Borderlands 2 release date and preorder

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I'm falling out of love with this game. I am a level 17 commando playing single player.

I noticed from the getgo that I only enjoyed playing in short stints, like 30-45 minutes at a time. I didn't know why.

Probably the biggest issue with the game is that the massive number of items means that virtually all of them are totally uninteresting and generic and irrelevant.

Also, levels are very strange. It seems like every single level makes a massive difference in the player and in enemies, and I don't like it. This is why a weapon can seem to become very quickly worthless and needs to be replaced. Also, today I did some area and the enemies were stalkers in their high teens. I went back to the area later and one of the enemies was now a level 21 chubby stalker. Probably a bit tougher, right? No, it was WAY tougher. A single hit was bringing all my shields down and 95% of my health. So, I died. I thought wtf, maybe that's a fluke, it happened again. Turns out the enemy gave me 10X more exp than its bretheren, but the only warning of this was a slightly higher level.

I dunno, there's just something off about it. It seems enemies are either way too damn easy and I let the turret clean them up or they are a grind. The balancing feels off.

I'm frankly not sure I'll load it up again. Having my second wind but the only enemies to kill to gain it back are now going invisible and running away from me is uniquely infuriating.

I'll check out borderlands 3, but not as single player. I will only do it as coop, period.

I see your problem right there.

chubbies are very, very very rare. consider yourself lucky for finding one. I forget the mob classification for BL2 right now, but they are basically "legendary" so yes--their HP pool is ridiculous. They always drop great loot, and they are hilarious when you see them. And stalkers are the most annoying trollish mobs in the game. I, too, hate it when mobs run off when in FFYL, but I chalk this up to being decent AI :\

at level ~60+, Chubbies almost always (like 98% in my experience farming them) will drop a legendary class mod. Can be for any class, not specifically the class you are playing at that time.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Aren't skulls +5 levels or something like that? The chubby was only +4.

right, but a chubby is a different category in itself. They are boss or boss+ level mobs, whatever that is called in BL2.

The best part about playing OP levels, is going in with your max level 72 toon, and all the mobs are level 80. so...everything has skulls.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Holy crap some of you have sunk hours into this!

I found a review that says this, for me I think it's relevant:

I disagree with the story part of that review--BL2 story is actually pretty damn good and very well paced. Compared to BL1, which had no story whatsoever.

It is very, very grindy and that's kinda the point of BL games. But you are also playing the most boring class, unfortunately.

When I was playing through on Assassin, I was luck to get a Maggie (it's a legendary pistol that shoots a wicked spread of 6 bullets per shot) at level 8. That gun carried me through until almost level 28 or so and the end of the first playthrough. But that's a very good gun and as always, quality matters.

Any kind of white/green gun is not going to get you very far and should be treated as money. There are some blues that will carry you through for many levels, though, and even some unique blues with their own red flavor text that are worth pursuing, because they are easy to get.

At level 17, you are probably too high for this, But I suggest going to Firerock canyon, whatever it is called, run to where Scorch spawns (that giant firey sipderant boss), around to the caverns, and look in the water pool jsut inside and pick up a Lascauex. This is a blue SMG that always spans in taht spot, whenever you load that level--you can actualy fast travel into and out of the map as many times as you want, run to that spot, and you will have spawned x number of Lasceux for x number of fast travels.

Anyhoo, the accuracy is shit--it fires a very wide spread, but it's one of the mroe efficient bullet/damage guns in the game. It's something like 4 ammo cost per 12 bullets, and in zoom (where you get burst effect) it's 6 ammo cost for 16 or 18 bullets. At medium and close range, this gun mows things down for many, many levels.

But again, that's a level ~9 area, and in normal mode, will only spawn around that level until you finish that playthrough. At least, I don't think it levels with you until you hit UVHM, where any mob will level as you do.


Feb 5, 2011
I heard Commando isn't as fun. I did it because I love turrets!!

Anyway, since the replies in this thread and a day off I went back to the game. I basically did the same area over again to get from 17 to 20 and it made a world of difference. In just 3 levels my shields went up 50% and health over 200% plus got some powerful weapons like a grenade with seeking bomblets that corrode. Now at 21 my turret has rockets and if I reset all my points like I'm thinking of doing it looks like I could have a turret with double as many guns in just a few more levels.

I can kind of see now why people play so many hours. It's got the same kind of mindless addictive level grinding that I used to love in RPGs; predictable enemies in the same spot every time of a known difficulty. I'm not bashing mindless addictive: that's how I did a couple hours of the same thing.

So, I'm lowering my bitchy level and continuing to play

I got my first orange weapon, an unlimited ammo pistol with half decent damage.
Oct 16, 1999
Of the three I've played I'd rank them Maya, Axton, Zero as far as fun at least at this point. It's hard to make a direct comparison because how much the loot you happen to get can change things even with the same builds. But Maya with the right loadout absolutely tears through mobs if she keeps her momentum going. Axton is still really strong just slower at killing things and Zero seems really fragile to me.

I'd go with Gemini first for Axton. What's better than one turret? Two turrets. Throw the second turret closer to a mob and you can redeploy it if it's destroyed if your skill timer is still active.


Senior member
Jun 19, 2010
So, I'm lowering my bitchy level and continuing to play

I got my first orange weapon, an unlimited ammo pistol with half decent damage. infinity pistol...score!

Was it a drop or did you get it out of a chest?

Also, don't be afraid to to use a weapon slot with a good slag nade mod or weapon...I never even used slag till TVHM and I couldn't believe what a difference it made against tough Super Badass Loaders. Slag + infinty = dead

I think the effects of slag are lessor in playthrough 1 but mess around with if you have not already tried.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2005
I'm leveling up Krieg. Got him to lvl43 now... A Rapier + Rough Rider + Silence the Voices... LOL! 80k hits at lvl43 are insane! Then I go action skill and 300k hits or >1M thrown axe hits... I am obliterating everything in melee :awe: It's sooo much different from Salvador and so much fun too Timing Release the Beast, annihilating everything, going back to normal, StV chains getting me down to critical HP, RTB again.... :awe: :awe:


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I heard Commando isn't as fun. I did it because I love turrets!!

Anyway, since the replies in this thread and a day off I went back to the game. I basically did the same area over again to get from 17 to 20 and it made a world of difference. In just 3 levels my shields went up 50% and health over 200% plus got some powerful weapons like a grenade with seeking bomblets that corrode. Now at 21 my turret has rockets and if I reset all my points like I'm thinking of doing it looks like I could have a turret with double as many guns in just a few more levels.

I can kind of see now why people play so many hours. It's got the same kind of mindless addictive level grinding that I used to love in RPGs; predictable enemies in the same spot every time of a known difficulty. I'm not bashing mindless addictive: that's how I did a couple hours of the same thing.

So, I'm lowering my bitchy level and continuing to play

I got my first orange weapon, an unlimited ammo pistol with half decent damage.

Ah, the Infinity is fun, and a pretty difficult drop. I still use it, but I hate the infinity pattern of the spread and thus, low accuracy--if you haven't looked at it, stand far away and shoot it into a wall for a while and examine the bullet spread (which you should do at least once for any gun drop that looks interesting to you). Regardless, it is a Vladoff pistol and the high RoF is something I always look for.

I wanted to like the Commando in this, because the class is generally better than the BL1 version--the soldier/Roland--but it just seems that on the forums, he is least popular. I spent more time leveling other toons and I actually haven't given it enough levels to judge if I like it or not. You really do need about 20 levels for some of these classes to start appreciating them.


Feb 5, 2011
I ended up finishing it.

The infinity pistol was a drop from somewhere fairly early on. It also made the final boss absurdly easy because I was able to shoot out the obelisk legs without using any real ammunition. I was surprised how pathetic the final boss was. Able to hide off to the side i never came close to dying at all.

This PS3 version has some bugs. The chest on lost treasure mission wouldn't open without a save/reload. Once in a blue moon an enemy was invincible; no damage taken, no resisting, like my bullets just went through them. Also sometimes they'd get stuck. ALso sometimes my controller would go absolutely berzerk and I never had that issue on any other games so I don't think it's a controller going bad. Bugs overall manageable, though.

Most annoying thing by FAR was when I was about to die I'd throw my turret and he'd even say something about his girlfriend but then I'd die before it got out. And then if the enemy was a goliath I can't even get second wind because he's running off like some douche. Most of the times I couldn't recover into second wind I was cursing a streak.

Good game overall, I will play the third.


Senior member
Nov 30, 2009
OK I finally got the Hammerlock DLC, as level 55 Commando, but there’s a boss in it, a seraph guardian, voracidous the invincible, apparently you're supposed to have a group of people to kill him but none of my friends play BL2. I tried a couple of times myself but some other boss, the chief, has a shield that does not seem to go down with my best shock attacks. Even though I can barely put a dent in the main boss, the other guy then gives him his shield as if it wasn’t impossible enough already.

From any of the solo guides or youtube videos on him, they always need legendary mods and grenades or specific weapons from other DLC that I do not have. Or the trespasser sniper rifle that I don’t have anymore because I had to sell it for backpack space. I have like one legendary smg (level 49) and I have never gotten a legendary class mod or grenade etc. and do not have the DLC for the Norfleet etc.

Any suggestions or do I just need more people?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Norfleet also drops from Vermiverous, I believe, which is the legendary boss that spawns from the evolving bug thingies in UVHM, so you don't need Scarlett's for Norfleet...not that Vermi is easy, let alone easy to spawn.

Some of those seraph bosses are only soloable with certain classes, and with very specific builds. I wouldn't even bother thinking I could take on voracidious at level 55, undergeared, with a commando no less.

If there are videos of people doing it with a commando, then you're best bet is to replicate the builds that those people are using, because they are very specific for that fight.

If you're looking for legendary class mods, you can start farming tubby creatures--very rare spawns from a couple of typical mobs: skaggs, spiderants, stalkers, and again--those evolving bug things (why can't I remember their names?). There are also Tubby bones in Tina's DLC.

tubby's have shit loads of health and can be tough, so it's best to isolate them from the rest of the mob as best you can. But, kill one, and you've got a 99% chance of a legendary com drop. At least, for me, this starts around level 61 mobs for the good drops.

One popular place is farming the spiderants through the path behind Ellie's garage in The Dust.
Oct 16, 1999
There is a chest & tubby farm rout in the Arid Badlands that's been very good to me. Run past the skags while looking for tubbies, go into Firestone and hit the three red chests (you can shoot the lock through the platform with splash damage ), repeat. I've gotten pearls, legendaries, and a bunch of plasma casters from this.


Senior member
Jun 19, 2010
Good luck taking him down on your own....He's a tough motha.

We (2 of us) finally took him down last week, 1 siren/1 assassin. Assassin had tresspasser and siren was set up with immolate build, bee, fire sandhawk and pyrophobia norfleet....

Firedamage is much more effective than shock...problem is, you have to take the chief down first cause he'll transfer his shields once voracidous gets down to a certain health level or after a certain timelimit....

I don't know if you could do it w/o the tresspasser or a similar weapon by Zin said, you'll definitely need to hunt legendaries....


Senior member
Nov 30, 2009
Norfleet also drops from Vermiverous, I believe, which is the legendary boss that spawns from the evolving bug thingies in UVHM, so you don't need Scarlett's for Norfleet...not that Vermi is easy, let alone easy to spawn.

Some of those seraph bosses are only soloable with certain classes, and with very specific builds. I wouldn't even bother thinking I could take on voracidious at level 55, undergeared, with a commando no less.

If there are videos of people doing it with a commando, then you're best bet is to replicate the builds that those people are using, because they are very specific for that fight.

If you're looking for legendary class mods, you can start farming tubby creatures--very rare spawns from a couple of typical mobs: skaggs, spiderants, stalkers, and again--those evolving bug things (why can't I remember their names?). There are also Tubby bones in Tina's DLC.

tubby's have shit loads of health and can be tough, so it's best to isolate them from the rest of the mob as best you can. But, kill one, and you've got a 99% chance of a legendary com drop. At least, for me, this starts around level 61 mobs for the good drops.

One popular place is farming the spiderants through the path behind Ellie's garage in The Dust.

Varkids! Cheers for all that info, I’ve only ever seen one chubby in over 400 hours and that was a varkid in caustic caverns. It was ages ago but I did kill it but definitely did not get a legendary for my class (maybe it was for a different class so I had to sell it).

Yes the videos of people solo-ing voracidous are with very specific gear that I don’t have so maybe it is just impossible at the moment, which is not fun especially since Hammerlocks was before the level cap increase! I love parts of this game but between TVHM and UVHM it’s either too easy or buzzkillingly too hard, I miss the balance of just playing on normal node. I guess it’s designed to be played by four players but you’d think they’d balance it for solo players.

I’ll try a few of those places for tubbys, cheers.


Senior member
Jun 19, 2010
have you tried to take down deciduous the invincible? you need to donate eridium to the 4 fire pits then go back to the first open area by Hammerlocks lodge and pull a lever to make him can get exact locations with a quick google search.

he's one of those of those big walkers so you can dodge his just need to make it past a bunch of those witch doctors before he spawns...Seems like we got some good loot out of him on a few tries, you might be able to solo him...give it a try.
Oct 16, 1999
It's been my experience you need to be 61+ for a guaranteed class mod drop from a tubby. Also varkids can morph into tubbies, I've gotten a few that way in Tundra Express. The rule for tubbies is they can be anywhere a badass would be.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Varkids! Cheers for all that info, I’ve only ever seen one chubby in over 400 hours and that was a varkid in caustic caverns. It was ages ago but I did kill it but definitely did not get a legendary for my class (maybe it was for a different class so I had to sell it).

Yes the videos of people solo-ing voracidous are with very specific gear that I don’t have so maybe it is just impossible at the moment, which is not fun especially since Hammerlocks was before the level cap increase! I love parts of this game but between TVHM and UVHM it’s either too easy or buzzkillingly too hard, I miss the balance of just playing on normal node. I guess it’s designed to be played by four players but you’d think they’d balance it for solo players.

I’ll try a few of those places for tubbys, cheers.

ah yes, varkids. Caustic caverns is a great place for tubbies--because you also have many spiderant mobs, as well as the varkids. and also a great place to try and get vermiverous to spawn.

also, the shed/farmhouse area of Tundra Express is great for varkid farming.

as for the class mods dropping from tubbies--"ages ago" could be why you didn't see one. These drops were only added with the Digistruct Peak/level 72 cap increase, which also introduced new sets of legendary class mods.

Before, class mods were just random chest drops, and specific Seraph/legendary boss drops, IIRC. Now, any and all can drop from tubbies, and it is nearly guaranteed. You also can get a Bunny Thumper launcher (almost completely worthless) or a WTF shield (Again, pretty much worthless as it has a high chance to kill you and all of your teammates. lol)

But you really can solo most if not all content on any difficulty level. The think about UVHM is that you absolutely have to slagg everything. It's annoying, but it really is required. I don't know commando that well, but I'm pretty sure there are skills that add slag effects to your turret? That would be mandatory. A weapon like the slagga is also great through most of UVHM if you have no other means of slag. It does great damage, but even when you outlevel it, you can keep it for slagg/swap strategy if you are into that. Or do it through grenades. slag and mirv type grenades are very popular. especially a slag Magic Missile, which only drops in Tina's DLC

After that, it becomes relatively easy again.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
It's been my experience you need to be 61+ for a guaranteed class mod drop from a tubby. Also varkids can morph into tubbies, I've gotten a few that way in Tundra Express. The rule for tubbies is they can be anywhere a badass would be.


same with me. I was farming them pretty hard after my Siren hit level 62 or so--this is was right at the digistruct introduction, so my assumption was that it was guaranteed, until I got Sal up to about 59/60 and started farming them on him. So many spiderant tubbies, not one class mod, until I hit 61. Then they started dropping again.

And that refers to the level of the tubby, not your own personal level. But as they spawn, it's about the same level you are, +/- 1 or 2 levels in UVHM

You can also farm 3 horns valley, as there are about 5 skaag mobs around the fast travel at the hotel. If you see a few Rabid skaags, just exit and log back in. Those Rabid skaags (badasses) would have otherwise been tubbies. :\


Senior member
Jun 19, 2010
ah yes, varkids. Caustic caverns is a great place for tubbies--because you also have many spiderant mobs, as well as the varkids. and also a great place to try and get vermiverous to spawn.

also, the shed/farmhouse area of Tundra Express is great for varkid farming.

as for the class mods dropping from tubbies--"ages ago" could be why you didn't see one. These drops were only added with the Digistruct Peak/level 72 cap increase, which also introduced new sets of legendary class mods.

Before, class mods were just random chest drops, and specific Seraph/legendary boss drops, IIRC. Now, any and all can drop from tubbies, and it is nearly guaranteed. You also can get a Bunny Thumper launcher (almost completely worthless) or a WTF shield (Again, pretty much worthless as it has a high chance to kill you and all of your teammates. lol)

But you really can solo most if not all content on any difficulty level. The think about UVHM is that you absolutely have to slagg everything. It's annoying, but it really is required. I don't know commando that well, but I'm pretty sure there are skills that add slag effects to your turret? That would be mandatory. A weapon like the slagga is also great through most of UVHM if you have no other means of slag. It does great damage, but even when you outlevel it, you can keep it for slagg/swap strategy if you are into that. Or do it through grenades. slag and mirv type grenades are very popular. especially a slag Magic Missile, which only drops in Tina's DLC

After that, it becomes relatively easy again.

Having spent a good bit of time time getting vermiverous to spawn...I would highly recommend using the Hyperious/Master gee trick to make the game think your in 4 player mode.....It makes things much more chaotic but helps your chances greatly to get the Ultimate Badass which then transform in Vermi....

Tubbies must have a pretty good size loot table cause while I've got a few bunnies and whiskey tangos, I also a crammed unkempt Harold which really surprised me cause it's the only legendary I've got from them besides mods and bunny/whisky


Senior member
Nov 30, 2009
have you tried to take down deciduous the invincible? you need to donate eridium to the 4 fire pits then go back to the first open area by Hammerlocks lodge and pull a lever to make him can get exact locations with a quick google search.

he's one of those of those big walkers so you can dodge his just need to make it past a bunch of those witch doctors before he spawns...Seems like we got some good loot out of him on a few tries, you might be able to solo him...give it a try.

No I haven't actually because I thought he was not a seraph guardian. The seraph vendor in Hammerlock says I can't even use it until i kill a seraph guardian so I was trying to do that. However, it seems to be practically impossible for me without certain gear which I don't have and can't buy.


Senior member
Nov 30, 2009
But you really can solo most if not all content on any difficulty level. The think about UVHM is that you absolutely have to slagg everything. It's annoying, but it really is required. I don't know commando that well, but I'm pretty sure there are skills that add slag effects to your turret? That would be mandatory. A weapon like the slagga is also great through most of UVHM if you have no other means of slag. It does great damage, but even when you outlevel it, you can keep it for slagg/swap strategy if you are into that. Or do it through grenades. slag and mirv type grenades are very popular. especially a slag Magic Missile, which only drops in Tina's DLC

After that, it becomes relatively easy again.

The only good weapon I have is a legendary slag smg so I can actually do that but to solo certain raid bosses as commando it looks like I need very specific gear that I don't have. Even basic stuff like legendary class mods that everyone else has. I did find one legendary class mod but of course it's for the mechromancer.

I have been told to try Tiny Tina's again to try to get magic missiles, whatever they are (sound cool though!), as I didn't get any when I played through it. I was told they are great for solo UVHM.


Senior member
Nov 30, 2009
Having spent a good bit of time time getting vermiverous to spawn...I would highly recommend using the Hyperious/Master gee trick to make the game think your in 4 player mode.....It makes things much more chaotic but helps your chances greatly to get the Ultimate Badass which then transform in Vermi....

Tubbies must have a pretty good size loot table cause while I've got a few bunnies and whiskey tangos, I also a crammed unkempt Harold which really surprised me cause it's the only legendary I've got from them besides mods and bunny/whisky

Never managed to get Vermi to spawn either and I have spent entire days in the caustic caverns. This game hates me! I will give Hammerlock's a few more tries at the weekend and see how that goes and also go back to Tiny Tina's to try and get some magic missiles before I rage-uninstall Sounds like there's no point in chubby-chasing at level 56.

What is hyperious / master gee trick? I only have Tiny Tina and Hammerlock dlc but I'm willing to give anything a go at this stage.


Senior member
Jun 19, 2010
What is hyperious / master gee trick? I only have Tiny Tina and Hammerlock dlc but I'm willing to give anything a go at this stage.

They are the seraph guardians of Cptn Scarletts pirates booty DLC...walking up to the gates of their arena's sets the game to 4 player mode...this makes the game tougher(more enemies) but also gives a chance for better loot.

Doing this I got about 9 or 10 Ultimate Varkids and 1 Vermi. In single player, approximately the same ammount of tries, I got 3 or 4 ulitmates and no Vermi.

Keep in mind...getting legendary loot is a serious you probably know.....but I also think it's my favorite part of the game.
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Oct 16, 1999
The only good weapon I have is a legendary slag smg so I can actually do that but to solo certain raid bosses as commando it looks like I need very specific gear that I don't have. Even basic stuff like legendary class mods that everyone else has. I did find one legendary class mod but of course it's for the mechromancer.

I have been told to try Tiny Tina's again to try to get magic missiles, whatever they are (sound cool though!), as I didn't get any when I played through it. I was told they are great for solo UVHM.

Magic missiles are a staple for UVHM. I either didn't have any drop or missed them my first time through TTAoDK but after that I ended up with plenty of blue 2X's to spare. They're good enough but I wanted a purple 4X and had to get to Murderlin's badass round to finally get one of those.

I happened to get two Unkempt Harolds (one was even DP) last night from that chest run I posted earlier. I was intentionally avoiding getting one from a Torgue machine because I heard how overpowered they are. And they totally are.


Nov 27, 2001
Hm, the upcoming patch on 2/11 will finally fix the 255 golden keys bug where it reset back to 0 after 255 keys. That's pretty much what happens when you use an unsigned byte for storage (range of 0-255).
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