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Nov 29, 2000
Wards has sucky stuff on sale anyways. Even when they are closing with discounts, I could not bring myself to buy any of their stuff! you'd imagine after 120+ years in the business, they'd wisen up.


Senior member
Jan 3, 2001
Where is my 12X10X32 Iomega CDRW that I ordered from CompUSA at 5 AM on the day of the sale, before any of their stores were open?



Nov 15, 2000
Hey Hey Hey... price match that to Compusa this week. Their sale on the drive is $179.99!! Save more money. Staples gives you 30 days to pricematch


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2000
I hate staples Rebates.

I got a postcard saying one of my rebates was invalid because i did not meet the rebate requirements. They said that i did not have the correct postmark date and that it was the wrong store! I bought it from staples, i sent it to staples, it had the staples name on the rebate, and the postcard said staples on it. Wake up people!!!!

And get this. They said that the postmark date that i sent it on was 1/21/01 YES i postmarked it in the FUTURE. And i was supposed to resubmit my stuff by 1/12/01!!

Anyways forget it... it was only a $5 rebate... The $20 one better be ok...



Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
Buy.com and Egghead both suck...

I ordered a 1G TBIRD (retail box) from buy.com before New Year's. It was in stock, so I ordered it... was $221-$30 coupon and free shipping .

Two days later after not getting any email, I check the web page and it now says out of stock. I check my order page... on backorder. So I called their customer service, and they convince me it was an honest mistake, and they take an additional $10 off the order.

Well, yesterday, I check the web site again, and it says in-stock once more . I check my order page... on backorder . So I called them again. They tell me that I'm on a waiting list with serveral hundred other people, and that they wouldn't get any parts for 4 more weeks. They also tell me that their web designers must have "accidently" turned on the in-stock indicator. Well that pi$$ed me off. So I canceled my order.

I took a look around and noticed that egghead now had them in stock. I ordered last night (for $40 more that buy.com ). This morning I check the web page, and it says out of stock :disgust:. I called them and they inform me it is out of stock.

Beyond pi$$ed, I cancel that order as well...

Experiencing the cyber bait and switch twice in two days really sux.

Well, wish me luck, cause I just ordered an OEM 1G TBIRD from allstarshop, and a Taisol HSF from nerdsbyte (which should be in any day -- I'm a gluton for punishment )

Signed... Disgusted in NJ


Senior member
Jan 6, 2001
I gotta tell ya that there will be no tears shed for Monkey Wards at my house. First off they were screwing around with my girlfriend's (now wife) credit card because they renewed some service they were pushing over the phone without any notice. She appealed the charge and they dropped it but not before they tacked on a nice late fee and some interest. She appealed the late fee in writing but they tacked on another one along with some interest. We eventually got it taken care of but it went on like that for months!

Second thing that happened was with a TV I had bought there (prior to above credit fiasco -- after that it was on the black list). It started making a loud buzzing noise whenever the screen showed bright backgrounds. Not all the time just mostly when cold and only with certain types of pictures. So I take it down there and then the crappy tech says he can't reproduce it and that some buzzing is normal. They sent it back before I could reply to the voice message so I have to call them up and say "send it to the tech again" along with a lengthy explanation of the conditions of the problem. Well he "tightened up the yoke" and sent it back. Needless to say the piece of crap still buzzes.

Also I never got so many phone pimps calling trying to sell me crap as I did after I signed up for that Ward's card. Good grief! I hate telemarketing! Good riddance to a boil on the ass of society. I only feel a little sad for the unfortunate employees who probably figured they could work there until retirement.


Platinum Member
Dec 30, 2000
Damn Amazon.com bites. I was looking for a new CD-RW in early December. I decided to take advantage of the $50 off $200 rebate. After some looking around, I ordered the HP 9510i for $150 after the additional $50 Mfg. MIR and free shipping. The stock status said 1-2 weeks and that was fine, no hurry. After a couple of weeks, I saw a deal on the TDK 12/10/32 that I thought was better, eventhough higher priced. I tried to cancel my not yet shipped order on-line, only to be told my order had ENTERED SHIPPING! WTF?! Thier web page on returning merchandise clearly states "You can also cancel unshipped items", but they don't carry through with that promise. So I tried to call customer support... only to find there is none. I search the web-site for over 30min and I coulnd't find a support telephone number. DAMN, is it just me? I wish someone had mentioned that before I ordered. I then went ahead and emailed my cancelation request to the online support service. Thier answer, the same exact thing they already told me, "order has enter the shipping process", WTF does that mean???
So, I gave up, which is what they probably expect. Using undefined terms like "entered the shipping process" in order to avoid living up to thier promise to cancel unshipped orders is just crap. Since it was too far along in the order process to be canceled, I sat back and waited another week, resigned to my burn-proof lacking, 12x8x32 CD-RW, which I still hadn't received shipping confirmation on. FINALLY, I get an email from Amazon telling me, get this, "We are sorry to report that we will not be able to obtain the following
item from your order..." hahaha.

Can anyone venture a guess as to why they couldn't cancel my order, like they promise to, when the item hadn't yet shipped, but a week later cancel it anyway. I thought you Amazon sh*t for brains said that the order had F*CKING "entered the shipping process"!

Unless it's free, don't order from Amazon. Most of thier stuff is over-priced to start with and it's a pain in the ass to deal with them if you have a problem.


PS. I got in on the Iomega 12/10/32 for $99 at CompUSA. Except for the ulcer Amazon gave me, I'm happy.


Senior member
Jan 18, 2000
Egghead does suck. My CC got hacked with that Global Telecomm scam right about the same time Egghead had their problem. Now Egghead claims no CC # were compromised. Given the very small number of e-sites that've ever seen my CC number, I have no problems pointing my finger at Egghead. That's the middle finger.

Then there's Kingston's memory rebate offers. I got the obligatory postcard telling me there's no receipt on my rebate request. Never mind that the UPC symbol, which they have, was taped to the receipt - all 11 x 8-1/2 of it (buy.com printout). Naturally, their rebate phone line was busy from 9AM on, but I finally got through at about 2PM and after venting my disatisfaction, my rebate was approved on the spot. Now I have to wait another 8 weeks to be paid. They suck too.


Jul 11, 2000
I just had a disheartening telephone conversation regarding pricematching with Staples. I was attempting to order an item from them and have them match an on-line competitor's price. As many of you know, in the past, they often claimed that they must add (overnight) shipping charges to the pricematch. But, If you were insistant, they would relent and simply match the competitor's price. Sometimes it seemed, their level of cooperation depended which particular CSR you got. In any case, once the pricematch was established, they would then also allow you to further reduce your cost by applying one of their dollars off coupons. And with free shipping on orders over $50, Staples was a VERY attractive vendor.

Today I spoke with two different CSRs and their supervisor. All three insisted that they must add the competitor's shipping charges to the pricematch. The supervisor stated this had always been the policy, but that until recently, it had not been enforced.

Has anyone had a recent, similar experience?


Senior member
May 25, 2000
I felt like venting on this AccessMicro (and other sites too) issue, but didn't wanna get the thread locked, so I came here.

I've noticed some people and moderators (they aren't people are they?) defending AccessMicro and other companies, when they make these pricing & inventory errors. I, have a different view.

When you open a business, I expect a little more from you than I do from the guy who stands along the road holding a sign at the construction area. If you invest your money in start-up costs, inventory and personel... and you hope to be the beneficiary of my spending... then I expect you to take responsibility for, at the very least, your advertising. Would you be so forgiving of these types of mistakes from a b&m store?? If you walked into a Gateway Computer store, and there was a stack of monitors in the middle of the store with a price that was so incredible it had to be a mistake, would you expect to pay more than the advertised price? Well maybe you're just a better person than I am, but I'll tell ya what... I'm walkin outta there with a monitor, and if I have the money... maybe a dozen of em. And guess what... no guilt.

This trend I see forming baffles me. We have to play nice with online vendors? We have to expect less from them than we do from a b&m store? We are supposed to treat them nicely so they don't go out of business?? Um... hello? Did I suggest to them that they develop a business plan that involves spending insane amounts of money on advertsing... or slashing profit margins til they can't afford to keep the lights on?? Do you think for one second that the officers of these companies aren't lining their checkbooks with nice fat salaries?? Heh, salaries that aren't even from revenue, but from dumping their worthless stock on the market.

Anyway, I have no pity for web sites that can't properly track inventory or correctly price products. If you can't do fairly simple things like that right, you probably aren't long for the business world anyway. Sure hope you haven't forgotten how to hold that sign along the road.



Senior member
May 26, 2000
Well, anyone remember that Toshiba DVD drive that had the wrong description by it stating it was also with the hollywood decoder. Everyone pretty much knew it was a typo, but a lot of us tried anyway. Some of us got to RMA them a couple of times each after getting the "bare" drive. A few got promises of this and that, and one guy got $40 off the bare drive. That was pretty good. But I didn't get to finish my "statement" that said "I can't say more until I verify...", because the thread got archived. HERE
Anyway to finish my story.....the lady in "credit" department said "why don't we just send you the kit since you went thru all this, blah, blah." Well, I got the whole kit - no extra charge($87.33). I was the only one to pull it off as far as I know.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
I registered in the IBM calculator giveaway (some massive multiprocessor, I forget the name) a few months ago. Well, the calculator arrived. Looks OK, lots of soft rubber around, cool lifting cover. BUT IT DIDN'T WORK!

Tossed it right into the circular file.

You sometimes get what you pay for...



Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
I used the $10 off $50 MasterCard special at TigerDirect on 12/12/2000. After a week I didn't see the $10 off. I called them. Juan at customer service said he will check. Then he quoted a supervisor saying "the promotion was not yet in effect when you made your order". WTF? I definately saw it (and printed it!) on their web page that day! He said, fax me your printout. As if changing the date on a piece of printout is difficult - if I was cheating that wouldn't stop me!

I faxed the paper. A week later, no news. I call again, some other CSR says "we'll credit you the $10". A week later, no credit. I call again. Juan says "I never received your fax, and the other CSR didn't enter anything". He finally located another supervisor who authorized the $10 refund, which I received in 1 day.

TigerDirect has a low rating. Now you know why.



Senior member
Mar 17, 2000
Anyone else get the rebate from Nikon yet? Mine just came a couple of days ago. That brings the total down to $370.00. Now, when the ebate's rebate check comes in the grand total will be $340.00 for a $1000.00 camera! Not too shabby.


Nov 20, 2000
Hey Lungster, don't dis Egghead. I read they know for a fact none of the credit card numbers were stolen. They checked each number by hand and all of them were still in their server.


Sep 25, 2000
RE: Iomega CD-RW rebate form for New Year's CompUSA Hot Deal

I found out about the End of Year/New Year sale on the 12/10/32 Iomega CD-RW while at work friday night/saturday morning - i stopped by and picked ONE up (I could kick myself now!) about 10 mins before they closed on saturday night. I was able to go back the next morning and have my price adjusted from $299.xx ($279.99 + tax) down to $139.xx ($129.xx + tax).

I stopped by another store on Monday a.m. before they opened ... only three in stock - all were snatched up before I could get to them.

For those of you lamenting that your item is backordered w/CompUSA and you missed out on the rebate, too, I have an Iomega rebate form in from of me - it reads in part....

<< Include copies of store reciept(s)/invoices dated between 12/30/2000 and 3/31/2001 (no purchase orders accepted), with Iomega CDRW 12/10/32 drive purchases circled.

<snip>....</snip> Mail-in requests must be received by 4/30/2001

Stop by and pick up a rebate form from your local CompUSA, or you may be able to snag a form from their website, or Iomega's, for that matter.

So my friends, there is still hope to lower the price on this flaming hot deal!

Again, it pays to read the Hot Deals Forum!!!

Thanks to all you folks who have posted deals and helped my to max out my credit cards!



Nov 23, 2000
I got chickie sandwiches dancing in my tummy! I got dollars dancing in my wallet! I got... urp! I have to go now.


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2001
Has anyone had problems with the Maxtor 40GB hard drive and Controller card $ 50 rebate? I received the post card saying I didnt include the original UPC's , which I know I did. I saw other mention they received the same post card, but they had copies of their UPC's. I don't have copies of mine. Is anyone else in my position, and if so, have you dealt with Maxtor yet?

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