Bush administration CUTS AND RUN from bin Laden!

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Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: kage69
As simple and as obvious as my points were I knew I could count on you to miss them. Whatever affliction you imagine me having is unprounancable to you, I'm sure, because its not monosyllabic.

Of course, just like you know I'm one of your baby-eating liberati. /yawn Just more delusional ranting from another of our local hatemongers.

Who needs imagination? Your hateful and usually insulting rhetoric (which has changed little in my short time here) suffices quite nicely. But since you brought it up, are the syllables in rectal-cranial-inversion cummulative? Is there perhaps someone with a medical degree that knows of a better, single-word term for ol Cornhole's issue? Anyone?

Wow, still no comprende I see. I can almost feel your frustration.......LOL. Here's some hateful rhetoric for you (a hint!): I wish I could spit in the man's face.


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: palehorse74
just an FYI: i use the term "anti's" here at P&N to describe the plethora of "anti-everything's" who seem to post here. They aren't just anti-war, they're anti-Bush, Anti-admin, anti-war, anti-gun, anti-religion

Or, you could also describe these people as pro-peace, pro-diplomacy, pro-rule of law, pro-constitution, pro-responsible government, pro-science, logic and reason.

From another's perspective you might seem anti-peace, anti-diplomacy, anti-rule of law, anti-constitution, anti-responsible government, anti-science, logic and reason.



Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
The day of Bismark vs Hood is long gone. War is not Red Coats and Blue Coats anymore. So how do you win if you're the big guy? Well... I guess you either eliminate the target and be danged about the collateral damage (civilian non-combat potential enemy) or You spend trillions and gillions of $ to bribe them or occupy them and hope the long term wins out. OBL is nothing but our biggest possible threat. He is able to induce others to his bidding and if killed the next in line then the next... never win never win that is our motto and our results cuz the President knows we want to show our (our service people's) muscle cuz we can.... Cervantes of the 21st century.... windmills abound!!!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: LunarRay
The day of Bismark vs Hood is long gone. War is not Red Coats and Blue Coats anymore. So how do you win if you're the big guy? Well... I guess you either eliminate the target and be danged about the collateral damage (civilian non-combat potential enemy) or You spend trillions and gillions of $ to bribe them or occupy them and hope the long term wins out. OBL is nothing but our biggest possible threat. He is able to induce others to his bidding and if killed the next in line then the next... never win never win that is our motto and our results cuz the President knows we want to show our (our service people's) muscle cuz we can.... Cervantes of the 21st century.... windmills abound!!!

The hippies will develop a peace drug weapon and spray the world with it. It will be flowers in the hair time for all.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: LunarRay
The day of Bismark vs Hood is long gone. War is not Red Coats and Blue Coats anymore. So how do you win if you're the big guy? Well... I guess you either eliminate the target and be danged about the collateral damage (civilian non-combat potential enemy) or You spend trillions and gillions of $ to bribe them or occupy them and hope the long term wins out. OBL is nothing but our biggest possible threat. He is able to induce others to his bidding and if killed the next in line then the next... never win never win that is our motto and our results cuz the President knows we want to show our (our service people's) muscle cuz we can.... Cervantes of the 21st century.... windmills abound!!!

The hippies will develop a peace drug weapon and spray the world with it. It will be flowers in the hair time for all.

We'd never allow that... what would the defense industry live on... Woodstock was in august of '69 and I wonder how many of Nixon's Liddy-ites were there... NOPE... won't happen.. we are macho ... and have to have someone to push around cuz that is what sates our needs...



Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
I'd like to hear some second opinions from ex-intel before I conclude anything about this latest CIA re-org. It appears though, that the focus is being taken off OBL and shifted to other tasks. The hunt for OBL will never drop to zero, but it would be hard not to conclude that it's been taken off the front burner.

umm, have you been asleep for the last 5 years during which: Congress mandated the total restructuring of our intel apparatus, the intel community has re-organized in an effort to streamline the collection and dissemination of information, and the CTC was created at Langley to house the CT specialists from almost 20 different intel agencies...!?!?

gee, do you think, just for a second, that the 10-year-old OBL desk might have had a few re-assignments and augmentations during that time, or is that too crazy a concept for any of you?

jesus, for once even the most diehard anti's among you must think this post is reaching for air... i mean, duh.

Don't forget all the analysts/managers that quit due to the way the admin cherry-picked intel for the iraq war.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: LunarRay
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: LunarRay
The day of Bismark vs Hood is long gone. War is not Red Coats and Blue Coats anymore. So how do you win if you're the big guy? Well... I guess you either eliminate the target and be danged about the collateral damage (civilian non-combat potential enemy) or You spend trillions and gillions of $ to bribe them or occupy them and hope the long term wins out. OBL is nothing but our biggest possible threat. He is able to induce others to his bidding and if killed the next in line then the next... never win never win that is our motto and our results cuz the President knows we want to show our (our service people's) muscle cuz we can.... Cervantes of the 21st century.... windmills abound!!!

The hippies will develop a peace drug weapon and spray the world with it. It will be flowers in the hair time for all.

We'd never allow that... what would the defense industry live on... Woodstock was in august of '69 and I wonder how many of Nixon's Liddy-ites were there... NOPE... won't happen.. we are macho ... and have to have someone to push around cuz that is what sates our needs...
Clearly we will have to attack ourselves first.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge
Originally posted by: palehorse74
just an FYI: i use the term "anti's" here at P&N to describe the plethora of "anti-everything's" who seem to post here. They aren't just anti-war, they're anti-Bush, Anti-admin, anti-war, anti-gun, anti-religion

Or, you could also describe these people as pro-peace, pro-diplomacy, pro-rule of law, pro-constitution, pro-responsible government, pro-science, logic and reason.

From another's perspective you might seem anti-peace, anti-diplomacy, anti-rule of law, anti-constitution, anti-responsible government, anti-science, logic and reason.

I've never once heard Palehorse scream "PEACE SUCKS", "RULE OF LAW IS STUPID", "SCIENCE IS FOR MORONS", and "THE CONSTITUTION IS A LIVING BREATHING DOCUMENT". Therefore I would imagine that "perspective" to be rendered in ignorance and without merit......but those are exactly the types of responses (the message may be different, but the argument is the same) the anti's put forth here on an hourly basis.


Jul 17, 2003
just an FYI: i use the term "anti's" here at P&N to describe the plethora of "anti-everything's" who seem to post here. They aren't just anti-war, they're anti-Bush, Anti-admin, anti-war, anti-gun, anti-religion, etc etc. There are many who downright appear anti-American half of the time.

Then just an FYI to you, the stereotypes you seem desperate to enforce don't aid your argument in the least. When was the last time you saw someone here disapprove of our war in Afghanistan? Just becuase someone has been paying attention to the quite sleezy record of this admin doesn't mean they're automatically anti-anything. I don't attend church, yet have absolutely no problem with organized religion (provided it isn't stuck in my face). The partially cleaned .45 Springer currently residing next to my monitor as I type this points to me definetly not being anti-gun. The 'anti-everything' stance seems to be at odds with the actual veiwpoints I see here.

Wow, still no comprende I see. I can almost feel your frustration.......LOL. Here's some hateful rhetoric for you (a hint!): I wish I could spit in the man's face.

Great, another neocon fluffer with no concept of responsibility or cause and effect. *sigh* Now you're just getting boring. No comprende indeed. :roll:


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur
Topic Title: Bush administration CUTS AND RUN from bin Laden!
Topic Summary: Ordered CIA to stop the hunt for bin Laden!

Well, Mission Accomplished

Binny is a Hero in his part of the world. Shirley you cannot capture or kill a hero.

Personally I find it Treasonous by Bush to abandon the search for an enemy of the U.S.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: conjur
Topic Title: Bush administration CUTS AND RUN from bin Laden!
Topic Summary: Ordered CIA to stop the hunt for bin Laden!

Well, Mission Accomplished

Binny is a Hero in his part of the world. Shirley you cannot capture or kill a hero.

Personally I find it Treasonous by Bush to abandon the search for an enemy of the U.S.

yay for total ignorance!

how do supposedly intelligent people buy into Conjob's garbage?! do you honestly believe that our intel agencies have nobody looking for OBL? honestly?!


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2005
Palehorse, would you consider leaving a skeleton crew of soldiers in Iraq 'cutting and running?' Republicans surely would.

The CIA now has a skeleton crew looking for OBL. I'm still waiting for GOP the press release condemning this cowardly action taken by the administration. Note that I'm not holding my breath.


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Corn
I've never once heard Palehorse scream "PEACE SUCKS", "RULE OF LAW IS STUPID", "SCIENCE IS FOR MORONS", and "THE CONSTITUTION IS A LIVING BREATHING DOCUMENT". Therefore I would imagine that "perspective" to be rendered in ignorance and without merit......but those are exactly the types of responses (the message may be different, but the argument is the same) the anti's put forth here on an hourly basis.

So, you've never once heard Palehorse scream those exact things... well of course not.... but as you say yourself "the message may be different, but the argument is the same".

Or, is inference a luxury only you're allowed?


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
I'd like to hear some second opinions from ex-intel before I conclude anything about this latest CIA re-org. It appears though, that the focus is being taken off OBL and shifted to other tasks. The hunt for OBL will never drop to zero, but it would be hard not to conclude that it's been taken off the front burner.

umm, have you been asleep for the last 5 years during which: Congress mandated the total restructuring of our intel apparatus, the intel community has re-organized in an effort to streamline the collection and dissemination of information, and the CTC was created at Langley to house the CT specialists from almost 20 different intel agencies...!?!?

gee, do you think, just for a second, that the 10-year-old OBL desk might have had a few re-assignments and augmentations during that time, or is that too crazy a concept for any of you?

jesus, for once even the most diehard anti's among you must think this post is reaching for air... i mean, duh.
Geeze, if you weren't so red in the face and spewing spittle everywhere, I'd almost feel like responding to that. :roll:


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge

Or, is inference a luxury only you're allowed?

Well, if I were making the rules......

Tell you what, I'm not an unreasonable fellow, provide me with an example of a few posts from Palehorse that would support the impression that he is anti-peace, anti-constitution, and anti-science. If they exist I will humbly grovel at your feet and do your evil liberal bidding for the rest of the day.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Aisengard
The CIA now has a skeleton crew looking for OBL.
exactly how many people does the CIA currently have tasked to look specifically for Osama and his top lieutenants?

how about the DIA? SOCOM? NSA? FBI? NRO? Treasury? DHS? or any one of the other 15 or so major intel groups in the U.S.?

Given what you just just, I imagine that you must know the answers.... yes? no?

please define "skeleton crew" for us.

Also, please link us to the facts supporting your answers and definitions.

thankyou ahead of time!


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2005
Originally posted by: conjur
In an incredibly treasonous show of cowardice and appeasement of terrorists, the Bush administration has issued orders to the CIA to CUT and RUN. The Bush administration has ordered the CIA to STOP LOOKING FOR BIN LADEN!!

Read all about it!
The CIA has closed down a secret unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials said Monday, the NEW YORK TIMES will report Tuesday, RAW STORY has learned. Excerpts:

The terrorist tracking unit, known inside the spy agency as "Alec station," was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned to other offices within the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, the officials said.

The decision is a milestone of sorts for the agency, which created the unit before Osama bin Laden became a household name and bolstered its ranks after the Sept. 11 attacks, when President Bush pledged to bring bin Laden to justice "dead or alive."

The realignment reflects a view that al-Qaida is no longer as hierarchical as it once was, intelligence officials said, as well as growing concern about al-Qaida-inspired groups that have begun carrying out attacks independent of bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

CIA officials said that tracking bin Laden and his deputies remains a high priority, and that the decision to disband the unit is not a sign that the effort has slackened. Instead, the officials said, the realignment reflects a belief that the agency can better deal with high-level threats by focusing on regional trends rather than on specific organizations or individuals.

Get a load of that spin:

"tracking bin Laden and his deputies remains a high priority"

Yeah, that's why this administration diverted the best resources from Afghanistan and placed them in Iraq where there were NO TERRORISTS BEFORE THE INVASION. I wonder which country will be invaded next in order to "spread democracy" so that yet another haven for terrorists can be created.

In the meantime, bin Laden remains a FREE MAN nearly 5 years after the 9/11 attacks.

This administration is filled with traitorous and treasonous war criminals who only have one interest at heart: making more and more money for themselves and their cronies in the military-industrial complex. 60% of the $2.4 trillion US budget is directed toward Defense and Defense-related spending. 60%!. And after spending hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars specifically in Afghanistan and Iraq for nearly 5 years, what have we to show for it?

2,538 dead American soldiers; 18,356 officially wounded (not including the tens of thousands returning with PTSD and other mental disorders); 113 dead British soldiers; 113 dead "Coalition" soldiers; 4,882 dead Iraqi security forces; ~40,000 dead Iraqi civilians.

Bin Laden still alive.

Ayman al-Zawahiri still alive.

"Heckuva job, George!"

It saddens and sickens me that on the eve of the 230th "birthday" of the United States of America that news comes forth that George W. Bush has directed the CIA to CUT and RUN from bin Laden.

Makes one wonder just how thick those blood-for-oil ties are between the Bush family and the Saudis and the bin Laden family.

Happy Birthday, America.


can I therefore expect to see you out protesting for more bombing of afghan caves? And increased pressure on the Iranians?


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aisengard
The CIA now has a skeleton crew looking for OBL.
exactly how many people does the CIA currently have tasked to look specifically for Osama and his top lieutenants?

how about the DIA? SOCOM? NSA? FBI? NRO? Treasury? DHS? or any one of the other 15 or so major intel groups in the U.S.?

Given what you just just, I imagine that you must know the answers.... yes? no?

please define "skeleton crew" for us.

Also, please link us to the facts supporting your answers and definitions.

thankyou ahead of time!

You're right, I'm sure there are lots of people at all those agencies are working on Bin Laden (except maybe DHS, I'm not entirely convinced they do ANYTING). But like any group of workers, they take their priorities from the top...and Bush had made it very clear, time and time again, that catching Bin Laden is NOT a top priority for this country. Presumably this means US intelligence agencies as well, and while I'm sure they aren't giving up on finding him, Bush is the boss, and he does set the tone.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Glad to see the mastermind behind 9/11 is still public enemy number-one...well...right behind New York Times Editors. :roll:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: OrByte
Glad to see the mastermind behind 9/11 is still public enemy number-one...well...right behind New York Times Editors. :roll:

Uuuuuuuh, good one!


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aisengard
The CIA now has a skeleton crew looking for OBL.
exactly how many people does the CIA currently have tasked to look specifically for Osama and his top lieutenants?

how about the DIA? SOCOM? NSA? FBI? NRO? Treasury? DHS? or any one of the other 15 or so major intel groups in the U.S.?

Given what you just just, I imagine that you must know the answers.... yes? no?

please define "skeleton crew" for us.

Also, please link us to the facts supporting your answers and definitions.

thankyou ahead of time!

You're right, I'm sure there are lots of people at all those agencies are working on Bin Laden (except maybe DHS, I'm not entirely convinced they do ANYTING). But like any group of workers, they take their priorities from the top...and Bush had made it very clear, time and time again, that catching Bin Laden is NOT a top priority for this country. Presumably this means US intelligence agencies as well, and while I'm sure they aren't giving up on finding him, Bush is the boss, and he does set the tone.

that statement at least puts you ahead of 90% of the morons posting here who believe that we've given up on finding OBL altogether. So unlike them, it appears that you have enough sense to avoid the tinfoil-related nonsense Conjob spit out. that's nice to see.

That said, I think your interpretation of the President's intent is incorrect. I believe that it's necessary to recognize that finding OBL will not solve much in the way of terrorist threats. Therefore, his capture was put into perspective for everyone. It would not be the end-all to conquering terrorism. In fact, it wouldnt do much of anything to reduce our threat levels.

It would simply give us closure in one aspect of this war on terror. im sorry, but with that in mind, OBL is certainly not THE number one priority. real-time threats and closer threats are much more important in our day-to-day fight. We'll eventually get his arse, and when we do, we'll all raise a toast and cheer; but, that doesnt mean that you can avoid the real-time threats which are probably a higher priority to folks like myself who have to face them.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: daniel49
can I therefore expect to see you out protesting for more bombing of afghan caves? And increased pressure on the Iranians?
Should have never taken the eye off of Afghanistan by going into Iraq.

Now bin Laden just might be in a former Soviet Republic nation along with Zawahiri.

Way to go, Cut and Run George!


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aisengard
The CIA now has a skeleton crew looking for OBL.
exactly how many people does the CIA currently have tasked to look specifically for Osama and his top lieutenants?

how about the DIA? SOCOM? NSA? FBI? NRO? Treasury? DHS? or any one of the other 15 or so major intel groups in the U.S.?

Given what you just just, I imagine that you must know the answers.... yes? no?

please define "skeleton crew" for us.

Also, please link us to the facts supporting your answers and definitions.

thankyou ahead of time!

You're right, I'm sure there are lots of people at all those agencies are working on Bin Laden (except maybe DHS, I'm not entirely convinced they do ANYTING). But like any group of workers, they take their priorities from the top...and Bush had made it very clear, time and time again, that catching Bin Laden is NOT a top priority for this country. Presumably this means US intelligence agencies as well, and while I'm sure they aren't giving up on finding him, Bush is the boss, and he does set the tone.

that statement at least puts you ahead of 90% of the morons posting here who believe that we've given up on finding OBL altogether. So unlike them, it appears that you have enough sense to avoid the tinfoil-related nonsense Conjob spit out. that's nice to see.

That said, I think your interpretation of the President's intent is incorrect. I believe that it's necessary to recognize that finding OBL will not solve much in the way of terrorist threats. Therefore, his capture was put into perspective for everyone. It would not be the end-all to conquering terrorism. In fact, it wouldnt do much of anything to reduce our threat levels.

It would simply give us closure in one aspect of this war on terror. im sorry, but with that in mind, OBL is certainly not THE number one priority. real-time threats and closer threats are much more important in our day-to-day fight. We'll eventually get his arse, and when we do, we'll all raise a toast and cheer; but, that doesnt mean that you can avoid the real-time threats which are probably a higher priority to folks like myself who have to face them.

I didn't say there wouldn't be some sort of argument in favor of putting OBL down on the priority list, I just said that's what happened...we're kind of agreeing on that point.

However, while you are essentially right that catching Osama will no longer be the be all end all step it once would have been (say, in the early days of the invasion of Afghanistan), it does have importance beyond giving us closure. Even though bin Laden's operational usefulness is less, he still is at least an important symbol for terrorists to rally around, all the more so since he has apparently evaded capture after dealing the most powerful country in the world a bloody nose. Capturing him and more importantly, trying him like the common criminal he is, would deal a huge blow to the terrorist ego and confidence. Another factor would be the money he brings to the table, he has access to a lot more of it than most terrorists, and still probably provides a considerable amount of funding. And lest we forget, he DID engineer 9/11...I think there is an important principle at stake in hunting him down and bringing him to justice...it's one statement Bush has made that I agree with 100%.

Still, I don't know whether that makes him the number one priority...but there is a lot of room between being in the most wanted spot and being in the spot he seems to occupy in Bush's strategic thinking. Perhaps I'm misreading Bush, but a lot of his statements about OBL imply that not only is he not in the number one spot, he's somewhere between the NYT and congressional Democrats on the enemies list. Like I said, I could be wrong on this, and I'm sure anyone in the military or intelligence communities would bag bin Laden in a second...I'm just not sure doing so is any kind of reasonable priority for the President.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Actually, there's no evidence that bin Laden "engineered" 9/11. Not even the FBI believes that. At least there's nothing on their site about bin Laden re: 9/11. Just about the 1998 Embassy attacks and other terror attacks. But for this admin to CUT AND RUN from bin Laden is disgusting. Esp. after all the Clinton-bashing re: bin Laden and all of the post-9/11 rhetoric about smoking him out and dead or alive.

Zawahiri, otoh.....

And the two of them are thick as thieves.
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