brikis98's crossfit journal

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, March 14

Workout of the Day

Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

My numbers

Based on available equipment, did muscle-ups on a pull-up bar and did 70lb dumbbell swings instead of the kettlebell swings.

9 rounds + 2 muscle-ups (PR)

Kind of disappointed with my performance today. I did beat my previous PR of 8 rounds from November 28, but not by as much as I should have. I was doing everything in straight sets for the first 4 rounds (which only took some 7 minutes) and thought I'd break 10 easily. However, on round 5, the HSPU's started to kick my ass. Each rep was slow, I had to fight a lot more to keep my balance and wasted a ton of time on them. I had to break them up into smaller sets - 3/1 for a couple rounds, then 2/2 and finally singles. It was sad, especially compared to how well I was doing in the beginning. I've been working on my HSPU recently, but I guess it hasn't been enough, so I gotta keep at it. There's just no excuse for me not to break 10 rounds on this workout.

On a random note, the WoD page for this workout has the amazing video of the "One Arm Grace" - a guy doing 30 clean and jerks with 135lbs with one arm. Amazing.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, March 15

Workout of the Day

Bench Press

Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45 pounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-up

For weighted pull-ups place a 45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after third rep and continue with strict pull-ups and then the kipping pull-ups. Coming off the bar or going to ground constitutes termination of a set. Keep track of how many sets it takes to finish each round.

My numbers

Squat: 295x2xF, 290x3xF, 285x5, 205x20
Bench: 260x5, 260x5, 260x5

Pull-up workout: did 7 rounds in 22 sets in 18:05 and then tore open a blister on my hand, so I had to stop.

I was planning on doing 3 sets of 295x5 on squats, but failed to even get the 3rd rep on the first set. I dropped down to 290 and failed on the 4th rep. Only when I went back to 285 did I get all 5 reps out. It's possible that I'm starting to stall on my squat. Although I'll try 295x5 a couple more times next week, I promised myself that if I do stall out, I'd try 20 rep squats. With the first signs of stalling appearing today, I randomly decided to give it a shot. Since I had already done a bunch of heavy squats, I used 205lbs, which quite a bit less than my 10RM (~235). It wasn't as awful as I expected, although this was undoubtedly because I used a lighter weight for it. I was definitely huffing and puffing very hard and felt a burn through out my body, but I got through the 20 reps reasonably quick.

After that, I did some benching, which was pretty tough. I got through all the sets, but the last rep was very slow each time. I think I'll need to switch back to ascending sets to keep making progress on bench. Hell, I might switch to ascending sets on squats too.

Finally, I tried to do this wacky pull-up workout. It was freaking brutal. I got through the first round in 1 set, the second round in 2 sets, the third round in 3 sets, and all the other rounds in 4 sets. The weighted pull-ups get very hard very quickly and doing dead hangs right after them was torturous. My hands were already in pretty rough shape from yesterday's dumbbell swings and muscle-ups, and by round 7, I tore open a blister on my ring finger. It was pretty painful and I had already had a long workout, so I decided to not do any more damage and call it a day.

However, when I left the gym, I saw that it was a gorgeous day outside and I just couldn't resist heading to the track. I ran four 100m dashes with a couple minutes rest in between, although I had no one to time me. I'm not particularly fast to begin with and after all the squatting, I was far from 100%, but it was still fun to go all out. I can definitely feel it in my glutes & hamstrings now. After that, I went onto a football field and practiced some handstands (held one for almost 10 seconds) and did a kip-up every time I fell. I had a great time, but after all this exercise, my body is going to be crazy sore tomorrow.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Originally posted by: brikis98
Thursday, March 12

Workout of the Day

Run 10K

My numbers

Ran on a treadmill.

Time: 52:27 (PR)

Long slow distance (LSD) running is a pretty piss poor way to exercise. It's a crappy way to train for anything other than LSD running (and even then a healthy dose of higher intensity stuff is essential), it's boring as hell (would be better outside, but not everyone lives in warm climates), it takes a bloody long time, it's high impact in a bad way, and it kills your flexibility. When I was done with this run, my thighs and calves were ridiculously tight and I had to spend 20 minutes stretching just to get back to normal. Worse yet, I feel that these 52 minutes will do less to improve my fitness than 5 minutes of Fran or 11 minutes of Helen. I guess CF includes these long runs to train the body to be able to perform for long periods of time as well as absorb lots of impact, but they aren't much fun.

Anyways, I beat my old 10K PR of 55:17 from October 11. Granted, that PR was actually part of a 15K run and I did it outside, but an almost 3 minute improvement still makes me pretty happy. I actually got my weird side stitch about 2 miles in and had to slow down for 3-4 minutes until it went away, so I probably could've done even better. At any rate, I've decided that once the weather warms up a bit, I'm going to try to learn the POSE technique. I had meant to start a couple months ago, but since I hate running on treadmills, I couldn't get the motivation to devote some time to learning it. Nicer weather should be coming soon, so I think I'll start trying it out on the weekends for 10-15 minutes at a time after my workouts.

Dude, I live in MA and run outdoors year round. 5 minutes on a treadmill would kill me from boredom.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Capt Caveman
Dude, I live in MA and run outdoors year round. 5 minutes on a treadmill would kill me from boredom.

Yea, treadmill running is horrendous, but running outside in below freezing temps, with snow on the ground, at night (I can typically only workout after I get off work) is even less pleasant for me. Not sure how you manage it, but the combination of freezing air burning my throat, slush/snow destroying my sneakers and ice threatening to break an ankle is more than I want to deal with. However, there's a chance I'll be moving to CA in a few months, so hopefully all of that will be solved


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Monday, March 16

Rest day. Crazy busy day at work, had no time for GTG. Calves (and perhaps, the Achilles tendon itself) are very sore from my brief attempt at POSE yesterday. Back, chest, hamstrings and glutes also have a good bit of DOMS from this weekend's workouts.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, March 17

Workout of the Day

Five rounds for time of:
275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees

My numbers

Time: 5:35

Rough week at work. Had to work late again today, so rather than doing my workout at 6:30pm, I didn't get to it until almost 9:00pm. By then I was hungry, tired, and just couldn't get myself into it 100%. I'm also still sore from this weekend and the torn blisters on my hand from Sunday's crazy pull-up workout made holding the bar quite painful today. It's a great workout - a sickening combination of one of my favorite exercises and one of my least favorite exercises - so I hope it comes up again under better circumstances.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, March 18

Workout of the Day

Squat: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
OH Press: 5x5

Quick Metcon
Five rounds for time of:
50 pound dumbbell, walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
50 pound dumbbell, swing, 15 reps

My numbers

Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 265x5, 295x3, 225x8
OH Press: 95x5, 110x5, 125x5, 140x5, 155x3xF

Quick Metcon
Held the dumbbell in the "goblet" position while doing lunges.
Time: 6:40

Decided to try a Bill Starr 5x5 style rep/set scheme for back squats (ascending 5x5 with a set of 3 and a set of 8) and OH press today (standard ascending 5x5). Felt pretty good squatting today, although the third rep of 295 was a lot slower than I'd like, so when I go for 5 reps next time, I'm not sure how it'll pan out. Unfortunately, OH press didn't go as well. I haven't had time to do it for two weeks and my form was very rusty today. I kept pushing the bar too far away from my face and as a result, couldn't even get the 4th rep of 155. After taking a long time to get this lift back in order, it's ridiculous how quickly you regress.

Finally, I did a quick metcon at the end. It's a great way to finish a day of heavy lifting, although when the exercises conflict, it can be pretty tough. I had to use the crappy spin-lock style dumbbells at work, so I had to keep checking the locks at the end to ensure they were tight, especially when I was swinging the damn thing.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2004
If there's another spin-lock dumbbell around, try using the bar like a hammer on the "nut" that keeps the weight on. I used to have to do this all the time. You don't have to fasten it for eternal tightness, a couple of firm taps should do the job and the same should loosen it. I never noticed any damage to the set that I used at that time.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, March 19

Workout of the Day

With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

My numbers

7 rounds + 4 C&J (PR)

The difficulty of this workout escalates very very rapidly. However, my biggest problem is that I just can't do C&J quickly, even if I have the strength/endurance to do more. It just takes me a good amount of time to set-up, do the first pull, second pull, dive under it, squat back up, do the jerk and then drop the weight back down. In fact, the last time I did this workout (December 11), I didn't even make it to 6 rounds due to my slowness and wasn't particularly tired when the workout was done. I did a bit better this time around, primarily because I essentially did a thruster at the end of the squat rather than a separate jerk. This definitely shaved off a few seconds from every rep. Of course, this comes at the expense of using more energy to get the weight overhead, since the push-press-like motion of a thruster is less efficient than a push or split jerk. I copied the idea from a CF games video and I'll have to watch carefully for more such ideas, as I'm still miserably slow at these and need to get faster & more efficient.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, March 21

Workout of the Day

"Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

My numbers

Based on available equipment, I made the usual substitutions: 35lbs dumbell swing instead of kettlebell swing, back extensions on a 45 degree back extension machine, thrusters with two 20lbs dumbbells instead of wall ball.

Time: 26:05 (PR)

I love Saturday afternoon workouts. I'm well rested, well fed, and I always perform well around 3:00pm, as opposed to my normal weekday workout time of 7pm after a long day at work. I shaved almost 2 minutes off my previous filthy fifty PR from January 3rd and I'm pretty sure I could go still faster. In fact, I'm really starting to like this workout because of its constant variety and the fact that once you're done with an exercise, you know you don't have to go back and do it again in a later round.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, March 22

Workout of the Day

Squat: 5x5 ascending
Bench: 5x5 ascending
Deadlift: work up to 1RM

My numbers

Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 265x5, 295x5
Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 265x5
Deadlift: 135x8, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1, 425xF, 315x5

Squats went very well today and I got all 5 reps of 295 up with decent bar speed. I guess switching to ascending sets will keep me from stalling a little bit longer. Bench press also went fairly well, although the last rep of 265 was miserably slow. I then moved onto deadlifts with the hope of setting a new PR of 425, but by the time I got to it, my back and my brain were both feeling pretty fatigued. Just before I tried it, I had a quick "man this is heavy" kind of though flash through my head, after which I couldn't budge the weight even an inch. From today's deadlifting session, I realized two things:

1. Both physically and mentally, I would benefit from more deadlift volume. I've been intentionally keeping volume very low to ensure I wasn't overtaxing my CNS and my back's recovery abilities, but I know now that I can handle more. I think one ascending 5x5 of deadlift per week should do the trick. I'll try it out starting next weekend and start really light - perhaps make 315x5 the last set - to ensure my body can adapt & recover. After that, I'll add 10-20 pounds per week and see where I end up.

2. I have inadvertently let my grip strength weaken. Partly, this was due to the reduced volume of deadlifts, as heavy deadlifts were my main grip strengthening exercise. However, ever since I started doing O-lifts, I've become addicted to the hook grip. After my thumbs got used to it, I found it to be incredibly secure and started using it instead of mixed grip on deadlifts. Unfortunately, without thinking about it, I gradually began using it on even lighter sets of deadlifts. Since most of the hook grip's strength comes from friction between your fingers and thumbs, it doesn't actually train your grip too much. I realized how much weaker it had gotten today when I was doing my 315x5 with a normal double overhand grip and by the 2rd rep, the weight was slipping out of my hands. As I used to do 355x5 with normal double overhand grip, this is a pretty big regression, and one I'll have to fix while I do my higher volume deadlift sets.

In other news, I just got myself a pair of Vibram FiveFingers KSO today and tried them out with some POSE running. I know it'll take my feet a while to adapt to these, so I really took it easy and just did two very easy 800m runs on an olympic track. It's so odd feeling the world under your feet, as well as having your toes separated, but I have to admit that I really enjoyed it. On the way home, I intentionally walked on a bunch of random surfaces (grass, sidewalk, gravel, dirt, etc) just to see what they felt like. I also found that trying to do POSE - at least what I understand of it - became much easier/natural since landing on your heels in VFF's is very punishing. It was a very fun experience and I'm looking forward to using these more.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, March 24

Workout of the Day

Squat: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
OH press: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
Power clean: 5x3
HSPU on bumpers: 3xF

My numbers

Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 235x5, 275x5, 305x2xF, 235x8
OH press: 45x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x3, 115x8
Power clean: 115x3, 145x3, 175x3, 205x3, 215x2xF
HSPU on bumpers: 5, 3, 3

I was supposed to do "Murph" today, but someone was using the only treadmill at the gym, so I switched Murph to tomorrow and moved tomorrow's strength workout to today. This was sub-optimal as I had just done heavy squats and deadlifts on Sunday and my back muscles were still fatigued. I definitely felt it in my back squat as 305 felt ridiculously heavy. After tough 1st rep and a miserably slow 2nd rep, I wasn't even close on getting the 3rd. I'll try it again this weekend and with some rest, will hopefully fare much better. Power cleans also suffered as I found it very tough to keep my back in complete extension through out the entire rep. It caught up with me at 215 where the first two reps were ugly and on the 3rd, my body loosened up and I basically had no 2nd pull to speak of.

After last week's struggles with OH press, I decided to work my way up to 155x5 yet again. The 3 reps today went up well, so I think 5 next week should be doable. At the end, I had some fun doing HSPU's on bumpers, which felt great, but unfortunately showed no improvement from last week. I'm determined to get 8 consecutive reps, but progress has been a little slow.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, March 25

Workout of the Day

For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

My numbers

Ran on a treadmill while still getting used to my VFF's and POSE.

Time: 36:03 (PR)

The first mile of running went relatively well today. My form (as expected after only 3 times trying POSE/VFFs) is still very inefficient, as running this mile at 8mph left me as tired as running it at 9mph last time. Still, I felt no pain anywhere and unlike yesterday's run on the treadmill, my pinky toes felt just fine. However, by the second mile (which I did at ~7mph), I was too tired to maintain good running form and things went much worse. I must have been landing oddly as my big toe actually started to hurt and by the end, had a painful blister on it. I also caught myself occasionally reverting to heel striking during this run and had trouble keeping the necessary strides rate to keep myself comfortably on the balls of my feet. I should have put on sneakers for the 2nd mile, but I'm a stubborn ass, and ground it out in the VFFs. I have a feeling my calves will be paying mightily for it tomorrow.

Other than that, the workout went very well. I shaved almost 4 minutes off my previous PR from back on November 9th. In fact, if not for the running issues, I'm positive I could've done the first mile at 9mph and the second mile at 8mph and reduced my time a further 2 minutes. Still, I'm happy to see the improvement and look forward to limping all day tomorrow


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, March 26

Workout of the Day

Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

My numbers

8 rounds (PR)

Man, this workout is so much tougher than it looks. I beat my old PR from December 30th, but just barely, doing 10 more SDHP's this time around.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Friday, March 27

Rest day. Limping around from some serious DOMS in my calves and ankles from the 2 miles of POSE/VFF running on Weds. Still absurdly busy at work and have had no time for GTG.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, March 28

Workout of the Day

Squat: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
Bench: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
Deadlift: 4x5

My numbers

Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 235x5, 275x5, 305x3, 235x8
Bench: 135x5, 175x5, 205x5, 245x5, 275x3 (doesn't count, see below), 235x8
Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 325x5

Pretty good lifting day today. For squats, the 305 felt very heavy on my back, but once I started squatting it, I actually got pretty decent bar speed. Not sure if I'll have all 5 reps next time, but it'll be close. Bench press went without issues, except the idiot I asked to spot me on 275 felt the need to touch the bar on every rep. I don't know how much force he applied, but I could definitely feel at least some, which totally ruins the set and means I'll have to redo the weight next week. Grr. Finally, I wanted to do more volume on the deadlift and that's what I got today. I estimate that my current 5RM on the deadlift is ~365, so I'm starting off conservatively and will work my way up over the next few weeks. It has been a looong time since I've done fairly heavy sets of 5 and my back and grip were pretty damn fatigued by the end. I think building some stamina in this department will really help me in all my lifts.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, March 29

Workout of the Day

30 Muscle-ups for time

My numbers

Did muscle-ups on a pull-up bar.

Time: 6:02 (PR)

Skill Work

In my VFF's:

Pistols: 3 sets of 3 of each leg with a 20lb dumbbell as counterbalance
Turkish Get-ups: 3 sets of 3 with each arm, using a 30lb, 40lb and 50lb DB respectively
1.5 mile run to practice POSE

Since the last time this workout came up, back on October 12, my muscle-up has improved dramatically in terms of strength & technique. My old PR on this workout was 15:20, so I think it's fair to say I absolutely crushed that time today. I actually got through the first ~15 in 2 minutes, but got a gross blood blister on my right hand which slowed me down quite a bit. Hopefully it'll heal enough to not screw up my workouts for next week.

I've learned that I can do 3-5 pistols per leg in my squat shoes, but barefoot (or in my VFFs) I can only do 1-2 with my right leg and 0 with my left. This probably means that I'm lacking flexibility in my ankle and hips, especially in my left leg. I've been trying to work on this by doing some pistols barefoot (and today in VFF's) with a DB held out in front of me. The extra weight actually acts as a counterbalance and makes the reps easier and hopefully actively stretches me out in the process. I used a 20lb DB today and will try to gradually drop down in weight until I can do it w/o the DB. I also did some TGU's in between sets of pistols which were very tough on my already fatigued shoulders.

Finally, I did another light POSE/VFF run on the treadmill. I started at 6.0mph and gradually worked up to 8.0mph by the end. This was unquestionably my best POSE run yet. I had no issues with blisters or toe pain, I felt very relaxed and nimble, and my calves didn't feel quite as obliterated as last time. I'm really starting to enjoy running this way and look forward to doing it more in the future.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Monday, March 30

Workout of the Day

Rest day.


Air squats: 5x25
Sit-ups: 5x35

The last two weeks at work had been too damn busy for GTG, so it was nice to get back to it today. I started with conservative numbers and was happy to find the sets pretty easy. If all goes according to plan, I'll bump up the reps per set by 2 for Wednesday and 3 more for Friday, to get to 30 and 40 reps, respectively. Tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday should be push-ups and dead hang pull-ups.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, March 31

Workout of the Day

Squat: 3x5
OH press: 3x5
Squat clean: work up to 1RM
HSPU on bumpers: 2xF
Glute ham raise: 2xF

My numbers

Squat: 235x5, 275x5, 305x4
OH press: 115x5, 135x5, 155x5
Squat clean: 135x3, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 245xF, 245x1, 255xF, 255xF
HSPU on bumpers: 5, 4
Glute ham raise: 5, 4


Push-ups: 5x35
Dead hang pull-ups: 5x10

Felt a little sluggish today. 275 felt oddly heavy on the squat, so I never really had a chance to get all 5 reps on 305. Still, 4 reps is progress from last time, so hopefully this weekend I can eek out that 5th rep and finally get back to squatting 3 plates per side. OH press went fine and I got 155x5 again. The last rep was slower than I would've liked, but I squeezed it out.

This was my first time doing heavy squat cleans since January, when I injured my hip on a botched rep. I decided to start doing them again because (a) I really like the exercise and (b) my hip feels fine and (c) I got into a stupid habit of doing a split clean type stance on my heavy power cleans. Hopefully, stomping my feet into a squat position for the next few workouts will eradicate this stupid behavior. Anyways, my form was definitely rusty today after several months off. I was getting good bar speed, and all the reps of 245 and 255 actually had plenty of height, but I just wasn't fast enough getting under them and getting my elbows around. The one rep of 245 that I did get tied my PR and felt great. Some more practice should help me easily break that PR. If only I had someone to yell "elbows up!" at me


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, April 1

Workout of the Day

Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups

My numbers

Did 70lb dumbbell swings instead of kettlebell swings and ran on a treadmill.

Time: 52:43


Sit-ups: 5x37
Air squats: 5x37

Christ, Eva has got to be the most grueling CF workout I've done yet. Other than the 10k and 15k runs, I can't think of any other metcon workout this damn long. Those heavy dumbbell swings just sap all the energy out of you and take forever to recover from. Worse yet, they really tore up my hands. The index finger on my right hand started bleeding in round 3, which made both the dumbbell and the pull-up bar slippery and hard to hold onto. In round 4, I tore off a big chunk of skin on the ring finger of my right hand - no blood from this one, but it made holding the DB and pull-up bar very painful. I really wanted to quit early, but managed to grind through it anyway.

I did all five of the 800m runs (plus one more during warm-up) in my VFF's using POSE. That adds up to 3 miles, which is the furthest I've ran in a single day since getting the VFFs. My technique has gotten significantly better: I had a more relaxed posture, comfortable mid foot landing, calves and ankles felt pretty good (although a bit sore now), and no pain in my toes. I'm sure I'm still not quite as efficient at running as I was before, but I'm getting closer. I think I have a 5K run next week which should be an interesting test.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, April 2

Workout of the Day

Five rounds for time of:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees

My numbers

My office gym is WAY too small to be walking around with a 7 foot bar. Therefore, I instead walked around with a 45lb bumper plate held above my head and estimated 50 feet as 15 lunges or 3 trips back and forth across the tiny gym.

Time: 14:59


Push-ups: 3x37

I'm a bit disappointed by my performance in this workout. I'm pretty sure holding the bumper plate above my head was harder than a barbell, as the bumper plate is much narrower, preventing me from actually locking my shoulders or elbows out. My traps, upper back, deltoids and triceps were all pretty fatigued from this and I had to break the lunges up into sets of 5 by the end. However, it was really the burpees that kicked my ass. Even the first 10 burpees of the workout were painful and it only got worse from there. Me and burpees just do not get along. To get better at them, I'm considering doing the 100 day burpee challenge. Anyone else up for it?

Oh, and a note about GTG: I couldn't do pull-ups today because my hands were a mess after yesterday's workout. Two of my fingers are just too torn up to be holding on to a pull-up bar. As for push-ups, I did 3 sets instead of 5 as the burpees in today's workout included a whole bunch more.
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