Bush: A 'stark reminder' of war


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
"...President Bush said the arrests are a "stark reminder" that the U.S. is "at war with Islamic fascists."


Say, Mr. President, whatever happened to the part where we were supposed to be looking for OBL? Maybe you need a stark reminder about that #1 priority!


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
The plot is a good way to get the focus off the humanitarian crisis US/Israel have caused in Lebanon.

The armed guards with automatic weapons and the mandate to remove bottled water and perfume from carry-on baggage is also a good way to give a little scare to passengers. Americans are getting complacent; time to give them a little jolt during primary season.

Nothing like reminding people about the good old Republican party and their highly successful campaign against terror :roll:


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
It's a stark reminder that 1. bush is losing his 'war on terror' because he failed to achieve the main goals in Afghanistan before he went off half cocked to Iraq for absolutely no reason whatsoever and 2. osama and al qaeda are alive and well nearly five years after 9/11 because the idiots we have in charge can't get the job done.


and 3. This must be an election year because suddenly the terrorist plots are reappearing.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
When you are bogged down in a quagmire known as Iraq, al Quada and real terrorist around the world are rejoicing. DHS and the TSA is a joke in the US, good thing they were in the UK when they tried this...

The choice is clear in November, spend $8B a month for an optional war or spend real money on homeland protection, including ports and borders.


Mar 5, 2001
This is a stark reminder that it doesn't matter how many countries we invade, how many tens of thousands we kill, no matter how many billions we spend, they will *ALWAYS* be looking for a way to attack us in the direction we are not looking.

Swatting a fly with a sledgehammer is inefficient and stupid. It's a fly, do what you can to counter it, but in the end it doesn't matter. Reduce it's effectiveness by clipping a wing with a small scissors, but trying to hit it with the sledge will only result in more holes in your house which more flies can fly into.

Too bad our leaders aren't smart enough, or have too much interest in keeping this "war on fear/flies" going. It's also too bad stupid Americans are willing to change their lives over a fly.


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: BBond
It's a stark reminder that 1. bush is losing his 'war on terror' because he failed to achieve the main goals in Afghanistan before he went off half cocked to Iraq for absolutely no reason whatsoever and 2. osama and al qaeda are alive and well nearly five years after 9/11 because the idiots we have in charge can't get the job done.


and 3. This must be an election year because suddenly the terrorist plots are reappearing.

That's interesting because he's stopped several terrorist attacks, and our allies have stopped several more.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: BBond
It's a stark reminder that 1. bush is losing his 'war on terror' because he failed to achieve the main goals in Afghanistan before he went off half cocked to Iraq for absolutely no reason whatsoever and 2. osama and al qaeda are alive and well nearly five years after 9/11 because the idiots we have in charge can't get the job done.


and 3. This must be an election year because suddenly the terrorist plots are reappearing.

That's interesting because he's stopped several terrorist attacks, and our allies have stopped several more.

Bush didn't stop a thing. There has not been one serious terrorist plot in the US, or are you counting the Liberty .. uh Library.. uh US Bank Tower plot? Bush has made far more terrorist, he is a al Quada recruiters wet dream, but who cares about reality in Zentroll's world.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: BBond
It's a stark reminder that 1. bush is losing his 'war on terror' because he failed to achieve the main goals in Afghanistan before he went off half cocked to Iraq for absolutely no reason whatsoever and 2. osama and al qaeda are alive and well nearly five years after 9/11 because the idiots we have in charge can't get the job done.


and 3. This must be an election year because suddenly the terrorist plots are reappearing.

That's interesting because he's stopped several terrorist attacks, and our allies have stopped several more.

Yes, it was W personally who has stopped the plots. His magic flight suit helped him run down the scum, which he quickly wrapped up in a mission accomplished banner.

Do you really think a different administration wouldn't have been able to stop said plots?



May 27, 2005
Just recently they broke up a plot to blow up the transit tunnels under the Hudson river.


Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: daveshel
"...President Bush said the arrests are a "stark reminder" that the U.S. is "at war with Islamic fascists."


Say, Mr. President, whatever happened to the part where we were supposed to be looking for OBL? Maybe you need a stark reminder about that #1 priority!

I'm glad at least we've dropped the pretense about what this war really is about...


Aug 26, 2000
I think its a stark reminder to the relationship of how many incrementally more muslims want to kill Americans every additional year that Bush is in office.


Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: daveshel
"...President Bush said the arrests are a "stark reminder" that the U.S. is "at war with Islamic fascists."


Say, Mr. President, whatever happened to the part where we were supposed to be looking for OBL? Maybe you need a stark reminder about that #1 priority!

I'm glad at least we've dropped the pretense about what this war really is about...

Which war are you talking about?

The war in Afghanistan was allegedly about getting bin Laden but . . . dare I say . . . it was feebly executed so we settled for 'bringing democracy to the region.'

The war in Iraq was allegedly about getting the WMD but . . . dare I say . . . there wasn't any so it became 'liberating Iraq', then 'bringing democracy to Iraq', then 'bringing democracy to the Middle East,' then 'fighting the terrorists in Iraq so we won't have to fight them here . . . '

But let's no fool ourselves . . . you cannot possibly claim oil played NO PART in the rush to war in Iraq?!


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: jjsole
I think its a stark reminder to the relationship of how many incrementally more muslims want to kill Americans every additional year that Bush is in office.

Unilateral war will usually do that. If China attacked and invaded us, you can imagine how many Americans would want to kill the Chinese.


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: BBond
It's a stark reminder that 1. bush is losing his 'war on terror' because he failed to achieve the main goals in Afghanistan before he went off half cocked to Iraq for absolutely no reason whatsoever and 2. osama and al qaeda are alive and well nearly five years after 9/11 because the idiots we have in charge can't get the job done.


and 3. This must be an election year because suddenly the terrorist plots are reappearing.

That's interesting because he's stopped several terrorist attacks, and our allies have stopped several more.

Yes, it was W personally who has stopped the plots. His magic flight suit helped him run down the scum, which he quickly wrapped up in a mission accomplished banner.

Do you really think a different administration wouldn't have been able to stop said plots?

Plots like the Mcveigh bombing?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: zendari
Just recently they broke up a plot to blow up the transit tunnels under the Hudson river.

Yes, the one where the media kept saying they were going to blow a tunnel and flood lower Manhatten, nevermind the fact that it's above sea level and the tunnel is deep in mud - not water.

But authorities said there was no evidence that the plotters had taken any actions, such as buying explosives or sending money.

Two U.S. counterterrorism officials, speaking on the condition that their names and agencies not be identified because the FBI is the government's lead agency, discounted the ability of the conspirators to carry out an attack.

One said the alleged plot was "not as far along" as described and was "more aspirational in nature." The other described the threat as "jihadi bravado," adding "somebody talks about tunnels, it lights people up," but that there was little activity to back up the talk.


Another trumped up "terror" plot, lol.


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: daveshel
"...President Bush said the arrests are a "stark reminder" that the U.S. is "at war with Islamic fascists."


Say, Mr. President, whatever happened to the part where we were supposed to be looking for OBL? Maybe you need a stark reminder about that #1 priority!

I'm glad at least we've dropped the pretense about what this war really is about...

Which war are you talking about?

The war in Afghanistan was allegedly about getting bin Laden but . . . dare I say . . . it was feebly executed so we settled for 'bringing democracy to the region.'

The war in Iraq was allegedly about getting the WMD but . . . dare I say . . . there wasn't any so it became 'liberating Iraq', then 'bringing democracy to Iraq', then 'bringing democracy to the Middle East,' then 'fighting the terrorists in Iraq so we won't have to fight them here . . . '

But let's no fool ourselves . . . you cannot possibly claim oil played NO PART in the rush to war in Iraq?!

Last night on Hardball - Ken 'Bud' Mehlman was on, and every other thing he said about the Middle East
he included the reference to their rich deposits of Oil - he wasn't even talking about democracy,
he was saying if the US was to 'Cut and Run' they would be giving up their grip on all that Oil.

Chris Mathews let him rant until he had comitted that any American Government Officials that wanted to
ever withdraw troops from the Middle East was a coward, and should not be listened to.
Then Mathews reminded him that Reagan was the only president that had withdrawn troops from the Middle east
(other than Bush Daddy at the conclusion of Gulf -I . . protect Bush Oil Investments in Kuwait)
when he ordered the troops out of Lebanon after the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon,
and asked him if he thinks that Reagan and his cut and run politics, which set up todays middle east mind-set
was the cut and run coward that he was refering to.

Melhman keept deflrcting and wouldn't address the question.



Aug 26, 2000
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: jjsole
I think its a stark reminder to the relationship of how many incrementally more muslims want to kill Americans every additional year that Bush is in office.

Unilateral illegal unnecessary murderous and completely mismanaged war where we also torture rape and kill prisoners as well as kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians all for the sake of a flawed foreign oil policy that rakes in billions for bush's crony associations will usually do that. If China attacked and invaded us, you can imagine how many Americans would want to kill the Chinese.


And your analogy with China relates to the US as if the US has picked a fight with the entire muslim population, associating one country starting a war with another. This is an accurate description of how we are percieved, and why bush is such a dvmfvk with his ascenine, useless, and couter productive 'foreign policy'.


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: zendari
Just recently they broke up a plot to blow up the transit tunnels under the Hudson river.

Yes, the one where the media kept saying they were going to blow a tunnel and flood lower Manhatten, nevermind the fact that it's above sea level and the tunnel is deep in mud - not water.

But authorities said there was no evidence that the plotters had taken any actions, such as buying explosives or sending money.

Two U.S. counterterrorism officials, speaking on the condition that their names and agencies not be identified because the FBI is the government's lead agency, discounted the ability of the conspirators to carry out an attack.

One said the alleged plot was "not as far along" as described and was "more aspirational in nature." The other described the threat as "jihadi bravado," adding "somebody talks about tunnels, it lights people up," but that there was little activity to back up the talk.


Another trumped up "terror" plot, lol.

That's the point. Nip them in the bud so we stay ahead of the enemy. There's a reason our nation has been safe for 5 years.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: zendari

That's the point. Nip them in the bud so we stay ahead of the enemy. There's a reason our nation has been safe for 5 years.

And it was safe 9 years before that, right? Spin it as you want, but there are more extremist now than there have ever been. The world is rallied against the US and we are wasting money and lives in Iraq why we sit with unsecured borders and ports.


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: zendari

That's the point. Nip them in the bud so we stay ahead of the enemy. There's a reason our nation has been safe for 5 years.

And it was safe 9 years before that, right? Spin it as you want, but there are more extremist now than there have ever been. The world is rallied against the US and we are wasting money and lives in Iraq why we sit with unsecured borders and ports.

Was it? USS Cole? African embassy? Oklahoma City? World Trade Center? Khobar Towers?


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: zendari
Just recently they broke up a plot to blow up the transit tunnels under the Hudson river.

Yes, the one where the media kept saying they were going to blow a tunnel and flood lower Manhatten, nevermind the fact that it's above sea level and the tunnel is deep in mud - not water.

But authorities said there was no evidence that the plotters had taken any actions, such as buying explosives or sending money.

Two U.S. counterterrorism officials, speaking on the condition that their names and agencies not be identified because the FBI is the government's lead agency, discounted the ability of the conspirators to carry out an attack.

One said the alleged plot was "not as far along" as described and was "more aspirational in nature." The other described the threat as "jihadi bravado," adding "somebody talks about tunnels, it lights people up," but that there was little activity to back up the talk.


Another trumped up "terror" plot, lol.

That's the point. Nip them in the bud so we stay ahead of the enemy. There's a reason our nation has been safe for 5 years.

Sorry that's just dumb luck, I don't think our antiterror apparatus is any better than it was pre-9/11, we just throw more money at it now. If a guy wants to build a bomb and blowup a building there's absolutely nothing that can be done to stop them; regardless of how much money you spend or how many evil-doers you dispense with.

The only reason we've caught the ones we have is because they are stupid, the next attack will most likely be from a natural citizen, just like OK City, and when they want to hit us they will.

So sleep soundly, this is how it's going to be from here on out.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: zendari

That's the point. Nip them in the bud so we stay ahead of the enemy. There's a reason our nation has been safe for 5 years.

And it was safe 9 years before that, right? Spin it as you want, but there are more extremist now than there have ever been. The world is rallied against the US and we are wasting money and lives in Iraq why we sit with unsecured borders and ports.

Was it? USS Cole? African embassy? Oklahoma City? World Trade Center? Khobar Towers?

I was talking about the states, as you implied. If you are counting all US property, people, military, etc. world wide I think you are going to have a hard time convincing us that we have been "safe for 5 years", lol.

The state dept used to release terror stats annually, they stopped. Wonder why?

The number of serious international terrorist incidents more than tripled last year, according to U.S. government figures, a sharp upswing in deadly attacks that the State Department has decided not to make public in its annual report on terrorism due to Congress this week.


Do you get owned as much in real life as mush as the net? Do you have any self esteem left?


May 27, 2005
Those "international" attacks are targeted at foreign governments, not the United States. I'm glad you count a school siezure in Russia somewhere to be the equivalent of a US warship.

At least 2 of those attacks are directly on US soil.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: zendari
Just recently they broke up a plot to blow up the transit tunnels under the Hudson river.

Yes, the one where the media kept saying they were going to blow a tunnel and flood lower Manhatten, nevermind the fact that it's above sea level and the tunnel is deep in mud - not water.

But authorities said there was no evidence that the plotters had taken any actions, such as buying explosives or sending money.

Two U.S. counterterrorism officials, speaking on the condition that their names and agencies not be identified because the FBI is the government's lead agency, discounted the ability of the conspirators to carry out an attack.

One said the alleged plot was "not as far along" as described and was "more aspirational in nature." The other described the threat as "jihadi bravado," adding "somebody talks about tunnels, it lights people up," but that there was little activity to back up the talk.


Another trumped up "terror" plot, lol.

That's the point. Nip them in the bud so we stay ahead of the enemy. There's a reason our nation has been safe for 5 years.

The same reason we were safe between 2003 and 2001 under Clinton from the "islamic fascists."
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