Bush Fear & Terror speech Number 32006: 3-20-06 Bush says "They wonder what I see that they don't"

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Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk

By the way, in reading over the text of his speech, you can substitute Christian for Muslin/Islam,
and US Military for Militant/insurgent and make the exact counterpoint.


"The military believes that controlling one country will rally the Christian masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radical Christian empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia," Bush said.

They are the anti-model of our 'Democracy'.
Text of his speech? You mean what Dave posted wasn't exactly what Bush said?

Also, I simply don't buy into the notion that the US is attempting to establish a "radical Christian empire," but that's just me.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Dave, you forgot "Evildoers!"


I couldn't make out the word, I thought he was talking about Dewars Scotch or something.

He might not have been talking about Scotch, but that wasn't water in his glass.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Hafen
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.
LOL. And FSM knows all liberal posts on this board are always full of intelligent, logical, and reasonable facts about Bush - such as him looking like a monkey, or being part of a secret organization that plans on bombing San Francisco in order to quelch dissidence. :thumbsup:

Give credit where credit is due - there are reasonable people on this board that support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many that do not. There also many trollish kids who support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many who do not. If you are going to make comparisons between the two camps, at least try to compare apples to apples. Should we compare dmcowen674, BBond, or Steeplerot to, say, GTaudiophile, GenX, or Vic?
Touche. (FSM knows all!)
The point is that W has a record of promising a speech that will reveal new information, but rarely does it and more commonly it tends to be a rehash of the same themes we've heard time over the last 4 years. The guy managed to work in 9/11 and terrorism into his Post-Katrina debacle speech. We'll see what he says, but you cannot blame people for being skeptical about the content of the speech when history predcits it to be like any other speech he's given post-911
OK.. But I fail to see as to why that's "the point," when nothing in the text you quoted is related to that at all. I thought we were discussing "knee-jerk Republicans" and the handling of Bush criticism?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken

Maybe the problem is that the "criticism" consist of nothing more than saying in a myriad number of repetitive ways:

1) Bush sucks

2) People who agree with him are small minded, ignorant, circle-jerking morons.

3) Corporation are evil

Brilliant rebuttal. Thank you for showing once again, your #2 is more correct than not.

Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Oh wait, now I'm a Christian-bashing Bush-bashing circle jerker, because I forget beliefs that stem directly from a certain religion, are in this country, above criticism.

You make yourself look stupid in back to back replies, grats. Maybe you should head back to OT before you hurt yourself.


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger

Also, I simply don't buy into the notion that the US is attempting to establish a "radical Christian empire," but that's just me.

Radical concept belongs to the region of application.
Our Christian Regilious Conservatives are foriegn to them, so that makes our norem their radicals.

They don't just switch on our cultural values as the way to live, like a light bulb when they wake up some morning.
They've been doing it their way fro several thousand years, it's not like Burger King - you can't just have it 'your way' there.



Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.

LOL. And FSM knows all liberal posts on this board are always full of intelligent, logical, and reasonable facts about Bush - such as him looking like a monkey, or being part of a secret organization that plans on bombing San Francisco in order to quelch dissidence. :thumbsup:

Give credit where credit is due - there are reasonable people on this board that support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many that do not. There also many trollish kids who support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many who do not. If you are going to make comparisons between the two camps, at least try to compare apples to apples. Should we compare dmcowen674, BBond, or Steeplerot to, say, GTaudiophile, GenX, or Vic?


I think it comes down to the Bush-bashers inability to choose the correct battles to fight. But the Democrats have never been good strategists. They only win when they have overwhelming fire power, i.e., Clinton.


Jan 20, 2001
Fiscal morass courtesy of the TX dumbarse . . . all figures from The Heritage Foundation

role of Congress in spending

federal spending increase compared to inflation . . . love those Bush years

federal spending per household takes off under Bush

federal spending per $1k earned per household goes wild under Bush

average budget deficits since Kennedy . . . hmm Bush sux

I guess Bush vetoed all those excessive spending bills?

The Mother of All Big Spenders: Bush spends like Carter and panders like Clinton
2003 courtesy of the Cato Institute

Cato Institute gives Bush an "A" for fiscal responsibility . . . 2002
Gotcha . . . it's the other turd lucky enough to be in a tourist mecca

Bush Drives the Nation Towards Bankruptcy . . . courtesy of The American Conservative
Forget the liberation of Iraq, George W. Bush will be remembered as the president who bankrupted America.
Under his administration, the national debt has gone up a stunning 24 percent, to $7 trillion.
At nearly $500 billion, the budget deficit is close to 4.5 percent of gross domestic product, the sort of ratio usually seen in developing countries that are about to implode.


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Fiscal morass courtesy of the TX dumbarse . . . all figures from The Heritage Foundation

role of Congress in spending

federal spending increase compared to inflation . . . love those Bush years

federal spending per household takes off under Bush

federal spending per $1k earned per household goes wild under Bush

average budget deficits since Kennedy . . . hmm Bush sux

I guess Bush vetoed all those excessive spending bills?

The Mother of All Big Spenders: Bush spends like Carter and panders like Clinton
2003 courtesy of the Cato Institute

Cato Institute gives Bush an "A" for fiscal responsibility . . . 2002
Gotcha . . . it's the other turd lucky enough to be in a tourist mecca

Bush Drives the Nation Towards Bankruptcy . . . courtesy of The American Conservative
Forget the liberation of Iraq, George W. Bush will be remembered as the president who bankrupted America.
Under his administration, the national debt has gone up a stunning 24 percent, to $7 trillion.
At nearly $500 billion, the budget deficit is close to 4.5 percent of gross domestic product, the sort of ratio usually seen in developing countries that are about to implode.

LOLOLOL!!!!! Did you even pay attention to what you posted? Hint: check the dates on those charts.


Jan 20, 2001
LOL . . . can you read . . . several links are posted WITH the dates!

Most of the charts from Heritage run from the 60s through 2004. One exception was the Presidential veto chart . . . but I guess Bush is being improperly defamed. How many spending bills did he veto?

The Cato commentary (as noted by my post) was from 2003 talking about the wild spending Bush through the first two years in office. I guess the budget has really improved since then.:roll:

The final commentary was from The American Conservative published in February of THIS YEAR!

Nail meet hammer . . . but I ain't going to jail.:laugh:


Dec 12, 2003
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Policy is a broad term, be specific. It would be helpful if you listed any links to any fiscal conservative that thinks Bush's fiscal policy "sux". While at it, please define a "decent" citizen, and give us some info on "social conservatives" (whatever that means) and their view on Bush's policy (which one?)

Oh come on, take your slapping and shadaaap. If you don't understand the issues, how can you possibly expect to defend a viewpoint?


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.

Policy is a broad term, be specific. It would be helpful if you listed any links to any fiscal conservative that thinks Bush's fiscal policy "sux". While at it, please define a "decent" citizen, and give us some info on "social conservatives" (whatever that means) and their view on Bush's policy (which one?)

Oh come on, take your slapping and shadaaap. If you don't understand the issues, how can you possibly expect to defend a viewpoint?

I understand that BaliBabyDoc may not understand the "issues" he's trying to defend, but it's no reason to be rude and tell him to shut-up.


Jan 20, 2001
According to the WSJ, Bush proposed $35B in budget cuts to offset $200B in Katrina related costs.
Harvard MBA must come in boxes of Cracker Jack . . . do they still make Cracker Jack?

Using consistent methods of assessment, global terrorism has INCREASED during the Bush regime.
In fact, it got so bad that State Department cooked the books to make it look better . . . got caught . . . and then just stopped reporting numbers at all.

The drug benefit created by hook and crook in Medicare was alleged to cost NO MORE than $400B over 10 years. Then it was $560B, then it was $800B. Despite the rampant inflation in a program that hasn't really started . . . Bush keeps cheering about his compassionate fiscal conservatism.
Curiously, out of the companies planning to repatriate foreign (right) profits under the one-year tax holiday (5%), 3 of the top 5 and 5 of the top 10 are drug companies. Allegedly, the profit repatriation law was for "job creation", most of the companies repatriating funds are NOT planning significant new hires in the US.

I could go on . . . and on . . . but since you have neither aptitude nor attitude to defend Bush's follies . . . why bother?



Dec 12, 2003
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken

Maybe the problem is that the "criticism" consist of nothing more than saying in a myriad number of repetitive ways:

1) Bush sucks

2) People who agree with him are small minded, ignorant, circle-jerking morons.

3) Corporation are evil

Brilliant rebuttal. Thank you for showing once again, your #2 is more correct than not.

You'll eventually accept the fact that no amount of reasoning pays off with these guys. The blinders and ear-muffs are on way too tightly. I've seen several good posts from you though. Some of us appreciate it. :thumbsup: Too bad those who disagree with you can come up with nothing better than (at best) denial, obfuscation and deflection. :thumbsdown:


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Hafen
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus

What amuses me to no end is that every single criticism made of Bush & crew is responded to by knee-jerk Republicans as 'just more anti-Bush circle jerking by liberals who stand for nothing'. I've never once read a Bush supporter actually defend his/her positions with evidence, logic & reason; just more anti-liberal inanities & flaps about terra.
LOL. And FSM knows all liberal posts on this board are always full of intelligent, logical, and reasonable facts about Bush - such as him looking like a monkey, or being part of a secret organization that plans on bombing San Francisco in order to quelch dissidence. :thumbsup:

Give credit where credit is due - there are reasonable people on this board that support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many that do not. There also many trollish kids who support some of Bush's policies and actions, and many who do not. If you are going to make comparisons between the two camps, at least try to compare apples to apples. Should we compare dmcowen674, BBond, or Steeplerot to, say, GTaudiophile, GenX, or Vic?
Touche. (FSM knows all!)
The point is that W has a record of promising a speech that will reveal new information, but rarely does it and more commonly it tends to be a rehash of the same themes we've heard time over the last 4 years. The guy managed to work in 9/11 and terrorism into his Post-Katrina debacle speech. We'll see what he says, but you cannot blame people for being skeptical about the content of the speech when history predicts it to be like any other speech he's given post-911
OK.. But I fail to see as to why that's "the point," when nothing in the text you quoted is related to that at all. I thought we were discussing "knee-jerk Republicans" and the handling of Bush criticism?

I was referring to the OP, which sarcastically in Dave's own way, is the same point I made above. The very first post was "liberal circle-jerk" thread crap which was then reponded to in the quoted text above. Your last post gets quoted as you called out Dave in his own thread. So in that way it refers to this entire thread.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Your bolded part still lacks any logic, evidence, or reason. Perhaps a short read of the dictionary will remind you what those terms mean. However, I feel that won't be necessary since the best you can come up with is calling american people "incredibly stupid" and "morons".

I made multiple relatively easy to understand points, which I will reiterate for you:

1. America's dependence on foreign oil (and the corporations who make a buck selling it to us), not the threat of WMDs or a heartfelt need to do good, is the reason we invaded Iraq. If we were really threatened by WMDs, why are we not invading Iran or North Korea? If we had a heartfelt need to do good, why aren't we in Sudan?
2. America attracts the interest of militant Islamic extremists because of our unilateral support of Israel.
3. The global reach of multinational corporations (the vast majority of which are American) often has the effect of alienating the rest of the world, which fears the loss of its own traditions, morality, etc. in the face of colonialization via commercialism.

Thus, America has done more than nothing to provoke terrorists attacks, contra to what W and his followers assert.

If you disagree with the evidence, say why. If you disagree with the logic, say why. Until then, you're nothing more than the moron I've called you out as.

You're not Riprorin, are you?


Jul 3, 2005
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Well I do my best to keep my #2 correct. The older you get, the more important that becomes.

I wish that were true. Consider how much we care about our elderly with their SS.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: musicc
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Well I do my best to keep my #2 correct. The older you get, the more important that becomes.

I wish that were true. Consider how much we care about our elderly with their SS.

Isn't that what Metamucil is for?

Ok, now this thread has come full circle...


Senior member
Jan 12, 2001
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.
a moderate!!!!!!!! pull your head out of the sand. you are nothing but another whack job



Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by: slyedog
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Originally posted by: AnyMal
Liberal Anti-Bush Hatred circle jerk Number 666 10-6-05
Well as a moderate, I think Bush policy sux . . . along with fiscal conservatives that think Bush fiscal policy sux . . . along with many social conservatives that think Bush policy is suspect . . . along with most decent citizens across many nations that think Bush foreign policy sux.

The only people circle jerking appear to be Bushophiles with their delusions of fiscal and moral propriety.
a moderate!!!!!!!! pull your head out of the sand. you are nothing but another whack job

BaliBabyDoc is one of the most intelligent thought provoking posters on here. You appear to be the one who's acting like the whack job.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster
THE SKY IS FALLING!!! volume 666.

Lay off the pills, Dave.

OK, we get another Fear & Terror speech, immediately we get a subway alert in New York and then today a bomb threat at the Washington Monument and I'm the one on pills???



Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
The American public are shaking LOL. They tell the sheep about these fake threats and the American sheep buy it. We are a dumb country.
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