Can real civil discourse and good governance exist in our current 2-party paradigm?

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Nov 29, 2006
LOL, thanks for that precise bit of clarity. Your certainty is extremely persuasive. The electoral system we've created local/state/national promotes the dysfunction and hinders proper discourse and competition. It's a rigged system and only the parties/politicians benefit. If you think it's only one side you're either in on the con or being conned.

Show your work on how both sides are the same. We'll wait. Show how Dems are trying to destroy democracy and function as a dictatorship. It will be easy with the GOP, but since it both sides we want to see your work.


Oct 6, 2009
Show your work on how both sides are the same. We'll wait. Show how Dems are trying to destroy democracy and function as a dictatorship. It will be easy with the GOP, but since it both sides we want to see your work.
He already claimed that the idea that Reps tried to destroy democracy is lunacy. You're wasting your time.
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Sorry, I didn't know there were rules that I had to only reply to certain comments and not others. I said I was going to respond to Smogzinn's legitimate (but wrongheaded) post... but I think I won't respond at all.
Of course you won't, because you never had the intention of rational discussion, or intellectually honest debate. You are just as disingenuous as the rest of the RWNJ clowns on these boards.
P&N is still P&N, a pathetic leftwing strokefest that's creepy as hell. This -in a nutshell- is what's wrong with politics. See ya in a couple years when I come back for another experiment.
Nice self-confirming bias, dipshit. You are not clever, nor original.

Why even bother coming back? Get the urge to troll every few years and stir up some shit with dishonest portrayals of how politically "independent" you are?

There's plenty of room in the clown-car, just squeeze in with the other imbeciles and proceed to fuck yourselves.
Reactions: Burpo and Meghan54


Oct 18, 2005
Sorry, I didn't know there were rules that I had to only reply to certain comments and not others. I said I was going to respond to Smogzinn's legitimate (but wrongheaded) post... but I think I won't respond at all. P&N is still P&N, a pathetic leftwing strokefest that's creepy as hell. This -in a nutshell- is what's wrong with politics. See ya in a couple years when I come back for another experiment.

Look if you don't want your reasoning challenged then you should stay away from P&N. Multiple posters asked for you to contextualize and expand on your ideas and you repeatedly refused to do so and only wanted to speak in lame generalizations.

You got the responses your ultimately dishonest posting deserve.


Feb 24, 2009
I'm not sure the two party system is the problem. The problem is that it's an us versus them scenario. Rich versus poor, haves versus have nots, those in power versus those not in power. We have cleverly over time been pitted against each other, and guess who benefits? The government of the U.S. should exist for the benefit of it's entire populace, and to promote fairness and equality among it's citizens.

We have people so cleverly trained that they argue for those very issues that are harming them such as reduced taxes for the rich or a mediocre minimum wage. We are kept arguing over abortion or systematic racism while hands are reaching into our wallets and removing as much of our income as possible to distribute to the ruling class without us even realizing it.

Every two years we have a chance to use the power of the people to completely change the ruling party, yet we never give them enough time or power to do so because we think we need "checks and balances". This is really all about money, it's the root of every decision and issue that haunts us. Every political motivation behind the scenes is a grab for more money, or more power to try and extract more money.
By the Republican party.


Oct 18, 2005
I prefer incompetent corruption to competent corruption if those are my only 2 choices. I think Nixon today with the backing of Fox would have successfully and completely destroyed democracy.

Nixon's corruption was generally limited to his own desire to hold on to power. Policy wise he did much to move the nation forward in ways no GOP politician would touch today.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Oct 6, 2009
Nixon's corruption was generally limited to his own desire to hold on to power. Policy wise he did much to move the nation forward in ways no GOP politician would touch today.
Well, yeah, back then you actually had to do things for the people in order to get them to vote for you. That isn't necessary anymore. Doing things for the people has been successfully reclassified as communism.
Nov 29, 2006
hahahah, nice one. You got me. I especially like how you say that me describing the sarcastic, insulting, degrading, and condescending attacks on me as hateful is just me 'thinking I know you people better than you know yourselves.'

It's ok. You can go away. We wont mind the lack of critical thinking you bring. You are literally a waste of space. If you want to play in the big leagues, you better bring your "A" game.


Apr 8, 2013
Just checked the poll results. I can't believe the number who voted no, that civil discourse cannot be had under a "two party system." Are you kidding? We've had relatively civil discourse in this two party system for a long while. We don't have it anymore, but that isn't because of the two party system. It's because of today's republican party. Please attempt to assign blame where it belongs.
Reactions: kage69 and dank69


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Maybe, although I get more of a sense that they are sitting around smugly smelling their own farts.

Like I said in my original response people who subscribe to the #bothsides nonsense seem to spend most of their time arguing because they are criticizing all parties their opinions are inherently credible and well reasoned. Usually this is a cover for an opinion that is dumb.
It is a cover for an opinion that is a rationalization to protect the ego from pain. Those just obviously look look dumb if your own ego doesn't happen to have that issue.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
The fact that you have this attitude shows that you didn't enter this thread with the intent on having a rational discussion, you intended to confirm your feelings about something, which you did by picking a fight you knew you'd lose.

So, yeah, have fun. See you in a few years and we can do this all over again. I look forward to seeing what that timeframe spent self-hating does to your behavior.

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I think it's just unrealistic to think you can do away with parties. Every country in the world with democracy (and many without) has seen the development of a party system. It seems to be an unavoidable feature of politics (and maybe some of the problems with the US system stem from the founders misguided idea that you could avoid having such things). The rest of what you say makes sense, though.
Humanity suffers from an unavoidable problem I call dealt with in all real religions, the problem rooted in the invention of language and the ability to communicate via associations of words used to describe reality. The problem is that the words we use and the associations we make with them can have no actual reality but they can be used to hurt.

Thought is only possible in words and words divide. This is one thing and that is its opposite, words like good and evil that have no actual existence but can be used to create fear.

As a social animal that evolved from Darwinian survival of the fittest we undergo desirable stages of evolution, a need to ascend from self preservation to preservation of the group, to become socially responsible and we have fallen into a tragic mistake in our efforts to accomplish that. We turned more developed socialization into the good and its opposite into evil thereby dooming our children to a potential for self hate in the form of rejecting the selfish self as evil. In this way we repress what is called evil within us crystalizing it into existence instead of accepting it as a part of the self we have an ability to transcend.

In this way duality leads to a divided self, the one we are and the one we fancy ourselves to be in order to survive the potential of being rejected as children.

It is this duality, the belief in good and evil that makes political parties possible as just one small side effect. One party is good and the other is evil, or maybe I am good and everybody in a party is evil, the party of those who claim no party. All of this is based on a fear of seeing oneself as we were seen as children when we expressed our natural selfishness and told it was evil instead of a stage of development.

Among our forefathers in America there were those who understood, who had been exposed to the Masonry and the transmogrification of the soul via alchemy, all just derivitives of those who had collapsed duality and arrived at a vision of the unity behind all things.

There is a way to end party partisanship but it required the ending of fear which requires the death of the ego, the ending of the inner division caused by self hate. It requires loving God so much that one's own love rises to match His or the total surrender to the hopelessness created by the inability of the ego to kill itself.

To love is to forgive the fact we have been deeply wounded for that is what love is, or to die to all hope of exit from dualities prison. Down that path there is the the Grace that can come with the abandoment of the need for denial.

The sleeper must awaken. In one hand the wrath of God, in the other Infinite Love, one and the same thing.

To escape party requires the resolution of opposites at a hiden level of understanding. Perhaps it is even the Washington DC was built in the form of an Eneagram. I am pushing nothing here but the notion that perhaps what I speak of isn't new with me but some we knew before we invented time, something as close to you as your own heart.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
Excellent posts, here is what I've learned so far:
1) Hateful strangers know me better than I know myself
2) This incestuous echo chamber is petty and tribal
3) Most of the discussion here confirms my thoughts on why our politics is so toxic and dysfunctional

Smogzinn responded to my points so I owe him a response. I'll be happy to elaborate and clarify what I mean so you actually understand the points. But I'll just throw this out once again... I have never said the parties are equally bad, so you all need to put that straw man away. I said they are both bad and have both heavily contributed to the worsening political landscape. You can dwell on which is worse (and I'll basically agree with you) but in my mind, that's a sideshow. We have structural issues (the two-party apparatus being a major component) that are breaking down society, and today's GOP is more symptom than cause.
If you want to improve the democratic party, you need to start voting for them instead of republicans or 3rd parties. One true statement that you can make about American politics is that unless the entire nation moves to ranked choice voting or something along that line, we will only ever have to viable parties. Typically, those parties would form in such a way as to represent the spectrum of American perspectives. The biggest problem with that right now is that one of the parties has figured out they don't even need a platform to win elections. Republicans have no interest in representing anyone so long as they can continue to win elections. That has led to a scenario where we no longer have two reasonable parties, only one. In that scenario, regardless of how bad democrats are, no sane person can vote for republicans anymore.

So if you want democrats to improve, people need to start voting exclusively for democrats. If that happens, republicans will be forced to either reform their party to something rational, which will then give people a viable second option, or the republican party will be replaced by another party and they will fade out. However, as long as one of the two major parties is able to win elections while being bat shit crazy, there is little pressure for democrats to be anything better than sane. Personally, I think that overall democrats are a pretty good party, but they certainly have room for improvement.


Jun 17, 2005
Typically, those parties would form in such a way as to represent the spectrum of American perspectives.

This here is one of the major problems with the Democrats right now. The two parties are supposed to represent a large spectrum of our nation, but right now the Republicans only represent a very narrow band in the far ultra-violet and the Democrats are trying to represent literally everything else. It makes for a platform that is too large. Every issue requires so much compromise that no one ends up getting anything useful done.


Dec 15, 2015
This here is one of the major problems with the Democrats right now. The two parties are supposed to represent a large spectrum of our nation, but right now the Republicans only represent a very narrow band in the far ultra-violet and the Democrats are trying to represent literally everything else. It makes for a platform that is too large. Every issue requires so much compromise that no one ends up getting anything useful done.
They also sometimes have conflicting ideals due to covering so much of the spectrum. Splits on support of war, splits on support of 2A, splits on support of law enforcement... lot of room to slip knives in between the armor plates...
Reactions: Pohemi and pmv


Jun 23, 2004
(Relatively) civil discourse has existed in our system in the past, so why couldn't it again?

People don't want to hear this, but the path back to civil discourse lies almost exclusively in reigning in the radicalism of the Republican Party.

  1. Why not?
  2. Reign in the other party.
Yeah, you answered your own question. I fully expect such efforts to be met with violence. America has a sectarian divide, we are like Iraq in this regard. We just haven't moved people to place IEDs yet. But the radicalization is continuing, so some day....

Can it get better? Only in theory. In practice I think we're !@#$ed.
Feb 4, 2009
Yes it is possible but ideally we need a third party to fulfill the rule of three which has shown time and time again three is the magic number regarding choices.


Feb 24, 2009
Just checked the poll results. I can't believe the number who voted no, that civil discourse cannot be had under a "two party system." Are you kidding? We've had relatively civil discourse in this two party system for a long while. We don't have it anymore, but that isn't because of the two party system. It's because of today's republican party. Please attempt to assign blame where it belongs.
Here's a real good article (it's long of course) about why this country is so divided. Does some really in depth analysis, on several causes. It hides it's conclusion of why quite well until the end, but for me the answer is no surprise. I will let you all decide for yourselves. So yea, you have to RTFA.

The Real Source of America’s Rising Rage – Mother Jones


Jun 30, 2003
Just checked the poll results. I can't believe the number who voted no, that civil discourse cannot be had under a "two party system." Are you kidding? We've had relatively civil discourse in this two party system for a long while. We don't have it anymore, but that isn't because of the two party system. It's because of today's republican party. Please attempt to assign blame where it belongs.
Under A two-party system? Yes
Under OUR CURRENT two party system? No.

Reasonable discussions require reasonable people. One party isn't reasonable and lives in an alternate universe.
Reactions: Pohemi and HomerJS


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Under A two-party system? Yes
Under OUR CURRENT two party system? No.

Reasonable discussions require reasonable people. One party isn't reasonable and lives in an alternate universe.
Right, so is the idea that nothing can be done to make Republicans more reasonable and therefore civil discourse and good governance are now impossible? If so, and this is a genuine question, why isn't the logical answer to strike now while we control the machinery of government and destroy them before it's too late? Please note I don't advocate this in any way, because I think there is a chance of making things better.

I think when people say it's impossible it's mostly out of frustration because Republicans are so committed to tribalism and insanity, but I don't think it's impossible, and I don't think we should give up.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's always darkest before the dawn. It's getting really dark in my opinion. For example, Jan 6 is not Nancy Pelosi's fault. The new strategy is clearly to kill liberals by causing them to laugh themselves to death. How far now before we hear, "I'm Melting."


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It's always darkest before the dawn. It's getting really dark in my opinion. For example, Jan 6 is not Nancy Pelosi's fault. The new strategy is clearly to kill liberals by causing them to laugh themselves to death. How far now before we hear, "I'm Melting."
I think they are trying to blame it on Pelosi because they literally have nothing else. While yes I agree it's a ridiculous idea to say 'it's Nancy Pelosi's fault for not fortifying the Capitol sufficiently against a violent mob of our supporters we incited', what else are they supposed to say?
Reactions: hal2kilo


Oct 18, 2005
I think they are trying to blame it on Pelosi because they literally have nothing else. While yes I agree it's a ridiculous idea to say 'it's Nancy Pelosi's fault for not fortifying the Capitol sufficiently against a violent mob of our supporters we incited', what else are they supposed to say?
Yeah, that's such an incredibly weak and beta argument.
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