Bonds at it again...this time angering Babe Ruth fans


Jan 22, 2003
I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth.

"On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.''

Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here

Linky to the Story


Dec 12, 2000
Bonds can suck it as far as i'm concerned.

What a conceited ass. Show some respect asshole! :disgust:


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
Read it earlier.

Would complain, but, Babe Ruth was pretty arrogant/rude in his day,from what I've read. I guess Bonds is just aiming to be even better in that way as well.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
It's funny how people that didn't see the old time players will complain about Bonds "rudeness" and go around idolizing Ruth and Cobbs (2 of the top 5 players of all time in my opinion btw).

who give a fvck what they say to the press, just show me what they do on the field.


Oct 9, 1999
Yeah, but can Barry do this?

His roommate, centerfielder Bob Meusel, was half asleep one night when Babe came in with a girl, went into his own suite and made love to her in his usual noisy fashion. "Babe was the noisiest f*cker in North America," Meusel said. Afterwards the Babe came out to the living room of the suite, lit a cigar, and sat in a chair by the window smoking it contemplatively. When he finished the cigar he went back into the bedroom and did it again. And then came out and smoked another cigar. Over and over.

In the morning Meusel asked, "How many times did you lay that girl last night?" Ruth glanced at the ashtray, and so did Meusel. There were seven butts in the tray. "Count the cigars," said the Babe.


Jul 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Staley8
I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth.

"On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.''

Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here

Linky to the Story

But the only drugs Ruth was on was Alchol, and I am sure that doe snot help perfromance. Now bonds shoudl have a * beside all his stats. Or tell him to stay off the juice for a couple of seasons and see how he stacks up.



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8
I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth.

"On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.''

Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here

Linky to the Story

But the only drugs Ruth was on was Alchol, and I am sure that doe snot help perfromance. Now bonds shoudl have a * beside all his stats. Or tell him to stay off the juice for a couple of seasons and see how he stacks up.


the old Steroids accusations.

here are some thoughts regarding juiced balls and steroids.

This is DEFINITELY a tired and worn out argument.

1. Can you explain Roger Maris?
some people wanted to accuse him of using a juiced ball. again compare his one season with the rest of his career.

2. Babe's first 2 or 3 seasons as a full time batter saw him with under 30 hr / season

3. Barry had 37 HR during the strike shortened season, if they had played it out, he likely would have hit 50+.
To imply that he only started showing power recently is just plain ignorant. he has only had 3 seasons or so in his career with fewer than 30 hr's.

4. barry doesn't rely on power as much as fast hands, good eye and good pitch selection, Guess what Steroids doesn't help with ANY of those attributes.

5. IF he was on steriods than he must have AMAZING mental toughness to get as many walks as he had the last 3 seasons. so which is it? is he on steroids and is the most patient man in the history of the world or is he just a great player that got stronger with age (btw, the later is much more likely than the former).



Senior member
Nov 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8
I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth.

"On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.''

Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here

Linky to the Story

But the only drugs Ruth was on was Alchol, and I am sure that doe snot help perfromance. Now bonds shoudl have a * beside all his stats. Or tell him to stay off the juice for a couple of seasons and see how he stacks up.

Plenty of sports analysts have said Bonds probably isn't on the juice. The reason? His body doesn't keep failing on him and he's hardly on the dl.



Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8
I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth.

"On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.''

Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here

Linky to the Story

But the only drugs Ruth was on was Alchol, and I am sure that doe snot help perfromance. Now bonds shoudl have a * beside all his stats. Or tell him to stay off the juice for a couple of seasons and see how he stacks up.

Ruth also never went up against Randy Johnson, Kevin Brown, Curt Schilling, nor any black athletes for that matter etc.



Dec 12, 2000
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8
2. Babe's first 2 or 3 seasons as a full time batter saw him with under 30 hr / season

That's because he originally started out as a pitcher.

The numbers he put up were excellent considering the position he was in at the time.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: N8Magic
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8
2. Babe's first 2 or 3 seasons as a full time batter saw him with under 30 hr / season

That's because he originally started out as a pitcher.

The numbers he put up were excellent considering the position he was in at the time.

if you reread my post you will see i said Ruths 1st 2 or 3 seasons as a full time batter, (POSITION PLAYER) not as a pitcher.

Ruth is who he is, the giant in the game of baseball, but you gotta think Josh Gibson would have pushed ruth quite a bit had he played in the MLB.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: X-Man
Dude, the only stat that matters is SEVEN TIMES IN ONE NIGHT!!!

and as i said, it's what these athletes DO that matters not what they SAY.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8 I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth. "On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.'' Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here Linky to the Story
But the only drugs Ruth was on was Alchol, and I am sure that doe snot help perfromance. Now bonds shoudl have a * beside all his stats. Or tell him to stay off the juice for a couple of seasons and see how he stacks up.
HAHAHAHA the old Steroids accusations.
here are some thoughts regarding juiced balls and steroids. This is DEFINITELY a tired and worn out argument. 1. Can you explain Roger Maris? some people wanted to accuse him of using a juiced ball. again compare his one season with the rest of his career. 2. Babe's first 2 or 3 seasons as a full time batter saw him with under 30 hr / season 3. Barry had 37 HR during the strike shortened season, if they had played it out, he likely would have hit 50+. To imply that he only started showing power recently is just plain ignorant. he has only had 3 seasons or so in his career with fewer than 30 hr's. 4. barry doesn't rely on power as much as fast hands, good eye and good pitch selection, Guess what Steroids doesn't help with ANY of those attributes. 5. IF he was on steriods than he must have AMAZING mental toughness to get as many walks as he had the last 3 seasons. so which is it? is he on steroids and is the most patient man in the history of the world or is he just a great player that got stronger with age (btw, the later is much more likely than the former).

Why are you so on Bonds dick to be in denial that he's not juicing himself up?


Aug 2, 2001
As much as I don't like Bonds or the Giants, I have to admit he is THE best player in baseball today. What he does to the game is unmatched by anyone. No one is a close second.


Senior member
Oct 7, 2001
Originally posted by: X-Man
Dude, the only stat that matters is SEVEN TIMES IN ONE NIGHT!!!

So, John C Holmes belongs in the Major league baseball Hall of Fame? Anyone can lay like that, I don't see too many guys slugging .863 in a pitcher's park.


Senior member
Oct 7, 2001

Why are you so on Bonds dick to be in denial that he's not juicing himself up?

Dumkopf, defending one of the greatest hitters from ignorant, slanderous accusations is hardly being on their dick. It is called defending the truth as best as is possible. Its assinine naysayers like yourself who make David Halberstam and D. K. Goodwin millions of dollars, because they get to wax philosophic on the "good old days." Give me a break.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
On Bonds DICK??


I'm a braves fan, do you honestly think i'd be a big Bonds fan?

HOWEVER, stupidity bothers me. bonds gains 30 lbs over 5 yrs and stupid people like to say he's on 'Roids.

Football players gain 100 to 150 lbs at times. (now some of them are probably on steroids) but that's the type of gain that should make someone suspicious. 30 lbs??

again, '94, 112 games played bonds hits 37 homers. NO ONE was accusing him of being on steroids back then. oh ya, he was skinny as hell back then.

'99 102 games 34 homers, No one accused him of steroids then.

If you actually watched baseball you would see the difference between power type hitters (mcguire, sosa, conseco) that would benefit from 'roids and bat speed type hitters (sheff, bonds) that wouldn't benefit as much from steroids.

bonds has an INCREDIBLE eye.

oh btw, if he is on steroids where is that OVER aggressiveness, you would think that his walks would decrease and his K's INCREASE if he were on steroids.

there is a lot more evidence AGAINST him being on steroids than the other way around.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Kiyup
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8 I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth. "On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.'' Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here Linky to the Story
But the only drugs Ruth was on was Alchol, and I am sure that doe snot help perfromance. Now bonds shoudl have a * beside all his stats. Or tell him to stay off the juice for a couple of seasons and see how he stacks up.
HAHAHAHA the old Steroids accusations.
here are some thoughts regarding juiced balls and steroids. This is DEFINITELY a tired and worn out argument. 1. Can you explain Roger Maris? some people wanted to accuse him of using a juiced ball. again compare his one season with the rest of his career. 2. Babe's first 2 or 3 seasons as a full time batter saw him with under 30 hr / season 3. Barry had 37 HR during the strike shortened season, if they had played it out, he likely would have hit 50+. To imply that he only started showing power recently is just plain ignorant. he has only had 3 seasons or so in his career with fewer than 30 hr's. 4. barry doesn't rely on power as much as fast hands, good eye and good pitch selection, Guess what Steroids doesn't help with ANY of those attributes. 5. IF he was on steriods than he must have AMAZING mental toughness to get as many walks as he had the last 3 seasons. so which is it? is he on steroids and is the most patient man in the history of the world or is he just a great player that got stronger with age (btw, the later is much more likely than the former).

Why are you so on Bonds dick to be in denial that he's not juicing himself up?

Agreed for the most part. I'll give bonds this, he's an amazing hitter. That absolutely cannot be argued. If you give him something near the strike zone chances are he'll nail it. And obviously, steriods would not help with that. Well, unless you consider the extra bat speed he'd gain from the extra strength but whatever.

But, the whole steroids argument is moot when comparing todays players to the players of yesterday. Players today have a HUGE advantage in the levels of fitness they can attain even without steroids. Trying to argue with that will only make you look stupid. They also have a similarly large advantage in their bat, the balls, the smaller parks, etc.

Oh yah, when barry also wins 90+ games as a starting pitcher you come talk to me then. That's what the babe did after all.



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: Kiyup
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8 I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth. "On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.'' Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here Linky to the Story
But the only drugs Ruth was on was Alchol, and I am sure that doe snot help perfromance. Now bonds shoudl have a * beside all his stats. Or tell him to stay off the juice for a couple of seasons and see how he stacks up.
HAHAHAHA the old Steroids accusations.
here are some thoughts regarding juiced balls and steroids. This is DEFINITELY a tired and worn out argument. 1. Can you explain Roger Maris? some people wanted to accuse him of using a juiced ball. again compare his one season with the rest of his career. 2. Babe's first 2 or 3 seasons as a full time batter saw him with under 30 hr / season 3. Barry had 37 HR during the strike shortened season, if they had played it out, he likely would have hit 50+. To imply that he only started showing power recently is just plain ignorant. he has only had 3 seasons or so in his career with fewer than 30 hr's. 4. barry doesn't rely on power as much as fast hands, good eye and good pitch selection, Guess what Steroids doesn't help with ANY of those attributes. 5. IF he was on steriods than he must have AMAZING mental toughness to get as many walks as he had the last 3 seasons. so which is it? is he on steroids and is the most patient man in the history of the world or is he just a great player that got stronger with age (btw, the later is much more likely than the former).

Why are you so on Bonds dick to be in denial that he's not juicing himself up?

Agreed for the most part. I'll give bonds this, he's an amazing hitter. That absolutely cannot be argued. If you give him something near the strike zone chances are he'll nail it. And obviously, steriods would not help with that. Well, unless you consider the extra bat speed he'd gain from the extra strength but whatever.

But, the whole steroids argument is moot when comparing todays players to the players of yesterday. Players today have a HUGE advantage in the levels of fitness they can attain even without steroids. Trying to argue with that will only make you look stupid. They also have a similarly large advantage in their bat, the balls, the smaller parks, etc.

Oh yah, when barry also wins 90+ games as a starting pitcher you come talk to me then. That's what the babe did after all.

hmmmm, i wonder why Ruth only pitched for 4 seasons or so?? hmmmm, let me thing about that. hmmmmm

a guy that can hit 30+ hr per season in the OF or have him pitch and only bat every 5th game. HMMMMM.

that is like such an asnine argument. Who give a fvck what he did as a pitcher, what he contributed as a batter was OBVIOUSLY MUCH more valuable than what he could contribute as a pitcher, hence he DIDN'T pitch once they learned what he was capable of.

who in their right mind would have Bonds Pitch, no matter HOW good he could have been, given his offensive prowess.



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Passner
LeeTJ, you are right on man!


i'm not a bonds fan, i'm a BASEBALL fan and bonds has done amazing stuff on the baseball diamond.

to hate all that just because you don't like what he does off the field is just plain stupid. it's buying into all this media hype. who cares what bonds says to reporters. who cares if he brushes off fans. who gives a fvck about that. i don't need baseball players to stoke my ego. i just enjoy watching them PLAY BALL.


Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2001
Originally posted by: X-Man
Yeah, but can Barry do this?

His roommate, centerfielder Bob Meusel, was half asleep one night when Babe came in with a girl, went into his own suite and made love to her in his usual noisy fashion. "Babe was the noisiest f*cker in North America," Meusel said. Afterwards the Babe came out to the living room of the suite, lit a cigar, and sat in a chair by the window smoking it contemplatively. When he finished the cigar he went back into the bedroom and did it again. And then came out and smoked another cigar. Over and over.

In the morning Meusel asked, "How many times did you lay that girl last night?" Ruth glanced at the ashtray, and so did Meusel. There were seven butts in the tray. "Count the cigars," said the Babe.

link? Because when I just googled a passage of this, I got one really weird hit.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: Kiyup
Originally posted by: LeeTJ
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Staley8 I couldn't find anything on this so I hope it isn't a repost, but not only does Bonds act like a jackass when not wanting to participate in the home run derby, he basically says he is going to "wipe out" Babe Ruth. "On Monday, Bonds said: ``Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for. And if it does happen, the only number I care about is Babe Ruth's. Because as a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his slugging percentage and I'll take his home runs and that's it. Don't talk about him no more.'' Aparently, he later said it was a tribute to Babe....I'm not sure which side to believe here Linky to the Story
But the only drugs Ruth was on was Alchol, and I am sure that doe snot help perfromance. Now bonds shoudl have a * beside all his stats. Or tell him to stay off the juice for a couple of seasons and see how he stacks up.
HAHAHAHA the old Steroids accusations.
here are some thoughts regarding juiced balls and steroids. This is DEFINITELY a tired and worn out argument. 1. Can you explain Roger Maris? some people wanted to accuse him of using a juiced ball. again compare his one season with the rest of his career. 2. Babe's first 2 or 3 seasons as a full time batter saw him with under 30 hr / season 3. Barry had 37 HR during the strike shortened season, if they had played it out, he likely would have hit 50+. To imply that he only started showing power recently is just plain ignorant. he has only had 3 seasons or so in his career with fewer than 30 hr's. 4. barry doesn't rely on power as much as fast hands, good eye and good pitch selection, Guess what Steroids doesn't help with ANY of those attributes. 5. IF he was on steriods than he must have AMAZING mental toughness to get as many walks as he had the last 3 seasons. so which is it? is he on steroids and is the most patient man in the history of the world or is he just a great player that got stronger with age (btw, the later is much more likely than the former).

Why are you so on Bonds dick to be in denial that he's not juicing himself up?

Agreed for the most part. I'll give bonds this, he's an amazing hitter. That absolutely cannot be argued. If you give him something near the strike zone chances are he'll nail it. And obviously, steriods would not help with that. Well, unless you consider the extra bat speed he'd gain from the extra strength but whatever.

But, the whole steroids argument is moot when comparing todays players to the players of yesterday. Players today have a HUGE advantage in the levels of fitness they can attain even without steroids. Trying to argue with that will only make you look stupid. They also have a similarly large advantage in their bat, the balls, the smaller parks, etc.

Oh yah, when barry also wins 90+ games as a starting pitcher you come talk to me then. That's what the babe did after all.

hmmmm, i wonder why Ruth only pitched for 4 seasons or so?? hmmmm, let me thing about that. hmmmmm

a guy that can hit 30+ hr per season in the OF or have him pitch and only bat every 5th game. HMMMMM.

that is like such an asnine argument. Who give a fvck what he did as a pitcher, what he contributed as a batter was OBVIOUSLY MUCH more valuable than what he could contribute as a pitcher, hence he DIDN'T pitch once they learned what he was capable of.

who in their right mind would have Bonds Pitch, no matter HOW good he could have been, given his offensive prowess.

A little tired are you? I guess the fact that I was comparing a guy who played two positions very well to a guy who can only play one and is only slightly more than average at it went over your head. Sorry about that. I'll try to make is simpler next time. In fact, let me do it for you right now.

Bonds Ruth
60 years of science to build his body, Steaks, alcohol, and ass to build his boiler
Juiced ball, Softer ball
Juiced bat, Normal bat
Launching pads like Coors Canaveral, 380+/- down the line
Plays one position slightly better than average, Played two positions very well
162 game seasons, 154 game seasons

Hopefully you get the idea by now.

Btw, back when Ruth played pitchers weren't so over protected and they didn't have five man rotations. But, you've already shown you lack any historical knowledge of the game so no big surprise there.

Edit: Damn, my little breakdown got all sucked together. Oh well, you should be able to read it fine.
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