Breaking: Mass Shooting at Ft. Hood

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Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
Funny how everyone made fun of McCain when he hinted that Obama would take the country back to a pre 9/11 mentality and then this happens...
(not saying that the shooting was funny)

Everyone saw the writing on the wall and the government even knew about this guy but was too chicken shit to act on it because they were afraid of being called politically incorrect.

These deaths are 100% on the government.


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2005
Funny how everyone made fun of McCain when he hinted that Obama would take the country back to a pre 9/11 mentality and then this happens...
(not saying that the shooting was funny)

Everyone saw the writing on the wall and the government even knew about this guy but was too chicken shit to act on it because they were afraid of being called politically incorrect.

These deaths are 100% on the government.

AHH yes, Make sure to blame it on Obama. I'm sure he was in constant contact with Hasan's "handlers" via Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, and ACORN.

I guess your one of the guys who blame 9/11 on Bush.


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2005
I like how this thread has turned into an Isreal/Palistinian fluffers thread. I think Joe Leiberman has a lot of balls throwing the "terrorism" canard around so soon, especially if this guy lives. He eventually will be charged with something and be tried.

"Terrorism" as a charge against Hasan simply introduces messy issues to a situation not in need of the complications implicit in the term (incl. the uncertainty of its definition!).

these are the ones that should dominate: MURDER and TREASON.

Re murder: Hasan's religion and politics are irrelevant to his specific intent and his acts. If he wants to pursue a mental illness defense, fine. There's plenty of evidence of premeditation. Who's going to testify to his mental illness? He's had a lot of psychiatrists working close to him - what would they say?

Re treason: Did his acts constitute levying war against the United States? Does he adhere to our enemies? Has he given our enemies aid and comfort within the U.S.? Those are the elements that would need to be proved at a trial for treason; the news items certainly indicate evidence of each of those. Let him defend against those or prove mental illness.

The rest - his religion, his politics - may carry evidence of any or all of the elements above, but of themselves his religion and politics are irrelevant. Others' desires to put them front and center in the shape of "terrorism" are purely political: Distraction from the Essential.
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Red Irish

Mar 6, 2009
I like how this thread has turned into an Isreal/Palistinian fluffers thread. I think Joe Leiberman has a lot of balls throwing the "terrorism" canard around so soon, especially if this guy lives. He eventually will be charged with something and be tried.

"Terrorism" as a charge against Hasan simply introduces messy issues to a situation not in need of the complications implicit in the term (incl. the uncertainty of its definition!).

these are the ones that should dominate: MURDER and TREASON.

Re murder: Hasan's religion and politics are irrelevant to his specific intent and his acts. If he wants to pursue a mental illness defense, fine. There's plenty of evidence of premeditation. Who's going to testify to his mental illness? He's had a lot of psychiatrists working close to him - what would they say?

Re treason: Did his acts constitute levying war against the United States? Does he adhere to our enemies? Has he given our enemies aid and comfort within the U.S.? Those are the elements that would need to be proved at a trial for treason; the news items certainly indicate evidence of each of those. Let him defend against those or prove mental illness.

The rest - his religion, his politics - may carry evidence of any or all of the elements above, but of themselves his religion and politics are irrelevant. Others' desires to put them front and center in the shape of "terrorism" are purely political: Distraction from the Essential.

I thoroughly agree.
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I like how this thread has turned into an Isreal/Palistinian fluffers thread. I think Joe Leiberman has a lot of balls throwing the "terrorism" canard around so soon, especially if this guy lives. He eventually will be charged with something and be tried.

"Terrorism" as a charge against Hasan simply introduces messy issues to a situation not in need of the complications implicit in the term (incl. the uncertainty of its definition!).

these are the ones that should dominate: MURDER and TREASON.

Re murder: Hasan's religion and politics are irrelevant to his specific intent and his acts. If he wants to pursue a mental illness defense, fine. There's plenty of evidence of premeditation. Who's going to testify to his mental illness? He's had a lot of psychiatrists working close to him - what would they say?

Re treason: Did his acts constitute levying war against the United States? Does he adhere to our enemies? Has he given our enemies aid and comfort within the U.S.? Those are the elements that would need to be proved at a trial for treason; the news items certainly indicate evidence of each of those. Let him defend against those or prove mental illness.

The rest - his religion, his politics - may carry evidence of any or all of the elements above, but of themselves his religion and politics are irrelevant. Others' desires to put them front and center in the shape of "terrorism" are purely political: Distraction from the Essential.

This is essentially the liberal position; there is no such thing as terrorism, there are only crimes. I don't agree with it personally, but it's a fairly popular position.

The CIA knew months ago that Hasan was trying to contact al Qaeda and notified the Army, which did nothing. The CIA has also refused to brief Congress, saying it's a law enforcement investigation and other agencies have the lead.

The FBI investigated him in 2008 for his ties to a Yemeni cleric associated with 9/11. They concluded Hasan did not pose a terrorist threat.

He gave a lecture on Muslim alienation and potential threats from Muslims in the military if the military is at war against Muslims, complete with a bullet point reading simply "We love death more then [SIC] you love life.",2933,573547,00.html

From a fellow physician: "He was a lightning rod. He made his views known and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views," Finnell said. "When you're a military officer you take an oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

"They should've confronted him — our professors, officers — but they were too concerned about being politically correct."

Finnell said the warning signs were clear to many, not just classmates. Faculty members, including many high-ranking military officers, witnessed firsthand his anti-Americanism, he said.

Finnell recalled Hasan telling his classmates and professors, "I'm a Muslim first and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution."

Every possible indication of a terrorist threat was there; every one was ignored. Finally Hasan went on his personal jihad, shouting "Allahu akbar" while gunning down forty-one people. Thirteen people are dead simply because we refuse to admit the threat, for fear of being called racist or Islam haters. But then, if you don't believe terrorism exists, then none of this means anything. He's just another guy who went crazy, no one could have stopped it, and it means nothing. It's just a bunch of stuff that happened.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
It really puts the military in a bind because guys like Hasan should be discharged, but if the military started discharging every soldier who said, "I want out" then enlisted soldiers could quit anytime the nation went to war or made use of the military, turning the military into a fitness and weapons training program and subsidizer of college education. Part of a soldier's bargain is that in exchange for whatever benefits the military offers, they agree that they will be prepared to deploy and enter combat if need be.



Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
All religions have extremists and AFAIK no one is making this asshole a victim.

Yes, all religions have there extremists, but the religious extremists making the most havoc in the world today are of the Islamic type.

As far as making this guy a victim, give it time. If the Army does what it should, try him in a military court according to the UCMJ (which could fast-track this guy to an execution), we'll see how the 'victim' thing plays out.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
And he directly insinuated the government's poor action was due to Obama. Blaming this act on the president, any president, is stupid.

Not that I'm super surprised or anything.

Didn't Obama say the "buck stops here"?

But I digress. I never did mention Obama. I did mention government. Now, there were two distinct philosophies of government towards terrorism in the last presidential election, one a "pre 9/11 mentality" and the other a "post 9/11 mentality".

The CEO of a company breeds the culture of management withing that company. If the CEO is overly PC, the culture will become overly PC.

Now, there is evidence that this soldier was involved with known terrorists and this information was given to the army.

So, why didn't the army act? Was it because they were too afraid of being called politically incorrect?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Didn't Obama say the "buck stops here"?

But I digress. I never did mention Obama. I did mention government. Now, there were two distinct philosophies of government towards terrorism in the last presidential election, one a "pre 9/11 mentality" and the other a "post 9/11 mentality".

The CEO of a company breeds the culture of management withing that company. If the CEO is overly PC, the culture will become overly PC.

Now, there is evidence that this soldier was involved with known terrorists and this information was given to the army.

So, why didn't the army act? Was it because they were too afraid of being called politically incorrect?

Well you actually DID mention Obama in your post on a directly related point, but whatever. That doesn't matter now because in this post you explicitly blame him.

So your indictment is that Obama has created some nebulous culture that causes agents not to follow up legitimate leads due to political correctness. Of course you do this with absolutely no evidence or support whatsoever, but that's never really stopped you before has it? You're perfectly comfortable with filling in the gaps in your knowledge with ultra right crazy.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
This was another terrorist attack on our soil and happened under the Commander in Chief's watch so it is his fault, period, just like 9-11 was Bush's fault.

Now that we got that out of the way, we either carry on or go by way of do do bird. Our choice.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
this is a sad tragedy.

But from what i have read and seen on the news it seems that th is guy should have had people keeping an eye on him. perhaps removed from the military.

seems perhaps that the military is the last place you want political correctness.


Feb 23, 2005
Well you actually DID mention Obama in your post on a directly related point, but whatever. That doesn't matter now because in this post you explicitly blame him.

So your indictment is that Obama has created some nebulous culture that causes agents not to follow up legitimate leads due to political correctness. Of course you do this with absolutely no evidence or support whatsoever, but that's never really stopped you before has it? You're perfectly comfortable with filling in the gaps in your knowledge with ultra right crazy.

No. He. Didnt. Youre grasping at straws because you disagree with him. In fact, "Obama" and "government" were not only in separate sentences, but separate paragraphs.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Well it could be Obama's fault indirectly. Since the information about his dealings with a radical islamic imam were gathered by FBI recording conversations out of the country to known terrorist sympatizers it would be very bad for the Obama administration if a Bush tactic were used to flush out those that want to do us harm, especially if they're in the military. So it's possible nothing much was done about it because Obama didn't want to prove that Bush was right yet again.

So stopping any act using this tactic would prove once again that what bush was doing regarding security was correct (remember Obama keeps continuing what Bush did).


Feb 23, 2005
Well it could be Obama's fault indirectly. Since the information about his dealings with a radical islamic imam were gathered by FBI recording conversations out of the country to known terrorist sympatizers it would be very bad for the Obama administration if a Bush tactic were used to flush out those that want to do us harm, especially if they're in the military. So it's possible nothing much was done about it because Obama didn't want to prove that Bush was right yet again.

So stopping any act using this tactic would prove once again that what bush was doing regarding security was correct (remember Obama keeps continuing what Bush did).

Well youre right about that. It certainly would be easy to speculate what the left's reaction would be had this have happened on Bush's watch. In the meantime, we can laugh at words like open...honest...most ethical...transparent...etc. Its all lip service.


I hold FBI responsible. I think its unreasonable to expect POTUS to be up to date on every investigation the FBI is doing. But they did fuck up in not sharing their info, especially considering what it was, with the Army.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
One small correction on what I posted - I just heard Rep Peter King talking about this and the CIA didn't refuse to brief him, they refused to brief him until Tuesday (today.) He asked Friday to be briefed over the weekend. That's a subtle but important difference as I am sure the CIA wants to get its collective ducks in a row before briefing Congress on something it arguably screwed up. Four days' notice seems not unreasonable.


Feb 23, 2005
One small correction on what I posted - I just heard Rep Peter King talking about this and the CIA didn't refuse to brief him, they refused to brief him until Tuesday (today.) He asked Friday to be briefed over the weekend. That's a subtle but important difference as I am sure the CIA wants to get its collective ducks in a row before briefing Congress on something it arguably screwed up. Four days' notice seems not unreasonable.

Oops CIA. For some reason I thought FBI had it. Scratch my post above and change it to "I hold CIA responsible"


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007
I hold FBI responsible. I think its unreasonable to expect POTUS to be up to date on every investigation the FBI is doing. But they did fuck up in not sharing their info, especially considering what it was, with the Army.

I never said that the president should be micromanaging law enforcement. It is the culture in government that the Obama administration created that allowed this to happen....a "pre 9/11" mentality.


Feb 23, 2005
I never said that the president should be micromanaging law enforcement. It is the culture in government that the Obama administration created that allowed this to happen....a "pre 9/11" mentality.

I dont know man. He hasnt been in office long enough to that kind of effect IMHO.



Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
There's no "politically incorrectness" in challenging someone who pretty much admitted that he has a conflict with the oath he took when becoming a commissioned officer:

I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.
From the information coming to light, it's clear that Hassan's beliefs were in serious conflict with this oath.
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