe that they hold more than any other country in the world. I will try to find out if I can.

Remember the question is what percentage of total US public debt do they hold? Not what percentage of foreign held US public debt do they hold (which incidentally is about even with Japan these days).


Jun 22, 2001
Eskimo, here's a link to a study that's not 14 years old.
The estimated number of Canadians leaving the country seeking medical care is on the rise, according to a report released by the the Fraser Institute on Tuesday.

-Hospital ER times reveal some ‘disturbing’ waits
-Medical wait times up to 3 times longer in Canada

An estimated 52,000 Canadians — half of those from Ontario — left the country to receive non-emergency health care in 2014, according to a report titled Leaving Canada for Medical Care.

The new report notes an increase of more than 10,000 patients — or 26 per cent — from a year earlier are looking outside Canada for medical treatment.
"Faced with long waits for treatment, it should come as little surprise that so many Canadians ultimately choose to be medical tourists," he said.

A Canadian study released Wednesday found that many provinces in our neighbor to the north have seen patients fleeing the country and opting for medical treatment in the United States.

The nonpartisan Fraser Institute reported that 46,159 Canadians sought medical treatment outside of Canada in 2011, as wait times increased 104 percent — more than double — compared with statistics from 1993.

Specialist physicians surveyed across 12 specialties and 10 provinces reported an average total wait time of 19 weeks between the time a general practitioner refers a patient and the time a specialist provides elective treatment — the longest they have ever recorded.

Read more:

But yeah, everyone is happy with their healthcare in Canada. BS. 19 weeks to wait to get care? Just shoot me.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Its more like no one has called in our debt because it would crumble the rest of the worlds economy as well. We are not solvent. We are living off of the handouts of other countries. We need to change that.

What do you mean 'called in our debt'? That doesn't make any sense.

How do you come to the conclusion that the US is not solvent, specifically? I ask for two reasons. First, our debt to GDP ratio has been higher in the past than it is now and secondly because it is by definition impossible to be insolvent due to debts denominated in a currency you control.


May 24, 2004
People said from the very start that the design of Obamacare was to collapse the private insurance business, leaving government control as the only remaining option. I had to switch from BCBS to Aetna because the premium increases were unbearable. And I'm not exactly a rich person, quite far from it.

When single-payer is the law, I'll be burdened with unbearable taxes. So, just hoard what money I can now, gonna need every last penny when the taxman cometh.


Jun 22, 2001
I believe the current system is collapsing due to insolvency.
I don't think the American people have the wealth to afford healthcare anymore.
The question for us is... do we want healthcare? How?
The 45% who don't pay income tax, yep. But health ins companies/gov is even getting them to pay (in the form of a fine) regardless. Obama should be freaking ashamed. Health ins is a product/service, not something we should be forced to buy. Big business/gov really won out on this because now we have no choice. They've found another way to extort money from all classes, not just the middle class. Incredible that we just bent over and took it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Eskimo, here's a link to a study that's not 14 years old.


But yeah, everyone is happy with their healthcare in Canada. BS. 19 weeks to wait to get care? Just shoot me.

Even if I take your numbers at face value and use the CDC's very conservative estimate that means that a smaller percentage of Canadians go abroad for medical care than Americans do.



Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010
Then I guess we should just print more money. I don't see how that could cause any harm to us. Seriously you make it sound like we don't have a care in the world.
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