Boehner Plans To File Suit Against Obama

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Feb 1, 2008
Well either Boehner doesn't feel a republican WILL EVER sit in the US presidency EVER AGAIN, or Boehner is shooting all future presidents in the foot. And that will hurt and make John Cry. After his face turn orange.
Obviously his little groupie following are pissed their tea bagger candidates lost last tuesday.
At least one of them lost....

I see a trend here.
McDaniel acts like a 6 year old when he lost. Boehner cries like a 6 year old if he doesn't get his way and so he's going to sue mom and dad. Tea party wacko's like Palin and Rush are all mad that people actually voted. Or more so that the wrong people voted, as it were...

I haven't seen a party go off course and off scope losing their way since Malaysia flight MH370 went missing.
Is there a black box we can locate and study to figure out just what happened to the tea party house republicans?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I dont see how anyone could be against this as we have sliding towards Imperial Presidency for a long long time now upsetting checks and balances. Guess when your team is in there you don't mind.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I dont see how anyone could be against this as we have sliding towards Imperial Presidency for a long long time now upsetting checks and balances. Guess when your team is in there you don't mind.

Well the poster above you could provide it was a Republican in question. Otherwise, not so much.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999

If you really think the left is any better you have blinders on. Both parties are working against the best interests of this country and it's people.

I am idealistic but I don't think I am an idealist. I do not believe the pursuit of the perfect should lead in a direction that impearls the good. I believe that there are many who have so much contempt for political parties they are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces. These are those who in my opinion propound false equivalencies for Republicans and Democrats preferring instead to waste their votes on some third party pipedream just so they can avoid the feeling they, unbeknownst to them, already carry within themselves of being impure and unclean if they were do deign to vote the lesser of two evils. It is this fear of partaking in the utilitarian and dirty, I think, that creates this animosity and contempt for those like myself who are willing for the sake of the better to vote for a lesser evil. I think of this as ivory tower moral cowardliness, but I don't blame folk for it because they do not and therefore cannot allow themselves to know what they really feel. We set ourselves these lofty ideals, I believe, because we do not want to know that we already feel and so not know that we feel evil.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I dont see how anyone could be against this as we have sliding towards Imperial Presidency for a long long time now upsetting checks and balances. Guess when your team is in there you don't mind.

I agree but what, I think you fail to see is that this is not an attempt to reach the goal you have in mind but is just more of the very thing you despise, partisanship at its finest.


Feb 5, 2006
What I love about this story is that Boehner hasn't decided what specifically he is going to spend taxpayer money suing Obama for. He just decided that he is going to sue, and will figure out why later


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I agree but what, I think you fail to see is that this is not an attempt to reach the goal you have in mind but is just more of the very thing you despise, partisanship at its finest.

Please elaborate. Is Obama not doing things alleged such as pursuing policy changes without Congress approval? Presidents have been doing this awhile and Obama is not immue. Or is it just because they are bringing this up going into election cycle you have a problem? Or they are benign changes?

You know I got into Bush's shit about lawbreaking, recess apts and signing statements too so for me it's not about party, scope, or severity. It's about rule of law. Because without we are fucked.

“The government is the potent omnipresent teacher. For good or ill it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that the end justifies the means — to declare that the government may commit crimes — would bring terrible retribution.”

-Louis Brandeis
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Nov 11, 1999
This is nothing even remotely new. It's a national pastime to bash the POTUS. Since attention spans are short, I'll delve minutely into recent history. Bush could do nothing right either. He was hanged in effigy, burned in effigy, his head was cut off and put on a stake in a TV series, the list goes on and that's just a few of the visuals.

This kind of shit goes with the job but we've got a bunch of thin-skinned people getting a case of the vapors every time Obama is criticized. Ho fucking hum.

That oozes with false equivalency. The worst of the Bush-bashing was from anti-war groups & privacy groups.

Turns out they were right about the wars, anyway. And the privacy stuff too.

What are the Obama-bashers right about in a demonstrable way?


Anything vaguely as monstrous as waging war on false premises with false goals?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
You know what you're doing is stupid if you're a Republican and even Fox News is calling you an idiot.


Nov 11, 1999
So a chart of numbers is all the facts you need? How about looking at the nature and content of the executive orders to see exactly what the issue is about. I mean if obama can amend legislation... what the hell are we paying congress for.

I think you've hit on something, even if you can't see it.

Govt dysfunction is largely the result of congressional Repubs. They've damaged Congress' ability for independent fact finding, substituting radical ideology & policy as dictat beginning with Gingrich's Speakership. They get their "facts" from Heritage, Cato, Club for Growth & those guys. They're currently having a bit of a fracas over who's running the Mothership, that's all.

It's not like the Tea Party is trying to empower Congress to do a better job, either, carry the load they're supposed to carry. For that, they'd need bigger budgets, more staff, more power at the committee level as it existed pre-Gingrich. Less ideological dictat, not more.

Tasked with actually running the govt, making it work, the executive branch will fill in the power vacuum created by dysfunctional congress. It's actually their obligation regardless of Party. When a dysfunctional congress has an executive of their own party, presidential overreach is no problemo. Witness the 2003-2007 timeframe.

When the same dysfunctional assholes have a president of the opposing party, executive orders are the work of the Devil.

Senatorial Repubs have been no better. If they can't run the govt, they'll be damned if they let anybody else do it well.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
I agree but what, I think you fail to see is that this is not an attempt to reach the goal you have in mind but is just more of the very thing you despise, partisanship at its finest.


this helps nothing.

this is nothing but the teatards throwing a fit because they know they have no chance..

^ this is what the propoganda machine is telling you

the actual truth is that this is just a scene, in the soap opera that is the the american media control program... it's just for show.. it doesn't actually mean anything....nobody's getting impeached, nobody's even really upset... they're all actually drinking champagne and golfing together at the end of the day........and laughing at how they can still get away with this shit and there's still places like this where people get all riled up about it....


Apr 10, 2000
That oozes with false equivalency. The worst of the Bush-bashing was from anti-war groups & privacy groups.

Turns out they were right about the wars, anyway. And the privacy stuff too.

What are the Obama-bashers right about in a demonstrable way?


Anything vaguely as monstrous as waging war on false premises with false goals?

This is exactly the issue. There's certainly stuff worth attacking Obama on, but those things are almost never the stuff the right goes after him on. Instead they do things like attack his "overuse of Executive action" when he's used less than any of the last 4 to hold the office.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
This is exactly the issue. There's certainly stuff worth attacking Obama on, but those things are almost never the stuff the right goes after him on. Instead they do things like attack his "overuse of Executive action" when he's used less than any of the last 4 to hold the office.

You seriously think there is nothing wrong with a president that implements a law that never passed like Dream act? That undermines our very democracy. Like third world Banana Republic shit ruling by decree. No president has done this AFAIK.

Whats worse if this president is not called to the carpet on writing law it will take root within our system and be assumed that this is just one of the things presidents do and we'll become closer and closer to the kind of government that is not accountable to the people anymore. President just does what he wants.

As Far as lawsuit it might be stupid, it's not like Obama has shown great fidelity for the law anyway and he could just ignore it but at least some type of official condemnation is in place since congress is to cowardly.
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Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
hmmm funny how Republicans didn't mind when Bush enacted executive orders but if someone from another party does it they need a lawsuit which conveniently avoids impeachment but sows the same F.U.D for the most part.

According to the chart at snopes President Obama, so far, has issued slightly more than 1/2 the number than his predecessor President Bush.

147 vs. 291

Granted he may catch up in the next year and a half depending on how unproductive Congress (especially the House) is continues to be.

afaik these orders are aimed at federal organizations that the Constitution grants him authority over. It's just that Republicans by and large disagree with just about every position he has so they sit on their hands and don't even try to see if it is possible to compromise on anything.

So when President Obama exercises the authority his does have... Lawsuit time. Fucking ridiculous. If the Democratic House Leader did that to President Bush many in this thread would be condemning such a lawsuit.

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Nov 11, 1999
You seriously think there is nothing wrong with a president that implements a law that never passed like Dream act? That undermines our very democracy. Like third world Banana Republic shit ruling by decree. No president has done this AFAIK.

Whats worse if this president is not called to the carpet on writing law it will take root within our system and be assumed that this is just one of the things presidents do and we'll become closer and closer to the kind of government that is not accountable to the people anymore. President just does what he wants.

As Far as lawsuit it might be stupid, it's not like Obama has shown great fidelity for the law anyway and he could just ignore it but at least some type of official condemnation is in place since congress is to cowardly.

Gawd. Let us presume that Repubs actually want the executive to stop illegal immigration & turn back the tide, as nativists desire. Where's the budget for that & the legislation to support it in both the executive & judicial branch?

That would obviously be a massive undertaking far beyond the capabilities currently in existence. It would also require long term commitment to changes denying illegals employment in this country.

Or do they just cut the budget & rave about choices they forced on the executive?


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
You seriously think there is nothing wrong with a president that implements a law that never passed like Dream act? That undermines our very democracy. Like third world Banana Republic shit ruling by decree. No president has done this AFAIK.

Whats worse if this president is not called to the carpet on writing law it will take root within our system and be assumed that this is just one of the things presidents do and we'll become closer and closer to the kind of government that is not accountable to the people anymore. President just does what he wants.

As Far as lawsuit it might be stupid, it's not like Obama has shown great fidelity for the law anyway and he could just ignore it but at least some type of official condemnation is in place since congress is to cowardly.

wait wait wait, you've never heard of another president implement a ridiculous law or policy, something as ridiculous as the "dream act"

what about old nixon and reagon, bush and bush, and the war on drugs/terror??? ROFL ROFL ROFL


Dec 11, 2006
Boehner WILL vindicate those US citizens who were out in the field of battle targeting, planning and orchestrating the murder of American soldiers.

Don't you worry - US citizens murdering our American solders will be allowed to further spend our tax money to possibly be allowed to avoid the death penalty for killing our own armed forces.

Heck, lets hope they then get a book deal - or, even better yet, set free to murder more soldiers!! I am pretty sure you would never have a problem with that last part.

To hell with that! Lets just get rid of all juries and bullshit like that altogether. Think about how much crime we could solve if a judge could declare you guilty and have you put to death in 5 minutes. Can you imagine the amount of money we will save just on the lawyers?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Not only does Boehner not know what he's suing Obama over, it's likely that he lacks the ability to sue him anyway due to lack of standing.


Mar 19, 2007
I think you've hit on something, even if you can't see it.

Govt dysfunction is largely the result of congressional Repubs. They've damaged Congress' ability for independent fact finding, substituting radical ideology & policy as dictat beginning with Gingrich's Speakership. They get their "facts" from Heritage, Cato, Club for Growth & those guys. They're currently having a bit of a fracas over who's running the Mothership, that's all.

It's not like the Tea Party is trying to empower Congress to do a better job, either, carry the load they're supposed to carry. For that, they'd need bigger budgets, more staff, more power at the committee level as it existed pre-Gingrich. Less ideological dictat, not more.

Tasked with actually running the govt, making it work, the executive branch will fill in the power vacuum created by dysfunctional congress. It's actually their obligation regardless of Party. When a dysfunctional congress has an executive of their own party, presidential overreach is no problemo. Witness the 2003-2007 timeframe.

When the same dysfunctional assholes have a president of the opposing party, executive orders are the work of the Devil.

Senatorial Repubs have been no better. If they can't run the govt, they'll be damned if they let anybody else do it well.

Can you show me in the constitution where it says the executive branch will fill in the power vacuum created by a dysfunctional congress? Last time I checked into it there are 535 elected representatives that have every right to be there and it's not up to one person to decide when they are dysfunctional and fill in the power vacuum.


Nov 4, 1999
Like everything Boehner does, I'm sure it will be a smashing success....

\that's my sarcasm if you hadn't noticed.

Hey, whoa! Didn't mean for that to be so mean! Are we cool, big guy?

Ah, just kidding. You couldn't manage a wet fart without screwing it up....

Nov 25, 2013
That oozes with false equivalency. The worst of the Bush-bashing was from anti-war groups & privacy groups.

Turns out they were right about the wars, anyway. And the privacy stuff too.

What are the Obama-bashers right about in a demonstrable way?


Anything vaguely as monstrous as waging war on false premises with false goals?

How about expanding on a system of extra judicial assassination?

How about expanding the 'surveillance society' crap that his predecessors started?

How about actively working to shut down a 'public option' for medical insurance? (mind you, this one might not be considered "monstrous", simply appalling)

That's 3 for you. And that's not bashing, that's simply pointing pointing to the facts..
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