brikis98's crossfit journal

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, April 18


Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x5, 275x5, 295x5
Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 250x5, 275x3

Woot! I fixed my squat form issues today. I re-watched a video of Mark Rippetoe teaching hip drive and realized that when the weight was getting heavy, I had been trying to drive my hips/butt forward. Today, I very consciously used the mental cue of driving them straight up, which allowed me to engage my glutes & hamstrings MUCH more effectively. As a result, the 295x5 was easier today than 275x3 was last week, so I'll be trying for 305x5 again next week. As for bench press, I finally got a spotter who kept his hands off the bar and did 275x3 cleanly.


There are 7 Rounds. You have One Minute to Complete Each Round. Once the clock starts it does not stop:

1 - 10 yds and back 1 burpee
2 - 20 yds and back 2 burpees
3 - 40 yds and back 4 burpees
4 - 80 yds and back 8 burpees
5 - 40 yds and back 4 burpees
6 - 20 yds and back 2 burpees
7 - 10 yds and back 1 burpee

I'm an idiot and forgot to bring a stopwatch with me to the football field, so I couldn't time this one. Instead, I just did it all as fast as I could with no rest. I'm not sure how long it took (my guess is ~3 minutes), but my heart, lungs and quads were on fire the entire time. After a brief break, I did eight 40 yard sprints, with the only rest being the time it took me to walk to the other end zone and set up for the next sprint. Now that the weather is finally warming up and I'm not relegated to a treadmill, I really want to include more sprints in my workouts. They are a lot of fun and they'll help me improve my speed, acceleration, power and posterior chain.


L-sit: 1 minute total hold.
0:20, 0:18, 0:12, 0:10


Burpee challenge: 16


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, April 19


Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 295x3, 355x5, 245x20

Ugh, my grip strength still sucks. I was going to do 295x5, but I was using double overhand grip, and it gave out after 3 reps. I'll need to work on that. The heavy set went pretty well, although I could definitely feel it in my hamstrings, which were quite sore from yesterday's sprinting. As for the 20 rep set, I'm not happy with it. On 3 separate occasions, I had to let go of the bar and stand up for a few seconds as the lactic acid was just not leaving my legs in the bent over pose. Since the goal is to boost muscular endurance, I'm going to re-do this weight next week.


For time:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Hip & Back Extensions
95 pound Thrusters, 30 reps
50 Pull-ups

30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Hip & Back Extensions
95 pound Thrusters, 20 reps
35 Pull-ups

50 GHD Sit-ups
50 Hip & Back Extensions
95 pound Thrusters, 10 reps
20 Pull-ups

Based on available equipment, subbed decline sit-ups for GHD sit-ups and did hip & back extensions on a 45 degree hyperextension machine.

Time: 24:00 (PR)

Ugh, totally bonked during round 2 of this workout. Felt like absolute ass after the 20 thrusters and really struggled to finish. Perhaps the heavy deadlifting affected me more than I thought. I still shaved 4 minutes off my previous PR on this workout but ugh, I really felt like crap when I was done.


Burpee challenge: 17


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, April 21


OH squat: 45x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 155x2xF
Snatch: 45x3, 65x3, 95x3, 115x3 (power snatch), 115x3, 135x3 (power snatch)

It has been a long time since I've done the OH squat or the snatch and if my form was crappy back then, it was down right ugly today. The good news is that I now have these lifts scheduled for every Tuesday, so I'm going to get loads more practice on them. One thing I struggled with was forcing myself into a squat in the 3rd pull of the snatch. Once the weight is heavy enough, I have some kind of mental block (read: fear) that's preventing me from getting my ass under the weight and squatting. On the 2nd try, I was able to force myself to do it with 115, but with 135, it was a no go. I'm strong enough to power snatch it, but that really wasn't my goal. Hopefully, as I keep practicing, I'll get more comfortable with it.


7 Rounds for time of:
3 Push Jerks - 155 lbs
6 Pull Ups
9 Box Jumps 20? Box

Time: 8:08

Very fun workout. I mostly did push press because I suck at push jerks and split jerks are too slow. Nevertheless, I still paced myself too slowly, resting too much between sets, as I had a ton left in the tank at the end. I look forward to trying this one again and shaving off a good minute from my time.


Standing long jump: 15 jumps (max: 9.5 shoe lengths)
Vertical jump: 15 jumps (trying to touch ~10' ceiling)

Got the urge to do a plyometric-ish workout, but wasn't feeling very creative, so I just mixed a couple types of jumping. I had nothing to measure with, but my longest broad jump was around 9.5 steps in my squat shoes. I'll measure the shoes when I get home, but I'm guessing this is on the order of 9 feet (no clue if that's good or not). As for vertical jump, I was trying to reach the ceiling in the gym, which I estimate to be around 10 feet. Right now, I'm 4-5" shy, so it should be interesting to see if I improve at all over the next few months.


Burpee challenge: 19


Platinum Member
May 3, 2003
On the snatches, I have the same problem (since I don't have access to bumpers and can't dump I don't do much snatching at all to be honest) but one thing that helps me is snatch balance progressions (pressing snatch balance, heaving snatch balance, snatch balance). If you do a few with 135 you will be more confident getting under the damn thing. The trick with snatch balances is making sure you are actually landing at the bottom, versus landing in a quarter squat/power position and riding it down, very hard to do I find.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: gramboh
On the snatches, I have the same problem (since I don't have access to bumpers and can't dump I don't do much snatching at all to be honest) but one thing that helps me is snatch balance progressions (pressing snatch balance, heaving snatch balance, snatch balance). If you do a few with 135 you will be more confident getting under the damn thing. The trick with snatch balances is making sure you are actually landing at the bottom, versus landing in a quarter squat/power position and riding it down, very hard to do I find.

Good call. I do snatch balances as part of my warm-up with the bare bar, but for some reason I didn't think of doing them with actual weight. I'll definitely try it next week.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, April 22


Squat: 135x8, 185x5, 225x5, 215x20

Had my second crack at 20 rep squats today and it wasn't too awful this time, even though I used 10lbs more. Your body is definitely burning and you're really gasping for air, but I'm pretty used to that from Crossfit. The only part that was truly brutal was my lower back, which felt VERY fatigued from rep 16 and on. Next week I'll see if I can make it through 225x20.


Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

I ran on a treadmill and had to sub thrusters with two 20lb dumbbells for wall ball.

Time: 30:00

Last time I tried this workout, I injured my calf in the first round. Today, I had no such issue, and instead had to suffer for all 5 rounds. This one definitely took longer than I expected, and the thrusters were awfully tough after 20 rep squats, but it's a pretty fun workout overall.


Burpee challenge: 20


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, April 23


Power clean: 135x3, 165x3, 185x3, 205x3, 215x3

205x3 was awesome - fast, smooth, and very clean technique. 215x3 was less so - a bit jerky, not quite enough height and not quite enough dip to catch it. I caught the last two reps in my hands rather than on my shoulders, which was quite uncomfortable and will not be acceptable for heavier weights. I need to move my ass faster and get under the damn weight.


Five rounds. Time each round separately and rest precisely three minutes between each round.
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Round 1: 3:20 (PR)
Round 2: 3:30
Round 3: 3:38
Round 4: 3:57
Round 5: 3:48

Total: 18:13 (PR)

WOW. If the ability to recover is a good measure of fitness, then I guess all that GTG paid off. Not only did I crush my old Barbara PR of 23:25 from December 17, but my slowest round today (3:57) was faster than all but the first round from back then. Last time there was an almost 2 minute gap between my fastest round (3:30) and slowest (5:25). Today, the gap was just 37 seconds (3:20 and 3:57). Awesome improvement.

However, I must again mention that I have no clue how numerous people on the CF mainsite are able to do rounds in under 3:00, even some nearly breaking 2:00. Even my first round, where I did all the exercises in straight sets with no rest whatsoever, still took 3:20. Granted, I do sit-ups with my feet unanchored, and I suppose some people might be doing butterfly kips, but could that really account for over a minute difference? Dunno.


I forgot to do this yesterday and I felt like absolute crap after Barbara today, so it was a no go. Time permitting, I'll do something tomorrow on my rest day.


Burpee challenge: 21


Platinum Member
May 3, 2003
Wow nice time man, especially the tiny drop-off between rounds, that is just amazing. I've only done Barbara once about a month ago, don't have my log handy but I remember my drop-off being huge, my first round was probably 4:30something and it went up to 7-8min after that (mostly due to push-ups which I suck at for high reps).

Here's a vid of under 2 min first round: - I think you should definitely achor your feet for high-rep sit-ups. You can go a lot faster = more work done. It definitely brings your hips into dominance versus abs, but that is what GHD sit-ups are for . In my warm-up I always do unachored but for high-rep I anchor my feet with DB's, I can go like twice as fast at least. Butterfly definitely looks faster (I can't do it myself) and they are going insanely fast on push-ups.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: gramboh
Here's a vid of under 2 min first round: - I think you should definitely achor your feet for high-rep sit-ups. You can go a lot faster = more work done. It definitely brings your hips into dominance versus abs, but that is what GHD sit-ups are for . In my warm-up I always do unachored but for high-rep I anchor my feet with DB's, I can go like twice as fast at least. Butterfly definitely looks faster (I can't do it myself) and they are going insanely fast on push-ups.

Holy crap those guys are fast. They are definitely a bit faster on the pull-ups, push-ups and squats, but the only truly significant difference is the sit-ups. My cycle time with feet unanchored is much slower. I guess I just did them that way because that's how I always do them for GTG, but I suppose if metcon and power output is the goal, I should probably anchor my feet in the future. Thanks for the video.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, April 25


Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 305x5
OH Press: 125x3, 145x3, 165x3

Now that's more like it. Having fixed my squat form issues last week, I went at 305 again, and got all 5 reps up. It was far from easy, but a very solid set overall, and I'll try for 315 next week. OH Press also went pretty well although the last rep of 165x3 was very very slow. Still, I'm psyched to see improvement all around.


Complete Sixteen (16) 40 yard sprints. Start the clock on the first sprint and complete a 40 yard sprint every 30 seconds. If you run the sprint in 5 seconds you have 25 seconds to recover. If it takes you 10 seconds then you have 20 seconds to recover. Keep the clock running until finished.

1: 0:05
2: 0:06
3: 0:06
4: 0:07
5: 0:07
6: 0:06
7: 0:07
8: 0:08
9: 0:07
10: 0:07
11: 0:08
12: 0:11
13: 0:10
14: 0:12
15: 0:10
16: 0:07

Killer workout. I did it on a football field and had my girlfriend time me (all timings above are obviously subject to her accuracy). She stood at the 50 yard line and I ran the first sprint from the goal line to the 40 yard line. I then jogged/walked the 60 yards to the other endzone and ran the next sprint in the opposite direction. I did this to make it easier for her to time the sprints (since I'd always finish very close to her at midfield) but the extra 60 yards of jogging/walking each round really cost me. I basically had no real rest between the sprints and my speed dropped off significantly. Next time this workout comes up, I'll run from the goal line to the nearest 40, walk to the opposite 40 (20 yards away instead of 60), and the sprint to the other goal line. This should let me rest a whole lot more between sprints and hopefully keep my sprint times more consistent.


Handstand practice.


Burpee challenge: 23


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, April 26


None. I was supposed to do deadlift, but decided to take a break from heavy deadlifts and let the metcon workout take care of the high rep portion.


"Mr. Joshua"
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps

Ran on a treadmill.

Time: 36:01

This is the first time I've done Mr. Joshua as Rx'd. Last time around I did it with 15 GHD sit-ups per round instead of 30 and that took 28:00. Given that the GHD sit-ups were far and away the hardest part of this workout for me, I'm not surprised doing 75 more of them added 8 minutes to my total time. The high rep deadlifts I've been doing the last few weeks definitely helped today: I did all 15 in a row the first round and then 8/7 for the last 4 rounds. This is quite an improvement from 5/5/5 I used to do before.


Burpee challenge: 24


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, April 28


OH Squat: 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x5
Snatch balance: 95x3, 115x3, 135x3

I've decided to develop my snatch technique in stages, working backwards a bit:

(1) Develop my OH squat to build core and shoulder stability.
(2) Work on the snatch balance to get comfortable with dropping quickly under the weight
(3) Work on the hang power snatch to develop the second pull
(4) Work on the hang snatch to develop the second and third pull
(5) Put it all together into a full snatch

Today I did #1 and #2. OH squat felt much better today, and while 155x5 wasn't exactly smooth, I was definitely stronger and more stable than last week. The snatch balance was a great idea from gramboh as I had been having trouble getting myself under the bar. I had to effectively do them in singles, as lowering the weight to my back in a snatch grip is very uncomfortable. However, I definitely felt much more confident under the bar and think these will be very helpful.


3 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
21 Burpees
Run 400 meters

Subbed 50 dumbbell swings with 35lbs for rowing. Ran on a treadmill.

Time: 17:30


My technique practice with the snatch took a long time today, and is largely skill work, so I skipped any gymnastics stuff for today.


Air squats: 4x35
Push-ups: 4x45
Burpee challenge: 26 (done as part of metcon)

I finally found some time during work today to do some GTG air squats and push-ups. It has been two weeks since the last time I did them, but it doesn't look like I've lost any progress, which is great.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, April 29


Squat: 135x5, 205x5, 245x5, 225x20
OH Press: 95x5, 125x3, 145x3, 170x2xF

Squats felt awesome today. Not that 225x20 was by any means easy, but at no point did I doubt my ability to finish the set. My form was very smooth today and I was nailing the bounce reflex perfectly. 235x20 next week should be interesting. As for the press, I missed the 3rd rep of 170 because I pushed the weight too far from my face. Having said that, I'm not sure I would've had enough to lock it out even had I maintained good form. I'll try again next week, but if it's a no go, I'll switch to a 3x5 scheme and push that as far as I can go.


Run 10k.

Time: 53:15

I know I'm supposed to keep the metcons short in this hybrid program, but I had two good reasons to do a long run today: (1) I need to keep building my POSE/VFF endurance and (2) it was an absolutely perfect day outside. The goal was not to set a new PR, but just to see if my legs had adapted to long POSE/VFF runs (previous max was a 5k). Despite that, this is still my fastest 10K outside and only 48 seconds slower than my best time on a treadmill. Given that I was constantly weaving from lane to lane to avoid some high school kids doing track practice, I'm content with this performance. I'm especially happy with my running technique: running felt natural, I had no tightness in the calves, no pain in the toes or heel and I could've probably gone 15k if I didn't get a blister on my left foot from not tightening the VFF enough. In short, I think I can finally say I'm 100% comfortable with POSE/VFF. One last thing to note: when I run 10k or more, my knees are usually a bit sore the next day or two. I'll be paying attention tomorrow to see if POSE/VFFs have taken care of this issue.


Burpee challenge: 27

Edit: just re-read this entry and realized how a year ago, I would never even conceived of doing 20 rep squats and a 10k run in the same workout, in part because it would've seemed ridiculous to mix them and in part because I wasn't fit enough for either activity. I love CF


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2002
Just out of curiosity, how many consecutive burpees would you guess you could do today if you attempted a max set as your only workout of the day?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: xboxist
Just out of curiosity, how many consecutive burpees would you guess you could do today if you attempted a max set as your only workout of the day?

Heh, I'm not really sure. This burpee challenge has definitely improved my burpee endurance already and it would be an interesting test. I was able to do all 27 today in a row and while it wasn't easy, I'd make a rough guess that I could squeeze out another 8-10 before I'd need to pause. I typically do them all in a row before my workout, so I guess on day 35 of this burpee challenge I'll be able to answer you with more certainty


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, April 30


Power clean: 135x5, 185x3, 185x3, 205x3, 215x2xF

Not surprisingly, after yesterday's 20 rep squats and 10k run, my legs and back were pretty exhausted today. I had no "pop", my form was crap, and I could not get the 3rd rep of 215. Bleh. The good news, however, is that I had no pain whatsoever in my knees today, which is a huge plus for POSE/VFF style running. Moreover, even my calves aren't sore, which I think is another good sign that my running technique has worked itself out.


As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
3 Power Cleans 185 lbs
3 Rounds of 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats or 3 rounds of "Cindy"

My total: 4 rounds + 3 power cleans + 1 round of cindy (ie, 15 power cleans + 13 rounds of cindy)

This is yet another workout that I stole from crossfitfootball and I kind of like it. I was hoping to finish the 5th round, but I just didn't quite have it in me. However, to put it in perspective, the first time I ever did the normal "cindy" workout (the one w/o power cleans), I completed 14 rounds. Today, I did 13 rounds in 5 minutes less time, plus 15 power cleans on top of it. Not bad, not bad.


Advanced tuck front lever: 1 minute total hold

0:28, 0:25, 0:12

I felt much stronger on this today and I think I should be able to break 30 seconds next time.


Burpee challenge: 28


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, May 2

Extra rest day. Was up in NH for a friend's bachelor party. Did a whole lot of drinking, bbqing, beer pong, fishing, poker, eating pizza, and shooting guns. The only exercise I managed to do was my 30 burpees in the morning.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, May 3


Squat: 135x5, 205x5, 245x5, 285x5, 315x4
Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 250x5, 280x2 (+1 w/ spotter)

Booooyaaaa. I was so freaking happy to be squatting 3 plates per side again. I haven't done that since about a year ago, when I weighed 40lbs more than I do now. Fixing my form a few weeks ago has been awesome, as I felt better doing 315x4 today than I did doing 275x3 several weeks ago: I didn't feel like the weight was crushing me, I had awesome hip drive, no joint pain, perfect back arch, good depth, and so on. The 4th rep had very slow bar speed, so I didn't attempt a 5th, but I'm still VERY pleased with this. According to the 1RM calculator, once I can squat 325x5, I should be able to do 365x1 - a 2xBW squat, and my goal for 2009.

As for bench press, I'm unsurprisingly not making much progress as I only do it once every ~2 weeks or so. I got the first 2 reps of 280 pretty well, but the 3rd one was slow and the spotter helped out. I think I could've had it myself, but I'll have to wait for next time to find out for sure.


14-10-6, for time:
Kettlebell Swings 2 pood
DB Thrusters 50 lbs
Pull Ups

Did 70lb dumbbell swings instead of kettlebell swings.

Time: 7:45

This is another workout stolen from crossfitfootball, and it was a toughie. The DB thrusters were just a pile of suck: it sucked to clean them up to my shoulders, it sucked trying to keep the arms balanced while doing a quick push press, it sucked keeping balance while lowering the DB's back down, and it sucked to have them hit my forearms all the time. Combined with the DB swings and pull-ups, my grip was really tested by this one.


Tuck planche: 45 seconds total hold
0:13, 0:12, 0:10, 0:10

I tried some tuck planche push-ups today, but the ROM is extremely limited, so they aren't very worthwhile. I'll have to wait until I can do an advanced tuck planche for those.


Burpee challenge: 31 (11/10/10)

Forgot to do these before my workout and was too toast to try to do them in a row after, so I broke them up into sets in between my planche practice.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Monday, May 4


Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 295x5, 365x4

Not a great deadlifting day for me. My back was pretty fatigued from yesterday's squats and I was struggling to maintain good form. Worse yet, I had random bruise on my right ring finger (maybe from DB swings yesterday?) that made it very painful to hold onto the bar. I fought through it for 4 reps of 365, but didn't even attempt the 5th.


3 rounds, 1 min rest between rounds:
Max Rep Thrusters @ 135lb - 30 seconds on...30 seconds off
Max Rep Burpee - 30 seconds on...30 seconds off
Max Rep Pull Up - 30 seconds on...30 seconds off
Max Rep SDHP @ 135 lbs - 30 seconds on...30 seconds off

Thrusters: 9, 9, 9 = 27
Burpees: 12, 12, 11 = 35
Pull-ups: 16, 16, 14 = 46
SDHP: 7, 7, 6 = 20
Total: 128

Yup, another crossfitfootball workout, which means heavier-than-usual metcons. I suck at thrusters, and doing them with 135lbs is uncomfortable at best. I had never done SDHP's with 135lbs but am happy I did today because they revealed weakness in my form. Every time I did a bad rep, I'd feel it in my shoulders, so this taught me very quickly to maximize my hip drive.


Hollow rock: 3 sets of 30 reps
Arch rock: 3 sets of 30 reps

Alternate the two exercises with only a 10 second break in between. Rest 1 minute between sets. Next time I think I'll combine these even more and do the Hollow Rock to Arch Rock exercise described here.


Burpee challenge: 32+ (included in metcon)


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, May 5


Rest day


Push-ups: 4x50
Air squats: 4x40
Burpee challenge: 33

The air squats were very easy today. Ever since I fixed my squat form, I've gotten awesome hip drive on my air squats and my quads don't burn nearly as much during high rep sets. I think I'll bump it to sets of 50 next time.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, May 6


OH Squat: 95x5, 135x5, 155x5, 165x3xF
Hang power snatch: 95x3x1, 115x3x1, 135x3x1, 145x1, 155xF

I felt strong at the OH squat today, but my wrists were hurting from it for some reason. On the 4th rep of 165, I accidentally let the weight drift forward a bit and lost it. I'm pretty sure I can get 165x5 next time. As for hang power snatch, I had to do singles because I can't comfortably lower the weight down after I finish a rep, so I'd always drop it, snatch grip deadlift it and then hang power snatch it. Not terribly happy with my performance with it either, as I just didn't feel like I was driving the weight with my hips. I barely got 145 up (ties my PR) and didn't even come close with 155. Will repeat again next week.


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

Time: 4:30 (PR)

Wow. This is the first time I've done Fran with all reps unbroken in the first round. Round two I broke up 8/7 and round three was all reps unbroken again. My previous Fran PR was 5:32 (back on Feb. 12) and my goal for today was simply to break 5 minutes. I was absolutely shocked when I looked at the stopwatch to find that I had broken my old time by a full minute. I've had a huge grin on my face since


Pistols: 3 reps with each leg, holding a dumbbell out in front for counterbalance. Did 3 rounds, the first with a 15lb dumbbell, the second a 10lb dumbbell and the 3rd with a 5lb dumbbell. Could not get the 3rd rep of the 3rd round with my left leg: I think I'm just not flexibile enough as I felt lots of pressure in my hip & ankle. Hopefully continuing to use the counterweight will stretch me out.


Burpee challenge: 34
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