Bush approves only of heterosexual marriage

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm asking you to either educate yourself about sexual practices throughout history, or sit down and shut up.

Okay. I am sitting down and I am shutting up, but I still think it is wrong. you know it is! It goes against nature, it is perverted and if it weren't why would people kill themselves over sexual orientation? They know they are in the wrong and know they won't be accepted by their families, so they puss out and kill themselves. Guess it doesn't matter to your kind though, I would venture to say you believe there is no God?


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
I'm asking you to either educate yourself about sexual practices throughout history, or sit down and shut up.

Okay. I am sitting down and I am shutting up, but I still think it is wrong. you know it is! It goes against nature, it is perverted and if it weren't why would people kill themselves over sexual orientation? They know they are in the wrong and know they won't be accepted by their families, so they puss out and kill themselves. Guess it doesn't matter to your kind though, I would venture to say you believe there is no God?

You're mistaking societal and peer pressure for what may be genuine shame perpetrated by a real disorder. People suffering from severe depression kill themselves over shame, because they know something is not right with their bodies and the way they are functioning. Homosexuals are ridiculed, taunted and discriminated against. When was the last time you heard of a depressed person getting beaten and tied to a wooden fence and left to die?

I find it interesting that you would so easily typify me as an athiest. Of course, all atheists are heathens. We know that. And of course everyone who believes in God (or G-d or Allah, or Buddha) is a moral person and they would never do anything that was against God's law. I am nowhere near an atheist, although I do flirt with nihilism from time to time.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
I'm asking you to either educate yourself about sexual practices throughout history, or sit down and shut up.

Okay. I am sitting down and I am shutting up, but I still think it is wrong. you know it is! It goes against nature, it is perverted and if it weren't why would people kill themselves over sexual orientation? They know they are in the wrong and know they won't be accepted by their families, so they puss out and kill themselves. Guess it doesn't matter to your kind though, I would venture to say you believe there is no God?
Hey if it doesn't involve yoou then why do you care? As far as I am concerned the Government needs to butt out of our personal lives.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
I'm asking you to either educate yourself about sexual practices throughout history, or sit down and shut up.

Okay. I am sitting down and I am shutting up, but I still think it is wrong. you know it is! It goes against nature, it is perverted and if it weren't why would people kill themselves over sexual orientation? They know they are in the wrong and know they won't be accepted by their families, so they puss out and kill themselves. Guess it doesn't matter to your kind though, I would venture to say you believe there is no God?

If by "our kind" you mean people with an open mind who weren't taught that the Bible was the only way to live and that, by golly, you better follow all of these man-made rules and don't eat meat for 8 hrs before you receive the body of Christ and go to confession every 48hrs and atone for saying a curse word and on and on and on...then, fine.

Otherwise, it's just your closed-minded ignorance showing through.

And, why would people kill themselves over sexual orientation? It's because of bigots like you who would persecute, demean, taunt, etc. someone because of their sexual preference. Of what business is it yours? Oh, the "I don't want my kids growing up seeing that kind of behaviour" defense. Mmmmhmmm...that goes over real well. Let's just hide our kids from what we fear and let them grow up in ignorance and foster intolerance. I suppose you wouldn't let your children play on the playground with kids of differing ethnic backgrounds lest they be corrupted?


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
I'm asking you to either educate yourself about sexual practices throughout history, or sit down and shut up.

Okay. I am sitting down and I am shutting up, but I still think it is wrong. you know it is! It goes against nature, it is perverted and if it weren't why would people kill themselves over sexual orientation? They know they are in the wrong and know they won't be accepted by their families, so they puss out and kill themselves. Guess it doesn't matter to your kind though, I would venture to say you believe there is no God?

How is homosexuality wrong or perverted? How does it go against nature?
A lot of people kill themselves who are not homosexuals.
Which god are you talking about Odin?

Man this is one of the most bigoted post I have read in a long time!

For my peace of mind, please tell me you do not vote.



Jan 23, 2001
I cannot believe the number of people who think they can just give gay people a "bestraight pill".

The funny thing is, these people usually belong to a certain religion with a certain famous quote that goes something like this: "Whatever you do to the least of my people, you do unto me". Yet, these retards can't even figure the quote out. It isn't like a damn puzzle or anything. If you cannot accept the least of his people, how can you accept him?

I must be one of the few people that subscribes to the acceptance clause.

Reading posts here is like watching one of those 'made for tv' saturday movies about some minorities plight through the dirty south. All the god fearing christians talking about how "that just ain't right".


Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Why doesn't Al Qaida send a suicide bomber to one of those Republican conferences to take out Bush and friends? Would be fun to watch that getting replayed over and over again on TV.

Chalk that quote up to the "101 things I never thought I'd hear from an established member".

Shrug, whether it's Bush, Bin Laden, The Pope or any other fundamentalistic d!ckhead, I'd like to see them all get slaughtered on live television. But then, I'm an established commie bastard, far to the left of Stalin.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Incest (good grief...grasping at straws, eh?) is not the issue here. Speeding (which as the potential to injure many) is not the issue here. Joint assisted suicide (which, imo, should not be illegal) is not the issue here. Drugs (which are drain on society and can be lethal to oneself and others) are not the issue here.

Behaviour/actions taken by consenting adults in their private lives which in no way affect anyone else in the world is what is at hand. It's closer to me saying that you can no longer have a BBQ in your backyard or that you can't have vanilla ice cream.

It IS the topic which I was addressing... that people think morals shouldn't be legislated. Understand? It's not a question of just this one issue, but a general position people take when someone ELSE's morals are at the root of an issue. THE POINT I'm trying to get people to understand is that almost all laws are legislated morality. Have I cracked through your cranium yet?

And as far as "consenting adults".... who are any of you to agree to THAT legislated piece of morality? All of you non-religious but none-the-less "holier than thou" people better get a grasp on the fact that you yourselves want morality legislated too.... you're just hypocritical about it because you call your morality common sense and other peoples' nonsense.

As to beastiality.... while I find it as repulsive as homosexual sex, I don't understand why all of you who are for homosexual marriage are against it. You throw out this "consenting adults" label as if it is some magic incantation that dissolves opposing arguments... but you NEVER carry it to its logical conclusion. So you say that although humans can slaughter for food, use riding crops on race horses, put shock-collars on dogs, train circus animals with whips and keep a myraid of animals in "jail" in zoos.... and yet you say it would be immoral for a man to have a loving relationship with a pig or goat or some other animal who is anatomically large enough to not be harmed by that man's amourous endevours. Please either explain your double standard as to the treatment of animals or admit that your stance is stupid.

Even if we stay with consenting adults.... why not incest or adult parent/offspring relationships? What is your reasoning for that? Surely it must be moral since the father and his adult son aren't hurting anyone, right? Or is it the grandfather and grand-daughter you object to? Either way, siblings, parent/child.... if they are all consenting adults then by your standards they should all be allowed to get married, right? If not, why?

Not even close. Homophobic is akin to bigot. Get it straight and then you'll understand.

You know... that has to be one of the DUMBEST misuses of a good word. It's amazing that it has become acceptable usage... then again, considering the level of person I find using it, maybe I shouldn't be quite so surprized.

If you can specifically show me something that proves George Washington or any of the Founding Fathers was specifically aimed at homosexuality being "wrong" or "immoral", then we'll talk.
Can you show me something from the founding fathers that is specifically aimed at beastiality? If you are going to use a rule for debate, use it consistantly. You could, OTOH, read the writings of these men and the come to understand that they thought that the morals of the Bible were true and to be adhered to... with that small amount of effort and a TINY amount of thinking, you could easily see that because the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, then so would the founding fathers. They didn't say anything about heroin either.... do you think they would want addiction accepted as a way of life?

BTW... WHY do you think that the founding fathers thought that the constitution would only work as a basis for the government of a religious and moral people? WHY do you think they believed that? Ever consider that fact that the Constitution DOES give huge freedoms, but if the society didn't keep themselves in check then the Constitution would only give license to licentius behaviour. THINK about what their motives were in making statement like that!

...homosexuality was a rampant and socially-accepted practice from the Greeks up to Victorian society at the beginning of this century.
Yeah... funny how those cultures have all died and become obscure, isn't it? Wonder if there's a correlation.

How do you people even read through all these nested quotes?
Personally... I don't. I think they are wasted bandwidth and make the thread much harder to read. I guess most people are too lazy to cut and paste only as needed.

Leave it to Republicans and repressed Christians to try and outlaw people loving each over and making a comitment to signify it.
Leave it to liberals to want everyone else to pay for those people's lifestyle through taxes and increased insurance premiums!

Giving gays more rights might actually influence children to form an intelligent opinion and not automatically persecute gays.
I haven't read a single post on here from anyone who's said that homosexuals should be persecuted. My children are taught not to harrass anyone or make fun of people who are different than they are. I would say that probably half of their friend are of skin that isn't white and it makes no difference to them or us (the parents). We DO NOT, however, teach them to believe that everything that people want to do is right. Man... people on here can't seem to get it into their heads that hating an action and hating a person are two TOTALLY different things. I've had friends who were drug addicts and I HATED their addiction, but I didn't hate THEM. I've had friends who've cheated on/divorced their wives and I've HATED those actions, but I didn't hate THEM. I've had friends who were homosexuals and I HATED that they engaged in Homosexual sex, but I didn't hate THEM. Do you people hate others because they do wrong in your eyes? If so, you must hate the entire world since there isn't a perfect person out there!

C'mon man use your brain. It is not possible to obtain consent from a goat or any other animal (same goes for children). These are straw man fallacies that get mentioned in just about every one of these threads and are as irrelevent today as they have been every other time someone brings them up. Seriously, find a better argument!
Why do you demand he use his brain when you appearently can't. See my animal arguement above. If it's too hard for you to understand then maybe you shouldn't embarrass yourself by posting about it.

I agree with you. Our government treats us like children. "You can't do this. You can't do that". Treat people like they're irresponsible and they'll live up to that standard. Treat people like they are capable of making good decisions on their own and watch what happens.
Oh PLEASE! How about people behave according to moral constraints and the government wouldn't have to make so many laws!

1) I DAMN sure don't want any laws enacted because 'the Bible says so'. That whole separation of church and state is a GOOD thing.
Ok... let's start with the 10 Commandments. Any laws based on them should go, right? Hmmm.... murder, theft......

There are just too many more stupid comments for me to address them all....

Even homosexuals are hypocrites when it comes to homosexuality. They say that it's genetic. Many also say that if they had a choice that they wouldn't be gay or wish it on anyone else. You know... I've seen that MILLIONS of dollars have been poured into organizations to try to further the gay agenda, but I've never seen a homosexual organization pouring money into genetic research to find out why people are born that way and find a way to fix it. If they REALLY hated being gay and didn't want anyone else to have to be, they'd spend money on research to eradicate it.... but they don't.... they spend money promoting it. Rather hypocritical, wouldn't you say?



Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Netopia
Incest (good grief...grasping at straws, eh?) is not the issue here. Speeding (which as the potential to injure many) is not the issue here. Joint assisted suicide (which, imo, should not be illegal) is not the issue here. Drugs (which are drain on society and can be lethal to oneself and others) are not the issue here.

Behaviour/actions taken by consenting adults in their private lives which in no way affect anyone else in the world is what is at hand. It's closer to me saying that you can no longer have a BBQ in your backyard or that you can't have vanilla ice cream.

It IS the topic which I was addressing... that people think morals shouldn't be legislated. Understand? It's not a question of just this one issue, but a general position people take when someone ELSE's morals are at the root of an issue. THE POINT I'm trying to get people to understand is that almost all laws are legislated morality. Have I cracked through your cranium yet?

And as far as "consenting adults".... who are any of you to agree to THAT legislated piece of morality? All of you non-religious but none-the-less "holier than thou" people better get a grasp on the fact that you yourselves want morality legislated too.... you're just hypocritical about it because you call your morality common sense and other peoples' nonsense.

As to beastiality.... while I find it as repulsive as homosexual sex, I don't understand why all of you who are for homosexual marriage are against it. You throw out this "consenting adults" label as if it is some magic incantation that dissolves opposing arguments... but you NEVER carry it to its logical conclusion. So you say that although humans can slaughter for food, use riding crops on race horses, put shock-collars on dogs, train circus animals with whips and keep a myraid of animals in "jail" in zoos.... and yet you say it would be immoral for a man to have a loving relationship with a pig or goat or some other animal who is anatomically large enough to not be harmed by that man's amourous endevours. Please either explain your double standard as to the treatment of animals or admit that your stance is stupid.

Even if we stay with consenting adults.... why not incest or adult parent/offspring relationships? What is your reasoning for that? Surely it must be moral since the father and his adult son aren't hurting anyone, right? Or is it the grandfather and grand-daughter you object to? Either way, siblings, parent/child.... if they are all consenting adults then by your standards they should all be allowed to get married, right? If not, why?

Not even close. Homophobic is akin to bigot. Get it straight and then you'll understand.

You know... that has to be one of the DUMBEST misuses of a good word. It's amazing that it has become acceptable usage... then again, considering the level of person I find using it, maybe I shouldn't be quite so surprized.

If you can specifically show me something that proves George Washington or any of the Founding Fathers was specifically aimed at homosexuality being "wrong" or "immoral", then we'll talk.
Can you show me something from the founding fathers that is specifically aimed at beastiality? If you are going to use a rule for debate, use it consistantly. You could, OTOH, read the writings of these men and the come to understand that they thought that the morals of the Bible were true and to be adhered to... with that small amount of effort and a TINY amount of thinking, you could easily see that because the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, then so would the founding fathers. They didn't say anything about heroin either.... do you think they would want addiction accepted as a way of life?

BTW... WHY do you think that the founding fathers thought that the constitution would only work as a basis for the government of a religious and moral people? WHY do you think they believed that? Ever consider that fact that the Constitution DOES give huge freedoms, but if the society didn't keep themselves in check then the Constitution would only give license to licentius behaviour. THINK about what their motives were in making statement like that!

...homosexuality was a rampant and socially-accepted practice from the Greeks up to Victorian society at the beginning of this century.
Yeah... funny how those cultures have all died and become obscure, isn't it? Wonder if there's a correlation.

How do you people even read through all these nested quotes?
Personally... I don't. I think they are wasted bandwidth and make the thread much harder to read. I guess most people are too lazy to cut and paste only as needed.

Leave it to Republicans and repressed Christians to try and outlaw people loving each over and making a comitment to signify it.
Leave it to liberals to want everyone else to pay for those people's lifestyle through taxes and increased insurance premiums!

Giving gays more rights might actually influence children to form an intelligent opinion and not automatically persecute gays.
I haven't read a single post on here from anyone who's said that homosexuals should be persecuted. My children are taught not to harrass anyone or make fun of people who are different than they are. I would say that probably half of their friend are of skin that isn't white and it makes no difference to them or us (the parents). We DO NOT, however, teach them to believe that everything that people want to do is right. Man... people on here can't seem to get it into their heads that hating an action and hating a person are two TOTALLY different things. I've had friends who were drug addicts and I HATED their addiction, but I didn't hate THEM. I've had friends who've cheated on/divorced their wives and I've HATED those actions, but I didn't hate THEM. I've had friends who were homosexuals and I HATED that they engaged in Homosexual sex, but I didn't hate THEM. Do you people hate others because they do wrong in your eyes? If so, you must hate the entire world since there isn't a perfect person out there!

C'mon man use your brain. It is not possible to obtain consent from a goat or any other animal (same goes for children). These are straw man fallacies that get mentioned in just about every one of these threads and are as irrelevent today as they have been every other time someone brings them up. Seriously, find a better argument!
Why do you demand he use his brain when you appearently can't. See my animal arguement above. If it's too hard for you to understand then maybe you shouldn't embarrass yourself by posting about it.

I agree with you. Our government treats us like children. "You can't do this. You can't do that". Treat people like they're irresponsible and they'll live up to that standard. Treat people like they are capable of making good decisions on their own and watch what happens.
Oh PLEASE! How about people behave according to moral constraints and the government wouldn't have to make so many laws!

1) I DAMN sure don't want any laws enacted because 'the Bible says so'. That whole separation of church and state is a GOOD thing.
Ok... let's start with the 10 Commandments. Any laws based on them should go, right? Hmmm.... murder, theft......

There are just too many more stupid comments for me to address them all....

Even homosexuals are hypocrites when it comes to homosexuality. They say that it's genetic. Many also say that if they had a choice that they wouldn't be gay or wish it on anyone else. You know... I've seen that MILLIONS of dollars have been poured into organizations to try to further the gay agenda, but I've never seen a homosexual organization pouring money into genetic research to find out why people are born that way and find a way to fix it. If they REALLY hated being gay and didn't want anyone else to have to be, they'd spend money on research to eradicate it.... but they don't.... they spend money promoting it. Rather hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

Joe, no offense but practice your morality among your friends and family and do not try and push it on others who dismiss your religion as intrusive Mythology.



Golden Member
Aug 13, 2002
Good, Ive seen enough of these fags kissing in public and i dont want to see there names under the recent marrages in the paper.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: computerboy2k1
Good, Ive seen enough of these fags kissing in public and i dont want to see there names under the recent marrages in the paper.
What's it too you Bumble beloved patriot?



Golden Member
Mar 27, 2001
Joe, Netopia, got it.

The point here, again, is not gay bashing. It's about government's role in legislating morality. Why do you allow government legislating certain moral issues but not others?

I still haven't not seen an answer to why people have no problem with law against polygamy?


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: computerboy2k1
Good, Ive seen enough of these fags kissing in public and i dont want to see there names under the recent marrages in the paper.
Nothing like a good gay thread to flush out the idiots.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Joe, no offense but practice your morality among your friends and family and do not try and push it on others who dismiss your religion as intrusive Mythology.

Red, where is the line drawn? Is morality only acceptable if it ISN'T based on religion? Or is all morality only an individual choice... in which case society quickly breaks down into anarchy. We have to have laws and typically those laws are based on someone's morals. So why do you single out religous people's morals?



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
You know now that I think about it, why do I care? It does not affect me personally, I teach my children the best I know how. You can love the person and hate the sin. I guess I have been looking at it all wrong, as long as they don't approach me or my family and attempt to persuade our beliefs, they can do what they will. It is their God given right to choose, be it right or wrong, and who I am to decide which it is?


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Netopia
...homosexuality was a rampant and socially-accepted practice from the Greeks up to Victorian society at the beginning of this century.
Yeah... funny how those cultures have all died and become obscure, isn't it? Wonder if there's a correlation.

Your logic has no basis, and is irrelevent. Either provide a real response, or don't waste my time.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Netopia
Incest (good grief...grasping at straws, eh?) is not the issue here. Speeding (which as the potential to injure many) is not the issue here. Joint assisted suicide (which, imo, should not be illegal) is not the issue here. Drugs (which are drain on society and can be lethal to oneself and others) are not the issue here.

Behaviour/actions taken by consenting adults in their private lives which in no way affect anyone else in the world is what is at hand. It's closer to me saying that you can no longer have a BBQ in your backyard or that you can't have vanilla ice cream.

It IS the topic which I was addressing... that people think morals shouldn't be legislated. Understand? It's not a question of just this one issue, but a general position people take when someone ELSE's morals are at the root of an issue. THE POINT I'm trying to get people to understand is that almost all laws are legislated morality. Have I cracked through your cranium yet?

And as far as "consenting adults".... who are any of you to agree to THAT legislated piece of morality? All of you non-religious but none-the-less "holier than thou" people better get a grasp on the fact that you yourselves want morality legislated too.... you're just hypocritical about it because you call your morality common sense and other peoples' nonsense.

As to beastiality.... while I find it as repulsive as homosexual sex, I don't understand why all of you who are for homosexual marriage are against it. You throw out this "consenting adults" label as if it is some magic incantation that dissolves opposing arguments... but you NEVER carry it to its logical conclusion. So you say that although humans can slaughter for food, use riding crops on race horses, put shock-collars on dogs, train circus animals with whips and keep a myraid of animals in "jail" in zoos.... and yet you say it would be immoral for a man to have a loving relationship with a pig or goat or some other animal who is anatomically large enough to not be harmed by that man's amourous endevours. Please either explain your double standard as to the treatment of animals or admit that your stance is stupid.

Even if we stay with consenting adults.... why not incest or adult parent/offspring relationships? What is your reasoning for that? Surely it must be moral since the father and his adult son aren't hurting anyone, right? Or is it the grandfather and grand-daughter you object to? Either way, siblings, parent/child.... if they are all consenting adults then by your standards they should all be allowed to get married, right? If not, why?

Not even close. Homophobic is akin to bigot. Get it straight and then you'll understand.

You know... that has to be one of the DUMBEST misuses of a good word. It's amazing that it has become acceptable usage... then again, considering the level of person I find using it, maybe I shouldn't be quite so surprized.

If you can specifically show me something that proves George Washington or any of the Founding Fathers was specifically aimed at homosexuality being "wrong" or "immoral", then we'll talk.
Can you show me something from the founding fathers that is specifically aimed at beastiality? If you are going to use a rule for debate, use it consistantly. You could, OTOH, read the writings of these men and the come to understand that they thought that the morals of the Bible were true and to be adhered to... with that small amount of effort and a TINY amount of thinking, you could easily see that because the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, then so would the founding fathers. They didn't say anything about heroin either.... do you think they would want addiction accepted as a way of life?

BTW... WHY do you think that the founding fathers thought that the constitution would only work as a basis for the government of a religious and moral people? WHY do you think they believed that? Ever consider that fact that the Constitution DOES give huge freedoms, but if the society didn't keep themselves in check then the Constitution would only give license to licentius behaviour. THINK about what their motives were in making statement like that!

...homosexuality was a rampant and socially-accepted practice from the Greeks up to Victorian society at the beginning of this century.
Yeah... funny how those cultures have all died and become obscure, isn't it? Wonder if there's a correlation.

How do you people even read through all these nested quotes?
Personally... I don't. I think they are wasted bandwidth and make the thread much harder to read. I guess most people are too lazy to cut and paste only as needed.

Leave it to Republicans and repressed Christians to try and outlaw people loving each over and making a comitment to signify it.
Leave it to liberals to want everyone else to pay for those people's lifestyle through taxes and increased insurance premiums!

Giving gays more rights might actually influence children to form an intelligent opinion and not automatically persecute gays.
I haven't read a single post on here from anyone who's said that homosexuals should be persecuted. My children are taught not to harrass anyone or make fun of people who are different than they are. I would say that probably half of their friend are of skin that isn't white and it makes no difference to them or us (the parents). We DO NOT, however, teach them to believe that everything that people want to do is right. Man... people on here can't seem to get it into their heads that hating an action and hating a person are two TOTALLY different things. I've had friends who were drug addicts and I HATED their addiction, but I didn't hate THEM. I've had friends who've cheated on/divorced their wives and I've HATED those actions, but I didn't hate THEM. I've had friends who were homosexuals and I HATED that they engaged in Homosexual sex, but I didn't hate THEM. Do you people hate others because they do wrong in your eyes? If so, you must hate the entire world since there isn't a perfect person out there!

C'mon man use your brain. It is not possible to obtain consent from a goat or any other animal (same goes for children). These are straw man fallacies that get mentioned in just about every one of these threads and are as irrelevent today as they have been every other time someone brings them up. Seriously, find a better argument!
Why do you demand he use his brain when you appearently can't. See my animal arguement above. If it's too hard for you to understand then maybe you shouldn't embarrass yourself by posting about it.

I agree with you. Our government treats us like children. "You can't do this. You can't do that". Treat people like they're irresponsible and they'll live up to that standard. Treat people like they are capable of making good decisions on their own and watch what happens.
Oh PLEASE! How about people behave according to moral constraints and the government wouldn't have to make so many laws!

1) I DAMN sure don't want any laws enacted because 'the Bible says so'. That whole separation of church and state is a GOOD thing.
Ok... let's start with the 10 Commandments. Any laws based on them should go, right? Hmmm.... murder, theft......

There are just too many more stupid comments for me to address them all....

Even homosexuals are hypocrites when it comes to homosexuality. They say that it's genetic. Many also say that if they had a choice that they wouldn't be gay or wish it on anyone else. You know... I've seen that MILLIONS of dollars have been poured into organizations to try to further the gay agenda, but I've never seen a homosexual organization pouring money into genetic research to find out why people are born that way and find a way to fix it. If they REALLY hated being gay and didn't want anyone else to have to be, they'd spend money on research to eradicate it.... but they don't.... they spend money promoting it. Rather hypocritical, wouldn't you say?


Get off your soapbox already, for fvck's sake. Why do you care what your gay friends do behind closed doors if they're consenting to it? It's none of your business in the first place. Do you harass them for having gay sex because you "hate" it? Give me a break. If they're consenting to it, then let it be.

The Bible also promoted polygamy, among other things. Do you support that since it was in the Bible? I guess the Founding Fathers forgot to write that into our Constitution. A lot of things did not exist in their time, nor were they able to anticipate everything that would come up in the future. The Constitution is important, but it can't be used as an example for every situation. It can be interpreted in so many ways, as can the Bible.

Again, religion does not have any monopoly on good behavior. You seem to conveniently ignore that. As the Bible says "Let he who is without blemish cast the first stone." Looking to religion for some kind of standard to base "good" behavior on is going to get you nowhere.

Your point about the Greeks and other cultures dying out is stupid. They died out because of PROGRESS. Wars broke out, technology advanced, people came up with new ideas, a lot of different factors played a part. Trying to pin it on homosexuality is ridiculous.

We're not talking about animals here. We're talking about HUMANS capable of giving consent. Slaughtering animals for food helps us survive. Putting animals in zoos gives people a chance to see animals they wouldn't otherwise have a chance to see. On the other hand, animals have been given certain rights to be treated humanely in most situations, and I don't believe bestiality falls into that category. For the record, I'm against hunting/dogfighting/etc., so don't try throwing that in my face as an example of "inhumane" behavior. Bestiality doesn't serve much of a purpose, since it doesn't help feed us or educate us or anything of the sort.

I'm deeply surprised to hear that you supposedly teach your children to be so accepting. You teach your children to hate what other people do behind closed doors too? Do you keep your "gay" friends away from them because they might make your children gay?

So who have you heard say that they wished they weren't gay? Your supposed gay friends? They're probably telling you what you want to hear or you're hearing what you want to hear, not what they really meant. Why are there "gay pride" organizations if most of them wish they weren't gay? Why are so many of them lobbying for gay rights? The fact is, your argument doesn't hold water.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Netopia
Joe, no offense but practice your morality among your friends and family and do not try and push it on others who dismiss your religion as intrusive Mythology.

Red, where is the line drawn? Is morality only acceptable if it ISN'T based on religion? Or is all morality only an individual choice... in which case society quickly breaks down into anarchy. We have to have laws and typically those laws are based on someone's morals. So why do you single out religous people's morals?


Because religion has no business being mixed with law. If religion had its way with our laws and government, we'd probably be plunged into a 21st century version of the Inquisition. As I've pointed out NUMEROUS TIMES already, religion is NOT any kind of standard to base good behavior on.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The Bible also promoted polygamy, among other things.
Show me. I find nowhere in the Bible where GOD promotes polygamy.

Your point about the Greeks and other cultures dying out is stupid.
Agreed. So is the fact that some people actually took it as a serious and not a sarcastic statement.

On the other hand, animals have been given certain rights to be treated humanely in most situations, and I don't believe bestiality falls into that category.
So, you are admitting that since you BELIEVE something is wrong then it should be outlawed on the basis of what YOU believe to be moral?

Why are there "gay pride" organizations if most of them wish they weren't gay? Why are so many of them lobbying for gay rights?
My question exactly!

As I've pointed out NUMEROUS TIMES already, religion is NOT any kind of standard to base good behavior on.
IN YOUR OPINION! But if someone is religious and thinks the opposite, why is it that you think their viewpoint should have no weight and yours should? Are you a theophobe or something?



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Netopia, it's sad to see you of all people having oppinions like these.
I've known for a long long time that you're deeply religious, but I've always thought of you as a very enlightened person, I guess I was wrong all along.

I won't bother discussing this issue much, seeing as noone will change, but to me, people who shun homosexuals and their right, as many religious people seem to do, are no better than <insert favourite fascist group here>.

And frankly, anyone who can't tell the difference between murder, rape, etc and homosexual relationships, is a moron.
And no, Im not a homosexual, I do know a lesbian chick though, she's an absolutely awesome chick, nice, funny, well behaved, etc etc, why in the whole fscking world would I ever wanna deny her the right to marry another chick?
If any of you homophobe assholes came up to her and started rambling about that crap I'd knock your dumb ass down, I don't care much fascists.

The United States of America, the land of freedom indeed


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Netopia
Your point about the Greeks and other cultures dying out is stupid.
Agreed. So is the fact that some people actually took it as a serious and sarcastic statement.

My apologies, I am extraordinarily tired and I took the statement for more than it was intended.

I think there may be some misunderstands here (philosophical, of course) about the difference between a marriage and a covenant.

The term covenant as described by a Christian (or a Jew or a Muslim) is the terms of the marriage vow - to honor one another, sickness and in health, till death do us part - it is a covenant between two people and God. I do not know my own philosophical leanings on this.

The term marriage as we use it today is a legal term - it indicates a legal union between a man and a woman, allows them to pool their assets and recieve certain tax benefits, and so forth. This is a secularized idea of a "covenant", but nowhere near the Christian/Jewish/Muslim ideal.

Just thought I'd add fuel to the fire.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey Sunner, how's it going?

I don't think that anyone is directly equating homosexuality with murder or rape, but more generally saying that laws against immorality are laws against immorality regardless of what the object of the law is.

And no, Im not a homosexual, I do know a lesbian chick though, she's an absolutely awesome chick, nice, funny, well behaved, etc etc, why in the whole fscking world would I ever wanna deny her the right to marry another chick?
It looks like you wouldn't, and that is your priviledge to feel that way.... even if it goes AGAINST my morals and what I beleive to be right and correct societal behaviour. You have a right to believe it, so preach it and to vote any way you like if the issue comes to a vote. Why is it that the other side (yours) cannot understand that we too have a right to do all of those things as Americans?



Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
You know now that I think about it, why do I care? It does not affect me personally, I teach my children the best I know how. You can love the person and hate the sin. I guess I have been looking at it all wrong, as long as they don't approach me or my family and attempt to persuade our beliefs, they can do what they will. It is their God given right to choose, be it right or wrong, and who I am to decide which it is?

It took 6 pages but you almost got a clue. *claps*

The first step to acceptance is realizing that it does not affect you. The next step would be to stop looking at it as a sin or a wrong choice and more of simply a different choice than you would have picked. If someone always knows that you feel the choices they made in their life are "wrong" then they will never feel comfortable around you.
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