Bush STATS: What he Has done in Texas....NOTHING

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Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I lived in Texas when that left wing zealot wench Richards was the Governor.... Bush was not expected to have a chance, the liberal media tried all over the place to discredit him, Richards lied all over the place... and yet Bush won. Then the Texans got a few years to see how he did, and they 'hated' him sooooo much, that they re-elected him by a landslide.

Go do some searches if you want details on all the things Bush has done for Texas. Heck, why do you think even the democrats endorse him over the democratic candidate???

All this nonsense about Bush being inept or somehow intellectually inferior: How many of the detractors have an undergraduate degree from Yale and a Masters (MBA) from Harvard, please raise your hand. Hmmm...just as I suspected, not a one. Degrees don't prove intelligence, but his academic record combined with his elected office record certainly show that the man is capable of making the right decisions and being a leader.

As for Roger Staubach being a "flunky".... hmmm.... let's see, how many have commendations from their service in the Navy, won superbowls, started a multi-million dollar successful company and been the head of several large organizations? Hmmm, yeah, that's a flunky. Gore, on the other hand...... wait... he's never done anything productive in his life, other than inventing the internet


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
im sorry if i misslead in meaning that ALL of that is his fault but most of it is because he has been doing nothing

oh and Napalm all that work you did for those polution stats...worthless
pop of LA 9,884,300
pop of Houston 1,749,001

so by population i believe Houston does have More smog
try to get some facts that can't so easily be turned to moot

DaveJ - Guess what i live in DFW area also....there has been some hail but not so much that it has damaged my house. I don't think that you get more Hail than I because you live one town over


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
lets see how many democrats would endorse him as compared to repulicans for Richardson?

in Collin county in TX the people polled WAY WAY WAY over 50% voted for bush...and the area is Heavily Rep ...thats why he was re-elected


b/c a large ammount of people believe in religions that doesn't make them right now does it?...

My Uncle he has a PHD but he has ABSOLUTELY no street smarts at all friken genius when it comes to books but real life thats a diff story ...i believe that is the same with bush.

AND would you FSKING @$$holes stop misquoting gore on the "i invented the internet" im tired of explaining it ....go read his ENTIRE speech to see what he meant he didn't mean it literally morons


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
You seem to have picked quite favorable population statistics. Where did you find them? They don't seem to agree very well with the numbers from the US Census Bureau. It estimates:
Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA CMSA................ 16,036,587
-----Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA PMSA........................... 9,329,989
-----Orange County, CA PMSA.................................... 2,760,948
-----Riverside-San Bernardino, CA PMSA......................... 3,200,587
-----Ventura, CA PMSA.......................................... 745,063

Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX CMSA......................... 4,493,741
-----Brazoria, TX PMSA......................................... 234,303
-----Galveston-Texas City, TX PMSA............................. 248,469
-----Houston, TX PMSA.......................................... 4,010,969

The EPA reports the pop. of Houston to be about 3.32M and Los Angeles to be 8.86M. That link also lists important air quality statistics in concentrations. Sure, LA has more people, but they are also spread out over a larger area and the pollutants are also spread out. Pay attention in chemistry class next time.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey bacon dude...

Were you here for the hailstorm in 1995? How about the tornado last year that demolished the Cash America building and gutted the outside of the Bank 1 building? I think you'd have to agree that weather plays a MAJOR factor in insurance rates, and we get quite a lot of it down here... Dubya had nothing to do with it!



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Since you appear too lazy to read the rest of the article, I'll paste it for you:
Despite this moderate trend upward in Houston's noncompliance, pollution has not worsened in Houston under Bush. EPA data clearly shows that the emission of pollutants that contribute to smog have been trending downward in Texas since Bush became governor. Smog concentrations haven't changed much recently, however, because the summers in Houston have been getting hotter, while it's been cooler in L.A.

What about toxic pollution? Texas does indeed rank high on the list of states with the most toxic air, land and water emissions, but that's because Texas is where 60% of the nation's petrochemical companies happen to be, and they're the biggest sources of toxic emissions simply given their chemical-intensive nature.

First, the petrochemical industry was in Texas long before Bush assumed the governorship; it didn't follow him there. Second, those emissions--even according to the EPA--are well below the threshold of human health concern. Third, nobody's breaking the law. Fourth, those plants have to be somewhere--otherwise, there would be no gasoline, no home heating oil, no diesel fuel--and whatever state those plants call home would sit at the top of any "toxic pollution" list. And finally, toxic emissions from major industrial sources in Texas have dropped a whopping 40% over the past decade.

But aren't the pollution laws voluntary in Texas? No. The Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, and all the rest of the monstrous federal environmental regulatory code applies to Texas just like every other state. There's nothing voluntary about it. Bush indeed has put in place an incentive program to get industry to reduce pollution beyond federal standards, but why are regulatory "sticks" necessarily better than regulatory "carrots"?

On another front, Texas, like a number of other states, has a "self audit" program to encourage industry to report inadvertent violations of the federal environmental code that they would otherwise have legal incentives to conceal. If regulated entities come clean about inadvertent violations and negotiate remedies with Texas regulators, the state won't hammer the rule-breakers into the ground. There's nothing obviously anti-environmental about that.

But Bush hasn't relied exclusively on carrots; he's used the stick as well. In 1999, he supported and signed legislation to require Texas power plants to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions (a potential source of smog) by 50% and acid-rain-causing compounds by 25%--reductions far beyond those required by Washington.

BTW, do you have any sort of logical reasoning on why Powell would be a poor Secretary of State, or are is that just more of your inane, unjustified ramblings? Any comment on the facts about Rice being a lot fvcking smarter than you will ever hope to be?


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
my sources
http://www.state.ca.us/ Population January 1, 2000 ... urs is 98-99

EPA's numbers are just LA long beach not Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County

I dunno which stats are right the stats form each state's goverment page or from your sources, which once again you have over looked some discrepencies

Davej if you look at the link i provided earlier it says "Texas Rankings Under Bush"
it doesn't say EVERYTHING was caused by Bush alot of it was though....


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
well lets see he plans to cut back the EPA so how is that gona help pollution lessen?
Ill find the exact article i read about him trying to screw over the environment....


Golden Member
Oct 14, 1999

<< Gore lost. Bush won. HaHa. >>

Now I understand how to reach Elite status............



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Population January 1, 2000 ... urs is 98-99 >>

You think the population change in 6 months is enough to justify one set of statistics being completely inaccurate? LOL. Furthermore, your statistic appears to understate the population of the Houston area quite significantly. Is that statistic for Houston proper, or Houston plus surrounding communities? What year is your Houston statistic from? Either post a direct link to your information, or else state ALL qualifiers in your post.

<< EPA's numbers are just LA long beach not Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County >>

So? The EPA is the one issuing the statistics on pollution, it only seems logical to use THEIR estimates on population.

<< which once again you have over looked some discrepencies

I was quite aware of the differences...my point was that population statistics themselves can be selectively used to credit/discredit a point.

Allow me to reiterate:BTW, do you have any sort of logical reasoning on why Powell would be a poor Secretary of State, or are is that just more of your inane, unjustified ramblings? Any comment on the facts about Rice being a lot fvcking smarter than you will ever hope to be?


Oct 9, 1999
Shall we look at what has been happening on Gores own land in Tenn.

Gore Himself Declared In An Official Complaint That &quot;Large-Scale Mining Operations&quot; Commenced Under Land Covered By His Lease Agreement With Various Mining Companies: &quot;15. The defendant commenced actual large-scale mining operations under land covered by the Gore Community Lease ('Gore Land') in November 1987.&quot; (Paragraph 15 of the complaint filed June 25, 1990 in the Chancery Court of Smith County, Tennessee by Albert Gore, Sr., Pauline Gore, Albert Gore, Jr. and Mary Elizabeth Gore, Plaintiffs, vs. Union Zinc, Inc., Defendant.)

Zinc Mining Began In The Late 1980s. &quot;Occidental sold the lease in 1985 to another firm, Union Zinc, which began mining in the late 1980s.&quot; (Bill Turque, Inventing Al Gore, 2000, p. 106)

The Company Which Owns The Mine Has Been Cited Four Times Since December 1997 By The Tennessee Department Of Environment And Conservation For Various Violations:
Violation: On May 16, 2000, Pasminco, Ltd. was cited for a violation of the Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1977 because the zinc level of the water at the point of discharge exceeded the allowable level. (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Notice of Violation, May 16, 2000)
Violation: On January 10, 2000, Pasminco, Ltd. was cited for a violation of the Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1977 because the ?pumpage line? failed at a pipe and valve connection therefore allowing for an unacceptable amount of wastewater to escape. (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Notice of Violation, January 10, 2000)
Violation: On February 9, 1999, Savage Zinc, Inc. was cited for a violation of the Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1977 due to depositing of gravel into an unnamed tributary of the Caney Fork River. (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Notice of Violation, February 9, 1999)
Violation: On December 15, 1997, Savage Zinc, Inc. was cited for a violation of the Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1977 due to exceedance of permitted effluent limitations for total suspended solids, such as zinc, cadmium, copper, lead, and mercury. (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Notice of Violation, December 15, 1997)


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Texas A&amp;M states here that the Jan 1, 2000 population estimate for Houston is 4.05M. Where the hell did you pull that under 2M statistic from, the 1970 census?!


Oct 9, 1999
Gore lost. Get over it baconboy.

This quote takes the cake.


You're pretty full of yourself, aren't you? It's hard to believe that somebody who
looks like he's barely out of diapers feels he has a better world view than the average adult.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 1999
Very nice, BoberFett.

I also find it somewhat entertaining how someone who isn't old enough to vote expects to sway people by continuously posting progpaganda, half-truths, and slanted statistics. Maybe he is trying to get an internship at CNN or one of the other biased &quot;news sources&quot; who also try to pass these same things off as fact.


Oct 9, 1999
With a rapidly growing population, a quarter of U.S. oil refineries and two-thirds of its chemical industries and the most electric generation of any state, Texas faces unique environmental challenges. Governor Bush has taken on those challenges. While more remains to be done, under his Administration:

Texas is #1 in the nation in reducing the release and disposal of toxic pollution by 43 million pounds, according to the EPA.

Texas has reduced industrial air emissions by 11%.

Two 1999 landmark clean air measures became law, which will reduce industrial emissions from older industries (previously &quot;grandfathered&quot; under the Clean Air Act) by more than 250,000 tons each year ? the equivalent of taking 5.5 million vehicles off Texas roads.

Texas became one of the first three states in the nation to require older electric utilities to reduce emissions (nitrogen oxide by 50% and sulfur dioxide by 25%, by 2003), though these utilities had been exempted under the Clean Air Act. Environmental Defense called the Texas law the ?strongest in the nation.?

State natural resource spending increased by almost 30%, and funding for the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission by 14%.

Over 450 contaminated brownfields were cleaned up, restoring $200 million to local property tax rolls.

More than 96% of Texas public drinking water meets all standards, up from 88% in 1995.

Texas has submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency one of the country?s most aggressive plans to reduce industrial pollution in Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth by nearly 90%, and throughout the eastern half of the state by 50%.



Platinum Member
Jun 13, 2000
I'm so tired of hearing about how Gore lost his &quot;home&quot; state. Does anyone here realize that as vice president he has not lived there for 8 years and before that he didn't even live there very much. He owns a house there and thats it. He has lived in Washington D.C. for most of his post college years. Stop twisting the truth. They voted against him because they feel he let them down by leaving for big government and they feel he changed some of his views,which he is entitled to do. I'm sure if he goes back there to live he will get their support back.


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2000
Boohoo, need a kleenex there buddy?

Hey here's some info for you from that right wing source of algore.com

&quot;Al Gore was born on March 31, 1948, and is the son of former U.S. Senator Albert Gore, Sr. and Pauline LaFon Gore. Raised in Carthage, Tennessee, and in Washington, D.C., Gore received a degree in government with honors from Harvard University in 1969. After graduation, he volunteered for enlistment in the U.S. Army and served in Vietnam. Returning to civilian life, Gore settled in Tennessee and studied religion at Vanderbilt University while working as a newspaper reporter with The Tennessean in Nashville. He and Tipper bought the farm they still call home in Carthage, Tennessee in 1973, the same year their first child was born. Gore later attended Vanderbilt Law School.

Gore began his career in public service in 1976 when he was elected to represent Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1984 and was re-elected in 1990, when he became the first statewide candidate in modern history to carry all 95 Tennessee counties. A candidate for the Democratic nomination for President in 1988, he won Democratic primaries and caucuses in seven states.&quot;

Yeah you're right, Tennessee isn't his home state. Got any more straws to grasp at or are you done.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Not to take anything away from the Bush argument but what were Clinton's statistics when he was the Governor of Arkansas? I doubt they are any better and if anything probably worse.


Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
Napalm instead of digging up obscure facts to somehow prove that pollution isn't that bad in Texas, why dont you just ask people who live there. I can tell you that parts of Houston are completely unliveable. It's not just smog, Houston has the most chemical plants/fertilizer plants in the nation, it's so bad in parts that the air actually burns. Everyone who makes money is fleeing the suburbs of Houston and moving into the Woodlands and Conroe which are far north of Houston.

I can tell you that Texas has been traditionally pro Chemical/Oil/Refining, and under Bush this continued and increased, it's just a fact of life in Texas that the health of the citizens of the state is placed beneath the profits of these Chemical conglomerates.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

I missed the quotes and attribution reference in your last post. Did the Texas Secretary of State write that last advertisement for Texas?

It made me all weepy and wanting to break out in a chorus of &quot;Red River Valley.&quot;

&quot;From this smokestack they say you are leavin
Better hasten to bid me adieu....&quot;

...or something like that.

Edit: Ditto for you Napalm, though you use italics and noted it was a quote. Please give the attribution-it's the law.

We've been down this dusty path with EPA stats before. EPA emissions numbers are based on VOLUNTARY compliance reports. Most scientists give them NO credibility because some of the worst polluters fail to report or report unbelievably low numbers (mostly the latter). Nothing the State of Texas puts out resembles science either. They believe in creationism down there, not science.

Just because all Texas Longhorns now come with 5 legs and two heads is not, repeat NOT, cause for alarm. Pollution in Texas hasn't harmed a soul.

And Texas has had NO part in creating THIS problem:

Yahoo, let's bake the great-grandchildren, BobbySue!!!!!

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh but of course, when they aren't convenient to the Goron cause, the EPA numbers are all bogus. Instead of relying on actual numbers with some factual basis, we should go with simple statements by uninformed individuals -- preferably ones like chess9 that don't like to base their views on facts, but rather on emotions and misconceptions.



Oct 9, 1999
Chess9, my dear boy, up to your old tricks again I see.

When you cannot dispute the facts you dispute the source, when a source is not listed you whine about that. The one thing you have never done is prove facts wrong.

You can dance and twist and make up funny little sayings, but you didn't say anything pertinent to the discussion.

&quot;Just because all Texas Longhorns now come with 5 legs and two heads is not, repeat NOT, cause for alarm.&quot;

Another lie in your quest to be cute. You should be more careful, it seems to be a habit of yours recently to not just distort or bend the truth but to break it completely.


Golden Member
Sep 21, 2000
Isn't it funny how the Democrats were too happy to have Bill Clinton from the small backward state of Arkansas (I know, I live here) elected to the office of President? They didn't bitch and moan that Arkansas was last in the nation in Education among other things.

You liberals can't have your cake and eat it too.

Talk about Sore Loserman syndrome.

Poor little bacon bit. Grow up a little bit, get out on your own and pay some bills before you presume to act like you know anything.

Otherwise explain the correlation between the performance of CLINTON as President and CLINTON as Governor. If you cannot, then you lose your pathetic foundation for your an excuse of an argument.
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