Call for a ban of AEG members that advertise/troll Video forum.

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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
The problem is Rollo rarely if ever presents all the facts from both sides. A perfect example is when Rollo posted a thread about the x1k cards not being able to do HDR+AA, when in fact they can but the games have not been patched yet. When several other members confronted him on the misleading nature of his thread, he refused to listen and present the "whole truth". Another example is the missing VTF issue, which was supposedly a big disadvantage of the x1k cards and resulted in a long flaming thread that eventually got locked, even though it was confirmed that no game had the feature enabled by default, and no site ran any benches with the feature enabled.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
If anyone is paid or given free cards, etc to sponser or hype one companies products needs to go.

All I have to say is has always been biased, always favoring Nvidia.

Also, I have NEVER seen him help anyone is threads asking for help, all he does is promote Nvidia and bash ATI.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Sind
Long time lurker here, whats sad about all this is that Rollo makes some posts and the usual band of people follow him from thread to thread either a) trying to debunk him b) trolling themselves. Half the people in this thread complaining about him seem to add nothing to the video forum beyond following him around or "balancing arguements" from someone who supports some IHV. If AT wants to truely cleanup the video forum don't stop at Rollo, an approach much like HardOCP took is needed, with some actual dedicated moderation, and perhaps splitting of the forum into two sections would be a wise decision. As it is now, ban Rollo, Keysplayer, Appopin, munky, M0RPH, 5150_joker, RobertR1, Wreckage, crazydingo, nts to start. Perhaps some actual discussion can take place then, instead of people visiting video on a daily basis to watch the "Days of our Lives" drama that is played out there daily, and which has for some time. When is the last time any of the above mentioned actually truely responded in a discussion to help out a forum member beyond trying to plug their favorite IHV and further any "agenda" they themselves might have.

I will never understand the corporate fanboy and desire to plug a certain product or company regardless of being paid or not, despite any faults that product might have. If anything those who do it for free are the worst type in my books, at least the ones getting hardware or real dollars are getting something in return for the drivel they post. Please resume endless bickering, witch hunts and name calling in the name of your favorite corporation, as I'm sure it will keep on continuing just like it has in the past for so long. If half the people in this thread truely cared about these forums as they have said, they would ban themselves.

Excellent post I agree 100% with this. Dedicated mods who show no hesitation to start banning. This place is about helping - not pimping. So About 90% of posts in Video should be locked anyway.

Still, bye to Rollo for being A) Such a damn liar about it. If it wasn't a big deal, why not put it right out in the open B)Trying to get people banned for referencing the AEG connection. Not needed here. He has had a few vacations before for simply posting in his oh so positive manner, this is the last nail in the coffin IMHO.

Sorry man, 10% or so of your posts were informative.

lol, the only real issue I had was when you said there were no shimmering issues when it was very obvious they existed.

I think that it is important to remember that this is a simple online forum and perhaps not get quite so involved. What I think is obviously of great weight, however

My lowly $.02.



Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: rbV5
Well, I think the major difference is that you disclose the fact that you are a beta tester. It even says it in your sig. I see no problem with that as long as people take your information with the "baggage."

To be fair, I added it to my sig when elitebastards broke the AEG story and Rollo started embellishing my involvement with ATI (I had it there previously as well, but removed it after I started getting too many PM's..not all were pleasant) I didn't want to have the appearance I was hiding that I was a beta tester for ATI (and others)
From this link
posted by Rollo
"The problem is that ATI does do this- RBV5 is not an employee of ATI, posts here, and will tell you if you ask him that ATI gives him free cards and software. Search threads where I've asked him, or just pm him if you don't believe me. I've known others over the years who have received free cards from ATI as well.

I don't necessarily discount them as being "shills", I sincerely doubt ATI says "RBV5, we'll give you 9800 if you pimp it big time".
They probably just say "Use it and post about it".

LOL- how many people would sell out for a video card? I've got some household chores to hire you for this summer if your price is that low. "

I, took offense and corrected him later in the thread, but in retrospect it looks as if he was attempting to deflect his involvement with AEG by embellishing my involvement with ATI as a beta tester.

There are some quotable Rollo gems in that thread, especialy now, and especially some personal insults he used against a few posters..... but I'll note that "ATI Beta Tester" made it to my sig, and that thread is dated Dec 03, 05, Rollo's AEG involvement never made it to his.

edit: added quotation marks to Rollo's quote.

The blatant lies and attempts to get people banned by lying to the mods and the entire membership is why rollo should be banned. Even if/when he comes back as a different ID, it doesn't matter because it symbolizes that AT does not condone this sort of behavior on their site.



Nov 9, 2004
Some of you need to grow up and live in the real world. Anyone taking advice from a public forum like this one and making buying decisions based soley from the advice they recieve here needs their head examined.

1. This forum and most all other computer hardware forums are paid for by hardware manufactures either directly or indirectly through free hardware/software

2. Everyone is biased in some way, either thru thier own personal experiences or their affiliations through friends or family members that work for company X or Y, or as in this case by being a member of a focus group with access to free hardware.

3. The level of fanboism on all these forums is over the top, and the general misinformation, FUD, and lack of credible info is staggering.

I won't make a judgement one way or another on weither to ban Rollo or any other members/affiliates of hardware supported advertizers other than to say each case should be looked at on an individual basis.

But I will say too many of you guys take this stuff way to seriously. You have to understand that any info you gain on a forum like this one needs to be taken with a grain of salt and carefully measured against other reliable sources and only then used as a portion of you buying decisions.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2003
Originally posted by: GuitarDaddy
Some of you need to grow up and live in the real world. Anyone taking advice from a public forum like this one and making buying decisions based soley from the advice they recieve here needs their head examined.

1. This forum and most all other computer hardware forums are paid for by hardware manufactures either directly or indirectly through free hardware/software

2. Everyone is biased in some way, either thru thier own personal experiences or their affiliations through friends or family members that work for company X or Y, or as in this case by being a member of a focus group with access to free hardware.

3. The level of fanboism on all these forums is over the top, and the general misinformation, FUD, and lack of credible info is staggering.

I won't make a judgement one way or another on weither to ban Rollo or any other members/affiliates of hardware supported advertizers other than to say each case should be looked at on an individual basis.

But I will say too many of you guys take this stuff way to seriously. You have to understand that any info you gain on a forum like this one needs to be taken with a grain of salt and carefully measured against other reliable sources and only then used as a portion of you buying decisions.



Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I definitely agree to ban these members. Forums as these are based upon the fundamentals that we're here to help out one another whether it be tech support or video card suggestions, not lie to fellow forum-mates giving them ill/biased advice to make a buck.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: BouZouki
If anyone is paid or given free cards, etc to sponser or hype one companies products needs to go.

All I have to say is has always been biased, always favoring Nvidia.

Also, I have NEVER seen him help anyone is threads asking for help, all he does is promote Nvidia and bash ATI.

You ever wonder how much traffic Rollo generates to this site which benefits AT? I don't I see how many people follow him around a hundred posts later per thread. He's like Rush Limbaugh/Al Franken of Video cards love him or hate him - he gets your attention and is very entertaining. That in and of itself is enough for me not to sign a ban. The bias argument is so prevelant with many users it's not even worth discussing IMO unless it's a total house cleaning effort.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: blckgrffn
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Sind
Long time lurker here, whats sad about all this is that Rollo makes some posts and the usual band of people follow him from thread to thread either a) trying to debunk him b) trolling themselves. Half the people in this thread complaining about him seem to add nothing to the video forum beyond following him around or "balancing arguements" from someone who supports some IHV. If AT wants to truely cleanup the video forum don't stop at Rollo, an approach much like HardOCP took is needed, with some actual dedicated moderation, and perhaps splitting of the forum into two sections would be a wise decision. As it is now, ban Rollo, Keysplayer, Appopin, munky, M0RPH, 5150_joker, RobertR1, Wreckage, crazydingo, nts to start. Perhaps some actual discussion can take place then, instead of people visiting video on a daily basis to watch the "Days of our Lives" drama that is played out there daily, and which has for some time. When is the last time any of the above mentioned actually truely responded in a discussion to help out a forum member beyond trying to plug their favorite IHV and further any "agenda" they themselves might have.

I will never understand the corporate fanboy and desire to plug a certain product or company regardless of being paid or not, despite any faults that product might have. If anything those who do it for free are the worst type in my books, at least the ones getting hardware or real dollars are getting something in return for the drivel they post. Please resume endless bickering, witch hunts and name calling in the name of your favorite corporation, as I'm sure it will keep on continuing just like it has in the past for so long. If half the people in this thread truely cared about these forums as they have said, they would ban themselves.

Excellent post I agree 100% with this. Dedicated mods who show no hesitation to start banning. This place is about helping - not pimping. So About 90% of posts in Video should be locked anyway.

Still, bye to Rollo for being A) Such a damn liar about it. If it wasn't a big deal, why not put it right out in the open B)Trying to get people banned for referencing the AEG connection. Not needed here. He has had a few vacations before for simply posting in his oh so positive manner, this is the last nail in the coffin IMHO.

Sorry man, 10% or so of your posts were informative.

lol, the only real issue I had was when you said there were no shimmering issues when it was very obvious they existed.

I think that it is important to remember that this is a simple online forum and perhaps not get quite so involved. What I think is obviously of great weight, however

My lowly $.02.


What are you talking about? I'm the one who started the whole shimmering nV thread with >5xxx series cards over a year an a half ago and have been complaining about it since.


Jan 15, 2001
the only expeience i have with rollo has been poor. too much trolling blatant bias to take him seriously. i cant even imagine how stupid some people must be to pick a video card because they like a company more than another. buy the product for how well it performs - not who gets to put their sticker on the box. ive owned several of both and each company has made some sh!tass cards as well as some good ones. the 9700pro is one of the best cards ive ever owned but my 7800GT is also amazing. STFU and just buy what you can afford and try to engage in unbiased discussion about the performance differences.

ban rollo and all other AEG affiliates. ban people who cant keep their emotions to a minimum. ban blatant fanboys who have nothing to contribute to the forum.


Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: munky
The problem is Rollo rarely if ever presents all the facts from both sides.

Did I already use the word "hypocrite" in this thread? I think I did.

So it's fine for you to be purely biased because you claim not to get free stuff, while it's bad for Rollo because he does get free stuff?

rbV5 is pretty biased in my opinion. I would not lump him in with trolls, but it's clear which side his bread is buttered on. He also gets free stuff from ATI. Yet I don't hear the NVIDIA fans calling for his head, nor should they.

This is nothing more than ATI fans trying to oust a few rivals. Good luck. :roll:



Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: allies
I definitely agree to ban these members. Forums as these are based upon the fundamentals that we're here to help out one another whether it be tech support or video card suggestions, not lie to fellow forum-mates giving them ill/biased advice to make a buck.

Going out of your way to get people banned, based on your own lies should be grounds for a ban. The whole affair about offering up other peoples names to deflect the truth is a bit extreme. If you have affliations you should just come out and say it. You shouldn't try to hide them, and try to toss another forum member into the fray while you try to slip out the door.

Granted it is an internet forum, but the effort placed forth to get forum members in front of the mod bus is just not needed. It's the emphasis on being disruptive that seems to be the worst of it all.


Senior member
May 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: BouZouki
If anyone is paid or given free cards, etc to sponser or hype one companies products needs to go.

All I have to say is has always been biased, always favoring Nvidia.

Also, I have NEVER seen him help anyone is threads asking for help, all he does is promote Nvidia and bash ATI.

You ever wonder how much traffic Rollo generates to this site which benefits AT? I don't I see how many people follow him around a hundred posts later per thread. He's like Rush Limbaugh/Al Franken of Video cards love him or hate him - he gets your attention and is very entertaining. That in and of itself is enough for me not to sign a ban. The bias argument is so prevelant with many users it's not even worth discussing IMO unless it's a total house cleaning effort.

Regardless of how much traffic he generates, he is a big reason why this forum has so many flamefests. I'm sure there would be fewer posts, and shorter posts without him, but I don't think the endless flamefests that get started here are a good thing.

I am not suggesting Rollo be banned for being biased. There are plenty of biased people on this forum, no doubt. The problem is, Rollo is getting paid, in effect, to advertise for Nvidia. The fact that he did so discreetly through the forums does not change the fact that he was advertising.

Every once in awhile, you'll see some company shill create a new account and pimp their web store in hot deals. They are promptly banned of course, because advertisers must pay Anandtech to do so. Rollo should be banned for the same reason; he's nothing more than a shill trying to push Nvidia products.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Rollo
Guess that's up to the mods. Either way, I'll respect their wishes and not post here if asked not to do so. (i.e. I won't pull a Turtle and return on one of my other ISPs)

Originally posted by: Wreckage
Originally posted by: nts
I said this in another thread that I suspected Wreckage to be Rollo (public and PMs) and it seems he is.
LOL! Any AT mod can check the IP records.


Jan 15, 2001
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Originally posted by: Rollo
Guess that's up to the mods. Either way, I'll respect their wishes and not post here if asked not to do so. (i.e. I won't pull a Turtle and return on one of my other ISPs)

Originally posted by: Wreckage
Originally posted by: nts
I said this in another thread that I suspected Wreckage to be Rollo (public and PMs) and it seems he is.
LOL! Any AT mod can check the IP records.



Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Icepick
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003

EDIT: Oh, and I would suggest you all stop the "witch hunt" mentality. Now we know Rollo was affiliated with Nvidia/AEG. If you don't know for sure if anyone else is, don't accuse.
This is kind of directed at Sickbeast because he said he just sent a list of names he "thinks" is affiliated with AEG. He could be dead wrong about those people, but still get named to the mods for "investigation". Not fair, not just. Uncool. He didn't show us the list of names, so we don't know who he is potentially accusing.

If SickBeast has hard evidence that others are engaged in this behavior it would be well worth it to hear him out. I, for one will be curious to see this. Forum members should at least know if there are ulterior motives behind the "advice" given. Especially for n00bs who come to this site looking for solid advice for purchasing expensive equipment. This forum must be policed to uphold the respect it has earned among the international enthusiast community.

at least 3 members "came out" at B3D as being AEG agents . . . it is not wrong to assume that ATF is less important . . . i don't think nVidia will reveal all it's moles . . . just the ones it intends to "sacrifice" as a public appeasement. . . . and Rollo had to be an "embarrasement to them" . . . someonethey could use and "throw away".

Do you notice the subtle defense for Rollo by some of the posters here?. . . the "excusing:" of this viral marketing crap.

If sickbeast has hard evidence, I would like to see it as well. Although I don't see how he can have anything but suspicion at best.
I want to see the list he sent the mods. Members should know that they are being accused, and have a right to know.

Apoppin, I almost never visit B3D except to look at a review. I have an account at hardforums but maybe posted less than a dozen times there.
I was specifically talking about our forums here at AT. There is no excuse for this type of marketing. I like Rollo and we have become friends, but as he said, the chips will fall where they may. I mean, you even accused me at one point that I received my 7800GTX for free and that I received it from AEG. This is the witch hunt mentality I am talking about. I gave you the name of the member I traded with from FS/FT to get my GTX because of your insinuations. I should not have had to even do that. So, I want to see sickbeasts list. ASAP.

For all we know, the person you "traded" with was an AEG member!

My "list" is none of your business and for all you know I may not have even accused anyone else.

I suppose you're gonna take a page out of Rollo's book and try to have me banned for pointing the finger at you. Then you'll threaten to sue as a scare tactic because you know the mods are volunteers and they would never want to have to go to trial for some website they visit.

In terms of my evidence, I don't see any rules anywhere stating that I need to disclose anything. I just voiced some concern to the mods, and they are acting on that concern. The mods did not contact me to say that they required anything further; they just said that there would be a "mod discussion". I assume that they will act as a jury of sorts and the chips will fall as they may.

You sure seem pretty worried for someone pretending to be so innocent.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: blckgrffn
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Sind
Long time lurker here, whats sad about all this is that Rollo makes some posts and the usual band of people follow him from thread to thread either a) trying to debunk him b) trolling themselves. Half the people in this thread complaining about him seem to add nothing to the video forum beyond following him around or "balancing arguements" from someone who supports some IHV. If AT wants to truely cleanup the video forum don't stop at Rollo, an approach much like HardOCP took is needed, with some actual dedicated moderation, and perhaps splitting of the forum into two sections would be a wise decision. As it is now, ban Rollo, Keysplayer, Appopin, munky, M0RPH, 5150_joker, RobertR1, Wreckage, crazydingo, nts to start. Perhaps some actual discussion can take place then, instead of people visiting video on a daily basis to watch the "Days of our Lives" drama that is played out there daily, and which has for some time. When is the last time any of the above mentioned actually truely responded in a discussion to help out a forum member beyond trying to plug their favorite IHV and further any "agenda" they themselves might have.

I will never understand the corporate fanboy and desire to plug a certain product or company regardless of being paid or not, despite any faults that product might have. If anything those who do it for free are the worst type in my books, at least the ones getting hardware or real dollars are getting something in return for the drivel they post. Please resume endless bickering, witch hunts and name calling in the name of your favorite corporation, as I'm sure it will keep on continuing just like it has in the past for so long. If half the people in this thread truely cared about these forums as they have said, they would ban themselves.

Excellent post I agree 100% with this. Dedicated mods who show no hesitation to start banning. This place is about helping - not pimping. So About 90% of posts in Video should be locked anyway.

Still, bye to Rollo for being A) Such a damn liar about it. If it wasn't a big deal, why not put it right out in the open B)Trying to get people banned for referencing the AEG connection. Not needed here. He has had a few vacations before for simply posting in his oh so positive manner, this is the last nail in the coffin IMHO.

Sorry man, 10% or so of your posts were informative.

lol, the only real issue I had was when you said there were no shimmering issues when it was very obvious they existed.

I think that it is important to remember that this is a simple online forum and perhaps not get quite so involved. What I think is obviously of great weight, however

My lowly $.02.


What are you talking about? I'm the one who started the whole shimmering nV thread with >5xxx series cards over a year an a half ago and have been complaining about it since.

Dude that was intended for Rollo. Sorry I wasn't more explicit


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Wreckage
Originally posted by: munky
The problem is Rollo rarely if ever presents all the facts from both sides.

Did I already use the word "hypocrite" in this thread? I think I did.
Your word is worthless when you're a self proclaimed nv troll. You wanna continue trying to show who's a hypocrite? Bring it on...
So it's fine for you to be purely biased because you claim not to get free stuff, while it's bad for Rollo because he does get free stuff?
First show that I'm biased, and then I'll bother answering the rest of your question.
rbV5 is pretty biased in my opinion. I would not lump him in with trolls, but it's clear which side his bread is buttered on. He also gets free stuff from ATI. Yet I don't hear the NVIDIA fans calling for his head, nor should they.
Your opinion means jacksh!t. You were also busy spewing nv propaganda along with Rollo in the VTF thread, should I post some quotes?
This is nothing more than ATI fans trying to oust a few rivals. Good luck. :roll:
So it's ok for Rollo to lie about his affiliation with AEG, and to get people banned for suggesting that he is? That alone deserves a permanent ban. Your suggesting that it's ok and trying to shift the blame from Rollo/Nv to fanboys only makes yourself more suspect.

BTW, what happened to the rest of my quote? What do you have to say for Rollo's trolling HDR+AA and VTF threads? Ignoring uncomfortable questions is also typical Rollo tactic.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Wreckage calling someone else hypocrite. He's also calling for an end to excessive fanboyism and trolling.

This is the same guy whose goal in the video forums is to take down ATI fans because of their "superior" attitude. The same guy who threadcraps and flames ATI and when asked to clarify his comments (in a non confrontational manner) he slinks away. The same guy who calls ATI fans names when it wasn't warranted. The same guy who uses out of context quotes to flame ATI or insult others. Now he's the same guy calling for an end to fanboyism and trolling? And he's calling others hypocrites? Classic.

Good job deflecting the thread from the topic at hand which is to get rid of viral marketers like those employed by AEG.


Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: akugami
Wreckage calling someone else hypocrite. He's also calling for an end to excessive fanboyism and trolling.

This is the same guy whose goal in the video forums is to take down ATI fans because of their "superior" attitude. The same guy who threadcraps and flames ATI and when asked to clarify his comments (in a non confrontational manner) he slinks away. The same guy who calls ATI fans names when it wasn't warranted. The same guy who uses out of context quotes to flame ATI or insult others. Now he's the same guy calling for an end to fanboyism and trolling? And he's calling others hypocrites? Classic.

Good job deflecting the thread from the topic at hand which is to get rid of viral marketers like those employed by AEG.

well said :beer:


Jul 21, 2000
Regarding my "list" that keysplayr2003 so desperately wants:

Originally posted by: beggerking
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: beggerking
YES. I've received valuable softwares for being beta testers + MCSD certification from Microsoft. so am I going to get flamed for being aff w. MS?
So you're admitting to being AEG too then eh?

I know AEG works with Microsoft as well.

well, what you going to do about it? I'm a fan of Linux by the way.

beggerking was on my "list".

Any further questions?


Aug 14, 2000
1. It's not hard to understand. I never said I was "rich" but you don't have to be to buy some video cards, especially if you have two incomes.
2. I spent $1000s on computer hardware last year.
Why should we believe anything you say when you are a known liar? You probably don't even have a wife.

but at this point no one will ever take anything Rollo says insofar as graphics technology is concerned with anything but a huge grain of salt. So with that in mind he's pretty harmless at this point in time.
I disagree; there will always be new people that arrive who will know nothing of what has transpired here today. I mean look at how many people he suckered in with his "Rollo for mod" and "poor old me, I'm just a collector but everyone flames me" lies. If he stays it will just start all over again with the new people arriving at the forums.

Keysplayer2003 worried that your name maybe on that list :?
I wouldn't be at all surprised to be honest. He has a history of following Rollo's posts like some kind of "QFT" lackey.

There's nothing wrong with exposing the weaknesses of any video card or company.
Except you only exposed the weaknesses of ATi, not nVidia. But that's what we'd expect from an AEG shill like you. To even attempt to project some kind "fair and balanced" image is as laughable as the people who had it in their signatures.

Either way, I'll respect their wishes and not post here if asked not to do so. (i.e. I won't pull a Turtle and return on one of my other ISPs)
Really? That's quite a change from your last thread where you threatened to sue Anandtech and whip out your multiple ISP/email accounts.

good points there keys, i dont like the witch hunt mentallity of this at all, its pathetic....
Not as pathetic as your "Rollo for Video Forum Mod" signature.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
I clearly remember Rollo stating somewhere something along the lines of "If I was banned, I could easily sign with another ISP and be back the next day"
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