Bush Fear & Terror speech Number 32006: 3-20-06 Bush says "They wonder what I see that they don't"

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Golden Member
May 3, 2005
I think I need to buy some Home Depot or Lowe stock the next time Bush has a terror speech. Frankly I'm just tired of Good Ol' boy politcs and hideous foriegn policy from either side of the aisle.


Dec 1, 2004
What never cease to amaze me is how gullible most people are, they fell for one lie after another and don't even realize it was a lie even when confronted with the truth later on.
They function on short term memory, their long term memory is messed up due to excessive fluoride in drinking water, and even in most of what we eat such as can food, vegetable, meat in the super market.
These guy are not intelligent at all, they're dumbing us down so it's easier for them to control you through the news media which is a brain washing tool for the mass.
People are emotional and make their decision based on that, its not hard to exploit that.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: wchou
What never cease to amaze me is how gullible most people are, they fell for one lie after another and don't even realize it was a lie even when confronted with the truth later on.
They function on short term memory, their long term memory is messed up due to excessive fluoride in drinking water, and even in most of what we eat such as can food, vegetable, meat in the super market.
These guy are not intelligent at all, they're dumbing us down so it's easier for them to control you through the news media which is a brain washing tool for the mass.
People are emotional and make their decision based on that, its not hard to exploit that.

Part of the might Republican sheeple brainwashing machine:

10-7-2005 Evangelical Dobson a formidable political force


My husband is addicted to gambling. My sixth-grader refuses to study. My aunt is an alcoholic. My daughter hears voices. A cousin molested me when I was a boy.

"My son talks so ugly. Today he said, 'stupid mommy.' It breaks my heart, and I don't know what to do." A sob escapes the young mother on the line.

"I know he's a busy man, but I was wondering, would it be possible for me to ask Dr. Dobson a few questions?" she asks. "I want to apply the Bible in how I raise my boys. But I'm really struggling."

It is calls like these ? by the thousands each week ? that have transformed plain-talking child psychologist James C. Dobson into a formidable political force.

The founder of the evangelical ministry Focus on the Family, Dobson, 69, is known in Washington as a warrior for the religious right ? relentless, ruthless and dangerous to cross. He's so influential that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove rushed to line up his support for the nomination of Harriet E. Miers to the Supreme Court by personally reassuring him of her conservatism.

A recent poll for PBS found that 77% of white evangelicals view Dobson favorably. Other Christian leaders were far less widely trusted. Pat Robertson's approval rating stood at 55% and Jerry Falwell's at 46%.

That broad base of support helped Dobson stage huge rallies to boost Republican candidates in the 2004 election. He's credited with helping unseat former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and with bringing conservative Christians to the polls in force to back President Bush.

"We try to follow up on what [Dobson] says," said Marilyn Budensiek, a fan from Hobe Sound, Fla., who organized a voter registration drive in her church last year at Dobson's urging.
Between this guy and ditto heads and Hannitized the Country is doomed.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Fear & Terror speech #911 this morning.

See original transcript and repeat.

Jeez, he made 245 "Fear And Terror" speeches in 22 days?


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2002
Bush will be forever remembered as "The Terror President". Only 3 more years of terror and we will hopefully be through with being endlessly terrorized by our own president.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
11-30-2005 Bush fear speech 1130 this morning.

Rinse and repeat
Cliff Notes as he spews:

Our National Strategy for Victory in Iraq Our National Strategy for Victory in Iraq Our National Strategy for Victory in Iraq

Rejectionists Rejectionists Rejectionists

The Enemy The Enemy The Enemy

Saddamists Saddamists Saddamists

Terrorists Terrorists Terrorists

Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 11

Terrorism Terrorism Terrorism

Saddam Saddam Saddam

Jihad jihad Jihad

Muslims Muslims Muslims

Miltants Miltants Miltants

Al Qeada Al Qeada Al Qeada

Rejectionists Rejectionists Rejectionists

The Enemy The Enemy The Enemy

Saddamists Saddamists Saddamists

Extremists Extremists Extremists

Islamic Radicalism Islamic Radicalism Islamic Radicalism

Fanatical Fanatical Fanatical

Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 11

Rejectionists Rejectionists Rejectionists

The Enemy The Enemy The Enemy

Saddamists Saddamists Saddamists

Our New Enemy Our New Enemy Our New Enemy

Oppression Oppression Oppression

No Time Table No Time Table No Time Table

Terrorism Terrorism Terrorism

Al Qeada Terror plots Al Qeada Terror plots Al Qeada Terror plots

Terrorists Terrorists Terrorists

Coalition Coalition Coalition

Iraqi people Iraqi people Iraqi people

Democracy Democracy Democracy

Victory Victory Victory

Middle East Middle East Middle East

Extremism Extremism Extremism

Taliban Taliban Taliban

Rejectionists Rejectionists Rejectionists

The Enemy The Enemy The Enemy

Our New Enemy Our New Enemy Our New Enemy

Saddamists Saddamists Saddamists


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
This retard is repeating the same tired garbage over and over again. Unfortunately, what the idiot is saying doesn't match what's going on in Iraq.

Why doesn't he take his show on the road in front of the American people instead of military ONLY audiences? Because his poll numbers are so low and his bullsh!t is so old he'd be laughed off the podium.

Dave is right, same old same old same old bullsh8 from the same old idiot. Get this guy the hell out of the White House before he can do any more harm. He has NOTHING new to offer. He's dangerously delusional. Impeach the bastard and his criminal cohorts, try them and put them in prison where they belong. Fvcking war criminals, every one of them.



Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Now he's comparing his unprovoked attack on Iraq with WWII.

Does he actually think the American people are going to fall for this crap???



Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
11-30-2005 Bush fear speech 1130 this morning.

Rinse and repeat
Cliff Notes as he spews:

Our National Strategy for Victory in Iraq Our National Strategy for Victory in Iraq Our National Strategy for Victory in Iraq

Rejectionists Rejectionists Rejectionists

The Enemy The Enemy The Enemy

Saddamists Saddamists Saddamists

Terrorists Terrorists Terrorists

Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 11

Terrorism Terrorism Terrorism

Saddam Saddam Saddam

Jihad jihad Jihad

Muslims Muslims Muslims

Miltants Miltants Miltants

Al Qeada Al Qeada Al Qeada

Rejectionists Rejectionists Rejectionists

The Enemy The Enemy The Enemy

Saddamists Saddamists Saddamists

Extremists Extremists Extremists

Islamic Radicalism Islamic Radicalism Islamic Radicalism

Fanatical Fanatical Fanatical

Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 11

Rejectionists Rejectionists Rejectionists

The Enemy The Enemy The Enemy

Saddamists Saddamists Saddamists

Our New Enemy Our New Enemy Our New Enemy

Oppression Oppression Oppression

No Time Table No Time Table No Time Table

Terrorism Terrorism Terrorism

Al Qeada Terror plots Al Qeada Terror plots Al Qeada Terror plots

Terrorists Terrorists Terrorists

Coalition Coalition Coalition

Iraqi people Iraqi people Iraqi people

Democracy Democracy Democracy

Victory Victory Victory

Middle East Middle East Middle East

Extremism Extremism Extremism

Taliban Taliban Taliban

Rejectionists Rejectionists Rejectionists

The Enemy The Enemy The Enemy

Our New Enemy Our New Enemy Our New Enemy

Saddamists Saddamists Saddamists

Are you going to debate the outcome of the speech?

Or just keep on your childish nonsense?

I mean, really. This is silly. You guys complain about Bush's speeches every single time he gives them.

You dont approve, thats fine, but did you actually think you were going to hear ANYTHING that you wanted to hear out of him?

I mean, there is NOTHING he could say that would sway you in any way shape or form..

So why even listen?



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
What outcome? Another pct point drop in the polls? More TP for the AM talking heads to spew tomorrow?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
If you want to read the transcript of Bush's speech today you don't have to bother waiting for it to come out. Just read ANY of his past speeches on Iraq. Bush has NOTHING to offer and no idea of what to do.

I read an article in today's morning newspaper that said in the city of Samara only 100 out of 700 police show up for work EVERY DAY. And the U.S. troops who are trying to train them have handed over the town THREE TIMES -- and the Iraqis have lost it three times.

Some progress.

Bush is just repackaging the same old crap. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Bush has lost control and this is just another PR campaign, a useless attempt to try to get control back.

What a loser.

Here, read it for yourselves and here's a thought, e-mail it to the White House. Maybe Bush will read it (or have someone read it to him) and wake up from his fantasy.

U.S. soldiers face a long road out of Iraq

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Associated Press

SAMARRA, Iraq -- At a dusty school converted to a military outpost, American soldiers are packing up this week, preparing -- yet again -- to hand most of the security control of this city to Iraqi forces.

It's their third try, and one big problem remains: Only 100 of the 700 police on the city payroll actually show up for work most days, U.S. commanders acknowledge. As President Bush prepares to herald American progress in training Iraqi forces, Samarra is a bitter example of the long road ahead.

U.S. commanders say the plan to soon relinquish the city's largest inner base to the commandos demonstrates the growing competence of Iraqi troops. By next summer, they hope to hand all security duties in Samarra to a local force of 1,200.

But skeptics, including some U.S. soldiers involved in previous handover attempts, point out that this is only the latest effort to put Iraqis in charge of this Sunni Arab city of about 200,000. Twice before over the past two years, police crumbled in the face of insurgent threats.

"If they give it to the cops that are here now, we'll just wind up coming back," said Staff Sgt. Eric Doolittle of Jacksonville, Fla., assigned to the 101st Airborne Division.

In other parts of Iraq, there is more progress toward establishing local forces willing to fight the insurgency -- either in cities such as Baghdad or in the desolate desert plains of Anbar province.

Large Shi'a cities in the south such as Karbala and Nasiriyah are largely in the hands of Iraqi forces, for example. And Najaf, where U.S. troops fought Shi'a militants in some of the war's bloodiest battles, is now quiet and mostly devoid of Americans.

But throughout central and northern Iraq, cities that are either Sunni Arab or ethnically or religiously mixed pose a much more difficult challenge.

In the northern city of Mosul, for example, where police deserted en masse last year, U.S. commanders have laid plans for Iraqi police to retake control in 2006 -- but warn that internal divisions could hamper the force.

In the volatile west, considered the gateway for foreign militants into Iraq, U.S. commanders only this summer started deploying Iraqi army battalions. Some of the just-trained Iraqi soldiers, most of them Shi'as, find themselves patrolling Iraq's most violent Sunni Arab cities three months after learning how to use weapons.

Both Iraqi army and police forces are involved in fighting the insurgency.

According to an Associated Press tally, at least 1,262 Iraqi soldiers and police have been killed since the interim Iraqi government took power April 28. The Iraqi government figure for deaths from March through October is 1,187.

In comparison, more than 550 coalition troops -- mostly Americans -- have died in Iraq since April 28.

In Samarra, Lt. Col. Mark Wald of the 3rd Battalion, 69th Armored Regiment says next week's base handover will double the number of Iraqi Interior Ministry commandos to about 900 and trim the number of U.S. soldiers in the city by about two-thirds, to some 200.

Hundreds more U.S. soldiers will be based on the city outskirts to help if necessary, but Ward says the shift will reduce their exposure to insurgent attacks.

However, some caution that the handover does not necessarily mean fewer U.S. casualties.

In Baghdad, the U.S. command says half the city is currently in the hands of Iraqi forces -- but roadside bombs continue to regularly maim and kill American soldiers. Two U.S. soldiers from Task Force Baghdad were killed yesterday by a roadside bomb.

The Pentagon says Iraqis are taking on a larger role in key spots, and indeed, Iraqis have filled critical positions in some operations.

In a major assault in the violent northern city of Tal Afar in September, Iraqi troops under the command of a handful of U.S. special forces led dangerous raids and kicked down doors.

But while some units have demonstrated their competence, the number of capable Iraqi troops remains relatively few -- something that resonates throughout the country.

U.S. military statistics for Samarra, for example, show the fewest monthly attacks have occurred when two or three Interior Ministry battalions were here in the spring. But the number of attacks rebounded when two battalions pulled out.

In addition, the troops' religious or ethnic makeup also is a problem: Disproportionately few Sunni Arabs serve in the military, leaving many Sunni Arabs believing that Shi'a and Kurdish troops have come to punish them.

"Many Interior Ministry police who are Shi'a don't respect the people," said a teacher in Samarra who wore a traditional Sunni Arab robe and refused to give his name as U.S. soldiers patrolled his neighborhood. "Some Interior Ministry police think that the people of Samarra help the terrorists, and they hate them."

Yet the military points to some signs of hope.

Insurgent attacks in Samarra have dropped by about two-thirds this month to between one to two attacks a day from a high of more than seven a day in January. Commanders say that is partly a result of searches of every home and better military tactics, such as more hidden observation posts.

But some soldiers attribute the decline in attacks to a clan feud, which led to violence between the groups instead of against U.S. troops.

And some remain deeply skeptical about the potential of the police, who now conduct few patrols. When told about the Interior Ministry's plans to hand the city over to local police in the summer, one American soldier burst into laughter while another slowly shook his head.

An Interior Ministry colonel, who identified himself only as a member of the Jabouri tribe for fear of insurgent reprisal, described the local police force as "very bad."

U.S. officials say they are better prepared this time. They point to the paramilitary commandos, generally acknowledged to be a capable force that could serve as a backstop if insurgent attacks spike.

"I'm not worried," said Wald, the battalion commander. "The training of the Iraqi police force will continue ... and as the situation and Iraqi forces improve, I see less of a U.S. presence in Samarra."


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
In a speech defending his policy, Bush said that Iraqi forces have not always performed well in combat but have made substantial progress in the past year.

"As the Iraqi forces grow more capable, they are increasingly taking the lead in the fight against the terrorists," the president told a supportive audience at the U.S. Naval Academy. "Our goal is to train enough Iraqi forces so they can carry the fight against the terrorists."

Bush's speech did not break new ground or present a new strategy. Instead, it was intended to bring together in one place the administration's arguments for the war and explain its strategy on a military, economic and political track. The president's address was accompanied by the release of a 35-page White House document titled "National Strategy for Victory in

"Americans should have a clear understanding of this strategy," Bush said. He said the document was an unclassified version of the strategy that was being pursued in Iraq.

Bush said that Iraqis are stepping forward to provide security for their embattled country, torn by suicide bombings, kidnappings and other violence. "Iraqi forces have made real progress," the president said. "We will stay as long as necessary to complete the mission. If our military leaders there tell us we need more troops, I will send them."

He said that more than 120 army and police combat battalions are ready to fight on their own, while 80 other Iraqi battalions are fighting side by side with coalition forces.
Interesting. Last I read (it was mentioned on Meet The Press about 2 weeks ago) is that a whole two battalions are fully ready to fight on their own (something like 700 soldiers).


But, hey, frame it properly and have the paid shills in the media scream "VICTORY" from the top of their lungs and there you have it!


Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: conjur
In a speech defending his policy, Bush said that Iraqi forces have not always performed well in combat but have made substantial progress in the past year.

"As the Iraqi forces grow more capable, they are increasingly taking the lead in the fight against the terrorists," the president told a supportive audience at the U.S. Naval Academy. "Our goal is to train enough Iraqi forces so they can carry the fight against the terrorists."

Bush's speech did not break new ground or present a new strategy. Instead, it was intended to bring together in one place the administration's arguments for the war and explain its strategy on a military, economic and political track. The president's address was accompanied by the release of a 35-page White House document titled "National Strategy for Victory in

"Americans should have a clear understanding of this strategy," Bush said. He said the document was an unclassified version of the strategy that was being pursued in Iraq.

Bush said that Iraqis are stepping forward to provide security for their embattled country, torn by suicide bombings, kidnappings and other violence. "Iraqi forces have made real progress," the president said. "We will stay as long as necessary to complete the mission. If our military leaders there tell us we need more troops, I will send them."

He said that more than 120 army and police combat battalions are ready to fight on their own, while 80 other Iraqi battalions are fighting side by side with coalition forces.
Interesting. Last I read (it was mentioned on Meet The Press about 2 weeks ago) is that a whole two battalions are fully ready to fight on their own (something like 700 soldiers).


But, hey, frame it properly and have the paid shills in the media scream "VICTORY" from the top of their lungs and there you have it!

mission accomplished?


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2001
Interesting. Last I read (it was mentioned on Meet The Press about 2 weeks ago) is that a whole two battalions are fully ready to fight on their own (something like 700 soldiers).

700 soldiers is only one battalion. Iraq's military still doesn't have a supply system, command and control, staff, officer and NCO cadre, retention rate, reputation, results, its own combat support units such as medical units etc. Wthout massive US support, the new Iraqi military would be whipsawed by the insurgency.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: TRUMPHENT
Interesting. Last I read (it was mentioned on Meet The Press about 2 weeks ago) is that a whole two battalions are fully ready to fight on their own (something like 700 soldiers).

700 soldiers is only one battalion. Iraq's military still doesn't have a supply system, command and control, staff, officer and NCO cadre, retention rate, reputation, results, its own combat support units such as medical units etc. Wthout massive US support, the new Iraqi military would be whipsawed by the insurgency.
Imagine that, the Insurgency who doesn't have any of that would kick the Iraqi Armies ass. I wonder what the difference is, maybe a willingness to fight for what they believe in whether it is right or wrong? I think if those opposed to the Insurgency were as bold and commited as the Insurgents they would kick the Insurgents ass because as the Dub and his handlers have stated those who are against the insurgency vastly out number the Insurgents.



Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: TRUMPHENT

Wthout massive US support, the new Iraqi military would be whipsawed by the insurgency.

Quite likely the 'insurgency' is the bulk of the trained and diciplined soldiers from the Saddam Army
who were disbanded by the US when Brenner took over incountry control.
Nearly half of those who went into the 'New ! Improved ! Iraqi Army' have already defected to the insurgency,
so in effect what we are accomplishing is training an Iraq Insurgency to fight agaist us with our methods and equipment.



Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
I am not usually one of those people that like to compare Bush to Hitler or anything. But this latest speech was just appalling.

-The back drop of the soldiers

-Bush at the podium staring down at everyone


it was surreal.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: OrByte
I am not usually one of those people that like to compare Bush to Hitler or anything. But this latest speech was just appalling.

-The back drop of the soldiers

-Bush at the podium staring down at everyone


it was surreal.

Only thing missing was small moustache.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: OrByte
I am not usually one of those people that like to compare Bush to Hitler or anything. But this latest speech was just appalling.

-The back drop of the soldiers

-Bush at the podium staring down at everyone


it was surreal.

Only thing missing was small moustache.

And a hearty "Zieg Heil!!!"



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Another Bush Fear Speech in progress 2-24-2006

Fear Fear Fear

WMK Weapons of Mass Killing

Stay in the Hunt of Terrists

New Stragety of protecting Americans by giving our ports to them.

True Americans should be insulted that Bush compared Iraq to the founders of the U.S.

That is disgusting :|
Feb 16, 2005
It's easy to know when to stop listening to that moron and his moron sidekicks. Any time their lips are moving.
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