brikis98's crossfit journal

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, April 04

Workout of the Day

Squat: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
Bench: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
Deadlift: 4x5 ascending

My numbers

Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 235x5, 275x5, 305x3, 235x8
Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 215x5, 245x5, 275x3 (?), 215x8
Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 285x5, 335x5


Dead hang pull-ups: 3x11
Burpee challenge: 2

Not too happy with my squatting today. I was originally going to go for 5 reps of 305, but my form seemed to break down on 275. Each rep was slower and jerkier than I would've liked and I decided to keep it safe and just go for 3 reps of 305. Even those were miserably slow and lacked good hip drive, which was pretty disappointing. Hopefully next week will be a bit better, as I really want to finally get to squatting 315.

Bench press felt excellent today, but for the second time in a row, I got an idiot spotter who had to put his hands on the bar during the 275x3 set. He was saying "all you" the entire time and probably didn't help any, but I don't know for sure and wish he would've kept his hands to himself if it really was "all me". As for deadlift, no problems there. In fact, I felt better today than last week when I did slightly less weight, a good sign as I plan to keep ramping up the volume. I'm doing the first 3 sets with a normal double overhand grip and the last set with hook grip. This will hopefully let me rebuild the grip strength I had lost by over-using the hook grip.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, April 05

Workout of the Day

Run a 5K

My numbers

Ran outside on an olympic track using VFFs/POSE.

1600m: 7:25
3200m: 8:06
4800m: 8:11

5000m: 24:42


No real time for GTG today. Will make up for it tomorrow.
Burpee challenge: 3

This is the longest run I've done so far in VFFs/POSE and it went very well. I knew I wasn't going to be setting any PR's today and the goal was to just maintain a steady pace. My technique felt great and until my calves started to tire, I got the impression that my running was taking less effort than before. Unfortunately, after ~1.5 miles, my calves were definitely exhausted and although I had plenty left in the tank, I just couldn't get myself to go any faster. Hopefully after another month my calves will be fully adapted to VFFs/POSE and I'll be able to push myself 100%.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2006
Originally posted by: brikis98
Bench press felt excellent today, but for the second time in a row, I got an idiot spotter who had to put his hands on the bar during the 275x3 set. He was saying "all you" the entire time and probably didn't help any, but I don't know for sure and wish he would've kept his hands to himself if it really was "all me".

hahhaha. I wouldn't call the person an idiot, probably just doesn't know any better. That kind of spotting is pretty typical among the "Monday is chest day" crowd, which is most of the males in the gym.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: KingGheedora
Originally posted by: brikis98
Bench press felt excellent today, but for the second time in a row, I got an idiot spotter who had to put his hands on the bar during the 275x3 set. He was saying "all you" the entire time and probably didn't help any, but I don't know for sure and wish he would've kept his hands to himself if it really was "all me".

hahhaha. I wouldn't call the person an idiot, probably just doesn't know any better. That kind of spotting is pretty typical among the "Monday is chest day" crowd, which is most of the males in the gym.

Yea, I guess that's fair. In the past, I've done my own fair share of stupid things I'm not proud of, including not working my legs for a long time because I believed they were "strong enough from sports", doing bicep curls in the squat rack, smith machine squats, smith machine bench, and doing half squats with 365lbs long before my body was ready to handle 225 in a real squat. Still, seeing people treat the bench press as a team exercise - one person doing bench press and one person doing shrugs - didn't make sense to me even in my most clueless gym days.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, April 07

Workout of the Day

Squat: 3x5 (10% deload)
OH Press: 3x5, 1x3, 1x8
Power Clean: 5x3

My numbers

Squat: 275x5, 275x5, 275x5
OH Press: 100x5, 120x5, 140x5, 160x2xF, 120x8
Power Clean: 135x3, 185x3, 205x3, 205x3, 205x3


Push-ups: 5x40
Dead hang chin-ups: 5x11
Burpee challenge: 5

I looked back through my log and realized I've spent the last 2 weeks stuck at 305 and as of the last workout, it started to feel heavier, so I'm pretty sure I'm stalling. I decided to do a 10% deload and switch back to sets across, as I had good success with that earlier. Unfortunately, even 275 felt heavy today, and the bar speed in the third set was slow. I can't imagine my squat suddenly got weaker, so either I'm overtraining (I feel fine otherwise, so not likely) or something is wrong with my form. Hopefully the deload will help.

OH press went fine and I missed the 3rd rep of 160 by only a tiny bit. I'm sure I'll have it next time. Power clean, however, was crappy. I'm having trouble breaking my dumb habit of doing a split clean stance on heavy reps, so half the power clean reps today were squat cleans. Hopefully thinking of my squat stance will get my brain to plant my feet properly, but it's pretty damn hard to unlearn something.

Finally, GTG push-ups were an absolute breeze today, so I might just bump to 45 for next time. I also think I'll be alternating between dead hang chin-ups and pull-ups for some variety.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Changing My Routine

As inspired by the Gant Grimes Hybrid Program and the recently released Crossfit Strength Bias (CFSB) article and Crossfit Football website, I've decided to tweak my own CF schedule. For the last few months, I've been doing a MEBB style routine, with two days a week dedicated towards pure strength/power workouts and three days a week towards metcon. It's worked pretty well, but I think a more integrated approach will be even more effective. My goals for 2009 are on the first post of my journal, but the gist is to continue to do Crossfit, and bias it towards strength & power development, as I think that'll give me the biggest bang for the buck in terms of my overall fitness. This is definitely an experiment and something I'll be tweaking quite a bit depending on how my body reacts and the kind of progress I make.


Strength: Deadlift 3x3 or 3x5 followed by one set of 12-20 reps.
Metcon: Anything.
Skill: planche or hollow rock.
Monday: Rest day.

Power: snatch 5x3 or 5x2 or 7x1.
Metcon: less than 15 minutes.
Skill: plyometrics or pistols.

Strength: squat one set of 12-20 reps. OH Press 3x5 or 5x3 or 3x3.
Metcon: less than 10 minutes.
Skill: back lever of front lever.

Power: clean & jerk 5x3 or 5x2 or 7x1.
Metcon: less than 10 minutes.
Skill: rings or glute ham raise.
Friday: Rest day.

Strength: Squat 3x5 or 5x3 or 3x3. Bench press 3x5 or 5x3 or 3x3.
Metcon: less than 20 minutes.
Skill: handstand or l-sit.


* Each day includes some strength/power work, a metcon, and some skill or gymnastics training. The strength/power work should take no more than 20 minutes. Except on the weekends, all metcons will also be under 20 minutes. Gymnastics/skill work should take less than 10 minutes. Warm-up and cool-down should take 20 minutes. Therefore, each workout should be under 70 minutes start to finish, or something is wrong.
* For each strength/power exercise, zig zag between rep schemes to avoid stalling. For example, do 3x5 until you stall, then do 5x3, then 3x3, and so on. Always use ascending sets instead of sets across to reduce volume.
* The goal of the power/strength training is to hit a new PR (new 1RM, 3RM, 5RM, 20RM) every week. However, as soon as you do, the strength/power portion of the workout is done. So if you're doing a 5x3 and hit a PR on set 3, don't bother doing sets 4 or 5.
* Feel free to experiment with variations of the strength/power exercises: front or back squats, power snatch, power clean, push jerk, split jerk, push press and so on.
* Use the WoD from the CF mainsite for the metcon whenever possible. Use Crossfit Football as a backup source, especially for short & heavy metcons.
* The weekend is flanked by two rest days and includes lots of sleep, so longer metcons are ok. On weekdays, keep metcons short. However, Tuesday can be a bit longer because I suck at the snatch and at this point, so it's effectively skill work for me.
* The biggest worry is CNS overload and recovery. If this becomes a problem, options for reducing volume are: shorter metcons, remove strength/power work from one day, remove metcon work from one day.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, April 8

Workout of the Day

For time:
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips

My numbers

Time: 13:45


Too busy at work for GTG today.
Burpee challenge: 6

Gah, I forgot to bring a long sleeved shirt today for the ring dips. I tried doing the workout without it, but the straps from the rings burned up the outside of my elbows pretty bad. They are all red and raw now. I had to put on my heavy sweatshirt halfway through the workout, as it was getting too painful to continue. This made me sweat like a bastard, but at least I was able to finish. Lesson learned for next time.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, April 9

Workout of the Day

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

My numbers

I ran on a treadmill and subbed thrusters with 20lb dumbbells for wall ball. Unfortunately, I injured my right calf in the very first round and did not finish.


Air squats: 5x35
Sit-ups: 5x45

And yet another injury for me. Sigh. I started with a 400m run on the treadmill at 10mph, which felt surprisingly difficult, but I didn't feel any pain. I moved onto the box jumps and noticed after a few jumps a sharp pain in my right calf. It would happen during the jump, just as my feet left the ground, but felt ok during the landing. I thought at first it might have been a cramp (my calves cramp quite often), and (probably foolishly) push through it. However, I then went to do a thruster, went into a squat, and almost collapsed from the sharp pain in my calf as I started to drive back up.

I stopped the workout immediately, rested a few minutes and analyzed the injury. It did not hurt to stand on my toes or flex the calf. However, if I kept my heel on the ground and pushed my knees forward (as happens in a squat) the stretching of the calf was mildly painful. I also tried running in place and noticed that motion of landing on the ball of my foot and then lowering the heel to the ground would cause the same pain. The pain seems to be primary along the achilles tendon, just below the bottom of the Gastrocnemius. On this diagram of the calf, it's roughly at the height where the lines for "Soleus" are pointing on the left image. However, the pain seems to be towards the middle/inner part of the leg, as I can't feel the injured area with my fingers on the outside at all.

In retrospect, my calves definitely felt tight during the warm-up and the first 400m was unexpectedly difficult, but these were hardly clear signs of an impending injury. Anyways, I have no clue how severe it is - it's sore now and I'm walking with a bit of a limp - and I'm just hoping this doesn't screw up all my workouts for a while.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Friday, April 10

Workout of the Day

Rest day. My calf feels tight and sore, but I was able to squat and run in place without any real pain. It's a good sign and hopefully it won't interfere with my workouts this week.


Push-ups: 5x45
Dead hang pull-ups: 5x12
Burpee challenge: 8


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, April 11


Deadlift: 135x8, 225x5, 295x5, 345x5, 225x20


For time: 50 burpees. Jump one foot above max reach on each rep.

Time: 3:02 (PR)


Tuck planche: 1 minute total in as few sets as possible
0:18, 0:16, 0:14, 0:13

Today was my first day of my new strength/power CF hybrid and it was pretty damn successful. I really enjoyed having to do only one strength exercise, rather than 3 as I used to do on strength days, as you can apply yourself to it 100% and don't feel it grinding you down quite as much. I was supposed to squat today, but I wanted to give my injured calf another day of rest, so I did deadlift today and will squat tomorrow instead. My back stamina is still not great, as 345 went up easily for all 5 reps, but I had trouble keeping a flat/neutral back arch for reps 3-5. Hopefully the higher rep sets will help improve the muscular endurance of my spinal erectors. In particular, these 20 rep sets should be interesting. I decided to start real light on them with 225, but still found it to be a highly unpleasant experience. My hamstrings and thighs were burning and my back was exhausted. 20 rep squats this Wednesday should be a hell of an experience.

Due to the calf injury, I also had to change my metcon from a workout including lots of sprinting to a simple one with burpees. My calf still bothered me a bit on the jumps, and I was definitely a bit fatigued from the deadlifts, but I still handily beat my old PR of 3:45 on this workout. I have no doubt that fresh & injury free, I would've been well under 3 minutes, but I'm still pretty happy with this time.

Finally, I worked a bit on my tuck planche at the end. The goal is to hold it for one minute total using as few sets as possible. Eventually, I'll hopefully be able to do a full minute in just a single set, at which point I'll move on to the advanced tuck planche. Seems like a long way off now, but hopefully by doing this exercise more consistently, I'll get there soon enough.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, April 12


Squat: 135x8, 185x5, 235x3, 275x3, 305x1, 225x10

I realized today that my problem with squatting is not so much that I'm stalling, but that my technique is breaking down. I noticed that 235 felt very smooth, 275 was iffy, and by 305 my form just plain sucked (so I didn't bother with reps 2 or 3). I'm not sure what exactly the issue is, but as the weight got heavier, my descent into the hole was shaky, I was not producing much hip drive, I was unable to get any bounce/stretch reflex and I was tipping forward a bit on the way back up. I dropped down to 225 for the last set, where my technique felt perfect. I'm going to take the next few weeks to go back down in weight and try to identify and fix whatever is causing my form to crap out at ~275lbs.


For time:
15 Handstand push-ups
1 L Pull-up
13 Handstand push-ups
3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand push-ups
5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups
7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups
9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups
13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand push-up
15 L Pull-ups

Time: 25:03 (PR)

Crushed my previous PR of 33:00 from 09/21. However, this workout took far longer than I expected as my muscular endurance on the HSPU's is still horrid. I did 5-5-5 the first round, 5-3-3-2 the second round, and then could not get more than 3-4 in a row after that. Bleh.


Included in metcon


Didn't have time for GTG this weekend.
Burpee challenge: 10


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Monday, April 13


Rest day. Calf injury seems to be healed. I might try a short jog during my warm-up tomorrow just to see how it feels.


Sit-ups: 3x45, 1x30
Air squats: 5x37
Burpee challenge: 11

My abs were pretty sore from the L-pull-ups yesterday, so I took it a bit easy on the sit-ups today. Air squats are still pretty easy, so I'll bump to 40 for next time.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: MrMatt
Glad the calf injury wasn't (hopefully) major! What are L-Pullups?

Thanks. I still haven't had a chance to run on it since the injury, but it's felt fine for everything else, so I'm hoping it's healed.

L-pull-ups are pull-ups done with your feet held in an l-sit. Similar to what the guy in this video is doing, except you use a pull-up grip instead of a chin-up grip.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, April 14


Did not have time for a workout. Not happy about that.


Push-ups: 5x50
Burpee challenge: 12

Was going to do pull-ups, but noticed on the first rep a sharp pain below my left shoulder. It felt very similar to what I had on my right shoulder a while ago. Chances are I'll need to go to the chiro again to loosen it up, as he did a wonderful job last time. I get stupid injuries too damn easily.


Mar 3, 2009
Originally posted by: brikis98
Originally posted by: MrMatt
Glad the calf injury wasn't (hopefully) major! What are L-Pullups?

Thanks. I still haven't had a chance to run on it since the injury, but it's felt fine for everything else, so I'm hoping it's healed.

L-pull-ups are pull-ups done with your feet held in an l-sit. Similar to what the guy in this video is doing, except you use a pull-up grip instead of a chin-up grip.

oooh ok, yeah I've seen those


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, April 15


Squat: 135x10, 185x8, 225x5, 205x20
OH Press: 125x3, 145x3, 160x3

This was my first time doing 20 rep squats, so I started with a relatively easy weight. Despite that, it was not fun. My legs felt fine and the breathing wasn't too bad, but my back was really fatigued from it. Not only is it hard to maintain a back arch for 20 reps, but just holding a couple hundred pounds on you for that long is pretty exhausting. 215 next week should be fun.


For time: run 1 mile.

Ran on a treadmill in my VFF's.
Time: 6:00 (PR)

My original plan was a light run to test out my calf, but it felt so good during the warm-up, that I just decided to have a little fun. It's hardly an impressive mile time, but I've never been a good runner, so I'm pretty happy with it. At any rate, I'm really glad to see that my calf is all healed up. Also worth mentioning is that running in the VFF's felt very natural today: I wasn't constantly fidgeting or correcting my form and was able to just run. I'm sure my technique is still not as efficient as the heel to toe running I'd done for years before that, but it's definitely getting better. With a little practice, I'm sure I could shave some more time off.


Advanced tuck front lever: 1 minute total hold.
0:18, 0:15, 0:15, 0:12


Didn't have time for GTG today.
Burpee challenge: 13


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, April 16


Power clean & jerk: 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 185x3, 195x3

I finally figured out how to fix my form on the power clean and stop myself from slamming my feet down into a split stance. The problem was that I was trying to land my feet in the same spot as they took off from. While the jumping stance is excellent for delivering power to the ground, it's too narrow to allow even a partial squat. Even though this is a power clean, you still dip a bit, so I naturally began doing a split stance to allow myself to get a little lower. The solution turned out to be simple: I just consciously made myself land my feet in a squat stance, which is naturally wider than the jump stance and makes it much easier to do a partial squat. The whole motion felt a whole lot smoother and more balanced as a result and it will also have nice carryover to when I actually do full squat cleans.

On the other hand, my split jerk still sucks. I feel like I don't get much vertical drive on the bar and I don't seem to get quite low enough, so occasionally I have to press the weight out an inch or two at the very top.


"Damn You Fran"
For time, 12-9-6:
Thrusters 155 lbs
Pull Ups

Time: 6:30.

Ugh, terrible timing for this workout. I did 20 rep squats + OH press yesterday, and C&J today. As a result, my legs, upper back and especially shoulders, which were fatigued from the very first rep, just could not handle the heavy thrusters very well.


GHD sit-ups: 3x15

I was supposed to do glute ham raises, but on the very first rep, I felt my right calf and hamstring start to get a nasty cramp/charliehorse. I literally flew off the machine and was able to stretch them out just in time before things got ridiculously painful. Unfortunately, I get these from time to time, especially often in my calves. At any rate, I figured some sit-ups would be safer.


Another hectic day at work, so no time for GTG.
Burpee challenge: 14


Platinum Member
May 3, 2003
155lbs thrusters? Nasty, those reps would take me forever, nice time I say. One thing that helped me on my jerks (although they still suck) is to warm-up by doing a few standing vertical jumps. The dip portion of the jerk should be the same depth/speed as you use for a verticle jump (slight knee bend, hips move straight down, torso upright). I picked this up in a CF journal vid recently. Prior to that I had been dipping too low/hips back which made my torso lean forward a bit and cause less power transmission to the bar.

You are doing CFSB right? Looks interesting, might try it after another few months of mainsite (I'm in Oct-08 right now) since metcon is by far my weakness.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: gramboh
One thing that helped me on my jerks (although they still suck) is to warm-up by doing a few standing vertical jumps. The dip portion of the jerk should be the same depth/speed as you use for a verticle jump (slight knee bend, hips move straight down, torso upright). I picked this up in a CF journal vid recently. Prior to that I had been dipping too low/hips back which made my torso lean forward a bit and cause less power transmission to the bar.
Ooh, that's a good way to look at it. I'll definitely try that out next time, thanks.

Originally posted by: gramboh
You are doing CFSB right?

Sort of. I wrote it out in detail in a post on April 8th. It's heavily inspired by CFSB, but also takes elements from Gant Grimes' Hybrid program (mostly by adding o-lifts). This is my first week and I'm trying it out to see how my body responds. After another week or two, I'll post my thoughts.
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