~~~~ Brag & Moan ~~~~

AnandTech Moderator

Staff member
Oct 12, 1999
Continued from the previous thread


This thread is for posting your off topic raves and rants, such as "X-company did this to me", and "Did you get?, I got mine".

Requests for deals on specific items should be posted in the ~~~~IWANNA~~~~ thread,

How-To questions in the ~~~~ How-Do-I? ~~~~ thread.

Thank you. Please enjoy yourselves here while lending a hand to your fellow forum members.


~~~~ Brag & Moan ~~~~ continued here.


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2000
Today I go into OfficeMax to get the 5 reams of 94 brightness paper for $12.99.

First time I go, I didn't bring the printout, so no deal. Fine, my fault. I go to my friend's house, prints it out, bring my friend and now the manager says I can only buy one and instructs the cashier lady to let me have it. I thought "whatever," bought one and then gave the printout to my friend so he can get his. The lady at the cashier didn't even look at the ad again and just gave him the same price.

The manager runs out after me (I am done putting my stuff in the trunk) and says "Hey, I said you can get one. That is not cool, ...bad karma, blah blah blah" and made up all this BS about how he doesn't price match anything but Staples and OD and not even sale items, and especially not internet specials (of his own store!). Internet didn't say anything about internet only (that I could see).

So was I wrong to "pricematch" to officemax.com or was he just being an idiot?


Aug 9, 2000
I bought a Pinnacle AV7 4 months ago. The thing never did work for me right. I contacted the company, they said they would send me an RMA number. They did not ask for a receipt or anything. Well, I have waited 2 months, I got no response back. I then emaile dthem again, this time they did ask for my receipt, so I emailed them a copy. Even after asking if an emailed copy was alright, they still have not given me my RMA number. For 4 months I have had this $130 thing in my computer that i have no use for. why shoudl i have to wait 4 months (going on 5) to return this dumb thing?:|


Junior Member
Mar 2, 2002
Payed 30$ for overnight shipping from newegg on thursday. Today, no package. Check the status of the package with the tracking number, its at the local facility by 4:30. Not delivered. And they wont fscking deliver it til monday. I didnt pay 30$ for 4 day service.

Looks like I might be able to get a refund, but i have to go through newegg, since Fedex will only refund to the shipper. Guess what, no newegg customer service on weekend. yippeee.


Senior member
May 31, 2002

I have been scouring Fry's for a while now looking for a Swiftech 462 style heatsink. Finally, yesterday I saw tat they had some open box models. Unfortunately, none had screws. Price on the box was $55. I talked to the sales guy for a while, and mentioned I might buy them for a reduced price and try to find some screws for it somewhere. He goes to talk to his manager, and tells me I can have it for $10! Also, he mentions that he has a collection of screws that he found around the department and that there might be two or three in there. Later he hands me a bag with all four screws and the mounting widgets! Score! That guy really hooked me up.


The whole point of my visit to Fry's was I was building a computer for a friend. So I came home and opened up all the stuff I got for her computer. The Thermaltake Volcano 7+ we got had an incredibly ridged, unpolished bottom. Definitely no good. I decide to return it, and since I have the new Swiftech I put my old Volcano on her computer. That works fine.

Installing the Swiftech, however, proved to be my downfall. First, the Epox 8KHA+ does not have sufficient mounting points for the mounting widgets. Installing those ground my motherboard. So I took some mylar and made shims to keep the metal bases from contacting the contacts on the board. However, before I did that, I decided to turn on my computer and see if that was indeed the problem, see if my computer would post without those metal mounting widgets. It posted... but because there was no heatsink on my CPU, in under 5 seconds I hear a pop and a puff of smoke, and that's it for my Athlon 1800+.

There is nothing I can say in my defense. I am a great fool. So that $10 Swiftech cost me $100 in a new CPU cost. Maybe I can get in on the warrantee of my old CPU and give my folks a new computer at some point in the future. But for now, I really blew it.

Thanks for listening.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2000
I rather strongly suspect that Best Buy circulars end on a Saturday so this is probably more of a brag and moan than a hot deal.
I went to Best Buy to get the Dlink wireless router that was on sale for $119.99 - $20 mir = $99.99. They were out of it so I went to get a raincheck. They apparently couldn't issue rainchecks. I prefer Linksys to Dlink so I asked if they could do anything on the Linksys BEFW11S4 Ver. 2. They were nice enough to give me the $30 instant and the $20 mir as $50 instant off on the router. Price came to $129.99 - $15 mir = $114.99 + tax.
If BB circulars run past Saturday (which I doubt) this may be a hot deal. Otherwise it's just a brag and moan.


Golden Member
Dec 3, 1999
SVCompucycle.com is not replying to customer problems. I have sent 3 emails (because they sent a wrong item) since the 9/2 and got no reply. Too bad. They have some good products at low prices.


Golden Member
Dec 3, 1999
>Please use Brag & Moan - that's why it's there -

OK, if I can't put it where it belongs, as a WARNING topic.

Look out...

Because SVCompucycle sent a wrong item, I have been sending emails since 9/2 to the address they specify: sroohparvar@svcompucycle.com and have not got any reply whatsoever. Four emails: nothing. Since they have my money, I guess that is all they need to be concerned about. They have five stars on Yahoo. I suppose you are alright until they screw up on you.



Golden Member
Dec 3, 1999
>Relax Chief, SVC is a good company. Have you tried giving them a call? they will fix their screw up.
I've relaxed for nine days.

Give them a call? A lot of people said this. Are phone calls across the country to California free now or what?
Nobody told me.

Tell you what. Call them for me. Tell them to send me my cable. I'm sure they will do it because you asked, although they
show no interest whatever in doing it for me.

Green 18" Dual Device ATA133/100 IDE Rounded Cable , #RC18HD2-GRN
Order #17425

Blue, red, orange, purple, whatever is fine too.

Some guy thinks I ought to call:

But SVC says to call:



Golden Member
Dec 3, 1999
>Sometimes e-mail volume is just too high for one person to keep up. Give them some
> time, or as the previous poster mentioned, call them.

Sure, Shervin Roohparvar has to deal with so many order screw-ups that he is 9 days behind.
Probably working 16 hours a day. Why am I not reassured? With that kind of volume in just
screw-ups, they must be making a fortune in total orders. Or maybe they screw up everbody's
order a little and make their money that way. That would explain how they get so backlogged.

SVC says to deal with this:
Consumer Affairs Contact:
Shervin Roohparvar - 909.743.2447
Email: sroohparvar@svcompucycle.com

When you say I should give them some time, how much time should that be? 30 days? 90 days?
A year? 10 years?

madcowdisease, I would appreciate if you would call them for me. They seem to like you.
The info is in a previous reply if they haven't decided to lock Brag and Moan. PM me for any info
you need. TIA.



Golden Member
Dec 3, 1999
>WHy don't you try emailing a different address?

Like which one? Exactly why would emailing an address specified for something else be a good idea?

SVC has these others:

Last minute order changes/cancellation:
Email: shipping@svcompucycle.com

Technical Support Contact:
Email: rwang@svcompucycle.com

This is the one they say I should use, and the one I used:

Consumer Affairs Contact:
Email: sroohparvar@svcompucycle.com

Are there some secret, real, true emails that I should have used, unknown to the lower
echelon riff-raff such as myself, that only you special, favored SVC customers know? If
so PM me, and I'll be delighted to give it a shot. Or you could email them for me. TIA.



Golden Member
Dec 3, 1999
Hi MaDHaVoK,

>LOL.... good luck trying to contact anyone there... I had an order messed up...
>couldn't even get a reply to the emails i sent.... and couldn't ever get anyone of the phone.

Since they locked the thread about SVC, so no one will see what you said, I decided to put it in Brag and Moan, where people say it belongs, and where no one will see it either. But since nobody comes here, it won't scroll down so fast either.

>Oh yeah and an easy way to make a store like SVC who have non existant
> customer support is to call your credit card company and tell them to
>stop payment.... then they will start caring real fast.

I guess I'm a sucker. I wouldn't feel right about trying to stop payment. It was only one thing that was wrong out of many. Maybe it would give me a bad credit rating too. Did you stop payment? How much trouble did the CC company give you? Too bad you will never see this.


Golden Member
Dec 3, 1999
Hi popeye44,

I guess you PMed this to me because they locked the thread while you were trying to reply.
Probably about hundred other people wanted to comment too, and not all favorable to SVC.

Pardon me if I seem a bit testy. That's because I am.

>Silicon Valley Compucycle (SVC)
>876 The Alameda
>San Jose, CA 95126-3146
>Tel: 408.292.5292
>Fax: 408.292.5295

>it amazes me that you posted the link and did not use it yourself.

What do you mean? I did use the link. The relevent part is their email. You get trans-continental
phone calls for free evidently. I have to pay. SVC seemed to get my order over the internet quite readily.
Suddenly email becomes unworthy when a problem arises that will cost SVC money instead of me.

IAC email is better for them. All the info is already in computer readable form, so no one at the
computer has to ask you and type it all in.

I have other excellent reasons for not phoning. People generally put you on hold, while the toll is
mounting. Or they promise to call back, but never do. With email they can't claim that they are too busy, or
they forgot some key bit of info. With email, it's all there waiting for them if they will only look.
Crooks like phone contact because there is no record of anything and people are too timid to call
them a liar even when they know they are.

>I have called and had minor problems taken care of over the phone. Email is somewhat a riskier project.
> Imagine this.. your hotmail account posted on the contact page of a popular site
SVC uses hotmail for their business contact? It doesn't look like a hotmail account. It looks like
a business account: "sroohparvar@svcompucycle.com"

> how many emails do you think you would get everyday?
Should be practically none if the company doesn't screw up a lot. No one sends idle blab to a customer

> and how many of those do you think are legit? how many of those in the subject line start out with
> PROBLEM WITH ORDER and turn out to be ONLY spam..?
Spam-filtering email on the subject "orders", when it is exactly to this account that order problems are
suppose to be sent, is nonsensical. All mail to that account _should_ have "order" in the title.

>I have written the owner many times in the course of my work and never failed to receive a response.
I hope to one day have that experience. I suppose you make regular large purchases and
that's why they respond.

> But usually it's a few days.
Nine is a few days. In another week it will be 16 days. The week after that it will be 23 days.

>try and use email subjects that clearly state your business.
"Wrong item in order #17425" is what I used.

>Really though calling them would probably be better.
Thanks for the offer. Its order # 17425. Tell them to send my cable.

From my fourth email:

Concerning order # 17425, I got no response to my messages sent
Monday, September 02, 2002 2:32 PM or
Thursday, September 05, 2002
Saturday, September 07, 2002

At this point, I assume you have no intention of correcting your mistake.

All items I received were correct except one. I ordered a:

Green 18" Dual Device ATA133/100 IDE Rounded Cable , #RC18HD2-GRN

That is what is on the printout of my order, but you sent an 18" single floppy

Please send me the correct item. It is not essential that it be green, but I do
need an IDE Cable.

>good luck.

Realistically, SVC read my email and decided not do anything because it would
cost them. I'm just a little guy with no way to get my story out. so there is nothing
in it for them.


Golden Member
Jul 23, 2001
Originally posted by: cdub


The whole point of my visit to Fry's was I was building a computer for a friend. So I came home and opened up all the stuff I got for her computer. The Thermaltake Volcano 7+ we got had an incredibly ridged, unpolished bottom. Definitely no good. I decide to return it, and since I have the new Swiftech I put my old Volcano on her computer. That works fine.

Installing the Swiftech, however, proved to be my downfall. First, the Epox 8KHA+ does not have sufficient mounting points for the mounting widgets. Installing those ground my motherboard. So I took some mylar and made shims to keep the metal bases from contacting the contacts on the board. However, before I did that, I decided to turn on my computer and see if that was indeed the problem, see if my computer would post without those metal mounting widgets. It posted... but because there was no heatsink on my CPU, in under 5 seconds I hear a pop and a puff of smoke, and that's it for my Athlon 1800+.

There is nothing I can say in my defense. I am a great fool. So that $10 Swiftech cost me $100 in a new CPU cost. Maybe I can get in on the warrantee of my old CPU and give my folks a new computer at some point in the future. But for now, I really blew it.

Thanks for listening.

Thats just a shame, but your fault all the same.



Senior member
Oct 21, 2001

WHOOOO!!! CAS2-2-2. I bought a Mushkin DDR 512MB from newegg two days ago. I got it in the mail today. It was supposed to be the 2.5-3-3 rated one, but it turns out the be the 2-2-2 timing one. I checked their website. Seems that their Mushkin PC2700 512MB DDR 2.5-3-3 is out of stock. Wow i'm happy


Senior member
Apr 12, 2000

Got a Dell P1110 21 inch monitor from Ubid for $240 shipped. Sold as a "cosmetic second" all I can see on the case is a little blemish thats hardly noticable without a bright light shined on it and a scratch on the base.

This monitor was made by Sony for Dell, can do 1800x1440 is a Totally Flat Trinitron and its manufactured date was 2/2001 so I think its a great deal. It looks and works great

So I took a risk and it turned out ok. (With refurb monitor and Ubib this could have easily been a moan) but I have been lucky with stuff from Ubib



Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000

Using the Dell coupons and % off I scored the following:

128 MB Lexar Memory Stick

Total 160.91 Shipped minus $10 rebate = $150.91

Can't beat that with a stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 7, 2001
Is it true that hard drives bought from Dell only have a 30 day warranty? I purchased a Western Digital Hard drive and it failed after 3 months. So I emailed Dell for a rma, they said sorry its been past 30 days, contact the manufacturer. Ok looked it up at Western Digital web site not covered by Western Digital's warranty, check vender for service. I've been running around and around for a week. Has anyone had this problem? I have 4 hard drives from Dell, now I am worried. I think this will be my last, as Newegg has them with a three year warranty and about the same price. Any suggestions? :disgust:


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
Originally posted by: weplum
Is it true that hard drives bought from Dell only have a 30 day warranty? I purchased a Western Digital Hard drive and it failed after 3 months. So I emailed Dell for a rma, they said sorry its been past 30 days, contact the manufacturer. Ok looked it up at Western Digital web site not covered by Western Digital's warranty, check vender for service. I've been running around and around for a week. Has anyone had this problem? I have 4 hard drives from Dell, now I am worried. I think this will be my last, as Newegg has them with a three year warranty and about the same price. Any suggestions? :disgust:

Go to dell website and look under the "tech specs" tab. The WD i just purchased from dell showed a 3 year warranty. Did you buy a dell branded drive? or an oem?


Golden Member
Mar 31, 2001

I picked up this chair at Staples for $10, the only problem was the height adjustment was broken and my brother fixed it in less than two minutes..plus using a $10 off $30 coupon basically made it free.


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2001
Amazon sucks big time! I had coupons and was supposed to get free shipping, but the didn't subtract the coupon amount for one of the orders, and on the either order they honored neither the coupon nor free shipping. ARGH! Those monkeys overcharged me $35. Do they have a 800 number I can call? I emailed them at least 10 times, but haven't gotten any replies. Right now I'm thinking about doing a chargeback and returning their crap in really used (read busted to pieces) condition.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: dp004i
Amazon sucks big time! I had coupons and was supposed to get free shipping, but the didn't subtract the coupon amount for one of the orders, and on the either order they honored neither the coupon nor free shipping. ARGH! Those monkeys overcharged me $35. Do they have a 800 number I can call? I emailed them at least 10 times, but haven't gotten any replies. Right now I'm thinking about doing a chargeback and returning their crap in really used (read busted to pieces) condition.

Hmm... I remember reading this somewhere... oh yeah, the main hot deals topic that got locked.

Anyways, this happened to me also. I sent them an email and they reimbursed me for the money that they charged incorrectly. All fine for me.



Platinum Member
Nov 15, 1999
Originally posted by: dp004i
Amazon sucks big time! I had coupons and was supposed to get free shipping, but the didn't subtract the coupon amount for one of the orders, and on the either order they honored neither the coupon nor free shipping. ARGH! Those monkeys overcharged me $35. Do they have a 800 number I can call? I emailed them at least 10 times, but haven't gotten any replies. Right now I'm thinking about doing a chargeback and returning their crap in really used (read busted to pieces) condition.

Same thing happened to me.

Thank you for writing to us at Amazon.com.

I've investigated your order (#xxxxxxxxxx) and see that our
promotional offer was not properly applied, although your order did
meet the requirements.

To compensate you for this error, I have requested a refund of $16.97
to reimburse you for the amount you were erroneously charged. We
will send an e-mail to confirm the amount once the refund has been

You may also view completed returns and refunds by clicking the "Your
Account" link at the top of our web site, then clicking "Go!" next to
"open and recently shipped orders." Completed returns and refunds
information will appear at the bottom of the relevant order's summary

I hope this solution is satisfactory. Thank you for shopping at

Best regards,

Shirsendu Gupta
Earth's Biggest Selection


Senior member
Sep 11, 2002
Happened a few months back but here goes anyway. Was wandering around K-Mart and was perusing the budget pc games section (you know the $9.99 games in the jewel cases). I saw a sealed jewel case for Ghost Recon. I picked it up and realized that it was the case from the retail box version! Someone had taken it out of the box (maybe a return) and put it on the shelf. It had no upc code since it was not labelled for individual sale. I took it to the cashier and explained where I got it and said I wanted it for $9.99. I got it for $8.99 + tax! This game typically sells for $40-$50 elsewhere!
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