Burden of Proof - Does it ever lie with Atheists?

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Sep 3, 2001
There are no various types of atheism. Atheism IS the EXTREME: "God does not exist." This is a positive declaration, which requires proof, and there is as much of that as there is for the statement, "God exists".

Atheist (extreme: god doesn't exist, period)
Agnostic (everything in the middle from really really really improbable to really really really likely)
Theist (extreme: god exists, period)

The notion that you have strong atheists and weak atheists is ignoring the definition of atheist. We are not going to change the definition of a word to suit people who wish they were something they are not.

I find most people who describe themselves as atheists really have the following attitude: "I wish not to believe in god because I have witnessed absurdity (young-earth creationists, Pentecostal snake handlers), hypocrisy (sponsored war, lavish clergy), and evil (pedophilia, female repression) in religion; people who believe in god are clearly insane." Many such claim a background in scientific principles simply because they were educated in a liberal environment, so they often see religion as an impediment to scientific and cultural progress. They are not however, atheists. Not wishing to believe some is not the same as having a reason (evidence) not to believe. Those who think they have evidence against are only making the same blunder as those claiming evidence for.

At any rate, atheism always makes a positive assertion, and we're not going to change the definition of a word because you don't like it.

no, not having a belief in deities is not the same thing as claiming knowledge that there are no deities

its similar to declaring defendants as "guilty" vs. "not guilty" (key here being we don't declare defendants as "innocent")

as an atheist, I simply have not been provided with enough evidence to declare deities as being 'guilty' of existing and then naturally vote 'not guilty' and thus remain without reason to believe in the existence of deities


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
No, sir.

I believe certain books deal in some kind of historical record, but given numerous revisions and translations I believe little of what's in that book resembles anything that ever actually happened.

It'd be like if 2000 years from now people picked up the collected works of Jon Bon Jovi and tried to divine what we were doing now. The legends of the steel horses would grow and grow! We lived on prayers!

But you are the one putting forth that the bible is just chock full of facts, so if you could provide just a short list that would be great. Thanks!

there was no Ceaser? no rome?

there are people and places mention in the bible that are fact. note i say places and people. NOT EVENTS of miracles.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Of course, but we can't "see" tomorrow's events. That's the difference.

It is not a unique event. It has happened the same for as long as we have been able to communicate. We even understand Why it occurs. To try to make it a point of Faith is ridiculous.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
It is not a unique event. It has happened the same for as long as we have been able to communicate. We even understand Why it occurs. To try to make it a point of Faith is ridiculous.

Yeah, you're right. But the point of faith is beleif in things so sure to happen you can liken them to the Sun rising.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Yeah, you're right. But the point of faith is beleif in things so sure to happen you can liken them to the Sun rising.

What is your Evidence of these things Happening? That is the point of contention. That is why Faith and Belief differ. Faith doesn't require Evidence, Belief often does.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
What is your Evidence of these things Happening? That is the point of contention. That is why Faith and Belief differ. Faith doesn't require Evidence, Belief often does.

To me, faith and belief as always been synonymous... to me, anyway.

Or, I won't have faith in God unless I believed in him first.


May 15, 2000
I want to know why the OP thinks the burden to prove a negative is on the "athiest" and what would qualify as proof?

Science has been around for hundreds of years and as man continues to live we learn new things that were once unexplainable, including things the bible has written about.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
To me, faith and belief as always been synonymous... to me, anyway.

They are not. They certainly are closely related, but there's a fundamental difference between them.

Belief is a position on something where evidence may exist
Faith is a position on something where evidence does not exist. In fact, as the Bible says, Faith is the Evidence for some Beliefs.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2011
When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim (ie the Bible). "If this responsibility or burden of proof is shifted to a critic (ie the Atheist), the fallacy of appealing to ignorance is committed".http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_burden_of_proof#cite_note-2

Honestly I would like to see some more open mindedness in this thread. Some more common sense too. It's discussions like this that make me think religious people are stupid and I would prefer to not come away from a thread in this section thinking that.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2011
I have faith the sun will rise tomorrow.

Is faith belief without proof now? The most inaccurate definition I've ever heard.

No faith, whatsoever, is required.

We know why, how, and where the sun is going to rise from ancient times until 5 billion years into the future when it dies. We then know how it will die and what the final result of our solar system will be.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
Honestly I would like to see some more open mindedness in this thread. Some more common sense too. It's discussions like this that make me think religious people are stupid and I would prefer to not come away from a thread in this section thinking that.

Funny thing, religious people think the same thing about you.

The thing is, there isn't much agreement,.. both sides presupposes they're right and the other side is wrong. It's a problem among human beings whether they be religious, atheists, scientists, black, white, etc.

As long as you don't make a positive claim, you're free from burden.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
No faith, whatsoever, is required.

We know why, how, and where the sun is going to rise from ancient times until 5 billion years into the future when it dies. We then know how it will die and what the final result of our solar system will be.

We agree. I will concede.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Well, there probably is actual evidence of when he was king. There is absolutely none establishing when those passages in the book of Isaiah were written.

You consider it a "heavy charge" because you believe it to be true.

I see holy books as serving the primary purpose of legitimizing a religion, and the insertion of "guaranteed true" prophecies is entirely consistent with that.

Regardless, the point remains that you can't argue for the validity of a book by using something that presupposes that same validity. It's circular.

I didn't make up the terms I am using; they are commonplace. This is a good overview, using slightly different but similar terminology.

There is indeed a difference between saying "I don't believe in gods because there's no evidence they exist" and saying "I believe gods do not exist".

Creationists love to try to knock atheists down to "weak atheists" as if it somehow supports their claims. The fact that someone cannot prove a claim untrue does not bolster the claimants argument in any way shape or form.

It is fair to say that someone who says there they know with 100% absolutely certainty that unicorns never existed is being dishonest or is at least delusional, but someone who says that they've never once seen evidence of a unicorn is perfectly reasonable. On a side note, I have annoyed myself now, because I've always hated when people bring the existence unicorns into an argument to compare with the existence of gods. We have horses. We have other horned creatures. We have multiple creatures which share features with unicorns. We have 0 creatures or things that seem to share features with god. Unless maybe I have missed something and we have been told what these "features" are? Christians are so bothered by people who feel that they are most likely wrong, but their description of god doesn't seem to include observable features.

I would think that given what you are asking people to just take on faith, to believe in something that has no observable features, that you might have some sympathy for an over zealous sense of disbelief.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
In my mind, atheism has always been a lack of belief a- theist - without theism. It doesn't presuppose the reasoning.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
Funny thing, religious people think the same thing about you.

The thing is, there isn't much agreement,.. both sides presupposes they're right and the other side is wrong. It's a problem among human beings whether they be religious, atheists, scientists, black, white, etc.

As long as you don't make a positive claim, you're free from burden.

Most of us have been polite to you this entire thread but enough. If you refuse to debate in good honest faith then just stop. You are being intellectually dishonest and utterly close minded. If you can't debate in good faith then ask to have this thread closed. I think most of us would agree that you are in essence trolling all the atheists in this thread. So please for the sake of preserving this thread before it gets out of control just stop.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
Most of us have been polite to you this entire thread but enough. If you refuse to debate in good honest faith then just stop. You are being intellectually dishonest and utterly close minded. If you can't debate in good faith then ask to have this thread closed. I think most of us would agree that you are in essence trolling all the atheists in this thread. So please for the sake of preserving this thread before it gets out of control just stop.

There, from what I've seen, are mostly Atheists in this thread and things will get out of hand when there's one against twenty.. and with the title (which was being specific with non-trollish commentary in the OP) describing out front what I wanted to talk about.

This isn't trolling, and I don't have a history of that. Sure, my emotions got high, but that's a consqence of being human. However, what type of response would a comment like "..makes me think religious people are stupid" in any context, evoke?

When we have controversal threads like this, with hardly any agreement, people tend to stop listening -- yeah, me too -- and this is what happens, and interest gets lost...

...oh, and I'd like to add "my bad" too for my behavior...
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Golden Member
May 28, 2011
Hey guys, I hate that this thread is passing me by but topics like these move pretty far in a 20 hour window. I just thought I would drop this off for you as a great example of testable prophecy fulfillment in the Bible. It covers the basics. The date of the prophecy is well established to be many hundreds of years before the events, it isn't vague at all so there is no language/interpretation barrier to deal with. It's just easy to read and easy to test. You couldn't ask for a better example. I'm sure it'll spawn many google searches to disprove it, and I hope it does- I do that will all of my own personal beliefs.
Here is the link and I'll put the core of it below.

... As an illustration let me detail the prophecy about the city of Tyre in Ezekiel 26 and its fulfillment. Tyre was no small, obscure village. It was a great Phoenician city and a world capital for over 2,000 years. It was to the sea what mighty Babylon was to the land. Yet, in the heyday of its power, the prophet Ezekiel had the audacity to predict for it a violent future and ultimate destruction. This downfall would be due to Tyre’s flagrant wickedness and arrogance, traits that were personified in its ruler, Ittobal II, who claimed to be God.
Ezekiel predicted that many nations would come up against Tyre (Ezek. 26:3); that Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar would be the first to attack it (v. 7); that Tyre’s walls and towers would be broken down (vv. 4,9); that the stones, timbers, and debris of that great city would be thrown into the sea (v. 12); that its location would become a bare rock and a place for the drying of fishermens’ nets (vv. 4-5,14); and finally, that the city of Tyre would never be rebuilt (v.14).
History bears eloquent testimony to the fact that all this is precisely what happened. Many nations did come up against Tyre — the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Muslims, and the Crusaders, to name a few. And Nebuchadnezzar was indeed the first of these invaders, who — after a thirteen year siege — broke down the walls and towers of mainland Tyre, thus fulfilling the first of Ezekiel’s prophecies. Nebuchadnezzar massacred all of Tyre’s inhabitants except for those who escaped to an island fortress a half mile out in the Mediterranean Sea.
Centuries after Ezekiel’s body had decomposed in his grave, Alexander the Great fulfilled a major portion of the prophecy. In order to conquer the island fortress of Tyre (without the luxury of a navy), he and his celebrated architect Diades devised one of the most brilliant engineering feats of ancient warfare. They built a causeway from Tyre’s mainland to the island fortress, using the millions of cubic feet of rubble left over on mainland Tyre. Thus Tyre was scraped bare as a rock, just as Ezekiel predicted.
The most astonishing of Ezekiel’s predictions was that Tyre would never be rebuilt. This is singularly incredible because Tyre is strategically located on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It also contains the Springs of Reselain, which pump ten million gallons of fresh water daily — enough to take care of the needs of a modern city. Yet, history records that after a succession of invasions, Tyre finally and irrevocably fell in A.D. 1291 — never to be rebuilt again. Today Tyre has been humbled to the point of becoming a place for the drying of fishermens’ nets — just as Ezekiel prophesied two-and-one-half millennia ago.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
Finally, I have already pointed out that you are arguing against atheists when there are numerous theist groups we could list that would argue against the validity of the Bible, so clearly either atheists are not your problem, or your problem with them is not limited to their arguments against the Bible.

...and since this just occured to me after re-reading this post, are you referring to Theistic Evolution, by chance?

This probably rose from the literalistic, 6000 year Earth-age theory, which has been proven false by scientific obervations which clearly shows how light has traveled for millions of years, and putting that theory to bed.
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No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Hey guys, I hate that this thread is passing me by but topics like these move pretty far in a 20 hour window. I just thought I would drop this off for you as a great example of testable prophecy fulfillment in the Bible. It covers the basics. The date of the prophecy is well established to be many hundreds of years before the events, it isn't vague at all so there is no language/interpretation barrier to deal with. It's just easy to read and easy to test. You couldn't ask for a better example. I'm sure it'll spawn many google searches to disprove it, and I hope it does- I do that will all of my own personal beliefs.
Here is the link and I'll put the core of it below.

Sounds like it was rebuilt numerous times.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
Sounds like it was rebuilt numerous times.

Not to mention that Christian research institute sounds like such a valid and intellectually honest source of data. Especially given the content of their website.

And the fact that the city in that prophecy still exists to this day. Prophecy fail.
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Sep 3, 2001
Funny thing, religious people think the same thing about you.

The thing is, there isn't much agreement,.. both sides presupposes they're right and the other side is wrong. It's a problem among human beings whether they be religious, atheists, scientists, black, white, etc.

As long as you don't make a positive claim, you're free from burden.

no, it pretty much goes against science to presuppose anything, and it is the scientific minded atheist that would be willing to admit to ignorance before trying to claim knowledge without evidence; whereas it is the theist who claims to know the answers based on faith so much so that they're willing to challenge science and go against reason when it conflicts with their predetermined answers


Golden Member
May 28, 2011
Not to mention that Christian research institute sounds like such a valid and intellectually honest source of data. Especially given the content of their website.

And the fact that the city in that prophecy still exists to this day. Prophecy fail.

I'm not sure what the name of the website has to do with it. What should an organization devoted to Christian apologetics be called? Also, there's a lot of content on that site, you must read really fast to condemn it all.
The FACT is that the city 'scraped bare' by Alexander the Great does not exist today and has never been rebuilt. The ruins are undiscovered because new settlements in the area make archeology down to that time period almost impossible. There are even some historians who believe that Old Tyre is now under water, making it quite litteraly a place for fishermen's nets.
Note that they are new settlements, not a rebuilt. The name is the only thing left of Mainland Tyre.


Golden Member
May 28, 2011
no, it pretty much goes against science to presuppose anything, and it is the scientific minded atheist that would be willing to admit to ignorance before trying to claim knowledge without evidence; whereas it is the theist who claims to know the answers based on faith so much so that they're willing to challenge science and go against reason when it conflicts with their predetermined answers

I think there is a lot of truth to this. I'd only point out that it's unfair to compare a 'scientific minded' atheist (as opposed to the normal majority complete with agendas like everyone else) to a broad stroke 'theist' who goes against reason (as defined by who), instead of against a 'scientific minded' theist.
The merit and power of science is that it's SUPPOSED to be challenged. That is the very core of it. Predetermined answers are also part of it, they're called 'theories'. The problem, for both sides, is not letting their theories be challenged.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
no, it pretty much goes against science to presuppose anything, and it is the scientific minded atheist that would be willing to admit to ignorance before trying to claim knowledge without evidence; whereas it is the theist who claims to know the answers based on faith so much so that they're willing to challenge science and go against reason when it conflicts with their predetermined answers

Understand what I said.

Scientists: evolution is pretty much fact.
Theist: We have a Designer, which is pretty much fact.

Im not debating how ether arrived at their claims, but the fact the claim is made.

To say believers arrive at their conclusion void of evidence is completely irratonal, well, believers like myself anyway. As we've discussed about the prophecy, with all the details that are historical facts, I have little doubt it was prophesied. I don't need to have seen it (much like scientists don't need to see a an animal evolving into a human) to believe it -- all the events taking place is strong evidence. The fact that they're in secular history carries weight because no one can say its only in the Bible.

As far as it being actually foretold, well, I rely on the dating of the text instead of the criteria put forth in this thread needed to constitute a foretelling. In other words, the people who study the writings and date them have valid criteria -- all you (generic) have is conjecture.

To say that the conclusion I've arrived completely lacks evidence is asinine.
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