Bush may use nuclear weapon on Iraq!

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I really think that God meant for Bush to be President and that's why he won even though he lost. I think George Bush is really like the hand of God and can't actually do any worng. Tht's why if he used Nukes in Iraq it will really be OK and actually the will of God. I know most of you out there aren't real Christians and don't understand, but trust me. God will protect Israel. This thing is way over your heads.


Jan 20, 2001
Prove it. Keep in mind that Powell has already said the oil belongs to the Iraqi people. That is the stated policy of the US.
I saw that interview a couple of weeks ago. But Powell has been more obtuse as of late. The US has all kinds of stated policy that's BS. Everybody knows the oil belongs to Iraq. That has no bearing on whether or not the US government will install a puppet regime and facilitate the building of a pipeline going through Turkey.

The US government is not winning the argument on merit. We are losing in diplomatic circles and in the court of public opinion. Good (and right) people lose disputes all the time. I'm unconvinced that our motives are just. I tacitly support a firm hand to aid inspections but U2 flyovers make no sense when a government (US) is actively planning invasion. It's an unreasonable request given the state of affairs.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
What is disturbing, Bali, is that I suspect there are a whole lot of people encluding the Preident, that think like that clown.


Platinum Member
May 21, 2001
Lol this is never gonna happen unless Bush plans on either going Worldwar or want to see how weapons inspections would be in his country...


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Ib '91 Bush, the other one, told Saddam that if he used biological weapons he would get nuked. He had tons of scuds all loaded up and ready to fire.

If Saddam uses biological weapons, he will face the same result this time.

They would be tactical nukes btw, and would not be used to flatten cities.

Saddam might be a ruthless dictator, but he is not stupid. If war happens it will all be over in two weeks or less. Unlike the foaming at the mouth Liberals around here, Bush understands you must let your opponent know you will play all your cards.....and it's Saddam's turn...

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Gee, let's avoid the whole scenario and keep our troops out of Iraq. Then we can safely talk about hypotheticals all day.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I got a message from a world traveling friend, says he's trying to pretend to be Canadian. I heard they did that back in Viet Nam time. Americans abroad didn't feel safe being Americans. Could be we won't dare stick our heads outside our country. How sad. Thanks George.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I got a message from a world traveling friend, says he's trying to pretend to be Canadian. I heard they did that back in Viet Nam time. Americans abroad didn't feel safe being Americans. Could be we won't dare stick our heads outside our country. How sad. Thanks George.

All Americans got a message from abroad on 9/11. The sailors on the USS Cole got a message. The Australians got a message in Bali. The workers at the two embassies got a message.

Thanks for your message Moonie.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2000
Originally posted by: Bluga
I think Bush is going insane. An article on this will be published in LA Times tomorrow.

Well, it's "tomorrow" now. Where is this article?


Nov 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Dudd
There is no way Bush would use nukes unprovoked. Perhaps in response to a gas attack, but otherwise no. He just wants Saddam to sh!t himself.

You can count on the US to manufacture the necessary scenario.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Grasshopper27
Originally posted by: her209
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Of what?

They make the mistake of using chemical weapons against our soldiers, they may well kill a few thousand.

We'll then turn Bagdad into a glass-floored, self-lighting parking lot.

We lose a few thousand Servicemen and Bushes popularity will drop like a rock. Americans are expecting a Turkey Shoot just like the Gulf War. Anything else will not be exceptable to them. Too many Americans are undecided about the wisdom of attacking Iraq. Many who are the fence about it will definately turn against it if we suffer any significant losses at all. This doesn't have the support that the Gulf War did and thought Bush has a high popularity rating I can assure you that most Americans aren't as confident in his Leadership as they were of his Fathers during the Gulf War.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The big question is whether, Saddam, with nothing to loose, can do something to us on our own soil.

Jeepers, etech, you haven't really got the message at all. Probably you don't travel. And you're welcome. I really don't much like it when our goverment persues a course of action that makes its citizens targets. We aren't winning the PR war, maybe because we don't have a good case or are making the wrong one. You may believe in the pursuasivity of bombs alone, but I think the greater power is truth. The real truth, justice and American way are our greatest strength because it applies to everybody. We don't know how to fight the real war, perhaps because we don't believe.


Junior Member
Jun 19, 2002
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider
Gee, let's avoid the whole scenario and keep our troops out of Iraq. Then we can safely talk about hypotheticals all day.

Until Saddam uses nukes on us, or our allies. The only Iraqi's that Sadam cares about, besides himself, are the ones who build his weapons and the ones who protect him. We all know, and Saddam has already proven, that he doesn't care if his people die. Either by purposely putting civilians in front of our bombs, or by gasing them himself, he is a murderous mad man either way. The oppressed Iraqi people will be better off without him, they deserve their freedom just as you do. Those of us saying that Bush shouldn't wage war, are the same ones who would say that he should've done something about Saddam next year when he nukes Tel Aviv. Saddam has had all the chances he needs to comply with UN resolutions. The time to act is now.

Let's not forget, he claims to not have these WMD's at one moment, and then says he will use them against us.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999
Wow, I have never seen a more appropriate icon as the one above....... Moonie finally got it right....


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
"We don't either."

What a bunch of BS, Red. Just two posts before yours KlutZ tells us how we have to start the war now to kill iraqis so they can be free. What do you mean we don't care. Not only will they be free when we get trhough with them, even the cremation will be free.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
"We don't either."

What a bunch of BS, Red. Just two posts before yours KlutZ tells us how we have to start the war now to kill iraqis so they can be free. What do you mean we don't care. Not only will they be free when we get trhough with them, even the cremation will be free.
The problem is we won't kill them all so we will never be free of them. Oh you mean we are suppose to free them from the tyranical rule of Hussien!! Hehe..Hahaha..Bwuahahaha!!! Yeah that's why we are attacking Iraq


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
We all know, and Saddam has already proven, that he doesn't care if his people die.
We don't either.

During the Gulf conflict, there were intel reports of him using his personal guard and their families to test the potency of his latest gas experiments.

He honestly doesn't care who dies as long as it isn't him.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
We lose a few thousand Servicemen and Bushes popularity will drop like a rock.
The Gulf War 1.0 was a resounding success, Bush 1.0 enjoyed high poll figures but a year or so later....he lost the election. American politics is fickleish.

When the war begins I'm thinking the front-line infantry will surrender immediately (what's left of them after a few days of bombing). These troops aren't allowed to train with real ammunition because Saddum fears a revolt. No real will to fight there.

The Rep. Guard will do the same if the psyche warfare effort works to erode confidence in enough of its leadership. This could happen right away or it could take a bit of seige warfare around Baghdad...surround 'em, continue psycho barrage, wait 'em out.

Civie casualties? Of course since the infrastructure must be targetted. But they say the updated weapons systems are more accurate than even 10 years ago so perhaps it won't be too bad. The urban fight might create more innocent deaths.

If I was a neighboring country I'd worry about refugee surges across borders. It would be nice to see the Red Cross and other aid groups ready to receive them.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: KlutZ
Originally posted by: Hayabusarider Gee, let's avoid the whole scenario and keep our troops out of Iraq. Then we can safely talk about hypotheticals all day.
Until Saddam uses nukes on us, or our allies. The only Iraqi's that Sadam cares about, besides himself, are the ones who build his weapons and the ones who protect him. We all know, and Saddam has already proven, that he doesn't care if his people die. Either by purposely putting civilians in front of our bombs, or by gasing them himself, he is a murderous mad man either way. The oppressed Iraqi people will be better off without him, they deserve their freedom just as you do. Those of us saying that Bush shouldn't wage war, are the same ones who would say that he should've done something about Saddam next year when he nukes Tel Aviv. Saddam has had all the chances he needs to comply with UN resolutions. The time to act is now. Let's not forget, he claims to not have these WMD's at one moment, and then says he will use them against us.

Saddam got his butt kicked a dozen or so years ago. I have no doubt Saddam is trying to obtain weapons to prevent that from happening again. Saddam has also been consistent in one thing above all. He wants to survive. What do you think would happen if he launched a nuke? His obliteration. Dont say he does not know or care about this. He has no ideology to cause him to become a martyr. Remember Idi Amin? Probably too young. He ate his opponents, as in cooked and ate them. We did not go to war to free his people. No, this is a complicated situation that many are frustrated with. Easiest to kill everyone and let God sort it out. This is NOT about "freeing the people" Do the people there want him gone? Many do. Do they want you to kill them to get rid of him? I doubt it. Why on earth would he nuke anyone who doesnt attack him? He would not, because unless he can destroy all the US military instantly, he is dead. He does not believe he will have 70 virgins waiting for him. We should not go into a country uninvited to kill them to liberate them to prevent a disaster that isnt going to happen to begin with. Tell you what you will get if you do go in though. Tell you what happens if you do though. You have one dead leader and a whole lot of angry people pissed at the US in a way they never were before. You have created more terrorists than you can count. Sleep well.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
If we loose a few thousand servicemen it will probably be because we kill them ourselves.

I try to balance the monster Saddam may well be with our need to demonize an enemy to justify attacking them in lieu of heving a just reason.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
The big question is whether, Saddam, with nothing to loose, can do something to us on our own soil.

Jeepers, etech, you haven't really got the message at all. Probably you don't travel. And you're welcome. I really don't much like it when our goverment persues a course of action that makes its citizens targets. We aren't winning the PR war, maybe because we don't have a good case or are making the wrong one. You may believe in the pursuasivity of bombs alone, but I think the greater power is truth. The real truth, justice and American way are our greatest strength because it applies to everybody. We don't know how to fight the real war, perhaps because we don't believe.

You may believe in the pursuasivity of bombs alone, but I think the greater power is truth.

You are right on one thing, since I got out of the Navy I don't travel all that much anymore. Kids , wife and job keep me close to home. When I was in the Navy I did travel to quite a few foreign countries. I don't want to take the time to count it up right now, but Italy, Spain, France, Yugolavia, Haiti, Cuba are some of the ones that I remember the most. But you wouldn't know about that would you Moonie, you never served in the military have you?

The truth, ok, you go tell OBL all about the "truth" and see if he decides to quit attacking the US. Please go tell Saddam the "truth" and see if he sees the light and stops stockpiling VX nerve gas. Go tell every terrorist organization in the world the "truth" and see how far it gets you. I really want you to do that Moonie. Maybe you'll find the same group the Daniel Pearl did. But your "truth" will protect you, won't it? It would be interesting to find out.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: Moonbeam The big question is whether, Saddam, with nothing to loose, can do something to us on our own soil. Jeepers, etech, you haven't really got the message at all. Probably you don't travel. And you're welcome. I really don't much like it when our goverment persues a course of action that makes its citizens targets. We aren't winning the PR war, maybe because we don't have a good case or are making the wrong one. You may believe in the pursuasivity of bombs alone, but I think the greater power is truth. The real truth, justice and American way are our greatest strength because it applies to everybody. We don't know how to fight the real war, perhaps because we don't believe.
You may believe in the pursuasivity of bombs alone, but I think the greater power is truth.
You are right on one thing, since I got out of the Navy I don't travel all that much anymore. Kids , wife and job keep me close to home. When I was in the Navy I did travel to quite a few foreign countries. I don't want to take the time to count it up right now, but Italy, Spain, France, Yugolavia, Haiti, Cuba are some of the ones that I remember the most. But you wouldn't know about that would you Moonie, you never served in the military have you? The truth, ok, you go tell OBL all about the "truth" and see if he decides to quit attacking the US. Please go tell Saddam the "truth" and see if he sees the light and stops stockpiling VX nerve gas. Go tell every terrorist organization in the world the "truth" and see how far it gets you. I really want you to do that Moonie. Maybe you'll find the same group the Daniel Pearl did. But your "truth" will protect you, won't it? It would be interesting to find out.

The truth is that not every Muslim who dislikes the US or acts in a way we disapprove of is a threat to us. We do not lack the truth, but the wisdom of discernment.
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