Can it be true?


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Shivetya
We all know Bush isn't a conservative, but do many realize how big of a problem the federal government's size is? Its a serious drain on the economy and it only will get worse as the political elite buy their way into permanent office with our hard earned money

Those of us who vote Democratic are all for the socialist polices inherent therein. So no, there is no problem with it. Fact is we need MORE people on government payroll and under its control. A socialist/communist state doesn't function without indentured servants.


Feb 5, 2006
Cool. I got part of my salary paid by a DARPA contract last year, so count me in.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Your 50% includes government workers, SS retiress, disabled, military as well as those that receive aid.

Where do you wish to start scrimping first?

My start; cut the political pensions and government staffing.



Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.


Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: brandonb
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.

But look on the bright side. She didn't have an abortion


Jun 11, 2004
The fact that so many Americans in this "strong" economy need assistance in the first place is the crime that no one seems to want to address. This was not the case a mere 8 years ago.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: umbrella39
The fact that so many Americans in this "strong" economy need assistance in the first place is the crime that no one seems to want to address. This was not the case a mere 8 years ago.

Let us remove the fraud and see how many "need" assistance.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Your 50% includes government workers, SS retiress, disabled, military as well as those that receive aid.

Where do you wish to start scrimping first?

My start; cut the political pensions and government staffing.

QFT. There are a LOT of people on various government programs...I am one of them. I got hurt at work, and have been on workman's comp for over 3 years. I'd go back to work in a heartbeat if I could...I enjoyed what I did for my living, and miss, not only the work, but the camaraderie on the jobsites...BUT, I now have 5 doctors who say I can NEVER return to that line of work, 3 of mine, (1 orthoedic surgeon, 2 neurosurgeons) and 2 of the insurance company docs, (1 ortho, 1 neuro)
So, I get to retrain (at the age of 53) to replace a job where I consistently made over $80K with a job that will pay between $12 and $15 per hour...IF things don't get worse in the mean time...:roll:

Is there a lot of fraud in the welfare rolls, on various work-comp programs, and other goverenment programs? You betcha there is, and it could be policed a lot better, but, at the same time, I suspect this is just a drop in the bucket when compared to all the fraud in government contracts, corporate welfare, and many other BIG MONEY government much is missing/unaccounted for in Iraq? How much has Halliburton and the multitude of other government contractors bilked the government out of?
I strongly support the idea of "work-fare" instead of welfare, where a welfare recipient has to work to earn that check.
Are there always going to be people who CAN'T work? You betcha, and those are the ones welfare was originally set up to help, NOT the "welfare queens" who seem to think it's their birthright...
Many years ago, we lived in a small town in central Washington state. At the time, when your youngest child turned 6, the woman was required to go to work to continue her benefits. We had a neighbor who had 6 children...all of different soon as her youngest turned 5, she found someone in a bar to knock her up again...just to continue her benefits, with the added bonus of a larger check, and more food stamps...
Nothing wrong with her, just ****** lazy...she drank, did drugs, and partied like a college student all the time...THOSE are the kinds of people that need to be removed from the welfare rolls...


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: umbrella39
The fact that so many Americans in this "strong" economy need assistance in the first place is the crime that no one seems to want to address. This was not the case a mere 8 years ago.

Let us remove the fraud and see how many "need" assistance.

I would like nothing more than to see the people scamming the system to be booted off. It needs an enema for sure.


Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: umbrella39
The fact that so many Americans in this "strong" economy need assistance in the first place is the crime that no one seems to want to address. This was not the case a mere 8 years ago.

Let us remove the fraud and see how many "need" assistance.

I would like nothing more than to see the people scamming the system to be booted off. It needs an enema for sure.

Start with the Haliburtons of this world.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: brandonb
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.

I'm fairly liberal and admit that's f*cked up.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Originally posted by: judasmachine
Originally posted by: brandonb
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.

I'm fairly liberal and admit that's f*cked up.

Yeah, a friend of mine (who told me about the fad) was doing it, and he was buying big screen TV's, crotch rocket motorcycles, and yet his wife was getting food stamps. He had a great job making $85,000 a year. I finially guilted them into getting off the government assistance after about 2 years of them doing it. I haven't really talked to them in the last year because of reasons like that, but now apparently they are having another child, so I'm guessing they will go right back to scamming the system, and do the same thing once again. Hey its cheaper than getting family health care at work...

I hate to mention this thing as people might copycat the ideas and do the same thing, but the way I look at it, as the more people do this, the quicker the system will fail, and it can be rebuilt using logic rather than "oh noes! the poor kids!"


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2002
Originally posted by: brandonb
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.

What a great scam !


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: brandonb
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.

But look on the bright side. She didn't have an abortion

Even better, don't make the kid at all if you aren't going to pay for them.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2003
I dont know if the above stories are true.
I was under the impression From friends AND family.
When a woman receives government assistance for children then the father has to pay that money in Child Support. Some of it (or all of it) is billed directly to the father. And if he doesnt pay (dead beat status) it just adds up. This was the case with MY father and other people that i know. So while my father is fully paid on Child support because us children are all over the age of 18....he still owes the US a boat load of money for welfare.

Child Support and Welfare

A major impetus to collection of child support in many places is recovery of welfare expenditure. A resident or custodial parent receiving public assistance, as in the US Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), is required to assign his or her right to child support to the Department of Welfare before cash assistance is received. Another common requirement of welfare benefits in some jurisdictions is that the custodial parent must pursue child support from the non-custodial parent.

SO while the story can be true these type of people would defraud the govt in any case. There is A LOT you have to do when trying to get around paying child support when you live in the same house as the mother AND you pay taxes.. It MAY be true but I dont believe it.

EDIT: oops dont know how i missed "she claims she doesn't know who the father is"


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: brandonb
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.

But look on the bright side. She didn't have an abortion

Hehehehehehe :laugh:


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: brandonb
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.

yeap. MY SIL is doing that now. i keep trying to find a way to rat her out (i hate fraud. my ****** tax's are high enough). looked on a few diffrent sistes but they all want my info.

sad part is both are healthy and able to work. the boyfriend just chooses NOT to. i really really pisses me off.


Senior member
Feb 8, 2004
Government should not be the one to take care of you 'til you die. Caring individuals, family and friends, charities, religious organizations should be the ones to look to for help. If someone does get hurt or disabled, they need some form of insurance (like aflac? where they pay for your bills and stuff, i can't remember) for that field of work, in case workers do get hurt. Otherwise, the money seeps away from our pockets and into the hands of bureaucratic administrators and defrauders (not to belittle those that do need compensation though). I'm sure most of us would rather keep that money and give, spend or save as they want. Heck, some would rather forgo insurance and invest their money in stocks, save or whatever, if they wanted to take that risk. Perhaps employers would be willing to pay more if they didn't have to pay for worker's comp and have workers pay for it on their own.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: dyn2nvu
Government should not be the one to take care of you 'til you die.

It is when the intention is for it to control you. We complain about Patriot Acts, but we all feed the beast and vote for those who make our government bigger and worse. Libertarian, charity, and self reliance values are a small minority these days, comrade.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: dyn2nvu
Government should not be the one to take care of you 'til you die. Caring individuals, family and friends, charities, religious organizations should be the ones to look to for help. If someone does get hurt or disabled, they need some form of insurance (like aflac? where they pay for your bills and stuff, i can't remember) for that field of work, in case workers do get hurt. Otherwise, the money seeps away from our pockets and into the hands of bureaucratic administrators and defrauders (not to belittle those that do need compensation though). I'm sure most of us would rather keep that money and give, spend or save as they want. Heck, some would rather forgo insurance and invest their money in stocks, save or whatever, if they wanted to take that risk. Perhaps employers would be willing to pay more if they didn't have to pay for worker's comp and have workers pay for it on their own.

But that's just complaining, not an alternative solution. The economic problems for people in this country is a big mess, and the alternative libertarian "solution" seems to be that when you get government out, somehow magic will happen and all the problems will be resolved. Sorry, but I don't buy that. Not just because I think some form of government is necessary for as large and complex a country as ours to function, but because it's one of those overly simplistic "wouldn't it be nice" kind of things.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: dyn2nvu
Government should not be the one to take care of you 'til you die.

It is when the intention is for it to control you. We complain about Patriot Acts, but we all feed the beast and vote for those who make our government bigger and worse. Libertarian, charity, and self reliance values are a small minority these days, comrade.

Look, if you think everybody for themselves is the way to go, that's fine...but don't bullshit everyone with that crap about how a toothless government is good for everyone. You, personally, may benefit (or you may think you will), but society as a whole will be a LOT worse off. You might call it communism (probably because you're so far to the economic right that EVERYONE looks like a communist), I call it cooperation...and every great endeavor requires SOME of it. I'm not saying "to each according to his need, from each according to his ability" is a good idea, but I think the other extreme is just as bad.

Edit: And yes, I'm aware that every good libertarian story has the idea that everyone will voluntarily help each other out without the government having to do anything. I'm sorry, but that's crap. I'd LIKE to think it was true, but it's obviously not. Are you seriously suggesting that the ONLY thing pissing off folks like you is that the evil government is doing it, and that you'd be happy to help out your fellow man if you were given the choice? You'll excuse me if I find that a little hard to believe.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2004
Originally posted by: ebaycj
Originally posted by: brandonb
Yes it's true.

There is a new fad going around for mid 20's couples who want to start a family. When the woman has her kid, she claims she doesn't know who the father is. Therefore the state has nowhere to look to collect child support, etc. And since she is a "single mother", they give her and the kids benefits from the state, WIC, free health care, etc. Now the couple still live together and live life as normal, but the father no longer has to pay out of his pocket for the services or even pay for diapers.

Its sickening.

What a great scam !

Damn......Too bad I got maried.


Senior member
Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: dyn2nvu
Government should not be the one to take care of you 'til you die.

It is when the intention is for it to control you. We complain about Patriot Acts, but we all feed the beast and vote for those who make our government bigger and worse. Libertarian, charity, and self reliance values are a small minority these days, comrade.

Look, if you think everybody for themselves is the way to go, that's fine...but don't bullshit everyone with that crap about how a toothless government is good for everyone. You, personally, may benefit (or you may think you will), but society as a whole will be a LOT worse off. You might call it communism (probably because you're so far to the economic right that EVERYONE looks like a communist), I call it cooperation...and every great endeavor requires SOME of it. I'm not saying "to each according to his need, from each according to his ability" is a good idea, but I think the other extreme is just as bad.

Edit: And yes, I'm aware that every good libertarian story has the idea that everyone will voluntarily help each other out without the government having to do anything. I'm sorry, but that's crap. I'd LIKE to think it was true, but it's obviously not. Are you seriously suggesting that the ONLY thing pissing off folks like you is that the evil government is doing it, and that you'd be happy to help out your fellow man if you were given the choice? You'll excuse me if I find that a little hard to believe.

It won't happen overnight. Yah I give to charities, if we didn't have to pay taxes, I would give more. I think it'll be great if we had a choice to opt government out of our lives, like we do with companies.
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