Newsom and Bass should resign.
It's been explained to you over and over again that wildfire in SoCal is inevitable. It's an annual event that has happened ever since the natives first populated this area.
Nothing short of complete clearing of all vegetation would stop it. And that, for obvious reasons, is impossible and an ecological nightmare.
SoCal has cycles. Wet rainy periods with tremendous plant growth followed by blasting dry Santa Ana winds that NO AMOUNT of preparation can stop or mitigate. The winds blow so dry, so hot and so hard that they create literal blast furnaces that can spread fire MILES away from where it's burning. So even mile wide bare zones around housing would be pointless (and an obvious ecological and landslide nightmare).
Growing up in the San Fernando Valley, we had a brick wall blown over twice in the 70s. That's how hard the winds blow here in the valleys and canyons. The Santa Ana winds START with gusts at 40MPH. Average 80MPH and often reach 100MPH at their worst as they are right now.
And finally, as proof wild fire is endemic and unstoppable here: MUCH of our native flora REQUIRES wildfire to propagate and has developed highly flammable resins so they burn hot and fast.. From the pine trees to the chaparral.
In my 57 years of life there has NEVER been a year without wildfires in CA. They are worst after wet periods like we had from 2016-2022 when the brush has grown high and thick then dries out once drought sets in. And in ALL of written and spoken history, the same.
Proscribed burns have become impossible. The native flora is literally designed through evolution to propagate fire on a massive scale and attempts to burn have far too often led to disaster... which is why proscribed burns were largely abandoned near populated areas.
Fire breaks are a joke in 100MPH winds. So don't even mention them. And SoCal is COVERED in fire roads and breaks already. They do exactly fuck-all.
Furthermore, proscribed burns are only effective at the most dangerous time when the plants are fully dried and the humidity drops below 30%. Otherwise the plants will not burn well enough. And those conditions ONLY exist during the Santa Ana winds.
People who have never lived here have no fucking clue about how any of this works and should shut all the way the fuck up.