Bush's response is not adequate

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No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Ok, where's the gas going to come from? Where's the money going to come from to refuel along the way? How are you going to supply water and food? Those are things beyond the capabilities of a city underwater. Help is needed from outside.

Also, that guy's math is VERY optimistic. Are you watching the video from WWL, WDSU, CNN, etc. showing the loading of buses? It's not like people are filling a bus in a min. and getting on the road and the next pulls in line.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Red Cross NEVER allowed into New Orleans.
by SteveRose
Fri Sep 2nd, 2005 at 18:02:05 PDT
My first diary! This whole week has been so depressing. My Red Cross donation was one bright spot. At least I had done something to help.

Then, after reading dKos and the other blogs all week and seeing over and over again comments that that FEMA and the NG were no where to be seen from the people on the ground in NO, I was wondering where the Red Cross was in all this. They were never mentioned. It was like they didn't exist. And, after yesterday's drama at the convention center, the Brown and Chertoff lies, the Red Cross was still MIA. Then, earlier today, I saw a note that the Red Cross was not allowed to enter NO. Hmm, that's doesn't make sense. This simmered for a couple hours.

So I called the Red Cross and asked them if its true....

updated to more blatant title.

SteveRose's diary :: ::
And, to my surprise, the nice lady answering the phone said it was true and they told/asked/ordered not to enter NO. She then went right into her spiel about all the other work the Red Cross was doing across the region. I said that's nice, but I still didn't understand why they weren't in NO. To my amazement, she patiently explained it to me. I even called back to verify what she said. This time she asked if I was media, I said no, just a concerned and confused contributor.

So here goes: Homeland Security (her term, not mine) told the Red Cross DO NOT enter New Orleans and says this still now. And why, you may ask? Not Security. Not worker safety. Not lack of access. It was because people would be drawn to the Red Cross food and they wouldn't want to go to be evacuated. So I asked: "The people starving and dying at the convention center yesterday couldn't get Red Cross food and water because they would be drawn to the food at the convention center, where they were, and not want to be evacuated from the convention center where no evacuations were going on or planned and all the while they are dying". (Actually, it was a couple questions.) She went back into her spiel about all of the other good work they were doing. When I asked again, she said yes, that was true. She seem relieved to admit it.

In closing, I asked if she asked this question before since she was very familiar with the answer she gave. She said yes. And I promised another donation. Which they will get after this post.

So, the question for Bushies, why was the Red Cross banned from NO when they knew people were starving? Could it be they were saving the convention center rescue until Bush's visit today? It certainly seems like it. Doesn't it?

Red Cross National Affairs number (202-303-5551)

Something smells.....BADLY.

More on this. Someone contacted DHS to confirm and here's his diary from Kos:

DHS will not 'confirm' Red Cross story.
by shock
Fri Sep 2nd, 2005 at 21:24:54 PDT

I just called the Dept. of Homeland security (202-282-8000) and asked them the following question:
"Is it true what the American Red Cross has reported that they have not been allowed into the city of New Orleans by the DHS since Hurricane Katrina because their 'presence would keep people from evacuating'"?
First, they put me on hold. Then I heard 2 beeps and the click that I assume means they were recording me. Then they asked me my name. (I told them, but now I sort of regret it...) Then they transferred me to Chris at the "Law Enforcement Fusion Desk". I read my question again.


* shock's diary :: ::

Note: This isn't a verbatim transcript -- I'm paraphrasing. I wasn't smart enough to record the call. But I just called them and this is what happened to the best of my recollection.
He said he hadn't heard this, so I pointed him to the Red Cross FAQ page link that was posted on this diary. I directed his attention to the second bullet.

He said something to the effect that their policy is trying to help get people out and that this is why they don't want more people coming in. (***)

I said I understood that, but that it didn't make sense to let people starve or die of thirst in the meantime.

He responded that this wasn't happening. That as soon as they pick somebody up, they take them out of there.

I argued with him and told him this wasn't true, that it had been on CNN that people had been being picked up and put down at the convention center where there was no food or water.

He said that all he could tell me was that they were picking people up and taking them out of there.... that their policy was to help the people.

Then I asked who at the DHS was responsible for the policy that kept the Red Cross out.

He said that would have to be Michael Chertoff.

I asked him for his own name and position again and then asked if I could make this public that the DHS was confirming what was on the Red Cross website.


After a few seconds I asked if he was there and he said "yeah," and then nothing else.

So I asked my question again and he said "No".


I asked why he had said no to me, and rather than answer me, he asked me what I wanted to do with the information.

I said I wanted to email it to my friends and put it on a blog. I think I heard him scoff at this, but I'm not sure.

I asked him again why I couldn't disseminate it and he said he didn't know who I was. Then he asked me directly who I was and why I wanted to know.

I told him that I was a citizen and I wanted to know because I actually gave a fvck about the people of New Orleans. (I was pissed by now because he was patronizing me and he had already lied to me.)

He said they did too.

I said something like "so you won't confirm what the American Red Cross is reporting then?", to which he said something like "no". (It was short.)

I asked why not and he asked me why I wanted to post it.

At this point I lost my temper and went on a little tirade. I said (something like) "because it's a stupid fvcking policy! And people have died because of it. And if Michael Chertoff is responsible, people should be made aware of that. And if you and he think it's a good policy, you should be willing to stand by it and take responsibility for it!" (There was more swearing in there too, but I can't remember exactly what now. I was very pissed. At this point in the conversation, my wife, who was in the room, about fell out of her chair and started motioning to me to shut up.)

After a few seconds of silence, I asked again, so you can't confirm this?

And he said "no".

So I asked who at DHS could.

He told me to call back and talk to the public affairs office on the same number (202-282-8000, although they transferred me to him, so I don't know if that's really his number), but that they wouldn't be back until Tuesday.
I am so pissed right now. If Chertoff really did order this, his head should be served up (Cajun style) on a platter to the mayor of New Orleans.

P.S. When I hung up the phone, the first thing my wife said to me was, "Great. Now you'll be drafted for sure!"

Update [2005-9-3 1:8:41 by shock]: (***) IMO, this is the crucial point of the dialog. I wish I had recorded it so I could tell you exactly what he said. But my recollection is strong that he actually admitted the policy here and was trying to defend it to me.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur
Ok, where's the gas going to come from? Where's the money going to come from to refuel along the way? How are you going to supply water and food? Those are things beyond the capabilities of a city underwater. Help is needed from outside.

Also, that guy's math is VERY optimistic. Are you watching the video from WWL, WDSU, CNN, etc. showing the loading of buses? It's not like people are filling a bus in a min. and getting on the road and the next pulls in line.

Apparenty they are being used now. I guess they figured out the logistics.
Shame the nola goverment was not that smart.

And remember this all could have happened before the storm hit....

You might also recall that the city still has a checkbook and the backing of fema. Money for gas and provisions should not be an issue.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
How long is it taking to evac people? They started last night and only 15,000 are out of the city at this point.

30 hrs and 15,000 people. Multiply 30 hrs by 6 or 7 and what do you get?


Sep 7, 2001
But I seem to remember that being the big problem, security. With around 1000 officers, 20% that had turned their badges in and roving gangs...
Yeah, beginning the THIRD day. Day one and day two, or even the day BEFORE Katrina hit, would have been a great time to get 200 ~ 300 of those busses fired up and moving, given they were under the city's direct control and they are in operation nearly every single day.

Let me get this straight. The City of New Orleans can't be expected to have the presence of mind or resources to employ ANY significant number of over 500 busses they own and operate every single day located IN THE CITY, but Bush is supposed to have hundreds upon hundreds of busses AND drivers at all times in his back pocket, ready to go anywhere in the US on a few days notice to evacuate 100,000 people?



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: tcsenter
But I seem to remember that being the big problem, security. With around 1000 officers, 20% that had turned their badges in and roving gangs...
Yeah, beginning the THIRD day. Day one and day two, or even the day BEFORE Katrina hit, would have been a great time to get 200 ~ 300 of those busses fired up and moving, given they were under the city's direct control and they are in operation nearly every single day.

Let me get this straight. The City of New Orleans can't be expected to have the presence of mind or resources to employ ANY significant number of over 500 busses they own and operate every single day located IN THE CITY, but Bush is supposed to have hundreds upon hundreds of busses AND drivers at all times in his back pocket, ready to go anywhere in the US on a few days notice to evacuate 100,000 people?

no, not evacuate. Bring in food/water. MUCH faster to bring food/water INTO the city than to evacuate people out of it. See my post above.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Guardian Unlimited is suggesting that as many as 10,000 people could be dead. Wow, I wouldn't have predicted that, but if I were the president, I'm sure I would have activated relief forces even before Katrina came ashore. Bush and his cronies are morons! Brain-dead morons!


Yep, on your watch.

Activated and put them where?


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: tcsenter
But I seem to remember that being the big problem, security. With around 1000 officers, 20% that had turned their badges in and roving gangs...
Yeah, beginning the THIRD day. Day one and day two, or even the day BEFORE Katrina hit, would have been a great time to get 200 ~ 300 of those busses fired up and moving, given they were under the city's direct control and they are in operation nearly every single day.

Let me get this straight. The City of New Orleans can't be expected to have the presence of mind or resources to employ ANY significant number of over 500 busses they own and operate every single day located IN THE CITY, but Bush is supposed to have hundreds upon hundreds of busses AND drivers at all times in his back pocket, ready to go anywhere in the US on a few days notice to evacuate 100,000 people?

no, not evacuate. Bring in food/water. MUCH faster to bring food/water INTO the city than to evacuate people out of it. See my post above.

You could do both. Evac people out and bring supplies on the way back....simple.


Sep 7, 2001
I am so pissed right now. If Chertoff really did order this, his head should be served up (Cajun style) on a platter to the mayor of New Orleans.

P.S. When I hung up the phone, the first thing my wife said to me was, "Great. Now you'll be drafted for sure!"
Well that's nice. Surely the Red Cross right now has plenty of people who can spend time on the phone arguing with a partisan zealot looking for any ammunition against the Bush Administration, instead of taking phone calls by worried family members or needy victims.

How truly compassionate of him. :roll:


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: tcsenter
But I seem to remember that being the big problem, security. With around 1000 officers, 20% that had turned their badges in and roving gangs...
Yeah, beginning the THIRD day. Day one and day two, or even the day BEFORE Katrina hit, would have been a great time to get 200 ~ 300 of those busses fired up and moving, given they were under the city's direct control and they are in operation nearly every single day.

Let me get this straight. The City of New Orleans can't be expected to have the presence of mind or resources to employ ANY significant number of over 500 busses they own and operate every single day located IN THE CITY, but Bush is supposed to have hundreds upon hundreds of busses AND drivers at all times in his back pocket, ready to go anywhere in the US on a few days notice to evacuate 100,000 people?

no, not evacuate. Bring in food/water. MUCH faster to bring food/water INTO the city than to evacuate people out of it. See my post above.

You could do both. Evac people out and bring supplies on the way back....simple.

Heck for that matter, they could haken a few trucks to local wally worlds and gotten provisions.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: tcsenter
But I seem to remember that being the big problem, security. With around 1000 officers, 20% that had turned their badges in and roving gangs...
Yeah, beginning the THIRD day. Day one and day two, or even the day BEFORE Katrina hit, would have been a great time to get 200 ~ 300 of those busses fired up and moving, given they were under the city's direct control and they are in operation nearly every single day.

Let me get this straight. The City of New Orleans can't be expected to have the presence of mind or resources to employ ANY significant number of over 500 busses they own and operate every single day located IN THE CITY, but Bush is supposed to have hundreds upon hundreds of busses AND drivers at all times in his back pocket, ready to go anywhere in the US on a few days notice to evacuate 100,000 people?

no, not evacuate. Bring in food/water. MUCH faster to bring food/water INTO the city than to evacuate people out of it. See my post above.
You could do both. Evac people out and bring supplies on the way back....simple.
Right. But, the Superdome was a safe shelter for the hurricane itself. There wasn't a need to evac until the flooding happened. By then, the buses were inaccessible and help from outside was needed.


Senior member
Nov 16, 2004
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Guardian Unlimited is suggesting that as many as 10,000 people could be dead. Wow, I wouldn't have predicted that, but if I were the president, I'm sure I would have activated relief forces even before Katrina came ashore. Bush and his cronies are morons! Brain-dead morons!


Yep, on your watch.

Activated and put them where?

Northern Alabama or northern Mississippi. Call in the choppers, boys. Only a moron wouldn't recognize what was about to happen.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Guardian Unlimited is suggesting that as many as 10,000 people could be dead. Wow, I wouldn't have predicted that, but if I were the president, I'm sure I would have activated relief forces even before Katrina came ashore. Bush and his cronies are morons! Brain-dead morons!


Yep, on your watch.

Activated and put them where?

Northern Alabama or northern Mississippi. Call in the choppers, boys. Only a moron wouldn't recognize what was about to happen.

Even the north part of those states took a pretty good beating from the storm.


Senior member
Jun 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Guardian Unlimited is suggesting that as many as 10,000 people could be dead. Wow, I wouldn't have predicted that, but if I were the president, I'm sure I would have activated relief forces even before Katrina came ashore. Bush and his cronies are morons! Brain-dead morons!


Yep, on your watch.

Activated and put them where?

Northern Alabama or northern Mississippi. Call in the choppers, boys. Only a moron wouldn't recognize what was about to happen.

"Only a moron wouldn't have recognized what was about to happen." Come on now give Bush credit, he got a 'gentlemen?s c' at Yale. That has to mean something.


Senior member
Nov 16, 2004
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Guardian Unlimited is suggesting that as many as 10,000 people could be dead. Wow, I wouldn't have predicted that, but if I were the president, I'm sure I would have activated relief forces even before Katrina came ashore. Bush and his cronies are morons! Brain-dead morons!


Yep, on your watch.

Activated and put them where?

Northern Alabama or northern Mississippi. Call in the choppers, boys. Only a moron wouldn't recognize what was about to happen.

Even the north part of those states took a pretty good beating from the storm.

Yeah, but you have to admit that the Administration?s response was very weak. And that's being kind.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Guardian Unlimited is suggesting that as many as 10,000 people could be dead. Wow, I wouldn't have predicted that, but if I were the president, I'm sure I would have activated relief forces even before Katrina came ashore. Bush and his cronies are morons! Brain-dead morons!


Yep, on your watch.

Activated and put them where?

Northern Alabama or northern Mississippi. Call in the choppers, boys. Only a moron wouldn't recognize what was about to happen.

Even the north part of those states took a pretty good beating from the storm.

Yeah, but you have to admit that the Administration?s response was very weak. And that's being kind.

You have to admit the LA guard is controlled by LA, not the fed..

You have to admit Bush want NOLA evacuated before LA said anything.

You have to admint Bush declared NOLA a disaster area before the storm struck.



Senior member
Nov 16, 2004
Louisiana's failure does not excuse the nation's administration. In fact, their failure is all the more reason why the feds needed to get involved.

There is plenty of blame to go around.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Louisiana's failure does not excuse the nation's administration. In fact, their failure is all the more reason why the feds needed to get involved.

There is plenty of blame to go around.

There have no doubt been mistakes all over, but it is also quite imposible to lay it all on fed.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: tcsenter
But I seem to remember that being the big problem, security. With around 1000 officers, 20% that had turned their badges in and roving gangs...
Yeah, beginning the THIRD day. Day one and day two, or even the day BEFORE Katrina hit, would have been a great time to get 200 ~ 300 of those busses fired up and moving, given they were under the city's direct control and they are in operation nearly every single day.

Let me get this straight. The City of New Orleans can't be expected to have the presence of mind or resources to employ ANY significant number of over 500 busses they own and operate every single day located IN THE CITY, but Bush is supposed to have hundreds upon hundreds of busses AND drivers at all times in his back pocket, ready to go anywhere in the US on a few days notice to evacuate 100,000 people?

no, not evacuate. Bring in food/water. MUCH faster to bring food/water INTO the city than to evacuate people out of it. See my post above.
You could do both. Evac people out and bring supplies on the way back....simple.
Right. But, the Superdome was a safe shelter for the hurricane itself. There wasn't a need to evac until the flooding happened. By then, the buses were inaccessible and help from outside was needed.

So now you are saying, there was no need to preposition all the guard troops and provisions?


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
I think it's safe to say this is the biggest fvck up by any administration in the history of this country. Watergate is nothing but a joke after this blunder.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Lifted
I think it's safe to say this is the biggest fvck up by any administration in the history of this country. Watergate is nothing but a joke after this blunder.

You right, NO and LA goverments really screwed things up.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Lifted
I think it's safe to say this is the biggest fvck up by any administration in the history of this country. Watergate is nothing but a joke after this blunder.

No, not by a longshot.



Senior member
Nov 16, 2004
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Duckzilla
Louisiana's failure does not excuse the nation's administration. In fact, their failure is all the more reason why the feds needed to get involved.

There is plenty of blame to go around.

There have no doubt been mistakes all over, but it is also quite imposible to lay it all on fed.

Camille taught us all we needed to know. Why should we require a second example? The proverbial handwriting was on the wall. 145+ mph-sustained winds spread over 100 miles. Biloxi Mississippi is 80% LEVELED. Calling all morons!

Anyone who is guilty of inaction is to blame.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Lifted
I think it's safe to say this is the biggest fvck up by any administration in the history of this country. Watergate is nothing but a joke after this blunder.

You right, NO and LA goverments really screwed things up.


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