brikis98's crossfit journal

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: BeauJangles
That's tough, man. Give it a few days, see how you feel. When you do start deadlifting again, I'd recommend getting a cheap digital camera with a video function and recording yourself. That way, you can really double-check your form and if, god forbid, you do get hurt again, you can see whether it was because of form or something else.

That's not a bad idea. I've been meaning to video tape my olympic lifts (snatch, C&J, etc) so I can improve my form, so it probably makes sense to do the same for my deadlift & squat.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, August 23

Workout of the Day

7 rounds, for time:
10 One legged squats, alternating
12 Ring dips
15 Pull-ups

My numbers

As I'm a bit beat up and injured and I was doing 2 of the 3 exercises for the first time, I decided to not do this one for time. Instead, I made a few substitutions to make learning easier (and to cope with injuries) and just took my time to make sure I had good form.

7 rounds:
10 One legged sit-downs, alternating
12 Ring dips
8 Pull-ups
7 inverted piked pull-ups

I followed this workout with 1.5hrs of tennis.


* First, I had a minor miracle today: my lower back was almost completely pain free. I don't know why or how it healed up so fast, and I'll certainly not be putting any heavy loads on it for a while, but there was no dull ache whatsoever and the stiffness was 90% gone. With a slight warm-up, it felt 100%. Amazing.

* Another cool thing happened today: I weighed in at 190.0lbs, my goal for August!

* I had never done one legged squats, so I worked up to them gradually by doing one legged sitdowns onto a stack of 45lb plates. Every round or two, I removed a 45lb plate, until I was at proper depth for the last 2 rounds. After the workout, I found that I could do a proper, full-depth one-legged squat with my right leg and almost with my left. I think my left is lacking the flexibility, but I'm amazed that I've basically learned these in 1 day!

* The ring dips were incredibly hard. My chest and triceps were absolutely demolished, but what really surprised me was how hard my abs had to work. Great stuff.

* I think I've developed some kind of stress injury in the back of my right shoulder and some muscles around/under the right shoulder blade. These areas have had a sharp pain this whole week whenever I've tried to do a pull-up. Once I warm-up, the pain seems to go away, but despite doing almost no pull-ups this week (until today), it didn't seem to heal at all. Not sure what to do about this besides give it more rest, but that'll be tough given how much CF loves pull-ups.

* Due to this injury, I cut the number of pull-ups in half and did the rest of the reps as inverted piked pull-ups on rings, as pictured here. They did not hurt at all but were an incredible workout. The added need to balance your whole body, the strain on the grip, and the strain on the biceps was incredible. I am really falling in love with ring exercises.


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2001
on the crossfit videos page, the first of these three helped me get my one-legged squats (pistols):

Pistols, Part I (Adrian Bozman) (CFJ Preview)...[wmv][mov]
Pistols, Part II (Adrian Bozman) (CFJ Preview)...[wmv][mov]
Pistols, Part III (Adrian Bozman (CFJ Preview) ...[wmv][mov]


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, August 24

Workout of the Day

For time:
50 Sit-ups
50 Double-unders
50 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Sit-ups
50 Burpees
50 Sit-ups

My numbers

Time: 22:00

Also, took a 1hr walk with the girlfriend and played 1hr of tennis.


* I was at the gf parents' house, so I had to do this workout outside, in their yard & driveway, both of which are on a big round hill. It was a damn hot day and doing burpees, sit-ups and double-unders at a rounded incline really made it tough to keep good form and definitely slowed me down.

* Burpees were far and away the hardest and most time consuming part. I'd estimate they took ~10 of the 22 minutes, so I really need to improve on them.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Monday, August 25

Rest day.

HN - totally missed your post for some reason. I watched over those videos and there is some good info in there, thanks.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, August 26

Workout of the Day

"Crossfit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

My numbers

Even though my back feels a lot better, I'm still not going to risk heavy back squats & deadlifts so soon after last Friday's injury. I subbed front squats for back squats and eliminated deadlifts entirely.

Front squat: 245x1, 265x1, 275x1 (PR)
Shoulder press: 175x1, 185xmissed, 180xmissed


* Before CF, I had never really done a 1RM for my front squat. My previous best while doing the Bill Starr 5x5 routine was 255x5 (a ~285 estimated max on the 1RM calculators) but I'll still count 275x1 as my PR since it's the most weight I've actually done on the front squat. It felt pretty good - in fact, I'm liking front squat much more than back squat these days.

* My shoulder press has been disappointing lately. My PR is 185 and I thought I'd get it again, but I barely budged the weight. After that, 180 made it just above my forehead, but I just couldn't quite get under it. I think I would've had 180 if I had done it before 185, but I guess that'll be for next time. Of course, I'm ~11lbs lighter than when I got 185 back in early July and extra body weight definitely helps stabilize the bar overhead, so I'll actually need to get stronger to repeat the effort...


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, August 27

Workout of the Day

Seven rounds for time of:
75 pound Shoulder Press, 21 reps
21 Back extensions

My numbers

Time: 20:08


* I at first thought this would be an easy & boring workout. After doing 175x1 on shoulder press yesterday, how hard could a mere 75lbs be? After 147 reps, I must say, it was pretty tough. I'm not used to working in such high rep ranges, so my upper back, triceps and shoulders were really burning during this. I got the first 21 reps in one continuous set, but couldn't do more than 8 or 9 in a row without resting in the following sets. The lighter weight and huge number of reps also let me work on my form and was a great way to make my shoulder press motion smoother & more efficient.

* The back extensions were great. I got all 21 reps in each of the 7 sets continuously and the back felt strong through out.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, August 28

Workout of the Day

For time:
45 Double-unders
135 pound Squat clean, 45 reps
45 Ring Dips
45 Double-unders

My numbers

Time: 24:00


* Good lord. I feel abused. Doing 45 reps of squat cleans in a row is just ridiculous - I felt like I had been sprinting the entire time. My form was pretty crappy today and after not too long, I had to do the squat cleans in sets of 3, gasping for breath in between.

* The first set of double-unders went very well - I got 23 in a row (new PR) and was done with all 45 in around 1 minute. After being brutalized by the cleans and dips, the second set of double-unders was much harder. I got 3 sets of 10, and filled in the rest with little bursts of 2-3 in between while I felt like my heart would burst out of my chest.


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2001
I think i mentally blocked that workout from memory. when i read "45 reps" after the squat cleans i thought, "WTF? i don't remember ever doing that much. Grace alone is only 30 reps and that already kicks ass." then i checked my logs and sure enough, i guess i did do it. (but scaled to 115lbs @ 40reps, not sure why i didn't do all 45.)

can a workout hurt so much that it makes you want to forget it? i guess so :shocked:
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: HN
I think i mentally blocked that workout from memory. when i read "45 reps" after the squat cleans i thought, "WTF? i don't remember ever doing that much. Grace alone is only 30 reps and that already kicks ass." then i checked my logs and sure enough, i guess i did do it. (but scaled to 115lbs @ 40reps, not sure why i didn't do all 45.)

can a workout hurt so much that it makes you want to forget it? i guess so :shocked:

That one sounds like it can


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Friday, August 29

Workout of the Day

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

My numbers

I had never done the snatch before (just the hang power snatch once at an earlier CF workout), so I took the time today to learn the lift with very light weights.

45x5, 45x5, 55x5, 65x5, 65x5, 75x3, 85x3, 95x2, 95x2


* Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I'm going to be out of state this weekend for a wedding, so I'll probably miss a few workouts. I could've used the rest after yesterday's abuse, but this was light weight and low intensity, so I went for it.

* I really like this lift. Once I started to feel the proper form, I realized just how goddamn fast you have to move to get under the bar. The weight wasn't too heavy, so the explosive part to launch it above my head was still easy, but driving myself down and catching the bar in an overhead squat was a challenge. By the end, I was definitely getting a good feel for it and I'm really loving the explosiveness and speed you need. However, I really need to get bumper plates, as this is definitely an easy one to miss on.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, August 31

Workout of the Day

Run 5K

My numbers

I'm out of state at a wedding today, so there was no track nearby. I just took a nice jog outside (awesome weather today) and as near as I can measure on google maps, it was a 4 mile run along a hilly area in Vermont.


* I didn't think I'd have any time this weekend to exercise, but I was able to get away for a little while for a jog. Despite the fact that we do almost no runs over ~800m in CF, I was amazed at how much stamina/endurance I had. 4 miles isn't particularly long, but it used to tire me out much more than it did now. Despite running up and down hills and going at a decent pace (for jogging), my breathing was always easy, my heart rate pretty low and my legs did not feel at all tired. Good stuff.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tuesday, September 2

Workout of the Day

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
65 pound Thruster, 10 reps
10 Pull-ups

My numbers

As I explained in this thread I have some kind of injury that makes it painful to do pull-ups. Therefore, I (somewhat randomly) decided to substitute 55lb dumbbell swings.

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
65 pound Thruster, 10 reps
55 dumbbell swings, 10 reps

Total: 9 rounds + 10 thrusters

* This pull-up injury is getting goddamn annoying. I should probably go see a doctor.

* I spent the weekend out of state at a wedding, which mean three solid days of ridiculous amounts of food and alcohol. I hadn't drank that much in a looong time. Miraculously, I somehow didn't gain any weight (weighed in at 190lbs this morning), but I felt like crap during today's workout. It may have been mental, but I felt like I was sweating out all the poisons I put in my body the last few days, and every rep of both exercises was really winding me. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Wednesday, September 3

Workout of the Day

"Fight Gone Bad"
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

My numbers

My gym does not have a 20 pound ball, nor a tall window-less wall to throw at. It also doesn't have a rowing machine. The typical substitutes for these exercises (thrusters & sumo deadlift high pull) conflict with exercises already in the workout and I was doing this workout with 2 friends, so reserving 3 sets of 5 pieces of equipment in the gym would've been quite tough. I decided to just remove these two exercises and leave the middle 3. However, I did 5 rounds instead of 3, so the total time spent exercising is the same.

Five rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)

Total reps: 250

* I really like this workout and I think the full version would've been even better. My SDHP form needs some work to speed it up, but my push press was flying. This was also my first time doing box jumps in a workout and I really liked them.

* I did some rotator cuff exercises as part of my warm-up and then did a few pull-ups to see if it helped. Amazingly, it really did. There was still a bit of a dull pain, but MUCH less than yesterday. I'm going to keep doing them every day and hope this injury goes away.


Aug 26, 2001
Fight Gone Bad is in the running as the worst workout in the Crossfit arsenal. It hits your cardiovascular system like a ton of bricks, it robs of your manhood, and definitely sleeps with your woman when you aren't looking.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: BeauJangles
Fight Gone Bad is in the running as the worst workout in the Crossfit arsenal. It hits your cardiovascular system like a ton of bricks, it robs of your manhood, and definitely sleeps with your woman when you aren't looking.


I found FGB pretty damn tough, but definitely not the hardest of the CF workouts I've done so far. Of course, I'm clearly doing an abbreviated version of it (no wall ball and no rowing), and I'm sure 3 rounds of 5 minutes is MUCH tougher than 5 rounds of 3 minutes.

Looking back at my journal, the workouts that killed me the most so far are always the ones that consist primarily of pull-ups, push-ups, and squats, such as Murph, Cindy, and "triple" Cindy. I was also demolished by a workout a few weeks back that had 10 rounds of 12 pull-ups and 12 burpees. In fact, anything with burpees tends to be bad.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Thursday, September 4

Workout of the Day

For time: 50 Muscle-ups

My numbers

Considering I've never done more than 3 muscle-ups in a row and typically I can't do more than 1 or 2, 50 would've taken all day. So, I scaled this one down to 30.

30 bar muscle-ups
Time: 25:00

* I've never done this many muscle-ups in one day and it was damn tough. My hands were completely destroyed - will definitely have some gross blisters later - and it took me a damn long time to get through these (barely better than one a minute!). I'll keep practicing and will hopefully do much better next time.

* I did more rotator cuff exercises in my warm-up and overall, my back/shoulder felt much better. There was a very mild pain the first minute or two which mostly went away for the rest of the workout. It's definitely not 100%, but MUCH better than before and will hopefully continue to improve.

EDIT --> Forgot to mention that I'm doing bar muscle-ups.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Saturday, September 6

Workout of the Day

For time:
Row 1000 meters
25 Burpees
Row 750 meters
50 Burpees
Row 500 meters
75 Burpees

My numbers

No rowing machine at my gym so I substituted what I think is an equivalent amount of running:

For time:
Run 800m
25 Burpees
Run 600m
50 Burpees
Run 400m
75 Burpees

Time: 33:00

Holy crap. I cannot believe I got this one done. I knew any workout that ends with 75 burpees (and has 150 total) would be trouble, but damn, this was painful. I don't know what it is about burpees, but they always make me feel like my heart is going to explode.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Man this crossfit stuff is insane. I may give it a try if/when I get my weight down to a reasonable level, but there's no way I could finish a workout like that. Props to you for it.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sunday, September 7

Workout of the Day

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

My numbers

I weighed in at 187lbs yesterday, so I used 185lbs for the bench press.

Bench press reps: 17, 14, 12, 10, 9
Pull-ups: 17, 16, 16, 14, 15

Bench total: 62
Pull-up total: 78
Overall total: 140

* Man, I was massively sore from yesterday's 150 burpees. My chest, triceps, lats, obliques and just about everything were really beat up and I was nowhere near 100% for this workout. It's a shame, because I had really been looking forward to bench, but I just could not perform well on it.

* The one flaw I've found with CF so far is that it seriously lacks bench press. The bench press allows you to use much more weight than most other upper body exercises in CF (such as ring dips, muscle-ups, OH press, etc) and I feel like CF is missing that important element of sheer upper body strength without it. Although the other upper body exercises are more practical, functional and incorporate more muscles, none of them are a 100% substitute. It's almost like saying squats & back extensions are good enough to replace deadlift. Sure, you can still get fantastic results, but an important element of your training is missing. I don't think I've had a single workout with bench press in my 2 months of CF, so my performance on it - especially my stamina over each set - was pretty crappy.

* After my random (possibly) rotator cuff injury, I was being very careful on my kipping form with pull-ups and as a result, did not get a good rhythm going until the very last set, at which point I was quite fatigued.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: paulxcook
Man this crossfit stuff is insane. I may give it a try if/when I get my weight down to a reasonable level, but there's no way I could finish a workout like that. Props to you for it.

Yea, these workouts are pretty nuts. However, that's no reason for you to avoid them until you are "in shape". Every CF workout can be scaled - the Crossfit Brand X site lists many scaled versions of each workout. People of all fitness levels can do them when the workout is properly tweaked to your abilities. I'd recommend trying it for a week or two - starting VERY slow & easy - and see how it goes. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish in a short time and if anything, it should help speed your weight loss along.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: brikis98

* The one flaw I've found with CF so far is that it seriously lacks bench press. The bench press allows you to use much more weight than most other upper body exercises in CF (such as ring dips, muscle-ups, OH press, etc) and I feel like CF is missing that important element of sheer upper body strength without it. Although the other upper body exercises are more practical, functional and incorporate more muscles, none of them are a 100% substitute. It's almost like saying squats & back extensions are good enough to replace deadlift. Sure, you can still get fantastic results, but an important element of your training is missing. I don't think I've had a single workout with bench press in my 2 months of CF, so my performance on it - especially my stamina over each set - was pretty crappy.

I think that CF does that since so many other lifting programs stress the pushing motion of bench press. Everything we do is in front of us and the resulting muscle imbalance can promote poor posture, shoulder injuries, etc. Many people could benefit from the CF balance of back vs front lifting. However, it all depends on your goals.
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