BREAKING: Palestinian group says Israeli settler executed

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Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Future Shock
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Future Shock
Originally posted by: RichardE

I have no problem with 4.7 million graves. They will all get virgins in heaven to play with if they bless Allah as they run towards the guns.

Take your fscking racist piddle out of here, Nazi.

Those 4.7 million people didn't choose to be born Muslims, in Palestinian refugee camps...anymore than 6 million Jews didn't choose to be born Jewish in Germany.

Future Shock

Hell, if it was christians or jews causing all this crap I would say kill the entire lot of them aswell.

If we kill all of them, we get decades of peace in exchange for a few years of mourning. That is a pretty good trade off, brutal? yes, heartless? yes, Will it finally put an end to this? Yes.

Nothing else works, we tried it. We can't help a people who do not help themeselves, so get rid of them.

What do you MEAN "can't help people who do not help themselves?"



NO industrial base. A populace now borne into refugee camps of little educational access, poor healthcare, and little security.

And NO billions upon billions of US aide as Israel is getting.

But, hey, yeah, it's all THEIR fault for "not helping themselves."

OK, Mr. Self-Starter, let's dump you in the desert with no resources and see wtf you bet is curl up an die in a few hours....

The ONLY thing these people ever were was farmers and herders...and THAT takes that Israel has moved them want them to help themselves? Give them their (or someone else's) land back. It is as shameful as what the US did to the native Americans when they moved them onto the reservations...and has had much the same effect.

Too bad Islam bans casinos...

Future Shock

They chose there destiny when they refused the land partition. I have no sympathy for them. Instead of trying to be peacefull with Israel, and perhaps become a neighboring nation with them, they instead chose to attack at any chance. They made there bed, they get to lie in it.

I have no loss of love for Israel, as many of my posts condemining them have shown. I had Meuge called me anti-semitic for some of my posts regarding Jewish people and ISrael, and you call me Nazi like for my posts regarding Palestine.

What is the big difference between Israel fighting all these years and Palestine fighting all these years?

Israel fought to survive against people trying to destroyt it, Palestine and the other Arab countries fought to destroy Israel. I really don't care about the right and wrongs of dumping Israel in the middle of the arab countries, but they were all offered peace, the only once who chose it was Israel. The other arab nations and palestine wanted a war to finish off the Jews. They got a war. As I said, I have no sympathy for any of them and would not shed a tear is All of Gaza was bulldozed in the sea.


Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
Now, let's say the gloves come off...and they would do WHAT differently? Kill everyone?

Do you have a different definition of "final military solution" than most people? We didn't go over to Europe in 1941 to make the trains run on time, as far as I know. When people want to kill you, then you have the right to kill them first. Pretty simple for most rational people. And states are not obligated to take into account the individual opinions and moral outlook of every single person in the states that are attacking them. The idiots in Palestine elected an avowed terrorist organization to lead them. Whatever happens now they have it coming.

Your expressions of horror over the conditions in which Palestinians live, and the way they have been treated, are hollow. You're either very confused, or you've been taught a warped version of the history. Today I heard a Palestinian news reporter describe the abduction of Gilat as an arrest. They arrested him! After digging a tunnel into Israel and killing two other soldiers. I guess they think they arrested that hitchhiking teenager too, and so I guess shooting him the head was capital punishment.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Future Shock
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Future Shock
Originally posted by: RichardE

I have no problem with 4.7 million graves. They will all get virgins in heaven to play with if they bless Allah as they run towards the guns.

Take your fscking racist piddle out of here, Nazi.

Those 4.7 million people didn't choose to be born Muslims, in Palestinian refugee camps...anymore than 6 million Jews didn't choose to be born Jewish in Germany.

Future Shock

Hell, if it was christians or jews causing all this crap I would say kill the entire lot of them aswell.

If we kill all of them, we get decades of peace in exchange for a few years of mourning. That is a pretty good trade off, brutal? yes, heartless? yes, Will it finally put an end to this? Yes.

Nothing else works, we tried it. We can't help a people who do not help themeselves, so get rid of them.

What do you MEAN "can't help people who do not help themselves?"



NO industrial base. A populace now borne into refugee camps of little educational access, poor healthcare, and little security.

And NO billions upon billions of US aide as Israel is getting.

But, hey, yeah, it's all THEIR fault for "not helping themselves."

OK, Mr. Self-Starter, let's dump you in the desert with no resources and see wtf you bet is curl up an die in a few hours....

The ONLY thing these people ever were was farmers and herders...and THAT takes that Israel has moved them want them to help themselves? Give them their (or someone else's) land back. It is as shameful as what the US did to the native Americans when they moved them onto the reservations...and has had much the same effect.

Too bad Islam bans casinos...

Future Shock

You're totally clueless.

Its the Israeli's who have been under constant seige and kicked off thier lands. Lands they bought from Ottoman turks and Arab land owners. Lands entiled to them by both the terms of the League of Nations' "Mandate for Palestine" which preamble states ""encourage close Jewish settlement on the land" and of course by all the "rules of warfare and postwar settlement" e.g. (like the French to firmly incorporate, once and for all, Alsace-Lorraine from Hostile Germans) By all rights, due to Arabs and pals breaking every agreement ever signed and unabated hostilites and terror attacks directed twards Jews and Israel, Israel should have all of Siani, Gaza, "west bank", half of Lebonon, and Golan Heights - But nooo the International community (US included) combined with Israels general ignorance to the Lessor Jihad and forgivness of Jews forced them to give them back.

It's Arabs mainly from Jordan who emmigrate to Gaza and west bank once Israelis built houses, electric grids, water treatment plants for them on formerly worthless sand who are so called "palestinians". They are supported by all Arabs with men and materials to continue the Lessor Jihad until Jews leave that's thier "job" Totally ravanous and due for repatriation back from whence they came.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Do you have a different definition of "final military solution" than most people? We didn't go over to Europe in 1941 to make the trains run on time, as far as I know. When people want to kill you, then you have the right to kill them first. Pretty simple for most rational people. And states are not obligated to take into account the individual opinions and moral outlook of every single person in the states that are attacking them. The idiots in Palestine elected an avowed terrorist organization to lead them. Whatever happens now they have it coming.

Nice, you "get it" - I don't think western powers will ever win another "war" way we fight today.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth
are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

like i said, let the Arabs show the world just how much they truly care about the Palestinians by feeding them, housing them, and giving them jobs on THEIR lands for a change.

anything less will only lead to endless warfare between the two parties... and I, for one, am fvcking sick of it.

smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth
are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

like i said, let the Arabs show the world just how much they truly care about the Palestinians by feeding them, housing them, and giving them jobs on THEIR lands for a change.

anything less will only lead to endless warfare between the two parties... and I, for one, am fvcking sick of it.

The palestinians are not the arabs problem. Arabs didn't take there land away that was israel. Why should Syria take in the refuges created by israel?


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth

They were weak and conquered. Thats life.


Jan 10, 2002
I just cannot believe that so many people hold the Israelis up as saints in this whole affair..

Didn't some hardass Zionists murder UN peace keepers who came to try and offer solutions in the VERY beginning.. and werent there many crimes against the Palestinians by Israelis in the beginning of the formation of that piece of dirt in the desert..

So many people pick one side and stick with it because it is easier that way?

Taking out vengeance on 4.7 million seems like an outlook Hitler would have enjoyed..

Those are Gods Chosen people.. why does he allow all of this to happen.. I always thought it was the most DISGUSTING THING I EVER HEARD when people would mention that God likes Jewish people more than Gentiles..


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth

They were weak and conquered. Thats life.

Tell it to the cops after someone murders you and your family.. oh thats right.. too late..

So, you are saying the stronger cultures and civilizations have a right of some sort to destroy the weakers ones and murder their peoples and take whatever they want .. when they want it..

Have you begun teaching your children Chinese


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
I just cannot believe that so many people hold the Israelis up as saints in this whole affair..

Didn't some hardass Zionists murder UN peace keepers who came to try and offer solutions in the VERY beginning.. and werent there many crimes against the Palestinians by Israelis in the beginning of the formation of that piece of dirt in the desert..

So many people pick one side and stick with it because it is easier that way?

Taking out vengeance on 4.7 million seems like an outlook Hitler would have enjoyed..

Those are Gods Chosen people.. why does he allow all of this to happen.. I always thought it was the most DISGUSTING THING I EVER HEARD when people would mention that God likes Jewish people more than Gentiles..

Hell, I hate Israel and what they stand for. I have multiple posts to back up that sentiment you can find, or just ask Meuge. The palestinians and arabs had this comming though. You cannot keep poking a lion with a stick over and over and over and never expect to get bitten.

They are 4.7 million people, you are right, that is more than enough to quench the few who are terrorist, but they stood back and did nothing. Why?

Whatever happens to Palestine and the other Arab nations they deserve it. As I said earlier I would not shed a tear if all of Gaza is bulldozed into the sea.

smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
They are 4.7 million people, you are right, that is more than enough to quench the few who are terrorist, but they stood back and did nothing. Why?

Because guess who has the AK-47's. I'll give you a hint it isn't the peacefull ones.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth

They were weak and conquered. Thats life.

Tell it to the cops after someone murders you and your family.. oh thats right.. too late..

So, you are saying the stronger cultures and civilizations have a right of some sort to destroy the weakers ones and murder their peoples and take whatever they want .. when they want it..

Have you begun teaching your children Chinese

Do you know any history? Only recently has the weak been allowed to survive.

As far as I can see, the natives traded there land away voluntarily. Now the majority that live on the reserves living tax free, drinking cheap beer and cigarettes and teaching there children nothing but native culture so the process repeats itself. There are many that are integrated into regular society, but the ones we hear from the most are the ones who refuse too.

As for the African slaves.

Slavery was a major part of the worlds economy until recently. WE were doing it, Arabs were doing it, Chineese were doing it, everyone was for thousands of years. Only relatively recently speaking was it abolished.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: smack Down
They are 4.7 million people, you are right, that is more than enough to quench the few who are terrorist, but they stood back and did nothing. Why?

Because guess who has the AK-47's. I'll give you a hint it isn't the peacefull ones.

They elected there leaders. Obviously they liked the ones with AK-47's. You missed the point. They did not stand back because they couldn't fight, they stood back because they wanted the military/terrorist to run the country.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: smack Down
They are 4.7 million people, you are right, that is more than enough to quench the few who are terrorist, but they stood back and did nothing. Why?

Because guess who has the AK-47's. I'll give you a hint it isn't the peacefull ones.

They elected there leaders. Obviously they liked the ones with AK-47's. You missed the point. They did not stand back because they couldn't fight, they stood back because they wanted the military/terrorist to run the country.

Who has a choice when a Military Runs the country?


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: smack Down
They are 4.7 million people, you are right, that is more than enough to quench the few who are terrorist, but they stood back and did nothing. Why?

Because guess who has the AK-47's. I'll give you a hint it isn't the peacefull ones.

They elected there leaders. Obviously they liked the ones with AK-47's. You missed the point. They did not stand back because they couldn't fight, they stood back because they wanted the military/terrorist to run the country.

Who has a choice when a Military Runs the country?

The people chose the military. The ones who would destroy Israel. We know the people of Palestines wishes.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth
are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

like i said, let the Arabs show the world just how much they truly care about the Palestinians by feeding them, housing them, and giving them jobs on THEIR lands for a change.

anything less will only lead to endless warfare between the two parties... and I, for one, am fvcking sick of it.

The palestinians are not the arabs problem. Arabs didn't take there land away that was israel. Why should Syria take in the refuges created by israel?

The Arabs (states and Palestinians) tried to take the Israeli land instead of honoring their agreement with the UN "nuture" the Palestinians as a new state. They lost all the wars that theyparticipated in. Each time, they created more Palestinian refugees.
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt directly contributed to the problem. then when the Palestinians started causing problems in those countries, they kicked them out. Some wandered, others went to the camps that Israel setup. Note that the Arab countries did not setup these camps.


smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth
are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

like i said, let the Arabs show the world just how much they truly care about the Palestinians by feeding them, housing them, and giving them jobs on THEIR lands for a change.

anything less will only lead to endless warfare between the two parties... and I, for one, am fvcking sick of it.

The palestinians are not the arabs problem. Arabs didn't take there land away that was israel. Why should Syria take in the refuges created by israel?

The Arabs (states and Palestinians) tried to take the Israeli land instead of honoring their agreement with the UN "nuture" the Palestinians as a new state. They lost all the wars that theyparticipated in. Each time, they created more Palestinian refugees.
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt directly contributed to the problem. then when the Palestinians started causing problems in those countries, they kicked them out. Some wandered, others went to the camps that Israel setup. Note that the Arab countries did not setup these camps.

It doesn't matter who started the war. Israel removed the palestinians from thier land and created the problem. If israel didn't take their land then they wouldn't have end up in the camps.

Edit: Your trying to have it both ways. Saying israel has a right to the land but are not responsible for the problems caused by taking that land which is complete BS.

Future Shock

Senior member
Aug 28, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74

are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

If it's so semi-humane, please tell me how 4.7 million people who have no skills besides farming and sheparding and basic human service skills will survive in the middle of the Syrian desert? Please, tell me. And tell me what will happen to their children, and their children's children?

Future Shock

N.B. - and when you give your predictable response "I don't care, it's not my problem, and it won't be Israel's problem anymore either", then we can sit down and calculate how many prospective terrorists you have just created...


Future Shock

Senior member
Aug 28, 2005
Originally posted by: smack Down
It doesn't matter who started the war. Israel removed the palestinians from thier land and created the problem. If israel didn't take their land then they wouldn't have end up in the camps.

Edit: Your trying to have it both ways. Saying israel has a right to the land but are not responsible for the problems caused by taking that land which is complete BS.


Future Shock



Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth
are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

like i said, let the Arabs show the world just how much they truly care about the Palestinians by feeding them, housing them, and giving them jobs on THEIR lands for a change.

anything less will only lead to endless warfare between the two parties... and I, for one, am fvcking sick of it.

The palestinians are not the arabs problem. Arabs didn't take there land away that was israel. Why should Syria take in the refuges created by israel?

The Arabs (states and Palestinians) tried to take the Israeli land instead of honoring their agreement with the UN "nuture" the Palestinians as a new state. They lost all the wars that theyparticipated in. Each time, they created more Palestinian refugees.
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt directly contributed to the problem. then when the Palestinians started causing problems in those countries, they kicked them out. Some wandered, others went to the camps that Israel setup. Note that the Arab countries did not setup these camps.

It doesn't matter who started the war. Israel removed the palestinians from thier land and created the problem. If israel didn't take their land then they wouldn't have end up in the camps.

Yes, it does matter. They were being attacked from the land they took. They took the land as a buffer after the 6 day war. If the arab nations and palestines had never attacked the land would never have been taken.

smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth
are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

like i said, let the Arabs show the world just how much they truly care about the Palestinians by feeding them, housing them, and giving them jobs on THEIR lands for a change.

anything less will only lead to endless warfare between the two parties... and I, for one, am fvcking sick of it.

The palestinians are not the arabs problem. Arabs didn't take there land away that was israel. Why should Syria take in the refuges created by israel?

The Arabs (states and Palestinians) tried to take the Israeli land instead of honoring their agreement with the UN "nuture" the Palestinians as a new state. They lost all the wars that theyparticipated in. Each time, they created more Palestinian refugees.
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt directly contributed to the problem. then when the Palestinians started causing problems in those countries, they kicked them out. Some wandered, others went to the camps that Israel setup. Note that the Arab countries did not setup these camps.

It doesn't matter who started the war. Israel removed the palestinians from thier land and created the problem. If israel didn't take their land then they wouldn't have end up in the camps.

Yes, it does matter. They were being attacked from the land they took. They took the land as a buffer after the 6 day war. If the arab nations and palestines had never attacked the land would never have been taken.

Israel justifications for taking the land is irrelvanent. They created the refuge problem by doing so. They made that choose and shouldn't expect other people to correct it for them.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Future Shock
Originally posted by: palehorse74

are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

If it's so semi-humane, please tell me how 4.7 million people who have no skills besides farming and sheparding and basic human service skills will survive in the middle of the Syrian desert? Please, tell me. And tell me what will happen to their children, and their children's children?

Future Shock

N.B. - and when you give your predictable response "I don't care, it's not my problem, and it won't be Israel's problem anymore either", then we can sit down and calculate how many prospective terrorists you have just created...

Please tell me why these people shot themselves in the foot, choosing a terrorist as a leader in a democratic election? Oh please oh please tell me.

Than when you give your predictable response of "it doesn't matter" We can sit down and talk about how they have continued to shoot themselves in the foot. Starting on day 1 when they declined a two nation land and than decided instead to continue to attack another country in the hope of destroying it.

Eventually, the palestinians will be destroyed. One people can only handle so much.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth
are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

like i said, let the Arabs show the world just how much they truly care about the Palestinians by feeding them, housing them, and giving them jobs on THEIR lands for a change.

anything less will only lead to endless warfare between the two parties... and I, for one, am fvcking sick of it.

The palestinians are not the arabs problem. Arabs didn't take there land away that was israel. Why should Syria take in the refuges created by israel?

The Arabs (states and Palestinians) tried to take the Israeli land instead of honoring their agreement with the UN "nuture" the Palestinians as a new state. They lost all the wars that theyparticipated in. Each time, they created more Palestinian refugees.
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt directly contributed to the problem. then when the Palestinians started causing problems in those countries, they kicked them out. Some wandered, others went to the camps that Israel setup. Note that the Arab countries did not setup these camps.

It doesn't matter who started the war. Israel removed the palestinians from thier land and created the problem. If israel didn't take their land then they wouldn't have end up in the camps.

Yes, it does matter. They were being attacked from the land they took. They took the land as a buffer after the 6 day war. If the arab nations and palestines had never attacked the land would never have been taken.

Israel justifications for taking the land is irrelvanent. They created the refuge problem by doing so. They made that choose and shouldn't expect other people to correct it for them.

So first who started the war is irrelevant...

Than it doesn't matter why Israel took the land?

I'm sorry, but those two reasons are all that matter. The land would not have been taken if the war had not started, the war was started because the Arabs wanted to destroy Israel.

Palestine wanted all of it or nothing, they are about to get nothing. The other Arab nations fund the Palestinian cause of attacking Israel, they want to fund them, thet should get them. So dump them on the Other Arab lands, or kill them all, but it is time for the failed Palestine experiement to end.

smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: magomago
Ahhh so palehorse74 comes out with his true opinion: complete eviction of the people who live there. Maybe its time for a few trail of tears? Either way now no land belongs to the Palestinians who live there according to you...NONE.
Your logic makes about as much sense as the French rounding up all the Austrians to toss them in Germany, and the Germans should "live with it". I mean hey, there is the same race involved, and even the majority speak the same language...they all share religion too there is BOUND to be no problem!

YES, it is my opinion that the Israeli's end this mess once and for all. The Palestinians are used as pawns by their supposedly "beloved" arab brethren, and it's about time those "brethren" take them in.

I just dont see a peaceful two-state system EVER becoming a reality. I don't want those Palestinians killed, just moved to one of their "beloved" arab protectors. Anything less than the removal of all Palestinians from Israeli soil will just lead to endless warfare.

I just dont see any other solution beyond removing Israeli's from the ME, and that's not an option at all, no matter how much their Arab neighbors wish and pray for just that to happen!

Too bad the Native Americans or the Descendants of African Slaves weren't capable of creating a Nuke they could drop on you and your mouth
are you afraid of the truth? the truth I refer to is the fact that most Arabs don't really give two sh*ts about the Palestinians as a people. they have used them for decades as pawns in their eternal hatred and battle with the Jews. Israel may need to end that problem once and for all, and one semi-humane way to do so would be to push ALL palestinians into neighboring Syria.

like i said, let the Arabs show the world just how much they truly care about the Palestinians by feeding them, housing them, and giving them jobs on THEIR lands for a change.

anything less will only lead to endless warfare between the two parties... and I, for one, am fvcking sick of it.

The palestinians are not the arabs problem. Arabs didn't take there land away that was israel. Why should Syria take in the refuges created by israel?

The Arabs (states and Palestinians) tried to take the Israeli land instead of honoring their agreement with the UN "nuture" the Palestinians as a new state. They lost all the wars that theyparticipated in. Each time, they created more Palestinian refugees.
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt directly contributed to the problem. then when the Palestinians started causing problems in those countries, they kicked them out. Some wandered, others went to the camps that Israel setup. Note that the Arab countries did not setup these camps.

It doesn't matter who started the war. Israel removed the palestinians from thier land and created the problem. If israel didn't take their land then they wouldn't have end up in the camps.

Yes, it does matter. They were being attacked from the land they took. They took the land as a buffer after the 6 day war. If the arab nations and palestines had never attacked the land would never have been taken.

Israel justifications for taking the land is irrelvanent. They created the refuge problem by doing so. They made that choose and shouldn't expect other people to correct it for them.

So first who started the war is irrelevant...

Than it doesn't matter why Israel took the land?

I'm sorry, but those two reasons are all that matter. The land would not have been taken if the war had not started, the war was started because the Arabs wanted to destroy Israel.

Palestine wanted all of it or nothing, they are about to get nothing. The other Arab nations fund the Palestinian cause of attacking Israel, they want to fund them, thet should get them. So dump them on the Other Arab lands, or kill them all, but it is time for the failed Palestine experiement to end.

To the victor goes the spoils of war right? That is why you say israel has the right to keep the land it won in the war. Well the palestines were also part of the same spoils and to israel they went.
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