Camping: How wrong is it?

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Oct 10, 2006
Given that most games have numerous ways of dealing with campers if you know how, it's not so much wrong as stupid.

Once when I was playing BF3 two douchebags landed a helicopter in our base and were spawn-raping us with the minigun. So I spawned at the nearest point to our base, came back in a direction they couldn't see, jumped into a tank, and lovingly blew their asses back into the sky.

Even in more primitive shooters like Halo, any camper was fucked as soon as someone with a rocket launcher figured out where you were.

Ironically, in tactical shooters like Red Orchestra/America's Army/Arma, camping is in many ways the name of the game. You find good cover, you look for/wait for some unsuspecting moron to come into your sights. No morons, you move up to the next cover, rinse and repeat.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2002
Yes, to clarify, I meant spawn camping. I'm not doing it intentionally, and highly dislike doing it period. It is just frustrating when I have to sit there and weight the choice spawn camping and really losing an objective or even the match.

For example, I'm setup on/near the US mountain on Firestorm, which means protecting D (unless it's a tank they take it with). We have A, heck, even B. We're working on taking C and possibly E. Then all of a sudden, we start losing A. OK, I'm now watching over at A to see if I can help pick some of the guys off. But, it doesn't happen and now we've lost A and they have it. At that point, they can spawn at that container point. WTF am I supposed to do now, just let them spawn, run to B and take that? Run to D and take that?

It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth to spawn camp. I don't like it when it is done to me and I don't even like doing it because it really is cheating in my book. One knows where the spawn point is, you just have to keep rounds in your weapon and be sighted in and whamo, killz. But what to do about losing B and D because they now have A?

It's like a catch-22 which was why I wondering other gamers perspective on it.


P.S. A lot of the time I'm using either the MAV or the SOFLAM. If I have the worst score in the game but I helped us win the match by Q'ing people and/or painting vehicles, I'm fine with that. Sometimes I play for kills but mainly I play for the team to win.

Ok ya, spawn camping is a dbag move IMO.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Camping (not spawn camping) is a just fine in most games, and especially BF3. If you're getting killed by a camper it's your own fault because you should have already known he was there, and you just need to take care of it. Campers won't camp if they keep getting shot, so shoot em.


Jul 9, 2000
I only play tdm and sq dm in bf3 so if you camp you will probably lose the match. It's usually a sign on a weak player in tdm scenarios, as for objective based modes camping would seem pretty standard.

Pretty much my viewpoint, even though I am a rusher. A person who usually camps wont even have the reflexes to take out a decent rusher. Whats deadly is when you have a good player who camps, but in objective MP thats what they are supposed to do. heh...I remember back in CS when and you are defending, you would still have to leave your objective and hunt down some biotch so you wouldnt have to wait for the full time limit. But even then it was understandable, because they probably sunk their last dollar in their kit and didnt want to lose it. Its part of the game. If the complainer isnt complaining about camping, they'll complain that you are using an "OP" weapon, or lag.


Oct 10, 2006
Pretty much my viewpoint, even though I am a rusher. A person who usually camps wont even have the reflexes to take out a decent rusher. Whats deadly is when you have a good player who camps, but in objective MP thats what they are supposed to do. heh...I remember back in CS when and you are defending, you would still have to leave your objective and hunt down some biotch so you wouldnt have to wait for the full time limit. But even then it was understandable, because they probably sunk their last dollar in their kit and didnt want to lose it. Its part of the game. If the complainer isnt complaining about camping, they'll complain that you are using an "OP" weapon, or lag.

My M9 service star and I would respectfully disagree. It's all a matter of picking the right spot so you can see said rushers coming and have room to maneuver. Once 4 guys tried to rush me in BF3 when I was playing recon. 2 went to my rifle, and the 2 who got through went to my pistol when I left my position and climbed on top of a convenient bolder alongside the path they were taking. They were too zeroed in on my previous position to be looking up.


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
Pretty much my viewpoint, even though I am a rusher. A person who usually camps wont even have the reflexes to take out a decent rusher. Whats deadly is when you have a good player who camps, but in objective MP thats what they are supposed to do. heh...I remember back in CS when and you are defending, you would still have to leave your objective and hunt down some biotch so you wouldnt have to wait for the full time limit. But even then it was understandable, because they probably sunk their last dollar in their kit and didnt want to lose it. Its part of the game. If the complainer isnt complaining about camping, they'll complain that you are using an "OP" weapon, or lag.
Yep! Its always something...other than their lousy gameplay.


Dec 12, 2001
Its one thing to stay in one place and deny the enemy the position and some approach while an assault gets organised. Its an entirely different thing to pick people off as they spawn.

I am better when moving slowly and well aware of my surroundings and the situation but I don't ever get above a spawn and pick people off, its not the right call even if it ultimately ends up winning the day.

Basically this. Spawn camping is cheap and I will just quit any game that has someone racking kills this way. Someone sniping (I do not refer to this as camping) from a fixed position, usually elevated is using a tactic of warfare nothing more.


Jul 9, 2000
My M9 service star and I would respectfully disagree. It's all a matter of picking the right spot so you can see said rushers coming and have room to maneuver. Once 4 guys tried to rush me in BF3 when I was playing recon. 2 went to my rifle, and the 2 who got through went to my pistol when I left my position and climbed on top of a convenient bolder alongside the path they were taking. They were too zeroed in on my previous position to be looking up.

You would be surprised how many times I have turned on campers who should have gotten the drop me. haha Sometimes they don't even get a shot off. Even players with shotguns and heavy machine guns. Lot of bad players out there, which is usually why they are camping.

I forget the map, but it was the BF3 map pack that introduces the MP5K. My team was getting our asses kicked, so I camped the indoor flag with an M27. By myself, I covered the long hallway, two lower and upper side entrances. We lost by like 200 points, but I went like 50-5. Of course they called me a no skill camper, even though I was running around covering all 5 entry points single handed and I held the flag for most of the round.

Anyways, I can understand camping an area...but I dont see how someone can just sit in a corner and wait for someone to walk by. They don't even move when they get someone, so the person they killed comes back and rapes them. What do they do next? Go back to the same damn spot. hahaha, but whatever...helps pad my stats.
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Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013

I like how you assume what I do when I run into campers.

To be clear, I don't care for the tactic because it feels like lazy play to me. I grew up playing arena-based shooters (Quake, Unreal, etc.), and the idea of stopping in those games? Ludicrous! (For the most part. ) For example, I was rather used to doing things like moving and picking someone off with a railgun in Quake III. Even back when I played the original Rainbow Six, I can't remember a single time when I camped or anything like that. It's just not in my blood!


I think another reason is that part of playing FPS games is that you get that rush when you take someone down in a difficult firefight. I even got that same feeling back when I played WoW while doing PVP. It's overcoming the challenge in a close call that makes it fun and exciting; I don't think you get that while camping.

Not all shooters are intended to be twitch games. Go play Red Storm Rising and get back to me on that whole camping issue.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
As a person who plays Counterstrike, BF3, and Halo 4 I camp. I camp a LOT. Why? Because I played Counter Strike, and I played it competitively. Camping was part of the game, and spraying camping spots was also part of the game. As well as flash bangs, grenades, etc.

The game has TONS of ways to deal with campers. Most people who complain about camping are generally just bad at the game. CoD has ways to deal with campers, Halo 4 has promethian vision (however you spell it) so if someone is camping and you die to them you're terrible, I'm sure BF3 has tons of ways to deal with camping (haven't played to much don't own map pack waiting on BF4).

Nothing is wrong with camping, you're playing a war game. Those who confuse honor with war tend to lose the war. I only play to win(what about fun someone will say? losers don't have fun).


Senior member
Feb 1, 2012
there is lots of difference b/t camping, spawn camping and holding position

according to me most of the people think that holding position is camping. There is a lot of difference, if some1 is holding a flag such e.g.- C, and he kills some1 trying 2 take that site few times they start crying noob camper.

if some hold say a narrow path to a site then technically he is not camping, he is strategically holding that position for his team.

and in bf3 i don't care about campers not should people cry about them because we can easily spot them, they appear on your map when they shoot and rpgs tanks, heli can easlily destroy buildings where they are camping.

if people think that going prone with machine guns and holding tunnels in damavand peak is camping then its just difference of opinions.
i think its fine because thats what supports are suppose to do, spray and pray, suppress enemy and hold important positions.

what i consider camping is a tank hiding behind a hill andstat padding, tanks are suppose to lead and clear way for infantry.

there will be people who will disagree with me but this is my opinion.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
Nothing wrong with it, its the developers you should be mad at for encouraging it to begin with.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2012
Nothing wrong with it, its the developers you should be mad at for encouraging it to begin with.

developers didn't encourage it, they encourage strategically holding position.

they introduced spot system to negate camping


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
On Firestorm, if you're up on the US mountain, you have a pretty easy view into the spawn location at the containers that are at A. So if you're playing as US, and the RU has A, and you're playing Recon with a sniper rifle, it is exceedingly easy to sight in on that spawn location and deliver death. It's camping, no question about it.

But how wrong is that? If I let them spawn they'll be more dug into A, and/or, will be able to easily take B and D (especially D, it's right across the road basically). So if I'm playing for my team to win, why would I allow them to spawn and then take objectives that hinders my team from winning?

Camping and spawn camping are two different things.

There's nothing wrong with someone who is willing to do the sniper job. On some maps in BF3, a good sniper is a valuable member of the team - if everyone else does their spotting job properly, then it puts the opposition on the backfoot.


Dec 12, 2001
As a person who plays Counterstrike, BF3, and Halo 4 I camp. I camp a LOT. Why? Because I played Counter Strike, and I played it competitively. Camping was part of the game, and spraying camping spots was also part of the game. As well as flash bangs, grenades, etc.

The game has TONS of ways to deal with campers. Most people who complain about camping are generally just bad at the game. CoD has ways to deal with campers, Halo 4 has promethian vision (however you spell it) so if someone is camping and you die to them you're terrible, I'm sure BF3 has tons of ways to deal with camping (haven't played to much don't own map pack waiting on BF4).

Nothing is wrong with camping, you're playing a war game. Those who confuse honor with war tend to lose the war. I only play to win(what about fun someone will say? losers don't have fun).

Difference in halo 4 is everyone is using the dmr and it makes the game super boring.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2012
i like the dynamic which sniper's spawn beacon adds in bf3, we can just spawn on it and fly over enemies, their tanks etc and reach objectives.
i don't mind a sniper camping whole match at same spot as long as his spawn beacon is at good spot from where i can reach objectives easily or faster and he uses soflam/tug/mav properly.
e1 he doesn't kill anyone i don't care.
i mostly play as engg so all i want is laser painted targets

in bf3 sniper don't have anything to help them damage vehicles(except crossbow with anti vehicle arrows, but soflam, tug, and mavs provide much better value than it), so they have to hide from all land and air vehicles and kill from outside their reach, but in bf4 they have c4 so i think this will also change. we will see more sniper participating in capturing points there.

i mostly play sniper as rusher because i suck at long range, being a ut, cs and cod player i like close range sniper more than long range. i just use snipe without zoom or quick scope similar to we use in cs and then switch to pistol for killing blows. (cs and cod players understand what m talking about) but when i see tank i run 4m there and w8 till it passes.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
only problem i have with camping, when i load into a match and see half my team are snipers on a map that isnt a defend type map (say a capture a point map) you need people who can advance.. and yes you need cover fire, a sniper or two are great .. but half the team.. you will never advance with all those guys (girls) sitting way back padding stats.

Simple math NEVER have more 1/4 of the team sniper.. switch class when you die.. or before..

last thing.. If you suck at sniper.. (2-3 kills a match) dont play it.. 99% of FPS team games require a TEAM, not some person trying to get a Kill/death ratio up..

camping a spawn point.. having class and honor inst in us all.. do what you will, expect people to dislike lame stuff like that.. live with it.. you might want to play basketball against a 2 year old too.. Stuff um every time!!!!! most likely win too! I hear candy-land against Kindergartners is pretty wicked.. I'm sure you can cheat too.. get that winning feeling.. Doing anything where your enemy has no chance, in a game.. no longer a game.. just boring (for both.. no skill required to sit and spawn camp, no chance to change it for guy getting spawn camped= no skill required for either won takes no skill, the other cant change his death with skill. OPINION only.. you like it.. i got no problem with it, just dont have that in me.. prefer a challenge.


Dec 9, 1999
Ok, it seems most agree that spawn camping is a dbag move. I'd agree...but....

What would you expect someone set up on the US hill on Firestorm to do when the RU team takes A? Once someone playing Recon learns where a spawn point is and that happens, they're going to know that RU soldiers are spawning there. What am I to do when they spawn, and start running to D which I'm set up above to take it? Wait for them to get all the way to D before popping them? Or, what if they go the other way, where I have far less vis other than at the spawn point, and go to take B? If I don't get them when they spawn, I'm going to have far less of a chance to get them when they start going to B.

Is it just accepted that I need to let them get away rather than be an unwilling spawn camper?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
Ok, it seems most agree that spawn camping is a dbag move. I'd agree...but....

What would you expect someone set up on the US hill on Firestorm to do when the RU team takes A? Once someone playing Recon learns where a spawn point is and that happens, they're going to know that RU soldiers are spawning there. What am I to do when they spawn, and start running to D which I'm set up above to take it? Wait for them to get all the way to D before popping them? Or, what if they go the other way, where I have far less vis other than at the spawn point, and go to take B? If I don't get them when they spawn, I'm going to have far less of a chance to get them when they start going to B.

Is it just accepted that I need to let them get away rather than be an unwilling spawn camper?

Somewhere in between the two extremes of letting the other team do whatever they want, and spawn camping them to hell and back, is a middle ground of some kind.


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
Ok, it seems most agree that spawn camping is a dbag move. I'd agree...but....

What would you expect someone set up on the US hill on Firestorm to do when the RU team takes A? Once someone playing Recon learns where a spawn point is and that happens, they're going to know that RU soldiers are spawning there. What am I to do when they spawn, and start running to D which I'm set up above to take it? Wait for them to get all the way to D before popping them? Or, what if they go the other way, where I have far less vis other than at the spawn point, and go to take B? If I don't get them when they spawn, I'm going to have far less of a chance to get them when they start going to B.

Is it just accepted that I need to let them get away rather than be an unwilling spawn camper?
NO! KILL KILL KILL :biggrin:

I play a lot of TDM and true spawn campers can get annoying, but thats just the nature of some players so I just deal with it.

The whiners that annoy me the most are the ones that cry spawn camper when in reality I was simply running through and they suddenly appear in front of me. WTF am I supposed to do? Stop and let them kill me first??? Nah, I dont think so. (spawn protection will give you all the chance you are gonna get from me in this situation) :twisted: This scenario happens a lot in TDM when I know where the enemy is coming from and can predict where they will be spawning by the location of my teammates.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
Difference in halo 4 is everyone is using the dmr and it makes the game super boring.

DMR was proven multiple times to not be the best gun to use. Now after the update, it just isn't period. As an AVID DMR user, I realized the BR was superior after watching some mechanics vids. Halo 4 though just seems to have gotten worse after the new update. Something about the gameplay is just off now that they made the BR more powerful in order to "stop people from being able to run away". Makes zero sense when you think about why they did the update but whatever.

Halo 4 is super boring because despite the game being out for almost a year now, no one has gotten better at it. The BoltShot is still regarded but many players are a "terrible gun" despite being extremely over powered. Promethian vision is under used in favor of JetPack sometimes (JetPack?), and people run around like utter retards with no tactics what so ever.

I'm sure I'd enjoy BF3 much more, but my PC is setup for "console gaming" and the last thing I want to do is play on that setup vs people who are serious PC gamers. That would make me sad .

Edit: I don't complain about any type of camping because usually a game has a way to stop camping (Prefiring, grenades, flashbangs, etc.). Spawn Camping I don't blame either on spawn campers. I blame it on the creator of the game. If I can camp spawns, you did an EXTREMELY bad job of creating the map. Fix it, immediately.


Dec 9, 1999
Somewhere in between the two extremes of letting the other team do whatever they want, and spawn camping them to hell and back, is a middle ground of some kind.

NO! KILL KILL KILL :biggrin:

I play a lot of TDM and true spawn campers can get annoying, but thats just the nature of some players so I just deal with it.

The whiners that annoy me the most are the ones that cry spawn camper when in reality I was simply running through and they suddenly appear in front of me. WTF am I supposed to do? Stop and let them kill me first??? Nah, I dont think so. (spawn protection will give you all the chance you are gonna get from me in this situation) :twisted: This scenario happens a lot in TDM when I know where the enemy is coming from and can predict where they will be spawning by the location of my teammates.

Yes, I don't blame people that do that either. If I spawn and immedi die because someone ran right through there, I don't get mad. I DO get mad when I've got a spawn beacon planted on a map like Metro, and they find it and sit there and kill people spawning to it, rather than just killing the spawn beacon. That I feel is really cheap, although it is reducing our tickets whereas killing the beacon wouldn't. Still though, IMO dirty.

I guess I'll compromise and let them get going a bit before shooting them. I feel it's putting me/team at a disadvantage though, but whatever, I hate dirty tricks.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The recon class in BF3 tends to attract lower skill players and/or ones that only care about inflating their kill death ratio. Thus, the recon class tends to be on average the most useless class when it comes to winning a round due to the typical player that plays it.

Yeah you can play however you want, but you should realize that you really aren't helping the team nearly as much as a recon player that's more aggressive and actively placing their spawn beacon closer to the objective to support their team.

From what I can see you need to stop camping in the mountains and start helping your team. Honestly, I usually take a humvee and run fellow recon teammates over that camp in the mountain.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'll add that I don't find spawn camping to be that big of a deal if your team is already winning.
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