Boycott the war machine?


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?

The Viet Nam war ended under the Nixon Administration when congress DEFUNDED the war machine.
They simply refused to put any more money into the continuance of funding the cost of keeping the supply chain
moving equipment to and from the theatre of war, and the cost of fuel to provide that transportation.

There was no other option than to drawdown the deployed troops, and let Viet Nam go it on it's own,
which they didn't do, and never would have done on their own.

We (the US) didn't loose - we quit proping up a corrupt puppet Government which colapsed under it's own burden to it's people.

As of now, there is not a single penny that has been spent as discressionary spending, it's all under Emergency Provisioning
and none of the costs have yet been tallied against the cost of the War debt to the American public.
A hundred Billion here, another hundred Billion there, off the books & under the table on our financial accountability.
Gonna bite us big time on the ass, very soon.
And an irresponsible Congress just keeps tossing fuel onto the fire.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Organizing a tax revolt is a federal felony...don't talk too loud.


Jun 23, 2004
Using War to describe Iraq seems strange to me. This is not a battle between two armies of the US and Iraq. We have a government we setup that we?re protecting and propping up until it is capable of surviving on its own.

Do you honestly want to immediately, stop all our activity over there tomorrow and throw that government to the wolves? The mess has been made, you sure don?t seem to care about cleaning it up.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Using War to describe Iraq seems strange to me. This is not a battle between two armies of the US and Iraq. We have a government we setup that we?re protecting and propping up until it is capable of surviving on its own.

Do you honestly want to immediately, stop all our activity over there tomorrow and throw that government to the wolves? The mess has been made, you sure don?t seem to care about cleaning it up.

Yes, they were doing fine without us.

I ask this for the millionth time and will continue to ask during the Campaign, show me where it says in the Constitution the U.S. is the World's Mommy and Daddy.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?
The only way to cut off the war machine is to get rid of the whores in Congress who prop it up.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?

This is an excellent idea! The pinnacle of liberati logic! I'll encourage all of my lefty friends to not pay their taxes.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?

This is an excellent idea! The pinnacle of liberati logic! I'll encourage all of my lefty friends to not pay their taxes.

Of course not paying taxes in a rediculous impossibility, but it doesn't mean I didn't think it.



Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?

This is an excellent idea! The pinnacle of liberati logic! I'll encourage all of my lefty friends to not pay their taxes.

Isn't it ironic that the very people who are most likely to NOT pay their taxes are the wealthy corporate cheats who with Congress as their enablers bribe and play the system for their greed inspired personal gain.

It's not the $25,000 or less a year inpoverished peon struggling to surive that doesn't pay their share, it's the Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, Randy 'Duck' Cunningham, Christian Coalition Ralph Reeds, Tom Delays of the world, with a Jefferson or a Trafficant tossed in here and there.


Dec 23, 2001
If you disagree with the employment of the military, wouldn't it make more sense to try to re-task those assets [rotate home, redeploy to S. Korea/Japan/Germany/etc, etc, etc] rather than trying to break the military?


Platinum Member
Jan 15, 2004
Well, if you are in a position to not pay taxes (ie you don't work for a company that detucts them from your check before you even get it) you can get away with not paying taxes because the Bush administration has done everything in its power to denude the IRA of any power/enforcment capailites it had. Seriously, tax audits have been cut drastically because of major manpower cuts.

This isn't a new idea. Go to a peace rally somewhere and you'll see plenty of hippe types without houses or real assets that will say they protest war by not paying taxes.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?

This is an excellent idea! The pinnacle of liberati logic! I'll encourage all of my lefty friends to not pay their taxes.

Isn't it ironic that the very people who are most likely to NOT pay their taxes are the wealthy corporate cheats who with Congress as their enablers bribe and play the system for their greed inspired personal gain.

It's not the $25,000 or less a year inpoverished peon struggling to surive that doesn't pay their share, it's the Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, Randy 'Duck' Cunningham, Christian Coalition Ralph Reeds, Tom Delays of the world, with a Jefferson or a Trafficant tossed in here and there.

Funny how with every successive post you prove your lie about being a supposed old school republican. Class envy isn't becoming.......but it fits you like a glove.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2003
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?

Do you vote?


Dec 23, 2001
Back during Carter's term, there were 2-3 instances where the military was not paid on time.

I don't fully understand the internal politics at the time that lead to it; this was from a few NCO's who were in the service when it happened.

Military riots are very bad; soldiers, Marines, and even sailors and airmen are very good at breaking things and hurting people. We're not generally paid well, although the benefits are supposed to compensate for it.

There was no rioting at the time, to put this.

Please don't try to break the military; it's a poor way to achieve the goal you seek, it hurts american families.

Was there something specific which caused this thought to occur?


Apr 2, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Using War to describe Iraq seems strange to me. This is not a battle between two armies of the US and Iraq. We have a government we setup that we?re protecting and propping up until it is capable of surviving on its own.

Do you honestly want to immediately, stop all our activity over there tomorrow and throw that government to the wolves? The mess has been made, you sure don?t seem to care about cleaning it up.

Yes, they were doing fine without us.

I ask this for the millionth time and will continue to ask during the Campaign, show me where it says in the Constitution the U.S. is the World's Mommy and Daddy.

No kidding.

It seems every time we turn around we are sticking our noses in SOMEWHERE where it's either not wanted or not needed. At least not wanted my some of the people, or in many cases MOST of the people. The cry used to be "WE HAVE TO STOP THE RED HOARD". These days it's terrorism. At least to my way of thinking this latest rhetoric makes more sense than the LAST one. Back in the day where stopping the dreaded Commies was our agenda, often times the people we were trying to "help" were better off under communism than they were under the government that we were trying to prop up.

I agree that SOMETHING needs to be done about the threat now facing us and the world (or at least our allies) but I'm not sure we are going about it the right way.

But then just what IS the right way in the million dollar question.


Feb 5, 2006
Don't buy Made in China junk at Whoremart -> China has less money to lend to US government -> US government has less money to fund the military.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: seti920
Back during Carter's term, there were 2-3 instances where the military was not paid on time.

I don't fully understand the internal politics at the time that lead to it; this was from a few NCO's who were in the service when it happened.

Military riots are very bad; soldiers, Marines, and even sailors and airmen are very good at breaking things and hurting people. We're not generally paid well, although the benefits are supposed to compensate for it.

There was no rioting at the time, to put this.

Please don't try to break the military; it's a poor way to achieve the goal you seek, it hurts american families.

Was there something specific which caused this thought to occur?

Yes actually there was. A friend of mine just left for a second tour in Iraq. I guess I am just so sick of it all. I can't see a way for the win, or an end to the madness.



Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
I thought, what if the military ran out of money, because Americans, who are tired of it all, suddenly stopped paying income tax?

Then, a secondary thought...crap, the govt, will just print more funny money, ie., federal reserve notes. (notes mean debt). Our paper money has no value, and only represents how deeply in debt this country is.

Sorry, just aimless ranting, or is it?

This is an excellent idea! The pinnacle of liberati logic! I'll encourage all of my lefty friends to not pay their taxes.

Isn't it ironic that the very people who are most likely to NOT pay their taxes are the wealthy corporate cheats who with Congress as their enablers bribe and play the system for their greed inspired personal gain.

It's not the $25,000 or less a year inpoverished peon struggling to surive that doesn't pay their share, it's the Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, Randy 'Duck' Cunningham, Christian Coalition Ralph Reeds, Tom Delays of the world, with a Jefferson or a Trafficant tossed in here and there.

You know that is totally wrong right? how much tax do you think that person pays?


Dec 23, 2001
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Yes actually there was. A friend of mine just left for a second tour in Iraq. I guess I am just so sick of it all. I can't see a way for the win, or an end to the madness.

You win when s/he comes back home alive.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Brutuskend
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Using War to describe Iraq seems strange to me. This is not a battle between two armies of the US and Iraq. We have a government we setup that we?re protecting and propping up until it is capable of surviving on its own.

Do you honestly want to immediately, stop all our activity over there tomorrow and throw that government to the wolves? The mess has been made, you sure don?t seem to care about cleaning it up.

Yes, they were doing fine without us.

I ask this for the millionth time and will continue to ask during the Campaign, show me where it says in the Constitution the U.S. is the World's Mommy and Daddy.

No kidding.

It seems every time we turn around we are sticking our noses in SOMEWHERE where it's either not wanted or not needed. At least not wanted my some of the people, or in many cases MOST of the people. The cry used to be "WE HAVE TO STOP THE RED HOARD". These days it's terrorism. At least to my way of thinking this latest rhetoric makes more sense than the LAST one. Back in the day where stopping the dreaded Commies was our agenda, often times the people we were trying to "help" were better off under communism than they were under the government that we were trying to prop up.

I agree that SOMETHING needs to be done about the threat now facing us and the world (or at least our allies) but I'm not sure we are going about it the right way.

But then just what IS the right way in the million dollar question.

We could all do a better job of educating those around us about the PNAC and the real reasons we are at war.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
it should read:

Don't buy Made in China junk at Whoremart ->workers at "whoremart" lose thier jobs because people stop buying products the store sells->former "whoremart" workers either (A) go on welfare until hopefully they get a job
(B) they take advantage of the WIA and go to school for free
(C) do both.

In any case it puts a strain on the taxpayers. (you know people like you and me)

Besides if Wal-mart was not around, China would find another retailer to sell thier goods, what are you gonna do then?

Boycott them also and put even more people out of work?



Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: Wheezer
it should read:

Don't buy Made in China junk at Whoremart ->workers at "whoremart" lose thier jobs because people stop buying products the store sells->former "whoremart" workers either (A) go on welfare until hopefully they get a job
(B) they take advantage of the WIA and go to school for free
(C) do both.

In any case it puts a strain on the taxpayers. (you know people like you and me)

Besides if Wal-mart was not around, China would find another retailer to sell thier goods, what are you gonna do then?

Boycott them also and put even more people out of work?

Yes, put them out of work, and put a lot more people at stores that don't sell Chinese junk, and make that same stuff here in the US into work.
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