California school can ban US flag.

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Feb 6, 2007
I'm curious, Matt1970, geosurface and others, why do you think multiple students decided to wear American flag T-Shirts on that particular day? Was it just an amazing coincidence? Did their laundry days line-up so everyone's "American flag shirt" day overlapped? Do you think they coordinated it so that they would all be wearing the same thing on that particular day? And if it was coordinated, what was their rationale behind all wearing the same outfit on that specific day?


Apr 10, 2000
^^^ Opps, sorry about that racist post.

I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it seems despite that you want to simply prove you're an idiot. I give up. Continue making stupid posts and defending racist little shits, I'm done with you.


Diamond Member
Jun 28, 2001

you do know that the events were concurrent, right? the american civil war was 1861-1865, the battle of puebla happened in 1862, which would make the first possible anniversary celebration in 1863. Ethnic mexicans living in california were mexican citizens not 15 years before. and of course those living in california are going to be first to celebrate... mexico is busily engaged in a war for independence. not exactly a time to celebrate.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
I'm curious, Matt1970, geosurface and others, why do you think multiple students decided to wear American flag T-Shirts on that particular day? Was it just an amazing coincidence? Did their laundry days line-up so everyone's "American flag shirt" day overlapped? Do you think they coordinated it so that they would all be wearing the same thing on that particular day? And if it was coordinated, what was their rationale behind all wearing the same outfit on that specific day?

What difference does it really make? I'm sure it was to tweak the fake Mexicans.

But so what?


Senior member
May 9, 2002
Some of the most desirable places to live on the planet, with the lowest crime, highest happiness index, most productive economies and best reputations for producing quality products - are also some of the most homogeneous. Including Scandinavian countries, and the aforementioned Asian countries. Can you tell me how those nations are suffering from their lack of diversity?

Scandinavian countries actually have among the highest percentages of immigrant population in all of Europe.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
The white students tried to turn this into an issue of national pride but the obvious thinly veiled racism behind the act is easy to figure out. The school and the courts made the right call. I personally don't give a shit about Cinco De Mayo and find it a bit inappropriate to celebrate in the US but in this case its easy to see what Whitey was up to..tsk tsk.
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Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
what was their rationale behind all wearing the same outfit on that specific day?

I believe there absolutely was an intent to poke and prod the Mexican kids. The thing is, we don't know whether the Mexican kids had been being "in your face" and douchey about things prior to that. We don't know who initially started using the day as a way to rub the other group's face in something. Using their own national pride as a provocation.

It could have been the Mexican kids, or the white kids. I don't believe any of us here know that definitively. I know who I strongly suspect was the first to be douchey, based on other CA school stories similar to this I've read. But I could be wrong.

Even if the white kids were first, though, I would have some sympathy with them trying to stand up for their heritage and their nation if they were feeling like their area was just being completely swamped and taken over. Which is a common, and an accurate feeling to have in parts of CA in particular.

In 1950, California was about 94% white. By 2011 that percentage was down to 40%. Could you see how that might make a people feel like they were being pushed out, displaced, ethnically cleansed from an area? How it might make them feel culturally threatened and that they might, just maybe, want to push back against that ever so gently by expressing their pride in their own history? I don't find that racist or hateful - I find that completely natural.

Ultimately I don't care what their intention was, it's the principle of the thing from my point of view. I absolutely support the right of both groups to do what they did, on any day of the year. I particularly support the "USA!" kids because of what country this took place in. I disagree with the Mexican kids being here, but as long as they are here I would never seek to deny them such a fundamental right.

Scandinavian countries actually have among the highest percentages of immigrant population in all of Europe.

Source: Washington Post and Harvard

You'll note that the Scandinavian countries have the darkest orange, or least diverse ranking possible (though you're certainly right if you're wondering how long this will last.) Also worth noting is the fact that Canada is shown as being very diverse, but would not be considered so by most people using modern definitions of diversity because it is gaining that ranking primarily through having the full rainbow of different types of European heritage.

I've put in a map of world happiness ratings just for a fun additional thing to compare with.
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Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Even if the white kids were first, though, I would have some sympathy with them trying to stand up for their heritage and their nation if they were feeling like their area was just being completely swamped and taken over.

In 1950, California was about 94% white. By 2011 that percentage was down to 40%. Could you see how that might make a people feel like they were being pushed out, displaced, ethnically cleansed from an area?

You'll note that the Scandinavian countries have the darkest orange, or least diverse ranking possible (though you're certainly right if you're wondering how long this will last.) Also worth noting is the fact that Canada is shown as being very diverse, but would not be considered so by most people using modern definitions of diversity because it is gaining that ranking primarily through having the full rainbow of different types of European heritage.

Ahh, yet another xenophobic, anti-immigration post to reaffirm Geosurface's concise and regular use of this forum to present his racist agenda:

Originally Posted by Geosurface:

Race, genetics and crime

The Thug Gene

A year ago I [Geosurface] was a devoted racial egalitarian and liberal. I then got my "nose under the tent" of information like this, and simply by virtue of not successfully burying my head in the sand, and accepting the truth of these studies, and their obvious connection to observed crime rates, social problems, etc... I am now, according to many, a "racist"

I'm curious. What does it mean to be a racist? Does one automatically become a racist when exposed to certain truths unless they successfully avoid taking said truths on board?

Is it meaningful to be considered a "racist" when you fully acknowledge that this is all just about AVERAGES and that every group, including blacks, produces plenty of amazing, brilliant, gentle people too?

But if some groups produce certain problematic types of people at a far higher rate than other groups do, or other types of very desirable (for civilization) people at a much lower rate... should this have implications for say, immigration policy?
My understanding is that blacks commit ALL types of crime at a higher rate than whites, even surprising types like white collar crime, paedophilia, and serial killing which are commonly thought to be the province of whites.

Making the situation even more lopsided is the fact that Hispanics are rolled into the white category for offenders but are kept distinct when victims. Some of the mugshots I've seen listed as "white" were gut-bustingly hilarious in how obviously non-white they were. Egyptians are also categorized as white. I think a very sizable portion of whites' already low crime rates are attributable to people nobody would consider white if passing them on the street. Primarily Mestizo Hispanics.

The true crime rate of full blooded Northern European descended folk like myself and like most people think of when you say "white" is very low. East Asians are even lower though I believe.
To bring that little over a month old post of his directly into the context of this thread, let's all focus on this resident and violent white-supremacist's denigration of this topic targeted people:

I think a very sizable portion of whites' already low crime rates are attributable to people nobody would consider white if passing them on the street. Primarily Mestizo Hispanics.
Damnit, as per Geosurface, the purity of white society is being denigrate and watered down by dirty Mexicans.

Geosurface, attracted to promote inciting bigotry and fearful hatred in line with the defence of some good'ol boys who rallied in school against those declared to be less American and therefore an alien threat.
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Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Ah yes, Whiskey16 again whining about me saying things which are established facts and anyone here can look into for themselves (regarding crime rates, prevalence of certain genes in certain groups, etc)

I can point to Washington Post articles and maps' and simply say "hey look at this, interesting eh?" and that's enough for him to scream "RACIST!" - yep, facts can be racist apparently.

Whiskey16, I think you'd better write to the New York Times right now and tell them to fire Nicholas Wade, their long time science writer, ASAP. This is from the summary of his new book (due out in May) entitled "A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History"

"Wade, the longtime journalist covering genetic advances for The New York Times, draws widely on the work of scientists who have made crucial breakthroughs in establishing the reality of recent human evolution. The most provocative claims in this book involve the genetic basis of human social habits. What we might call middle-class social traits—thrift, docility, nonviolence—have been slowly but surely inculcated genetically within agrarian societies, Wade argues. These “values” obviously had a strong cultural component, but Wade points to evidence that agrarian societies evolved away from hunter-gatherer societies in some crucial respects. Also controversial are his findings regarding the genetic basis of traits we associate with intelligence, such as literacy and numeracy, in certain ethnic populations, including the Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews."

Uh oh, Whiskey16... nature is racist, science proves it, and you are going to need to step up your game in terms of silencing those who point it out.


Jun 5, 2000
The flag was being used to antagonize the students for celebrating their culture.

lol fuck that

funny how when i see st pattys day i see Irish AND American flags all over the place. One has to ask why the mexicans (most likely born in the US) are so thin skinned that there is no room for the American flag on the 5th of May.

i bet those "mexican" students think that 5th of may is the Mexican independence.
Feb 6, 2007
What difference does it really make? I'm sure it was to tweak the fake Mexicans.

But so what?

I believe there absolutely was an intent to poke and prod the Mexican kids.

The current legal precedent regarding schools is that they can restrict freedom of speech or expression (such as clothing) if they deem it constitutes a disruption to the learning environment. You both believe that, at least partially, the shirts were worn to antagonize another group of students; that's a disruption to the learning environment and its exactly the sort of behavior the school has a responsibility to curtail. I'm genuinely confused as to why you're upset about this when you acknowledge that the motives were antagonistic.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
I'm curious, Matt1970, geosurface and others, why do you think multiple students decided to wear American flag T-Shirts on that particular day? Was it just an amazing coincidence? Did their laundry days line-up so everyone's "American flag shirt" day overlapped? Do you think they coordinated it so that they would all be wearing the same thing on that particular day? And if it was coordinated, what was their rationale behind all wearing the same outfit on that specific day?

I believe I can field your questions sir. Let me first state that I was born, raised, and went to school in a border town,(52 years there before moving). My wife taught in the southernmost school district for 20 years, and because of this I was able to witness first hand the mindset for both the teachers, and the administration. Though they did enjoy teaching, and cared about their students, they also had an agenda, which included subtle bias, and bigotry. Some classes were even taught in Mexican, and if you happened to be one of the few white American kids in that class, well too bad. I use the word bigotry, and not racism because Mexicans ARE NOT a race. You could rightfully argue that Hispanics, or latinos are, granted. So why am I focusing on Mexicans you may ask. Its because in all my years, and my wifes' as well, most of the kids coming up from central, and south America are better behaved, more respectful, and have an appreciation of where they are, and the benefits, and opportunities America affords. (and yeah, I know about M13)
Racism, bigotry, prejudice, hatred are not something you are born with, they are taught, and not just by peers, and parents, but now
BY OUR TEACHERS! The link below is an example of what my wife used to deal with, note that this was a substitute and not the actual teacher who promotes the agenda, as evidenced by the lesson plan.
My wife, back in 1999 intercepted a district memo that stated that there would be no new hirings of anyone without a hispanic sur-name.
The bigotry, attacks, gangs, and the *celebrations* of the Mexican heritege are a day to day occurrence, and not just on Cinco de Mayo
when its really in your face.
So to answer your questions Atomic Playboy; YES, it was coordinated.
As to the rationale of those 4,(wow a whole 4), brave young boys,
simple, they were pushing back.
Do I have any answers, or solutions other than to say please stop it?
Sadly, no sir I do not.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
I'm genuinely confused as to why you're upset about this when you acknowledge that the motives were antagonistic.

I can help you understand very easily.

One of my absolute fundamental beliefs in this world, and this predates my departure from liberalism, is that laws and rules should NEVER be made or changed as the result of specific events and circumstances.

To me, good law and policy are arrived at through logic and principle. Providing as high a level of freedom as can reasonably be achieved. Real world events and trends are certainly part of what should be considered, but never specific, recent events. So, the idea of changing legislation as a direct result of Newtown or changing school policy as a direct result of this Cinco De Mayo tension is completely abhorrent to me.

If it was okay to wear American flag t-shirts before all this began, it should continue to be (particularly because there is nothing inherently antagonistic or offensive or provocative about the American flag, particularly in America.)


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
lol fuck that

funny how when i see st pattys day i see Irish AND American flags all over the place. One has to ask why the mexicans (most likely born in the US) are so thin skinned that there is no room for the American flag on the 5th of May.

i bet those "mexican" students think that 5th of may is the Mexican independence.

When was the last time you heard of a confrontation by pro-nationalists against people celebrating St Patrick's day?


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
When was the last time you heard of a confrontation by pro-nationalists against people celebrating St Patrick's day?

When was the last time you heard of Irish wanting a third of the US sliced off and made into New Ireland? Or insisting on classes, ballots, signs, TV stations, ATMs, and phone systems in Gaelic?

Or just generally refusing to assimilate and obey immigration law? While flooding in by the millions?

They Live

Senior member
Oct 23, 2012
Everyone is racist, thraashman. Both liberals and conservatives. It just manifests differently.

Both are in denial about it, and almost nobody on the planet will openly admit to being a "racist" because the term is a shout down, shut up, toxifying word meant to put a scarlet letter on someone.

Liberals' racism mostly targets whites, and in many cases that is their own race. Conservatives' racism mostly targets groups other than their own. Inward racism vs. outward racism. Xenophobia vs. xenophilia. Outwardly directed hostility vs. inwardly directed hostility.

Those who tend to turn their destructive impulses inward are obviously much more dangerous to the long term survival of a society or a group. Therefore, whatever faults xenophobic conservative racism may have, it is at the very least consistent with survival. Liberalism is not.

And make no mistake, liberals have plenty of outwardly directed racism too - again it just manifests itself differently. Constantly setting up programs like Affirmative Action, My Brother's Keeper, and a million other little ways of patting other racial groups on the head and treating them like incompetent children who couldn't possibly make it through a day of life without help from white liberals is intensely condescending and betrays the fundamental belief of the white liberal: they are absolutely assured of their superiority and their role in this world as the angelic bringers of light, and they completely get off on envisioning themselves as the benevolent givers of charity to those they view as inferior.

LOL, this is a load of crap.

Why do you even think affirmative action was created in the first place? You think it's because of anti white racism?

They Live

Senior member
Oct 23, 2012
I'm curious, Matt1970, geosurface and others, why do you think multiple students decided to wear American flag T-Shirts on that particular day? Was it just an amazing coincidence? Did their laundry days line-up so everyone's "American flag shirt" day overlapped? Do you think they coordinated it so that they would all be wearing the same thing on that particular day? And if it was coordinated, what was their rationale behind all wearing the same outfit on that specific day?

It's pretty obvious they did it as an attempt to troll the "hispanic" students. Although in fairness, both parties probably were stirring up trouble.
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They Live

Senior member
Oct 23, 2012
I believe there absolutely was an intent to poke and prod the Mexican kids. The thing is, we don't know whether the Mexican kids had been being "in your face" and douchey about things prior to that. We don't know who initially started using the day as a way to rub the other group's face in something. Using their own national pride as a provocation.

It could have been the Mexican kids, or the white kids. I don't believe any of us here know that definitively. I know who I strongly suspect was the first to be douchey, based on other CA school stories similar to this I've read. But I could be wrong.

Even if the white kids were first, though, I would have some sympathy with them trying to stand up for their heritage and their nation if they were feeling like their area was just being completely swamped and taken over. Which is a common, and an accurate feeling to have in parts of CA in particular.

In 1950, California was about 94% white. By 2011 that percentage was down to 40%. Could you see how that might make a people feel like they were being pushed out, displaced, ethnically cleansed from an area? How it might make them feel culturally threatened and that they might, just maybe, want to push back against that ever so gently by expressing their pride in their own history? I don't find that racist or hateful - I find that completely natural.

Ultimately I don't care what their intention was, it's the principle of the thing from my point of view. I absolutely support the right of both groups to do what they did, on any day of the year. I particularly support the "USA!" kids because of what country this took place in. I disagree with the Mexican kids being here, but as long as they are here I would never seek to deny them such a fundamental right.

Source: Washington Post and Harvard

You'll note that the Scandinavian countries have the darkest orange, or least diverse ranking possible (though you're certainly right if you're wondering how long this will last.) Also worth noting is the fact that Canada is shown as being very diverse, but would not be considered so by most people using modern definitions of diversity because it is gaining that ranking primarily through having the full rainbow of different types of European heritage.

I've put in a map of world happiness ratings just for a fun additional thing to compare with.

Why do you disagree with the Mexican kids being here?

What makes the white kids more deserving to be here than the Mexican kids?


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Why do you disagree with the Mexican kids being here?

What makes the white kids more deserving to be here than the Mexican kids?

The influx of Mexicans into the US brings:

  • A change in the US's culture and demographics.
  • Higher crime.
  • Higher poverty.
  • Higher gang activity.
  • Greater expenses for our nation in terms of schooling, policing, multilingual accomodation.
  • Increased ethnic conflict between Hispanics and blacks, Hispanics and whites, etc.
  • Increases possibility of us losing territory.
  • Complete violation of what our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson intended for this country to be.
  • Leads to problems like "don't hire anymore teachers or staff without Hispanic surnames" and the teacher who was fired in Arizona a couple of years ago for complaining that her students would conduct 90% of class discussions in Spanish, which she doesn't speak, in a state where the official language is English.
  • Means more people automatically eligible for Affirmative Action, which increases unfairness.

Plus, Mexicans already have Mexico. Their nation is incredibly hypocritical about immigration based on how they handle their southern border. A great deal of the Mexican immigration here is illegal. That should bother anyone. It should also bother someone when an illegal immigrant uses an unintended consequence of our laws to have babies here who are citizens. It encourages that same illegal immigration and it's gaming the system.

They are a net loss to our society because they send a great deal of their income out of the country and they use more taxpayer money in services than they put in.

So the real question is, why would any American in their right mind not disagree with Mexicans coming here? I guess it just comes down to whether you want your nation to survive, or whether you want to feel warm inside knowing you're very tolerant. It's one or the other.


Senior member
May 9, 2002
You'll note that the Scandinavian countries have the darkest orange, or least diverse ranking possible (though you're certainly right if you're wondering how long this will last.) Also worth noting is the fact that Canada is shown as being very diverse, but would not be considered so by most people using modern definitions of diversity because it is gaining that ranking primarily through having the full rainbow of different types of European heritage.

I've put in a map of world happiness ratings just for a fun additional thing to compare with.

You don't need inferences based on colors on a cute map when you have actual numbers.

If anything in Europe the number of immigrants correlates with per capita income (though this is of course due to simultaneous causality).

Also, from your very article:

Another caveat is that people in different countries might have different bars for what constitutes a distinct ethnicity. These data, then, could be said to measure the perception of ethnic diversity more than the diversity itself; given that ethnicity is a social construct, though those two metrics are not necessarily as distinct as one might think.

Your map does not show ethnic diversity. It shows perceived ethnic diversity. All people in Uganda would probably look identical to you, yet they have a higher diversity in the map because many of them perceive people to be different from themselves. Ethnicity being a social construct, what your map really says is that people who are more scared by diversity and consider more people "different from themselves" tend to be less happy... which is a very intuitive result.
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They Live

Senior member
Oct 23, 2012
The influx of Mexicans into the US brings:

  • A change in the US's culture and demographics.
  • Higher crime.
  • Higher poverty.
  • Higher gang activity.
  • Greater expenses for our nation in terms of schooling, policing, multilingual accomodation.
  • Increased ethnic conflict between Hispanics and blacks, Hispanics and whites, etc.
  • Increases possibility of us losing territory.
  • Complete violation of what our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson intended for this country to be.
  • Leads to problems like "don't hire anymore teachers or staff without Hispanic surnames" and the teacher who was fired in Arizona a couple of years ago for complaining that her students would conduct 90% of class discussions in Spanish, which she doesn't speak, in a state where the official language is English.
  • Means more people automatically eligible for Affirmative Action, which increases unfairness.
So essentially your argument boils down to Mexicans = thugs who don't belong here. Gotcha.

Plus, Mexicans already have Mexico. Their nation is incredibly hypocritical about immigration based on how they handle their southern border. A great deal of the Mexican immigration here is illegal. That should bother anyone. It should also bother someone when an illegal immigrant uses an unintended consequence of our laws to have babies here who are citizens. It encourages that same illegal immigration and it's gaming the system.

They are a net loss to our society because they send a great deal of their income out of the country and they use more taxpayer money in services than they put in.

So the real question is, why would any American in their right mind not disagree with Mexicans coming here? I guess it just comes down to whether you want your nation to survive, or whether you want to feel warm inside knowing you're very tolerant. It's one or the other.

The Europeans had Europe and still came to America any way. Sounds like hypocrisy on your part.

Regardless, all you did was rant about why Mexicans are so bad, but never made a legitimate argument as to why the white kids are more deserving to be here than the Mexican kids.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Ah yes, Whiskey16 again whining about me saying things which are established facts and anyone here can look into for themselves (regarding crime rates, prevalence of certain genes in certain groups, etc)
Uh oh, Whiskey16... nature is racist, science proves it, and you are going to need to step up your game in terms of silencing those who point it out.
Our resident bigoted white-supremacist continues to be welcome to use this forum to espouse his racist agenda.

Scientific racism is the use of scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority, or alternatively the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races.[1][2][3] According to the United Nations convention, superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere.[4]

As a category of theory, scientific racism employs anthropology (notably physical anthropology), anthropometry, craniometry, and other disciplines, in proposing anthropologic typologies supporting the classification of human populations into physically discrete human races that are asserted to be superior or inferior. Scientific racism was common during the New Imperialism period (c. 1880s – 1914) where it was used in justifying White European imperialism, and it culminated in the period from 1920 to the end of World War II when it was finally considered discredited. Since the later 20th century, scientific racism has been criticized as obsolete and as historically used to support or validate racist world-views, based upon belief in the existence and significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races.[5]

After the end of the Second World War (1939–45) and the occurrence of the Holocaust, scientific racism in theory and action was formally denounced, especially in UNESCO's antiracist statement "The Race Question" (1950): "The biological fact of race and the myth of 'race' should be distinguished. For all practical social purposes 'race' is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth. The myth of 'race' has created an enormous amount of human and social damage. In recent years, it has taken a heavy toll in human lives, and caused untold suffering."[6] Today, scientific racism is often characterized as a pseudoscience.[2][3]
I can point to Washington Post articles and maps' and simply say "hey look at this, interesting eh?" and that's enough for him to scream "RACIST!" - yep, facts can be racist apparently.
As verified by your consistently bigoted and white-supremacist content, you most certainly are racist. You have a clearly concise racist agenda even through to that of violently xenophobic extremism, with your posting record advocating forced expulsion and to shoot the remaining undesirable immigrants in the streets.

Whiskey16, I think you'd better write to the New York Times right now and tell them to fire Nicholas Wade, their long time science writer, ASAP. This is from the summary of his new book (due out in May) entitled "A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History"
No coincidence at all that a Google search for that forthcoming book returned a day old Stormfront thread applauding what it may contain. Geosurface, while tolerated, continually doing all he can to practically equate the AnandTech P&N to one of the most notoriously hateful white-supremacist sites on the internet.
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