Breaking: Deadly Blast at Moscow’s Main Airport Seen as Terror Attack

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yes, I make no bones about wearing my anti-Russianism on my sleeves. without a doubt. it comes from spending so much time with my Latvian SO.

The more I read and learn about the history and crimes perpetrated against the former occupied territories, the strategies of forced cultural dilution that worked so well for Stalin and continue today (Georgia and South Ossetia), the modern day propaganda that continues to distort the past to hide serious Russian crimes, the grandstanding of Putin and the open knowledge that he suffers no (living) makes it very, very tough for me to consider any news out of Russia as completely factual.

It is not a Russian individual thing--it is a concept of Russia "thing"--the return to KGB and USSR that Putin very much wants, and the brainless automatons that support him.

I've met many fine, informed Russian individuals in my life. Of course, these Russians have no desire to live in Russia. I've seen, first hand, the type of economic and social destruction an occupying USSR-phile Russian community can do to an outside nation.

All I can say, is that it disgusts. Not so much because of a desire to maintain their own culture--certainly not--but that they expend so much energy in convincing world organizations that their desire to force Russian language and culture--as a MINORTY OCCUPYING GROUP of an independent, non-slavic nation--is seen as them being discriminated against. It is fucking asinine.

I'm not one to swallow the lies told by my own government as easily as you seem to assume. The thing is, I know that I won't be killed for saying such things publicly. I also know that this is not true in Russia today.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2004
Of course you should be skeptical. Russians are inherently evil. If a nuke falls on Moscow, its Putin's fault.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2003
Yes, I make no bones about wearing my anti-Russianism on my sleeves. without a doubt. it comes from spending so much time with my Latvian SO.

The more I read and learn about the history and crimes perpetrated against the former occupied territories, the strategies of forced cultural dilution that worked so well for Stalin and continue today (Georgia and South Ossetia), the modern day propaganda that continues to distort the past to hide serious Russian crimes, the grandstanding of Putin and the open knowledge that he suffers no (living) makes it very, very tough for me to consider any news out of Russia as completely factual.

It is not a Russian individual thing--it is a concept of Russia "thing"--the return to KGB and USSR that Putin very much wants, and the brainless automatons that support him.

I've met many fine, informed Russian individuals in my life. Of course, these Russians have no desire to live in Russia. I've seen, first hand, the type of economic and social destruction an occupying USSR-phile Russian community can do to an outside nation.

All I can say, is that it disgusts. Not so much because of a desire to maintain their own culture--certainly not--but that they expend so much energy in convincing world organizations that their desire to force Russian language and culture--as a MINORTY OCCUPYING GROUP of an independent, non-slavic nation--is seen as them being discriminated against. It is fucking asinine.

I'm not one to swallow the lies told by my own government as easily as you seem to assume. The thing is, I know that I won't be killed for saying such things publicly. I also know that this is not true in Russia today.

Eh, go back a few hundred years and it was the Islamic Jihadists who were forcing their religion and culture on the people of the Caucasus. Prior to that, the Caucasus region was entirely Orthodox Christian.

Georgia and Armenia are remnants of that time and are still primarily Orthodox today. They have been murdered, kicked around, and attempted to be force converted to Islam by Muslims, numerous times yet hold out to this day as Orthodox Christians. Russians are Orthodox today aswell despite hundreds of attempts to conquer them in the name of Islam.

Turkey's Christian population [which was there far before Islam was invented] was killed off a hundred years ago by Muslims...2 million or so during WW1.

So who exactly is the aggressor here - Is it the Orthodox Russian population or is it the Muslim population that resides in Russia ?

Muslims in Russia, their people are murdering [always non-Muslim] School children/blowing up hospitals/ and today detonated a bomb in a airport. They may claim it has nothing to do with Religion but with "liberating" Chechnya...But the actions dont support that claim. If that were true then why is it that a large number of fighters in Chechnya are fanatical Arab-Muslims instigating much of the trouble there.
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Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2003
Well, Zinny boy just dislikes Russians for some reason so i doubt he'll ever admit that that was how it went down.

The gas wasn't exactly leathal and vented as soon as possible, IMO, it was the best possible strategy considering that they started to execute people.

Yes. The screwup was in the recovery stage - when the medical units piled into a massive clusterfuck instead of an organized rescue op.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2003
Yes, I make no bones about wearing my anti-Russianism on my sleeves. without a doubt. it comes from spending so much time with my Latvian SO.

Just checking - how's the massive resurgence of neofascist nationalistic Latvian movement explained by your SO? I'm always fascinated by the explanations.

forced cultural dilution that worked so well for Stalin and continue today (Georgia and South Ossetia)

Please tell me more about forced cultural dilution in Georgia and South Ossetia.

I can't quite decide whether you are ill-informed, or just have a collection of various tidbits of information in your head without any systemic knowledge, thus, when you start putting them all together, it makes no sense.

I've seen, first hand, the type of economic and social destruction an occupying USSR-phile Russian community can do to an outside nation.

You do realize, that Russia single-handedly moved the swaths of *stan republics from the Dark Ages into the modern day, and as soon, as it pulled out, they rolled back into the feudalism? Which is exactly what fuels Chechen, and the rest of the Caucus problems?

as a MINORTY OCCUPYING GROUP of an independent, non-slavic nation--is seen as them being discriminated against. It is fucking asinine.

Ah, I see your SO has worked you well. Just a quick reality check: Swedish in Finland, French in Canada. And we are not talking about denying the elderly the basic necessities because they could not master the Latvian/Estonian/Lithunian language. Just minority presence and the second state language as is.

I am no apologist for the occupation of Baltic states, but what they are currently doing with their bruised ego of, essentially, slaves from one master to another, is just stupid. It wins them no points in NATO, and their economy is hurting as a result of that.
Dec 10, 2005
It is not a Russian individual thing--it is a concept of Russia "thing"--the return to KGB and USSR that Putin very much wants, and the brainless automatons that support him.

It's interesting, just from a historical perspective, how Russians seem to be in love with very strong, central governments that are not very democratic, from the Czars of old to the rise of Putin.
Jun 26, 2007
Yes. The screwup was in the recovery stage - when the medical units piled into a massive clusterfuck instead of an organized rescue op.

All in all, it was a VERY successful op, nothing like WACO or anything of the like.

In essence, mistakes were made regarding concentration of the gas, but in pulling it all off, we are using the procedure as a counter measure tactic in the entire NATO.

There were betteer choices of gas is one common objection, but there are none, not in the case where civilians are starting to get killed by suicidal maniacs, it's not like they'd give up.

People will argue about flash bangs, in a room of this size they are useless, they will argue about negotiations, they didn't want anything, they will argue about what ever the fuck they please.... the truth is, the killing of hostages had started, the gas was too concentrated for the building but vented very fast, every civilian had died with another option.

And yes, that is my professional opinion knowing the location, the people and the logistics of the locale.
Jun 26, 2007
It's interesting, just from a historical perspective, how Russians seem to be in love with very strong, central governments that are not very democratic, from the Czars of old to the rise of Putin.

And yet the parlimentary democracy of Russia is far more democratic than that of the US.

Putin has shit nothing to say about anything, he really doesn't.

I'll await the next elections before i say anything about this, i hear Putin is running, if he is, he'll be elected President, much like the US would elect dead Reagan given the chance.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2003
All in all, it was a VERY successful op, nothing like WACO or anything of the like.

I agree. I was just interested by zin's asinine statements, and wanted to hear them explained, but, given his sources of influences, I'm not surprised any more.
Jun 26, 2007
I agree. I was just interested by zin's asinine statements, and wanted to hear them explained, but, given his sources of influences, I'm not surprised any more.

Yeah, heh, i gave you an explanation for that earlier..

I'm probably out for the night... cheers.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Just checking - how's the massive resurgence of neofascist nationalistic Latvian movement explained by your SO? I'm always fascinated by the explanations.

nationalist, yes--Neofascist, no. yes indeed--Latvia has a very strong nationalist movement. It's both obnoxious and hilarious listening to some of the older generation make the same anti-west, anti-Russia arguments in defense of Latvia that their "enemies" would make in defense of their own nations. Nationalism is a poison anywhere, but it's no surprise in a country where for 5 decades, simple possession of your flag was a trip to the Gulag. Perhaps you can forgive them a modicum of this current memory, those that survived such things.

As for neofascism, if you refer to the march of the Latvian Legion, and you try to label them Nazis as all pro-Russian propagandists do, then you know very little about the issue.

These were soldiers that volunteered late in the war under a division of the SS, yes, but they were the only division not required to take an oath of loyalty to Hitler. None of them were German sympathizers--Latvian men were given a choice of who to fight for (Russians didn't really give them a choice as their occupiers from 41-42, however). The Germans were late to recruit them after pushing the Russians out. They fought, simply, to keep Russia the fuck out of Latvia. After deporting 17,000 citizens in a single night of June 1941, Russians quickly erased the memory of 700 years Of German stewardship. They were that brutal.

I could go on and on...I've read a lot into this. More than you, I'm positive. Interviewed a surviving Legionnaire and visited these cemetaries.

In fact--Latvian Legionaires were appointed in Nuremburg to guard Nazi war criminals. They were officially recognized by the UN and the Allied nations as non-nazi, non German combatants. The official world record for them is clean. It is only today that reactionaries and Russian hell-raisers rives history to point towards discrimination that does not exist.

One major problem with Latvian politics is that out of some 20 political parties, all but one of them are right-leaning. The only party with a bent to leftist values is the pro-Russian party (which took over city council in Riga last year, shockingly). This fosters a strong perceived environment of nationalist culture even though many in the country do not share these values. Those Latvians with liberal values simply can't vote Russians into power. They have every reason not to vote Russians into power.

Please tell me more about forced cultural dilution in Georgia and South Ossetia.
no different than what happened with the Baltics, with Poland. forced deportation of indigenous, non-slavic Georgian citizens and replaced with populations of Russian citizens during invasion and USSR occupation. This is cultural dilution at the hands of Stalin--a natural born Georgian, he wanted, like he wanted the rest of Eastern (and Northern) Europe as Russian states. Today, Putin can simply look at these current population dynamics and claim a legit reason to go in, support Russian cultural populations, and invade.

You know who recognizes S Osetia as an independent today? Russia, N Korea, Venezuala, Nicaragua.

that's it.

To this day, Putin and Russian apologists claim that the Baltics readily voted themselves into the USSR. The fact of the matter is that on the invasion, the Saima (parliament) was sent to the Gulag (Ulmanas--the Latvian PM until 41, died in a Siberian prison) and replaced with occupying Russian military. These officers voted the Baltics into the USSR. So, as Putin still makes the argument today--yes, the Baltic nations voted themselves into the USSR...under the vote of the USSR.


I can't quite decide whether you are ill-informed, or just have a collection of various tidbits of information in your head without any systemic knowledge, thus, when you start putting them all together, it makes no sense.

You do realize, that Russia single-handedly moved the swaths of *stan republics from the Dark Ages into the modern day, and as soon, as it pulled out, they rolled back into the feudalism? Which is exactly what fuels Chechen, and the rest of the Caucus problems?
Chechnya is not an area that I delve deeply into. It's easy for me to chalk it up to yet another Russian invasion into sovereign territory, but I don't make such bold assertions.

NOW--I realize that I misremembered my earlier claim. I was thinking about the apartment bombings when I was referring to the gassing at the theater. I remember the theater hostage situations it was happening live, and I seem to recall early reports saying that the terrorists gasses the hostages. That is live always take that with a grain of salt.

Though the apartment bombings, blamed on Chechen separatists by Putin, and for what Litveninko [sic] was killed. That's what I was thinking.

Ah, I see your SO has worked you well. Just a quick reality check: Swedish in Finland, French in Canada. And we are not talking about denying the elderly the basic necessities because they could not master the Latvian/Estonian/Lithunian language. Just minority presence and the second state language as is.
What is so difficult for someone living in another country for 30 or more years who refuses to learn the actual language? Is it too much to ask them, if they want to be a part of the actually try to be a part of the country? Apparently it is with the older Russians--who are, in fact the ones that raise the stink. Their kids don't seem to care, as they will be going to school and working in the country, thus understand the value of learning the language..The calls of discrimination are mostly from the older generation--those who remember being proud occupiers. The kids aren't nearly as concerned with such tomfoolery.

Is the situation with Mexican immigration into the US familiar to you?

Hilariously, a EU delegation was recently sent to Riga at the request of USSR to investigate such oft-claimed issues of discrimination against this "indigenous" Russian population. The director of the EU department responded that such claims were baseless, essentially relaying the same argument "Claims of people living here for 20 years who refuse to learn the language are not worth considering."

Sorry, this was reported in Diena last week.

I wonder how the ave US citizen would react if someone proposed Spanish as a "second state language."

Better yet, what if such had been proposed as a "non-discriminatory act to support the wishes of minority ex-patriot citizens of a former occupying, brutal, Mexican regime."

yeah, sure...and the UN would be calling us ultra-nationalist neofascist beasts?

I am no apologist for the occupation of Baltic states, but what they are currently doing with their bruised ego of, essentially, slaves from one master to another, is just stupid. It wins them no points in NATO, and their economy is hurting as a result of that.

I assume you aren't living in Russia.

if so....why?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
And yet the parlimentary democracy of Russia is far more democratic than that of the US.

Putin has shit nothing to say about anything, he really doesn't.

I'll await the next elections before i say anything about this, i hear Putin is running, if he is, he'll be elected President, much like the US would elect dead Reagan given the chance.

This is how I know you don't know shit.

You realize that Putin is recognized--by EVERYONE--as the Russian leader, right?

You do know this? It's hilarious, the gaffs you hear from various journalists on TV and radio these days.

"Today Russian President Pu-- uh, Medvedyev," That's simply an incident, no proof on its own of anything, but it is the prevailing thought of anyone, who reads the smallest bit of news, about what is going on in Russia.

You know he's up for another term, right? do you seem to think that Putin will not officially take over, again?

Most people here have already established you as a liar based on your SAS proclamations--I've always given you the benefit of the doubt. I actually like just about all of your posts. But you are a very closed-minded individual (there is only one type of Whiskey--only One type of beer)--and your professed understanding of current Russian power structure....I find you astonishingly unread.

You may know your tactical breakdowns or whatever, but you seem to know dick about what's going on over there.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I agree. I was just interested by zin's asinine statements, and wanted to hear them explained, but, given his sources of influences, I'm not surprised any more.

Based on my own eyes, my own travels, my own conversations.

You claim to be a Russian.

Where do you live...and why?

You can question my source...I guess. You should also question her on what it's like to grow up without her grandfather--sent to the Gulag for 30 years--a survivor, same with her uncle. Ask her why the family farm was taken from her grandfather and given to 8-- EIGHT Russian families that turned it into a mudpit. It sucks to be considered the aristocracy when you're a farmer, have your land taken away and be sent off to the Gulag. Ask her mother why her mother was allowed to die being refused heart medication under occupation. Why her mother was made an orphan at the age of 7 when her father was kidnapped in the middle of the night and sent to Siberia.

Go ahead, consider my source invalid.

You should also consider that she is very annoyed with Latvia, particularly the rabid nationalism. You simply have no idea.
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Jun 26, 2007

This is how I know you don't know shit.

You realize that Putin is recognized--by EVERYONE--as the Russian leader, right?

You do know this? It's hilarious, the gaffs you hear from various journalists on TV and radio these days.

"Today Russian President Pu-- uh, Medvedyev," That's simply an incident, no proof on its own of anything, but it is the prevailing thought of anyone, who reads the smallest bit of news, about what is going on in Russia.

You know he's up for another term, right? do you seem to think that Putin will not officially take over, again?

Most people here have already established you as a liar based on your SAS proclamations--I've always given you the benefit of the doubt. I actually like just about all of your posts. But you are a very closed-minded individual (there is only one type of Whiskey--only One type of beer)--and your professed understanding of current Russian power structure....I find you astonishingly unread.

You may know your tactical breakdowns or whatever, but you seem to know dick about what's going on over there.

I love how that works, it's like the US alone knows that Putin runs Russia, there is NO OTHER NATION THAT BELIEVES THAT.

Then again, the world knows that Cheney is still running the US, just look at the policies, would Cheney be for a prolonging of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, would he be for keeping Gitmo, somethin Obama promised he would close while removing troops from both Afghanistan and Iraq... clearly it's Cheney who is the real president since all what he wanted is coming to fruitation, right?

You might think that argument is stupid, because you know better, well you don't know jack shit about Russia, that much is clear.

Putin isn't even involved in foreign affairs anymore, this i am very sure of. (MI6)


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I love how that works, it's like the US alone knows that Putin runs Russia, there is NO OTHER NATION THAT BELIEVES THAT.

Then again, the world knows that Cheney is still running the US, just look at the policies, would Cheney be for a prolonging of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, would he be for keeping Gitmo, somethin Obama promised he would close while removing troops from both Afghanistan and Iraq... clearly it's Cheney who is the real president since all what he wanted is coming to fruitation, right?

You might think that argument is stupid, because you know better, well you don't know jack shit about Russia, that much is clear.

Putin isn't even involved in foreign affairs anymore, this i am very sure of. (MI6)

Oh, so now you're MI6?

Just how high does that pile stack for you?


For one, Cheney is sucking fumes right now. Gitmo is in the process of shutdown. Would you like to volunteer some space for these prisoners? that woudl eb nice. Other countries have helped out, many are unwilling. So are our own citizens.

It's funny, really:
"US is evil! They MUST close Gitmo!"
"We are evil! We should clsoe Gitmo! US doesn't do this! Obama save us!"
Obama: "I'ma gonna close Gitmo."

..."Uh, OK, so I gotta put these people somewhere."

US: "No, they can't stay here! Them's terrists!"
World: "Hey! We don't want those filthy terrorists on our land!"

I love how people are so quick to damn someone for doing exactly what they promised--in the only possible way that they can do it.

fucking astonishing.
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Jun 26, 2007
Oh, so now you're MI6?

Just how high does that pile stack for you?


For one, Cheney is sucking fumes right now. Gitmo is in the process of shutdown. Would you like to volunteer some space for these prisoners? that woudl eb nice. Other countries have helped out, many are unwilling. So are our own citizens.

It's funny, really:
"US is evil! They MUST close Gitmo!"
"We are evil! We should clsoe Gitmo! US doesn't do this! Obama save us!"
Obama: "I'ma gonna close Gitmo."

..."Uh, OK, so I gotta put these people somewhere."

US: "No, they can't stay here! Them's terrists!"
World: "Hey! We don't want those filthy terrorists on our land!"

I love how people are so quick to damn someone for doing exactly what they promised--in the only possible way that they can do it.

fucking astonishing.

Less crank, more sense...

Try again.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Less crank, more sense...

Try again.

no, seriously. why would you criticize a man for doing exactly what he said he would do, the only way he can do it?

it makes no sense. Beg him to do it, but don't beg him to do it on your own terms, as those terms are illegal and violate what most consider to be serious international human rights laws. IIRC, there are only 6 prisoners remaining at GITMO. So almost all have been processed.

You are so ambivalent as to the power structure in Russia, though; so I'll assume your grasp on events in the US isn't so tidy, either.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Just a quick reality check: Swedish in Finland, French in Canada. And we are not talking about denying the elderly the basic necessities because they could not master the Latvian/Estonian/Lithunian language. Just minority presence and the second state language as is.
dang, totally missed this bit of silliness earlier.

Perhaps if the Fins were former occupiers of Sweden, then the Swedes might have less sympathy for their "plight" if Finnish was then not allowed as a second language.

Sorry, no relevance for comparison here.

well, except when you consider WHY the Finnish are in Sweden. Hmmm...why could that be?
In the 1940s, 70,000 young Finnish children were evacuated from Finland to Sweden during the Winter War and the Continuation War. 15,000 are believed to have stayed and an unknown number to have returned as adults.

So The Finnish as displaced citizens at the hands of the same Russian invaders that occupied Latvia. Odd that you would try to evoke sympathy, or accept tolerance at the hands of such disparate populations and issues.

Funny, also, that you consider the Baltics should take the example of Sweden on how to treat their former occupiers. The same Sweden that, in 1941, delivered to Russian invaders, at their request, ~16 of Latvia's top military personel (mostly top Generals, iirc) that had fled and sought asylum. They were promptly sent to the Gulag where they were soon executed. This is something that Sweden has profusely apologized for. Russia, officially, has yet to recognize that they were an occupying nation.

As for French in Canada. Just as meaningless in such a comparison....
Jun 26, 2007
no, seriously. why would you criticize a man for doing exactly what he said he would do, the only way he can do it?

it makes no sense. Beg him to do it, but don't beg him to do it on your own terms, as those terms are illegal and violate what most consider to be serious international human rights laws. IIRC, there are only 6 prisoners remaining at GITMO. So almost all have been processed.

You are so ambivalent as to the power structure in Russia, though; so I'll assume your grasp on events in the US isn't so tidy, either.

You are asking for sensible things to come out of a suicide bombers proponents?

Are you prechance a bit fucked in the head?

Six prisoners but hundreds imprisoned died there and those who were released are coming forth with their stories one by one.

Therea are hundreds of prisoners in Gitmo, six that you are aware of means absolutely nothing at ll.

When you get that you know nothing, we can discuss this.
Jun 26, 2007
dang, totally missed this bit of silliness earlier.

Perhaps if the Fins were former occupiers of Sweden, then the Swedes might have less sympathy for their "plight" if Finnish was then not allowed as a second language.

Sorry, no relevance for comparison here.

well, except when you consider WHY the Finnish are in Sweden. Hmmm...why could that be?

So The Finnish as displaced citizens at the hands of the same Russian invaders that occupied Latvia. Odd that you would try to evoke sympathy, or accept tolerance at the hands of such disparate populations and issues.

Funny, also, that you consider the Baltics should take the example of Sweden on how to treat their former occupiers. The same Sweden that, in 1941, delivered to Russian invaders, at their request, ~16 of Latvia's top military personel (mostly top Generals, iirc) that had fled and sought asylum. They were promptly sent to the Gulag where they were soon executed. This is something that Sweden has profusely apologized for. Russia, officially, has yet to recognize that they were an occupying nation.

As for French in Canada. Just as meaningless in such a comparison....

Oh, and i don't give a fuck about the dictatorship that Russia was in WWII, nor do i care that Jews were actually sent from the harbours of the US to die at sea.

If you want to discuss these times, you'll lose more as an American than any Russian.

BTW, soem small thing happened, it became a democracy, not a true democracy like England, but a democracy like the US, you know, the the lesser of the evil gets the ok?

Just don't miss that without the French you'd bow to the queen.
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