Bush gets raw and blames democrats for everything

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Bush takes no responsibility at all. Then he comes back and says Democrats will raise taxes and hocus pocus. However, he never once explains the mess we're in and how we're going to get out of it.


Originally posted: March 31, 2007
Bush vs Marine: Peanuts and war

Posted by Mark Silva at 9:06 am CDT

"I like peanuts as much as the next guy,'' President Bush said today, "but I believe the security of our troops should come before the security of our peanut crop.''

And with these unlikely words, delivered in his weekly radio address, the president spelled out some of his complaints about the $100-billion-plus war-spending bills that the House and Senate have approved which are laden with "special-interest'' projects such as $75 million for peanut farmers -- not to mention the timelines for withdrawals of American military forces from Iraq that the president vows to veto.

But it's the timelines, more than the peanut cash, which the Democratic Party wants to talk about. Retired Lt. Col. Andrew Horne, "a loyal Marine'' and Iraq and Gulf War veteran, delivers the party's response to the president with a message that: "These bills both demand something that previous Congresses did not ? accountability from the administration. Both bills demand that the president continue to verify that we are moving Iraq towards stability, and that we are on track to disengage our combat troops from the Iraqi Civil War by 2008.''

The peanut money really is peanuts, however, compared to the spending that Bush is criticizing in proposed new federal budgets that the House and Senate also have advanced for 2008. Their $3-trillion-plus spending plans for next year include more than what the president has sought, he said - $145 billion more in the Senate plan, $213 billion more in the House plan. And that, Bush warns, means raising taxes.

An Iraq and Gulf war veteran, retired Marine Lt. Col. Andrew Horne also has appeared in a television ad backed by VoteVets.org and Americans Against Escalation in Iraq. Urging Americans to withdraw from "Iraqi Civil War,'' he delivers the Democratic radio response to Bush today.

This is the text of the president's radio address:

"Good morning. In recent days, the House and Senate each passed emergency war spending bills that undercut our troops in the field. Each of the Democrats' bills would substitute the judgment of politicians in Washington for that of our generals on the ground. Each bill would impose restrictive conditions on our military commanders. Each bill would also set an arbitrary deadline for surrender and withdrawal in Iraq, and I believe that would have disastrous consequences for our safety here at home.

"The Democrats loaded up their bills with billions of dollars in domestic spending completely unrelated to the war, including $3.5 million for visitors to tour the Capitol, $6.4 million for the House of Representatives' Salaries and Expenses Account, and $74 million for secure peanut storage. I like peanuts as much as the next guy, but I believe the security of our troops should come before the security of our peanut crop. For all these reasons, that is why I made it clear to the Democrats in Congress, I will veto the bill.

"Democrats in the House and the Senate also recently passed their annual budget resolutions. Their budgets would raise your taxes and raise government spending in Washington. And their budgets fail to address the most serious challenge to our Nation's fiscal health: the unsustainable growth in entitlement programs, like Social Security and Medicare.

"Overall, the Democrats would raise taxes by a total of nearly $400 billion over the next five years. To put this in perspective, this would be the largest tax increase in our Nation's history, even larger than the tax increase the Democrats passed the last time they controlled Congress.

"Let me explain what it will mean for your annual tax bill if the Democrats get their way. If you have children, the Democrats would raise your taxes by $500 for each child. If you're a family of four making $60,000 a year, the Democrats would raise your taxes by more than $1,800. If you're a single mother with two children working to make ends meet, the Democrats would raise your taxes by more than $1,000. If you are a small business owner working to meet a payroll, the Democrats would raise your taxes by almost $4,000. And more than five million low-income Americans who currently pay no income taxes because of our tax relief would once again have to pay. Whether you have a family, work for a living, own a business, or are simply struggling to get by on a low income, the Democrats want to raise your taxes.

"The Democrats plan to spend all those extra tax dollars. In the Senate, Democrats have passed a budget that would spend $145 billion more than I have requested over the next five years. In the House, Democrats have passed a budget that would spend even more -- $213 billion above my request.

"With their budgets, the Democrats have revealed their true intentions. During the last campaign, Democrats said that under their "pay as you go" approach, they would pay for their new spending. Now we see what they meant by that. The Democrats have chosen a "tax as you go" approach that requires you to cut your spending to pay higher taxes. And Democrats will use these higher taxes to spend more of your money on their special interest projects.

"Our Nation cannot afford such reckless taxing and spending. Under my Administration, we have kept your taxes low and restrained government spending in Washington. Now, America's economy is leading the world, with an economic expansion that has produced 42 months of uninterrupted job growth and created more than 7.5 million new jobs. The fastest way to stop this growth in its tracks would be to allow the Democrats in Congress to impose higher taxes on you so they can spend more of your money.

"I believe there's a better way to balance our Federal budget. Last month, I sent Congress a plan that would eliminate the Federal deficit in five years, without raising your taxes. In the months ahead, I will work with Republicans and responsible Democrats in Congress to pass a disciplined budget and to stop the Democratic leadership from taking our Nation back to tax-and-spend policies of the past. By setting clear spending priorities and keeping taxes low, we can keep our economy growing, support our troops in the war on terror, and ensure our children and grandchildren inherit a more prosperous and hopeful America.

"Thank you for listening.'''

This is the text of retired Lt. Col. Andrew Horne's response for the Democratic Party:

"Good Morning.

"I?m Andrew Horne, coming to you from Louisville, Ky. I served in the United States Marine Corps for 27 years, including time in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and then again in 2004 and 2005 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am proud of my service, and very proud of those men and women currently in harm?s way who are doing their best in a terribly difficult situation.

"When I deployed to Iraq, I believed what the President and his advisors said about the necessity of the war. I believed that the decision-makers in Washington would make sure we had everything we needed to get the job done, and we wouldn?t be there any longer than we absolutely had to. What I saw there changed my mind.

"I saw troops riding in Humvees without the proper armor and units dangerously undermanned for the mission they were asked to accomplish. Most importantly, I saw that while we won every battle, there was little good we could do militarily unless the Iraqis took responsibility for resolving their political differences. Yet no one in Washington offered benchmarks for success that would motivate the Iraqis to resolve their differences and lead us home.

"In short, the Commander-in-Chief has failed to properly lead the troops, and previous Congresses didn?t ask the tough questions, or demand accountability. The result is the mess we are in today.

"This week, the majority in Congress has taken the lead in providing for our troops. Supplemental spending bills passed by the House and Senate provide a much-needed change in the President?s Iraq policy. This legislation also provides billions for our troops, giving them the proper protection and training they need to survive in Iraq, as well as funds to fix Walter Reed, provide health care to our troops and veterans, and research and heal traumatic brain injuries that many troops suffered.

"Some of the top generals who served this nation with honor have endorsed what the House and Senate passed. The bills closely mirror what was proposed by the non-partisan Iraq Study Group that was appointed by President Bush. I know my fellow troops are eager to get what the bills provide.

"At the same time, these bills both demand something that previous Congresses did not ? accountability from the administration. Both bills demand that the President continue to verify that we are moving Iraq towards stability, and that we are on track to disengage our combat troops from the Iraqi Civil War by 2008.

"Accountability is something this administration has demanded of everyone else. Go to the website of the White House, and put in a search for the word ?accountability.? What comes up is a list of nearly 2,000 pages on the site that mention the word.

"Right there in the President?s first major policy proposal, the first bullet point in the brief on the No Child Left Behind Act reads: ?Increase Accountability for Student Performance: States, districts and schools that improve achievement will be rewarded. Failure will be sanctioned.?

"It's ironic that an administration that has touted its commitment to tying accountability to funding for things like schools or social programs is so opposed to any performance evaluation itself, especially with American lives on the line.

"Both Houses of Congress have done their jobs and will soon finish a bill that will provide for the troops. When they?re done, the only person who could keep funds from reaching troops would be the President. If the President vetoes this bill because he doesn?t want to formally demonstrate progress in Iraq, never in the history of war would there be a more blatant example of a Commander-in-Chief undermining the troops. There is absolutely no excuse for the President to withhold funding for the troops, and if he does exercise a veto, Congress must side with the troops and override it.

"As a loyal Marine who loves my country and my fellow troops and veterans, I ask you, Mr. President, please do not withhold funding from our troops because you are afraid to change course and show progress in Iraq.

"Thank you, and good afternoon.''

What are you opinions?



Apr 25, 2001
I think it takes a lot of balls to complain about the Democrats attaching things to a war funding bill. The Republicans have been doing it for years for otherwise unpopular legislation that they know will make it through because nobody wants to vote against supporting the troops. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now, but I think Bush and the rest of the Republicans need to shut their cake holes over this particular issue or risk looking even dumber than usual. And while peanut money isn't all that great, at least the Dems aren't hiding national ID provisions in the bill...


Jun 3, 2003
I guess he doesn't support the troops. If he is not with us then him must be against us.


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
LOL, I think that when someone gets caught with their pants down, they come up with all kinds of excuses.

The real litmus test is who will realize it's all BS and who will agree with all the pathetic excuses.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Typical hardball partisan politics. Bush's problem is that his version may go over gangbusters with his ever shrinking minority base while alienating more democrats. And the democrats can well afford to to resort to less shrill rhetoric less likely to alienate the Republican base and still keep their base happy.

But it really is just a calm before the storm. Soon GWB&co are likely to be embroiled in more scandals than anyone can shake a stick at. And GWB will soon find himself embroiled in a political struggle of epic proportions. The question is will GWB&co then raise the rhetoric level even higher, or will he find it wiser to keep his big yap shut? Because he may soon find out the shoe is now on the other foot--and if GWB shoves---the dems can shove back much harder.

Can dumb dogs ever learn any new tricks?


Jul 28, 2006
If this war is so bad that we MUST leave then why is the deadline next Sepetember?
Why so long? Why not this September?

And why set a bunch of benchmarks for the Iraqis to meet for our troops to stay and then when they acheive all those marks bring them home anyway?

Finally, the big WHY. Why did it take $20 billion pork in order to get this bill passed? Democrats are so worried about the lives of the troops that they have to bought off in order to vote for the bill? Sad all around.
You think America should leave, fine, pass a clean bill calling for our withdrawal.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
If this war is so bad that we MUST leave then why is the deadline next Sepetember?
Why so long? Why not this September?

And why set a bunch of benchmarks for the Iraqis to meet for our troops to stay and then when they acheive all those marks bring them home anyway?

Finally, the big WHY. Why did it take $20 billion pork in order to get this bill passed? Democrats are so worried about the lives of the troops that they have to bought off in order to vote for the bill? Sad all around.
You think America should leave, fine, pass a clean bill calling for our withdrawal.

Pork or offerings to get Republican votes? You think Republicans haven't done the same in the past?


Nov 11, 1999
If this war is so bad that we MUST leave then why is the deadline next Sepetember?
Why so long? Why not this September?

Because those of the same political persuasion as yourself would complain that it wasn't realistic or fair, that it wouldn't allow enough time.

And, uhh, you're not actually advocating such a course, anyway, so the whole schtick is a sham.

And why set a bunch of benchmarks for the Iraqis to meet for our troops to stay and then when they acheive all those marks bring them home anyway?

Because if the Iraqi govt can't meet the benchmarks, then they don't deserve our support and the lives of our soldiers as sacrifice. What the Dems have announced is that they've found the long sought after exit strategy that repubs never even considered... actually leaving.

Finally, the big WHY. Why did it take $20 billion pork in order to get this bill passed? Democrats are so worried about the lives of the troops that they have to bought off in order to vote for the bill? Sad all around.
You think America should leave, fine, pass a clean bill calling for our withdrawal.

You mean two separate bills, right? One giving Dubya the money to continue, which he'll sign, and one calling for a deadline, which he'll veto... Huh-uhh. And, uhh, getting Dems to vote for the troop money was the easy part, getting enough onboard for the deadline was the hard part. Seeing as how the vast majority of repubs voted against the bill, I could claim they obviously don't support the troops- they voted against funding, right?

Must be galling for the guy who callously exploited 9/11 to rather deftly maneuver the Dems into allowing him to invade Iraq is now being maneuvered into withdrawing...

All the whining about pork is just a sideshow, amusing considering the source...

Yep, Dems will spend money to accomplish what they believe is important, to bring home the troops- damned near treasonous, right? Heck, we could have pounded that extra $20B into another couple months of pointless occupation, instead of using it for something constructive at home...


Oct 9, 1999
Wow, either he's got a set of cajones on him, or he really is as stupid as everyone says.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
If this war is so bad that we MUST leave then why is the deadline next Sepetember?
Why so long? Why not this September?

Because those of the same political persuasion as yourself would complain that it wasn't realistic or fair, that it wouldn't allow enough time.

And, uhh, you're not actually advocating such a course, anyway, so the whole schtick is a sham.

And why set a bunch of benchmarks for the Iraqis to meet for our troops to stay and then when they acheive all those marks bring them home anyway?

Because if the Iraqi govt can't meet the benchmarks, then they don't deserve our support and the lives of our soldiers as sacrifice. What the Dems have announced is that they've found the long sought after exit strategy that repubs never even considered... actually leaving.

Finally, the big WHY. Why did it take $20 billion pork in order to get this bill passed? Democrats are so worried about the lives of the troops that they have to bought off in order to vote for the bill? Sad all around.
You think America should leave, fine, pass a clean bill calling for our withdrawal.

You mean two separate bills, right? One giving Dubya the money to continue, which he'll sign, and one calling for a deadline, which he'll veto... Huh-uhh. And, uhh, getting Dems to vote for the troop money was the easy part, getting enough onboard for the deadline was the hard part. Seeing as how the vast majority of repubs voted against the bill, I could claim they obviously don't support the troops- they voted against funding, right?

Must be galling for the guy who callously exploited 9/11 to rather deftly maneuver the Dems into allowing him to invade Iraq is now being maneuvered into withdrawing...

All the whining about pork is just a sideshow, amusing considering the source...

Yep, Dems will spend money to accomplish what they believe is important, to bring home the troops- damned near treasonous, right? Heck, we could have pounded that extra $20B into another couple months of pointless occupation, instead of using it for something constructive at home...

Dem's are becoming pretty creative in finding ways to tax us even more...almost better than Repubs

Looks like business as usual in DC to me *shrug*

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Have any of you ever considered that the dems are just asking GWB to consult with them on the Iraq war, and to achieve that goal they threaten to pass funding bills with far off withdrawal dates as the only effective way to get GWB to listen? And instead GWB steadfastly refuses to even talk to democrats. In a better world a wiser President would talk to congress, make them a equal party in war planning, and we might just get a bipartisan plan for Iraq that has a chance of national support and success.

If the GWB track record even remotely had a glimmer of success, one might understand a President who insists they are right, but given the positively abysmal track record of GWB&co., one can only sadly conclude that their position is simply crazy and divorced from all reality. And ultimately GWB&co. will have to be dope slapped very forcefully.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Have any of you ever considered that the dems are just asking GWB to consult with them on the Iraq war, and to achieve that goal they threaten to pass funding bills with far off withdrawal dates as the only effective way to get GWB to listen? And instead GWB steadfastly refuses to even talk to democrats. In a better world a wiser President would talk to congress, make them a equal party in war planning, and we might just get a bipartisan plan for Iraq that has a chance of national support and success.

If the GWB track record even remotely had a glimmer of success, one might understand a President who insists they are right, but given the positively abysmal track record of GWB&co., one can only sadly conclude that their position is simply crazy and divorced from all reality. And ultimately GWB&co. will have to be dope slapped very forcefully.

If the dems had any other plan than to leave, he might listen to them. However, the dems only want to hamstring the military and leave. We need to make sure Iraq can stand on its own before, otherwise we will back again..


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Wow, either he's got a set of cajones on him, or he really is as stupid as everyone says.

I don't see a contradiction. He uses his balls to think.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
If this war is so bad that we MUST leave then why is the deadline next Sepetember?
Why so long? Why not this September?

And why set a bunch of benchmarks for the Iraqis to meet for our troops to stay and then when they acheive all those marks bring them home anyway?

Finally, the big WHY. Why did it take $20 billion pork in order to get this bill passed? Democrats are so worried about the lives of the troops that they have to bought off in order to vote for the bill? Sad all around.
You think America should leave, fine, pass a clean bill calling for our withdrawal.
Pork or offerings to get Republican votes? You think Republicans haven't done the same in the past?
From the way the story has been told it took all that pork for the Democrats to get the votes they needed for the bill to pass. The bill only passed by 3 votes, although someone said it only passed by 1 vote since 1 vote less would have been less than 50% of the house, not sure if that is true or now.
So in order to get ALL the Democrats onboard they through around some money, bribery basicly.

The fact that Republicans may have done similar in the past does not excuse the Democrats from doing it this time.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Wow, either he's got a set of cajones on him, or he really is as stupid as everyone says.

I don't see a contradiction. He uses his balls to think.

You're just a flip flopper, you used to say his Dick did the thinking.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
You're just a flip flopper, you used to say his Dick did the thinking.

Sorry--can't resist the mean spirited dig---he used to use his Dick to do his thinking until he discovered his Dick was running around shooting fellow Republicans in the face.

And now sad to say---he has only his balls for brains because his Dick is on probation.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
So in order to get ALL the Democrats onboard they through around some money, bribery basicly.

The fact that Republicans may have done similar in the past does not excuse the Democrats from doing it this time.

Bahahahahaha you and your buddies are a trip :laugh:


Aug 5, 2000
so who said if we leave we have to leave completely? as some dems have suggested, we can keep advisers and troops there for training iraqi troops to stand on their own while the bulk of our troops can come home and re-org/re-fit and get well and ready to go back in and do it proper like gen. shinseki and other well-respected generals recommended if they have to.

the slow bleed strategy that is the hallmark of bush's method to get the iraqi's to stand on their own just ain't working. it's going well into the fifth year and it's just more of the same.

if he was a CEO in charge of a major corp. the stockholders and board would have had him tarred, feathered and run out of town years ago just for the fact that they got royally lied to to have them buy into his "plan", let alone being criminally negligent in excluding a stabilizing/exit strategy in the model.

so far, he and his fellow conspirators outright lied to get us into iraq and have been busy micromanaging the conflict into a bloody, costly debacle of horrendous proportions whilst completely ignoring those with an experinced, realistic and pragmatic view of the situation.

enough already. he's had years to prove he had what it took to get the job done right and all he's done up to now is to prove just the opposite. humiliating, pathetic and disgusting.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
So in order to get ALL the Democrats onboard they through around some money, bribery basicly.

The fact that Republicans may have done similar in the past does not excuse the Democrats from doing it this time.

Bahahahahaha you and your buddies are a trip :laugh:

Boy is that the truth. Can you imagine that from day one in the first congress those criminals have been passing funding legislation. Just because the Republicans pass legislation doesn't excuse the Democrats from doing it, right? Hehehehe, My God!


Feb 5, 2006
Bush is an idiot on track to go down as one of the worst presidents in history.
So can't blame him for trying to blame Democrats for everything since that's the only thing he has left to do. He has failed at everything else.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
screw it, let's just move into iraq, and stay there permenantly. it'll be great, we can keep dumping billions into that bottomless hole. think of all the parties we can have when troops come home from leave, and then the nights before they go back, over and over.
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
Bush takes no responsibility at all. Then he comes back and says Democrats will raise taxes and hocus pocus. However, he never once explains the mess we're in and how we're going to get out of it.


Originally posted: March 31, 2007
Bush vs Marine: Peanuts and war

Posted by Mark Silva at 9:06 am CDT

"I like peanuts as much as the next guy,'' President Bush said today, "but I believe the security of our troops should come before the security of our peanut crop.''

And with these unlikely words, delivered in his weekly radio address, the president spelled out some of his complaints about the $100-billion-plus war-spending bills that the House and Senate have approved which are laden with "special-interest'' projects such as $75 million for peanut farmers -- not to mention the timelines for withdrawals of American military forces from Iraq that the president vows to veto.

But it's the timelines, more than the peanut cash, which the Democratic Party wants to talk about. Retired Lt. Col. Andrew Horne, "a loyal Marine'' and Iraq and Gulf War veteran, delivers the party's response to the president with a message that: "These bills both demand something that previous Congresses did not ? accountability from the administration. Both bills demand that the president continue to verify that we are moving Iraq towards stability, and that we are on track to disengage our combat troops from the Iraqi Civil War by 2008.''

The peanut money really is peanuts, however, compared to the spending that Bush is criticizing in proposed new federal budgets that the House and Senate also have advanced for 2008. Their $3-trillion-plus spending plans for next year include more than what the president has sought, he said - $145 billion more in the Senate plan, $213 billion more in the House plan. And that, Bush warns, means raising taxes.

An Iraq and Gulf war veteran, retired Marine Lt. Col. Andrew Horne also has appeared in a television ad backed by VoteVets.org and Americans Against Escalation in Iraq. Urging Americans to withdraw from "Iraqi Civil War,'' he delivers the Democratic radio response to Bush today.

This is the text of the president's radio address:

"Good morning. In recent days, the House and Senate each passed emergency war spending bills that undercut our troops in the field. Each of the Democrats' bills would substitute the judgment of politicians in Washington for that of our generals on the ground. Each bill would impose restrictive conditions on our military commanders. Each bill would also set an arbitrary deadline for surrender and withdrawal in Iraq, and I believe that would have disastrous consequences for our safety here at home.

"The Democrats loaded up their bills with billions of dollars in domestic spending completely unrelated to the war, including $3.5 million for visitors to tour the Capitol, $6.4 million for the House of Representatives' Salaries and Expenses Account, and $74 million for secure peanut storage. I like peanuts as much as the next guy, but I believe the security of our troops should come before the security of our peanut crop. For all these reasons, that is why I made it clear to the Democrats in Congress, I will veto the bill.

"Democrats in the House and the Senate also recently passed their annual budget resolutions. Their budgets would raise your taxes and raise government spending in Washington. And their budgets fail to address the most serious challenge to our Nation's fiscal health: the unsustainable growth in entitlement programs, like Social Security and Medicare.

"Overall, the Democrats would raise taxes by a total of nearly $400 billion over the next five years. To put this in perspective, this would be the largest tax increase in our Nation's history, even larger than the tax increase the Democrats passed the last time they controlled Congress.

"Let me explain what it will mean for your annual tax bill if the Democrats get their way. If you have children, the Democrats would raise your taxes by $500 for each child. If you're a family of four making $60,000 a year, the Democrats would raise your taxes by more than $1,800. If you're a single mother with two children working to make ends meet, the Democrats would raise your taxes by more than $1,000. If you are a small business owner working to meet a payroll, the Democrats would raise your taxes by almost $4,000. And more than five million low-income Americans who currently pay no income taxes because of our tax relief would once again have to pay. Whether you have a family, work for a living, own a business, or are simply struggling to get by on a low income, the Democrats want to raise your taxes.

"The Democrats plan to spend all those extra tax dollars. In the Senate, Democrats have passed a budget that would spend $145 billion more than I have requested over the next five years. In the House, Democrats have passed a budget that would spend even more -- $213 billion above my request.

"With their budgets, the Democrats have revealed their true intentions. During the last campaign, Democrats said that under their "pay as you go" approach, they would pay for their new spending. Now we see what they meant by that. The Democrats have chosen a "tax as you go" approach that requires you to cut your spending to pay higher taxes. And Democrats will use these higher taxes to spend more of your money on their special interest projects.

"Our Nation cannot afford such reckless taxing and spending. Under my Administration, we have kept your taxes low and restrained government spending in Washington. Now, America's economy is leading the world, with an economic expansion that has produced 42 months of uninterrupted job growth and created more than 7.5 million new jobs. The fastest way to stop this growth in its tracks would be to allow the Democrats in Congress to impose higher taxes on you so they can spend more of your money.

"I believe there's a better way to balance our Federal budget. Last month, I sent Congress a plan that would eliminate the Federal deficit in five years, without raising your taxes. In the months ahead, I will work with Republicans and responsible Democrats in Congress to pass a disciplined budget and to stop the Democratic leadership from taking our Nation back to tax-and-spend policies of the past. By setting clear spending priorities and keeping taxes low, we can keep our economy growing, support our troops in the war on terror, and ensure our children and grandchildren inherit a more prosperous and hopeful America.

"Thank you for listening.'''

This is the text of retired Lt. Col. Andrew Horne's response for the Democratic Party:

"Good Morning.

"I?m Andrew Horne, coming to you from Louisville, Ky. I served in the United States Marine Corps for 27 years, including time in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and then again in 2004 and 2005 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am proud of my service, and very proud of those men and women currently in harm?s way who are doing their best in a terribly difficult situation.

"When I deployed to Iraq, I believed what the President and his advisors said about the necessity of the war. I believed that the decision-makers in Washington would make sure we had everything we needed to get the job done, and we wouldn?t be there any longer than we absolutely had to. What I saw there changed my mind.

"I saw troops riding in Humvees without the proper armor and units dangerously undermanned for the mission they were asked to accomplish. Most importantly, I saw that while we won every battle, there was little good we could do militarily unless the Iraqis took responsibility for resolving their political differences. Yet no one in Washington offered benchmarks for success that would motivate the Iraqis to resolve their differences and lead us home.

"In short, the Commander-in-Chief has failed to properly lead the troops, and previous Congresses didn?t ask the tough questions, or demand accountability. The result is the mess we are in today.

"This week, the majority in Congress has taken the lead in providing for our troops. Supplemental spending bills passed by the House and Senate provide a much-needed change in the President?s Iraq policy. This legislation also provides billions for our troops, giving them the proper protection and training they need to survive in Iraq, as well as funds to fix Walter Reed, provide health care to our troops and veterans, and research and heal traumatic brain injuries that many troops suffered.

"Some of the top generals who served this nation with honor have endorsed what the House and Senate passed. The bills closely mirror what was proposed by the non-partisan Iraq Study Group that was appointed by President Bush. I know my fellow troops are eager to get what the bills provide.

"At the same time, these bills both demand something that previous Congresses did not ? accountability from the administration. Both bills demand that the President continue to verify that we are moving Iraq towards stability, and that we are on track to disengage our combat troops from the Iraqi Civil War by 2008.

"Accountability is something this administration has demanded of everyone else. Go to the website of the White House, and put in a search for the word ?accountability.? What comes up is a list of nearly 2,000 pages on the site that mention the word.

"Right there in the President?s first major policy proposal, the first bullet point in the brief on the No Child Left Behind Act reads: ?Increase Accountability for Student Performance: States, districts and schools that improve achievement will be rewarded. Failure will be sanctioned.?

"It's ironic that an administration that has touted its commitment to tying accountability to funding for things like schools or social programs is so opposed to any performance evaluation itself, especially with American lives on the line.

"Both Houses of Congress have done their jobs and will soon finish a bill that will provide for the troops. When they?re done, the only person who could keep funds from reaching troops would be the President. If the President vetoes this bill because he doesn?t want to formally demonstrate progress in Iraq, never in the history of war would there be a more blatant example of a Commander-in-Chief undermining the troops. There is absolutely no excuse for the President to withhold funding for the troops, and if he does exercise a veto, Congress must side with the troops and override it.

"As a loyal Marine who loves my country and my fellow troops and veterans, I ask you, Mr. President, please do not withhold funding from our troops because you are afraid to change course and show progress in Iraq.

"Thank you, and good afternoon.''

What are you opinions?


Bush is an incompetent fool whose administration is falling apart at the seams. That's my opinion.
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