BREAKING: Us admits torture at Guantanamo, Afghanistan, and Iraq

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Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Well, if our rules and actions are unacceptable, perhaps we should use the rules and actions that our adversaries prescribe to... Its all black and white, correct?

No...that's the point. There are more than two sides to the coin here.
Well, responding to both of your posts;

The argument wouldn't exist if torture wasn't a subjective term, would it? It all boils down to what keeps you from sleeping. I am a salty old fart, just so you know...

Well yes, I suppose that's true. But you're arguing for moral relativity, something I'm not too comfortable with.

In any case, why ARE we doing it? Maybe it doesn't bother you, but given your language, it seems to make you feel better, but does little else. What is the reason we're actually doing that stuff, I wonder? That was sort of my point, we should need a better reason than revenge. Especially when that revenge might hurt our overall mission.

I believe it is called the "royal" we. I'm speaking of the US forces doing the actual detention of course, and I would assume you knew that. What's with the playing dumb?


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: ValuedCustomer
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: ValuedCustomer
Originally posted by: Hayabusa Rider
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: ValuedCustomer
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Anyone who says, "who cares about these isolated incidents of torture, look what they do to us!" is no better than those we're trying to defeat in this 'war' on 'terror'.
..and if you believe that then you're as delusional as the terrorists.

/used to say the same sort of idealistic mumbo-jumbo when I was in school

Then what makes you any better than they are? And whose opinion is more juvenile: mine (maintaining the justification for attacking these people - we really are better than they are) or yours (he played dirty first, now I'll play dirty back)?

He isn't any better. Fortunately he is powerless to do harm. A powerless whack job is a frustrated one. I kind of like it
"powerless"? I'm a registered US voter.. someday when you grow up and turn 18 you'll have as much "power" as me! woo-pee!

'I do have power, I can vote, you're all kids, even though I'm the one who can't argue his position, and resorts to name calling when challenged.'

Brilliant! :disgust:
What do you mean by "argue his position"? I've given reasons for my position to other posters (read the thread and catch-up); it's you that's playing the sanctimony-card/endorsing the tail-between-your-legs approach. And don't confuse my pragmatism/realism w/ an emotional call for pay-back like Rainsford. I've lived too long on this earth to believe that if I'd just treat people the way I wanted to be treated they'll reciprocate. It doesn't work that way, junior.. grow up.

I realize this wasn't directed at me, except for that little aside, but I don't understand your point. I am not saying that simply treating people the way you want to be treated will work, I'm saying that your feelings about treatment of terrorists is NOT motivated by realism or pragmatism, regardless of what you may say. Because it IS what you say that gives it away, every post you make is filled with loaded language like "sub human terrorists". You obviously have strong negative feelings about these people, and you seem to let those feelings dictate your views.

But I'll play along, assuming you are motivated by realism here, how does your desire for treatment of the captured whatever the hell they are fit into a long term plan of defeating terrorism? Maybe I'm being slow here, but you sound like you are pissed and want to lash out. If you are as wise as you claim, you'd realize that while good actions aren't always reciprocated, bad actions have a much lower success rate. Sometimes they are worth it, but hardly ever for their own ends. So once again, how does it play into the grand war against terrorism?


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: ValuedCustomer
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: ValuedCustomer
Originally posted by: Hayabusa Rider
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: ValuedCustomer
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Anyone who says, "who cares about these isolated incidents of torture, look what they do to us!" is no better than those we're trying to defeat in this 'war' on 'terror'.
..and if you believe that then you're as delusional as the terrorists.

/used to say the same sort of idealistic mumbo-jumbo when I was in school

Then what makes you any better than they are? And whose opinion is more juvenile: mine (maintaining the justification for attacking these people - we really are better than they are) or yours (he played dirty first, now I'll play dirty back)?

He isn't any better. Fortunately he is powerless to do harm. A powerless whack job is a frustrated one. I kind of like it
"powerless"? I'm a registered US voter.. someday when you grow up and turn 18 you'll have as much "power" as me! woo-pee!

'I do have power, I can vote, you're all kids, even though I'm the one who can't argue his position, and resorts to name calling when challenged.'

Brilliant! :disgust:
What do you mean by "argue his position"? I've given reasons for my position to other posters (read the thread and catch-up); it's you that's playing the sanctimony-card/endorsing the tail-between-your-legs approach. And don't confuse my pragmatism/realism w/ an emotional call for pay-back like Rainsford. I've lived too long on this earth to believe that if I'd just treat people the way I wanted to be treated they'll reciprocate. It doesn't work that way, junior.. grow up.

Your 'reasons' amount to nothing more than a hindbrain reaction, "they hurt me, I'm gonna hurt 'em back." They involve no thinking whatsoever. You can call it the product of your so-called 'experience', but you're neither thinking nor being pragmatic.

Did you ever stop to think that behavior of this sort by our country, whether it even approaches what the terrorists do or not, might make us that much more of a target? Do you think this might unhinge moderates in a region we're so desperately trying to win friends in? Do you think this type of behavior endears the natives to us, makes them want to turn in the insurgents/terrorists?

Certainly you remember what happened when Newsweek reported the Koran had been flushed down the toilet. I'm sure you can identify with those who were so incensed by that report they went out a'killin', since you're one & the same. I'm sure they tried to pass off their base emotions as 'reasonable' too. Are you even thinking of the Americans in hostile environments right now? Do you want them put at even greater risk?

What about Europe, or Asia - do you enjoy looking like bald-faced hypocrites to potential allies who might be willing to pony up some money (or even troops)? Here we are trying to spread freedom & democracy, deposing a dictator who was a law unto himself - remember how we talked about how he needed to go because he was detaining people, torturing them, convicting them without a trial? How many foreign nations sent troops to Iraq in the beginning, and how many of them have since pulled out in wake of Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, etc. There's some 'realism' for you.

I've read your posts and those of others who share your ideas. Apparently, though, you missed the previous posts stating that it's a simple fact that torture doesn't work. Go ask the Israelis, they basically stopped trying it around the Second Intifada - they found out that torture does nothing more than make people that much more willing to blow themselves up to get at you.

Further indicating your level of thinking, you automatically assume that anyone who thinks the torture of POWs is wrong supports 'running away, tail between legs'. Anyone who dares disagree with your opinions must be all for freeing the detainees in Cuba, handing them a medal & and an AK, and telling them to continue killing Americans. Where did I indicate how we ought be treating the Gitmo prisoners? That's right, I didn't. They should be kept locked up, interrogated, and given trials like any other prisoners of war as per the Geneva Convention. Or would you rather just ignore that, too?

Your argument is as dust. Show me one example of how torture got us information that accepted forms of interrogation couldn't. Show me one example of how torturing prisoners made a young kid scared of us, and willing to cooperate with us, instead of turning him into an insurgent. Show me one example of how our behaviour has strengthened rather than weakened the support of our allies. Those would be slightly more effective than dismissing the opinions of those with whom you disagree as juvenile. You, sir, are an irresponsible, ignorant, myopic mental midget. I eagerly await your ingenious rejoinder, which will be along the lines of, 'you impertinent fool child!'

Maybe I'm being elitist, but it feels like there are two different sides to "beating terrorists". There is the group that wants to actually win the war on terror, and there is the group that wants to fight the war on terror in whatever way makes them feel tough. Admit it, taking these terrorists, locking them up and torturing them makes people feel good. Of course it does, they are the bad guys and we all like to see the bad guys get the karma they deserve.

Except our goal here isn't fvcking over the terrorists, it's winning the war on terrorism, which really means preventing terrorism. If you truly believe that our actions at Gitmo, etc, are actually preventing terrorism, please enlighten us as to how that works. But I don't think that is the reason, given the tough guy attitude used to defend Gitmo, etc. I personally would rather defeat terrorism than make any individual terrorist "pay". If we can end terrorism and all we have to do is not torture our prisoners, I'd be for that in a nano-second. It's not about actions so much as motivation, I don't believe some people want to win the war on terrorism as much as they want to fight terrorists.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford

In any case, why ARE we doing it? Maybe it doesn't bother you, but given your language, it seems to make you feel better, but does little else. What is the reason we're actually doing that stuff, I wonder? That was sort of my point, we should need a better reason than revenge. Especially when that revenge might hurt our overall mission.

I believe it is called the "royal" we. I'm speaking of the US forces doing the actual detention of course, and I would assume you knew that. What's with the playing dumb?[/quote]

Look...Our Society does not condone torture. Our government does not condone torture. Our military does not condone torture. I do not condone torture. You do not condone torture. Period

We have an altruistic position with our current efforts in the war on terrorism and yes, mistakes are inevitable. It is sad that some individuals have crossed the ( very vague ) line where interrogation stops and torture starts, but for the most part, the claims of torture are nothing more than subjective views of our actions. JMHO. I guess the issue is of such magnitude that we should just throw in the towel and say fvck it.:|



Oct 14, 1999
If we treated "suspected" terrorists like the Isrealis do then all POW's suspected of being Al Queda would have been released by now. Isreal only detains for 8 days at the most. The keyword is "suspected". You can do alot in the first 8 days that makes 3 years unnecessary.

ps - the military wants nothing to do with torture. The interogations that cross the line are run by civilians and the misconduct is generally alleged to be from the enlisted, not the officers. It was always easier for the civilians side of the hall to get enlisted to believe them about being in control when in fact the enlisted have no business taking direction from civilians.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
By Soviet and Nazi Standards the torture isn't that bad but by American Standards it is reprehensible. For those that say the Terrorists are doing worse, well I prefer we not lower ourselves to their level because if we do then we become them.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
This is old news. Perhaps we all should watch the news. How can you deny that the United States tortured someone after Lindy England admitted it? Does the United States condone these actions? No. That's why England went to trial. That's why others are still waiting for their turn to get booted out, or imprisoned.

Sensationalistic? Perhaps. Common sense to admit it? Certainly so. If Clinton would have admitted to impropreity with Lewinski after being exposed, all of the scandal would have gone away. After being caught torturing people the U.S. is admitting it. A proactive solution to police up and prevent the rogue guards from doing it in the first place would have been better though.
Sep 12, 2004
So now that this government report is out, can we compare it to the government reports of torture released by the Soviets, Nazis, and Pol Pot? I'd like to compare how many abusers our government is bringing to trial vs. the numbers theirs brought to trial, and for what reasons.

There should be lots of crossover since we are so easily confused with those regimes. Right?

Anyone know where I can find those other reports?


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So now that this government report is out, can we compare it to the government reports of torture released by the Soviets, Nazis, and Pol Pot? I'd like to compare how many abusers our government is bringing to trial vs. the numbers theirs brought to trial, and for what reasons.

There should be lots of crossover since we are so easily confused with those regimes. Right?

Anyone know where I can find those other reports?
So as long as we are as bad as them it's ok with you?



Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So now that this government report is out, can we compare it to the government reports of torture released by the Soviets, Nazis, and Pol Pot? I'd like to compare how many abusers our government is bringing to trial vs. the numbers theirs brought to trial, and for what reasons.

There should be lots of crossover since we are so easily confused with those regimes. Right?

Anyone know where I can find those other reports?
So as long as we are as bad as them it's ok with you?

Chicken likes slippery downhill slopes.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Czar
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: ValuedCustomer
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
I swear I wonder what SS rank these apologists would've had in the 1930's and 40's.

wow.. how original.. more "nazi" allusions from the left.


Right wing a-holes in apologist mode over vile, disgusting acts...

Making comparisons to what happened at abu garabe or gitmo to what happened in nazi death camps or russian gulags shows your complete lack of any knowledge of history.

the comparison is how out of line with the norms the actions were
or thats how I see it

Ah yes the slaughter of millions compared to some very minor abuse. And those that did the abusing are now being punished.

You too failed to learn history.

Are all of you as stupid as you sound? Think about history for a brief moment if you are capable. Do you believe that the Nazis just said, "Ok, everyone grab a Jew. We need to have a million of them gathered up before we can do anything." No. They started out minor and it continued to escalate into what history has shown. What those of us that are against this type of abuses are trying to pound into your pointy heads, is that it ALWAYS starts small and with the appearance of it being a "few isolated incedents" before it becomes that actual horror that later generations will study. That is what we are trying to prevent.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So now that this government report is out, can we compare it to the government reports of torture released by the Soviets, Nazis, and Pol Pot? I'd like to compare how many abusers our government is bringing to trial vs. the numbers theirs brought to trial, and for what reasons.

There should be lots of crossover since we are so easily confused with those regimes. Right?

Anyone know where I can find those other reports?
So as long as we are as bad as them it's ok with you?

/golf clap

Way to evade the point.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So now that this government report is out, can we compare it to the government reports of torture released by the Soviets, Nazis, and Pol Pot? I'd like to compare how many abusers our government is bringing to trial vs. the numbers theirs brought to trial, and for what reasons.

There should be lots of crossover since we are so easily confused with those regimes. Right?

Anyone know where I can find those other reports?
So as long as we are as bad as them it's ok with you?

/golf clap

Way to evade the point.
Excuse my typo I meant to post "So as long as we aren't as bad as them it's ok with you?"
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So now that this government report is out, can we compare it to the government reports of torture released by the Soviets, Nazis, and Pol Pot? I'd like to compare how many abusers our government is bringing to trial vs. the numbers theirs brought to trial, and for what reasons.

There should be lots of crossover since we are so easily confused with those regimes. Right?

Anyone know where I can find those other reports?
So as long as we are as bad as them it's ok with you?

/golf clap

Way to evade the point.
Excuse my typo I meant to post "So as long as we aren't as bad as them it's ok with you?"
It's not a question of being "ok" with it.

The question, as my initial comment pointed out, is whether or not we're actively doing something to correct the problem and punish those responsible? We are.

So why are those who feel it necessary to draw comparisons between the US and nasty regimes ignoring that fact and freely tossing around the words "fascist" "gulag" and "Hitler" as if they were frisbees at a Grateful Dead concert?


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So why are those who feel it necessary to draw comparisons between the US and nasty regimes ignoring that fact and freely tossing around the words "fascist" "gulag" and "Hitler" as if they were frisbees at a Grateful Dead concert?

1) Those that toss around those words are parroting without fully understanding history.
2) They want to slingn mud while sitting on their high and mighty moral throne and like to say I told you so.
3) They ignore what sacrifices that have been made to allow then the freedom of doing #2. (Pun intended )



Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So why are those who feel it necessary to draw comparisons between the US and nasty regimes ignoring that fact and freely tossing around the words "fascist" "gulag" and "Hitler" as if they were frisbees at a Grateful Dead concert?

1) Those that toss around those words are parroting without fully understanding history.
2) They want to slingn mud while sitting on their high and mighty moral throne and like to say I told you so.
3) They ignore what sacrifices that have been made to allow then the freedom of doing #2. (Pun intended )

We don't need to sacrifice our integrity for freedom. We don't need to torture people for "freedom".


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
[ ... ]
So why are those who feel it necessary to draw comparisons between the US and nasty regimes ignoring that fact and freely tossing around the words "fascist" "gulag" and "Hitler" as if they were frisbees at a Grateful Dead concert?
Any chance you can point me to the people "freely tossing around the words "fascist*" "gulag" and "Hitler"? I can't find it in this thread; in fact, I can't see those words being used at all ... except by you and other Bush faithful using them to attack Bush critics. I'll concede those words have been used occasionally in other threads, but I don't recall ever seeing them "freely tossed around" as you claim. Unless you can provide such evidence, I'm going to assume it's just another straw man, typical Bushie character assassination to drown out the very real, serious failures and malfeasance of BushCo.

(*Contrary to your implication, fascism is a political ideology that can be legitimately used in discussions about this administration. BushCo embraces many fascist ideals and uses many fascist techniques, albeit nowhere near to the same extremes as other, more infamous fascist regimes. That the Bush administration has not been as heinous as other fascist regimes in no way invalidates the observation that they've adopted a similar philosophy.)


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So why are those who feel it necessary to draw comparisons between the US and nasty regimes ignoring that fact and freely tossing around the words "fascist" "gulag" and "Hitler" as if they were frisbees at a Grateful Dead concert?

1) Those that toss around those words are parroting without fully understanding history.
2) They want to slingn mud while sitting on their high and mighty moral throne and like to say I told you so.
3) They ignore what sacrifices that have been made to allow then the freedom of doing #2. (Pun intended )

If you don't know where you've been or where your at, how can you know where your going??

The problem with a slippery slope is that maybe you can get back up it and maybe you can't. Some slippery slopes have a cliff at the bottom.

So, we SHOULD have know it was going on. Ignorance is no excuse.


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Of course a public beheading is not considered torture - therefore there is not explanation required. Burning to death in a 100+ story building is not torture.

Information from POWS not under the Geneva convention can be useful.

Much useful information has been obtained.

Also, we will need to see the exact report to determine what iwas being classified.

People have been working on expanding the definition of the term ever since the first captured person was given access to the media.

So your saying lets go around cutting peoples heads off and acting like a fvckin animal like them... ok or well let's just be a little less brutal and it'll be ok. I like your logic there. :roll:
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
[ ... ]
So why are those who feel it necessary to draw comparisons between the US and nasty regimes ignoring that fact and freely tossing around the words "fascist" "gulag" and "Hitler" as if they were frisbees at a Grateful Dead concert?
Any chance you can point me to the people "freely tossing around the words "fascist*" "gulag" and "Hitler"?
Sure. Go to the Demoratic Underground and search on those words. Also check out some of the recent statements from Democrats.

I can't find it in this thread;
I can't find where I claimed it was being done in this thread. I can't even find where I limited it to ATP&N (which I didn't as it goes much, much further than that). Please go look up the definition of "strawman." fact, I can't see those words being used at all ... except by you and other Bush faithful using them to attack Bush critics. I'll concede those words have been used occasionally in other threads, but I don't recall ever seeing them "freely tossed around" as you claim. Unless you can provide such evidence, I'm going to assume it's just another straw man, typical Bushie character assassination to drown out the very real, serious failures and malfeasance of BushCo.

Need more examples, oh blindered one? Because the short list above doesn't even begin to dull the tip of the Google iceberg. I could search DU and as well and plenty other lefty sites and bring up pages and pages of examples if you actually want to remain insistent that no such thing occurs.

(*Contrary to your implication, fascism is a political ideology that can be legitimately used in discussions about this administration. BushCo embraces many fascist ideals and uses many fascist techniques, albeit nowhere near to the same extremes as other, more infamous fascist regimes. That the Bush administration has not been as heinous as other fascist regimes in no way invalidates the observation that they've adopted a similar philosophy.)
I have no problem when it's legitimately discussed. The problem is that, more often than not, it's used as a slur and a method to equate the Bush admin with those nasty little fascist regimes of the past that we all know and despise.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So why are those who feel it necessary to draw comparisons between the US and nasty regimes ignoring that fact and freely tossing around the words "fascist" "gulag" and "Hitler" as if they were frisbees at a Grateful Dead concert?

1) Those that toss around those words are parroting without fully understanding history.
2) They want to slingn mud while sitting on their high and mighty moral throne and like to say I told you so.
3) They ignore what sacrifices that have been made to allow then the freedom of doing #2. (Pun intended )
Whew. For a second there I was afraid you wouldn't find a post worthy of responding to. Afterall, you failed to respond to those commenting on your 'beheading' post. (You're not becoming another Rip, are you?)

Originally posted by: charrison
Most of what has been claimed is not torture.
How did you come to this conclusion?



Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
So why are those who feel it necessary to draw comparisons between the US and nasty regimes ignoring that fact and freely tossing around the words "fascist" "gulag" and "Hitler" as if they were frisbees at a Grateful Dead concert?

1) Those that toss around those words are parroting without fully understanding history.
2) They want to slingn mud while sitting on their high and mighty moral throne and like to say I told you so.
3) They ignore what sacrifices that have been made to allow then the freedom of doing #2. (Pun intended )
Whew. For a second there I was afraid you wouldn't find a post worthy of responding to. Afterall, you failed to respond to those commenting on your 'beheading' post. (You're not becoming another Rip, are you?)

Originally posted by: charrison
Most of what has been claimed is not torture.
How did you come to this conclusion?

By reading what has actually been done to these prisoners... It is not that difficult. And I will point out again, those that were guilty of abusing prisoners are being punished.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: charrison
Most of what has been claimed is not torture.
How did you come to this conclusion?
By reading what has actually been done to these prisoners... It is not that difficult. And I will point out again, those that were guilty of abusing prisoners are being punished.
Yeah, they're being punished. Good. I never denied that, but good. :confused (BTW-anybody else find it comical that some here say no torture occurred, but yet people are being 'punished for it'? BTW2-how come none of the 'they are being punished for it' people ever jump in and chastize the 'no torture occurred' people?)

But anyways charrison, I was just wondering what definition of 'toture' you are using. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I'm just curious as to what criteria you used to determine that "most of what has been claimed is not torture".


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: charrison
Most of what has been claimed is not torture.
How did you come to this conclusion?
By reading what has actually been done to these prisoners... It is not that difficult. And I will point out again, those that were guilty of abusing prisoners are being punished.
Yeah, they're being punished. Good. I never denied that, but good. :confused (BTW-anybody else find it comical that some here say no torture occurred, but yet people are being 'punished for it'? BTW2-how come none of the 'they are being punished for it' people ever jump in and chastize the 'no torture occurred' people?)

But anyways charrison, I was just wondering what definition of 'toture' you are using. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I'm just curious as to what criteria you used to determine that "most of what has been claimed is not torture".

torture: Prolonged physical abuse or any thing that would cause serious injury. Abuse and torture are greatly different.

Putting panties on prisoner heads, exposing them to menstrual blood, mishandling a koran are not torture, or making them listen to crappy music is not torture.
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