brikis98's crossfit journal

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
HSPU: 3, 5, 7, 3x8
Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5
Front squat: 135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 255x3, 275x3

Today was an exercise in frustration. When I got to the gym, all the squat racks were in use by a CF class, so I started with HSPU's instead. I felt oddly weak on them today and could not improve on the sets of 8 from last time. I then was able to snag a free squat rack, but found that my adductor is still strained and not quite ready for 365x5 on the back squat. So, I stopped at 315x5 and switched to front squats. I flew through all the sets, including 275x3, and would have gone heavier, but the next CF class needed the racks, so I had to move on.

Death by pull-ups
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Rounds completed: 19 + 11 pull-ups, 201 pull-ups total (PR)

The good news is that I crushed my previous PR on this workout by 4 rounds and ~70 pull-ups. The bad news is that I absolutely destroyed my hands in the process. My left hand has two tears and my right has one huge tear in the palm, plus a blood blister above it. I don't think I've ever done over 200 pull-ups in one workout, but I doubt I'd ever be able to get that many without some sort of tearing. Therefore, I doubt I'll ever repeat this workout again: it just doesn't seem worth the damage to the hands (which will certainly interfere with the next several workouts), to say nothing of the soreness I'm in for.
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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Run: 2 x 3/4 mile "hill repeats" with 2 minutes recovery between rounds. If using a treadmill, use 7% grade.

Ran barefoot on a treadmill at setting "7", which is hopefully 7%

Round 1: 7.0 mph (PR)
Round 2: 6.0 mph
Average: 6.5 mph (PR)

Running at setting 7 on the treadmill is brutal. I was really sucking wind at the end of round 1 and did not recover enough to go any faster than 6 mph on round 2. I did a 0.5 mile warm-up and a 0.25 mile cooldown, for a grand total of 2.25 miles for the day, the furthest I've run barefoot so far. My toes felt much better, but I still got a "hot spot" on the ball of each foot.

HSPU: 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Pistols (reps per leg): 1, 1, 2, 2, 1

I've been struggling with HSPU's, so I just did a bunch of sub-maximal sets today. I'm going to try to do these as often as possible to pseudo-GTG my way to more reps. I then worked on pistols, but due to the adductor strain, I couldn't do much with the left leg initially. I did a bunch of partial ROM reps to warm it up and sat in the bottom of a pistol while holding onto something for balance to stretch it out. After that, I was able to slowly get a few reps, and hopefully some blood flow through the adductor. I wish the damn thing would heal faster; this year has been just one injury after another.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 365x2, 405x1, 425x1, 445x1, 455x1, 405x3
OH press: 95x10, 115x8, 135x8

And another deadlift day wasted, this time because my hands were too torn up. I was just barely able to hold onto 455, but it hurt and caused one of my torn blisters to crack a bit, so I had to drop down in weight. The good news is that my shoulder is feeling a bit better, so I did some high rep, low weight OH press to get blood flowing through it. Felt good.

Tabata row: 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off

Round 1: 102m
Round 2: 105m
Round 3: 101m
Round 4: 100m
Round 5: 96m
Round 6: 95m
Round 7: 95m
Round 8: 96m

Total: 790m

I had nothing today. My legs were burning on the second round and just couldn't keep up any sort of intensity. Ended up 28m short of my PR. Must push harder next time.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
For time:

6 rounds of:
* 10 squat jumps, palms to ceiling (14" jump)
* 6 inverse burpees

Time: 13:12

Didn't have time to go to the gym today, so I just made up a random metcon I could do in my apartment. The squat jumps were surprisingly tough and really burned out my quads. I kept myself honest by touching the ceiling with my palms each rep, and I guess going from a deep squat to a 14" jump over and over is tougher than I expected. While doing the last set of HSPU, I noticed that they were a lot easier with my hands a bit wider. Obviously this reduces ROM a bit, but I think the key issue is that I was able to engage much more of my shoulders & upper back with the wider stance. I'll have to experiment some more with this.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Front squat: 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 265x3, 285x3, 285x1xstopped #$@%(!

And the injury streak continues. I banged out the first 285 triple with relative ease and went for a second one. Just as I hit the bottom of the rep, some jerkoff walked by and bumped the barbell. It tipped me forward and a bit sideways. I was able to recover and stand up, but I tweaked something in my upper back below the left shoulder blade. It doesn't feel bad - probably a minor strain - but I'm such a bag of injuries now, that everything is taking a while to heal. This has been a rough year for my body.

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Ran on a treadmill. Did hip & back extensions on a 45 degree hyper machine. Did sit-ups on the floor with feet unanchored and in the butterfly position.

Time: 20:15 (PR)

Crushed my previous Michael PR by over 2 minutes, even though that one had been done with back extensions (instead of hip & back extensions) and my feet anchored for sit-ups. Ran all the 800's at 10mph, did all the sit-ups unbroken and the hip/back extensions usually in 3 sets (30/10/10).


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
What the hell? Did you tell the guy or one of the affiliate owners what he did? That guy is not only a jerkoff, but a huge liability.

I'm actually back at my parents house for a few days, so this was at the YMCA and not at an affiliate. I don't think the guy really realized what he did and just gave a quick sorry and kept walking. It obviously wasn't intentional, but getting that close to someone mid-rep is pretty dumb anyway.


Mar 3, 2009
HSPU: 3, 5, 7, 3x8

Death by pull-ups
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Rounds completed: 19 + 11 pull-ups, 201 pull-ups total (PR)

So you got to 19 pullups on the 19th minute, and on the 20th minute you got to 11, if I'm reading that correct?

Ever think of using straps on the later sets? Seems like getting your hands torn up on the last couple sets could hurt you in other exercises.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
So you got to 19 pullups on the 19th minute, and on the 20th minute you got to 11, if I'm reading that correct?

Ever think of using straps on the later sets? Seems like getting your hands torn up on the last couple sets could hurt you in other exercises.
I've been thinking about it, but can't decide yet. On the one hand, I pretty much never use straps or other equipment in CF workouts as that tends to void the "functional" nature of the training. On the other, tearing up my hands really does screw up all subsequent workouts and I honestly doubt I'll ever be able to get through > 150 pull-ups without a tear.

I don't think I'll ever do death by pull-ups again - I just don't think the trade off between massive soreness + hand damage is worth the training stimulus (compared to other pull-up workouts) - but CF has plenty of other pull-up heavy WoD's that I do like. For example, "Mary" is a 20 min AMRAP of 5 HSPU, 10 pistols and and 15 pull-ups. It's a great way to train bodyweight/gymnastics movements, but if I do over 10 rounds, I'll have done over 150 pull-ups. Since grip strength/endurance is part of the workout, using straps feels like cheating. Perhaps this is one place where a pair of gloves would come in handy? I know from experience they don't prevent calluses, but maybe without direct contact on the bar, they'd prevent tearing?


Mar 3, 2009

I've been thinking about it, but can't decide yet. On the one hand, I pretty much never use straps or other equipment in CF workouts as that tends to void the "functional" nature of the training. On the other, tearing up my hands really does screw up all subsequent workouts and I honestly doubt I'll ever be able to get through > 150 pull-ups without a tear.

I don't think I'll ever do death by pull-ups again - I just don't think the trade off between massive soreness + hand damage is worth the training stimulus (compared to other pull-up workouts) - but CF has plenty of other pull-up heavy WoD's that I do like. For example, "Mary" is a 20 min AMRAP of 5 HSPU, 10 pistols and and 15 pull-ups. It's a great way to train bodyweight/gymnastics movements, but if I do over 10 rounds, I'll have done over 150 pull-ups. Since grip strength/endurance is part of the workout, using straps feels like cheating. Perhaps this is one place where a pair of gloves would come in handy? I know from experience they don't prevent calluses, but maybe without direct contact on the bar, they'd prevent tearing?

yah maybe gloves in that one situation? It's probably about a balance between saving your hands and still building calluses.


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
yah maybe gloves in that one situation? It's probably about a balance between saving your hands and still building calluses.

You don't need gloves. I can't do any sort of exercise that involves holding a barbell directly, except maybe bench. It's just terrible for your hands.

I use a towel or paper towels. Both of which also widens the grip and makes the grip harder. Win win.
Mar 22, 2002
You don't need gloves. I can't do any sort of exercise that involves holding a barbell directly, except maybe bench. It's just terrible for your hands.

I use a towel or paper towels. Both of which also widens the grip and makes the grip harder. Win win.

When you're doing 150+ pullups, you're not exactly looking for a more difficult grip.

Brikis, for higher rep workouts like that, I use a gymnastics taping technique that works like a charm. It really helps and lasts several workouts if you treat it right. Here's the vid for it -


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
When you're doing 150+ pullups, you're not exactly looking for a more difficult grip.

Brikis, for higher rep workouts like that, I use a gymnastics taping technique that works like a charm. It really helps and lasts several workouts if you treat it right. Here's the vid for it -

They should lol.

Grip strength is much more useful than stupid biceps, even lats.

God I wish I had smaller upper arms! <- actually serious about this.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
SC: thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

MJinZ: my grip gets plenty of work from deadlifts, o lifts, pull ups, rope climbs, etc. The last thing I want to do is make a metcon harder by wrapping a bar in a towel. Even the added thickness of a glove seems like a bad idea - try 200 pull-ups in a workout and you'll see what I mean.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Run: 4x800m, 5 minutes rest between rounds

Ran a loop near my parents house that measured to 800m on google maps and included some gradual uphill and downhilll portions.

Round 1: 2:50
Round 2: 2:56
Round 3: 3:03
Round 4: 3:05

Gradually trying to do slightly shorter distance & higher speed interval workouts. Since the hamstring injury, I've been tentative to do fast runs and have utterly avoided sprinting. Time to man up and gradually work my way back up to speed. I'll probably do some 400m repeats next week, 200's the week after that and finally 100m & 40 yard dashes after that.

On a side, note, I did an extra 800m run before and after the workout today totally barefoot. This is the first time I've run barefoot on asphalt and it was pretty tough. Even though I was going very slowly (5-6mph), I could feel every misstep on the jagged & cracked pavement. Lots more work to do to keep toughening up my feet and smoothing out my technique.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Do 4x400 with 60seconds recovery and try and get your 400's down to 60s



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x3, 335x3, 345x2xstopped
OH press: 95x5, 135x5, 145x5, 155x5

Did some squats to test out the adductor. Felt fine until the two reps of 345, which definitely put more pressure on it than was comfortable, so I didn't bother going for a 3rd rep or increasing the weight any further. OH press went well: no shoulder pain and very good bar speed in all sets.

135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

Time: 2:47 (PR)

135 felt a lot heavier than usual today, but I still set a 22 second PR. I think this means my strength/power is dwindling (not surprising due to all the damn injuries) but my endurance is improving.

Injury update

* Adductor is still not 100% and preventing me from getting a powerful drive out of the hole when doing back squats. Fortunately, front squats don't seem to bother the adductor at all.
* My upper back injury (under the shoulder blade) didn't bother me at all during today's workout, but I can feel it when twisting my torso (such as looking backwards when backing up my car). Hopefully it won't interfere with deadlifts in a couple days.
* My shoulder is feeling better and I'm able to overhead press pain free; push-ups I can do slowly with no pain, but not good enough for a real workout; overhead squats are still a no go due to lack of full ROM. In fact, I did wall extensions after the workout today, and my left shoulder's ROM is seriously reduced both on top (ie, trying to press shoulder into my ear) and on the bottom (trying to touch elbows to my sides).
* Torn blisters on my hands are mostly healed and with tape, good enough for most workouts.

Man, I'm a mess.
Mar 22, 2002
Just a quick suggestion: when you get injured, you might want to ease back in a bit more gradually with a bit more volume. The last two squat workouts have caused pain. You don't typically want to hit that, coming off a strain. If you're feeling that sort of pain, you're likely exacerbating the injury, putting yourself back even more. My suggestion is more rehab, higher volume initially, and then going back to lower reps. I say this because right now you're kinda setting yourself up for chronic problems with that adductor.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Just a quick suggestion: when you get injured, you might want to ease back in a bit more gradually with a bit more volume. The last two squat workouts have caused pain. You don't typically want to hit that, coming off a strain. If you're feeling that sort of pain, you're likely exacerbating the injury, putting yourself back even more. My suggestion is more rehab, higher volume initially, and then going back to lower reps. I say this because right now you're kinda setting yourself up for chronic problems with that adductor.

Fair point. If the adductor is still not healed by the next squat workout, I'll try some sets of 8-10.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Row: 3x500m, 3x recovery

Round 1: 1:31 (PR)
Round 2: 1:42
Round 3: 1:46

Weird workout today. I went out very hard on the first 500, maintaining a 1:27 pace up until the last 150m when my quads all but locked up. I held on and managed to set a 1 second PR, but fell short of my 1:30 goal for this year. Worse yet, my quads did not recover for the rest of the workout. Despite relatively long rest periods (4.5 minutes and up), my quads were burning just 200m into the next two rounds and I literally had to stop rowing a few times in those rounds to shake my legs out, which totally killed my times.

HSPU: 8, 9, 10

I positioning my hands slightly wider again today and definitely felt like I was able to get more of my shoulder into the motion, which let me bang out a few more reps.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 365x2, 405x2, 435x1, 445x6x1

Backed off the weight on the deadlift singles by 15lbs in order to work on technique. I had a friend watch me and he noticed that my knees were caving in slightly on heavy reps. I consciously worked on keeping them out a bit more, which definitely made it easier to keep my back locked and engage my hamstrings. Will bump up to 450 next time and see how it goes.

"Fran": Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

Time: 4:15

Some days you got it, some days you don't. Today was definitely the latter. Plenty of excuses come to mind - my torn up hands made the pull-ups really tough, my shoulder injury made it hard to get a good kip going, etc - but honestly, I just didn't push hard enough. The voice in my head wasn't yelling loud enough to keep going and I ended up a full minute slower than my PR. Pretty disappointing, but now I'm determined to redo Fran again in a few weeks and get under 3 minutes.

Injury update

* Adductor: even though I took a day off yesterday, my adductor was very sore when I woke up this morning. Not sure what the issue is, but it felt fine after my warm-up and didn't bother me during the thrusters.

* Shoulder: I had a friend time me on Fran and he noted that on pull-ups, my kip is pretty stinted as I don't get my head between my hands particularly far. This is most likely due to the shoulder injury and means I need to work on restoring proper ROM. On wall extensions, my ROM on the first few reps is still atrocious (I can barely keep my left elbow & forearm on the wall) but as I keep doing them, it loosens up and I'm able to get it to ~85-90% of my right arm's ROM. I should probably do these a few times a day to help loosen things up.

* Upper back: still sore in the morning, but causes no issues when working out.

* Hands: taped them up like crazy today to protect them from deadlifts & pull-ups. I definitely felt my grip strength get taxed a lot more than usual - my forearms had a crazy pump going after Fran - but the taping served it's purpose, preventing any new tears.


Mar 3, 2009
I've been meaning to ask, does your gym have a track?

I live right by Harvard's outdoor track...but they have the thing paved with asphalt and no markings on it..pain in the ass.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
I've been meaning to ask, does your gym have a track?

Unfortunately, no. When I do pure running workouts, I go to Stanford's track. When I have metcons that include running plus other stuff, I just run in the parking lot and street outside my gym, estimating the distance using Google Maps.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Run: 4x800m, 1:1 rest

Ran barefoot on a treadmill. Ran 800m barefoot as a warm-up.

Round 1: 10 mph
Round 2: 10.5 mph
Round 3: 10.5 mph
Round 4: 10.5 mph - stopped after 0.30 miles

Tough workout. I was wasting lots of energy trying to figure out how to run "lightly" at over 10 mph. Unfortunately, I never quite figured it out and by the 4th round, my feet were feeling very beat up, so I stopped after a little more than a quarter mile. I have a spot in the very middle of the ball of each foot that takes a pounding, plus the toes on just the right foot. I'm definitely still pushing off and digging my feet into the ground too much, so I'm not able to go more than ~2.5 miles before the skin on my feet starts complaining. I'll need to work on that some more.

HSPU (GTG): 5x6
Pistols: flexibility work

Did a bunch of submaximal sets of HSPU's through out the workday. A bit weird doing them without much of a warm-up, but the sets were short, so it worked out. After running, I did some pistols to work on flexibility. I mostly just sat at the bottom of the pistol to let everything stretch out, especially the injured adductor in my left leg. It felt pretty good and makes me think I should GTG that as well to even out the flexibility in my legs.
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