Bush catching holy hell


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2003
I have to say this. And finally, the press is waking up to the bs Bush admin. They are giving Bush hell. FEMA did not respond as they should, why? Because (if you listened to Al Franken show, you would have known this long ago) Bush appointed a "buddy" to head FEMA (Director Michael Brown). This guy had zilch, nada, ZERO qualifications to head FEMA. He was Bush's buddy, and THATS how and the only way he got the job. So now, real disaster happens, and the head of FEMA is clueless, with his head up his ass. And so the nightmare begins.

I want to see Bush supporters defend their guy. Just try!

PS. btw, now IS the time to turn up the heat. Not later, but NOW!


Aug 24, 2004
i was agreeing with what you said until I read the part about Al Franken .... bleh ,.....

i want to throw up now ....

you're just as much a ditto head as the Rush listeners. you're probably worse since you deny it


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2004
Originally posted by: randym431
I have to say this. And finally, the press is waking up to the bs Bush admin. They are giving Bush hell. FEMA did not respond as they should, why? Because (if you listened to Al Franken show, you would have known this long ago) Bush appointed a "buddy" to head FEMA (Director Michael Brown). This guy had zilch, nada, ZERO qualifications to head FEMA. He was Bush's buddy, and THATS how and the only way he got the job. So now, real disaster happens, and the head of FEMA is clueless, with his head up his ass. And so the nightmare begins.

I want to see Bush supporters defend their guy. Just try!

PS. btw, now IS the time to turn up the heat. Not later, but NOW!

I wish you were as concerned about getting the people out as you are bashing Bush. Plenty of time to point fingers...oh yea, I bet if your man would of made it to the White House nobody would of died...gesh....so narrow minded...


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: drifter106
Originally posted by: randym431
I have to say this. And finally, the press is waking up to the bs Bush admin. They are giving Bush hell. FEMA did not respond as they should, why? Because (if you listened to Al Franken show, you would have known this long ago) Bush appointed a "buddy" to head FEMA (Director Michael Brown). This guy had zilch, nada, ZERO qualifications to head FEMA. He was Bush's buddy, and THATS how and the only way he got the job. So now, real disaster happens, and the head of FEMA is clueless, with his head up his ass. And so the nightmare begins.

I want to see Bush supporters defend their guy. Just try!

PS. btw, now IS the time to turn up the heat. Not later, but NOW!

I wish you were as concerned about getting the people out as you are bashing Bush. Plenty of time to point fingers...oh yea, I bet if your man would of made it to the White House nobody would of died...gesh....so narrow minded...

If "our guy" made it to the Whitehouse, we wouldn't have Arabian horse enthusiast Michael Brown planning and organizing the emergency management for the United States. What does managing a equine association have to do with federal disaster planning and relief?

Keep those B.A.A. pins polished and displayed proudly guys, it really shows.


Aug 31, 2005

FEMA or no FEMA, the responsibility for New Orleans rescue and evacuation lies with the national guard under control of Governor Blanco of Louisiana.

FEMA is the federal governments way of trying to help. But they can't command troops or police or civilians to do anything. Military-style operations are at the moment unltimately controlled by Governor Blanco. Gen Honore doesn't answer to Bush. He answers to the Governor.

People seem to have this stupid idea that Bush can just send in the Army and take care of business. But he is not permitted to do that. It is actually illegal.



Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2002
Originally posted by: mc6809e

FEMA or no FEMA, the responsibility for New Orleans rescue and evacuation lies with the national guard under control of Governor Blanco of Louisiana.

FEMA is the federal governments way of trying to help. But they can't command troops or police or civilians to do anything. Military-style operations are at the moment unltimately controlled by Governor Blanco. Gen Honore doesn't answer to Bush. He answers to the Governor.

People seem to have this stupid idea that Bush can just send in the Army and take care of business. But he is not permitted to do that. It is actually illegal.

You go into a store. A cashier makes a misktake. You talk to him. He does nothing. He doesn't listen. Then who do you talk to? Who is there to solve the problem? Yes, you ask for the manager, because the manager has power to make changes. A manager isn't there to help you in the first place but if sh1t hit the ceiling, a manager is there to fix it. If
But, what kind of manager and his people do we have here? What has he done so far?

Throughout his years, he claimed that he's the one who can protect America. He claimed he's the man who can keep America safe from disasters. We've seen how he can be aggresive when it comes to invaing a country. We've seen his impressive works creating a war based on a lie. We've seen him/his people lying.
Are you saying he can't just send army? Are you saying he's not permitted to do so? Are you saying it's just illegal? Did you ask that question when he was creating a war?
He created the war by lying and breaking an international law. And now you're saying it's illegal for him to help your people dying?

P.S: Stop lying to yourself. Do you really still trust this man? Do you really trust he can keep America safe? Do you think he's doing his best in this situation? Does he meet your expectation, or is your expectation too low that it doens't matter?
Just for a minute, think of Bush as someone else and rate him. What kind of rating can you give him? Do you really think Bush is the man who can lead America in times of crisis? I don't think so. He's good at making a mess but not good at fixing it.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
People seem to have this stupid idea that Bush can just send in the Army and take care of business. But he is not permitted to do that. It is actually illegal.

LMAO like that's ever stopped Bush before.

FYI the Posse Comitatus act was replealed under Clinton.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003

It (The PCA) is to my knowledge still in effect, though in 1992, emergency situations after the Rodney King incident forced the President's hand to declare civil unrest, which then allowed for the use of troops. If yo have other info, please share it.

The PCA has been reviewed and tested numerous times by the courts. The military is it's strongest supporter. Soldiers are sorry law enforcement troops. It is like using a hammer to give a massage.


Dec 12, 2003
Originally posted by: mc6809e

FEMA or no FEMA, the responsibility for New Orleans rescue and evacuation lies with the national guard under control of Governor Blanco of Louisiana.

FEMA is the federal governments way of trying to help. But they can't command troops or police or civilians to do anything. Military-style operations are at the moment unltimately controlled by Governor Blanco. Gen Honore doesn't answer to Bush. He answers to the Governor.

People seem to have this stupid idea that Bush can just send in the Army and take care of business. But he is not permitted to do that. It is actually illegal.

OK what about the people in New Orleans dying of thirst and beginning to starve? Or is that not up to FEMA either? What about it taking FIVE fvcking days for the Feds to even react? What about the head of FEMA stating they didn't even KNOW a bad storm was coming (apparently this ahole is too interested in his Arabian horses to watch the Weather Channel!) What about the Feds watching New Orleans twist in the wind day after day before even beginning to lift a finger? You should be embarrassed for this country.
Bush deserves the criticism and no amount of deflection is going to change that.

"No One Can Say they Didn't See it Coming"

In 2001, FEMA warned that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S. But the Bush administration cut New Orleans flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war.

A year ago the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed to study how New Orleans could be protected from a catastrophic hurricane, but the Bush administration ordered that the research not be undertaken.


Aug 31, 2005
We've seen how he can be aggresive when it comes to invaing a country. We've seen his impressive works creating a war based on a lie. We've seen him/his people lying.
Are you saying he can't just send army? Are you saying he's not permitted to do so? Are you saying it's just illegal? Did you ask that question when he was creating a war?
He created the war by lying and breaking an international law. And now you're saying it's illegal for him to help your people dying?

Congress gave the President authority to use the military to invade Iraq. They diid not give him the authority to use the military domestically for any purpose.

Yes. There are laws that prevent the use of the military for any purpose not specifically granted by the constitution or act of congress.

As much power as you think the president has, he isn't a dictator. He can't just yell "emergency!" and send troops into a state.

Without the approval on congress, he could never had gone into Iraq.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: randym431
I have to say this. And finally, the press is waking up to the bs Bush admin. They are giving Bush hell. FEMA did not respond as they should, why? Because (if you listened to Al Franken show, you would have known this long ago) Bush appointed a "buddy" to head FEMA (Director Michael Brown). This guy had zilch, nada, ZERO qualifications to head FEMA. He was Bush's buddy, and THATS how and the only way he got the job. So now, real disaster happens, and the head of FEMA is clueless, with his head up his ass. And so the nightmare begins.

I want to see Bush supporters defend their guy. Just try!

PS. btw, now IS the time to turn up the heat. Not later, but NOW!

Just why would you think the Mayor and Governor aren't being critized? When they come up, the response is "This is no time to lay blame, but to save people". When Bush comes up, it's always an exercise in imagination to bring the most unlikely way he screwed up last. Note the Bush for CJ thread.



Dec 12, 2003
The secretary to whom Broussard referred, Michael Chertoff of the Department of Homeland Security, on Sunday rejected criticism of his agency's work.

"This was not just a hurricane; it was a hurricane that was followed by a flood," Chertoff told CNN's "Late Edition."

The scenario for this storm was known for YEARS, MISTER ARABIAN HORSE LOVER!



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Lucifer

Not only can they not face the reality that Bush saved thousands of lives before and after the storm, they can't deal with the reality that the mayor and governor have been useless in this emergency. They have mismanaged everything they touched and get zero criticism from the left and a lot of the right. They are also having a lot of trouble dealing with the need for guns to bring the situation under control in New Orleans. Some of the left even criticized the troops entering the area with guns at port arms. You even see the "Oh, my God! They have guns" commentary on this forum.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: randym431
I have to say this. And finally, the press is waking up to the bs Bush admin. They are giving Bush hell. FEMA did not respond as they should, why? Because (if you listened to Al Franken show, you would have known this long ago) Bush appointed a "buddy" to head FEMA (Director Michael Brown). This guy had zilch, nada, ZERO qualifications to head FEMA. He was Bush's buddy, and THATS how and the only way he got the job. So now, real disaster happens, and the head of FEMA is clueless, with his head up his ass. And so the nightmare begins.

I want to see Bush supporters defend their guy. Just try!

PS. btw, now IS the time to turn up the heat. Not later, but NOW!

How come when it comes to criticizing the local Democrat administration, you lefties want to stop the partisan bickering, but when it comes to anything Bush does, it is open season? Defend that! To further debunk your post, Clinton became President with no prior experience and you libs just loved him. Nixon became President with the most experience as Vicr President in history and you hated his performance. Experience has what to do with anything?


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: mc6809e

FEMA or no FEMA, the responsibility for New Orleans rescue and evacuation lies with the national guard under control of Governor Blanco of Louisiana.

FEMA is the federal governments way of trying to help. But they can't command troops or police or civilians to do anything. Military-style operations are at the moment unltimately controlled by Governor Blanco. Gen Honore doesn't answer to Bush. He answers to the Governor.

People seem to have this stupid idea that Bush can just send in the Army and take care of business. But he is not permitted to do that. It is actually illegal.

Confused! Are you a liberal trying to rave about super Blanco doing an excellent job and putting all those military resources in New Orleans, or are a conservative trying to reason why Bush didn't get them there in the teeth of the storm to drown? Please clarify.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Lucifer

Not only can they not face the reality that Bush saved thousands of lives before and after the storm, they can't deal with the reality that the mayor and governor have been useless in this emergency. They have mismanaged everything they touched and get zero criticism from the left and a lot of the right. They are also having a lot of trouble dealing with the need for guns to bring the situation under control in New Orleans. Some of the left even criticized the troops entering the area with guns at port arms. You even see the "Oh, my God! They have guns" commentary on this forum.

If you could have saved 100 , but only managed to save 10, then I wouldn't call that good management on anybodies part.

It's been pointed out that when the levee broke, that it was it's own disaster. Everybody knew it was a possibility, but I remain unconvinced that the locals had the resources to deal with the second disaster.

I think the first disaster was under control until then. When the levee broke everything went to hell and that's when FEMA should have stepped in and Bush should have sent in the military to help.


Golden Member
May 31, 2001

Fema, Bush and the federal gov't should shoulder the blame for the late federal response but Bush should be given some credit as well. It must be noted that he had a hand in the issuing of the mandatory evacuation for New Orleans. If that order had not been issued, who knows how many more lives would have been lost.

Acknowledging that large numbers of people, many of them stranded tourists, would be unable to leave, the city set up 10 places of last resort for people to go, including the Superdome.

The mayor called the order unprecedented and said anyone who could leave the city should. He exempted hotels from the evacuation order because airlines had already cancelled all flights.

Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding.

"There doesn't seem to be any relief in sight," Blanco said.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Deadtrees
Originally posted by: mc6809e

FEMA or no FEMA, the responsibility for New Orleans rescue and evacuation lies with the national guard under control of Governor Blanco of Louisiana.

FEMA is the federal governments way of trying to help. But they can't command troops or police or civilians to do anything. Military-style operations are at the moment unltimately controlled by Governor Blanco. Gen Honore doesn't answer to Bush. He answers to the Governor.

People seem to have this stupid idea that Bush can just send in the Army and take care of business. But he is not permitted to do that. It is actually illegal.

You go into a store. A cashier makes a misktake. You talk to him. He does nothing. He doesn't listen. Then who do you talk to? Who is there to solve the problem? Yes, you ask for the manager, because the manager has power to make changes. A manager isn't there to help you in the first place but if sh1t hit the ceiling, a manager is there to fix it. If
But, what kind of manager and his people do we have here? What has he done so far?

Throughout his years, he claimed that he's the one who can protect America. He claimed he's the man who can keep America safe from disasters. We've seen how he can be aggresive when it comes to invaing a country. We've seen his impressive works creating a war based on a lie. We've seen him/his people lying.
Are you saying he can't just send army? Are you saying he's not permitted to do so? Are you saying it's just illegal? Did you ask that question when he was creating a war?
He created the war by lying and breaking an international law. And now you're saying it's illegal for him to help your people dying?

P.S: Stop lying to yourself. Do you really still trust this man? Do you really trust he can keep America safe? Do you think he's doing his best in this situation? Does he meet your expectation, or is your expectation too low that it doens't matter?
Just for a minute, think of Bush as someone else and rate him. What kind of rating can you give him? Do you really think Bush is the man who can lead America in times of crisis? I don't think so. He's good at making a mess but not good at fixing it.

We're thankful he is there because there are people like you on the other side. Election will be fun. The libs will dust off the vids from this disaster and try to make the republican candidate look bad, but what will be more noticeable will be absence of Democratic leadership. Good luck!

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