Bush's response is not adequate

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Senior member
Jan 18, 2005
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Is it just me, or does the right seem to have been reduced to nothing but a bunch of loonie tunes characters?

It seems they enjoy being in charge but aren't responsiible enough to be accountable for their actions or lack thereof. From the Iran-Contra mess, the S&L fiasco, Enron, WMD's, and now this. The only thing they had going for them was the deficit, but Dubya even fvcked that up....and he still wants to make tax cuts. DUHHHH!!

Running the country is hard work, Dubya said so himself. Maybe he should just step down if the country's welfare is cutting too deep into his vacation time.

Put that into your pipes and smoke it ya bunch of hippocrites!!!!

Gov and Mayor in LA are democrat.

And they have the power of the president to declare an emergency right? They asked Bush repeatedly for help and got NOTHING for five long days.

You people are truly despicable. Bush is never at fault. Never accountable. It's the story of his life.
Are you denying that Bush declared a federal emergency BEFORE the hurricane even hit?

It's more like you who are truly dispicable, stretching far beyond the bounds of reason in order to pin this on Bush when any fault lay elsewhere, and some of it or much of it is no real fault at all, due to the scope of the devestation. Apparently though, you just can't seem to grasp the fact that it's not so easy as just marching troops into NOLA in a moments notice. I doubt that will prevent you from your standard mission of hate and spittle-filled rants that you've always persued in this forum. Keep pretending that nobody sees that your own out-of-control emotions broadly color just about everything you say in here.

Are you denying that there are people dying because they did not get Food, Water and Help in time?? You are disgusting. There are no more excuses for you.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken

Are you denying that Bush declared a federal emergency BEFORE the hurricane even hit?

It's more like you who are truly dispicable, stretching far beyond the bounds of reason in order to pin this on Bush when any fault lay elsewhere, and some of it or much of it is no real fault at all, due to the scope of the devestation. Apparently though, you just can't seem to grasp the fact that it's not so easy as just marching troops into NOLA in a moments notice. I doubt that will prevent you from your standard mission of hate and spittle-filled rants that you've always persued in this forum. Keep pretending that nobody sees that your own out-of-control emotions broadly color just about everything you say in here.


New Orleans Disaster: Where's the National Guard?

"The disaster in New Orleans is the kind of thing that Sherwood signed up to help with."

NationalWashington, D.C. - Institute for Public Accuracy - infoZine - Nancy Lessin is a founder of Military Families Speak Out. She said yesterday: "The numbers we have are that there are 11,000 National Guard personnel from Louisiana, of whom about 3,000 are in Iraq with most of the heavy equipment. This included generators and high-water and other vehicles which could assist with the rescue effort."

She added: "My daughter is in New Orleans in a hotel with no plumbing and no electricity. Meanwhile, the residents of New Orleans -- particularly working and/or poor people -- do not appear to be having the rescue attempts that they desperately need right now."

Celeste Zappala's eldest son, Sgt. Sherwood Baker, was killed in action in Baghdad on April 26, 2004. She said yesterday: "The disaster in New Orleans is the kind of thing that Sherwood signed up to help with. Instead he ended up being the first member of the Pennsylvania National Guard getting killed in combat since World War II -- while searching for alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction."

Norman Solomon is executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy and author of "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death." He said yesterday: "The same priorities that sent U.S. troops into Iraq nearly 30 months ago have hampered the rescue effort after this catastrophic hurricane. If not for the White House's determination to pursue the war in Iraq, thousands of men and women in the National Guards of Louisiana and Mississippi would have been on the scene when the hurricane struck. Now, the administration is refusing to hasten the return of the 3,700 soldiers from the Louisiana National Guard who are currently in Baghdad and not scheduled to come home for several more weeks. Another 3,000 men and women in the Mississippi National Guard are scheduled to stay in Iraq, according to the Associated Press. These National Guard members, who are intimately familiar with their own communities, were -- and remain -- uniquely suited for crucial tasks back home. But the administration is determined to 'stay the course' in Iraq. This is symptomatic of White Houses priorities that have placed the president's fixation for war in Iraq above all else."

Philip Crowley is Senior fellow and director of national defense and homeland security at the Center for American Progress, Crowley organized the conference "Transforming the Reserve Component for the 21st Century" in September 2004.

He said yesterday: "What Katrina brings home is the reality we are pulling the Guard in several directions. ... Given the additional strains of Iraq and Afghanistan, right now, the National Guard [at home] only has about half the equipment it normally would."
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Sep 7, 2001
Yep, President Bush should have done more. Maybe he should have declared Marshall Law on Sunday and forced people to leave. Is that what President Clinton would have done?
It is beginning to look more and more as though it was state and local officials who mishandled the response plan. No wonder Nagin is feverishly trying to shift blame from himself.

FEMA's purpose is to let state and local officials take the lead, playing a supportive role to state and local responses, because state and local officials know their own counties and cities better than the federal government. Even better, they didn't have to wait for the federal emergency declarations, because those were given before Katrina hit. If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

Of course, I feel it wasn't Nagin's fault that the magnitude of need and complications getting assistance to people (umm...its the flooding, stupid) out-stripped their initial assessments and capabilites. But if Nagin wants to play the blame game, then he's going to have to take some of the buck before passing the change.

You can't say, we (state and local agencies) are responsible for the primary response but its not our fault that response was grossly inadequate. Its akin to saying I was behind the wheel but it isn't my fault that tree jumped out in front of my car.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Pedro69
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Is it just me, or does the right seem to have been reduced to nothing but a bunch of loonie tunes characters?

It seems they enjoy being in charge but aren't responsiible enough to be accountable for their actions or lack thereof. From the Iran-Contra mess, the S&L fiasco, Enron, WMD's, and now this. The only thing they had going for them was the deficit, but Dubya even fvcked that up....and he still wants to make tax cuts. DUHHHH!!

Running the country is hard work, Dubya said so himself. Maybe he should just step down if the country's welfare is cutting too deep into his vacation time.

Put that into your pipes and smoke it ya bunch of hippocrites!!!!

Gov and Mayor in LA are democrat.

And they have the power of the president to declare an emergency right? They asked Bush repeatedly for help and got NOTHING for five long days.

You people are truly despicable. Bush is never at fault. Never accountable. It's the story of his life.
Are you denying that Bush declared a federal emergency BEFORE the hurricane even hit?

It's more like you who are truly dispicable, stretching far beyond the bounds of reason in order to pin this on Bush when any fault lay elsewhere, and some of it or much of it is no real fault at all, due to the scope of the devestation. Apparently though, you just can't seem to grasp the fact that it's not so easy as just marching troops into NOLA in a moments notice. I doubt that will prevent you from your standard mission of hate and spittle-filled rants that you've always persued in this forum. Keep pretending that nobody sees that your own out-of-control emotions broadly color just about everything you say in here.

Are you denying that there are people dying because they did not get Food, Water and Help in time?? You are disgusting. There are no more excuses for you.

:laugh: :thumbsup: :laugh:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: tcsenter
So if the Terrorists strike again you will also just surrender? Maybe also wait a few days until getting help to the victims?
Victims were getting help BEFORE Katrina landed and immediately after...just not all quarter million of them simultaneously. I see that you highlighted only the portion of my statement you were interested in, but not its context.

"It is impossible to mount an adequate rescue and assistance response to a disaster of this complexity and magnitude, spanning well more than one hundred miles square, with only three to four days advanced notice."

Destruction from a terrorist attack would likely not cover one quarter of two entire states, unless they nuked us, in which case Katrina is only a small taste of what you would see. In a huge terrorist attack, the response would be even more inadequate, given that officials would have exactly zero days in advance to mount a response. It would all be after the fact.
It doesn't matter. They don't want to understand. This is not about NOLA to them. Like Cindy Sheehan it's merely a prop for their vicious little political vendetta. If it wasn't NOLA, they'd be searching for something else to gripe about Bush, republicans, and neocons.

Hell, if Klingons, Romulans, and Vulcans showed up immediately after the storm and beamed everyone out within an hour they'd be taking Bush to task for not calling the Cardasians too, because then it only would have taken 45 minutes. :roll:
Only an idiot like Bush would fail to get the Cardasians.

Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken

Are you denying that Bush declared a federal emergency BEFORE the hurricane even hit?

It's more like you who are truly dispicable, stretching far beyond the bounds of reason in order to pin this on Bush when any fault lay elsewhere, and some of it or much of it is no real fault at all, due to the scope of the devestation. Apparently though, you just can't seem to grasp the fact that it's not so easy as just marching troops into NOLA in a moments notice. I doubt that will prevent you from your standard mission of hate and spittle-filled rants that you've always persued in this forum. Keep pretending that nobody sees that your own out-of-control emotions broadly color just about everything you say in here.


New Orleans Disaster: Where's the National Guard?

"The disaster in New Orleans is the kind of thing that Sherwood signed up to help with."

NationalWashington, D.C. - Institute for Public Accuracy - infoZine - Nancy Lessin is a founder of Military Families Speak Out. She said yesterday: "The numbers we have are that there are 11,000 National Guard personnel from Louisiana, of whom about 3,000 are in Iraq with most of the heavy equipment. This included generators and high-water and other vehicles which could assist with the rescue effort."

She added: "My daughter is in New Orleans in a hotel with no plumbing and no electricity. Meanwhile, the residents of New Orleans -- particularly working and/or poor people -- do not appear to be having the rescue attempts that they desperately need right now."

Celeste Zappala's eldest son, Sgt. Sherwood Baker, was killed in action in Baghdad on April 26, 2004. She said yesterday: "The disaster in New Orleans is the kind of thing that Sherwood signed up to help with. Instead he ended up being the first member of the Pennsylvania National Guard getting killed in combat since World War II -- while searching for alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction."

Norman Solomon is executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy and author of "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death." He said yesterday: "The same priorities that sent U.S. troops into Iraq nearly 30 months ago have hampered the rescue effort after this catastrophic hurricane. If not for the White House's determination to pursue the war in Iraq, thousands of men and women in the National Guards of Louisiana and Mississippi would have been on the scene when the hurricane struck. Now, the administration is refusing to hasten the return of the 3,700 soldiers from the Louisiana National Guard who are currently in Baghdad and not scheduled to come home for several more weeks. Another 3,000 men and women in the Mississippi National Guard are scheduled to stay in Iraq, according to the Associated Press. These National Guard members, who are intimately familiar with their own communities, were -- and remain -- uniquely suited for crucial tasks back home. But the administration is determined to 'stay the course' in Iraq. This is symptomatic of White Houses priorities that have placed the president's fixation for war in Iraq above all else."

Philip Crowley is Senior fellow and director of national defense and homeland security at the Center for American Progress, Crowley organized the conference "Transforming the Reserve Component for the 21st Century" in September 2004.

He said yesterday: "What Katrina brings home is the reality we are pulling the Guard in several directions. ... Given the additional strains of Iraq and Afghanistan, right now, the National Guard [at home] only has about half the equipment it normally would."
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I'll ask you once again, since you completely dodged the question in your diversionary rant:

Are you denying that Bush declared a federal emergency BEFORE the hurricane even hit?

Yes or no. Answer the question or STFU with your myopic attepts to bash Bush. It's not up to Bush to set the National Guard into position. That's someone elses responsibility He gave them the go ahead in plenty of time.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Pedro69
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Is it just me, or does the right seem to have been reduced to nothing but a bunch of loonie tunes characters?

It seems they enjoy being in charge but aren't responsiible enough to be accountable for their actions or lack thereof. From the Iran-Contra mess, the S&L fiasco, Enron, WMD's, and now this. The only thing they had going for them was the deficit, but Dubya even fvcked that up....and he still wants to make tax cuts. DUHHHH!!

Running the country is hard work, Dubya said so himself. Maybe he should just step down if the country's welfare is cutting too deep into his vacation time.

Put that into your pipes and smoke it ya bunch of hippocrites!!!!

Gov and Mayor in LA are democrat.

And they have the power of the president to declare an emergency right? They asked Bush repeatedly for help and got NOTHING for five long days.

You people are truly despicable. Bush is never at fault. Never accountable. It's the story of his life.
Are you denying that Bush declared a federal emergency BEFORE the hurricane even hit?

It's more like you who are truly dispicable, stretching far beyond the bounds of reason in order to pin this on Bush when any fault lay elsewhere, and some of it or much of it is no real fault at all, due to the scope of the devestation. Apparently though, you just can't seem to grasp the fact that it's not so easy as just marching troops into NOLA in a moments notice. I doubt that will prevent you from your standard mission of hate and spittle-filled rants that you've always persued in this forum. Keep pretending that nobody sees that your own out-of-control emotions broadly color just about everything you say in here.

Are you denying that there are people dying because they did not get Food, Water and Help in time?? You are disgusting. There are no more excuses for you.
Wow. You just spew strawman after strawman, don't you?

And people are dying and are already dead because a massive fvcking hurricane went through NOLA, or did you forget about that little complicit detail?


Senior member
Jan 18, 2005
Originally posted by: tcsenter
Yep, President Bush should have done more. Maybe he should have declared Marshall Law on Sunday and forced people to leave. Is that what President Clinton would have done?
It is beginning to look more and more as though it was state and local officials who mishandled the response plan. No wonder Nagin is feverishly trying to shift blame from himself.

FEMA's purpose is to let state and local officials take the lead, playing a supportive role to state and local responses, because state and local officials know their own counties and cities better than the federal government. Even better, they didn't have to wait for the federal emergency declarations, because those were given before Katrina hit. If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

Of course, I feel it wasn't Nagin's fault that the magnitude of need and complications getting assistance to people (umm...its the flooding, stupid) out-stripped their initial assessments and capabilites. But if Nagin wants to play the blame game, then he's going to have to take some of the buck before passing the change.

You can't say, we (state and local agencies) are responsible for the primary response but its not our fault that response was grossly inadequate. Its akin to saying I was behind the wheel but it isn't my fault that tree jumped out in front of my car.

Earlier you posted:
Its not a matter of ineptness, its a matter of a major disaster outstripping the cumulative assets we can bring to bear within the first 48 ~ 72 hours on short notice. Such enormous operations require a build-up and organizing time. It takes MONTHS to prepare active duty armed forces for a moderately sized deployment, WEEKS for a small deployment. And these are active duty personnel on military bases who are professional soldiers.

The National Guard is a civilian-soldier force. 70% of the guardsmen who will respond to the hurricane were working on computers, delivering pizzas, or turning wrenches in their civilian lives a week ago.

So it was to big for the federal goverment to handle, but somehow now the local and state goverments are at fault because the could not handle it? Great Logic :thumbsup:
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: tcsenter
So if the Terrorists strike again you will also just surrender? Maybe also wait a few days until getting help to the victims?
Victims were getting help BEFORE Katrina landed and immediately after...just not all quarter million of them simultaneously. I see that you highlighted only the portion of my statement you were interested in, but not its context.

"It is impossible to mount an adequate rescue and assistance response to a disaster of this complexity and magnitude, spanning well more than one hundred miles square, with only three to four days advanced notice."

Destruction from a terrorist attack would likely not cover one quarter of two entire states, unless they nuked us, in which case Katrina is only a small taste of what you would see. In a huge terrorist attack, the response would be even more inadequate, given that officials would have exactly zero days in advance to mount a response. It would all be after the fact.
It doesn't matter. They don't want to understand. This is not about NOLA to them. Like Cindy Sheehan it's merely a prop for their vicious little political vendetta. If it wasn't NOLA, they'd be searching for something else to gripe about Bush, republicans, and neocons.

Hell, if Klingons, Romulans, and Vulcans showed up immediately after the storm and beamed everyone out within an hour they'd be taking Bush to task for not calling the Cardasians too, because then it only would have taken 45 minutes. :roll:
Only an idiot like Bush would fail to get the Cardasians.
I think he tried, but they were busy trying to get the Ferengi to give up their WMDs.

The Ferengi claim they have none.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: tcsenter
If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

There is no question that the local response failed. They admitted as much on tuesday when they pleaded on the national news for help. The question is when they asked for that help, for the troops, the supplies and the assitance in re-establishing control why it didn't happen? We spent 30billion dollars making the department of homeland security and what did we get from it? Another layer of beaurcracy that appears to have only slowed federal assistance. Where is the federal government? Why did it take 5 days to get any boots on the ground and nearly none of them are active duty troops as requested? This has been a clusterfvck from the start, heads need to roll and the president needs to step forward and provide some fvcking leadership.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Pedro69
Originally posted by: tcsenter
Yep, President Bush should have done more. Maybe he should have declared Marshall Law on Sunday and forced people to leave. Is that what President Clinton would have done?
It is beginning to look more and more as though it was state and local officials who mishandled the response plan. No wonder Nagin is feverishly trying to shift blame from himself.

FEMA's purpose is to let state and local officials take the lead, playing a supportive role to state and local responses, because state and local officials know their own counties and cities better than the federal government. Even better, they didn't have to wait for the federal emergency declarations, because those were given before Katrina hit. If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

Of course, I feel it wasn't Nagin's fault that the magnitude of need and complications getting assistance to people (umm...its the flooding, stupid) out-stripped their initial assessments and capabilites. But if Nagin wants to play the blame game, then he's going to have to take some of the buck before passing the change.

You can't say, we (state and local agencies) are responsible for the primary response but its not our fault that response was grossly inadequate. Its akin to saying I was behind the wheel but it isn't my fault that tree jumped out in front of my car.

Earlier you posted:
Its not a matter of ineptness, its a matter of a major disaster outstripping the cumulative assets we can bring to bear within the first 48 ~ 72 hours on short notice. Such enormous operations require a build-up and organizing time. It takes MONTHS to prepare active duty armed forces for a moderately sized deployment, WEEKS for a small deployment. And these are active duty personnel on military bases who are professional soldiers.

The National Guard is a civilian-soldier force. 70% of the guardsmen who will respond to the hurricane were working on computers, delivering pizzas, or turning wrenches in their civilian lives a week ago.

So it was to big for the federal goverment to handle, but somehow now the local and state goverments are at fault because the could not handle it? Great Logic :thumbsup:

His logic still stands. In an emergency response, first comes city/local response, then state, then federal. Now Bush has to take up slack for local and state authorities dropping the ball. There's no disparity in his claim whatsoever.


Senior member
Jan 18, 2005
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: Pedro69
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Is it just me, or does the right seem to have been reduced to nothing but a bunch of loonie tunes characters?

It seems they enjoy being in charge but aren't responsiible enough to be accountable for their actions or lack thereof. From the Iran-Contra mess, the S&L fiasco, Enron, WMD's, and now this. The only thing they had going for them was the deficit, but Dubya even fvcked that up....and he still wants to make tax cuts. DUHHHH!!

Running the country is hard work, Dubya said so himself. Maybe he should just step down if the country's welfare is cutting too deep into his vacation time.

Put that into your pipes and smoke it ya bunch of hippocrites!!!!

Gov and Mayor in LA are democrat.

And they have the power of the president to declare an emergency right? They asked Bush repeatedly for help and got NOTHING for five long days.

You people are truly despicable. Bush is never at fault. Never accountable. It's the story of his life.
Are you denying that Bush declared a federal emergency BEFORE the hurricane even hit?

It's more like you who are truly dispicable, stretching far beyond the bounds of reason in order to pin this on Bush when any fault lay elsewhere, and some of it or much of it is no real fault at all, due to the scope of the devestation. Apparently though, you just can't seem to grasp the fact that it's not so easy as just marching troops into NOLA in a moments notice. I doubt that will prevent you from your standard mission of hate and spittle-filled rants that you've always persued in this forum. Keep pretending that nobody sees that your own out-of-control emotions broadly color just about everything you say in here.

Are you denying that there are people dying because they did not get Food, Water and Help in time?? You are disgusting. There are no more excuses for you.
Wow. You just spew strawman after strawman, don't you?

And people are dying and are already dead because a massive fvcking hurricane went through NOLA, or did you forget about that little complicit detail?



Nov 20, 1999
Guys, why are you so mean to bush, can't a man enjoy his record long vacation without you guys crying about how lazy he is? Damn liberal media


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: tcsenter
If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

There is no question that the local response failed. They admitted as much on tuesday when they pleaded on the national news for help. The question is when they asked for that help, for the troops, the supplies and the assitance in re-establishing control why it didn't happen? We spent 30billion dollars making the department of homeland security and what did we get from it? Another layer of beaurcracy that appears to have only slowed federal assistance. Where is the federal government? Why did it take 5 days to get any boots on the ground and nearly none of them are active duty troops as requested? This has been a clusterfvck from the start, heads need to roll and the president needs to step forward and provide some fvcking leadership.

It did happen. And there have been boots on the ground - just not enough - and not in an orderly fashion - which is a STATE responsibility. To me, it seems that when the local plan failed - they just tossed their hands in the air in panic instead of finding someone locally/state to lead coordination.
The Governor's response is the next part of the chain that got overwhelmed and thus failed. It seems to me that there wasn't an immediate call for more troops when the flooding started due to the levee break.
People keep whining about the Federal Response - yet what people don't understand is that it is a local and State issue first and foremost. The Feds provide assistance to local and state efforts, but in this case there wasn't a local and state effort that was communicating and coordinating things in quick order. So THAT is why I and others keep beating back this idea that it's the Feds fault or that it was their responsibility. It's the state and local responsibility - with assistance from the Feds. The state and local coordination should be better versed in the local on the ground needs and such - and in this case they weren't.
Take a look at 9/11. A MAYOR took control and lead when he needed to lead. Yes, he was I'm sure overwhelmed at time but he didn't throw his hands in the air and start pointing fingers. This N.O. mayor is NOT a leader - he's a finger pointer. Atleast the Governor isn't playing that game - which I applaud her on.
The FACT is - the state and local systems FAILED to coordinate and put the groundwork together to be able to allow the Feds to come in with massive relief.

While I agree that the President needs to lead people through this crisis, I believe that he has done just that and this incessant whining and whining is nothing more than partisan BS- OR the lack of understanding how the relief process works and how much a President can do. I swear people think the Federal government can just snap it's fingers and fix any and all problems. I think someone in a different thread brought up the entitlement way of thinking - no doubt that is atleast partially at play in this situation.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
As it has for more than 20 years, FEMA's mission remains: to lead America to prepare for, prevent,respond to and recover from disasters with a vision of "A Nation Prepared." At no time in its history has this vision been more important to the country than in the aftermath of Sept. 11th.

So everything is the state and localities fault and the Federal Emergency MANAGEMENT agency has no responsibliity. You know even when the localitiy and state throw up their hands and say they dont' have the staff or resources to handle the dissaster. The only thing partisan in here is the people that are denying the federal government has any responsibility for the failure. The little children that can't handle people critisizing the president.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: tcsenter
If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

There is no question that the local response failed. They admitted as much on tuesday when they pleaded on the national news for help. The question is when they asked for that help, for the troops, the supplies and the assitance in re-establishing control why it didn't happen? We spent 30billion dollars making the department of homeland security and what did we get from it? Another layer of beaurcracy that appears to have only slowed federal assistance. Where is the federal government? Why did it take 5 days to get any boots on the ground and nearly none of them are active duty troops as requested? This has been a clusterfvck from the start, heads need to roll and the president needs to step forward and provide some fvcking leadership.

It did happen. And there have been boots on the ground - just not enough - and not in an orderly fashion - which is a STATE responsibility. To me, it seems that when the local plan failed - they just tossed their hands in the air in panic instead of finding someone locally/state to lead coordination.
The Governor's response is the next part of the chain that got overwhelmed and thus failed. It seems to me that there wasn't an immediate call for more troops when the flooding started due to the levee break.
People keep whining about the Federal Response - yet what people don't understand is that it is a local and State issue first and foremost. The Feds provide assistance to local and state efforts, but in this case there wasn't a local and state effort that was communicating and coordinating things in quick order. So THAT is why I and others keep beating back this idea that it's the Feds fault or that it was their responsibility. It's the state and local responsibility - with assistance from the Feds. The state and local coordination should be better versed in the local on the ground needs and such - and in this case they weren't.
Take a look at 9/11. A MAYOR took control and lead when he needed to lead. Yes, he was I'm sure overwhelmed at time but he didn't throw his hands in the air and start pointing fingers. This N.O. mayor is NOT a leader - he's a finger pointer. Atleast the Governor isn't playing that game - which I applaud her on.
The FACT is - the state and local systems FAILED to coordinate and put the groundwork together to be able to allow the Feds to come in with massive relief.

While I agree that the President needs to lead people through this crisis, I believe that he has done just that and this incessant whining and whining is nothing more than partisan BS- OR the lack of understanding how the relief process works and how much a President can do. I swear people think the Federal government can just snap it's fingers and fix any and all problems. I think someone in a different thread brought up the entitlement way of thinking - no doubt that is atleast partially at play in this situation.

From another thread, here the city of NOLA's emergency preparedness plan:


Read it and you'll notice that they failed to properly implement their own plan. They waited far too long to announce an evacuation.


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2004
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: tcsenter
If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

There is no question that the local response failed. They admitted as much on tuesday when they pleaded on the national news for help. The question is when they asked for that help, for the troops, the supplies and the assitance in re-establishing control why it didn't happen? We spent 30billion dollars making the department of homeland security and what did we get from it? Another layer of beaurcracy that appears to have only slowed federal assistance. Where is the federal government? Why did it take 5 days to get any boots on the ground and nearly none of them are active duty troops as requested? This has been a clusterfvck from the start, heads need to roll and the president needs to step forward and provide some fvcking leadership.

It did happen. And there have been boots on the ground - just not enough - and not in an orderly fashion - which is a STATE responsibility. To me, it seems that when the local plan failed - they just tossed their hands in the air in panic instead of finding someone locally/state to lead coordination.
The Governor's response is the next part of the chain that got overwhelmed and thus failed. It seems to me that there wasn't an immediate call for more troops when the flooding started due to the levee break.
People keep whining about the Federal Response - yet what people don't understand is that it is a local and State issue first and foremost. The Feds provide assistance to local and state efforts, but in this case there wasn't a local and state effort that was communicating and coordinating things in quick order. So THAT is why I and others keep beating back this idea that it's the Feds fault or that it was their responsibility. It's the state and local responsibility - with assistance from the Feds. The state and local coordination should be better versed in the local on the ground needs and such - and in this case they weren't.
Take a look at 9/11. A MAYOR took control and lead when he needed to lead. Yes, he was I'm sure overwhelmed at time but he didn't throw his hands in the air and start pointing fingers. This N.O. mayor is NOT a leader - he's a finger pointer. Atleast the Governor isn't playing that game - which I applaud her on.
The FACT is - the state and local systems FAILED to coordinate and put the groundwork together to be able to allow the Feds to come in with massive relief.

While I agree that the President needs to lead people through this crisis, I believe that he has done just that and this incessant whining and whining is nothing more than partisan BS- OR the lack of understanding how the relief process works and how much a President can do. I swear people think the Federal government can just snap it's fingers and fix any and all problems. I think someone in a different thread brought up the entitlement way of thinking - no doubt that is atleast partially at play in this situation.

Louisiana doesn't have the resources. Why do you think they're busing people to Texas of all places? Maybe you forgot that the policemen in Louisiana were hit by the hurricane also? They are dying and starving like the rest of the people there. From what I read the national guard was called in immediately, but for some reason, they waited several days to send them in.

The mayor of New Orleans has already said that Louisiana doesn't have enough buses, an IMMEDIATE federal response is needed as well when the local and state forces are overwhelmed, as is the case.


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2004
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: tcsenter
If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

There is no question that the local response failed. They admitted as much on tuesday when they pleaded on the national news for help. The question is when they asked for that help, for the troops, the supplies and the assitance in re-establishing control why it didn't happen? We spent 30billion dollars making the department of homeland security and what did we get from it? Another layer of beaurcracy that appears to have only slowed federal assistance. Where is the federal government? Why did it take 5 days to get any boots on the ground and nearly none of them are active duty troops as requested? This has been a clusterfvck from the start, heads need to roll and the president needs to step forward and provide some fvcking leadership.

It did happen. And there have been boots on the ground - just not enough - and not in an orderly fashion - which is a STATE responsibility. To me, it seems that when the local plan failed - they just tossed their hands in the air in panic instead of finding someone locally/state to lead coordination.
The Governor's response is the next part of the chain that got overwhelmed and thus failed. It seems to me that there wasn't an immediate call for more troops when the flooding started due to the levee break.
People keep whining about the Federal Response - yet what people don't understand is that it is a local and State issue first and foremost. The Feds provide assistance to local and state efforts, but in this case there wasn't a local and state effort that was communicating and coordinating things in quick order. So THAT is why I and others keep beating back this idea that it's the Feds fault or that it was their responsibility. It's the state and local responsibility - with assistance from the Feds. The state and local coordination should be better versed in the local on the ground needs and such - and in this case they weren't.
Take a look at 9/11. A MAYOR took control and lead when he needed to lead. Yes, he was I'm sure overwhelmed at time but he didn't throw his hands in the air and start pointing fingers. This N.O. mayor is NOT a leader - he's a finger pointer. Atleast the Governor isn't playing that game - which I applaud her on.
The FACT is - the state and local systems FAILED to coordinate and put the groundwork together to be able to allow the Feds to come in with massive relief.

While I agree that the President needs to lead people through this crisis, I believe that he has done just that and this incessant whining and whining is nothing more than partisan BS- OR the lack of understanding how the relief process works and how much a President can do. I swear people think the Federal government can just snap it's fingers and fix any and all problems. I think someone in a different thread brought up the entitlement way of thinking - no doubt that is atleast partially at play in this situation.

From another thread, here the city of NOLA's emergency preparedness plan:


Read it and you'll notice that they failed to properly implement their own plan. They waited far too long to announce an evacuation.

That's because it wasn't a category 5 till 12 hours before it struck. It was a much weaker hurricane before that.

It's not the preparation that's an issue - everybody was surprised by its strength. And most of the tragedy is caused not by the hurricane damage, but the massive flooding in the aftermath after levees broke.

It's the response that mattered, and it sucked in every way.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
For everything that I dislike Bush for, I did appreciate the compassion that he showed to the people of Biloxi (spell?). The hugs for the people brought back memories of Bush comforting those after 9/11. To bad it takes a disaster to bring that compassion out.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Phokus
Guys, why are you so mean to bush, can't a man enjoy his record long vacation without you guys crying about how lazy he is? Damn liberal media

You know, vacation is hard work too. It must have been a liberal conspiracy to cheat duhbya out of his rightfully earned vacation. You know, federal employee's have to use it or lose it.

Seriously, anybody who looks at the situation with any objectivity at all can see that the Fed's mucked it up badly and our fearless leader is the one responsible. The buck stops there.


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: BBond

And they have the power of the president to declare an emergency right? They asked Bush repeatedly for help and got NOTHING for five long days.

You people are truly despicable. Bush is never at fault. Never accountable. It's the story of his life.
He declared an emergency on Saturday. It's not the President's fault that people chose not to evacuate.

Governor Blanco says every resource was put into evacuating the city. Clearly you disagree.

Mayor Nagin is too busy bashing the Iraq war to rescue his own people using the city's own buses!


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: ExpertNovice
Yep, President Bush should have done more. Maybe he should have declared Marshall Law on Sunday and forced people to leave. Is that what President Clinton would have done?

Only Congress can officially declare martial law, and they were on recess.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: BBond

And they have the power of the president to declare an emergency right? They asked Bush repeatedly for help and got NOTHING for five long days.

You people are truly despicable. Bush is never at fault. Never accountable. It's the story of his life.
He declared an emergency on Saturday.

Yeah right after his golf game and before his afternoon nap.

He's the leader, it's his job to make sure things are being handled properly, because if things aren't being handled properly IT"S HIS RESPONSIBILITY. That's the purpose of having a leader.

You nut jobs think he's Captain Picard and all he has to do is say "Make it so, #1." This is reality, not TV and people are dying.... directly due to his inaction.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: tcsenter
If Nagin needs the federal government to take control of the situation, that can only mean his planning and response failed.

There is no question that the local response failed. They admitted as much on tuesday when they pleaded on the national news for help. The question is when they asked for that help, for the troops, the supplies and the assitance in re-establishing control why it didn't happen? We spent 30billion dollars making the department of homeland security and what did we get from it? Another layer of beaurcracy that appears to have only slowed federal assistance. Where is the federal government? Why did it take 5 days to get any boots on the ground and nearly none of them are active duty troops as requested? This has been a clusterfvck from the start, heads need to roll and the president needs to step forward and provide some fvcking leadership.

It did happen. And there have been boots on the ground - just not enough - and not in an orderly fashion - which is a STATE responsibility. To me, it seems that when the local plan failed - they just tossed their hands in the air in panic instead of finding someone locally/state to lead coordination.
The Governor's response is the next part of the chain that got overwhelmed and thus failed. It seems to me that there wasn't an immediate call for more troops when the flooding started due to the levee break.
People keep whining about the Federal Response - yet what people don't understand is that it is a local and State issue first and foremost. The Feds provide assistance to local and state efforts, but in this case there wasn't a local and state effort that was communicating and coordinating things in quick order. So THAT is why I and others keep beating back this idea that it's the Feds fault or that it was their responsibility. It's the state and local responsibility - with assistance from the Feds. The state and local coordination should be better versed in the local on the ground needs and such - and in this case they weren't.
Take a look at 9/11. A MAYOR took control and lead when he needed to lead. Yes, he was I'm sure overwhelmed at time but he didn't throw his hands in the air and start pointing fingers. This N.O. mayor is NOT a leader - he's a finger pointer. Atleast the Governor isn't playing that game - which I applaud her on.
The FACT is - the state and local systems FAILED to coordinate and put the groundwork together to be able to allow the Feds to come in with massive relief.

While I agree that the President needs to lead people through this crisis, I believe that he has done just that and this incessant whining and whining is nothing more than partisan BS- OR the lack of understanding how the relief process works and how much a President can do. I swear people think the Federal government can just snap it's fingers and fix any and all problems. I think someone in a different thread brought up the entitlement way of thinking - no doubt that is atleast partially at play in this situation.

Louisiana doesn't have the resources. Why do you think they're busing people to Texas of all places? Maybe you forgot that the policemen in Louisiana were hit by the hurricane also? They are dying and starving like the rest of the people there. From what I read the national guard was called in immediately, but for some reason, they waited several days to send them in.

The mayor of New Orleans has already said that Louisiana doesn't have enough buses, an IMMEDIATE federal response is needed as well when the local and state forces are overwhelmed, as is the case.

Actually, there are lots of buses, the NO mayor and staff just didnl;t movde them to staging areas where they could be useful.

Now, they are ruined sitting in 4 feet of water.

NO Buses
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