Bush administration CUTS AND RUN from bin Laden!

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
We all hold everybody else in contempt because we hate ourselves. Every time we see in the other act in a way which got us condemned we want to spit. Unless we forgive the other we will not forgive ourselves. Not an easy task, though, because we have to love both that on which we spit and the spitter.


Nov 25, 2001
Why is this a surprise?

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

4 years later, he apparently cares even less.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
Where (as the title suggests) did the CIA state that they were not looking for Bin-Laden? Where is the proof that Bush and Co. are not looking for Bin-Laden?

I thought so.......

Just because a task force (unsuccessful one at that) was closed, does not mean ANYTHING!! Until Zarqawi was killed, NOBODY had ever heard of the SF (note that it's NOT CIA) task force 145 or any of the other task forces that are set up to liquidate or recover wanted fugitives.

The reason is that they are SECRET. Unless the NY times gets news of it that is!


Jul 17, 2003
Yeah, you're the pillar of thoughtful discussion as well.......maybe I'll spit in your face...... Liberati logic defined!

There's the Cornhole we all know! Buzzword included! He even tries to throw in "logic," oh that's priceless!! :laugh:

But hey you know what, were I the one who swore an oathe to protect the Constitution and then went on to p!ss all over it, I think I'd actually deserve spit in my face. Likewise, if I were responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of my countrymen.

But that not being the case, this "liberal" would not react well to being spit upon over simple discussion. That you can equate simple discussion to executive deceit and incompetence (resulting in death) on equal terms speaks volumes about what kind of person you are. Sad, but not surprising. What a hollow day it must be for you today.



No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
i really can't beleive anyone is saying that we should forget about Bin laden.

I would rather see the troops after his ass then in Iraq. It does piss me off that Bush is not afte rhim as much. i guess 9/11 was just a excuse to atack Iraq and gain more power for the office of the presidant.

I have a nephew and cousin in Afghanstan now and a neice in Iraq. this amanstartion is really starting to piss me off.

oh for the record i was a bush supporter. voted for his ass twice. sigh


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
And perhaps they've been looking in the wrong spot for a very long time:

Doesn't matter. They're not looking for him anymore. The Propagandist isn't worried about him and the Pentagon still has its own intelligence agencies to provide the WH with the "intel" they'll need to launch any future wars of aggression.

Hope your nephew, niece and cousin come home soon and safe, waggy. They've been put into a situation that does not differ much from what the Soviet Union endured in Afghanistan in the 70s/80s. This "war on terror" isn't about protecting American freedom and safety. It's about military might, protecting the military industrial complex, and American hegemony.


Jun 23, 2004
So maybe the CIA, being as retarded as it is, will be capable of finding him covertly when the press tells Bin Ladin that it's safe to come out.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: kage69
Yeah, you're the pillar of thoughtful discussion as well.......maybe I'll spit in your face...... Liberati logic defined!

There's the Cornhole we all know! Buzzword included! He even tries to throw in "logic," oh that's priceless!! :laugh:

But hey you know what, were I the one who swore an oathe to protect the Constitution and then went on to p!ss all over it, I think I'd actually deserve spit in my face. Likewise, if I were responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of my countrymen.

But that not being the case, this "liberal" would not react well to being spit upon over simple discussion. That you can equate simple discussion to executive deceit and incompetence (resulting in death) on equal terms speaks volumes about what kind of person you are. Sad, but not surprising. What a hollow day it must be for you today.

Whatever happened to the liberati's understanding of nuance? Multiple points I made in a simple sentence and you missed them all......LOL



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur

Doesn't matter. They're not looking for him anymore.

And here I thought people who believed Saddam was involved in 9/11 were the epitome of American stupidity.......but along comes Conjob with the most ridiculous of lies and the liberati swallow it like pornstars, setting the bar even lower!


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
So maybe the CIA, being as retarded as it is, will be capable of finding him covertly when the press tells Bin Ladin that it's safe to come out.
Retarded is right. The CIA track-record for the last 5+ years has been one of utter and complete failure. Most recently, they FUBAR'd the Somalia situation. The Islamic militias now in control are probably funneling all of their "pirate money" (from sacking vessels off the coast there) into the next terrorist operations.


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Corn
If I were as smart as you say I supposedly think I am.....well, I certainly wouldn't be wasting my time here arguring with morons such as yourself now would I?

Recognizing and admitting your own stupidity is a giant leap forward for your kind. :thumbsup:
I am actually stunned by your progress. Keep it up and you'll be an adult one day.

Meanwhile, feel free to resume covering your house in 'Made in China' American flags.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's OK to spit on demons. All we need to do is be demonic enough to create them our of the monsters in our mind. Then we can spit into the wind.


Dec 21, 2005
yes, because we all know that the CIA isn't going through a total re-organization or anything.


you utter f'n moron. They probably didnt even switch desks or offices! (or they moved to the CTC.. maybe?) They re-structured and came up with a new super-secret-squirrel name for the group responsible for finding top Al Qaeda personalities. It's as simple as that!

Hell, the group referred to in the article had been around for TEN YEARS!! it was established well before 9/11, and it actually surprises me that it took that long to break the group up, reorganize it, and give it a new name with a broader mission (finding ALL HVT's in Al Qaeda). After all, the ENTIRE CT ESTABLISHMENT has changed since 9/11, and the groups responsible for certain aspects are constantly evolving.

nahhhh, that would make too much fvcking sense, and then you couldnt use it to suit your agenda, right conjie?

nice f'n try... cute even! you truly are amusing sometimes... the really sick and sad part is that some of these douchbags here buy into your nonsense. that's utterly depressing. it makes me look around whenever i walk down the street and try to pick out the braindead morons among us. do you guys have a secret handshake or do you wear a certain color hat? that would make things much easier... it's tough to see the glazed bloodshot eyes when you guys wear sunglasses!


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
"Dead or alive!"

"We're gonna' smoke him out!"

bush is a lying cut and run pussy. bush and cheney used bin Laden to scare America into voting for them -- remember that scumbag cheney's warning that electing Kerry would put America in danger of another terrorist attack? -- and now that they're in for their last term the perpetrator of the worst terrorist attack in our history is allowed to walk the Earth a free man!

Disgusting. As is anyone who defends these filthy, cowardly liars.

Look at it from the real bush/cheney viewpoint. There isn't any money in capturing bin Laden. There is money is starting a bogus war in Iraq.

Yet, as exhibited by some of the bush lovers in this thread, the stupidity of the American people knows no bounds. Wrap yourselves in your flags for "Independence Day" and go choke on a hot dog.




Jul 17, 2003
Whatever happened to the liberati's understanding of nuance? Multiple points I made in a simple sentence and you missed them all......LOL

I'm not sure what your affliction is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. Delusions must be a symptom since you're acting like you made some points. Get help soon!

Look at it from the real bush/cheney viewpoint. There isn't any money in capturing bin Laden. There is money is starting a bogus war in Iraq.

There is money in having a boogeyman with a long shelf-life. Justice is for chumps.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Originally posted by: DickFnTracy
Could someone point out where, and I quote, " The Bush administration has ordered the CIA to STOP LOOKING FOR BIN LADEN!! ".

I hate to interrupt the bleating of the liberalati, Bush hating sheeple here in the DUmmy Lite echo chamber but no such order was given. It is simply another of Conjobs lies.

Or maybe it was those voices in his head, you know the same ones who told him Tom Daschle was sent anthrax because of a Senate vote.

I think because of the standard that the liberalaches have placed on the current admin where being wrong=lying we'll go ahead and call it a lie.

You may now continue with your Pavlovian bleating.

may be right, may be full of crap, but guess what? they havent produced the goddamn results, the american people deserved to see bin laden removed after what hapepned and bush FAILED to accomplish it..BOTTOM line


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: LumbergTech
Originally posted by: DickFnTracy
Could someone point out where, and I quote, " The Bush administration has ordered the CIA to STOP LOOKING FOR BIN LADEN!! ".

I hate to interrupt the bleating of the liberalati, Bush hating sheeple here in the DUmmy Lite echo chamber but no such order was given. It is simply another of Conjobs lies.

Or maybe it was those voices in his head, you know the same ones who told him Tom Daschle was sent anthrax because of a Senate vote.

I think because of the standard that the liberalaches have placed on the current admin where being wrong=lying we'll go ahead and call it a lie.

You may now continue with your Pavlovian bleating.

may be right, may be full of crap, but guess what? they havent produced the goddamn results, the american people deserved to see bin laden removed after what hapepned and bush FAILED to accomplish it..BOTTOM line

bush and his administration failed as miserably at capturing bin Laden as they did with Hurricane Katrina.

At least these idiots are consistent.


Dec 21, 2005
just two days ago Conjob was saying that Bush made a deal with Bin Laden to kill Zaqawi.

isn't it ironic?... dontyathink?

Anyone who knows anything about the current restructuring plan for the intelligence community will tell you that this post by Conjob is stacked to the rim in the proverbial manure.

ok, so, who would like a sideorder of misinterpreted propoganda to go with their agenda? sure thing! coming right up! Conjieeeeeeeeeeee!


Nov 25, 2001
I'd like to hear some second opinions from ex-intel before I conclude anything about this latest CIA re-org. It appears though, that the focus is being taken off OBL and shifted to other tasks. The hunt for OBL will never drop to zero, but it would be hard not to conclude that it's been taken off the front burner.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Why kill the face of terrorism?
Why make people feel safe when you can breed a new brand of patriotism?


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
I'd like to hear some second opinions from ex-intel before I conclude anything about this latest CIA re-org. It appears though, that the focus is being taken off OBL and shifted to other tasks. The hunt for OBL will never drop to zero, but it would be hard not to conclude that it's been taken off the front burner.

umm, have you been asleep for the last 5 years during which: Congress mandated the total restructuring of our intel apparatus, the intel community has re-organized in an effort to streamline the collection and dissemination of information, and the CTC was created at Langley to house the CT specialists from almost 20 different intel agencies...!?!?

gee, do you think, just for a second, that the 10-year-old OBL desk might have had a few re-assignments and augmentations during that time, or is that too crazy a concept for any of you?

jesus, for once even the most diehard anti's among you must think this post is reaching for air... i mean, duh.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: kage69
Whatever happened to the liberati's understanding of nuance? Multiple points I made in a simple sentence and you missed them all......LOL

I'm not sure what your affliction is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. Delusions must be a symptom since you're acting like you made some points. Get help soon!

As simple and as obvious as my points were I knew I could count on you to miss them. Whatever affliction you imagine me having is unprounancable to you, I'm sure, because its not monosyllabic.


Jul 17, 2003
As simple and as obvious as my points were I knew I could count on you to miss them. Whatever affliction you imagine me having is unprounancable to you, I'm sure, because its not monosyllabic.

Of course, just like you know I'm one of your baby-eating liberati. /yawn Just more delusional ranting from another of our local hatemongers.

Who needs imagination? Your hateful and usually insulting rhetoric (which has changed little in my short time here) suffices quite nicely. But since you brought it up, are the syllables in rectal-cranial-inversion cummulative? Is there perhaps someone with a medical degree that knows of a better, single-word term for ol Cornhole's issue? Anyone?

jesus, for once even the most diehard anti's among you must think this post is reaching for air... i mean, duh.

You speak like everyone here with a different opinion is somehow anti-war. Being against the Iraqi quagmire and critical of it's selling points doesn't make anyone anti-war, just anti-wrong war. How can you be an "anti" if you relished watching the Taliban meet precision guided munitions for the first time?


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: kage69
You speak like everyone here with a different opinion is somehow anti-war. Being against the Iraqi quagmire and critical of it's selling points doesn't make anyone anti-war, just anti-wrong war. How can you be an "anti" if you relished watching the Taliban meet precision guided munitions for the first time?
just an FYI: i use the term "anti's" here at P&N to describe the plethora of "anti-everything's" who seem to post here. They aren't just anti-war, they're anti-Bush, Anti-admin, anti-war, anti-gun, anti-religion, etc etc. There are many who downright appear anti-American half of the time.

those are the same people who would be ignorant enough to believe that we're no longer looking for Bin Laden, or that the changing of the CIA's organization, as shown by the OP, is some sort of sign that OBL is no longer of interest. that's just total ignorance, and ignorance seems to be the antis' most common characteristic...
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