brikis98's crossfit journal

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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Run: ~3 mile loop with girlfriend at Arastradero Preserve. She's back from Europe, so hopefully we'll get this whole running-together thing going.

Burpee challenge: 76


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 295x5, 315x2x5
Clean & press: 95x5, 135x5, 155x5, 175x2, 185x6x1

Second squat session since the vacation and I felt MUCH better. Very solid bar speed on 315, will bump by 10lbs and start my journey back to heavier weights next week. Clean & press was even easier; I did the 185 singles with just 1.5 minutes between sets.

10, 9, 8, ... 3, 2, 1 reps for time:
Power snatch, 95lbs

Time: 9:40


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Tabata run: 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off

Ran on a treadmill in VFFs

Completed all intervals at 8.3 mph, using an incline of 12.

Rest 2 minutes

Burpee challenge: 78

Time: 5:56


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
There were two huge back to back CF classes that took up the whole gym today, so rather than lose a couple hours waiting, I just joined them.

Sumo deadlift: 135x5, 205x5, 255x5, 295x5, 345x5, 365x2x5

I was supposed to do regular deadlifts today, but the class was doing sumo's, and I figured this would be a good time to try them out. I've never done them before and found that they felt odd and a bit unnatural. The ROM is shorter, the shoulders are pulled oddly forward, and holding the bar close to the middle seems wrong: it's prone to tipping if you are slightly off center and you are forced to grip the smooth part of the bar while the knurling instead tears up your shins. Having said that, even though I'm not used to doing sets of 5 for deadlift anymore, I had no issues with a few sets of 365x5. This deadlift style seems "simpler" to get right than conventional deadlift and if I trained at it, I could probably get pretty decent at it.

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
5 chest to bar pull-ups
7 handstand push-ups
35 double-unders

Rounds completed: 8


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Run: 9 minute time trial

Ran on a treadmill in VFF's

Distance completed: 1.33 miles (9mph for all 9 minutes)

Legs were a bit stuff in the beginning, but once they loosened up, this was a very easy run.

Burpee challenge: 81

Took about 7 minutes. Grueling.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Day 83 of the burpee challenge. Did 33 during warm-up and left the rest for a metcon at the end.

Clean: 128x5, 178x3, 198x2, 218x2, 228x2, 238x1, 248x1, 258x8x1 (2 misses, 10 attempts total)
Push press: 128x3, 178x2, 198x2, 218x1, 228xF, 228x1, 228x1, 233xF, 233x1, 238xF, 238xF

My legs are not recovering well due to all the burpees, so I had very little "pop" in my o-lifting today. 258 felt heavy, so I just did a bunch of singles with it, missing a few along the way. On push press, my technique sucks. I'm good at OH press, but terrible at getting good leg drive into the lift.

For time: 50 burpee pull-ups. Pull-up bar was ~12" above max reach.

Time: 6:39


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Run: ~2.5 mile loop + 46 burpees

Did a run with my girlfriend near our house. She's still getting into running shape, so we stopped for ~1 minute a few times during the run to let her rest. During these pauses, I started chipping away at today's burpee count. I got through 46 during the run and did 38 more when I got home for today's total of 84.

Tennis: ~1 hour

Played tennis for the first time in years. Very rusty at first, but slowly loosened up. Fun sprinting around a court in VFF's. Shoulder got sore while doing overhead serves.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Day 85 of the burpee challenge. Did 35 during warm-up and left the rest for a metcon.

Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 325x2x5
Clean & press: 95x5, 135x5, 155x3, 175x1, 185x1, 195x1, 200x1, 205x1, 210xF, 210xF, 210xF

Squats felt solid. Will bump to 335 for next time. OH press was bittersweet. I felt strong and tied my PR, again, this time really tearing through 205. However, with just 5lbs more, it was a no go. On the first attempt, I got the bar to the top of my forehead but it got stuck; another inch and I would've had it, but I struggled for what felt like forever and had to give up. The next two attempts weren't too close as I was fatigued. Frustrating.

For time:
50 burpees
50 air squats

Time: 4:04


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Burpee challenge: 86

Time: 5:57

Turkish get-up (reps per hand): 25x2, 35x2, 45x1, 55x1, 65x1

Run: 5x800m, 90 seconds rest between rounds

Ran in VFFs on a treadmill. Did the first round at 10mph and the rest at 9mph.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Warm-up: day 88 of the burpee challenge. Did 45 during warm-up and left the rest for the metcon at the end.

Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 365x2, 405x1, 425x1, 445x1, 455x6x1
Weighted pull-ups: 0x5, 35x5, 50x5, 65x5, 70x2x5

21, 15, 9 reps for time:
Knees to elbows
Air squats

Time: 6:00
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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Today was day 91 of the burpee challenge. Did 41 burpees during warm-up and left the rest for a metcon.

Clean: 128x5, 178x3, 198x2, 218x2, 238x1, 248x1, 258x1, 263x7x1 (9 attempts total, 2 misses)
Push press: 128x3, 178x2, 198x2, 218x1, 228x1, 238x1, 243x1, 248xF, 248x1 (PR), 253xF, 253xF, 253xF

Felt stronger on both cleans and push press than last time. Set a 3lb PR on the push press, but couldn't quite get 253. When the weight gets heavy, I still have trouble (a) staying very tight and (b) doing the dip without tilting forward.

5 rounds for time:
10 burpees
10 hip/back extensions
10 GHD sit-ups

Time: 9:05


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Run: ~4 miles around my apartment

Time: unknown. Turns out that, on android, receiving a text message pauses RunKeeper. I miss my iPhone. I only know my run was 4 miles because I manually measured it on google maps afterwords.

Burpee challenge: 92

Time: 9:50

Did this less than 2 minutes after the run and it was brutal. My heart rate shot up and I was struggling from rep 10 and on.

Swimming: I haven't been tracking it in my journal, but the apartment complex I moved to a couple months ago has a small pool. I've been using it after a lot of workouts to relax and swim a few laps. I may do a swimming WoD at some point for fun.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Day 94 of the burpee challenge. Did 40 during warm-up, left the rest for a metcon.

Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 335x3x3

A CF class took up all the squat racks today, so I had to use the crappy power rack. Unfortunately, there is no way to adjust the safety pins to my height on the power rack, so I didn't feel comfortable doing sets of 5 with 335 like I planned. Instead, I did a few triples and called it a day.

10, 9, 8, ... 3, 2, 1 reps for time of:
Burpee box jumps, 20" box
Chest to bar pull-ups

Time: 9:15


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 pull-ups
10 burpees
20 yard bear crawl
Run ~450m

Rounds completed: 6 + 10 burpees + bear crawl

Fun workout with some of my co-workers. Did 25 more burpees a minute after the workout to reach the 95 burpees for today's burpee challenge.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 365x2, 405x1, 425x1, 445x1, 455x1, 455xF, 455xF, 405x3x3
OH squat: 95x5, 135x3, 165x2x2, 185x2x2
Muscle-ups: 7x2

Off day. I was supposed to do deadlift singles with 460, but 455 felt damn heavy on the first try and was a no go after that. Dropped down to 405 and did a few triples instead. OH squat was also pretty tough; lack of flexibility meant I was holding the bar pretty wide, which is damn unstable.

For time: 100 burpees

Time: ~7 minutes

Today was day 97 of the burpee challenge, but I figured I'd do a nice and even number. I was using the gym timer on the wall and some guy changed it when I was ~80 burpees in (to be fair, I was a fair distance away, so the guy didn't realize I was using it). Not sure on exact time, but it was probably in the 7 minute range.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Run: ~2.0 miles with the girlfriend. I did 15 burpees before we started and more burpees every time she paused during the run to rest. She wasn't feeling great today, so I got through all 98 burpees before the end of the run.

Speed drills: run forwards sideline to sideline at a soccer field, then run backwards to the center of the field, then turn around and finish the run forwards. Did 8 rounds of these with ~1 minute rest between rounds. Didn't have a watch to time myself, but these were exhausting.

Swimming: 20 laps. My new apartment complex has a tiny pool, so I just did a bunch of laps, about half free style and half breast stroke. Didn't really time myself, but once I get more efficient, I might do a swimming WoD.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Front squat: 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 255x3, 275x3, 285x3
Pull-ups: 30, 20, 10x5

I was supposed to do cleans today, but a CF class took up the whole gym, so my only option was to share a squat rack with a guy who was doing front squats. I joined in and worked up to a solid triple with 285. I then decided to add a little volume to my pull-ups, doing 100 total in 7 sets. Pretty damn easy, especially since I wasn't timing it. Next time I'll try for 6, then 5, etc.

Burpee challenge: 100



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
5 rounds for time:
10 one arm DB power snatch, 65lbs
20 push-ups
30 air squats

Time: 9:02

Did a workout with a co-worker. Had a 30 second pause during the second round to help him with his form. Relatively easy workout overall.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 335x3x5

Although the squats were pretty solid, I was shockingly exhausted after finishing the 3x5.

15, 12, 9 reps for time of:
155lb power clean and jerk
Chest to bar pull-ups

Time: 11:00

Great workout that required crisp, powerful motions for every rep. However, the combo of a tough squat session and high rep clean and jerks sent my heart rate through the roof, so my time is slower than I'd like.
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Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Sprint: for 10 minutes, at the top of every minute, sprint ~60m. Rest the remainder of the minute.
Shuttle runs: 10 rounds of run out 20m, turn around, 20m back, turn around 20m out, turn around, 20m back to the starting line. Touch the ground at each turn around.

Starting to work on speed and agility. Unfortunately, I can't time myself accurately when sprinting, as it always takes a few seconds for me to slow down and push the "lap" button. The 60m sprints were consistently ~10 seconds. The shuttle runs were 16-18 seconds.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 365x2, 405x2, 425x1, 445x1, 455x1, 460x6x1
Ring muscle-ups: 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1
Handstand push-ups: 17 (PR), 10, 10, 8

Felt strong today. Crushed the deadlift singles with 460, so I'll bump up to 465 next time. Worked on my ring muscle-up technique and will be gradually upping the volume in the next few weeks. Decided to do a max set of HSPU and set a PR. I could've probably cracked 20 if I was fresh.

10 rounds for time of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

Time: 7:04


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Power clean: 128x5, 178x3, 198x2, 218x2, 228x1, 238x1, 248x7x1 (8 attempts, 1 miss), 218x5
Push press: 128x5, 178x3, 198x2, 218x1, 228x1, 238x1, 248x1, 253xF, 253xF, 253xF

I was supposed to do full cleans today, but my right hip felt a bit wonky, so I decided that I'd be better of skipping deep squats. On push press, I easily put up 248, tying my PR, but lost focus after that and couldn't get 253.

5 rounds for time of:
Walking lunge with 45lb plate overhead, ~10m back and forth
10 pull-ups
10 burpees

Time: 10:55


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 335x5, 340x2x5
Clean & press: 135x5, 155x5, 175x2, 185x1, 195x6x1

Squats were tough, press was easy. Will bump both 5lbs next week.

3 rounds for time of:
Row 500m
20 burpees

Time: 10:00
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