Bush Fear & Terror speech Number 32006: 3-20-06 Bush says "They wonder what I see that they don't"


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
2-24-2006 Here he goes again.


But this time he is comparing Iraq to the U.S.

Iraq is no Revolutionaries against England. Iraq is no Pearl Harbor. :|

So sad

10-28-2005 Bush fear speech #911 this morning.

Rinse and repeat
Bush fear speech #666 this morning.

His ratings are in the tank so he has to pound fear fear fear again.

Cliff Notes as he spews:

Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 11

Terrorism Terrorism Terrorism

Saddam Saddam Saddam

Jihad jihad Jihad

Muslims Muslims Muslims

Miltants Miltants Miltants

Al Qeada Al Qeada Al Qeada

Extremists Extremists Extremists

Islamic Radicalism Islamic Radicalism Islamic Radicalism

Radical Islamic Empire Radical Islamic Empire Radical Islamic Empire

Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons of Mass Destruction

Destroy Isreal Destroy Isreal Destroy Isreal

Fanatical Fanatical Fanatical

Hitler Stalin Pol Pot Hitler Stalin Pol Pot Hitler Stalin Pol Pot

Pawns of Terror Pawns of Terror Pawns of Terror

Failures of West & America Failures of West & America Failures of West & America

Liberal Media Fault Liberal Media Fault Liberal Media Fault

Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 11

Radical Ideology Radical Ideology Radical Ideology

Victory Victory Victory

Saddam Saddam Saddam

Our New Enemy Our New Enemy Our New Enemy

Infidels Infidels Infidels

Killing fields Killing fields Killing fields

Imperial Domination Imperial Domination Imperial Domination

Oppression Oppression Oppression

Communism Communism Communism

Free peoples will own future Free peoples will own future Free peoples will own future

Patience Patience Patience

Terrorism Terrorism Terrorism

Al Qeada Terror plots Al Qeada Terror plots Al Qeada Terror plots

Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons of Mass Destruction

Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear

Iran Iran Iran

Syria Syria Syria

Terrorists Terrorists Terrorists

Miltants Miltants Miltants

Taliban Taliban Taliban

Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan

Iraq Iraq Iraq

Coalition Coalition Coalition

War of sacrifice War of sacrifice War of sacrifice

Difficult Difficult Difficult

Self defeating Pessimism Self defeating Pessimism Self defeating Pessimism

Murderers Murderers Murderers

Steady Steady Steady

Iraqi people Iraqi people Iraqi people

Democracy Democracy Democracy

Killers Killers Killers

Enemy is never tired Enemy is never tired Enemy is never tired

Violence Violence Violence

Evildoers Evildoers Evildoers

Victory Victory Victory

Middle East Middle East Middle East

Radicals Radicals Radicals

Middle East Middle East Middle East

Violent Radicalism Violent Radicalism Violent Radicalism

Radicalism Radicalism Radicalism

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Extremism Extremism Extremism

Taliban Taliban Taliban

Danger Danger Danger
Danger Danger Danger Will Robinson

Pretty much summed it up...................... again

I'm just so amazed how well this works on the sheeple.

Spin Link from this morning's latest Bush Republican brainwashing session:

Bush: Radicals Seek to Intimidate World

President Bush, trying to reverse a slide in public support for the war in Iraq, said Thursday that Islamic radicals are seeking to "enslave whole nations and intimidate the world," and called that a prime reason not to cut and run in Iraq.

"There's always a temptation in the middle of a long struggle to seek the quiet life, to escape the duties and problems of the world and to hope the enemy grows weary of fanaticism and tired of murder," he said, seeking to address calls from anti-war activists for a U.S. troop withdrawal.

The president has been stepping up his defense of his Iraq policy in the face of declining public support for the war.
Awwwww I feel for "The War President" don't you???


Jan 20, 2001
Alas, he's got a few problems:

1) Terrorism fatigue . . . been there, done that, heard it before . . . they (fear mongerers) almost need a new domestic strike to keep their party rolling.

2) People are dealing with more pressing issues . . . "damn, gas is expensive!"

3) People are dealing with more pressing issues . . . "damn, is that plant closing, too!"

4) People are dealing with more pressing issues . . . "what happend to those hurricane people?"

5) People are realizing he's all hat and no head.

6) People are realizing the party (GOP) is about as moral as a fox in the henhouse.
Sep 12, 2004
You know what really sucks? That Bush can say so little about anything and still say far more of consequence than his opposition, and his opposition still hasn't figured that out yet.

They claim to be the smart ones too. LOL.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
LOL! Now he's talking about how Islamic radicals are like fighting Communists: they're lead by elitists who try to tell people what's best for them.

...Nevermind those Christian radicals here in the US who try to tell us the same thing - gays are evil, evolution is evil, abortion is evil. They're Republican donors!


Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.



Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Policy is a broad term, be specific. It would be helpful if you listed any links to any fiscal conservative that thinks Bush's fiscal policy "sux". While at it, please define a "decent" citizen, and give us some info on "social conservatives" (whatever that means) and their view on Bush's policy (which one?)


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Bingo. I've always been fiscally conservative, and Bush is no fiscal conservative. I've never been a social conservative, and it's plain to see that Bush tries at every turn to push a social agenda that smacks of medieval Europe - no stem cell funding, no assisted suicide, no abortion, teach ID alongside evolution...

He just stated, "We did nothing to provoke terrorist attacks on America."

How incredibly stupid are the Americans who agree with him? Maybe it has something to do with maintaining brutally repressive regimes in the Middle East so soccer moms and small-minded suburban middle managers can feel important driving around their SUVs while lining the pocketbooks of oil barons? Maybe it has something to do with our constant, unconditional support of Israel's illegal & immoral occupation of Palestine? Maybe it has something to do with the unrelenting Americanization of the rest of the world via multinational corporations? (No, not everyone around the world wants to watch the same stupid reality shows & celebrity news as you, or stuff their face with the sh!t that passes for food at McDonald's.)

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

When Bush says, "Osama bin Laden, who grew up wealthy & privileged, tries to poor Muslims what's best for them," do you not see the parallels with Bush himself telling the poor of this nation that outsourcing manufacturing jobs overseas is good for them?


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Bingo. I've always been fiscally conservative, and Bush is no fiscal conservative. I've never been a social conservative, and it's plain to see that Bush tries at every turn to push a social agenda that smacks of medieval Europe - no stem cell funding, no assisted suicide, no abortion, teach ID alongside evolution...

He just stated, "We did nothing to provoke terrorist attacks on America."

How incredibly stupid are the Americans who agree with him? Maybe it has something to do with maintaining brutally repressive regimes in the Middle East so soccer moms and small-minded suburban middle managers can feel important driving around their SUVs while lining the pocketbooks of oil barons? Maybe it has something to do with our constant, unconditional support of Israel's illegal & immoral occupation of Palestine? Maybe it has something to do with the unrelenting Americanization of the rest of the world via multinational corporations? (No, not everyone around the world wants to watch the same stupid reality shows & celebrity news as you, or stuff their face with the sh!t that passes for food at McDonald's.)

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

I don't see any evidence, logic, or reason in your post. Does that amuse you too?


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Bingo. I've always been fiscally conservative, and Bush is no fiscal conservative. I've never been a social conservative, and it's plain to see that Bush tries at every turn to push a social agenda that smacks of medieval Europe - no stem cell funding, no assisted suicide, no abortion, teach ID alongside evolution...

He just stated, "We did nothing to provoke terrorist attacks on America."

How incredibly stupid are the Americans who agree with him? Maybe it has something to do with maintaining brutally repressive regimes in the Middle East so soccer moms and small-minded suburban middle managers can feel important driving around their SUVs while lining the pocketbooks of oil barons? Maybe it has something to do with our constant, unconditional support of Israel's illegal & immoral occupation of Palestine? Maybe it has something to do with the unrelenting Americanization of the rest of the world via multinational corporations? (No, not everyone around the world wants to watch the same stupid reality shows & celebrity news as you, or stuff their face with the sh!t that passes for food at McDonald's.)

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

That would perfectly fit the definition of an Ad Hom. attack. Why fight with evidenc and facts when logical fallicies are so much easier?
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Bingo. I've always been fiscally conservative, and Bush is no fiscal conservative. I've never been a social conservative, and it's plain to see that Bush tries at every turn to push a social agenda that smacks of medieval Europe - no stem cell funding, no assisted suicide, no abortion, teach ID alongside evolution...

He just stated, "We did nothing to provoke terrorist attacks on America."

How incredibly stupid are the Americans who agree with him? Maybe it has something to do with maintaining brutally repressive regimes in the Middle East so soccer moms and small-minded suburban middle managers can feel important driving around their SUVs while lining the pocketbooks of oil barons? Maybe it has something to do with our constant, unconditional support of Israel's illegal & immoral occupation of Palestine? Maybe it has something to do with the unrelenting Americanization of the rest of the world via multinational corporations? (No, not everyone around the world wants to watch the same stupid reality shows & celebrity news as you, or stuff their face with the sh!t that passes for food at McDonald's.)

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.
Maybe the problem is that the "criticism" consist of nothing more than saying in a myriad number of repetitive ways:

1) Bush sucks

2) People who agree with him are small minded, ignorant, circle-jerking morons.

3) Corporation are evil

It's really so tiresome. The right may consist of a lot of jerks, but the left are simply worse jerks, seemingly full of nothing more than bitterness and hatred. If they can ever move past letting their emotions completely rule their lives, they might actually have something and may possibly even grow out of the vile juvenalia stage that so many of them seem to have inhabited for the last 5+ years. Get over the hatred for the opposition and stop letting it rule you. As long as you do you are still ultimately under the control of Bush and the right.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.


Of course all those nasty comments about that nasty Bush Administration must be true.

Where the hell have you been? Do you read the forum? Or do you selectively skip what you don't want to read?

Be part of the circle-jerk if you wish -- but don't deny its existence.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Bingo. I've always been fiscally conservative, and Bush is no fiscal conservative. I've never been a social conservative, and it's plain to see that Bush tries at every turn to push a social agenda that smacks of medieval Europe - no stem cell funding, no assisted suicide, no abortion, teach ID alongside evolution...

He just stated, "We did nothing to provoke terrorist attacks on America."

How incredibly stupid are the Americans who agree with him? Maybe it has something to do with maintaining brutally repressive regimes in the Middle East so soccer moms and small-minded suburban middle managers can feel important driving around their SUVs while lining the pocketbooks of oil barons? Maybe it has something to do with our constant, unconditional support of Israel's illegal & immoral occupation of Palestine? Maybe it has something to do with the unrelenting Americanization of the rest of the world via multinational corporations? (No, not everyone around the world wants to watch the same stupid reality shows & celebrity news as you, or stuff their face with the sh!t that passes for food at McDonald's.)

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

I don't see any evidence, logic, or reason in your post. Does that amuse you too?

What, did you miss the entire paragraph I bolded? I'd love to see you respond to those points.

Or do you think America's crack-like addiction to oil has absolutely nothing to do with why we invade Iraq but leave North Korea, Iran, Sudan, etc. alone? $300 billion dollars plus couldn't have been better spent on alternative fuel r & d? Do you honestly believe that MNCs who go in to a foreign country and rape it doesn't have its consequences (though I doubt you're very familiar with what's happened in Haiti, Central America, etc.)? Do you really think that the entire Middle East doesn't mind America always siding with Israel, even when Israel is blatantly in the wrong?

Morons like you are why the rest of us are stuck with a moron in the White House.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken

Maybe the problem is that the "criticism" consist of nothing more than saying in a myriad number of repetitive ways:

1) Bush sucks

2) People who agree with him are small minded, ignorant, circle-jerking morons.

3) Corporation are evil

Brilliant rebuttal. Thank you for showing once again, your #2 is more correct than not.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Dave, you forgot "Evildoers!"


I couldn't make out the word, I thought he was talking about Dewars Scotch or something.

He traded the bottle for the opiate of the masses years ago. Oh wait, now I'm a Christian-bashing Bush-bashing circle jerker, because I forget beliefs that stem directly from a certain religion, are in this country, above criticism.


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2004
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Bingo. I've always been fiscally conservative, and Bush is no fiscal conservative. I've never been a social conservative, and it's plain to see that Bush tries at every turn to push a social agenda that smacks of medieval Europe - no stem cell funding, no assisted suicide, no abortion, teach ID alongside evolution...

He just stated, "We did nothing to provoke terrorist attacks on America."

How incredibly stupid are the Americans who agree with him? Maybe it has something to do with maintaining brutally repressive regimes in the Middle East so soccer moms and small-minded suburban middle managers can feel important driving around their SUVs while lining the pocketbooks of oil barons? Maybe it has something to do with our constant, unconditional support of Israel's illegal & immoral occupation of Palestine? Maybe it has something to do with the unrelenting Americanization of the rest of the world via multinational corporations? (No, not everyone around the world wants to watch the same stupid reality shows & celebrity news as you, or stuff their face with the sh!t that passes for food at McDonald's.)

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

I don't see any evidence, logic, or reason in your post. Does that amuse you too?

It definitely amuses me that you are talking about logic and reason.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

LOL. And FSM knows all liberal posts on this board are always full of intelligent, logical, and reasonable facts about Bush - such as him looking like a monkey, or being part of a secret organization that plans on bombing San Francisco in order to quelch dissidence. :thumbsup:

Give credit where credit is due - there are reasonable people on this board that support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many that do not. There also many trollish kids who support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many who do not. If you are going to make comparisons between the two camps, at least try to compare apples to apples. Should we compare dmcowen674, BBond, or Steeplerot to, say, GTaudiophile, GenX, or Vic?

Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken

Maybe the problem is that the "criticism" consist of nothing more than saying in a myriad number of repetitive ways:

1) Bush sucks

2) People who agree with him are small minded, ignorant, circle-jerking morons.

3) Corporation are evil

Brilliant rebuttal. Thank you for showing once again, your #2 is more correct than not.
Well I do my best to keep my #2 correct. The older you get, the more important that becomes.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

LOL. And FSM knows all liberal posts on this board are always full of intelligent, logical, and reasonable facts about Bush - such as him looking like a monkey, or being part of a secret organization that plans on bombing San Francisco in order to quelch dissidence. :thumbsup:

Give credit where credit is due - there are reasonable people on this board that support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many that do not. There also many trollish kids who support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many who do not. If you are going to make comparisons between the two camps, at least try to compare apples to apples. Should we compare dmcowen674, BBond, or Steeplerot to, say, GTaudiophile, GenX, or Vic?

Touche. (FSM knows all!)


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger

Give credit where credit is due - there are reasonable people on this board that support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many that do not. There also many trollish kids who support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many who do not. If you are going to make comparisons between the two camps, at least try to compare apples to apples. Should we compare dmcowen674, BBond, or Steeplerot to, say, GTaudiophile, GenX, or Vic?

You forgot Poland.

By the way, in reading over the text of his speech, you can substitute Christian for Muslin/Islam,
and US Military for Militant/insurgent and make the exact counterpoint.


"The military believes that controlling one country will rally the Christian masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radical Christian empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia," Bush said.

They are the anti-model of our 'Democracy'.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

LOL. And FSM knows all liberal posts on this board are always full of intelligent, logical, and reasonable facts about Bush - such as him looking like a monkey, or being part of a secret organization that plans on bombing San Francisco in order to quelch dissidence. :thumbsup:

Give credit where credit is due - there are reasonable people on this board that support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many that do not. There also many trollish kids who support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many who do not. If you are going to make comparisons between the two camps, at least try to compare apples to apples. Should we compare dmcowen674, BBond, or Steeplerot to, say, GTaudiophile, GenX, or Vic?

Oh come on now, that's just funny! George Burns looked like a chimp also, that is assuming you could teach a chimp to smoke and drink scotch.



Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

LOL. And FSM knows all liberal posts on this board are always full of intelligent, logical, and reasonable facts about Bush - such as him looking like a monkey, or being part of a secret organization that plans on bombing San Francisco in order to quelch dissidence. :thumbsup:

Give credit where credit is due - there are reasonable people on this board that support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many that do not. There also many trollish kids who support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many who do not. If you are going to make comparisons between the two camps, at least try to compare apples to apples. Should we compare dmcowen674, BBond, or Steeplerot to, say, GTaudiophile, GenX, or Vic?

Touche. (FSM knows all!)

The point is that W has a record of promising a speech that will reveal new information, but rarely does it and more commonly it tends to be a rehash of the same themes we've heard time over the last 4 years. The guy managed to work in 9/11 and terrorism into his Post-Katrina debacle speech. We'll see what he says, but you cannot blame people for being skeptical about the content of the speech when history predcits it to be like any other speech he's given post-911



Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Bingo. I've always been fiscally conservative, and Bush is no fiscal conservative. I've never been a social conservative, and it's plain to see that Bush tries at every turn to push a social agenda that smacks of medieval Europe - no stem cell funding, no assisted suicide, no abortion, teach ID alongside evolution...

He just stated, "We did nothing to provoke terrorist attacks on America."

How incredibly stupid are the Americans who agree with him? Maybe it has something to do with maintaining brutally repressive regimes in the Middle East so soccer moms and small-minded suburban middle managers can feel important driving around their SUVs while lining the pocketbooks of oil barons? Maybe it has something to do with our constant, unconditional support of Israel's illegal & immoral occupation of Palestine? Maybe it has something to do with the unrelenting Americanization of the rest of the world via multinational corporations? (No, not everyone around the world wants to watch the same stupid reality shows & celebrity news as you, or stuff their face with the sh!t that passes for food at McDonald's.)

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

I don't see any evidence, logic, or reason in your post. Does that amuse you too?

What, did you miss the entire paragraph I bolded? I'd love to see you respond to those points.

Or do you think America's crack-like addiction to oil has absolutely nothing to do with why we invade Iraq but leave North Korea, Iran, Sudan, etc. alone? $300 billion dollars plus couldn't have been better spent on alternative fuel r & d? Do you honestly believe that MNCs who go in to a foreign country and rape it doesn't have its consequences (though I doubt you're very familiar with what's happened in Haiti, Central America, etc.)? Do you really think that the entire Middle East doesn't mind America always siding with Israel, even when Israel is blatantly in the wrong?

Morons like you are why the rest of us are stuck with a moron in the White House.

Your bolded part still lacks any logic, evidence, or reason. Perhaps a short read of the dictionary will remind you what those terms mean. However, I feel that won't be necessary since the best you can come up with is calling american people "incredibly stupid" and "morons".
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