Bush may use nuclear weapon on Iraq!

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Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
"I'll give you a clue, bending over and acceding to terrorists demands is the best way to guarantee your children living in fear or not living at all."

The America we are becomming is a terrorst victory of the first order. We are willing to bend over with our rights, we will attack first on the presumption of guilt, we are going to make the world in our image or more probably die trying. Yea things are great with Bush. The terrorists are creating us in their image.

Did the Al-Queada terrorist acts start when Pres. Bush took office?

Were the actions that were taken on 9/11 in the planning stages before he took office?
Al Qaeda started planning terrorist attacks on the US as soon as American Troops were deployed to Saudi Arabia for the Gulf War.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
"I'll give you a clue, bending over and acceding to terrorists demands is the best way to guarantee your children living in fear or not living at all."

The America we are becomming is a terrorst victory of the first order. We are willing to bend over with our rights, we will attack first on the presumption of guilt, we are going to make the world in our image or more probably die trying. Yea things are great with Bush. The terrorists are creating us in their image.

Did the Al-Queada terrorist acts start when Pres. Bush took office?

Were the actions that were taken on 9/11 in the planning stages before he took office?
Al Qaeda started planning terrorist attacks on the US as soon as American Troops were deployed to Saudi Arabia for the Gulf War.

But, but so many in this thread blame it all on Bush. How can that be that it started so long ago?


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
"I'll give you a clue, bending over and acceding to terrorists demands is the best way to guarantee your children living in fear or not living at all."

The America we are becomming is a terrorst victory of the first order. We are willing to bend over with our rights, we will attack first on the presumption of guilt, we are going to make the world in our image or more probably die trying. Yea things are great with Bush. The terrorists are creating us in their image.

Did the Al-Queada terrorist acts start when Pres. Bush took office?

Were the actions that were taken on 9/11 in the planning stages before he took office?
Al Qaeda started planning terrorist attacks on the US as soon as American Troops were deployed to Saudi Arabia for the Gulf War.

But, but so many in this thread blame it all on Bush. How can that be that it started so long ago?
Well a Bush was President back then!



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's not that complicated, etech. I'm not blaming Bush for the terrorist attack. I'm blaming him for his heroic efforts to make America over in their image exactly as I described. The terrorists hate our liberal values and Bush is doing a great job making us more like them.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
It's not that complicated, etech. I'm not blaming Bush for the terrorist attack. I'm blaming him for his heroic efforts to make America over in their image exactly as I described. The terrorists hate our liberal values and Bush is doing a great job making us more like them.

The terrorists hate our liberal values?

I once thought you had at least a small amount of intelligence behind those long posts of yours moonie. You just proved that there's nothing there at all.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
There you see, etech? I have no trouble proving things to you and with no evidence at all, when you want to believe.


Feb 26, 2001
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: BD231
I thought everyone on this earth was not allowed to use those bombs any more due to the amount of years it takes to make wherever the bomb hit inhabitable again . Something like 20 or 30 years right??

Not that long. It was not long after WWII when they began rebuilding Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Yeah but large amounts of people started dying shortly after the start of rebuilding due to radiation poisoning of deep water wells and their crops which was a huge problem, I think it's at least 15 years or so. Maybe we have better ways to clean up now?


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
There you see, etech? I have no trouble proving things to you and with no evidence at all, when you want to believe.

Au contraire little moonbeam, you have give large amounts of evidence that you do not think.

Saying that the terrorists hate our liberal values is just the icing on the cake.

Well, it proves one of two things. Either you are a moron or that you will lie and say anything to try and make one of your points.


Feb 8, 2001
I hate threads like this.

Some assclown posts something either stupid or titled to provoke a reaction despite the non-issue of the topic at hand. This is shortly followed by this guy and all of his friends posting asinine responses like...
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
he's fvcking crazy.
I thank all of the people with a clue for their responses which can be summarized by

The possibility of it being implenmented is about the same as Saddam being nominated and making Sainthood in the Catholic Church.
(Thank you etech!)

Anyhoo - while I am here I may as well put up my own response.



Jan 20, 2001
Bush won't use a nuke to attack Saddamn unless he has definite verifiable provable information leading him to the conclusion that unless he does immediately there will be massive loss of life caused by a WMD attack from Saddamn, and you can take to the bank.

We haven't seeen any verifiable information from the Bush admin. Furthermore, what exactly is a massive loss of life? WMD is a catchall term for non-conventional weaponry. In the absence of a well-conceived (high concept, typically low tech) means of distribution, biological and chemical attacks are unlikely to kill large numbers of people. The exception might be massing troops . . . say booby trapping Iraqi oil fields so troops attempting to control them trigger the release of agents. In such a scenario the only ones at risk are within close proximity.

The only WMD with significant potential for causing massive casualties are nuclear weapons. No one in the Bush admin thinks Saddam has nukes. But the Bush admin is the only group talking about using nukes. Simply put, the best way to prevent a massive loss of life is to NOT use nuclear weapons.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Etech quote:

Au contraire little moonbeam, you have give large amounts of evidence that you do not think.

Saying that the terrorists hate our liberal values is just the icing on the cake.

Well, it proves one of two things. Either you are a moron or that you will lie and say anything to try and make one of your points.

Hey big etech, bad news. I got some support for my theory from a couple of other morons like me:

Americans needed to be told who these terrorists are and why they would slaughter thousands of innocent people going about their daily business. Bush, a quietly religious man, did not flinch when he explained they are religious fanatics consumed with hatred for anyone who does not believe as they do. In the president's words, "The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism" and believe they have a mandate from God to "kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans and make no distinctions among military and civilians, including women and children."

Why? They hate our free and democratic way of life, and they want to destroy it. As the president said, "They want to remake the world and impose their radical beliefs on people everywhere." He pointed to what the Taliban has done to Afghanistan as the model for what they would impose on the world.

I would add to this, they also hate our democracy, our liberal markets and our abundance of economic opportunity, at which the terror attacks were clearly directed

That was Jack kemp talking about and quoting, I presume you know, GW. Sad how us small minds think alike.


Oct 9, 1999
We haven't seeen any verifiable information from the Bush admin.

'According to Security Council Resolution 1441, adopted in November, inspectors don't need to prove Iraq is rearming

Any false statements or omissions in Iraq's arms declaration, coupled with a failure to comply with and cooperate fully in the implementation of the resolution, would place Baghdad in "material breach" of its obligations '


Jan 20, 2001
Yeah . . . and your point would be . . . ? It's a BIG leap from Iraq being in material breach of 1441 . . . the Bush admin contended Saddam was in material breach essential from the beginning . . . and justification for armed onslaught. I say Bush plans for invasion are unjustified and will disturb the peace. It certainly will not establish or preserve what little stability exists in the region. If the goal is disarmament then slow AND steady works for most of the world. It has the unfortunate circumstance of being the best for Saddam as well . . . but hey that's life.

The ugly truth is that Bush has invested so much of his political capital in demonizing Saddam that he can't back down and Saddam is such a POS it's almost a certainty that he's hiding SOMETHING. Hence the unjust will act against the unruly by unlawful means. Everybody loses.


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
..use nukes in Iraq..
Good! I've long advocated turning the whole area into a glass parking lot. Of course, when the radiation dies down, we'll go back and punch thorugh the glass and pump oil again. If we don't, the area will just continue to be a hotbed of malcontents for years to come.

I don't know who this NorthRiver joker is, but I do know what - a clueless DA! The USA is a Representative Republic NOT a democracy! Democracy is mob rule. There is no room left in the world for top-down gov't (it's failed wherever it's been tried) and the middle easterners just don't and won't get it. Perhaps it's genetically impossible for them, if so, then we're well rid of them. If it weren't for their oil (which the west found and developed) they would still be a bunch of nomadic, flea-bitten, slave-trading camel jockeys (of course, many still are). Which they always were but for a short period of enlightenment.

As the great R. A. H. wrote:
"Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded -- here and there, now and then -- are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people slip back into abject poverty. This is known as 'bad luck'."

Make no mistake; the most successful and humane way of life ever devised is being threatened here both from without and within. This is a cultural/philosophical clash - the highest form of conflict, and the one with the most dire consequences - perhaps hastening the end of the human race. If clear-thinking free men, wherever they may be, don't stand up for it, the NorthRiver types will get their wish, and we'll all be much the sorrier for it...



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Etech quote:

Au contraire little moonbeam, you have give large amounts of evidence that you do not think.

Saying that the terrorists hate our liberal values is just the icing on the cake.

Well, it proves one of two things. Either you are a moron or that you will lie and say anything to try and make one of your points.

Hey big etech, bad news. I got some support for my theory from a couple of other morons like me:

Americans needed to be told who these terrorists are and why they would slaughter thousands of innocent people going about their daily business. Bush, a quietly religious man, did not flinch when he explained they are religious fanatics consumed with hatred for anyone who does not believe as they do. In the president's words, "The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism" and believe they have a mandate from God to "kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans and make no distinctions among military and civilians, including women and children."

Why? They hate our free and democratic way of life, and they want to destroy it. As the president said, "They want to remake the world and impose their radical beliefs on people everywhere." He pointed to what the Taliban has done to Afghanistan as the model for what they would impose on the world.

I would add to this, they also hate our democracy, our liberal markets and our abundance of economic opportunity, at which the terror attacks were clearly directed

That was Jack kemp talking about and quoting, I presume you know, GW. Sad how us small minds think alike.

Kinda proves I?m not the blind robot you keep saying I am that believes everything the administration puts out doesn?t it. The point is that I don?t believe that you believe it. You will state and say anything. You have no morals, no honesty. You are a whore to your ego. A frightened little boy with issues. Get the help that you need. You aren't over those issues as much as you seem to think that you are.



Platinum Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
It's not that complicated, etech. I'm not blaming Bush for the terrorist attack. I'm blaming him for his heroic efforts to make America over in their image exactly as I described. The terrorists hate our liberal values and Bush is doing a great job making us more like them.

The terrorists hate our liberal values?

I once thought you had at least a small amount of intelligence behind those long posts of yours moonie. You just proved that there's nothing there at all.

What in your opinion do the terrorists hate about us if not our libaral values?



Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Bluga
I think Bush is going insane. An article on this will be published in LA Times tomorrow.

Think about it. Bush could use a Nuke on any country at any time, for the right reasons.

This does not suprise me at all, and I would hope he wouldn't be afraid to use them if necessary.



Platinum Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
The big question is whether, Saddam, with nothing to loose, can do something to us on our own soil.

Jeepers, etech, you haven't really got the message at all. Probably you don't travel. And you're welcome. I really don't much like it when our goverment persues a course of action that makes its citizens targets. We aren't winning the PR war, maybe because we don't have a good case or are making the wrong one. You may believe in the pursuasivity of bombs alone, but I think the greater power is truth. The real truth, justice and American way are our greatest strength because it applies to everybody. We don't know how to fight the real war, perhaps because we don't believe.

You may believe in the pursuasivity of bombs alone, but I think the greater power is truth.

You are right on one thing, since I got out of the Navy I don't travel all that much anymore. Kids , wife and job keep me close to home. When I was in the Navy I did travel to quite a few foreign countries. I don't want to take the time to count it up right now, but Italy, Spain, France, Yugolavia, Haiti, Cuba are some of the ones that I remember the most. But you wouldn't know about that would you Moonie, you never served in the military have you?

The truth, ok, you go tell OBL all about the "truth" and see if he decides to quit attacking the US. Please go tell Saddam the "truth" and see if he sees the light and stops stockpiling VX nerve gas. Go tell every terrorist organization in the world the "truth" and see how far it gets you. I really want you to do that Moonie. Maybe you'll find the same group the Daniel Pearl did. But your "truth" will protect you, won't it? It would be interesting to find out.

Etech I dont want to judge you, but if you are anything like the most of your fellow servicemen, then I'd say you have stayed or spent time in those countries but u have not been there - if u know what I mean. But I'll just assume you are different.
Anyway I rather agree with what moonie said, maybe this direction doesnt turn your citizen into targets though, but it certainly makes the camoclothed fellas unwelcome and unwanted peeps.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
etech quote:

The terrorists hate our liberal values?

I once thought you had at least a small amount of intelligence behind those long posts of yours moonie. You just proved that there's nothing there at all.

I see from the question mark that you are suspicious of the fact that the terrorists hate our liberal values.

I see from your putdown that your suspicion has led to the conclusion that some of my long posts which you formerly thought might contain a modicum of intelligence do not. (To assume that one false statment eliminates other correct ones is simple minded, but we.ll leave that be.)

The obvious conclusion, owing natrually to your powerful writing style and imminant clarity is that you think the notion that the terrorists hate us for our liberal valuse is a joke. Given your attitude to liberals, why I expressed that point using that term, it strikes me as evident that you were attacking me because you thought it preposterous the terrorists attacked us for the reasons I stated.

Since your retort was all ad hominem and lacking any substance in typical etech style while at the same time you demand of everybody else that they prove their remarks, I responded with:

"There you see, etech? I have no trouble proving things to you and with no evidence at all, when you want to believe. "

Your reply:

Au contraire little moonbeam, you have give large amounts of evidence that you do not think.

Saying that the terrorists hate our liberal values is just the icing on the cake.

Well, it proves one of two things. Either you are a moron or that you will lie and say anything to try and make one of your points.

Again we are back to your powerful clarity, argumentative precision and of course fact based reasoning. You begin in French, doubtless to flaunt your liberal education, and procede with out any evidence to state that I have given large amounts of evidence that I don't think. etechism at ti's best.

You then refer to my contention as icing on the cake denoting that the problem is the idea itself, not that I believe it. You procede to reinforce that notion by saying I am a moron obviously because I believe the terrorists hate us for our liberal valuse, and then that I will lie and say anything to make of my points. Now since you are powerfully clear as to your meaning (not) and have conclusively demonstrated what a moron anybody would have to be to say they hate us for our liberal values I have to assume that you are just flailing away with the usual stereotyping of liberals as uncentered liars.

I then presented you with Bush's speach in which he says they hate us for our liberal values and all of a sudden option, that I'm a moron , is out the window and I'm now a liar, and not just any old undefined liar, because I never believed what I said about them hating us for our liberal values.

Your words:

Kinda proves I?m not the blind robot you keep saying I am that believes everything the administration puts out doesn?t it. The point is that I don?t believe that you believe it. You will state and say anything. You have no morals, no honesty. You are a whore to your ego. A frightened little boy with issues. Get the help that you need. You aren't over those issues as much as you seem to think that you are.

So which is it? Are you not the blind robot who believes the administration by calling me and Bush a couple of morons, or did you all along agree thay hate our liberal values but can't accept that I do?

What's funny, etech, is that if it weren't for my morals, I'd have a lot more to say. I draw a distinction between holding people's feet to the fire and rubbing their noses in their own sh!t. It may feel the same to you but the intention is completely different. But then, you know, I'm not rigid. I spose I could try your charges on for the sake of reflection. I wonder what an immoral lying Moonbeam would sound like? You think you already know! Hehe



Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Bluga
Originally posted by: Dudd
There is no way Bush would use nukes unprovoked. Perhaps in response to a gas attack, but otherwise no. He just wants Saddam to sh!t himself.

They say that Bush wants to use nuke FIRST to blow up those WMD.

Who's this "They" person you keep refering to? please tell me "They" isn't voices in your head. :Q


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
I'm going to throw my thoughts into the mix, simply because I disagree with a lot of what has been said, particularly by BaliBabyDoc.

Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
The President of the United States doesn't have to be crazy to use nukes, he just has to know when and where to use them properly.
NEVER and No where . . . that's the when and where! Saddam shouldn't have chemical or biological weapons b/c they should NEVER be used. That was the point of the conventions on biological and chemical weapons. The NPT exists for the same reason. We've learned a lesson . . . these weapons CANNOT be used responsibly . . . the primary reason being they are difficult to control once released hence they tend to act as weapons against civilians NOT legal combatants.

We don't need bunker busters. If we are so damn certain they're in a bunker or keeping their stash underground who cares? Let 'em crap in the corner and eat organic MREs (cockroaches) . . . they can stay there forever. If we really want them out then arm the natives and let them do it. If the natives aren't friendly we need to go home.

Yea thats the best way to handle the situation, ignore the problem because it doesn't directly effect us yet. Lets wait until our homeland is in direct risk from a hostile country led by someone who has no remorse, and no problems killing innocent people. If I thought Saddam had any tact, or would follow any kind of rules of war, which America follows I would have no problem with this but there is no way Saddam would only attack military targets if he was given the chance to pick and choose. Not to mention you thought we should hand over the responsibility to the civilians who aren't properly trained to protect themselves, and have been unable to take back their own country from Saddam for years. Add to it that Saddam surely has no problem killing his own people with chemical/biological weapons and you've obviously set up the perfect situation! More innocent casualties then are necessary!

Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
If Iraq does use WMD on US troops the sentiment will change in the country, people will want us to punish Saddam, we will want retribution for those acts.

That doesn't make sense. You break down my door and punch me in the nose. I kick you in the groin. You pull out a .44 and put a round through my chest.

You can call me a community annoyance but you have no proof I've done ANYTHING to you. But somehow you not only have the right to try and hurt me b/c I might do something to you or help someone else hurt you in the future . . . but you also reserve the right to use any means necessary to subdue me after you enter my home.

That scenario is down right medieval . . . do you wonder why we have to buy or intimidate our allies?!

You make it sound like we showed up out of no where, unprovoked and started to beat up Iraq. This is simply not the case, America was protecting people who were unable to protect themselves from a man with the ability, and the desire to control what does not belong to him. You can say that in the Gulf War America onyl had a vested interest because of the oil, which I'm sure is fairly correct and undeniable, but now we're talking about someone who wants payback by any means necessary. Not to mention the American government has said they have proof about the weapons Saddam has developed/or is in the process of developing against the sanctions placed at the end of the gulf war. You want it to be proven that the US has proof about these weapons then I don't believe you have completely given thought to the consequences of what might happen if it was released to the public.

To quote a well written article I read on kuro5hin.org the other day, if the government released to the press how the obtained proof of these weapons several things would happen. I'm going to quote the article directly:

Let's then suppose that the press push a little more for what the evidence is. USA decides to throw them a bone. They have copies of shipping records for components for WMD devices being sent into Iraq from the early 90's (this is an example - I'm not sure if they have or not in reality, but they certainly know about stuff back in '86). They tell the press this. Oh boy where do we begin as to what happens now. All of the following is the minimum impact:

-Iraq is aware shipping is being monitored

-Other 'unfriendly nations' know it is likely their shipping is being monitored

-The person who obtained the shipping information is now compromised as an agent of UKUSA intelligence agencies, and may possibly be in extreme danger

-The shipping company is now know to have weak security on confidential information, or they work with intelligence agencies, meaning they are in extreme danger as is all their property within Baghdad and other ports in unfriendly nations

-If UKUSA have access to shipping into Baghdad, they probably have many live agents working on other information gathering exercises there

-Iraq will now change their shipping conditions, so it becomes impossible for UKUSA to monitor their actions so easily.

-Other nations will secure any data they wish to hide around shipping operations

-USA intelligence agencies have to change their entire methodology for tracking shipping into ALL these countries to counter-act the changes made by those countries
(Slightly edited to be more easily read).

How exactly can you consider it medieval to occupy a country, trying to force them to disarm themselves so they can no longer be a threat to other peace loving nations, and when that request is denied using force to disarm them. If Iraq was developing for the sole purpose of self-defense, and not developing so they can support terrorist factions bent on killing every US citizen or using the weapons to again take control over other nations who cannot defend themselves against the attacks, then we wouldn't be in this perdicament. The US government is in this to protect its citizens and other possible targets by Iraq from future harm. This potential war would not be fought "because we want their power tools".

Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Oh, well, I'll call Saddam up right now and tell him that BaliBabyDoc on the Internet said he shouldn't have chemical or biological weapons, so he needs to give them up RIGHT THIS SECOND!

Let's see Saddam has so many weapons that he's a danger not only to the region but the world. But he hides it so well that inspectors and billions of dollars of US hardware can't find it.

Peaceful people everywhere think militaries are either necessary evils or tools of oppression. The fact that the ones with the biggest guns get to pick the weapons is proof of the lack of morality in the enterprise. NPT matters for NK but not Israel. We're worried NK will share but there's little doubt that Israel might use theirs.

Bush shouldn't control our military b/c he's too eager to use them. He's not a reluctant warrior . . . he's an intoxicated moron with keys to the Suburban. The Founding Fathers in their wisdom knew to withold such power from an executive. The ability to wage war should be accountable to the legislature. Alas, Congress has two significant hanging gonads amongst 435 people one belongs to Hilary and the other is a racist Democrat from West Virginia.

I don't care if Saddam's program is crippled next week, next month, or next year. As long as the world is looking it will be hard for him to use them. As soon as he attempts to use them the world will rally to defeat him.

Bush has personalized this conflict but it's not Bush vs Saddam or the US vs Iraq. It should be peace versus miscreants. Right now Saddam AND Bush are disturbing the peace. And once Saddam is gone . . . Bush will still be disturbing the peace.

Yea, if we are watching him he can't use them.. the problem is he doesn't want us watching him anymore, and fairly soon we won't be able to watch him. You seem to like to ignore the fact that Saddam is bent on killing anyone who has or will potentially oppose him any way possible. He doesn't need to directly attack with the weapons he is trying to/has created. All he needs to do is hand some over to a suicidal Taliban-like faction who will do the dirty work for him. He is not there to peacefully coexist, he wants to punish the US and UK. You think he is developing weapons so he can sit at home and protect himself?

About Bush, I'm sure Bush himself isn't as peaceful as some other presidents may have been in this situation (Gore comes to mind), but that doesn't mean he is a dictator. You think that any decision he makes isn't analyzed and reported on by many people on his staff? The US wouldn't go to war because Bush had a bad day and feels like breaking something. It is a collective decision made by many intelligent people looking out for the best interest of the nation. The US hasn't gotten to where it is today because it relys on the decisions of one man in any situation.

Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
So you're saying that if Iraq used a WMD tomorrow and killed a large chunk of our troops in the Gulf you wouldn't be upset? You would be fine with the fact that all those Americans died?
No I'm saying don't invade Iraq then you don't have to worry about a large chunk of our troops being exposed to WMD. Maybe you're new to the forum or just plain slow. You would be hard pressed to find any post of mine where advocate aggression against another. Saddam and the US are never going to be friends. But we could be real friends to real democracy growing in Iran. We could tell the Kurds to Cry Freedom . . . granted we would have to speak softly b/c our ally, Turkey, has a tendency to gas Kurds when they get uppity. We could become a real force for peace between Israel and Palestine instead of a rubber stamp for Sharon imperialism. Regardless, the death of any person is unfortunate but I have less compassion for aggressors than defenders. I fully support US troops but I definitely oppose the current course of civilian leadership.

This post particularly bothered me because you seem to believe that if we left Iraq alone the problems will just disappear, again I reiterate the fact that walking away from a problem almost never solves it, and this is certainly one problem that when ignored will do nothing but get worse. Its obvious that Saddam can do nothing but become a more deadly threat by the day when left unchecked. We are not dealing with someone with a conscious. Perhaps you believe we should wait until it turns into another holocaust-esque situation but on a nuclear/biological/chemical warfare scale?

Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
But I thought you said that Saddam didn't have any WMD. Now you are saying that we shouldn't invade so we don't have to worry about him using them on our troops.

Let's try two versions: 1) Assume Saddam has WMD. Let inspections continue for several months. If he has a lot go kick his arse (with friends), if inspectors find very little then keep looking and plan for future means of monitoring for compliance.

2) Assume Saddam has no significant/readily deployable WMD. Don't invade PERIOD.

Pretend I'm a chickenhawk cheerleader . . . the ONLY reason President Bush would take the war option would be to destroy Saddam's extensive WMD program. Hence, if Bush invades the program exists. And if the program exists it is possible Saddam will use it against US forces. In that case the US has to be prepared to use all weapons at its disposal . . . including nuclear.

Back to thinking individual . . . if the ONLY scenario under which nukes would be used is a significant chemical/biological strike against invading US forces . . . wouldn't the intelligent action be to find a different means of disarmament than unilateral invasion?

I can see where you are coming from with this, yes if we invade it would be to stop Saddam's WMD programs, I'm glad you now seem to understand it isn't related to oil anymore, you seemed to be stuck on the idea we just want the oil. You are slightly off when you interpret the situation as one where if we invade he would use his WMD arsenal against us though. You are assuming he has working warheads etc at his disposal, which would mean the US has acted too late. The idea is we can get in there and stop the programs before the are successful and Saddam has become an extremely bad threat. Even so, if they are already successful, they need to be disarmed regardless... before he gets a chance to use them. I'm in agreement that the best way to disarm Saddam would definately not be a large scale invasion. Simply put though it is not something a small elite team can accomplish simply because the US government is having an impossible time keeping track of where Saddam is keeping his weapons, and if it is necessary to have a large scale invasion similar to the gulf war to find the weapons then it should be done. This potentially puts the US soldiers at risk of being subjected to chemical and biological weapons... but its either them or the civilians Saddam would eventually target with the weapons. He isn't making the weapons to sit there and look pretty, he plans to use them regardless of whether or not its on US soldiers because of they invade his country... don't you agree?

Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
I'm not slow but you just seem be trying too hard to show your distaste for Bush and his actions.
We don't know all the facts that the government knows, and I doubt Bush would invade Iraq with the world against him over oil, the US has enough
sway in the oil industry as is. For all we know Iraq could pose a legitimate threat to the US and Bush is acting in our best interests.
I dislike bullies. Bush is a bully. Saddam is a bully. Saddam at least has the good taste not to pretend to be noble . . .
Well, nobody BELIEVES him. Bush may be moron enough to think he's doing the right thing. That's truly dangerous . . . there's nothing more harmful than delusional thought (fixed false belief). Saddam is a liar . . . but at least his lies make sense.

The US can never have enough sway when it comes to oil. In order to sustain our society we MUST control 1/5 to 1/4 of the world's oil reserves. It's not under ANWR, the Gulf of Mexico, or West Texas. If Bush trusts the American public he should lay it down before us (maybe he will on TUE) otherwise his case against Iraq is lightweight.

I'm really surprised you feel that this is all over control of oil. While I'm sure that is a part of it, how could you possibly think it plays a larger part then the potential use of weapons of to murder mass numbers of people by Saddam?
You also compare Saddam and Bush's roles in this. Maybe you should be reminded that while Saddam is a dictator Bush can not take any actions on his own... he needs support from congress, not to mention has more intelligent help from his advisors then Saddam could ever get. It does not matter if Bush believes he is doing the right thing, thats not his decision alone to make, although anything he does to ensure the safety of the US people could not be considered the wrong decision as the leader of the nation. Saddam on the other hand is knowling endangering the people of his country by defiantly refusing to completely comply with the UN, and secretly building chemical and biological weapons while openly challenging the US to come fight him.

Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Yeah . . . and your point would be . . . ? It's a BIG leap from Iraq being in material breach of 1441 . . . the Bush admin contended Saddam was in material breach essential from the beginning . . . and justification for armed onslaught. I say Bush plans for invasion are unjustified and will disturb the peace. It certainly will not establish or preserve what little stability exists in the region. If the goal is disarmament then slow AND steady works for most of the world. It has the unfortunate circumstance of being the best for Saddam as well . . . but hey that's life.

The ugly truth is that Bush has invested so much of his political capital in demonizing Saddam that he can't back down and Saddam is such a POS it's almost a certainty that he's hiding SOMETHING. Hence the unjust will act against the unruly by unlawful means. Everybody loses.

Slow and steady works for most of the world because they are not the #1 target on Saddam's list when it comes to revenge. If Saddam was to hand over weapons secretly created, which you agree he mostly likely is, to a terrorist faction... can you deny that the US would be the target of the attack? Its easy to stand on the sideline when the crosshairs aren't on you and say give them time to clean up their act. The facts are we will never find what we are looking for inspecting through the UN, Saddam would never have it. If we were even close they would just kick the inspectors out until they moved the stuff. In such a case the other nations around the world would still look down on the US for taking action, proclaiming that they still haven't found any proof. How long can the US be influenced by others decisions, while those others are obviously playing dumb to the facts?

As for nukes themselves, I think its pretty obvious that no nukes that would be of any extreme power would be used except in some sort of retaliation. If there is absolute proof that bio/chem weapons are going to be used by Saddam, then by all means do whatever it takes to ensure they are eliminated before they are used. Whether this means destroying them with conventional bombs, or the extremely unlikely low yield nukes is not for me to decide. As long as the weapons are guaranteed to be eliminated, lives will be saved and isn't that all that matters? The reality of it though, is that if there were any real plans to use nukes, it would not have been leaked to the media, especially before the US has even confirmed plans to go to war with Iraq... that just wouldn't have happened. Its possible that the government is trying to use the media to try and scare Saddam into submission. Unfortunately I don't believe that would ever work.

I hope nothing I said was offensive to anyone, its just my opinion and I hope more good discussion will be prompted as others voice their opinions on the situation, and on my opinion.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
etech quote:

The terrorists hate our liberal values?

I once thought you had at least a small amount of intelligence behind those long posts of yours moonie. You just proved that there's nothing there at all.

I see from the question mark that you are suspicious of the fact that the terrorists hate our liberal values.

I see from your putdown that your suspicion has led to the conclusion that some of my long posts which you formerly thought might contain a modicum of intelligence do not. (To assume that one false statment eliminates other correct ones is simple minded, but we.ll leave that be.)

The obvious conclusion, owing natrually to your powerful writing style and imminant clarity is that you think the notion that the terrorists hate us for our liberal valuse is a joke. Given your attitude to liberals, why I expressed that point using that term, it strikes me as evident that you were attacking me because you thought it preposterous the terrorists attacked us for the reasons I stated.

Since your retort was all ad hominem and lacking any substance in typical etech style while at the same time you demand of everybody else that they prove their remarks, I responded with:

"There you see, etech? I have no trouble proving things to you and with no evidence at all, when you want to believe. "

Your reply:

Au contraire little moonbeam, you have give large amounts of evidence that you do not think.

Saying that the terrorists hate our liberal values is just the icing on the cake.

Well, it proves one of two things. Either you are a moron or that you will lie and say anything to try and make one of your points.

Again we are back to your powerful clarity, argumentative precision and of course fact based reasoning. You begin in French, doubtless to flaunt your liberal education, and procede with out any evidence to state that I have given large amounts of evidence that I don't think. etechism at ti's best.

You then refer to my contention as icing on the cake denoting that the problem is the idea itself, not that I believe it. You procede to reinforce that notion by saying I am a moron obviously because I believe the terrorists hate us for our liberal valuse, and then that I will lie and say anything to make of my points. Now since you are powerfully clear as to your meaning (not) and have conclusively demonstrated what a moron anybody would have to be to say they hate us for our liberal values I have to assume that you are just flailing away with the usual stereotyping of liberals as uncentered liars.

I then presented you with Bush's speach in which he says they hate us for our liberal values and all of a sudden option, that I'm a moron , is out the window and I'm now a liar, and not just any old undefined liar, because I never believed what I said about them hating us for our liberal values.

Your words:

Kinda proves I?m not the blind robot you keep saying I am that believes everything the administration puts out doesn?t it. The point is that I don?t believe that you believe it. You will state and say anything. You have no morals, no honesty. You are a whore to your ego. A frightened little boy with issues. Get the help that you need. You aren't over those issues as much as you seem to think that you are.

So which is it? Are you not the blind robot who believes the administration by calling me and Bush a couple of morons, or did you all along agree thay hate our liberal values but can't accept that I do?

What's funny, etech, is that if it weren't for my morals, I'd have a lot more to say. I draw a distinction between holding people's feet to the fire and rubbing their noses in their own sh!t. It may feel the same to you but the intention is completely different. But then, you know, I'm not rigid. I spose I could try your charges on for the sake of reflection. I wonder what an immoral lying Moonbeam would sound like? You think you already know! Hehe

"I wonder what an immoral lying Moonbeam would sound like? "

Look up.

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