California State University offers segregated housing to shield black students from ‘micr

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Nov 10, 2003
Perhaps even more damning is doubling down on the cockroach epithet with someone you believe to be chinese or at least a chinese-lover, not unlike repeatedly asking someone you believe to be black about the chimp habitats.

At this point it would be smarter to get progressive like chucky and just start owning the word racist so it won't feel as bad to be accurately labelled as one.

How is the cockroach farming doing? Since you love to boast about how great china is, why not boast about cockroach farming? Why stop the boasting now?

Why Oxford and Cambridge agree with me and not with you? Funny how I have facts on my side and you have nothing.

I can go all day to bitch slap you with facts. Just admit you want to be a cockroach farmer and to eat them mixed with locusts after fry them with gutter oil. Facts are facts.

Is that why you are able to lie so much? Eating cockroaches will increase the ability to lie so well? Amazing power there. Teeeeheeeeehheee.


Jun 9, 2016
How is the cockroach farming doing? Since you love to boast about how great china is, why not boast about cockroach farming?

Why Oxford and Cambridge agree with me and not with you?

I can go all day to bitch slap you with facts. Just admit you want to be a cockroach farmer and to eat them mixed with locusts after fry them with gutter oil. Facts are facts.

To clarify, you started with calling the chinese cockroaches and upon discovering that it won't play well tried to suggest you really meant something else. Same as calling blacks chimps and trying to rationalize that as something justifiable, too. It's something which everyone has seen dishonest & desperate racists do, so that's going to work any better than anything else you've done heretofore.


Nov 10, 2003
To clarify, you started with calling the chinese cockroaches and upon discovering that it won't play well tried to suggest you really meant something else. Same as calling blacks chimps and trying to rationalize that as something justifiable, too. It's something which everyone has seen dishonest & desperate racists do, so that's going to work any better than anything else you've done heretofore.

There you LIE gain.

Readers can scroll up and read the WHOLE posts from me, and not just the cherry picked bits you cut out from my posts to spin. Facts are facts. You can lie but you can NOT remove my WHOLE posts. Too bad, eh?

How is the cockroaches farming? Do you eat them raw? Why not boasting about them? Too ashamed? Too shy? LOL. Million and million of cockroaches for the lulz -

Dear readers, see how the liar unable to reply to my question why Oxford and Cambridge agree with me and not him. Who is the liar here and who is telling the truth. Very easy to determine.

Stay tuned for more bitch slaps from me to the clueless lying newbie.


Jun 9, 2016
There you LIE gain.

Readers can scroll up and read the WHOLE posts from me, and not just the cherry picked bits you cut out from my posts to spin. Facts are facts.

How is the cockroaches farming? Do you eat them raw? Why not boasting about them? Too ashamed? To shy? LOL.

Further revealing that you still think just because you don't consider every chinese person a cockroach or black person a chimp (not the good ones at least) makes you not racist. Must be quite difficult to figure this out despite a oxford/cambridge education.


Nov 10, 2003
Further revealing that you still think just because you don't consider every chinese person a cockroach or black person a chimp (not the good ones at least) makes you not racist. Must be quite difficult to figure this out despite a oxford/cambridge education.

What? Since when I said I have any education from Oxford/Cambridge?

I said and I am quoting the EXACT words "why Oxford and Cambridge agree with me" and now you say I have an education from them? ROTFLMAO x 100000000000.

First you claimed I was comparing myself with MLK and I smashed you lie into pieces with facts and now this? Oh my. This is so pathetic.

Must be from all the cockroaches eating. Messing up with your brain. No wonder you are so messed up. What was the taste of cockroaches?


Jun 9, 2016
What? Since when I said I have any education from Oxford/Cambridge?

I said and I am quoting the EXACT words "why Oxford and Cambridge agree with me" and now you say I have an education from them? ROTFLMAO x 100000000000.

First you claimed I was comparing myself with MLK and I smashed you lie into pieces with facts and now this? Oh my. This is so pathetic.

Must be from all the cockroaches eating. Messing up with your brain. No wonder you are so messed up. What was the taste of cockroaches?

It's always amusing when dunning kruger posterkids believe they're the smart ones.


Nov 10, 2003
It's always amusing when dunning kruger posterkids believe they're the smart ones.

It is so funny when you throw out wild accusations after another and nothing to back up.

So where did I say I have any education from those institutions as you claimed? or I ever said that I believe I am the smart one as you claimed?

Dear readers, look how the fool will choke up with the lies and then spin and spin. Too much cockroach eating, dirty air breathing, and polluted water drinking = bad for well-being.

^^^ Please dial down the clumsily disgusting language of your attack replies. Leave cockroach eating and such out of your replies. If nothing else, it simply makes you look bad. This is just some friendly advice, nothing more at this point, but please take it.

Forum Director
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Jun 9, 2016
It is so funny when you throw out wild accusations after another and nothing to back up.

So where did I say I have any education from those institutions as you claimed? or I ever said that I believe I am the smart one as you claimed?

Dear readers, look how the fool will choke up with the lies and then spin and spin. Too much cockroach eating, dirty air breathing, and polluted water drinking = bad for well-being.

It's worth reiterating that it's not my role to educate dumb racists, only to reveal things for what they are by allowing them to speak for themselves. Chucky must've learn his lesson earlier in life given the way he knows what to clam up about.


Nov 10, 2003
It's worth reiterating that it's not my role to educate dumb racists, only to reveal things for what they are by allowing them to speak for themselves. Chucky must've learn his lesson earlier in life given the way he knows what to clam up about.

So no answer = another LIE exposed because I never said what you claimed. What a clueless eunuch. If you are going to lie, learn how to lie better.

Dear readers, this is what I am talking about. The liar pulls out lies after lies and nothing but more lie. Just to show you how pathetic the newbie is.

Yes, speaking for myself....Treat Everyone EQUALLY....regardless of their skin color. Just like MLK. Oh no, I better watch out because I am comparing myself to MLK per you..right?

Keep lying and I will keep humiliating you.

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Nov 10, 2003
Speaking of revealing, what does it say that you & chucky continue to be rather close?:

Particularly when the other conservatives are at least smart enough to avoid even the appearance of association.

So now chucky2 and I are close? I never met him, never PM him, never email him, never do anything with him except chatting in public in various forums of this site but now we are close/good buddies per you? The same you that pulled so many accusations and none of them are true? Yup. That's you.

This is too much lulz to handle. LOL.


Jun 9, 2016
So now chucky2 and I are close? I never met him, never PM him, never email him, never do anything with him except chatting in public in various forums of this site but now we are close/good buddies per you? The same you that pulled so many accusations and none of them are true? Yup. That's you.

This is too much lulz to handle. LOL.

Generally when someone boasts about how racist they are, and you're trying your darndest to appear not racist, trying to get on the same page with them publicly & repeatedly is a monumentally stupid move. But then again, nobody would accuse you of being too bright.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
The blacks who self-segregate are harming themselves. They may not understand it now but they will certainly understand it later when they have to work with and get along with people from other races and worldviews.
I completely agree, but that's their problem.


Nov 10, 2003
Generally when someone boasts about how racist they are, and you're trying your darndest to appear not racist, trying to get on the same page with them publicly & repeatedly is a monumentally stupid move. But then again, nobody would accuse you of being too bright.

So now I am not too bright and earlier you claimed that I said I have an education from Oxford/Cambridge. How is that possible? Lying so much so it is hard to keep them lies straight, eh? Keep on going with stupid, comrade eunuch. Keep on going with long list of lies.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Svnla, agent00f enough, both of you. Stop, now. And Svnla, don't ever mention cockroach farming or eating in any post you make in P&N ever again. It's primitive and disgusting to the rest of us, and does not show you in a good light.

Forum Director


Dec 9, 1999
Let's recap the score here.

Do we count your ass rape in the other thread or just this one?

I have you admitting to be the proudest racist on the forum,

LOL, link it up Alt, I want to read your entertainment...

with a history of the same views as the american right, using racist terminology or otherwise;

Alt, if you want to lump me in with people who are racist, you should throw me in with minorities, who as a rule are far more racist than the average Whitey will ever be. I wouldn't call minorities the 'american right', but hey, maybe I'm wrong (for once)...

hell, none of your peers are willing to acknowledge you exist much less disavow association, least any of them even touches you.

Alty, who are all these 'peers' that you would expect to acknowledge me, and why do you see some need to say, 'Hey chucky2, good to see you in this thread'?

I mean, your character & persona is more poisoned than david duke as far as anyone here is concerned; not even the guy who calls black people chimps will have anything to with you now.

There's a guy here who calls blacks 'chimps'? Damn, who is it? We need to get him/her in P&N!

OTOH, you're accusing me of being an alt, which basically every worthless shit before has tried parroting only to find negative outcomes; but in all fairness these aren't the sorts to ever learn anything. snip

Alt, WWYBYWB? The offer still stands to make some kids some charity money, whenever you want to drop the Alt persona and do something (for what I'm sure will be once in your life) positive for the kids, let us know, there is plenty of time left to get a good pot going. Hell, I'm at like $140 (if we do $20 contributions), can't you find it within yourself to help 'the children' more than your posting ego? It's vert disappointing Alt...


Dec 9, 1999
A boneheaded move that does not benefit the society at large as well as the students themselves. If individual students are traumatized they can be accommodated, but a wholesale segregation is not going to help anyone in the long run.

I'm curious by what you mean by the bolded? Do you expect the school to move a black student to some 'Black Only' area if they feel they've heard a racist comment? I'm having a hard time imagining where any individual student would be accommodated into living in a <insert color> Only area. That seems...the exact opposite reason people are going to college for...


Jun 9, 2016
Do we count your ass rape in the other thread or just this one?

LOL, link it up Alt, I want to read your entertainment...

Alt, if you want to lump me in with people who are racist, you should throw me in with minorities, who as a rule are far more racist than the average Whitey will ever be. I wouldn't call minorities the 'american right', but hey, maybe I'm wrong (for once)...
Just like the fabled sjw, I'm sure racist minorities exist, but it's almost certain when someone here goes on any kind of bigoted rant it's a white conservative, same as rants about their own social victimization. This is simply the reality of things, which doesn't appear to play much into the beliefs of the american right.

Alty, who are all these 'peers' that you would expect to acknowledge me, and why do you see some need to say, 'Hey chucky2, good to see you in this thread'?
It's worth point out the folks who see you or friends as an ally, because it establishes that not much of conservative america is ready to disavow self-proclaimed racists.

There's a guy here who calls blacks 'chimps'? Damn, who is it? We need to get him/her in P&N!
Same guy with a history of racial epithets for various ethnicities he dislikes. Surely you can relate.

Alt, WWYBYWB? The offer still stands to make some kids some charity money, whenever you want to drop the Alt persona and do something (for what I'm sure will be once in your life) positive for the kids, let us know, there is plenty of time left to get a good pot going. Hell, I'm at like $140 (if we do $20 contributions), can't you find it within yourself to help 'the children' more than your posting ego? It's vert disappointing Alt...

A large part of what's illuminated in any conversation is the thought process of the speaker, visible to everyone, who are the audience at large. Presumably this reflects your best behavior given the rare coherent thoughts above, but regrettably still a low ratio to the trailer park talk.

There are many things said about the american right's bigotry, particular given their relationship & history with civil rights & such. All these people who said no to desegregation & such and those they influence are hardly all dead after just a few decades. Sometimes it can be difficult to evaluate just how motivated various parts of the movement are at any given time, particularly given the social stigma associated with the racist label leading to a lot of denial, but it's possible to deduce with some observation.

For example, it's not a coincidence that every time any minorities gets what they want the same faces reliably come out to rationalize why they don't deserve anything. This is nearly certain for ethnicities lower in their stack rank but also true for other groups like women, prompting the kind of rationalization seen in the sexual harassment thread. Now it's certainly unfair to paint every conservative with this undercurrent of the ethnic resentment & such, but it doesn't look good when the clearly racist believe all the other things you do. It would be smart for anyone who doubts any of this to check what views on politics they share with the rather overt racists here.


Dec 9, 1999

Each time you FailPost, it gets more entertaining. Since you're using Alt anyway, maybe a handle change to something like AgingWine00f? Or FailAgent00f? AgentFail00f? AgentEntertainment00f? The possibilities are near endless, I'm just throwing it out there for you. Consider it. Consider the charity thing too, each time you post a winnar I think the interest goes up.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Just like the fabled sjw, I'm sure racist minorities exist, but it's almost certain when someone here goes on any kind of bigoted rant it's a white conservative, same as rants about their own social victimization. This is simply the reality of things, which doesn't appear to play much into the beliefs of the american right.

It's worth point out the folks who see you or friends as an ally, because it establishes that not much of conservative america is ready to disavow self-proclaimed racists.
Same guy with a history of racial epithets for various ethnicities he dislikes. Surely you can relate.

A large part of what's illuminated in any conversation is the thought process of the speaker, visible to everyone, who are the audience at large. Presumably this reflects your best behavior given the rare coherent thoughts above, but regrettably still a low ratio to the trailer park talk.

There are many things said about the american right's bigotry, particular given their relationship & history with civil rights & such. All these people who said no to desegregation & such and those they influence are hardly all dead after just a few decades. Sometimes it can be difficult to evaluate just how motivated various parts of the movement are at any given time, particularly given the social stigma associated with the racist label leading to a lot of denial, but it's possible to deduce with some observation.

For example, it's not a coincidence that every time any minorities gets what they want the same faces reliably come out to rationalize why they don't deserve anything. This is nearly certain for ethnicities lower in their stack rank but also true for other groups like women, prompting the kind of rationalization seen in the sexual harassment thread. Now it's certainly unfair to paint every conservative with this undercurrent of the ethnic resentment & such, but it doesn't look good when the clearly racist believe all the other things you do. It would be smart for anyone who doubts any of this to check what views on politics they share with the rather overt racists here.

Racism is innate. Remember that. It can be trained out but it is the default position for most humans.

Is this really so? Is racism − not necessarily in the context of race, but in the sense of discrimination against “the other” − innate in us? Or is it shaped by social, political and personal circumstances? And when does it begin? When do we start to categorize people in groups and to favor one group − our own − over others?

Prof. Gil Diesendruck, of Bar-Ilan University’s Psychology Department and Gonda Brain Research Center, says that it starts at a very young age, and that the roots of racism and discrimination toward those who are different from us is innate, and thus present in children and even infants. In an attempt to probe children’s minds and comprehend their social concepts, Diesendruck plays games with them, tells them stories and asks them questions, which reveal things that adults are adept at concealing.

“We found that in all the groups, the 5-year-olds were equally essentialist, and to a high degree. That is, they all perceived the other ethnic group as very different, as homogeneous, and so on. As they got older, those who went to a regular school remained essentialist, but those who went to an integrated school with Arabs and Jews together, became less and less essentialist. The implication is that the environment doesn’t create essentialism; it’s there from the start. Environment and education only strengthen or temper it.”


Jun 9, 2016
Each time you FailPost, it gets more entertaining. Since you're using Alt anyway, maybe a handle change to something like AgingWine00f? Or FailAgent00f? AgentFail00f? AgentEntertainment00f? The possibilities are near endless, I'm just throwing it out there for you. Consider it. Consider the charity thing too, each time you post a winnar I think the interest goes up.

Keep in mind the audience of posts on public forums are largely not you, or me. When the character & worth of your ideology is being questioned this is not a smart reply.

Racism is innate. Remember that. It can be trained out but it is the default position for most humans.

You may want to consider a better source for that claim. It might well be true that group adhesion is innate, same as shared language or other faculties, but the idea that humans evolved racism when dealing with anything further than the next village is a recent development would be a stretch.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
African Americans often come from communities which are principally African American. In that sense, yes, absolutely, it is a benefit to them to directly interact with whites and other non-blacks while in college. Blacks are just as capable of stereotyping whites as whites are of blacks. For example, a common stereotype of whites is simply that they tend to be --- racist. Might be helpful for some blacks raised to believe this to learn that lots of white people aren't racist.

I would distinguish gays here only in the sense that they tend to be integrated with straights during childhood and adolescence in a way that black people aren't necessarily integrated with whites. But in the case of gays, it's still a benefit for straight people, because it lessens their tendency to adhere to unflattering stereotypes, which, in turn, benefits gays.

Separation isn't good for either group, whether we're talking about black and white, or gay and straight.

I attended a major California university (UC, not Cal State). Given the number of black fraternities and social clubs, it is more than possible for blacks to socially isolate themselves from non-blacks. And some of them do. Many people do when given the chance. In my dorm, I made friends with a guy who is east Indian. He belonged to the Indian Student Association and almost all his friends from outside the dorm, and previously in high school, were Indian. But he made friends with lots of non-Indians in the dorm. I remember him saying that he would never have had terribly many non-Indian friends had he not lived in the dorms.

College dormitories are an antidote to the ease with which people can socially self-segregate in college. By allowing people of color to live separately from whites, we are passing up one of our best opportunities to improve cross-ethnic understanding. College dormitories are the last place we should be encouraging de facto segregation.

This is an example of the liberals acting at cross-purposes with core goals of liberalism, apparently without even realizing they're doing it.
Well said. I think we are seeing the division of the left into classic liberalism and progressivism, which is often directly in opposition to classical liberalism.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I too would like to walk in the footsteps of Dr. King, except for the being attacked by dogs part, oh, and the going to jail part, and the getting shot part is a definite no-go. Maybe I don't want to go that route. Did you know the marchers didn't even get t-shirts?
lol +1

Maybe walk in Dr. King's footsteps during those parts of his life where nothing bad happened.

Racism is innate. Remember that. It can be trained out but it is the default position for most humans.
I think that is an example of a study finding what it's framers want it to find. If you look at very young children, they do not discriminate against children of other races. Therefore I think racism must be learned.


Nov 10, 2003
Racism is innate. Remember that. It can be trained out but it is the default position for most humans.

How dare you bring fact and logic and link/source to back up your statement/assertion? You will be label as hater/<insert more labels> for sure. <sarcastic>

BTW, you better think before you reply to my post or you will be label as my best friend/buddy.

Anyway, people like similar looking people like them. I like slender girls with straight long hair. Oh no..I am a hater /discriminate against short hair curvy girls. <shocking>....Can't blame everything under the sun with the race card.

If you want to look for can go out and look hard enough to find it under any circumstance.
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Jun 9, 2016
Rather makes sense those stigmatized by the brand of racist would prefer to think that everyone else is racist, too.
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