Bush may use nuclear weapon on Iraq!

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Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider
Originally posted by: KlutZ
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider Gee, let's avoid the whole scenario and keep our troops out of Iraq. Then we can safely talk about hypotheticals all day.
Until Saddam uses nukes on us, or our allies. The only Iraqi's that Sadam cares about, besides himself, are the ones who build his weapons and the ones who protect him. We all know, and Saddam has already proven, that he doesn't care if his people die. Either by purposely putting civilians in front of our bombs, or by gasing them himself, he is a murderous mad man either way. The oppressed Iraqi people will be better off without him, they deserve their freedom just as you do. Those of us saying that Bush shouldn't wage war, are the same ones who would say that he should've done something about Saddam next year when he nukes Tel Aviv. Saddam has had all the chances he needs to comply with UN resolutions. The time to act is now. Let's not forget, he claims to not have these WMD's at one moment, and then says he will use them against us.

Saddam got his butt kicked a dozen or so years ago. I have no doubt Saddam is trying to obtain weapons to prevent that from happening again. Saddam has also been consistent in one thing above all. He wants to survive. What do you think would happen if he launched a nuke? His obliteration. Dont say he does not know or care about this. He has no ideology to cause him to become a martyr. Remember Idi Amin? Probably too young. He ate his opponents, as in cooked and ate them. We did not go to war to free his people. No, this is a complicated situation that many are frustrated with. Easiest to kill everyone and let God sort it out. This is NOT about "freeing the people" Do the people there want him gone? Many do. Do they want you to kill them to get rid of him? I doubt it. Why on earth would he nuke anyone who doesnt attack him? He would not, because unless he can destroy all the US military instantly, he is dead. He does not believe he will have 70 virgins waiting for him. We should not go into a country uninvited to kill them to liberate them to prevent a disaster that isnt going to happen to begin with. Tell you what you will get if you do go in though. Tell you what happens if you do though. You have one dead leader and a whole lot of angry people pissed at the US in a way they never were before. You have created more terrorists than you can count. Sleep well.

Idi Amin went into exile 22 years ago.

Amin's legacy of terror
"These days, the signs of the horror that once engulfed Uganda are few and far between. Uganda is enjoying the best economic times in a generation. "

I guess you just don't want the same oppurtunity for the Iraqis. Sad.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Hay, are you talking just about killing Saddam, or killing him with nukes. Personally I'm not convinced that given some limit on the death toll, the Iraqis won't be very greatful for us eliminating him. Radical Iraqis maybe. His party maybe, but I think the people will be relieved and maybe even joyful. I'm opposed to going alone without the united nations and the concent and force of world opinion behind us. That requires, I think. some explanation of our intentions for the future of the iraqi people absent some hidden intention to profit strategically and economically. I'll say again, I have proplems with letting the worst people have the worst weapons, saddam or bush. There is no big need for hurry to start a war. I don't think our government is acting properly because their intentions are not the ones they claim.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider
Originally posted by: KlutZ
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider Gee, let's avoid the whole scenario and keep our troops out of Iraq. Then we can safely talk about hypotheticals all day.
Until Saddam uses nukes on us, or our allies. The only Iraqi's that Sadam cares about, besides himself, are the ones who build his weapons and the ones who protect him. We all know, and Saddam has already proven, that he doesn't care if his people die. Either by purposely putting civilians in front of our bombs, or by gasing them himself, he is a murderous mad man either way. The oppressed Iraqi people will be better off without him, they deserve their freedom just as you do. Those of us saying that Bush shouldn't wage war, are the same ones who would say that he should've done something about Saddam next year when he nukes Tel Aviv. Saddam has had all the chances he needs to comply with UN resolutions. The time to act is now. Let's not forget, he claims to not have these WMD's at one moment, and then says he will use them against us.
Saddam got his butt kicked a dozen or so years ago. I have no doubt Saddam is trying to obtain weapons to prevent that from happening again. Saddam has also been consistent in one thing above all. He wants to survive. What do you think would happen if he launched a nuke? His obliteration. Dont say he does not know or care about this. He has no ideology to cause him to become a martyr. Remember Idi Amin? Probably too young. He ate his opponents, as in cooked and ate them. We did not go to war to free his people. No, this is a complicated situation that many are frustrated with. Easiest to kill everyone and let God sort it out. This is NOT about "freeing the people" Do the people there want him gone? Many do. Do they want you to kill them to get rid of him? I doubt it. Why on earth would he nuke anyone who doesnt attack him? He would not, because unless he can destroy all the US military instantly, he is dead. He does not believe he will have 70 virgins waiting for him. We should not go into a country uninvited to kill them to liberate them to prevent a disaster that isnt going to happen to begin with. Tell you what you will get if you do go in though. Tell you what happens if you do though. You have one dead leader and a whole lot of angry people pissed at the US in a way they never were before. You have created more terrorists than you can count. Sleep well.
Idi Amin went into exile 22 years ago. Amin's legacy of terror "These days, the signs of the horror that once engulfed Uganda are few and far between. Uganda is enjoying the best economic times in a generation. " I guess you just don't want the same oppurtunity for the Iraqis. Sad.

Whoa, I missed the Ugandan War. When did we send a few hundred thousand troops to kill the Ugandans to free them? Thanks for the update on history.
Little factoid. If you killed my father in a war to free me, I would not consider it a bargan, however I just might get a great deal of satisfaction killing all that you love. That is a real reality people choose to ignore.

Do a little search and find out where I say I approve of what Saddam does. I do see however a lighthearted attitude of nuking Baghdad and turning it to glass in this forum. Well there are real people living there who have never done harm to anyone as far as you know. Where is your outrage and disapproval there? Perhaps you feel differently. I have no desire to see these people suffer at the hand of Saddam or ours, but I do see a willingness on the part of others to do so because one man isnt following UN resolutions.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Hay, the green glass parking lot people are really just boys who think that macho means man. The man who has to watch his children die because boys pretend to be men becomes a different kind of person, some horrible and vindictive, God save us, and some deep in the wisdom of sorrow and compassion. He who cannot feel for the other is dead within his own soul. You tough little boys are really still just peeing in your pants with fear. You would rather kill than admit how fear is what propells you. The lives of each of us is in someone elses hand. Have a care as to who you become.


Golden Member
May 6, 2002
We need to get this current adminstration out of office. I am tired of the U.S. playing the big tough bully around the world! I want to be able to see my children grow up, and not have to live in fear.

Bush is a clown! He is the worst president we have had, period! Rumsfield is a warmonger, and will not stop spouting off his mouth. If we go at this alone, we will pay for it.

All of the countries around the world hate us because of the people that are in office. We need to have more checks and balances on the people we elect. If the people do not agree, we should be able to make it right.
This is a Democracy, and the elected officials should be reminded of that.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: NorthRiver
We need to get this current adminstration out of office. I am tired of the U.S. playing the big tough bully around the world! I want to be able to see my children grow up, and not have to live in fear.

Bush is a clown! He is the worst president we have had, period! Rumsfield is a warmonger, and will not stop spouting off his mouth. If we go at this alone, we will pay for it.

All of the countries around the world hate us because of the people that are in office. We need to have more checks and balances on the people we elect. If the people do not agree, we should be able to make it right.
This is a Democracy, and the elected officials should be reminded of that.

You want to limit freedom by keeping people out of office that you do not agree with?


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Bush won't use a nuke to attack Saddamn unless he has definite verifiable provable information leading him to the conclusion that unless he does immediately there will be massive loss of life caused by a WMD attack from Saddamn, and you can take to the bank.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Bush won't use a nuke to attack Saddamn unless he has definite verifiable provable information leading him to the conclusion that unless he does immediately there will be massive loss of life caused by a WMD attack from Saddamn, and you can take to the bank.

Actually you can bet almost any US president would.


Feb 26, 2001
I thought everyone on this earth was not allowed to use those bombs any more due to the amount of years it takes to make wherever the bomb hit inhabitable again . Something like 20 or 30 years right??


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: BD231
I thought everyone on this earth was not allowed to use those bombs any more due to the amount of years it takes to make wherever the bomb hit inhabitable again . Something like 20 or 30 years right??

Not that long. It was not long after WWII when they began rebuilding Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: NorthRiver
We need to get this current adminstration out of office. I am tired of the U.S. playing the big tough bully around the world! I want to be able to see my children grow up, and not have to live in fear.

I'll give you a clue, bending over and acceding to terrorists demands is the best way to guarantee your children living in fear or not living at all.

h is a clown! He is the worst president we have had, period! Rumsfield is a warmonger, and will not stop spouting off his mouth. If we go at this alone, we will pay for it.

By the current polls more than half of the US disagrees with you.

of the countries around the world hate us because of the people that are in office. We need to have more checks and balances on the people we elect. If the people do not agree, we should be able to make it right.
This is a Democracy, and the elected officials should be reminded of that.

The US has not been attacked before this administration took office, is that what you are trying to say? Do you want an education or do you wish to rethink that statement?

Let's just throw away the Constitution while you are at it .

This is a representative republic, that's why we have elected officials.



Golden Member
May 6, 2002
You want to limit freedom by keeping people out of office that you do not agree with?

Actually, I think that the people should have the final say. We seem to have this problem of politicians that we elect, changing their tune on a whim. Bush was never elected. The Republican Supreme court elected him. I am not a Gore lover either, but I think he was a better choice.

There will always be dissention among people, we can't all get along, but do you think that Sabre rattling around the world is going to help our cause?



Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: NorthRiver
You want to limit freedom by keeping people out of office that you do not agree with?

Actually, I think that the people should have the final say. We seem to have this problem of politicians that we elect, changing their tune on a whim. Bush was never elected. The Republican Supreme court elected him. I am not a Gore lover either, but I think he was a better choice.

There will always be dissention among people, we can't all get along, but do you think that Sabre rattling around the world is going to help our cause?

Do you think without saber rattling we would have inspectors in iraq right now? Did you have problems with the previous admin rattling sabers to get inspectors back in?

I hate to tell you this, but the election process worked 2000.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
"I'll give you a clue, bending over and acceding to terrorists demands is the best way to guarantee your children living in fear or not living at all."

The America we are becomming is a terrorst victory of the first order. We are willing to bend over with our rights, we will attack first on the presumption of guilt, we are going to make the world in our image or more probably die trying. Yea things are great with Bush. The terrorists are creating us in their image.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
The America we are becomming is a terrorst victory of the first order.
If what happened in Afghanistan is Al Queda winning, wow I wonder what it looks like when they lose?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I really think that God meant for Bush to be President and that's why he won even though he lost. I think George Bush is really like the hand of God and can't actually do any worng. Tht's why if he used Nukes in Iraq it will really be OK and actually the will of God. I know most of you out there aren't real Christians and don't understand, but trust me. God will protect Israel. This thing is way over your heads.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
"If what happened in Afghanistan is Al Queda winning, wow I wonder what it looks like when they lose?"

It would be interesting to find out. Perhaps we should consentrate our resources on defeating them and see.

Hehe, Garfang.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Yes etech, but unlike Saddam, Idi Amin loved his fellow man.
Well he liked the way he tasted at least

I guess the Iraqi's are more powerful than I was let on to believe. Why else would we be in such a hurry to go to war with them. That Nuclear Weapon they may have in 9 months would make all the difference in a victory or a defeat.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Glad somebody was awake. I had the pleasure of dining with him one time. He must have loved my company cause he said he was having a ball.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
"I'll give you a clue, bending over and acceding to terrorists demands is the best way to guarantee your children living in fear or not living at all."

The America we are becomming is a terrorst victory of the first order. We are willing to bend over with our rights, we will attack first on the presumption of guilt, we are going to make the world in our image or more probably die trying. Yea things are great with Bush. The terrorists are creating us in their image.

Did the Al-Queada terrorist acts start when Pres. Bush took office?

Were the actions that were taken on 9/11 in the planning stages before he took office?

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