Boston Bombing -- Who Did It?

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Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
That doesn't further any gun nut agenda. That's a flat-out AQ agenda - the 'just spread fear'. It's what AQ advocates/encourages in it magazine etc.



"Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them."

It's just not a AQ thing...


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
Come on do you really think Obama would pull this stunt? For what?

You never know, and Obama probably wasn't in on it. Our Presidents have mostly been face men for the corporate government since the Fed, CIA, etc were given their power, and as such are not privy to the inner working of those organizations.

I quote Woodrow Wilson:

"A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible."

"The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy."

"I would rather belong to a poor nation that was free than to a rich nation that had ceased to be in love with liberty."


Go back and look at our assassinated Presidents, what they did, and you will see an unsettling common thread with all of them....they tried to do what was right.

Lincoln wanted to print money backed by the Treasury, assassinated.
McKinley officially put us on the gold standard and derided our imperialist tendencies, assassinated.
Kennedy openly stated he wanted to end the Fed and print Treasury backed money, assassinated.
Garfield was only in office 6 months, but here is what lead to his assassination:
The one major issue that he dealt with was an investigation of whether mail route contracts were being awarded fraudulantly with tax money lining the pockets of those involved. When the investigation showed that members of the Republican Party were involved, Garfield did not flinch from continuing the investigation

I find it pretty stupefying that after the Civil War we had 3 Presidents murdered in less than 40 years, but that it was somehow a good thing for this nation. It is pretty clear that the Civil War was fought not for Slave Freedom but for financial tyranny. Since then, our country has created the Fed, instituted a mandatory federal taxation racket, become an abusive imperialist power across the globe, and has basically put it's citizens on lockdown with constant surveillance and harassment; all while very slowly creating laws that erode our natural rights.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Perhaps you know the radical right better than I, but I cannot remember the last time I saw anybody (other than proggy members here) the slightest bit concerned with the Kennedys. They're irrelevant today (and in prison or rehab).

"Home of gay marriage" sounds more San Fran. Anyhoo, you've switched from pro-gun nuts to an anti-gay nut theory.


I didn't switch to anything. I added it as just one of the examples of what MA is know for, and why it is hated by the right. You do know that Cape Cod is one of the largest gay populations in the country, right? also, San Fran? You know Gay marriage isn't allowed here, right? :hmm:

again, you're ignoring my point, or simply not addressing it: You are trying to ascribe rationality to a nut's reasoning because you probably don't want his means to relate to your own. That's understandable.

But it's silly to further try and argue that Boston would not be a target to a an ultra rightest simply because of "patriotism;" it just shows willful ignorance of the politics of Boston--and I'm talking Incorruptible levels of ignorance, here.


Mar 29, 2004
Wait, no way is it this guy.

Spidey said it's definitely is muslim, islamist and whatever other racial and/or racist slurs he added along w\ it.

Can't be creepy old white guy as I suggested was likely w\ my previous post in which I linked pictures of mcveigh and kazinsky.

Hell, my first guess WAS Spidey. Adding him to the poll in OP would be pretty lulzworthy.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
What clear and plausible connections are these?

What is clear is the target is the usual for muslim terrorists.
The bomb is the usual for muslim terrorists
This kind of attack has been called for for years by muslim terrorists, in fact they tried before in New York but it fizzled.

Therefore simple logic and common sense says the likelyhood of this being the work a muslim terrorist VERY high and all others extremely low. To deny this fact is to show extreme demented bias.

plausible is plausible.

that's all I'm saying. to think that an ultra rightest wouldn't use boston as a target simply because they think "der der history der der patriots." is to be profoundly naive. And I FUCKING KNOW you of all people think Boston and think "ebil libruls," so don't even go there, numbnuts.

as I said, as you didn't even read, I'm not saying that it was x or y--but that there are plenty of plausible reasons that it could be a rightest. If you want to try and think for yourself, it shouldn't be too hard. You might overheat, but let's go:

--tax day
--"patriot" day
--Boston--ultra rightists hate liberals. You of course, know this. Don't deny it
--the recipe for these bombs, published by that Al Qaeda magazine, has been caried by Stormfront and other white supremacist, ultra rightwing websites and their use has been recommended. THIS IS FACT and has been reported numerous times. Your reasoning that Al Qaeda uses these is the same as an argument that a right wing nationalist would use them--they both support their use, they are both capable. Also, it appears the bomb design is far more rudimentary than what AQ is known to use--black powder scrapings. Something that a hayseed such as yourself would be able to cobble together.
--I heard there is a gun debate going on in this country right now--perhaps you heard something about that? Oh snap--there is supposed to be a vote this week, right?
--no one coming forward within hours. This is a fundamental trait of Islamic terrorism. No point to terrorize if you don't want to keep scaring whitey, right?

again, not saying it was either or--just saying that to declare you know one way or the other, and that your armchair internet sleuthing proves the validity of your inbred bigotry is being quite shortsighted.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
That doesn't further any gun nut agenda. That's a flat-out AQ agenda - the 'just spread fear'. It's what AQ advocates/encourages in it magazine etc.


Stormfront and all other ultra right wing organizations advocate the exact same methods, for the exact same ends.

Do you deny this?


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Stormfront and all other ultra right wing organizations advocate the exact same methods, for the exact same ends.

Do you deny this?

I don't go to Stromfront etc. This is the only forum I regularly visit. (I do go to car forums etc. for DYI advice.)

What would Stormfront's objective be for generating (pointless) fear? Honest question because i don't know and cannot imagine.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
I didn't switch to anything. I added it as just one of the examples of what MA is know for, and why it is hated by the right.

I live in a conservative part of the country. IMO, neither Boston or MA is even on the radar. Nobody gives a damn, they aren't famous for anything much.

You do know that Cape Cod is one of the largest gay populations in the country, right? also, San Fran? You know Gay marriage isn't allowed here, right? :hmm:

Down here Key West and San Fran are famous for that sort of thing. I doubt anyone knows or cares about Cape Cod.

again, you're ignoring my point, or simply not addressing it: You are trying to ascribe rationality to a nut's reasoning because you probably don't want his means to relate to your own. That's understandable.

Shrug. I just don't see any logic to it. You're strongly persuaded that righties hate Boston etc. I've never heard it brought up as some bastion of liberals like NY or SF. Never.

But it's silly to further try and argue that Boston would not be a target to a an ultra rightest simply because of "patriotism;" it just shows willful ignorance of the politics of Boston--and I'm talking Incorruptible levels of ignorance, here.

I live a long, long way from Boston. I don't get any Boston news, not even here. What I know about Boston politics is just that they had some outrageously expensive boondoggle regarding some canal. Otherwise, they have great Italian food and a bunch of good universities.

Oh, and from campaign news that Bain is HQ'd there.



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
I'm guessing it's some lone nut with some whacked out agenda. Or just a nut with no agenda at all except bat shit crazy.

Doesn't feel like jihad type stuff to me. Their MO is to generally leave behind videos, notes etc claiming responsibility.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I don't go to Stromfront etc. This is the only forum I regularly visit. (I do go to car forums etc. for DYI advice.)

What would Stormfront's objective be for generating (pointless) fear? Honest question because i don't know and cannot imagine.


why? fuck if I know..."white power?" We should ask Incorrputible, though. He copy-pastes from those websites a lot.

I live in a conservative part of the country. IMO, neither Boston or MA is even on the radar. Nobody gives a damn, they aren't famous for anything much.

hmm, sorry, but I jsut can't take you seriously that you don't equate MA as a bastion of liberal politics. It is, above all others, the origin of pretty much everything the contemporary republican hates about liberal politics, far more than New York, which only gets playtime over the last couple of years. (I say republicans--Teabaggers and ultra fundies hate the ultra-left fringe, which is more SF type boogeyman stuff. Very little of that is mainstream liberal politics, as it is in MA). And you can't separate modern liberal policy from the Kennedys or just wouldn't make sense.

Down here Key West and San Fran are famous for that sort of thing. I doubt anyone knows or cares about Cape Cod.

I didn't know this reputation of Cape Cod until around 2000, when my college roommate who grew up in NH, Boston area and worked a few summers in Cape Cod started telling me stories. But it's been pretty well established for several decades now.

Shrug. I just don't see any logic to it. You're strongly persuaded that righties hate Boston etc. I've never heard it brought up as some bastion of liberals like NY or SF. Never.

Boston is MA. Well, it is what the right hates about MA--and much like New York, the city /= the state. Sorry, New York is only a recent target of the right, with the so-called "Fuhrer Bloomberg." How soon the right forgets their beloved Giuliani. tsk tsk. At least, in comparison to MA. the only Republican to come out of MA was Romney, if I'm not mistaken,a nd that was a rather mediocre single term. You forget Dukakis, the Kennedy DYNASTY (it is always relevant, the point is that I have established this as the foundation of liberal politics, your argument that "they aren't relevant today" is completely meaningless--this is where it all comes from! that is the point!), already forgot what a shock it was that the republican got that senate seat in 2010? That was shocking for a reason, you know....
yeah, it always been the home of contemporary liberal politics.
SF is where the cook fringe hang out and while some of their ideas get filtered and useful, it is the breeding ground for crazy, everyone has this. It's like the right's version of Kentucky, Florida, Idaho, and Kansas.

I live a long, long way from Boston. I don't get any Boston news, not even here. What I know about Boston politics is just that they had some outrageously expensive boondoggle regarding some canal. Otherwise, they have great Italian food and a bunch of good universities.

Oh, and from campaign news that Bain is HQ'd there.


hmm, are you suggesting the fact that Romney's old stomping grounds being headquartered in Boston is evidence that Boston is at least some type of republican stronghold, or at most "neutral?" :hmm:

also, good Lets open another thread where you guys will spend your time blasting "liberal universities" and "liberal teachers" poisoning the minds of our youth. They aren't "a bunch of good universities" in most other threads. and come on now, don't be coy. Please don't deny that a place like Harvard is the icon of conservative anti-education furor.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
I don't go to Stromfront etc. This is the only forum I regularly visit. (I do go to car forums etc. for DYI advice.)

What would Stormfront's objective be for generating (pointless) fear? Honest question because i don't know and cannot imagine.


I imagine Stormfront's objective would be to scare whites into joining their mission. They already think that whites who aren't separatists are anti-white. They long for the day when whites will awaken (when the darkies revolt or w/e)....I wouldn't be surprised if they would be the ones to try and awaken them since this whole "race war" stuff they keep talking about hasn't happened.
Apr 27, 2012
why? fuck if I know..."white power?" We should ask Incorrputible, though. He copy-pastes from those websites a lot.

I have NEVER copy and pasted an article from stormfront and I don't visit that site. I have done more to help minorities than you have ever done.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
You are a POS

Nope. I don't create endless troll threads here. I don't dislike people due to the color of their skin or religion. You are the true definition of a pos. The day you are finally banned here, will be a good one here.

You bring this forum into the shit, you pos.


Jan 12, 2005
I imagine Stormfront's objective would be to scare whites into joining their mission. They already think that whites who aren't separatists are anti-white. They long for the day when whites will awaken (when the darkies revolt or w/e)....I wouldn't be surprised if they would be the ones to try and awaken them since this whole "race war" stuff they keep talking about hasn't happened.

Yeah, the idea is that they force an "us or them" mentally by instigating conflict.

You can see quite a few "us or them" types here.


Mar 29, 2004
I have done more to help minorities than you have ever done.

It is really nice to see a conservative actually tip when he gets his shoes shined.

Next peace prize Big O gets for droning some poor slob is all you bro.
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Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005

Boston EMS is deploying a new, off-the-shelf, lightweight mobile device to enhance their existing ePCR platform in time at the Boston Marathon on April 15.

The application, from SafetyPAD, gives EMS personnel the ability to record patient information quickly. It can be carried into crowds and used to assess patients upon arrival, document in real-time, transmit data to transport units before they arrive, and other features.

Boston EMS will utilize the new Android-based program for bike and gator teams along race route

Notice this article is from the 12th, also notice they have changed the title as evidenced by the first comment:

Why have you changed this article?? Why does it now say it was not a mass casualty device when before, it said: "Boston EMS is deploying a new, off-the-shelf, lightweight mobile device for the first time at the Boston Marathon on April 15. The platform, from SafetyPAD, is intended for use in mass-casualty situations gives EMS personnel the ability to carry into crowds and assess a patient upon arrival, document in realtime, transmit data to transport units before they arrive, and other features."

University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.
"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.

Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He's been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.
"Evidently, I don't believe they were just having a training exercise," Stevenson said. "I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in."

CNN reports a state government official said there were no credible threats before the race.

Stevenson had just finished the marathon before the explosions. Stevenson said his wife had been sitting in one of the seating sections where an explosion went off, but thankfully she left her seat and was walking to meet up with him.

"We are just so thankful right now," Stevenson said.

Also, there is this:

Oh, and one more thing:

Yeah, that just happened.
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Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005

Also, there is this:

Oh, and one more thing:

Yeah, that just happened.

The person injured is a local person, so STFU. He did lose his legs on Monday. You, fucktards, are sickening. Look at the photos, two different people. Idiots.

The internet. where retards can post lies and other retards believe it.

The victim is Jeff Bauman.

FU. Asshole. Ban this troll or retard. Take your pick.

edit - go back to your internet retard hole and show those other retards this -
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Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2005
The person injured is a local person, so STFU. He did lose his legs on Monday. You, fucktards, are sickening. Look at the photos, two different people. Idiots.

The internet. where retards can post lies and other retards believe it.

The victim is Jeff Bauman.

FU. Asshole. Ban this troll or retard. Take your pick.

edit - go back to your internet retard hole and show those other retards this -

Don't worry, my posts are getting pulled down regularly to protect your righteous indignation and pacify your rage. I found this in one of the articles from your Google link:

the father wrote. "I'm really starting to lose faith in our country."

I guess I don't have to point out how awful that is to say and how indicative of what this really is, but you'll never accept it. Sounds like someone trying to tell people how to think, almost like a PsyOp. I accept that there are a lot of fucked up things going on in this country and even take the time to point a lot of them out, but why would anyone say that other than to push people to think that? Yeah, still seems fishy. I also found it interesting that the legs weren't bleeding and there was red paint all under the guy right after the blast happened.

Look at the 3:09ish mark of this video. Red paint all over the ground and a massive alleged wound that isn't even bleeding despite him getting zero aid. It's not too difficult to see through this.

Please stop cussing me and asking for me to be banned. It only shows your unwillingness to look deeper for the truth. I just want to know the truth about what really happened and why there are so many sketchy incidents throughout the coverage.

I mean, seriously, you post about "Jeff Bauman" as if he is your brother or something. I feel bad for anyone who may have been injured, of course, but I can also look at these events critically...especially after Sandy Hook, Aurora, London Subway Bombing, 9/11, etc.
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Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Please stop cussing me and asking for me to be banned. It only shows your unwillingness to look deeper for the truth. I just want to know the truth about what really happened and why there are so many sketchy incidents throughout the coverage.

I mean, seriously, you post about "Jeff Bauman" as if he is your brother or something. I feel bad for anyone who may have been injured, of course, but I can also look at these events critically...especially after Sandy Hook, Aurora, London Subway Bombing, 9/11, etc.

FU. Your last paragraph has to be joke. You're posting like a fucking idiot. How about using a little common sense?

My gf's friend was caught in the blast and I witnessed it from the finish line. How about you start posting our fake internet identities and start telling everyone that I'm part of some gov't conspiracy, asshole.

Yep, I'm a war vet and I'm part of this gov't conspiracy. Go fuck yourself, you sick fuck.


Mar 6, 2008
FU. Your last paragraph has to be joke. You're posting like a fucking idiot. How about using a little common sense?

My gf's friend was caught in the blast and I witnessed it from the finish line. How about you start posting our fake internet identities and start telling everyone that I'm part of some gov't conspiracy, asshole.

Yep, I'm a war vet and I'm part of this gov't conspiracy. Go fuck yourself, you sick fuck.

I highly doubt this picture is an accurate presentation of the man behind this post. I ask you point blank, who is the real Captain Caveman? What do you have to hide!
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