Bodybuilder Chow: 10 lbs. of whey protein @ $45 delivered


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
I posted this same deal a couple of months ago, and it has expired from this site's search engine, so I hope nobody minds the re-post.

Go to and do a search for "Prolab whey." You'll find 5 lb. containers in several flavors at $30 each. Order 2, and then use one of the coupons at a different site--try I'd already used the $21 off $55 coupon & it may have expired, but the 1/3 coupon is still valid. Total cost with UPS shipping was $44.94.

I really love this stuff! Both the vanilla and chocolate have very natural, good-tasting flavors. I've tried some other inexpensive wheys, and this is the best (other that aren't so good: Optimum, Ultimate Nutrition, Saturn).

An added tip: mix in a bit (maybe 1/6 package) of Jello sugarfree instant pudding with your shakes and they taste _incredible_--better than Designer Protein, or anything else out there. My favorites are Pistachio pudding with the vanilla protein, and Butterscotch with the chocolate.

I'm also re-posting because I've been making great gains in the gym with the Prolab whey adding 50-75 g/day of protein to my diet. I've really noticed a difference. I am truly cremefilled!


Golden Member
Nov 22, 1999
Thanks, just ordered it! I haven't been supplementing with whey protein for about a year so it'll be interesting to see if I put on more muscle doing the same workout routine but just adding a whey protein supplement. I used Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey before, the chocolate is okay, but the strawberry is disgusting IMO. I've also heard good things about Big Whey but I have yet to try that brand. Hope you are right about Prolabs, this is the first time I am using their stuff.

Also, you are correct the $21 off $55 coupon code has expired but the 33% off coupon is still avaiable. Thanks again!


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
The thing that separates some of the bargain proteins is the "artificial sweetener" taste--and you're right, the Optimum strawberry is disgusting (& the vanilla isn't so hot either). The Prolab whey doesn't have any nasty aftertaste.

Try a heaping scoop of the vanilla whey (about 25-30g protein) in 10 oz. of cold water, then blend in 1/6 package of sugarfree Pistachio pudding and 2 or 3 ice cubes.

Another good deal is house-brand whey (vanilla only) at $19 for 2 lbs., as they have a 1st-time-customer $10 discount & shipping is free (or it used to be). This is more of a "full-bodied" vanilla whey--it tastes very good by itself in water, very similar to the vanilla Designer Protein.

For any other gym-types reading this, my other current favorite supplement hot deal would be ephedra capsules standardized to 25 mg ephedrine, 100 for $4.95 at, coupled with "Jet-Alert" 200 mg caffeine pills at 90 for about $2.70 at K-Mart. Beyond-a-Century also has good prices on creatine and Guggulipid powder. (Protein powder, the ECA stack, creatine, and Guggul are, IMO, the only truly effective supplements I have tried.)


Senior member
Jun 11, 2000
Good Post, but I don't need this. Everyone compared to me is just a bunch of GirlyMans....


Senior member
Dec 4, 1999
what are the benefits of the whey powder. Is it for protein only. What I need is something to give me energy.


Nov 28, 1999
its just protein. I suppose its useful if you donm't get enough protein but most people i doubt have a problem doing that on food alone.


Nov 28, 1999
its just protein. I suppose its useful if you donm't get enough protein but most people i doubt have a problem doing that on food alone.

Personally, why spend money on protein, when i can go "mom make me a steak" or when at college "i'll take 4 chickens"


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999

I'm fully versed in the virtues of Creatine, Protien, ECA stacks, etc. (I've lost about 30 lbs. in the last three months with Xenadrine and light workouts. I'm on my "off-cycle" now.) But I've never heard of "Guggulipid powder." Care to enlighten me?


Junior Member
Jul 25, 2000
geldrop -

protein is basically the only way you are gonna gain strength (relatively naturally) - 1 gram of protein per body pound. I doubt you get that in your normal diet - I sure don't!



Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000

You can find a wealth of information with any of the standard Internet search engines. But to be very brief, guggul is an herbal extract that stimulates overall thyroid output, stimulates T4-T3 conversion, lowers LDL cholesterol, decreases blood platelet "stickiness," and even works extremely well at preventing acne. I take it for the weight loss effects, especially when coupled with ECA, but as heart disease runs in my family, the other benefits are nice.

It is just starting to take off as a bodybuilding supplement, in products such as Syntrax's "Guggulbolic" and MuscleLink's "ThryoStack," but I have been using it off and on for at least 6 years after reading about it in "The New Diet Pills" by Larry Hobbs (available at Amazon). This book takes a scientific look at all the worthwhile weightloss remedies (ECA, L-PPA, dietary fibers, Phentermine, etc.), and if you have an inquiring mind, it is well worth reading. It has a very extensive bibliography, and the chapters are basically summaries of the scientific research (the author doesn't sell anything--he used to write for Musc.Dev. magazine, but he quit the entire bodybuilding scene in disgust when they changed one of his articles to tout TwinLabs products).

Anyway, guggul has been around for over 2 millenia (much like ephedra), and the weight loss literature is extremely persuasive--not to mention the ancillary benefits. Heck if I know why products such as boron, colostrum, chromium, HMB, etc., were being promoted to death, when this product was languishing on the shelves of health food stores. (Then again, creatine was around since the mid-'80s, and look how long it took to catch on.) Using the B-A-C powder at 500mg/3x/day, the cost is something like $0.15/day, and I would say it is equally as effective as ECA for fat loss (and synergistic to boot).

And to put in my $0.02 on the protein issue, I have a very skeptical mind about supplementation, but if you are lifting weights, the US RDA just doesn't cut it. Been there, tried it--it doesn't work. I'd personally recommend at least 1.2g/kg of bodyweight of high quality protein per day--which _is_ possible with a "regular" diet. But I find whey protein shakes to be quick, portable, and very cheap, and whey has a slew of health benefits as well. This is almost a religious issue with bodybuilders, so if you are getting by on 70g/day of soy/oat/pea/bean protein, God bless.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2000
i am a scrawny geek maybe i should get this! haha just kidding im not a geek, wait or am i not scrawny, hmmmm im confused now


Dec 24, 1999
Maybe I'll try this whey protein stuff. I've been a pretty constant 130 pounds all my life. When I was in the Army I went through a period where I ate five to six full meals a day and gained only a few pounds. I tried some powder protein back when I was a teenager but the only thing that got big and bloated was my belly. I'm suppose to be about 160 pounds for my height but I'll be happy if I can even hit 150.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000

Whey protein is good quality protein, maybe the highest quality, but it's not a miracle worker. Keep in mind that the average, natural bodybuilder will put on maybe 4-6 lbs. of muscle per year--if they are doing everything (training, rest, diet) correctly. It can be more than that in the first year, and it can be less for many as well--and the gains eventually slow down for everybody.

Weight training is a great activity, and you _can_ radically alter your appearance, given enough time, but don't expect to get it done in 2 or 3 months. That's the same as believing in those "lose 10 pounds in 14 days!" diets. You've got to take the moderate, rational, long-term approach.

All bets are off with "juiced" (steroid-enhanced) training, and creatine is one legal (& safe) supplement that will put on 5-7 lbs. of "lean weight" quickly--althouth this is probably mostly water weight, albeit water that is stored in your muscles, so it looks good & can improve performance (through better muscle leverage).

See the thread on Andro like McGwire uses. The Biotest Androsol product is reputedly pretty damned close to "real steroids" in effect, so if that's the road you want to go down, that's probably the best legal route.


Junior Member
Nov 6, 1999
thanks for reposting it. i was looking for it the other day and couldnt find it. youd be the man.


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999

Thanks for the info, buddy. Now that I'm on an "off-cycle" from my ECA stack, would you suggest that I move to guggul? You mentioned that you felt that it was more effective.

I'm mainly looking to lose weight with a low to moderate amount of exercise, but I don't relish having to down 12 capsules of anything. That's why I used Xenadrine ... 2 caps twice a day was just about right for me. What kind of dosage am I looking at with a guggul product? (I should mention that I've avoided using Creatine during my workouts because of everyone's insistance that you needed to "mega-dose" in order to get results. I'd looked into Creatine Gum, but couldn't find anyone who'd actually used it.

Anyway, any additional info would be great. I'm starting to feel lethargic on this off-cycle again, and I've got my wedding coming up!


Jun 12, 2000
Relax... I've been buying Prolab 5lb whey for under $25 for the last year. Just do a search under...e.g yahoo shopping and you'll find a bunch of stores offering this product for under $25. Also I wouldn't recommend purchasing 10lbs unless you're going to split it with a even though this stuff tastes pretty good...5 lbs is all I can handle until until I need some change(I only like the choc flavor). Nevertheless this is a great price for good micronized quality whey protein.

For all you interested in Creatine I normally purchase mine from value nutrition.....$18.95 for 1000 grams. They were offering free shipping for orders over 50.



Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000

I'd really recommend that you pick up that book I referenced before. I noticed that it is back-ordered at Amazon, but here's a toll-free # to order: (800)454-1974. Btw, it is probably the author, Larry Hobbs, who would answer the phone, and I'm sure he'd be glad to briefly talk about guggul, especially if you are ordering his book. His fulltime job is an obesity research newsletter targeted for doctors, if you are wondering, but I have spoken to Larry several times. He also has a small booklet on ECA which is, as far as I know, the definitive work on the subject, so you might buy that too (it's maybe $4.00). I don't know if he would remember my name, but tell him that Brian Leslie sent you.

Anyway, a "full dose" would be 3 1000mg pills/day, each pill standardized to 25mg "guggulsterones." The Syntrax brand is a popular one, and they claim that they have a special, high-potency guggul (don't know if I buy that, but the brand has a good reputation overall). The powder from B-A-C is something I place on my tongue and gulp down with diet pop, and it tastes a little nasty, so that doesn't sound like the brand you want.

I think that alternating ECA and guggul makes a lot of sense, as they work through different mechanisms (beta-agonist/thryoid stimulator), and the effects of both might attenuate over time.

Roprecht: I agree that $25 is a pretty normal mailorder price for ProLab whey, but that would be $32-33 after shipping of a large 6lb. box. DrugEmporium has $4.95 shipping regardless of the size of order. With the 1/3 off coupon, this makes it cheaper per tub the more you buy. Also, I don't know how much protein you use, but I go through one of those tubs in a month, which is about 50 to 55 g of protein/day.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< gulp down with diet pop >>

Aspartame? Not good!

&quot;Since aspartame came on the market in l981, it has accounted for more than 75 percent of the complaints reported in the FDA's Adverse Reaction Monitoring system. the most common adverse reactions attributed to aspartame are headaches, dizziness, attention difficulties, memory loss, slurred speech and vision problems. this cluster of symptoms has become so common that it is actually referred to as &quot;aspartame disease&quot;.

Even more serious disorders have a suspected link with aspartame. Is it an accident that the incidence of brain tumors has increased by 10% since l975? John W. Olney, MD, of the Washington University Medical School in St. Louis believes there may be a link between the two. In an article published in The Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, he notes that animal studies reveal high levels of brain tumors in aspartame-fed rats. According to Dr. Olney, recent findings show that aspartame has mutagenic (cancer-causing) potential, and the sharp rise in malignant brain tumors coincides with the increased use of aspartame.

Could serious seizures and vision loss somehow be associated with the sweetener? The U.S. Navy and Air Force published articles in Navy Physiology and Flying Safety with this warning: &quot;several researchers have found aspartame can increase the frequency of seizures, or lower the stimulation necessary to induce them. this means a pilot who drinks diet sodas is more susceptible to flicker vertigo, or to flicker-induced epileptic activity. It also means that all pilots are potential victims of sudden memory loss, dizziness during instrument flight, and gradual loss of vision.&quot; &quot;


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
&quot;Aspartame? Not good!&quot;

Well, this is a loaded issue, and I know where I (and the overwhelming majority of scientific research) stand on it, but drink Diet Rite if this a problem for you. Acesulfame Potassium is used, not aspartame. Many pops will probably use Sucralose in the near future, as well.

Btw, to keep this somewhat on-topic, the ProLab whey doesn't use aspartame.


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Outstanding, Cremefilled! I'll definitely look into that book, and I think I'll track down the Syntrax stuff and give it a try for a month and see how I feel. I don't like the idea of taking the ECA stack with the guggul at the same time (especially not longer than the recommended period, either), but alternating 3 months at a time might be a good plan.

Shoot me an e-mail if you want, and I'll let you know how it works out.

Thanks again!


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2000
I tried the search but the only 5 lb whey protein they show is strawberry flavor, which could get nasty after a while. btw you don't mix your drinks into a smoothie? I am considering doing that, with bananas and frozen strawberries, except i'm trying to figure which flavor protein, chocolate/vanilla/ or strawberry would go well in the mix. Thanks.


Golden Member
Nov 22, 1999
Yep, looks like they sold out of the chocolate and vanilla. Strawberry sounds like it would go pretty well with real fruits like bananas and strawberries, I'd go for it if I were you. One more thing, with all those carbs (from the fruit) and proteins in one shake, make sure you don't treat it as a snack.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
[blush] Selling out--the Anandtech effect!

If you want a more permanent low-price source of whey protein, and everything else bodybuilder related, try

They have 5 lbs. of Prolab whey for $23, and $4.95 UPS shipping for any order under 10 lbs. (and actual shipping costs when it gets over 10 lbs.). I ordered 27 lbs. of stuff from them, and the shipping was about $13, which I thought was reasonable. If you want an unflavored whey (for cooking, or whatever--but it's not the best for shakes), try the Ultimate Nutrition brand at about the same price.

DPS has generally the lowest prices in the mail order industry, and pretty much a comprehensive selection. (E.g., very few vendors discount the Biotest brand--see this forum's discussion on the &quot;andro like McGwire uses&quot; thread.)


Dec 24, 1999
I ordered one each of vanilla and chocolate. They shipped a first aid kit instead and informed me that the whey protein was back ordered. Today, I got an email that the whey protein is shipped out, but the UPS tracking they provided is invalid. I was all hyped to chow down the power and hit the gym again to put on that 30 pounds. Sigh....


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2000
Well, it's very easy to confuse 2 5-lb. protein tubs with a first aid kit. But seriously, whey protein isn't &quot;magical growth powder&quot;--despite what some bodybuilding mag advertisements would have you believe. It's just good quality protein in a convenient form.

On a pure cost basis, water-packed tuna is even cheaper. Having read Arnold Schwarzenenegger's autobiography, he used to empty a can into a blender, blend it into a pulp with some water, then chug that down. So there are options while you wait!

One more tip to add to the one about sugarfree pudding: try mixing the vanilla protein with Crystal Light and maybe some fruit. E.g., 10 fl.oz. of Raspberry Crystal Light, a heaping scoop of vanilla whey, a ripe banana, and some ice. Very tasty.
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