brikis98's crossfit journal

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Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by: brikis98
Originally posted by: HN
(it's the one titled "Double-Under/Wallball 2-fer-1s" )


I'm tired but not excessively sore after yesterday's workouts...but I couldn't imagine doing "2-fer-1s". Some of the stronger guys were throwing the balls with just one arm, but I physically can't do that more than a few times before getting tired.

We're doing the CFT next Monday - my press and squat numbers are DOWN I think, but my deadlift is up 25lb since the last time we did it. I'm really curious to see how things go.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: brikis98
Originally posted by: EvilYoda
Wall balls suck.

I've never actually had access to the proper kind of ball or wall, so I've never tried them. Of course, I hate thrusters and wall balls just look worse.

Really? They're horrid. If you don't throw and catch the ball just right, you wreck your biceps... Ugh.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2008
Thirded on the wallballs sucking. I joined an affiliate recently and just tried real wallballs yesterday instead of subbing thrusters each time.

Coordination is a terrible problem for me, I have a heck of a time chaining them together. The CF firebreather make them look so darn easy.


Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Originally posted by: brikis98
Originally posted by: EvilYoda
Wall balls suck.

I've never actually had access to the proper kind of ball or wall, so I've never tried them. Of course, I hate thrusters and wall balls just look worse.

Really? They're horrid. If you don't throw and catch the ball just right, you wreck your biceps... Ugh.

After a while, you just know if you had a good toss or not...if not, I much prefer letting the ball hit the ground and doing a clean, catching it on the bounce. Otherwise, yeah, you wreck your biceps and you get pulled forward losing more time.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Friday, July 17

Extra rest day. My hands are still largely useless, so I'm skipping today, doing squats, bench and running tomorrow (no pulling) and will try some cleans on Sunday.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, July 18


Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 265x5, 295x5, 320x5
Bench press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 265x3, 285x1xF

Felt good on the squat today. First four reps of 320 were very solid. Last one was slow, but acceptable. Excited for 325x5 next week. Bench press sucked today, which is expected, since I haven't done it in almost exactly a month. Back on 6/22, I had done 285x3, but today could only get 1 rep out and got stuck on the second. I wish I had time to bench more consistently.


Max effort runs (full recovery in between):

I ran on an olympic track and tried to time myself with a stopwatch. However, I have to confess that I wasn't sure I was reading the markings on the track correctly, so other than the 400m distance (one lap, duh), I don't know if I got it quite right. Moreover, timing the short runs is always inaccurate.

40m: 5.48
40m: 5.16 (?)
100m: 13.44
100m: 13.87
400m: 1:11.06
400m: 1:13.97

This is a deceptively difficult workout, even with full recovery. My hamstrings were absolutely fried by the time I got to the 400m runs and I struggled with that as much as my own lungs.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, July 19


Cleans: 135x3, 185x3, 205x3, 225x3

Decided to do some triples today. My technique felt great, but working out in a driveway is less than ideal: the surface is not flat at all, the barbell doesn't sit still, my feet land in random potholes and so on. I need to help this guy find or build some o-lift platforms.


For time: 135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

I've recently learned that Grace is actually a "ground to overhead anyhow" workout, so I did it with power cleans and push press/jerk.

Time: 4:09 (PR)

Went WAY too slowly on this. I paced myself, expecting my lungs or shoulders to give out, but they never did. The fact that I finished this one not at all winded is a bad sign. I know I can do this workout a good 30 seconds faster and was considering re-doing it after a 10 minute break... but decided against it. I'll toss it in my schedule again a few weeks from now when I need a short workout and will try to blitz through it to absolutely shatter this time.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Monday, July 20


Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 405x3

My hands are still healing, so I had to use straps for 365 and 405. First two reps of 405 were very solid, but the 3rd featured a lot of back rounding, so I stopped. Going to try again in a week or two - if I can just keep my back locked, I know my legs can handle all 5 reps.


No time today.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, July 22


None. Was supposed to do 20 rep squats, but I'm doing them every other week now to help with recovery.


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups

Rounds completed: 8 full rounds + 5 HSPU + 10 one legged squats

This was the first time I picked "Mary" instead of "Cindy" and I'm glad I did. I rarely allot time to improving my HSPU's and pistols and this workout included plenty of great practice at both. I had been hoping to get 10 rounds, but the pistols really slowed me down. I especially struggle with my left leg, which is less flexible than the right, making it much tougher to get to full depth. I'd often lose my balance on the left leg (typically ~8 reps in) and had to re-do a decent number of reps towards the end. Hopefully, with more pracitce I'll even out.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, July 23


Power snatch: 95x3, 135x3, 155x2, 165x1, 165x1, 167.5xF, 167.5x1 (PR), 170x1 (PR)

Yay, microplates! For the o-lifts and OH press, I've wanted to use microplates (ie, increments < 2.5lbs per side) for a long time, but a set of just a few of them costs over $50, which is ridiculous for ~3lbs of steel. The other day, I ran across this post where you can get large washers really cheap that weigh 0.625lbs each and have holes 2 inches in diameter, so they fit perfectly on an olympic barbell. I ordered a set - less than $10 shipped - tried 'em out today and BAM, new power snatch PR. I missed the first time on 167.5, but the second time got such a good second pull that it was basically a muscle snatch - no dip required. 170x1 wasn't nearly as pretty, but I'm counting it. I'm inching closer and closer to a BW snatch, just 15lbs to go!


"7 Minutes Left, Down by 6"
For time:
Thrusters at 135 lbs for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Pull Ups for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Row for Calories 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Burpees for 1 minute

Thrusters: 15
Pull-ups: 35
Row: 24
Burpees: 23
Total: 97

Nice short metcon from Crossfit Football. The garage gym I workout at actually has a C2 rower and I definitely need more practice on it. My quads were very burned out from just one minute of that.


Straddle front lever: 1 minute total hold

0:45, 0:15


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, July 25


Power clean: 135x3, 185x3, 225x1, 225x1, 235x1, 235x1, 245x1, 247.5x1 (PR), 250x1 (PR)

Woot, another PR thanks to microplates. The heavier reps weren't too pretty - my feet are landing on an odd skewed/split position - which means I need to do more squat cleans to get a better landing. Still, I'm very happy with my first and second pull on these and am glad to see progress on my o-lifts in general.


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Time: 10:22 (PR)

50 second PR over my time from May 8. Absolutely flew through the ring dips. However, having to do squat cleans really slows me down and always seems dumb for such a light weight. I'll have to get better at those to get under 10 minutes.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, July 26


Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 265x5, 295x5, 325x5 (PR)

Finally! It took a damn long time, but I finally got all 5 reps of 325. My technique felt very solid, with great hip drive out of the hole. According to most 1RM calculators, I should now be good for a double bodyweight squat (365-370), which is my goal for 2009. Might have to try it next week...


21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups

Time: 13:06

Ugh, awful. I didn't rest nearly enough after squatting, so my hamstrings and glutes felt really fried on the deadlifts. I had to break up even the first round 11-7-4, which is quite sad. As for HSPU's, my stamina on them is still awful. My PR is 11 in a row, but if I do any more than ~70% of that, I never seem to recover. Today, I started with 8 (to avoid going to failure) and then had to do 4-3-3-3. The following rounds were even worse: 5-4-2-2-2 and 3-3-2-1. Why the heck do I run out of steam on those so quickly? At any rate, I really need to post a better time on this workout in the future.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Monday, July 27

Rest day. Sweated my ass off shooting hoops for an hour - it has been really hot & humid the last week or so.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, July 28


Snatch: 95x3, 115x3, 135x2, 155x2, 165x1, 170x1 (PR), 175xF, 175xF

I've decided to stop being a lazy ass and do full snatches instead of power snatches. Set a new PR with a very nice 170lb pull. 175, however, wasn't even close. I'll need to use microplates next time.


6 rounds for time:
3 Reps Locked Overhead (anyway possibile) 185 lbs
6 Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
9 Push Ups (Clapping)

Time: 12:33

This workout absolutely destroyed my triceps which made locking out 185 - just those last few inches - brutally tough.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, July 29


Was supposed to do some cleans, but the guy who's garage gym I use had already finished his workout when I showed up and was nice enough just to wait around for me, so I figured I'd skip the strength/power part, do a quick metcon and get going.


7 rounds for time:
3 Power Cleans 225 lbs
Sprint 40 yards

Time: 9:27

Very brutal but fun workout. I especially liked John's analogy for this workout: "In football this would be like delivering 3 big hits/blocks then chasing the ball/defender/offender 40 yards down field." It definitely felt just like it, with even a slow jog "back to the line" after each 40 yard dash.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Friday, July 31

Crossfit Total

Morning bodyweight: 184.0

Warm-up: 135x5, 225x3, 275x1, 315x1
Official: 335x1, 355x1 (PR), 365x1 (PR)

OH Press
Warm-up: 95x5, 135x3, 155x1, 175x1
Official: 185x1, 190xF, 190xF

Warm-up: 135x5, 225x3, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1
Official: 425x1 (PR), 445xF, 445xF

Total: 975 (PR)

So close and yet so far. I'm going on a 2 week vacation next week and decided to try a CFT today before my numbers take a bit of a drop due to a lengthy break from lifting. It started off well, but I really underestimated how exhausting this would be (I don't practice enough max efforts), did too much weight in my warm-ups, and couldn't break 1000 in the end (one of my 2009 goals). The good news is that I still have ~4 months in 2009 to add 25lbs to these lifts, which I think will be enough time.

I felt great on the squat today and was shocked at how solid 355 was. 365 wasn't nearly as smooth, but it's the first 2009 goal that I get to check off. It's also just about a double bodyweight squat, so I'm pretty happy.

OH Press was very dissapointing. I had made good progress this year on my 3RM and 5RM on this lift, but it looks like my 1RM hasn't budged. This is the 3rd or 4th time I've tied my old PR of 185, but I just could not get 190 to clear the top of my forehead. Microplates would've helped, but I was at the globo gym today and they don't have any. Perhaps I specifically need to practice more 1RM efforts on this lift as the higher rep sets haven't helped.

By the time I got to deadlift, I was out of gas. I'm not used to doing so many max effort lifts and I was really feeling the effects. Even during the warm-up (which I did too much off), I could feel that my hamstrings were fatigued and that I wasn't getting great bar speed off the floor. I got 425 up pretty easily but on both attempts of 445, only got the weight up about an inch. I think something was off about my mechanics off the ground, so I should probably do some deadlifts to the knees to work on that. I also realize now that I should've dropped down to 435 - which I'm almost certain I could get - after my first missed attempt at 445, but was stupidly stubborn.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2008
Awesome total. A bodyweight press is beastly.

Are you finding the strength bias program to be giving significantly better strength development than just regular Crossfit?

Also, you are in the Boston area, right? Where did you get your VFFs? I'm curious about getting a pair.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thanks for the kind words guys

Originally posted by: katank
Are you finding the strength bias program to be giving significantly better strength development than just regular Crossfit?
I was definitely getting stronger from doing regular Crossfit, but as an intermediate lifter, I found the progress to be pretty slow. This strength/power hybrid I've been doing has definitely helped speed things up. Partially, it works because it gives you more exposure to heavy weights than normal CF. It also helped to just have more technique practice: for example, heavy back squats and snatches very rarely come up in CF, so my form used to be very shaky on them. Just doing more of them has helped smooth things out.

Eventually, if I get to advanced numbers on my lifts (hopefully by end of 2010), I think I'll reach a point of diminishing returns - it'll take way too much work to continue making gains. When that happens, I'll be happy to just maintain my strength/power numbers and start focusing on other weakness, such as doing extra speed work or more skill/gymnastics practice.

Originally posted by: katank
Also, you are in the Boston area, right? Where did you get your VFFs? I'm curious about getting a pair.
I went to City Sports near Porter Square. You can use their store locator to find other locations too.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, August 01


Snatch: 95x3, 115x3, 135x2, 155xF, 155xF, stopped

I was feeling really beat up after yesterday's CFT: I couldn't generate too much hip drive, my shoulders were tight and having trouble catching the weight, and I was off balance on the OHS. After missing 155 a couple times, I decided to skip the rest of the power work for today.


For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Time: 16:28 (PR)

The same sluggishness carried over into my metcon today, so I was shocked to find that I still managed to break my old PR (from March 4) by well over 3 minutes. It's even more fun to realize that the first time I did Angie, back on September 16, it took me a full 30 minutes. Seeing such huge improvement, even on a day where I'm nowhere near 100%, is awesomely motivating.


Tuck planche: 1 minute hold
0:12, stopped

I tweaked my right wrist a couple weeks ago when I caught a heavy clean on my hands rather than my shoulders and the injury was really bothering me today. I have pretty inflexible wrists as is and it looks like my ROM has been reduced even further now, so doing tuck planches is out right painful. I'll need to add my wrists to my stretching routine.
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