Can anyone explain Guild Wars to me?


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
I'm looking to mess with GW for Hall of Monuments for GW2. How do i get started in this game? I don't really understand what I should be doing any everyones kind of rude that I have met online so far.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Are you looking to quicktrack towards stuff for the hall of monuments or are you trying to get through the story and stuff? I used to play GW a ton so I can give you a lot of tips on what to do for missions and stuff but I'm not to sure exactly what you need to do for hall of monuments.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I'm looking to mess with GW for Hall of Monuments for GW2. How do i get started in this game? I don't really understand what I should be doing any everyones kind of rude that I have met online so far.

Its because its free so if someone gets their account banned for being assholes they just make a new one.
Also because its free it has a high influx of new members and quick turnover as many people get bored quickly. That makes for a weak community compared to places like WoW, where people are emotionally & financially invested in their characters, and actually give a damn about their place in the virtual society.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
Are you looking to quicktrack towards stuff for the hall of monuments or are you trying to get through the story and stuff? I used to play GW a ton so I can give you a lot of tips on what to do for missions and stuff but I'm not to sure exactly what you need to do for hall of monuments.

Well I want to enjoy the game. I'm kind of meh about WoW right now and need something to fill my time until GW2 drops so I figured I may as well work toward HoM achieves.

I own GW Trilogy from an old steam sale so I am starting there how soon will I need EotN?

Which campaign should I start with? Factions or Nightfall.

Class wise does it really matter much at endgame? I've been told theres not much PvE endgame mostly PvP stuff sound about right?

Should I just get some diverse NPC characters and blows through content solo as much as possible?


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Well prophecies is the original campaign, i thought it was a pretty decent story and you can get through a lot of the missions with NPC's. The hero NPC's they added in nightfall are way better than the stock ones you can choose in the earlier so it may be worthwhile to play through nightfall and get those first. Some of the later missions are pretty challenging and I'm not sure if they could be done with NPC's even but maybe some people still run them.

The campaign in factions is pretty short, nightfall is somewhat better and I haven't played EOTN actually. From what I hear it leads into the story of GW2 somewhat and has the best PVE content for the series. There were some end game PVE dungeons when I played the most (during prophecies) but most people did them to get unique crafting materials or special items. From what I've read the ones in EOTN are pretty challenging and can be fun to get through.

PVP can be a lot of fun too but you need to know some good people to play, I did a lot of arranged teams back in the day and that was a lot of fun. You can skip PVE all together for pvp if you want,you can earn points to unlock runes and skills by doing pvp, so you can start out playing with the template builds and moving up from there. Any skills you unlock in pve will be available to PVP chars as well, so that is another way to get skills for you pvp guys.

You can do a lot solo, PVP solo is frustrating because you're stuck playing in random teams, if you're playing by yourself I think PVE is the way to go. You might still be able to find people for some of the harder missions in the game, I'm not sure how active it still is.

Anyway I don't know what exactly counts towards HoM, but I'll probably check it out later at home I'm interested to see what I have unlocked for it and what counts towards it.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Proph and Nightfall have better storylines, but Proph is the slowest to get your character leveled, good skills, and towards high-end content--which might be fine for you just starting out, but it takes some time.

You can always get to Lion's Arch, though, then skip to the other campaigns. Rewards in Factions and Nightfall are a bit quicker (more cash from quests and such--but that's because it's designed more towards buying skills in bulk, from the start, rather than a little at a time as you advance in Prophecies).

The stories aren't that great, tbh...but maybe that's after running 8 characters through all campaigns, I didn't really give a flip any more.

the hall of monuments stuff...that would take a ridiculous amount of time investment to get anything meaningful ahead of GW2. Unless you have piles of money on your account to pay people in game to help you "game the system," in certain ways.

One suggestion would be start off in Nightfall--there are Heroes in all campaigns now, but earlier in Nightfall, I believe, which really helps you to get going solo. And since you got it all on a sale, and not paying monthly, you might want to consider purchasing some of the skill packs through the Anet store to unlock all of that on your account. Getting all of those elites--essential for fine-tuning your heroes and your own character builds--could take many, many months. Probably more than a year, if you aren't playing 8 hours+/day.

If you don't have EotN, you will want to pick that up once you can get access to it--I think you just need to beat one of the campaigns? It has great content.

oh wait--that is the hall of monuments. lol, nvm. I guess you already have that.

any way, I haven't really played in well over a year. Not sure what all has changed, but I could log in some time soon and maybe try to give you some pointers, maybe even unload some of the burdensome gear that I have held onto for no particular reason.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
ah, read all of your second post.

YES--you do need EotN, as that is how you access the Hall of Monuments. If that is your main goal, then you certainly need that, heh. There is plenty of PvE content. I played for nearly 4 years rather regularly, and spent less than 1% of that time with PvP. It has a lot of PvP, but I really don't care about it, outside of faction missions to increase ranks, which in turn increase functions of certain skill classes.

Though the end game content is mostly just farming/raiding, whatever, and when I was playing, much of that had moved on to the dungeons in EotN.

For me, the fun was in creating certain farming builds for areas and getting them to work. The skill system is what really shines in GW, and far outclasses something like WoW--you actually have to think about what you carry, and pair that build specifically with certain equipment or whatever to get it moving like butter. and with heroes, adding another dimension where builds can perfectly--and necessarily--compliment and depend upon each other.

When I first started (just as Factions was released) and learned about the "55 Monk," I was hooked on the entire concept. It basically started a cycle of getting all types of classes up to point to get very specific builds working well.

what class did you choose?

EDIT: If you really want to get to HoM and work on titles as quickly as possible (that is the majority of HoM--some of it is related to Elite (very expensive) armor sets, weapons (only Destroyer weapons, though, from what I remember--that is lame), pets, etc., then your best bet is to get someone to run you through much of the campaigns first (well, this can only really be done with Prophecies--skipping missions, that is), so you can unlock areas to access elite skills and start your character builds and titles.

As for title stuff, much of that is relatively easy to come by, but is quite expensive. The materials for these armor sets are both time-intensive to gather and/or expensive to purchase. In fact, the most expensive set is still the original elite set--Obsidian, which requires ectoplasm. At one time, Ecto was way up to near 25k/ecto, which could only be farmed in the Prophecies elite dungeon--The Underworld.

Anyway, you need to find a way to make money in the game, and that is through farming/selling, or buy low/sell high certain gear. You really need to learn the economy and how best to work with it. That always takes time.
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Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
there are guides out there that teach you the fastest/best ways to get points for your hall of monuments for gw2.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
ah, read all of your second post.

YES--you do need EotN, as that is how you access the Hall of Monuments. If that is your main goal, then you certainly need that, heh. There is plenty of PvE content. I played for nearly 4 years rather regularly, and spent less than 1&#37; of that time with PvP. It has a lot of PvP, but I really don't care about it, outside of faction missions to increase ranks, which in turn increase functions of certain skill classes.

Though the end game content is mostly just farming/raiding, whatever, and when I was playing, much of that had moved on to the dungeons in EotN.

For me, the fun was in creating certain farming builds for areas and getting them to work. The skill system is what really shines in GW, and far outclasses something like WoW--you actually have to think about what you carry, and pair that build specifically with certain equipment or whatever to get it moving like butter. and with heroes, adding another dimension where builds can perfectly--and necessarily--compliment and depend upon each other.

When I first started (just as Factions was released) and learned about the "55 Monk," I was hooked on the entire concept. It basically started a cycle of getting all types of classes up to point to get very specific builds working well.

what class did you choose?

EDIT: If you really want to get to HoM and work on titles as quickly as possible (that is the majority of HoM--some of it is related to Elite (very expensive) armor sets, weapons (only Destroyer weapons, though, from what I remember--that is lame), pets, etc., then your best bet is to get someone to run you through much of the campaigns first (well, this can only really be done with Prophecies--skipping missions, that is), so you can unlock areas to access elite skills and start your character builds and titles.

As for title stuff, much of that is relatively easy to come by, but is quite expensive. The materials for these armor sets are both time-intensive to gather and/or expensive to purchase. In fact, the most expensive set is still the original elite set--Obsidian, which requires ectoplasm. At one time, Ecto was way up to near 25k/ecto, which could only be farmed in the Prophecies elite dungeon--The Underworld.

Anyway, you need to find a way to make money in the game, and that is through farming/selling, or buy low/sell high certain gear. You really need to learn the economy and how best to work with it. That always takes time.

Haven't settled on a class yet. I tried warrior but I'm really not feeling it. I got to the reach level 5 quest in Nightfall and I'm kind of lost about what to do? Just run around outside and punch things?

Thanks for all the info by the way.

Also on HoM I really just want something to kill time. I already owned trilogy and theres not monthly fee, I am hoping for a steam sale on EotN. I already got 3 points in it. xD To be honest any bonus I do get is just that a bonus. I'm really in this to have fun.
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Golden Member
Dec 25, 2000
Btw...Amazon has Eye of the North for $10.99 right now. That's the cheapest that I've seen it in a while so that might be a possibility if you have some other stuff that you can get to get free shipping with it. I echo the folks who mentioned spending time on the official guildwars wiki. It's a wealth of knowledge on the game and you can also find some good info on Guild Wars Guru as well. The Incgamers site isn't bad either. As with everything, watch out for the jerks and elitists on the sites but there are still people willing to help and not be turds about it.

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Senior member
Dec 29, 2004
GW is a rough game to get thorugh if you lack a bunch of pals to play along with you through the missions. Some missions require a lot of coordination and patience from your party members to get through , 2 things randoms kids do not have.

I would try to get into a guild and then just play the 12 on 12 faction battles.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
I'm messing with a Ranger now. I just hit 5 and got my secondary profession. Enjoying it much more than my warrior. I started in Nightfall. Should I follow the primary story in Nightfall to completion first or mess around with leveling up with side quests as I go along?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Guild Wars is now free-to-play?

nope. still a cost to enter, but no monthly sub.

If you want I could hop online and play through a couple missions with you and help you get started, I just need to know when and your IGN.

EDIT: Once you get Eye of the North you can follow this link for a guide to easily/quickly get 30/50 in your HoM for GW2.

hmm, I had no idea about this system. Just entering a character name, it looks like I'm at 14 points. Now, if I actually register some pets (never done, always sold them) and some heroes (think I still need to get some armor pieces), I would be at 20 rather quickly.

I think I'm at close to 85% or more with some of the mapping titles, but I have no desire for that kind of grind. blah


May 5, 2010
I'm messing with a Ranger now. I just hit 5 and got my secondary profession. Enjoying it much more than my warrior. I started in Nightfall. Should I follow the primary story in Nightfall to completion first or mess around with leveling up with side quests as I go along?

Complete Nightfall and Eye of the North so you can get all of the heroes, it will make everything a LOT easier. While you are still on noob island in NF do the side quests until you have completed both of the 15 attribute point quests.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I'm messing with a Ranger now. I just hit 5 and got my secondary profession. Enjoying it much more than my warrior. I started in Nightfall. Should I follow the primary story in Nightfall to completion first or mess around with leveling up with side quests as I go along?

If you're goal is fun, then mess around with side missions--especially on noob island so you can level up. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I am pretty sure that there are no quests that reward skills in Factions or Nightfall, which makes Prophecies a bit more attractive. (also why you get far more gold for completing tasks in Factions and Nightfall--need to pay for skills)

Ranger is a good class--probably the most versatile as it synergizes well with pretty much all other classes. It's rather tough early on, though.

Elementalist is probably the easiest when starting out, and overall, as you can pretty much blow anything up with little to no problem--some of the most powerful skills, iirc, are Nightfall ele Fire skills. Those made an already powerful class far more ridiculous, but tons of fun. I tend to prefer the earth builds, though.

what is your in-game name?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Complete Nightfall and Eye of the North so you can get all of the heroes, it will make everything a LOT easier. While you are still on noob island in NF do the side quests until you have completed both of the 15 attribute point quests.

ah yeah, that. very important. I totally forgot.

Those two missions in prophecies are near the end of the game, and can be very difficult to complete. In Factions and Nightfall, they are early on--both on noob island, I think?

With Factions, the designers seemed to want to push more people into PvP, so they focused on PvE play that leveled up characters much faster. Factions can be really short--but also tedious (I hated every second in the Kaineng area--I can't stand that environment, lol). But it opens up after that and gets quite lovely.


May 5, 2010
ah yeah, that. very important. I totally forgot.

Those two missions in prophecies are near the end of the game, and can be very difficult to complete. In Factions and Nightfall, they are early on--both on noob island, I think?

With Factions, the designers seemed to want to push more people into PvP, so they focused on PvE play that leveled up characters much faster. Factions can be really short--but also tedious (I hated every second in the Kaineng area--I can't stand that environment, lol). But it opens up after that and gets quite lovely.

Prophecies you don't get the attribute quests until after the Crystal Desert because the missions there were basically training you for Tombs (HA now). Leveling is faster in Factions and Nightfall because otherwise Prophecies characters would have almost nothing to do, it was just one of the downsides of having stand-alone campaigns instead of expansions.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
holy crap, just saw on guru that celestial pig prices are (at least were) up to 150-200e? hot damn.

....wish I hadn't sold mine way back when. I had at least 2 of them.... (got them from opening fortunes)

At least, I can't find them on my account. probably traded them away for some crap, lol.

I still have my Ox. when I logged back in ~1 month ago, I had ~2 presents waiting on each character, heh.

also, looking at those points for do they determine "common" "rare" "unique" etc for the pets? it's definitely not by color. I dedicated one white pet, didn't get a credit for it under any category. dedicated a purple one, got a credit for "common" dedicated a second purple, didn't get any credit. wtf?


May 5, 2010
White and purple = common
Gold = rare
Green = unique

You cannot dedicate 2 of the same mini, you also need to make sure you talk to the guy and select the option to view your achievements across all characters. Most likely you have dedicated a mini sometime on another character and forgot about it, so when you dedicated it just now you didn't get any credit.

It is account based, not character based, it was changed a while ago.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
<- has 1500e+ unless his account was hacked into


been a year since i've been on
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