Bush catching holy hell

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Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Speaking of catching holy hell...

The White House Press Corps is DESTROYING Scott McClellan..

McClellan looks like a total ass... talking points, talking points, talking points... divert, divert, divert...
How can anyone be a bigger dick than McLellan?

Doesn't Jeff have a question for you, Scott???

OMG, there is a woman off camera kicking McLellan's ass all over the podium. How can anyone be a bigger dick than McLellan? Standing there telling outright fvcking LIES for George W. Bush.
McClellan just lost about 30lbs as the press is chewing his ass out!

I hope they all hock up a giant loogey and spit right in that a-hole's eye.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Genx87

I watched it on tv as well and noted lots of rescue efforts post storm.

So why dont you tell us where those water bottles and supplies magically appeared from?

You're just being stupid now. Ridiculous. Your "lots of rescue efforts post storm" were FIVE DAYS AFTER THE STORM PASSED. WTF IS THAT???



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
AGAIN, how are you going to get them out? Come on. Let's hear your detailed plan. How are you going to get 100,000 people that are spread all over Orleans Parish out of the city in 24-48hrs.
Talk to the Mayor, they should have had a plan to deal with the situation since they are on the coast and under sea level. Come on you telling me they didnt have a plan?
I've listened and watched the Mayor. He has given reasons why. *You* are the one criticizing him and saying more could have been done. Please, tell us how.

Oh, I saw the water. It wasn't deep enough to prevent buses from getting to the Superdome was it? Who's making excuses? It ain't me.
You are making excuses.
3rd grade called, it wants its lame responses back.

What facts? You haven't given one yet.
Let me write this real slow for you.

City didnt enforce the mandatory evacuation. The city didnt provide for a way for the poor to leave the city. The city screwed up the evacuation, not Bush, not FEMA, the city did.
They did what they could. They do not have the resources to forceable remove every citizen from the city. Were you criticizing Jeb Bush or mayors of cities in Florida who were under mandatory evacuations but people stayed behind?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Thanks, Conjur.

He's saying the situation was too dangerous for the National Guard to go in now. OMG. What a POS.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BBond
Thanks, Conjur.

He's saying the situation was too dangerous for the National Guard to go in now. OMG. What a POS.
How can a human being stand to lie to so much esp. regarding such a horrible tragedy as this?


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Genx87
AGAIN, how are you going to get them out? Come on. Let's hear your detailed plan. How are you going to get 100,000 people that are spread all over Orleans Parish out of the city in 24-48hrs.
Talk to the Mayor, they should have had a plan to deal with the situation since they are on the coast and under sea level. Come on you telling me they didnt have a plan?
I've listened and watched the Mayor. He has given reasons why. *You* are the one criticizing him and saying more could have been done. Please, tell us how.

His excuses arent good enough, sorry. There is no reason why 100,000 people had to be left behind in his city. The guy is incompetent.

They did what they could. They do not have the resources to forceable remove every citizen from the city. Were you criticizing Jeb Bush or mayors of cities in Florida who were under mandatory evacuations but people stayed behind?

More excuses, amazing.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: BBond
Thanks, Conjur.

He's saying the situation was too dangerous for the National Guard to go in now. OMG. What a POS.
How can a human being stand to lie to so much esp. regarding such a horrible tragedy as this?


McClellan is now worse than the Iraqi Information Minister... HANDS DOWN!


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
This isn't the time to get into who's to blame. OMG.

Proactive protocols are in place that make it very clear that in an emergency the government can go right in and take over.

McLellan: "The National Response Plan was implemented last week."

Everything came under the Homeland Security according to the liar but he again refused to answer the question and passed it off to be answered by them "all of these questions are being discussed" or some such nonsense, then McLellan said "Thank you" and left.

Too hot to stay.



Feb 6, 2002
I have been watching this whole story evolve, and I think that originally Fema Beleived that the City of New Orleans had provided some food for the people left behind.

It is absurd that the city of New Orleans had no food or even water available for the people left behind. Even if people brought some for themselves after a day or two it probably ran out. It is hard to bring enough water for 5 days. That is about a gallon or two for every person. It is also absurd that there was no thought for security. It is as if they had no plan at all and no leadership in New Orleans.

This whole situation was basically survival of the fittest. It came down to every man woman and child for themselves.

I dont think anyone could have prepared for such a situation, but some planning could have been achieved. They could have at least had some pallets of water bottles on hand. It is easy to do this after the fact and say this is wrong or that is wrong, but clearly the local government was in chaos. Louisiana is a large enough state and it had some resources, but the area of devastation was so large that probably all resources were spread too thin.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: BBond
Thanks, Conjur.

He's saying the situation was too dangerous for the National Guard to go in now. OMG. What a POS.
How can a human being stand to lie to so much esp. regarding such a horrible tragedy as this?


McClellan is now worse than the Iraqi Information Minister... HANDS DOWN!

Baghdad Scott.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: BBond
This isn't the time to get into who's to blame. OMG.

Proactive protocols are in place that make it very clear that in an emergency the government can go right in and take over.

McLellan: "The National Response Plan was implemented last week."

Everything came under the Homeland Security according to the liar but he again refused to answer the question and passed it off to be answered by them "all of these questions are being discussed" or some such nonsense, then McLellan said "Thank you" and left.

Too hot to stay.

YEP! DHS and FEMA has PRIMARY control in these situations... so sorry folks, NO RED TAPE excuse is allowed.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: piasabird
I have been watching this whole story evolve, and I think that originally Fema Beleived that the City of New Orleans had provided some food for the people left behind.

It is absurd that the city of New Orleans had no food or even water available for the people left behind. Even if people brought some for themselves after a day or two it probably ran out. It is hard to bring enough water for 5 days. That is about a gallon or two for every person. It is also absurd that there was no thought for security. It is as if they had no plan at all and no leadership in New Orleans.

This whole situation was basically survival of the fittest. It came down to every man woman and child for themselves.

I dont think anyone could have prepared for such a situation, but some planning could have been achieved. They could have at least had some pallets of water bottles on hand. It is easy to do this after the fact and say this is wrong or that is wrong, but clearly the local government was in chaos. Louisiana is a large enough state and it had some resources, but the area of devastation was so large that probably all resources were spread too thin.

The people who went to the Supredome were told to bring three days food and water. They actually believed they'd be rescued by then.

Haha. Fooled them again George.



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: piasabird
I have been watching this whole story evolve, and I think that originally Fema Beleived that the City of New Orleans had provided some food for the people left behind.

It is absurd that the city of New Orleans had no food or even water available for the people left behind. Even if people brought some for themselves after a day or two it probably ran out. It is hard to bring enough water for 5 days. That is about a gallon or two for every person. It is also absurd that there was no thought for security. It is as if they had no plan at all and no leadership in New Orleans.

This whole situation was basically survival of the fittest. It came down to every man woman and child for themselves.

I dont think anyone could have prepared for such a situation, but some planning could have been achieved. They could have at least had some pallets of water bottles on hand. It is easy to do this after the fact and say this is wrong or that is wrong, but clearly the local government was in chaos. Louisiana is a large enough state and it had some resources, but the area of devastation was so large that probably all resources were spread too thin.

shhh... it is all Bush's fault, havent you had your daily dose of sheeple yet?



Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
AGAIN, how are you going to get them out? Come on. Let's hear your detailed plan. How are you going to get 100,000 people that are spread all over Orleans Parish out of the city in 24-48hrs.

Well, it can't be done. :roll: Since it can't be done, let's not worry about saving anybody, right? What a defeatest attitude.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: piasabird
I have been watching this whole story evolve, and I think that originally Fema Beleived that the City of New Orleans had provided some food for the people left behind.

It is absurd that the city of New Orleans had no food or even water available for the people left behind. Even if people brought some for themselves after a day or two it probably ran out. It is hard to bring enough water for 5 days. That is about a gallon or two for every person. It is also absurd that there was no thought for security. It is as if they had no plan at all and no leadership in New Orleans.

This whole situation was basically survival of the fittest. It came down to every man woman and child for themselves.

I dont think anyone could have prepared for such a situation, but some planning could have been achieved. They could have at least had some pallets of water bottles on hand. It is easy to do this after the fact and say this is wrong or that is wrong, but clearly the local government was in chaos. Louisiana is a large enough state and it had some resources, but the area of devastation was so large that probably all resources were spread too thin.

FEMA perhaps at first thought that the people left behind had food, but after 2, 3, 4 days of being screamed at that they didn't... there's a definite problem.

You're right... state resources were spread too thin, thus the pre-emptive request for support and/or evacuation help.

As far as local government goes, I don't many cities in the country who would've had enough resources to evacuate their citizens. Not even New York.
Sep 12, 2004
Bush is catching holy hell...from the deluded ones, as usual:


Not much traction with the abuse
September 6, 2005

George W. finally gets it -- in more ways than one. The tardy president was back on the Gulf Coast yesterday, bucking up the spirits of the damned and stiffening the resolve of the slackers.
He's getting it as well from his critics, many of whom can't believe their great good luck, that a hurricane, of all things, finally gives them the opening they've been waiting for to heap calumny and scorn on him for something that might get a little traction. Cindy Sheehan is yesterday's news; she couldn't attract a camera crew this morning if she stripped down to her step-ins for a march on Prairie Chapel Ranch.
The vultures of the venomous left are attacking on two fronts, first that the president didn't do what the incompetent mayor of New Orleans and the pouty governor of Louisiana should have done, and didn't, in the early hours after Katrina loosed the deluge on the city that care and good judgment forgot. Ray Nagin, the mayor, ordered a "mandatory" evacuation a day late, but kept the city's 2,000 school buses parked and locked in neat rows when there was still time to take the refugees to higher ground. The bright-yellow buses sit ruined now in four feet of dirty water. Then the governor, Kathleen Blanco, resisted early pleas to declare martial law, and her dithering opened the way for looters, rapists and killers to make New Orleans an unholy hell. Gov. Haley Barbour did not hesitate in neighboring Mississippi, and looters, rapists and killers have not turned the streets of Gulfport and Biloxi into killing fields.
The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the president flooded the city with National Guardsmen from a dozen states, paratroopers from Fort Bragg and Marines from the Atlantic and the Pacific. The flutter and chatter of the helicopters above the ghostly abandoned city, some of them from as far away as Singapore and averaging 240 missions a day, is eerily reminiscent of the last days of Saigon. Nevertheless, Sen. Mary Landrieu, who seems to think she's cute when she's mad, even threatened on national television to punch out the president -- a felony, by the way, even as a threat. Mayor Nagin, who you might think would be looking for a place to hide, and Gov. Blanco, nursing a bigtime snit, can't find the right word of thanks to a nation pouring out its heart and emptying its pockets. Maybe the senator should consider punching out the governor, only a misdemeanor.
The race hustlers waited for three days to inflame a tense situation, but then set to work with their usual dedication. The Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, our self-appointed twin ambassadors of ill will, made the scene as soon as they could, taking up the coded cry that Katrina was the work of white folks, that a shortage of white looters and snipers made looting and sniping look like black crime, that calling the refugees "refugees" was an act of linguistic racism. A "civil rights activist" on Arianna Huffington's celebrity blog even floated the rumor that the starving folks abandoned in New Orleans had been forced to eat their dead -- after only four days. New Orleans has a reputation for its unusual cuisine, but this tale was so tall that nobody paid it much attention. Neither did anyone tell the tale-bearer to put a dirty sock in it.
Condi Rice went to the scene to say what everyone can see for himself, that no one but the race hustlers imagine Americans of any hue attaching strings to the humanitarian aid pouring into the broken and bruised cities of the Gulf. Most of the suffering faces in the flickering television images are black, true enough, and most of the helping hands are white.
Black and white churches of all denominations across a wide swath of the South stretching from Texas across Arkansas and Louisiana into Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and Georgia turned their Sunday schools into kitchens and dormitories. In Memphis, Junior Leaguers turned out for baby-sitting duty at the city's largest, most fashionable and nearly all white Baptist church, cradling tiny black infants in compassionate arms so their mothers could finally sleep. The owner of a beloved patriot-tonk showed up to ask whether the church would "accept money from a bar." A pastor took $1,400, some of it in quarters, dimes and nickels, with grateful thanks and a promise to see that it is spent wisely on the deserving -- most of whom are black.
The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be. Americans, skeptical as ever, are believing their own eyes.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: BBond
Thanks, Conjur.

He's saying the situation was too dangerous for the National Guard to go in now. OMG. What a POS.
How can a human being stand to lie to so much esp. regarding such a horrible tragedy as this?


McClellan is now worse than the Iraqi Information Minister... HANDS DOWN!

Baghdad Scott.
Beltway Boob.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
So this thread boils down to BBond dancing with glee over the destruction, and others dancing to see politicos in the hot seat.

Most have not offered one shred of intelligent discussion other than to point the finger at Bush. Most all the rest blame the Feds for LA's own failures. It is a mess, and virtually no planning was done to avert this disaster. I'd wager that not one drill has taken place, and not one assessment was made BEFORE the storm was imminent.

That's the reality....

Now for some intelligent discussion...I'm going to chat with the fourth graders tomorrow about area assessments of their community, and what they can do to help. I'm sure I'll get better responses thatn "Bush hasn't told me how to act yet!!", or "FEMA didn't give us money to do it yet!!" Oddly enough, many communities are eager to an assessment done on their capabilities, shortcomings, and strengths. After all, it's free (other than man hours), it's good for the community, and MOST Army CA units are more than happy to assist local cities and towns instead of routine AT, they get to do their actual CA work for once.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Condor
What does owning a professional sports team have to do with manageing a war and the nations worst disaster at the same time? Nothing, but Bush is doing both well.

What?! That was a joke, right?



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Genx87
That is a lie. The mayor when they found out the Cat 5 cane was bearing down on the city should have evacuated the entire city using whatever means necessary. Instead they order a half-ass evacuation 36 hours before the storm hits. The govenor when Bush declared a state of emergency should have called up National Guard troops to deal with the situation before the storm hit, not after.

There is plenty of blame to go around but only a partisan hack like yourself could delude yourself into thinking it resides 100% in the white house.
Again. With what is he going to evacuate 100,000 people spread all over the city? Go ahead, genius. Give us the plan.

And you believe Bush could have done that when you admit that your Democratic administratio couldn't! It is good thaty youy have faith in the powers of an excellent Republican President. Knowing the state of Louisiana was being managed by Democrats really should have raised a flag at the White House! I agree with you, Bush should have simply gone down and taken over before the storm. The Mayor and Governor could have taken a little deserved time off in Florida!



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: BBond
There is absolutely NO EXCUSE that could possibly exist for the federal government to take five days to respond to Hurricane Katrina. They did absolutely NOTHING for five days. We all saw it play out live ON TV. People were begging for help day after day after day after day after day that DID NOT ARRIVE.

How many lives could have been saved? The first seventy-two hours are critical. Bush took one hundred and twenty hours before the first bottle of water was sent. FEMA TURNED AWAY AID AND AID WORKERS WHO COULD HAVE EVACUATED THE SICK AND ELDERLY AND PROVIDED WATER AND FOOD FOR OTHERS.


Slipping, slipping, slipping. Quick nurse, the hypo!



Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
There is plenty of blame to go around but only a partisan hack like yourself could delude yourself into thinking it resides 100% in the white house.


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