Building A New Computer : AMD or Intel? / Please Help : )


Senior member
Jun 11, 2012

I'm sure this question is asked 101 times but I think every time someone does ask it, it's different because everyone wants the processor for different things.

This will be kind of a lengthy post but that's because I want to try to make my points and give enough information to anyone who can help me.

Okay, I am wanting to build a new computer, my first build actually come 6 months from now or so. I know, long way out but I believe right now is a good time to be asking the questions I want answers for so I can research more and have the answers I need and be prepared. Let me say I am currently using an AMD Phenom II Quad Core 1.6Ghz laptop and this thing is terrible. It's slow, laggy and I've read a few places it's now on the top 20 worst processors list to NOT buy. Go figure. Just a slow clock speed or something but this laptop gives me a headache, lol. So that's to let you know where I'm coming from CPU-wise.

I remember using AMD on desktops in the past and don't remember a lot of lag or issues. Athlons and such. I know Intel is king. I will say that and admit it upfront. I'm aware of this. Intel is better than AMD.

So, I've thought about my options.

- FX series, getting a 6 or 8 core
- Waiting until FM2 Trinity is released, and getting the Black Edition
- Going the Intel Route

So let me try to hit on these 3 the best I can with some devil's advocate playing.

- FX series - 6 or 8 cores - I've heard great and bad things about the FX series of 6 and 8 cores. For what I want to do, do I really need 6 or 8 cores? For how cheap they are, is it a "ahhh might as well"?

- FM2 Trinity - I really like this because of the APU, built in graphics and quad core processor clocked at 3.8Ghz base. Also will be 50% faster in the GPU department than Llano and around 15% - 20% faster in processor speed. Also, great for the budget. No graphic card needed for me and I'm sure this processor won't be above $150 upon release.

- Intel - Kind of obvious - they are fast. I've looked at several benchmarks at just an i3 against a Llano chip and the i3 blows it away in a lot of categories and I've had 4 or 5 other people tell me Intel. Only issue is budget. Intel is costlier.

Note 1 - I am just wanting to build a cost effective system that will do what I need it to do WITHOUT any lag or whatnot until Intel's Skymont is released in 2015/2016. So this is a "Stop gap" system pretty much.

What do I use my computer for or WANT to use my computer for because my laptop sucks?

- Movie watching - 27 inch monitor
- Listening to music - iTunes & VLC
- Playing some flash games online
- NOT a huge gamer, I use my PS3 but I MAY like to play 2 or 3 games
- Microsoft Office
- Wanting a few programs running at once
- Winzipping files
- Converting FLAC to MP3
- Converting AVI to MP4 for my iPad
- Internet use - having like 20 windows open

So, basically wanting to have a lag free experience and do what I want above. Doesn't mean I will be doing all the above at the SAME TIME, haha. But maybe a few things above at the same time.

So question is what processor is right for me?

Would the Trinity APU do the trick for what I need? Would an i3 or i5 work? An FX 6 or 8 core the better route for the buck?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, and views.

Thanks a lot, appreciate it. : )


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2004
Any modern CPU will do what you're asking for. In fact, I'd bet with a clean windows install and an SSD you'd find your current laptop capable too.

What's your budget? Trinity might actually be a good match for you, but a lower-end Intel chip and an entry-level discreet graphics card might be better at a given pricepoint.

I had $500 so I picked up an i5 + motherboard + HD6670 + PSU + 8gb DDR 3, and I couldn't be happier. I'm reusing some parts from my old compy - namely the SSD and HD4870, new card was for my wife. The Ivy Bridge i5 is something like 25-50% faster per clock than AMD's latest, and I was easily able to crank mine up to 4.5ghz.

Edit: One thing to you might not have considered is that an AMD chip will dump more heat in your room at a given level of performance.
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Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
It sounds like you hate your notebook because of its hard drive. You'd be surprised how fast a 1.6GHz chip can be once it has an SSD to feed from.

I have a core 2 CULV single core 1.3GHz notebook, and the thing absolutely flies. I can kick open firefox, IE, chrome, and opera, 10 tabs each, and fire up a video and two dozen PDF's, and it does it all surprisingly fast. It just makes me laugh. Just because it has a SSD.

It is slow at some things though, like with some flash games and recently with netflix content. (Something has changed on netflix, I think its a conspiracy to obsolete hardware...)


Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
Any modern CPU will do what you're asking for. In fact, I'd bet with a clean windows install and an SSD you'd find your current laptop capable too.

What's your budget? Trinity might actually be a good match for you, but a lower-end Intel chip and an entry-level discreet graphics card might or might not be better at a given pricepoint.

My budget? Hmm.

For the following

- Motherboard
- Case
- Memory
- DVD Drives x2
- Processor
- Graphics Card
- Monitor
- Hard Drive
- Power Supply
- Keyboard

I'd like to try to stay under $1,000. But of course, as cheap as possible because I do love to save money and don't want to buy things I don't need. Like if I don't need an i7, then I don't want to waste the extra $200 for it.
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Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
It sounds like you hate your notebook because of its hard drive. You'd be surprised how fast a 1.6GHz chip can be once it has an SSD to feed from.

I have a core 2 CULV single core 1.3GHz notebook, and the thing absolutely flies. I can kick open firefox, IE, chrome, and opera, 10 tabs each, and fire up a video and two dozen PDF's, and it does it all surprisingly fast. It just makes me laugh. Just because it has a SSD.

It is slow at some things though, like with some flash games and recently with netflix content. (Something has changed on netflix, I think its a conspiracy to obsolete hardware...)

Really? That's interesting. Maybe it's just because I have a 5400RPM crappy hard drive? But nonetheless I do think this processor is bad news all the way around. It gets incredibly hot too. Not enough to shut my laptop off but very hot nonetheless.

It just begs the question if I need to build a desktop which I'd like to do anyway because it'd be fun and I'd have customization and power or just spend my money on a new laptop with an Intel core i5 processor?

Thanks! : )


Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
YURIMAN - I had $500 so I picked up an i5 + motherboard + HD6670 + PSU + 8gb DDR 3, and I couldn't be happier. I'm reusing some parts from my old compy - namely the SSD and HD4870, new card was for my wife. The Ivy Bridge i5 is something like 25-50% faster per clock than AMD's latest, and I was easily able to crank mine up to 4.5ghz.[/QUOTE]


Sounds like you got a blazing fast computer for a nice price. : )


Mar 12, 2012
Intel would be much faster for most of the tasks you listed. AMD APUs are good for cheap mobile gaming and that's about it.


Platinum Member
Jul 5, 2002
i would replace the stock (crap) thermal paste. It shouldnt be too difficult. then i would upgrade to a SSD. Your processor is fine for your needs. Maybe bump up ram to 8G and install 64-bit version of windows.


Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
Don Karnage,

Care to elaborate on this a bit? lol. I've had several people tell me no to bulldozer.


Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
i would replace the stock (crap) thermal paste. It shouldnt be too difficult. then i would upgrade to a SSD. Your processor is fine for your needs. Maybe bump up ram to 8G and install 64-bit version of windows.

Are you talking about my laptop? I want to kind of build a desktop anyway. I would like to be on a bigger monitor and have more power and I cannot stand the heat this laptop gives off.

I have 8 gigs of ram in my laptop already with 64 bit version of windows. This is a 64 bit computer.

Thanks for the advice though : )


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Amazing how new regs are always majorly considering AMD procs, given the performance (and marketshare).

It makes one wonder

Ok, actually, it's a huge joke.

Either we have the worst informed new regs, or.....?


Junior Member
Mar 17, 2009
If it was about money, I would go AMD. If you have the money for an Intel, it is certainly better in performance, but it's best to check the benchmark charts to determine which is worth it more. The tasks you mention can really be done by just about any processor sold right now in either camp.

Don Karnage

Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2011
If it was about money, I would go AMD. If you have the money for an Intel, it is certainly better in performance, but it's best to check the benchmark charts to determine which is worth it more. The tasks you mention can really be done by just about any processor sold right now in either camp.

There is an easy way to solve this. OP do you plan on going SLI or Crossfire? Yes then you need a 3570K. A 8120 even at 4.6Ghz can't properly push 2 cards



Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
There is an easy way to solve this. OP do you plan on going SLI or Crossfire? Yes then you need a 3570K. A 8120 even at 4.6Ghz can't properly push 2 cards

No, not at all. I do not plan on going crossfire. I do not game on my computers. Never really have. I may but I certainly do not need 2 graphic cards or crossfire to do so.

If I need to get a graphics card which I want just because who wants integrated graphics, right? Then it would be a simple budget 1GB chip that is like $100 bucks.

Maybe this can help you more to make the determination if AMD will do what I need without lag or I should go the Intel route?


Don Karnage

Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2011
No, not at all. I do not plan on going crossfire. I do not game on my computers. Never really have. I may but I certainly do not need 2 graphic cards or crossfire to do so.

If I need to get a graphics card which I want just because who wants integrated graphics, right? Then it would be a simple budget 1GB chip that is like $100 bucks.

Maybe this can help you more to make the determination if AMD will do what I need without lag or I should go the Intel route?


What are the main things you'll do with this new computer?


Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
What are the main things you'll do with this new computer?

- Movie watching - 27 inch monitor
- Listening to music - iTunes & VLC
- Playing some flash games online
- NOT a huge gamer, I use my PS3 but I MAY like to play 2 or 3 games
- Microsoft Office
- Wanting a few programs running at once
- Winzipping files
- Converting FLAC to MP3
- Converting AVI to MP4 for my iPad
- Internet use - having like 20 windows open

be nice to be able to leave it on for days at a time without having to restart it due to it being laggy as well.

Don Karnage

Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2011
- Movie watching - 27 inch monitor
- Listening to music - iTunes & VLC
- Playing some flash games online
- NOT a huge gamer, I use my PS3 but I MAY like to play 2 or 3 games
- Microsoft Office
- Wanting a few programs running at once
- Winzipping files
- Converting FLAC to MP3
- Converting AVI to MP4 for my iPad
- Internet use - having like 20 windows open

be nice to be able to leave it on for days at a time without having to restart it due to it being laggy as well.

Any Phenom II will be able to do that quite easily. I say go with a 955 like below

How much do you want to spend total? Do you need a whole computer or just some pieces? I wouldn't go with llano because they're changing sockets for it. Could always wait for FM2


Senior member
Apr 20, 2012
Yeah just get a AMD Phenom II BE. I just ordered one a few weeks ago. You can get it for $110 from Newegg.


Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
Any Phenom II will be able to do that quite easily. I say go with a 955 like below

How much do you want to spend total? Do you need a whole computer or just some pieces? I wouldn't go with llano because they're changing sockets for it. Could always wait for FM2

I do not have a set price budget in mind but since this computer has to last me a good 5+ years, Im willing to put a few bucks in, not be a cheapo but at the same time, I do love to save money whenever possible.

Also, if you read my opening post here, you hit it when you said FM2, I want to wait for that, I want to wait for Trinity which is no problem since Im not building for another 6 months or so.

In your opinion, since they say Trinity will be 50% better in the graphical department than Llano and about 15%-20% better in the speed department, do you think for what I need a processor for, Trinity is right up my alley?

If I need to put a figure on what Im willing to spend, let it be, I don't know $200. The reason I was thinking Trinity is because I save on the graphics card, don't need that and that saves me like $100+ right there, plus Im sure that Trinity won't be more than $150 upon release.

I also need to build the entire computer.

let me know your thoughts, thanks. : )
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Senior member
Jun 11, 2012
Also, that Phenom you linked me to, it looks to me it has the same specs as the upcoming Trinity APU but Trinity has the built in graphics so as far as I can see, Trinity would be a good thing to wait for, FOR ME anyway? Trinity is supposed to be 3.8Ghz quad core with 4.2Ghz turbo boost and Im sure I can OC it a bit too.

let me know your thoughts. : )


Junior Member
Mar 17, 2009
if your not going to game heavy, you can get away with some of these new integrated solutions. They aren't as bad as they used to be. You can always get a dedicated later if the integrated proves to be too weak. Go ahead though, show your support of nVidia or AMD, I'm sure they will be happy to take your money.
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