Bush STATS: What he Has done in Texas....NOTHING

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Senior member
Oct 15, 1999
From Orbius: "Napalm instead of digging up obscure facts to somehow prove that pollution isn't that bad in Texas, why dont you just ask people who live there"

If you ask a Texan about Houston, you will almost always get one of two negative responses:

1) Houston is really humid. Nobody likes it because it's so humid.

2) The traffic is horrible. Crowded highways, people driving like madmen etc.

I'm not saying pollution isn't a problem, especially with that many cars and that many people. But if people are generally more concerned about the humidity or the traffic, I don't think the air quality is as bad as you make it out to be. If I lived in Houston I'd want to move out too. It's a crappy, crowded city.

I find it hard to believe that "it's so bad in parts that the air actually burns." You mean like how some really polluted rivers used to catch on fire? Do you mean in areas of Houston, you could go outside, and the air might just spontaneously burst into a big ball of flame? Or are you talking about the air right above the towers at the oil refineries? Those are supposed to burn.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< I'm so tired of hearing about how Gore lost his &quot;home&quot; state. Does anyone here realize that as vice president he has not lived there for 8 years and before that he didn't even live there very much. He owns a house there and thats it. He has lived in Washington D.C. for most of his post college years. Stop twisting the truth. They voted against him because they feel he let them down by leaving for big government and they feel he changed some of his views,which he is entitled to do. I'm sure if he goes back there to live he will get their support back. >>

That's doubtful. He might be able to run for Mayor of Memphis and win, but otherwise he has no pull in the middle and eastern parts of the state... he even lost his home district where the town of Carthage resides. We just don't like him as a human being and feel he has no worth what-so-ever.

And before you start talking about TN being a Rep state, keep this in mind: We have a Democrat controlled House and Senate. I even voted for a Democrat for state senate the last time that seat came back up for reelection because the person holding that seat has proven himself to be fiscally conservative and very accessable to the people of TN. Ironically, the main city that showed one of the largest percentage turnouts for Bush was Knoxville... and it has a Democrat mayor. We don't really care about party here, we evaluate character and performance. We simply feel that Gore's sorely lacking in both.

To paraphrase and old southern proverb: &quot;He can mend all the fences he wants, but the cows have already gotten out&quot;. Rounding them up is going to be almost impossible for Al... especially considering he forgot where he left his horse.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Please give the attribution-it's the law. >>

The attribution was given in a previous post. Quit whining.


Platinum Member
Oct 17, 2000
all this bickerin is fine and dandy, heck the constitution gave us the right to b*tch about whatever we want if we can do so in a law abiding way...

but when it comes down to it whether we like our leaders or not, they have been elected through a process that, while not perfect, is the best we've got (and improving) and we need to always be americans first and foremost...if anothet war like WW2 came i fear that the internal dissent would be the factor that would cause us to fail

please dont take this as criticism of your opinions...hell their what make our country what it is...i merely ask that you remember those who served &amp; died for this freedom we enjoy


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
bober - lets think the average american reading level is 6th grade...i read at much much higher
average Sat is about 1000 mine was well over that
(and if your wondering why my grammer/ spelling is so bad in my posts its because i honestly couldn't care less as long as you understand it....and i have better things to do with my time than sit on these forums all the time like you)

another thing that pic of me IS NOT CURRENT... did ya ever think of that?

ride525 - that is how all the people get up their in status

nap - my stats came from the state sites from each state from Jan 1 2000

PCaddict - your proving my point...all you EVER post is this is propaganda

spence- the job of the person trying to dissprove someone else is to come up with their own facts....im not gona go out and find facts for your argument against me.

tagej - thats what im trying to say... everytime someone posts something pccaddict or Russ or bober seem to say its propaganda and not try and do anything....especially bober in the libertarians thread a while back...

fdisk- lets see some stats instead of bitching once again - &quot;the job of the person trying to dissprove someone else is to come up with their own facts....im not gona go out and find facts for your argument against me.&quot;


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 1999
PCaddict - your proving my point...all you EVER post is this is propaganda

You have no point to prove, as all of your posts are baseless and rely on the half-truths which are byproducts of the Democratic spin machine. By referring to the material which you post as being propaganda, I'm giving both you and your ramblings more credit than is deserved. Someday when you're all grown up and have your own thoughts and ideas, maybe a different description will apply.

Bush won, Gore lost, and we only have a month left of Clinton. Those are the facts, and no amount of your libberish? will change that.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well...it doesn't matter who is the smoggiest city...just look at the improvements made in each state compared to the past.

LA cut it's pollution by 2/3 since 1995...I'm assuming Houston didn't really make improvements since it's neck and neck with LA now.

I just want Bush to continue pushing automakers to meet air quality standards and provide funds for alternative fuels.


Oct 9, 1999


Well that statement will score points for you and assure that the average person will jump on your bandwangon. Well Mr. Aboveaverage person, why don't you just submit your application to Pres elect Bush to help him solve all of our nation's problems......

Oh wait! Your not even 18 with full citizen rights, nor do you have any knowledge from experience in life. Please consider posting this in about 15 years when I can fully appreciate your ideas based on your knowlege drawn from your years of walking this earth.

Maybe the average idiot wanted someone to lead them that understands where they are coming from.......Of course, we could go back to the fact that Gore won the popular vote and therefore could you be saying that since the average American is an idiot and apparently in the majority of this country, then Gore was obviously more to the liking of the average idiot and must be a bigger idiot than Bush.

Gotta love when that &quot;popular vote&quot; bites ya in the ass!


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Good job lowfatbacoboy,
You have them pulling out the commies ,pulling out your age,(BTW YOU ACT OLDER THAN DO),and totally attacking you. They discriminate against the old, the young, damn you'd think they lost the election. Keep crying,waaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
you only have 4 more years of this, and it's going to get better.LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Oct 12, 1999
&quot;These stats are useless as hell. In case you haven't noticed, Texas borders some other country, one which is a major contributor to illegal immigration to the United States (if you need a hint, it starts with 'M').&quot;

That's a great statement. It really shows what you are, oops I mean who you blame. Hmmmm........ Did you know that Bush's brother Jeb is married to one of those women that start with a M (mexican)? Which means ole George has a M for a sister in-law. Maybe if she can pass for a W woman you'll feel better. You are a joke!


Oct 9, 1999
There is some truth to what Pretender had said. The only problem is that if one talks about the illegal immigrants and the problems they carry with them, one is considered a prejudice bigot. If you don't mention the problem, you take the attacks on the record.

How was Bush supposed to respond to the attacks that education was low in Texas? &quot;Well we get all the Mexicans that illegally cross my Texas border. Now these Mexicans started off with a very low education and believe in working hard instead of getting an education&quot;


He can take another route and just not respond to those issues and let the people read between the lines and understand he's fighting an illegal immigration problem.


Oct 9, 1999
Don't forget the illeagle immigration problem also affects the health care stats. The Mexicans have realized that if a person is born in the US they are automatically a citizen. Many pregnent Mexican women come to Texas just to give birth so their children can be a US citizen. That puts an enormous strain on the health care system since none of those women have insurance.

You don't see the democrats talking about that problem though. They just complain that Texas shows up very low in the stats in women with health care.

There is often a lot more behind the numbers then just another chance to bash if you are not afraid to look.



Oct 12, 1999
Republicans never cease to amaze me. Its always someone else's fault. Usually a minority. God some of u guys make me sick. Now you morons are going to tell me that its the Mexicans that are at major fault for some of the problems in Texas? What a joke!!!!! Well lets just shoot'em!!!!!!!! After all we believe in our guns. If immigrants are the problem as you fools are suggesting, Calif. and Florida should be the same as Texas? And how come New York doesn't have the same problems? I guarantee you there are more &quot;illegal&quot; immigrants in those states individually than in Texas.


Oct 12, 1999
Lets' call George senior to tell him about his daughter inlaw, as well as George Jr's sister inlaw, as well as Jeb's wife, to tell them she and her family have got to go. Some of u guys would be funny if you weren't so pathetic.


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2000
Classy how is illegal immigration in Mexico not a problem? You've got your head stuck stuck in the sand again.

You know what idiot, a friend of mine is from the Houston area (a democrat) He says the exact same things about how illigal immigration affects the state. There's truth out there that isn't democratic or republican, just because you're too ignorant to accept it doesn't make it any less true.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Actually unless Im totally mistaken Jeb is married to a Puerto Rican. And yes actually Mexicans do have a large effect. They have the highest drop out rate in Texas. Texas has the ability to split into 5 different states. If they ever broke into 5 states, you would really know what the effect the Texas-Mexican border really has.


Oct 9, 1999
Capn, Classy has his head stuck somewhere, but it's not in the sand.

Classy, you are the perfect example of a liberals overreaction. Yes, illegal immigration is a problem. It is a drain on resources. To ignore that fact is ignorance on your part. To try and make anyone who acknowledges that as a racist is pure stupidity on your part.

To competely ignore the problem and say it does not exist is what is wrong. The problem has to be ackowleded and recognized before solutions can be found.



Oct 9, 1999
See, this is exactly why Bush just took the hit and moved on. Because there's a Classy out there crying foul every time!

I really get a kick out of watching you spout off about how everyone is a predujice racist. Look in the mirror and you shall find the most ignorant of all prejudice racists.......YOURSELF.

I'm guessing I'm lumped in with Boberfett. Another Whitey Racist, huh? Well let me tell a few things about myself and then Boberfett...

I've been in the military for 14yrs. A number of my supervisors, co-workers and friends have been black (No I will not refer to you as African-American as no one refers to me as Norweigen-American or Caucasin-American) and hispanic. I personally could care less about their skin color or heritage. I only cared about them looking out for me and mentoring me. In the military, I am an Equal Oportunity Advisor. (And one of the few White, Males in that position. One of those Affirmative Action BS things, methinks.) I grew up in a small rural Midwest town in Minnesota. The first an only black I had contact with was my neighbor, the only black in town. Adopted by a minister and his wife. And he was a good friend. I have seen racism in its ugliest form and I have seen equal opportunity in it's most beautiful form in the military. I can tell you that Minnesota is not free of racist biggots. We have them. Just very few and far between. I have never lived in an area where racism runs wild. Maybe that's why I'm not a racist. Maybe that's why I do not appreciate you labeling everyone a racist.
Bobberfett is from a small city just north of me. He too has been in the military. I served in the same battalion of men as he did. I believe, with my training in EO, that I am more qualified than you to &quot;label&quot; him as a racist. From reading his posts....HE IS NOT.

You Sir, are a racist bigot! You overlook when a black kills/beats another black or white person. You cry foul when on the same day, a white person kills/beats a black person. You ask for me to make ammends for what my forefathers did instead of just forgiving and moving ahead into the future or at the very least into the present.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Many of Texas' problems are related to illegal, and legal, immigration. Education, health care, and low wages spring to mind.

The lousy environment in Texas has nothing to do with Mexico, but, rather, with 60 years, at least, of laissez-faire attitudes towards pollution. Bush did little to effectively reduce pollution in his state during his two terms. Making pollution standards voluntary hasn't worked and won't work.

Houston had NO zoning laws the last time I was there in the '80s. I didn't like the city then, and I doubt I would like it now. But the people who live there deserve better leadership on the emissions issues. I would suggest they adopt some of California's emission standards and require vehicle testing on a yearly basis. But don't hold your breath, er, uh, well, maybe you'd better!


Jan 25, 2000
I think there are a lot of problems in Texas because people there are just dumber then in the more sophisticated places like the Northeast and California. Hopefully this will change with the influx of Hi-Tech workers to Austin, but that will take time. So I don't think we should blame Dubya for being a dumb Texan. He can't help it.
Oh yeah, I am really tired of the Elitist Republicans


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2000
Supertool, as much fun as it is to make fun of my friend from Texas, it's pretty pigheaded to say that people in Texas are just dumber than the Northeast. I live in MA and there's an abundance of stupid people, and I'm certain that stupid ratio doesn't vary significantly in Texas. It's just that our massachusetts stupid folks vote democrat and the texas stupids vote republican, but either way they vote they're still stupid.


Jan 25, 2000
OK, maybe not the Northeast

I was being sarcastic, dammit.

Also, stupid people have no business voting Republican, unless they are into guns or the Christian-Right. The Democrats have so much more to offer to dumb people
Unfortunately the dumb people are too dumb to know it


Oct 12, 1999
First things first.

&quot;Jeb Bush, who is bilingual and has a Mexican American wife, campaigned extensively for minority support in 1998 and won 61 percent of the Hispanic vote, according to exit polls. He raised his share of the African American vote to 14 percent, double what he had received in his losing 1994 race.&quot;

The link is here here.

Maybe she is one of those kids who's parents who was referred to by etech as one of these
&quot;Many pregnent Mexican women come to Texas just to give birth so their children can be a US citizen. That puts an enormous strain on the health care system since none of those women have insurance.&quot;

Now Aceman if you want to be lumped up with someone else thats fine. I don't really care. But the point is to blame the illegal immigrants as the one of the major causes of the short comings in the state of Texas is bogus. Like I said, what about Florida, New York, and California? Those states probably have more illegal immigrants in them than Texas. I know without a doubt New York does. I don't see anyone blaming or singling out illegal immgrants in those states as one of the main problems. Please u guys are so high and mighty! So righteous! So above reproach! When I think most of you are just pig puke!

Why is that every single problem has to be the blame of just one group of people according to you righteous taxpayers? Not one problem is the blame of just one group of people. Maybe if someone of you guys weren't looking at everything through your belly button, maybe you would realize this.

This guy posts post some issues about Bush in the state of Texas and then some ding dong head posts illegal immigration is the main problem. Then you have several people saying , yea thats right, its the Mexicans fault. Give me a break.


Oct 9, 1999
Classy, care to dig the stats up on those states? Care to compare the areas where there is a high amount of illegal immigrants in those states to the numbers quoted to Texas? Care to see the health care problems and education problems of those areas with high illegal immigrant problems with Texas? I bet you'll see a match!
You see I don't have a problem with immigrants. I have a problem with illegal immigrants and the problems they cause. I have a problem with people that tolerate illegal immigrants in the name of cheap illegal wages that just causes more illegal immigrants to come across the border for better wages than they would receive in Mexico, Cuba, SE Asia. It just cause me, the taxpayer, more money to support the programs that support these illegal immigrants.
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