Bush approves only of heterosexual marriage

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Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: gordy
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: gordy
Originally posted by: conjur Happy now?

OMG, you still havent got it....

<huff> say it was a freakin vending machine, would you pluu the "Straight Child" lever or the "Gay Child" lever

gawd, i'm tired of it too, let's go grab a beer and call it a day... it's on me

Answer: neither. That's a loaded question. You put your half of the genetic equation for a child into the mix and you love whatever appears in your life. I don't care if the kid comes out gay or straight, I just want them to be happy.

its a hypthetical.... besides that wasn't for you, now give conjur his beer back!

S'ok...I don't need a beer right now anyway...this new dieting thing and exercise.

Fausto needs it...maybe it will steady his hand when he takes pictures next time!
The picture of me on the track was taken by a friend. Clearly he was a bit excited at the sight of my awe-inspiring physique clad in spandex.....hence the shaky hands.

OH MY GOD! Fausto's harming me and making me have gay thoughts!



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: gordy

its a hypthetical.... besides that wasn't for you, now give conjur his beer back!

S'ok...I don't need a beer right now anyway...this new dieting thing and exercise.

Fausto needs it...maybe it will steady his hand when he takes pictures next time!
The picture of me on the track was taken by a friend. Clearly he was a bit excited at the sight of my awe-inspiring physique clad in spandex.....hence the shaky hands.

I stand corrected!   I most certainly offer my condolensces to your 'friend'  


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Encryptic
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: gordy
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: gordy
Originally posted by: conjur Happy now?

OMG, you still havent got it....

<huff> say it was a freakin vending machine, would you pluu the "Straight Child" lever or the "Gay Child" lever

gawd, i'm tired of it too, let's go grab a beer and call it a day... it's on me

Answer: neither. That's a loaded question. You put your half of the genetic equation for a child into the mix and you love whatever appears in your life. I don't care if the kid comes out gay or straight, I just want them to be happy.

its a hypthetical.... besides that wasn't for you, now give conjur his beer back!

S'ok...I don't need a beer right now anyway...this new dieting thing and exercise.

Fausto needs it...maybe it will steady his hand when he takes pictures next time!
The picture of me on the track was taken by a friend. Clearly he was a bit excited at the sight of my awe-inspiring physique clad in spandex.....hence the shaky hands.

OH MY GOD! Fausto's harming me and making me have gay thoughts!

Nah....that's just your natural genetic tendencies bubbling to the surface. Gordy promises to embrace them.



Platinum Member
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by: gordy
answer this conjur and djheater:

given a choice, would you have a homosexual child?

i'm expecting a yes or no answer, not an it depends..blah , blah blah into some long yarn..

until you answer that consider yourself pwned.

Given a choice? Hell no. Not only would I want grandkids, I wouldn't want my kids to have to put up with pinheads like you.

Since it seems likely we don't have a choice in knowing if they're gay or not, I would accept them if they were.

And if you even think about arguing about biological testing to see if they are, you're going to open up that whole can of worms known as eugenics. I'm not even going near that one

-- Jack

In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made Members of Congress.
-- Mark Twain


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: JohnCU
It's scary how many of you support gay marriages.

<--- used to southern people and their opinions and morals

Scary how many people are against gays.

How many gay people have you known in your life? I mean REALLY known... as a close friend. How much of the gay lifestyle have you seen with your own eyes and not through the pretty lens Bravo, Will and Grace, and the rest of Hollywood try to show it through?

Ever lived with a gay guy?
Ever seen West Hollywood's gay clubs?
Ever been hit on by a gay guy?
Ever seen two guys have sex?

I've been there, seen that, back when I was "open minded" and oblivious. After witnessing the lifestyle first hand, IMHO, "homosexuality" as practiced today is in the same boat as incest, and beastiality, but with more style and music you can dance to. The entire movement for gay marriage is an attempt to make deviant behavior culturally accepted. The trouble is, the down and dirty truth about the subculture is never fully exposed to the majority of the culture.

So maybe you should take your own advice and ST*U before labeling others.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Stark
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: JohnCU
It's scary how many of you support gay marriages.

<--- used to southern people and their opinions and morals

Scary how many people are against gays.

How many gay people have you known in your life? I mean REALLY known... as a close friend. How much of the gay lifestyle have you seen with your own eyes and not through the pretty lens Bravo, Will and Grace, and the rest of Hollywood try to show it through?

Ever lived with a gay guy?
Ever seen West Hollywood's gay clubs?
Ever been hit on by a gay guy?
Ever seen two guys have sex?

I've been there, seen that, back when I was "open minded" and oblivious. After witnessing the lifestyle first hand, IMHO, "homosexuality" as practiced today is in the same boat as incest, and beastiality, but with more style and music you can dance to. The entire movement for gay marriage is an attempt to make deviant behavior culturally accepted. The trouble is, the down and dirty truth about the subculture is never fully exposed to the majority of the culture.

So maybe you should take your own advice and ST*U before labeling others.

Hmm...I fail to see where I've done any labelling. Well, except to call out the closed-minded among us.

And, for your information, not every gay relationship involves some seedy lifestyle in a bathhouse in San Francisco. And, to appease your curiousity:

How many gay people have you known in your life? I mean REALLY known... as a close friend.

How much of the gay lifestyle have you seen with your own eyes and not through the pretty lens Bravo, Will and Grace, and the rest of Hollywood try to show it through?
I've only seen Will and Grace a couple of times and it's a completely ridiculous show.

Ever lived with a gay guy?
Had a gay roommate while on co-op in college

Ever seen West Hollywood's gay clubs?
Nope...what purpose would I have to be in them?

Ever been hit on by a gay guy?

Ever seen two guys have sex?


Platinum Member
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by: JohnCU
Why support something that is not natural? Not natural as in a religious thing, but from an evolutionary stand point. Humans are the way they are to reproduce...
Look around at the world we live in. We are a seething mass approaching 7 billion people. We have more people alive right now than the combined totals of, say, several centuries around the birth of Christ. We have AIDS and other epidemics running rampent. Single mothers, many on welfare with multiple kids, are common and accepted. Despite the technical ability to feed everyone we have now, hundreds of thousands starve to death each day. Walk down any downtown street and see the number of homeless and destitute out there. We can't even take care of the people we have now!

Can you honestly tell me that we need more people in this world? I'd be quite happy with gay marriage on the grounds of no surprise pregnancies.

-- Jack

Some people give their lives to Jesus. I rented mine to Cthulhu.
-- anon


Platinum Member
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Stark Answers posted by: Wuffsunie
Ever lived with a gay guy? Not moved out of the damned house yet
Ever seen West Hollywood's gay clubs? Never get around to that part of the country. Too fvcking far and I hate clubs in general.
Ever been hit on by a gay guy? Three times.
Ever seen two guys have sex? Not IRL. Same applies to straights.
You must go to some wild parties, man :wine:

I've been there, seen that, back when I was "open minded" and oblivious. After witnessing the lifestyle first hand, IMHO, "homosexuality" as practiced today is in the same boat as incest, and beastiality, but with more style and music you can dance to. The entire movement for gay marriage is an attempt to make deviant behavior culturally accepted. The trouble is, the down and dirty truth about the subculture is never fully exposed to the majority of the culture.
Wow, good for you. You didn't just scartch the surface, you went right to the underbelly from the sounds of it. Hey, at least you're not making unfounded judgements based solely on stereotypes.

The problem with pointing to the underbelly as your argument against anything is that it's just as easy for someone to do the reverse. Gays have those West Hollywood clubs you commented on, straights have their S&M parlors and Swinger Clubs. I can have a gay roommate who dosen't rub my face in the fact that he's gay by not acting like a total swish, or I can have a straight one that brings girls (potentially more than one) home on a regular basis and attempts to move his bed through the wall by pure rocking motion alone. Deviant behaviour exists in an subculture, it's just a matter of how far down you have to look to find it.

Oh, and as an aside, I still find it amusing that like only one other person commented on the fact that it's guys having sex we don't like. We'll line up and pay money if it's women.

-- Jack

Don't you just hate that stupid Titanic song? "Love can touch us once and last for a lifetime." That's not love, that's herpies.
-- Comedy Club 54

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Leave it to Republicans and repressed Christians to try and outlaw people loving each over and making a comitment to signify it.

I'm as much a Homophobe as your average straight guy ( emphasise on average) but I realize that is a fault, not something to be proud of. Of course that won't stop me from making fun of them. Of course it's all in good humor..for us who are straight!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
I have seen that happen too. I don't know where they learn to be gay or if they even to learn.

I base my beliefs on what I was taught growing up. I teach my children the same. It is not right or moral to be man on man or woman on woman. I know a lot of you on here are atheist or however you spell it. That is your right, it is also your right to believe what you want. I can't change your mind, mine can't be changed either, without complete and utter proof that it is not a choice.

Ok...you're opening up a bit. Tell more of how/what you were taught. Religious background? Closed-minded parents? See...fear (and ignorance) is a big driving factor. Fear (and ignorance) is what brought the concept of an almighty being (or beings) into existence. Fear (and ignorance) is what drives homophobes to their beliefs (Oh my god! He's gay! Stay away or you'll make me gay, too!) And I don't mean ignorance as in stupidity. I mean ignorance as in being uninformed or misinformed.

I've worked alongside people who are gay...even some people would call flamers. Not for ONE minute did I EVER think of 'becoming' gay. Either you're born pre-disposed to it or you're not. Or, maybe, in a rare case, some traumatic event affects a person and they become gay.

Religious background = yes
Close-minded parents = yes

I just can't see how you are born gay. I have never seen a gay 5 year old, have you? I think most times something at home drives them to this lifestyle, be it a mother or father doing things to them.

I am not saying working beside someone will make you gay. I am saying that if they continue to give gays more and more rights, it will affect/effect children and how they view things.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO

Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
I have seen that happen too. I don't know where they learn to be gay or if they even to learn.

I base my beliefs on what I was taught growing up. I teach my children the same. It is not right or moral to be man on man or woman on woman. I know a lot of you on here are atheist or however you spell it. That is your right, it is also your right to believe what you want. I can't change your mind, mine can't be changed either, without complete and utter proof that it is not a choice.

Ok...you're opening up a bit. Tell more of how/what you were taught. Religious background? Closed-minded parents? See...fear (and ignorance) is a big driving factor. Fear (and ignorance) is what brought the concept of an almighty being (or beings) into existence. Fear (and ignorance) is what drives homophobes to their beliefs (Oh my god! He's gay! Stay away or you'll make me gay, too!) And I don't mean ignorance as in stupidity. I mean ignorance as in being uninformed or misinformed.

I've worked alongside people who are gay...even some people would call flamers. Not for ONE minute did I EVER think of 'becoming' gay. Either you're born pre-disposed to it or you're not. Or, maybe, in a rare case, some traumatic event affects a person and they become gay.

Religious background = yes
Close-minded parents = yes

I just can't see how you are born gay. I have never seen a gay 5 year old, have you? I think most times something at home drives them to this lifestyle, be it a mother or father doing things to them.

I am not saying working beside someone will make you gay. I am saying that if they continue to give gays more and more rights, it will affect/effect children and how they view things.
As far as seeing a gay 5 year old .. no not really. But outside of Alalbama or West Virgini how many 5 year olds are faced with sexual issues?



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
As far as seeing a gay 5 year old .. no not really. But outside of Alalbama or West Virgini how many 5 year olds are faced with sexual issues?

God, you are rude!

Guess that is why we love you!

Wait I just said that to a guy


Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO

Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
I have seen that happen too. I don't know where they learn to be gay or if they even to learn.

I base my beliefs on what I was taught growing up. I teach my children the same. It is not right or moral to be man on man or woman on woman. I know a lot of you on here are atheist or however you spell it. That is your right, it is also your right to believe what you want. I can't change your mind, mine can't be changed either, without complete and utter proof that it is not a choice.

Ok...you're opening up a bit. Tell more of how/what you were taught. Religious background? Closed-minded parents? See...fear (and ignorance) is a big driving factor. Fear (and ignorance) is what brought the concept of an almighty being (or beings) into existence. Fear (and ignorance) is what drives homophobes to their beliefs (Oh my god! He's gay! Stay away or you'll make me gay, too!) And I don't mean ignorance as in stupidity. I mean ignorance as in being uninformed or misinformed.

I've worked alongside people who are gay...even some people would call flamers. Not for ONE minute did I EVER think of 'becoming' gay. Either you're born pre-disposed to it or you're not. Or, maybe, in a rare case, some traumatic event affects a person and they become gay.

Religious background = yes
Close-minded parents = yes

I just can't see how you are born gay. I have never seen a gay 5 year old, have you? I think most times something at home drives them to this lifestyle, be it a mother or father doing things to them.

I am not saying working beside someone will make you gay. I am saying that if they continue to give gays more and more rights, it will affect/effect children and how they view things.

How many 5 year olds do you know that even have a clue about sex yet? Most people don't even wake up to their sexuality for a few years yet, be it gay or straight. I also highly doubt that every gay person was influenced by their parents doing things to them. Yes, that may happen in some cases but if it happened the majority of the time, we'd hear a lot more about that, I think.

Giving gays more rights might actually influence children to form an intelligent opinion and not automatically persecute gays. I highly doubt its going to produce a nation of gay people that weren't gay to begin with.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I know I should have used an older age, you get the point though. How many 12 year olds do you know? What is the magic age of knowing you are gay?


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Show me which civilizatons have labeled it a "bad thing". In all my studies of history, the only religions that have labeled it as a negative thing were the big three monotheistic religions, and if you know anything about history you know that homosexuality was a rampant and socially-accepted practice from the Greeks up to Victorian society at the beginning of this century. It's only been in Protestant America that this has really caught this much flak.

Stark: I am still waiting for you or someone else who supports this action to reply to this.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
I know I should have used an older age, you get the point though. How many 12 year olds do you know? What is the magic age of knowing you are gay?

When's the magic age you realized you wanted to have sex with a girl? When you found your first scrotum hair?

It's a ridiculous question that could not possibly have a simple answer and you know it. It's different for each person.

I just love it when someone who's on the losing side of a debate starts resorting to ridiculous questions/statements to hide the fact they have nothing on which to fall back.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
oy vey

administration lawyers are looking for some way to legally limit marriage to heterosexuals.

Just what we need...more freakin' morality laws.

I don't conur with conjur. The 2 parent male-female family structure must be preserved.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Encryptic
Originally posted by: Quixfire
Originally posted by: Encryptic
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
The government has no business dealing with marriages at all. It's none of their business.

That's what I'm saying. If two people love each other and want to make the commitment of getting married and all that implies, then SO BE IT. Why is the government in charge of making this decision for us?
So if government dissolves marriages, then we could have more than one partner? We could leave our current partner with or without kids and pursue another without a legal recourse on our partner?s behalf?

Is this what you mean?

I don't support same sex marriage and that is my right, but I don't believe this should be a national policy or even a state policy.

No, you misread my post. What I'm saying is that the government shouldn't be in charge of saying whether two people can get married or not. The option of getting married should be valid for gay couples, just as it is for straight couples. To me, getting married is a commitment to one person that you love, as with my marriage to my wife. Why shouldn't gays have the right to make this commitment if they love one another?

I am not advocating the abolishment of marriage as an institution. If you got that impression, I'm afraid that's not what I was trying to convey.

Getting married = commitment between one male and one female whom love each other. If you're going to dillute the definition of marriage just to suit an increasing trend in sexual orientation then why not allow human/animal marriages. Or even human/property marriages.


Mar 25, 2001
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: Encryptic
Originally posted by: Quixfire
Originally posted by: Encryptic
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
The government has no business dealing with marriages at all. It's none of their business.

That's what I'm saying. If two people love each other and want to make the commitment of getting married and all that implies, then SO BE IT. Why is the government in charge of making this decision for us?
So if government dissolves marriages, then we could have more than one partner? We could leave our current partner with or without kids and pursue another without a legal recourse on our partner?s behalf?

Is this what you mean?

I don't support same sex marriage and that is my right, but I don't believe this should be a national policy or even a state policy.

No, you misread my post. What I'm saying is that the government shouldn't be in charge of saying whether two people can get married or not. The option of getting married should be valid for gay couples, just as it is for straight couples. To me, getting married is a commitment to one person that you love, as with my marriage to my wife. Why shouldn't gays have the right to make this commitment if they love one another?

I am not advocating the abolishment of marriage as an institution. If you got that impression, I'm afraid that's not what I was trying to convey.

Getting married = commitment between one male and one female whom love each other. If you're going to dillute the definition of marriage just to suit an increasing trend in sexual orientation then why not allow human/animal marriages. Or even human/property marriages.

If I want show my love to goats, who are you to tell me no? It's not like I choose to find goats attractive, I'm just born that way.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: Encryptic
Originally posted by: Quixfire
Originally posted by: Encryptic
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
The government has no business dealing with marriages at all. It's none of their business.

That's what I'm saying. If two people love each other and want to make the commitment of getting married and all that implies, then SO BE IT. Why is the government in charge of making this decision for us?
So if government dissolves marriages, then we could have more than one partner? We could leave our current partner with or without kids and pursue another without a legal recourse on our partner?s behalf?

Is this what you mean?

I don't support same sex marriage and that is my right, but I don't believe this should be a national policy or even a state policy.

No, you misread my post. What I'm saying is that the government shouldn't be in charge of saying whether two people can get married or not. The option of getting married should be valid for gay couples, just as it is for straight couples. To me, getting married is a commitment to one person that you love, as with my marriage to my wife. Why shouldn't gays have the right to make this commitment if they love one another?

I am not advocating the abolishment of marriage as an institution. If you got that impression, I'm afraid that's not what I was trying to convey.

Getting married = commitment between one male and one female whom love each other. If you're going to dillute the definition of marriage just to suit an increasing trend in sexual orientation then why not allow human/animal marriages. Or even human/property marriages.

Why? Because society and our government says so? Because the bible say so?




Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Clinton was the same way in terms of legislation. However no matter your personal views on the matter you have to ask yourself what is the point of this type of legislation? How does it serve the people of the United States?


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Encryptic

How many 5 year olds do you know that even have a clue about sex yet?

Wait a minute, I thought this marriage stuff was about love, not sex? :Q

Should two straight male friends be allowed to marry, because they have brotherly love for each other?

Marriage is a contractual union between two people of opposite sex, to solidify the household once kids come into the picture. Personally I think once there are kids, divorce should be illegal as well. Marriage is all about the kids - not some romantic fantasy and large weddings with expensive gowns, flowers, and jewelry. That is just a ceremony. Gay people can have all the ceremonies they want, I don't care.
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